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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 13 Apr 1933, p. 2

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•"* 7-* •S >*£•* *»',£ pippnpip THE M'HENRY PLAINDKALER, THURSDAY, APRIL13, 1981 TOWNSHIP TREASURER'S ANNUAL REPORT , :% ~< 5 Of Fosds Rebeind and Disbursed For tile Fiscal Ym E»#W March 28th, 19SS1 STATE OF ILLINOIS, County of McHenry, Town of McHenry, s&v Office of Treasurer 111 the Road and Bridge Funds of said Town. To the Highway Commissioner, . Town of McHenry County of McHenry, State of Illinois: I, S. H, Freund, Treasurer of the Road and Bridge Funds for the Town and County aforesaid, State of Illinois, being duly sworn, depose and gay that the following statement by mo subscribed is a correct statement of the amount of road and bridge funds on hand at the beginning of the fiscal year above stated; the amount of road and bridge funds received; the sources from whicn received; the amount expended^ and the purpose for which expended, as set forth in said Statement; •,/ . ' ' . S. H. FREUND, Treasurer, ".'^bscribed and sworn to before me tfats 28th day of March, 1933. WILLIAM J. WELCH, !•••..Justice of the Peace. '• : ^ * Furafe Received and From What! , ' Sources Received 1932 . ' Api^v ia --, Received from , S. H. Freund, steel beam...4 v.^.00 April 27 -- Received from A • H. F. .Peteit, county Col-- " lector, road and bridge 2^8f.80 May 26 -- Received - from " • H. F. Peteit, county col- • lector, road and bridge tax; 1,143-90 June 27 -- Received from 4 H. F. Peteit, county col-i lector. road and bridge tax 1,715.85 Aug. 12 -- Received from H. ^F. Peteit, county col- . lector, road and bridge tax 1,143.90 Sept. 12 -- Received from H. F. Peteit, county col- . lector, road and bridge tax 1,715.85 Dec. 1 •-- Received from H. F. Peteit, county collector, road and bridge tax 2,669-34 . June 8 FAurvd, road gnd- Fltsen, road Schmitt, road grad- R Total Receipts $10,682.64 Funds ExjktmW and For What Purpose* Expended April 13, 1932 Oliver Lawrence, grading ....$ 9.00 Kenneth Merchant, grading.. 21.00 Jacob P. Miller, grading 18.00 Jacob H. Adams> grading .... 20-00 John Schmitt, grading .......... 59.50 Earl Boyle, grading .............. . 10.25 Sibie Whiting, grading 33.00 Peter Oeffling, grading ..i...., tf8.00 John P. Freund, grading ...... 11.25 Redding, grading .... 13.00 13.00 23.00 25.00 17.40 118.05 George Martin, grading Peter Freund, Jr., grading .... Nick Jung, grading Win. Miller, grading Diedrich Bros., grading ........ April 27 Math Glossen, grading Math M. Blake, grading Floyd E. Howe, grading ........ Geo. Oeffling, grading Carl Hohtrom, miscellaneous jl. J. Stilling, grading John P. Freund, grading * Arnold MichelsT. miscellaneous Merd. Road Sup. Co., road )irags ..._ May 11 " Edward Redding, road construction John Smith, road construction Nick Jung, road construction Ben H. Stilling, road construction Geo. Meyers, road construe-- tion Peter Weingart, road construction < Mick Weingart, road construction Floyd L. Howe, road construction .. A. P. Freund, road construction ...» Ford Jackson, road grading.. General Wheelbarrow Co., .teach, supply The W. I. O. Nealt Co-, culverts • May 25 Joseph Nett, road construct > tion I Nick Jung, road grading A1 Lawrence, miscellaneous.. iJ. D. Adams Co., machine repairs ... Jb P- Freund, road construction Earl Boyle, road grading Peter Miller, road grading and construction . Ben Justen, road grading and "construction John Huff, road grading ...... Geo. Meyers, road construc- Frank Kaiser, road construc- ; tion Ben H. Stilling, road grading Peter F. Freundte road grading John J. Scheid, 'road coli% struction 4..^ Sibie Whiting, road construci tion ....... ; i.. Peter Smith, road grading..*.. Hath Glossen, road construction Floyd L. Howe, road con- ; stjruction 15.00 15.00 49.75 25.50 4.00 15.00 23.45 .5.70 80.87 2.80 78.50 42.15 79.10 41.25 6.00 15.00 83.70 5.00 15.75 5.70' 22.30 2391 2.00 2.00 30.10 675 57.21 40.12 18.00 66.25 19.05 41.80 . 9.00 24.00 . 13.65 53.70 9.QQ 61.50 John P. ing Niclc„ S, ing Jos. S. ing Earl Boyle, road grading John Freund, road graveling E. H. Merrick, road graveling Peter Miller, road graveling.. Ben Justen, road graveling.... Wm. Miller, road construction „. Ben H. Stilling, road construction Math Glossen, road grading.. Math Blake, road grading .... George Oeffling, road gmd* ing Peter Oeffling, road grading Alexander Lumber Co., culverts John Schmitt, road grading:.. Ford Jackson, road grading.. June 22 Ben H. Stilling, road cite* s|tructioh ..v,......~....4„.~,.iiV. Peter Weber, road grkdln'g..".V" Math Schmitt, road grading H. J. Stilling, road construc- A '• tion: . -Ford Jackson, road grad-* . ring, ; ••••»«« Sibie Whiting, road grad*/ ing July 13 Floyd E. Howe, itoad -coli-V struction v... John P. Freund, road grading' Math Glossen, road grading.. Math M. Blake, road grading John J. Scheid, road grading Ben- N. Smith, road grading Geo. Oeffling, road grading.. Peter Oeffling, road grading Peter F. Freund, road grad- Ford Jackson, road grading.. Ben H. Stilling, road construction Sibie Whiting, road construction . Steve Justen, road construction Jacob P. Miller, road construction Fred P. Freund, miscellaneous ,.&*-*••• John Scheid, miscellaneous*^, John N. Freund, road gracing ... Hyemann Motor Sales, mach. repairs «... Central Garage, mach. life,. pairs .mm. Stoffel & Reihansperger, itksurance Peter Smith, road grading .... July 27 ; , Tr?ictor Equip. Co-, supplies.. Frett Bros. & Freund, culvert construction Sibie Whiting, road gracing Alexander Lumber Co., supplies -- Joe P. Michels, road grading Ford Jackson, road grading... N. O. O.'Neall Co,, culverts .. Ostin W. Road Mach. Co., repairs ...... Geo. J. Young, road grading ; Jacob Freund, road grading P. M. Schaefer, road grading O. Lawrence, road repairs .... Joe A. Schaefer# road construction Math Adams, road grading.. Ben H. Stilling, road graveling ..I....... August 10 Jos. S. Schmitt, road grading Peter Miller, road construction -- Jacob P. Miller, road grading Ben H. Stilling, road construction John P. Freund, road grading Earl Boyle, road grading ...... Henry Schmitt, road grading - .Geo. Oeffling, road grading.. Math Schmitt, road grading.. Ford Jackson, road grading., Sibie Whiting, road grading Math Glossen, road grading August 24 Ostin W. Road Mach., mach. rpairs McHenry Lumber Co., plies Jos. Nett, road grading ........ Ben H. Stilling, road Construction ...» ... John J. Scheid, road grading Wm. Miller, road construction Ben Justen, road grading «*. Peter Miller, road construction ....... John, Huff/ road grading...,..;; Math M. Blake, road grading August 27 Sibie Whiting, road grading.. Ford Jackson, road grading .. September 14 Kenneth Merchant, 'roid grading O. Lawrence, culvert repairs ....... O. Lawrence,* culvert repairs P. F. Freund, road grading.... Peter Oeffling, road grading Geo. Oeffling, road construc-r Math. M. Blake, road grading John Huff, road grading ...... [Nick Weingart, road grading "28.75 17.25 9.00 2.70 34.45 33.75 55.25 58.25 33.20 48:40 Ben N. Smith, road grading Peter Smith, road grading .... Nick S. Pitzen, road grading H. J. Stilling, road construction ...» Ear] Boyle, road grading Math Glossen, road grading.. Louis Schroeder, road construction Peter Miller, road construction .........V ..... Ben Justen, road construction Wm. Miller, road construction Ford Jackson, road grading.. Sibie Whiting, road grading.. 6.00! Ben H. Stilling, road con- 12.00 struction [John Schmitt, road grading.. 10.40; Jacob P. Miller, road grading 10.401 Jos. Nett, road grading I Jos. King, road construction J. D- Adams Co., new grader September 28 Ben H. Stilling, road con-,' struction " Arthur Thelen, Toad grading . Louis Schroeder, road construction ....... Ford Jackson, road grading.. Nick Jung, road grading .... Frank Stock, road construction ............. Legal Advisor Pub. Co., mis- , cellaneous ......i.........,....„ Alexander Linn. Co., culvert John P. Freund, Toad grading • Geo. Meyers, road construction ......... Sibie Whiting, road grading.. 16.75 0. Lawrence, culvert repair- ; 16.y0 j ing ; 28.50 Robt. Vogt, road grading 18.00 Louis Althoff, supplies ........ 12.00 Wm. May, road grading ....... Steve Freund, road construction October ,12 John Huff, road grading Peter Smith, road grading .... Jacob P. Miller, road grading H. V. Sompel, road construction Jos. S. Schmitt, road grading Sibie Whiting, road grading " {Ford Jackson, road grading.. 1.80 Geo. Meyers, road construc- 26.90 10.00 6.00 • 27.50 24.00" 13.13 137.12 5.?5 5^5 105.00 " 15.00 3.00 21-50 21.75 30.80 21.75 8.25 12.00 48-00 18,00 *00 26.50 25.50 71.50 15.00 18.75 12.97 32.95 781.55 18.00 ing 82.00 Peter Smith, roadi grading 16.75 C. E. Jecks, road constroetion ~ December 20 Frank Stock, road construe* : tion ....,, F. H. Wattles, road construe- IJion John Smith, road construction • Ben N. Smith, road gradingu John P. Freund, road grading Peter Oeffling, road grading Stoffel & Reihansperger, insurance Louis Allhoff, road repairs.. Central Garage, road repaijli Wm. Lawrence, road culvert repairs Alexander Lumber Co., road supplies Wm. May, road grading John Regner, road construction v J. D. Adams Co., roewl macS."?,; - repairs'- John Neiss, road supplies ,w;. January 11, 1933£,i.j Leo. Merchant, miscellaneous •• John J. Scheid, road construe- ; tion ,»... ^.4. James Rainery, road mach, repairs ;.i Ed Thompson, road grading., Louis Schroeder, road grad- ' ing 4 Jos. Nett, road grading Geo- Oeffling, road grading," Peter Miller, road grading Bfen Justen, road grading .;^: Sibie Whiting, road grading,;; , Math Blake, road grading 11.45 14.60 18.76 9.00 8.00 112.50 10.00 6.00 12.00 SPECIMEN BALLOT FIRST WARD City of McHenry, in the County of McHenry an<| State of Illinois f llectipn Tuesday, April 18, 1933 " P*TEE A. NEISS, Cftyljferfc '81.90 18.50 7.95 6.00 45.00 ;Jt^5 8.60 7.80 22.50 94;40 11.40 6.20 15-30 tion Math Glossen, road grading.. 15.00 Math Adams, road grading.. Geo.. J. Jung, road grading.... 49.40 Louis Schroeder, road grad- - ing > 2.00 October 26 Geo. Meyers road construc- 125.00 tion 28.501 Louis Schroeder, road grading -- 24.53 • Ed Thompson, 2.00 4J!0 70.80 17.25 29.25 6.00 14.63 17.25 24.35 24>35 159.20 9.75 12.00 5.32 ^ J4^0 11.50 Ford Jackson, road grading), 6.00 road grad- Scheid, road grading Jos, A. Schaefer, road zoning 105.93 John j 17.50 struction Steve Justen, road construction 3.00 Wm. Hiller, road construc- I tion 45.08 stoffel & Reihansperger, insurance November 9 15 18 Math Blake» Toad grading .... 10*501 Ben H. Stilling, road con- 24*131 struction 2 70 !J°hn Huff, road grading .;.... | Math N. Schmitt, road grad- 18.401 •" g 251 Geo. Hiller, culvert construcj tion :.r...~....... 26 901 ^e°- Martin, road" construci tion 18 751 Peter Oeffling, road grading j Peter Smith, road grading .... 83.00 Math Schmitt, road grading.. g^5 Wm. Millar, road grading .... Peter Miller, road construc- 20-90 tion 12.00 'J°hn P- Freund, road grad- 5.25^ -- 1 Ford Jackson, road grading.. 5 25 Sibie Whiting, road grading 6.00 H. J. Stilling, road grading.. 18 001 ®en Justen, road grading .... 12 00 J°s. S. Schmitt, road grad- Krause,- Spurling, Newman. shovelinjf. shoveling shoveling shoveling shoveling Co., sup- 12,001 in« •'"»* '6.00 Louis Schroeder, road grad- Ed Thompson, road grading Ben Bauer, road grading Fred J. Smith, road grading Stoffel & Reihansperger, insurance November 22 * Chas. Stilling, road grading.. Nick Weingart, road grading Peter F. Freund, road grading .... McHenry Lumber Co., supplies ......... 36 f.0 Joe Nett» ro®d grading .......... 30 00 ^0y rePairs 6.17 6.98 8.10 33.00 6.75 22.60 6.00 Math Schmitt, road grading,. John Schmitt, road grading Steve Freund, road construction i, Peter M, Schaefer, road grad* ing -v Math Glossen, road grading^ ' Henry Schmitt, road grading January 25 Fred Smith, supplies - Alexander Lumber Co., cut*; verts ^ Austin W. Road Mach. Co., repairs John Huff, road grading ...... Mrs. John P. Freund, roa4 grading Peter Oeffling, road grad* . - ^ Peter Smith, road grading.^?" February 15 Nick Jung, shoveling snow.... Chas. Ensign, shoveling snow Frank Rossman, shoveling • snow W. A: snow Franlr show G. P. snow Niel Thurl' mow Robert Patzke, snow Jesse Darnell, shoveling snow F. C. Feltz, shoveling snow.. _ Herman Kreutzer, shoveling snow February 22 John Schmitt, snow plowing.. R. Walerstaad, snow shoveling Mike Justen, snow shoveling Ab Lawrence, snow shoveling Frank Dix, snow shoveling--. F. L. Walker, snow shovelir^f' Henry Schmitt, snow shoveling ...» Math Schmitt, snow plowing Ben N. Smith, snow plowing Frank Stock, road construction Stoffel & Reihansperger, insurance - ....<S^71 Legal Advisor Co., stationery Nick S. Pitzen, snow plowj ing ' F- L. Howe, road construej tion | Earl Dalziel, shoveling snow. Frank Michels shoveling 1 snow I Jacob P. Miller, road grading ...JWm. May, snow plowing ...... John Freund, shoveling snoUT Nick Jung, snow grading -.... " 16, Robt. Vogt, snow grading .... Galson Iron Works, supplied.. Ed Thompson, snow grading Louis Schroeder, snow grad- 126.60 12.00 12.00 20.00 36.00 8.70 7.20 13.95 20.25 8.00 16.30 16.50 7.4° 72.65 6.00 19.50 18.00 ; 8.60 56J25 26-25 28.00 21.75 8.82 .20.25 7.50 1.80 5.69 6.00 6.00 38.00 4.901 15.60 17.25 10.00 44.85 12.00 22.00 12.00 NO RUBBING! MO FOUSHING: • Glo-Coatgivesa fcright polish to linoleum, rub- . fcer tile, painted and varnished floors. Dries in less than 20 minutes. Makes floors easy to ©ire for. . The new/ Glo-Coat applier _ fpreads Glo-Coat over the Surface like water. You don't have to bend down or soil your bands. No buffing or polishing necessary. BY THE MAKERS OF JOHNSON'S WAX GLO-COAT GiO-CflH Special Offer 1 can Glo-Co«t large 16 ounce size 7S0; 1 Glo-Coat App l i e r . G r e e n / ' enamel handle. Yarn head . . 75* Lon Smith, miscellaneous...... i F. L. Howe, road construc- I tion Ben H. Stilling, road construction Peter Weber, road grading.. Geo- Meyers, road construct tion Henry Schmitt, road grading John Pint, mach. repairs , John Schmitt, road grading.. Peter Miller, road construction *•-;< Ed Thompson, tfoad grading.* Louis Schroeder, road grad- ' ing Henry Stephenson, road construction December 12 P|eter Miller, road construction Ben H. Stilling, road con* struction Geo. Meyers, road construction Thomas P. Bolger Qreen St., McHenry, 11L 16.00 *•.50 9.10 116.50 8.00 '/ 8,00; 8.00 86.00' 41.80 24.00 86-30 6.00 8.00 : 11.00 /ao.oo 6.75 6.75 94 80 77.00 66.45 84.85 Arth Thelen road gfading.Ji.^--* 12.00 irrt! Jacob P. Miller, road grading Ford Jackson, road grading* Sibio Whiting, road grading.. Math Adams, road grading..,. , Peter M. Schaefer, road grading Ed Thompson, road grading*, Louis Schroeder, road grad* ing Stephen 'N. Schmitt, grading John M- Schmitt, road ing - Math Glossen, road grading. F. L. Howe, road constnjjh tion Nick S. Pitzen, road grading Bernard Bauer, road grad- 12.00 7.85 8-60 6.00 ing Robt. Ziska, snow gradingr... Wm. Brefeld, snow grading., Milton Hopper, snow grad-" ing March 27 John Huff, road grading-.,... Henry-Waber, road grading.. Peter Smith, road grading Ford Jackson, road grading.. Sibie Whiting, road grading.. Peter Miller, road grading ,... H. J. Stilling, road grading.... Mrs. J.-P. Freund, road grading Robt. Vogt, road grading ...... Ben N. Smith, road grading,* John Schmitt, road grading.. John J. Scheid, road grading Louis Schroeder, road grading Ed Thompson, road grading.. Jos. L. Freund, road grading Central Garage, road grad-. ing Jacob Thiel, road grading .... Stoffel ft Reihansperger, insurance . March 28 ^ . Joe Nett, road grading J. W. Christy, road grading^. Louis Althoff, road grading Arth Thelen, road grading.... James -Kirly, road grading.... Two cent tax on 300 checks Check book Commission 9.35 4.00 1.50 15.00 3.00 3.30 7-20 9.94 i 5.50 : 2.00 61.45 1.45 15.00 15.00 11.85 - 3 . 2 5 . 6,75 v' 6.75 16.15 - 9.00 15.75 13.25 8.75 22.00 9.00 4.00 11.23 7.00 |9.50 8.28 6.00 6.00 6.00 12.40 4.80 3.45 7.95 7.95 7.35 6-25 1.35 1.35 1.80 . 1.20 .90 81.25 2-35 3.30 30.25 . 7.20 7.20 6.00 82.00 ,11.30 7.50 - 3 0 3 - 6 . 2 1 6.00 55.50 21.30 21.75 5.25 9.65 85.25 "11.40 ' 4.32 3.00 3.00 3.30 1.80 38-25 7-65 21.75 .59.25 18.00 18.00 13.75 5.98 16.50 15.00 . 3.00 64.25 14.60 1500 15.00 2.25 2.50 2.10 &Q0 r\ TAXPAYERS ^ PARIY (By Petition) FOR MAYOR ' PETER J. DOHERTY r\ INDEPENDENT V PARTY "; CfTY; PETER A. NEISS *Wtr C!TY TREASTTRRR' ROBERT L. WEBER 7WW (By Petition) ctEftr * - . ' ALDERMAN '..^T if. ' " " • POR GITY TREASURER n FQR AIJ>ERMA3g I I NICHOLAS P. JUSTEN) SPECIMEN BALLOT SECOND WARD f @ity of MdHenry, in the County of McHenry and ^ State of Illinois - Election Tuesday, April 18, 193S PETER A. NEISS, City Clerk. git#' rS TAXPAYERS PARTY M INDEPENDENT ^ PARTY (By Petition) FOR MAYOR [ | PETER J. DOHERTY J-OR CITY CLERK f~| PETER A. NEISS FOiR CITY TREASURER • ROBERT L. WEBER * FOR ALDERMAN n HEEHAH J. KEEUTZEE a (By Petition) FOR MAYOR TOiR CITY CLERK PI WM. 0. SCHREINER FOB CITY TREASURER a FOR ALDERMAN SPECIMEN -BALLOT THIRD WARD ; City of McHenry, in the County of McHenry State of Illinois ^ Election Tuesday, April 18, 1933 PETER A. NEISS, City Clerk. r\ TAXPAYERS ^ PARTY 1 (By Petition) POR MAYOR PXTEE j. DOHKETT PARTY (By Petition) Wm MAYOR x FOR CITY CLERK PETER A. NEISS FOR CITY TREASURER ROBERT L. WEBER FOR ALDERMAN JACOB SCHAEFER ^ TORCltY WM. G. St HREINER FOR CITY TREASURER FOll ALDERMAH SPECIMEN BALLOT City <>f McHenry, in the County of McHenry and State of Illinois. , ! Election Tuesday, April 18, 1933 PETER A. NEISS, City Clerk. 1605 9.60 4.80 3.00 72.00 6.00 1.21 104.00 15.00 3.50 3.00 7.65 5.00 13.00 20.00 6.76 ^Firsl B«f of Mail by Air first sack of mall to be flown via the air was in 1911, between Nassau boulevard, on Ix>ng Island, to a flelU ln Manhattan. "Shall the City of McHenry adopt daylight saving time from the last Sunday in April at 2 A. M. until the last Sunday in September at 2 A. M. of each year?" YES NO Rril to Value Finger-Prlati The ChEnese were the first people t< recognize the value of fingerprints for identification. Hard to Act Natural U Js act iitural. SPECIMEN BALLOT City of McHenry, in the County of McHenry and State of Illinois. Election Tuesday, April 18, 1933 PETER A. NEISS, City CleriL "Shall the power to levy a tax for the purpose YES of providing a fund for the maintenance or employment of a Municipal Band be cancelled?? : , i."tiinnHi V • ' ^ K,-' NO ;;i- - •• • "W •r... : ...j* HT. . r' .

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