^l.;. *7 *' „ " " "7 " •"* ' t-v • mzbos/,,K TA«a^ ?v jr. u?<mn % \ n>J$P : THE M'UJUI&Y PLATHDEALER, THURSDAY, MARCH 2,193S Jotqwooi^ ••Vil • s'. y v-ii,! -5. "' *C7 Among those from here, to attend ' -"'-AH^the dance at Richmond, Wednesday • * "evening were; Messrs and Mesdames £ ,r'] sF. A. Hitchens, Ray Peters, B. T- .,"\7 JButler, S. W. Brown and Jessie and ? * |Kirk Schroeder, Mrs. Vioia Low, '1 James Thompson, Zura and Helen „ '• JWhiting. ^ Mrs. S. H. Beatty was a visitor at '! /^7 Elpin, Thursday. "* * Mr. and Mrs. Max Beth and son - ' of Chicago spent Wednesday in the J** ' Ralph Simpson home. » --»^/Mr. and Mrs. John Thompson of '-^Chicago spent Wednesday in the home i< of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. I, . t Edward Thompson- Mr. and Mrs. George . S&epard of 7 RingAvood were callers at B|cHenry ^Friday afternoon. Adrian Thomas of Chicago and ^ Robert Slavik of Elgin spent ^yedttes- S<ftdsy and Thursday with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Thomasji* Mr. and Mrs. Edward Thompson'of Chicago spent Wednesday and Thursday with the former's parents, Mr, "9/1 -and Mrs. Ed. Thompson. 77*" Mr*'arid Mrs. Byron Hitchens of - v - Chicago were callers here, Wedtiesi d a y . • ; • ' • 1'; George Shepard attended the * county Legion meeting at Crystal Lake, Thursday evening. : 7' Clarence Pearson attended the community club meeting at Johnsburg, | • Thursday evening. " Mr. and Mrs. Matt. Nimsgern of V Spring Grove spent Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Nick Young. Mrs. B. T. J us ten entertained the Bunco club at her home, Thursday afternoon. Prizes were awarded to_; Mrs. Wm McCannon, Mrs. Nick Freund, Mrs. Edward Thompson and Mrs. George Shepard. Luncheon was served. The Ringwood Home Bureau entertained the Farm Bureau members and " their families and the 4-H boys and ^ girls and their parents at a party at * the M. W. A. Hall, Thursday evening. Miss Greaves presented the 4-H club /' girls with their pins and Kerneth Cristy presented them to the boys. Games were played and a jolly time was enjoyed. Lunch was served. Granville Carlson of Woodstock . spent the week-end in the home of his v sister, Mrs. Clayton Bruce. 7 „ - Wayne Foss was a visitor at Mc- Henry, Saturday morning. - Mrs. J. F. McLaughlin and daugh- . ter, Julia, were McIIenry visitors, Saturday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Thomas and family of Woodstock spent Saturday ,7 -• afternoon in the Edgar Thomas home. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McCannon were dinner guests in the Woodford home< at Elkhorn, Saturday. Mrs. Jack Nichols of McHenry was a caller in the George Young home Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Ed. Thompson and children spent Sunday afternoon with relatives at McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Fred. Stephenson of Oelwein, Iowa, are visiting in the home of the former's brother, J. F. Stephenson. Mr. and Mrs. Loais Romie and daughter, Bernice, of Paddocks Lake spent Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dix and family. ^ ' Mr. and Mrs- F. A. Hitchens were visitors, at Williams Bay Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Pearson entertained the Five Hundred club at their home. Saturday evening. Prizes were awarded to; Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Hitchens, Mrs. George Young and George Shepard. Luncheon was served after which comic valentines were exchanged. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ritter of Kenosha were visitors here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Mann and son, Seymour, and Mrs. Ada Mann of Woodstock spent Sunday in the Edgar Thomas home. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Simpson were visitors at Woodstock, Friday after noon. • Miss Josephine Haitman of Chicago and Miss Genevieve Adams of Johiasburg spent. Saturday with Mrs. N. J. Adams. , Mr. and Mrs; Wm. McCannon spent Sunday afternoon with Mrs. Emma Thompson at Greenwood. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Adams attended a party at McHenry, Sunday evening. Mrs. Ed. Thompson and children wefe callers at McHcnry Saturday. Mrs. J. F. Claxton and 'Mrs. John Dreymiller were callers in Ihe George Shepard home, Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Herry Hinze of Crystal Lake spent Sunday with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. .George Harrison. . Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wiedrich and children and Emma Mae and William Douglas spent Saturday in the Fred. Wiedrich home. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Freund and Mr. and Mrs- Lester Carr attended a dance at McHenry Saturday evening. Roy Wiedrich was a Chicago visitor Monday. ' Mrs. S. W. Smith, -Bernice and Mercedes and Mrs. Lonnie Smith and daughters, Esther and Dorothy Catherine, spent Saturday in the Lyle Hopper home in Chicago Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe McCannon and sons of Keystone were dinner guests in the Roland McCannon home, Sunday. "" Roy and Mae Wiedrich were shoppers at McHenry^' Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Waterfall and daughter, Betty, of Woodstock spent Sunday in the S. W. Smith home. , Mr. and Mrs. F. A. HitcUe&s attended the show at " Woodstock Sunday afternoon. Shirley Hawley spent Saturday and Sunday with friends at Woodstock. Frank Walkington and Fern Lester of Libertyville spent Sunday in the Ben. Walkington home. The Epworth League will present the play, "Yimmy Yohnson's Yob," at the M. W. A. hall March 10. Admission will be 10 and 20 cents. The Home Circle will meet at the home of Mrs. C- J. Jepson Wednesday, March 8. v Mr. and Mrs. Charles Frey and family of Deerfield, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Jackson and family of Solon Mills and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Olsen and son spent Sunday in the S. H. Beatty home. Mrs. Malissa Gould and daughter, Jane, Melvin Wagner of Elgin and Mr. and Mrs- John Wolfe and children of Woodstock spent Sunday with Mrs. Jennie Bacon. Mrs. Waldo Frederickson and son are visiting relatives at Delavan, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McCannon were callers Solon Mills Monday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. George Young attended a party in the Ralph Smith home j at Harvard Sunday evening. : Francis Halisy of Hartland, Mrs. CW. Good ell, Miss Etbei Jones and Warren Jones of McHenry' and Mrs. Vaughn Jones of Chicago spent ^tinday in the Wayne Foss home. Misses Hazel Ford and Iva Woodford of Chicago were callers in the' William "McCannon home Sunday •morning,' v • , Mr. and Mire. Stanley C&risors cf Woodstock spent Sunday evening in the Alec Anderson home. > Miss Irene Anderson of Woodstock spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alec Anderson. - Mrs. Emil Johnson of L$ke Forest spent the week-end in the Gust Pearson home. Mrs- F. A. Hitchens entertained the Easy Aces" at her home Tuesday afternoon. Harold Shend and Alice Wolfe of Bristol, Wis., spent Sunday afternoon' in the Frank Dix home. School Notes Children neither absent nor tardy for six months in the Primary room: Doris Laurence, Robert Anderson, Betty Thompson, Esther Smith, Russel Laurence, Hiley Jean Thomas, Amy Harrison. RULES CHAIRMAN SLOOUM'S LAKB Play and Work Jud Turikins says he gets mixed up in seeing children taught. liSw to-play and "grow® folks educated^!*) do less work. Forett Firti Are Hot According to the United Stares forest service. tem|>eratures of 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit have jbeen measured during forest ftros. Rat Cancer* Reveal Clow Rat cancers grown artificially in test tubes show that the central portions hold the key to the disease. .Whom Lock Make* Trouble "SometimeS a uian is lucky," said Uncle Ehen, "same as a fisherman dat, ketches an eel. Ilis luck makes him* •o much trouble 'inert wishes be ildn't have it." ' ^ Walter Okeson of Lehigh, wh*>Is chairman .of She football rules coftUhittee, having succeeded' the late K. K. Hal) of Dartmouth. OKeson is also commissioner, of the officials' association., . ' ' % : . Elephant Makes Fly Bruth The elephant is said to be the only cininial that makes a real implement. It Is not uncommon for one of these big animals to pick off a branch of a tree, strip it of all of its leaves hut a few at the end, and use It as a fan to brush away flies. J- Mr. and Mrs. Jack Geary and sons, Eugene and Donald, were callers at McHenry Saturday. Mrs. Mearshiem of Chicago was a caller at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Converse last Wednesday. Harry Matthews and sons, Robert and Lyle, were callers at Lake Zurich Saturday. f Earl Converse and Leslie Davis of the "Flats," were business callers at Grayslake last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Esping and Mrs. Willard Darrell were business callers at McHenry and Woodstdck Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. John Blomgren and grand-daughter, Betty Lou Lusk, Itfere callers at Waukegan and Grayslake Thursday. Miss Pearl Foss and Leslie Foss were callers at Waukegan last Thursday. • Mr. and Mri H. J. Shaffer of McHenry spent last Wednesday at the heme of the latter's father here., Mrs. John Blosnxtrpen and granddaughter, Betty Lou, spent l%st °Wedfeesdav at the licriboie-'of* Mini.. Willatd Darrell ; ; " ' V . Mr. and Mrs. Earl Converse ami MisS Frances Davis; and Martin Bauers attended the card -party and dance at Round Lake last Tuesday evening. r Miss Pearl Foss and Leslie Foss and Miss Julia Pesz and Wm. Berg of the "Flats" attended the Firemen's ball at Libertyv ille last Saturday eve. nirg. Darwin Brown and Althe* Coss of TOOK HIM DOWN Friend--"Thut passenger tried treat you In a high-handed way, didn't he?" Elevator Man--"Yes. hut I took . U« itogra>" Wauconda were callers last Thursday morning at the W. E. Brooks home. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Nordmeyer and son, Russell, spent Monday «t the home of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Weber at Spring Grove. Mrs. Lucile Rohm an and Alfred Rau of Chicago were afternoon and supper guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Brooks last Wednesday. Mrs. W. E. Brooks and son, Chesney, and Miss Orissa Brown attended the funeral of Albert Masther of Libertyyille last Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. John Blomgren and grand-daughter, Betty, Lou, spent Sunday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Geo. Lundgren at Wauconda. > Mrs. Ella Parks, Hugh Parks and daughter, Jacqueline, of Park Ridge were Sunday supper and evening guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W- E. Brooks. _ Mrs. Elmer Esping attended a teachers' me.etijjg at Woodstock last Friday. » .. . A numbef pf: m^n frtfnt Chicago were business callers last Wednesday at the ."home, pf .ftjr. and Heffennan. , . . Mr. and . Mrs. Frftd Heffferman cf Oak Park were dinner *and afterjioon guests last Wedhfcslday at the home Of Mr- and Mrs. A, J. Hefferman, Mr: - and Mrs. Ray Dow<>11 and daughter,Dolores, spent last Saturday evening at the borne of Mr .-and Mrs. Earl Converse. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Hefferman were among the guests entertained at the home of Dr. and Mrs. J. A. Ross at Wauconda last Sunday evening-.... Ray Dowell was a business caller at Grayslake last Thursday. •s "" 4 . "ri! Mr. sad Mrs. Harry Matthews an<| Mr. and Mrs. Willard Darnell attended " J a poultry demonstration sponsored bjfK.-'-;,^^ the Farm Bureau at Grayslake Tues-» day afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dowell and daughter,, Delores, were business call-* • * ers at Lake Zurich Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews •pent last Saturday evening at the home o#; * , ;•/' i Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Dorwen at Watt* aa HE BEAT THE GIRLS ^ . Kenneth r>enson, high school senioV in Winchester, Mass., entered the stafif' cooking contest and carried off first honors from a field that Included thlr-, ty-three girls. Scenes and Persons in the Current News - Safety First--Last Cop--What <!<> you mean . drlVtng 50 miles an hour? Pretty Motorist--My brakes dont work, and I was hurrying hoase before I had an accident. Overheard at a Ridiag CM ; •, •*! want to rent a horse." ^ ---- "How lohg?" "The longest one you have There are four of us." iWbSSW Fi *•' ^ 1-- t;iuse[n»e Xiingara. In jail at Miami where he .was sentenced to SO ye:ira ln prison for trying to kill President- Elect R«H»seve!t and woundiug seveml other persons. 2-*-View of the ancient city of Jehol, capital of the province ot tliat name which Jh|miii is determined to add to Manchukuo. 8--Architect's drawing of the $3,000,000 pest ofBc* In Cleveland. Ohio; Ihe cornerstone of which was laid recently. > "K . i ;fK" \ ••--I: 7 - •v i V.U IJijIMiltn' --- M •iiiirii i. nuiii/'j! / McHENRY mm* is the magazine offer ever put on by any newspaper. Think of it, for iust a few cents more you get your ma ' . 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