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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 13 Apr 1933, p. 3

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V % s '• >? A.'n.'*;.'•'* y*\ " "*. *"* 3i"* "';' ; v4*i»K r ^ ' u ^ : mctott Editorial Washington, April 12--Nyie men rearing the flowing- black robes of their high office will ultimately have ^be responsibility of determining whether Congress has acted within its Constitutional rights in dealing with urgent economic and social problems. It is generally acknowledged here that all major legislative acts will be submitted to the judicial scrutiny of the Supreme Court of the United States. The attitude of Congress in disposing of numerous measures of far-reaching importance has been aptly summarized by Senator Thomas Gore of Oklahoma as "the potent magic of a wish-bone." Skepti- •cal as to the outcome and peevish at the lash of the Presidential whip^ legislators in private talks admit they frequently vote in "the tongue in the cheek" manner. The Supreme Court will probably recess for the summer before test cases involving recent legislation can be brought Up for review. The issues, lowever, will be dumped in their laps ito interested citizens press for an official ruling on the validity of Congressional acts. The promoters ofe legislation are naturally interested in the prospect of one or two changes in the personnel of th«. highest tribunal. The trend toward liberalism in court decisions has been noted in recent years. There have been many 5 to 4 decisions, a division of opinion among the learned justices that precludes safe predictions as to their votes. Therefore any vacancies which may occur from death or resignation will be of the utmost importance. Appointment to the Supreme Court is the greatest recognition that the President may bestow on a lawyer. The beer bill is slated! for an early test in state courts and will probably reach the Federal tribunal at the fall term beginning in October. The Congressional leaders are hopeful that business will be cleared up to permit adjournment before Decoration Day. A mild protest against the introduction of measures which could not be properly labelled "emergency" has been voiced at the Capitol. The Black bill providing for a five day week of six hours each was pushed through the Senate as a relief measure for unemployment. The • • House leaders have attempted to put! Section 1. Be it ordained If-Oie it aside until the Administration's Mayor and City Council of the City original program of reconstruction 1 pf McHenry, that the following places be designated as po AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE APPOINTMENT OF JUDGES AND CLERKS AND DESIGNATING THE POLLING PLACES FOR THE ANNUAL CITY ELECTION IN THE CITY OF Mc- H E N R Y C O U N T Y F O R T H E YEAR 1933*. can be adopted. It is argued that the tes de-signated polling places for demand for a 30-hour week is ,spon-!the annual City election to be held sored by the American Federation of April 18th, 1933: Labor and while its purpose is reason-1 First Ward--McHenry City Hall. ably commendable the enactment at 1 Second Ward -- Stoffel Building, this time would disrupt industry and . West McHenry. commerce. The claim that the bill Third Ward--Eogeln Building. would almost immediately put six I Section 2. Be it further ordained million back to work and restore that Math Heimer, Harry Ritter and muicr iUia son OI purchasing power is questioned in both | Mrs, Frank Cobb are hereby desig- ~[rs- Stephen H. Smith Sunday were Henry were visitors here Sundav administration and legislative. circleiLJnated to act as. Judges of election for ""Y an<* Mrs. Ray Horick of Wood- ternoon. JOHNSBURG Mr*. Henry Degen of McHenry was a Sunday afternoon visitor in the home of Mr. and Mrs- John Degen. Miss Katherine Pitzeh 6f Chicago spent the weekend with her father, John Fitzen. Mrs. John Schaefer and daughter, Anita, motpred to Woodstdck Saturday. Mn, and Mrs. Bob Welke of Chicago spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Peter Freund. Mr. and Mrs. John Bohmen of Wilmette, Mrs. Jacob Steffes, and Mrs. John King of McHenry visited with Mr. and Mrs. Joe King Monday afternoon. Wijliam J. Meyers was a caller at Wonder Lake Tuesday. Mrs. Joe B. Hetermann amf daughter, Oliva, were Elgin shoppers Monday. Visitors in the home of Mr. and stock and Mr. and Mrs, Alex Freund of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs." Nick Miller and- Mrs, ited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe King, Monday evening. Joe Schmitt and Mrs. Katherine Lowe motored to Chicago Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Freund called in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe King Sunday afternoon. Mrs. William J. Meyers, daughters, Evelyn, Laura and Annabelle, and son,- Leroy, motored to Woodstock Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Klass of McHenry was a visitor in the home of William J. Meyers Tjj^sday afternoon. V* Mr. and Mrs. Math Lay and Mr. and Mrs. John Lay of Spring Grove visited Sunday afternoon with Mrs- Stephen Schmitt. Mr. and Mrs. George Zomstroff cf Spring Grove wgs a caller here Sunday morning. Mr. and Mrs. John Rauen and Mr. and Mrs. Math Rauen of Spring Grove and Miss Emma Freund of McHenry were Sunday afternoon visitors in the home of John H. Freund. Mrs. Joe. Miller anAson of M afternoon. Need New ^TPODAY you can buy~S*j f J. Goodyear Ail-Weather! ITire--the world's standard of quality -- for less than you: paid for little known or unknown brands only a few, months back. " \ WMM - Vv When you buy OoMyNM here's what you gefi / TRACTION in thecenterof the tremd, where It b«longa. The mint positive nonskid tread on iny tire. SUPERTWIST In the body of the tire---cord (hat absorb* rather than resist* shock and strain --the best tauuim, a&atn«t blowouts In any tire., APPEARANCE If you want ftood looks, Goodyear Is about the handsomest tire on the road. < O OK / at these extraordinary PRICKS on GOODYEAR ALL-WEATHERS! 4.M-21 4-75-19 5.M-I9 7-SS 25-18 t.lS Walter Freund Tire and Tube Vulcanizing, Battery Charging, Repairing, PImmm 294, West McHenry, Illinois e&i" Contentions have been advanced thajwp*18 fsrst ward for the annual City Federal control over production by election of the City of McHenry, to regulation of labor would be met by held April 18th, 1933 and that .. . .lo.w« aiIQ. OTrg Joe nar,g an intensified "machine age" or Mabel Wheeler, Mary S. Doherty and „°e, Miller of Richmond Visited. Sunday and Donald Karls * returned mechanical substitutes for humans in E*'zabeth Boger are hereby designat-i " ^nesday afternoon with M*b. Joe ( home with them. industry. . • "" j ed to act- as. Clerks of election fcr the i King.- The drafting of a bill, to insure ward for the annual City elec- Mr. and' Mm. Nick Nett of .Spring Mrs. Margaret Landre and Mr. and Mrs. Gene Condon of Chicago visited with Mr. and Mrs,. Joe Karls bank deposits indicates that action tion of the City of McHenry, to be will be taken at this session. It was held April 18th, 1933. planned to sidetrack this scheme i Section 3. Be it further ordained . Karls and Mrs. Joe Karls but the feet .that Senator Carter Glass th( at Walter Krause, Herman Aof Virginia is sponsoring the measure K'reutzer and Mayme Harrison are augurs well that a .vote will be de- hereby designated to act as Judges manded in the Senate, at least. The election for the second ward for bill will probably be debated for some the annual City election of the City time as the steps proposed are McHenry, to be held on April 18th, revolutionary to bankers. The idea 1933, and that William Bacon, Ella back of the plan is to buttress public Newman and Arthur Patzke are hereconfidence in banks and prevent bank by designated to act as Clerks of elecholidays. The main arguments. t*011 for the second ward for the anagainst the plan is that a 100 per cent nua* City election of the City of Mcguaranty of deposits would promote Henry, to be held April 18th, 1933. 4 unsound banking and lessen the> Section 4. Be it further ordained credit standing of the government., John P. Weber, L. F. Newman There is a wide difference between an<* Mrs. Katherine Schnieder are "guaranty" and "insurance" of de- hereby designated to act as Judges of posits. The insuring costs would be election for the third ward for the borne by the banks. The legislators annual City election of the City of may favor the proposal which does McHenry, to be held on April 18th, not involve a charge on the Treasury. 1933 and that Mrs. Joe W. Rothermel, Insurance of funds is not new as Mrs. Mary Powers and Miss Gertrude eight states have tried it in various Weber are hereby designated to act forms and usually failed. The cards 83 Clerks of election for the ^lird at present are stacked so that Con- ward for the annual City election of gress may deliberate on the many City of McHenry, to be held April phases without pressure for emergen- j 18th, 1933. cy action. | Section 5. Be it ordained by the The Administration is givirtg Mayor and City Council of the City attention to international problems McHenry, that the City Clerk is now that the domestic situation is less hereby instructed to post the necesstrained. The Prime Ministers of aary notices, giving notices of the an- Great Britain, Italy and France are nua^ City election to be held April expected here shortly to attend con- 18th, 1933, such notices to be posted ferences with President Roosevelt. The a* forty (40) days prior to the question of armaments will figure election. prominently in the discussions. Mr. 1. Section 6. This Ordinance shall be Roosevelt is holding a huge naval *n force and efiect after its pasconstruction program as a trump approval and publication accord, toward curtailment of militarism by *° ^aw» the larger nations. Then there is the) Approved: matter of reciprocal tariff treaties to I PETER J. DOHERTY, Mayor, stimulate world trade. The Senate Attest: PETER A. NE1SS, City Clerk, has given notice that World Court and Passed: April 3, 1933. Grove were " visitors here evening. Thursday visited Monday with Mrs. Fred Karls at McHenry., Joe Lay and fahiily of h Spring Grove were callers here Sunday sf* ternoon. '. -' Mr. and Mils. Bob Welke of Chicago spent Saturday -afteimoon^,-w^"A Mr. and Mrs. Joe King; •;/ - .. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Gorski and son, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Siehoff and, Kenneth, visited Sunday in the home family and Mr. and Mrs. Ben Siehoff of Burlington visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Hiiler Sunday. of Joe P. Miller Mrs. Evelyn Baldi and a friend of Chicago called in the home of Wiles ^™nk M®y was a Chicago visitor iiam J. Meyers Sunday afternoon! U M- T - - I Schmitt of Beioit, Wis., was a rs. J°e P- Miller *& visiting at business caller here Wednesday morn Green Bay tor a few days* ing. Mr and Mrs Pteter Wagner and, Miss Ma Schmitt visited with her T,rUnd!lei\and 'sister. Agnes, and her mother, Mrs. Stephen Schmitt, for a few days. League of Nations items are taboo. The little group of Progressive Republicans who supported the Roosevelt candidacy will turn against him on League policies. The Chief Executive needs their support at all times as the Democratic majority in the Senate is not always responsive to Ma wishes. Approved: April 3, 1933. Published: April 13, 1933. HENRY L. COWLIN, Attorney EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Large Yew Tree' ' A yew tree with trunk '22 feet In circumference was moved recently at Dover, England. ~ Older, bat Not Better^---- I^eon Trotsky said, "One gets older but seldom hotter as tlm<» noes on." Witticisms Wlttttfsms, according to Freud, are successful ewnpes from xippi Governs Many Amateur Sports The Amateur Athletic Union of the United States is the governing body of 17 amateur sports In tli« United -^States. Oar Want-Ada are business bringera Estate of John Walsh, Deceased. "The undersigned, having been appointed Executrix of the last Will and Testament of John Walsh, deceased, late of the County of McHenry and State of Illinois, hereby gives notice that she will appear before the Cnun. ty Court of McHenry County, at the Court House in Woodstock, at the June Term, on the first Monday iji June next, at which time all persons having claims against said Estate are notified and requested to attend for the purpose of having the same adjusted. All persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned. Dated this 11th day of April, A. D. 1933. ELLEN LORETTA WALSH, 46-8 Executrix ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE WORN FURNITURE MARREDWOODWORK • T"vU PONTQUICKDRYING ENAMEL gives new beauty to furniture that's "in disgrace." "iNew freshness for the wood trim of bedrooms, bathroom or kitchen. New color for "dogeared" toys or bookcases. . Do Pont Quick Drying Enamel is low in cost. Easy to apply. Dries quickly to > hard, durable finish. It's one of die famous du Pont line qI paints, Tarnishes, enamels and Duco. We have ^ complete Msecfr ment of colors* THOMAS P. BOLGER "The Faint Store" " ' U: PAINTS VARNISHES ^ ENAMELS y DUCO Estate of John Frederick Schenk, Deceased- - The undersigned, having been appointed Administrator with Will Annexed of the Estate of John Frederick Schenk deceased, late of the County of McHenry and State of Illinoit, hereby gives notice that he will alppear before the County Court of McHenry County, at the Court House in Woodstock, at the June TeTm, on the first Monday in June next, at which time all persons having claims against said Estate are notified and requested to attend for the purpose of having the same adjusted. All persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned. Dated this 4th day of April, A. D. 1933. FLOYD E. ECKERT, Administrator ; * 45-46-47 Wksa Psasitriui R«le4 Pedestrians have not always been the underdogs! In England in 1836, when huge steam cars showed signs of Irritating pedestrians, parliament stepped In and passed a law requiring escb vehicle be preceded by a man walking ahead and waving a ted flag. Parliament, however, did not stop with the Idea that "there ought to be a law." It thought there ought to be two laws. So It passed another taxing > these vehicles to extinction. Birds Surpass in Lang Pew In breathing power, or lung capacity, and in muscle strength, birds surpass (01 vertebrate animals. • Ettvoys Mu.t Be Married married men hereafter wiH - represent Turkey us diplomats abroad* according to a new law. Compuljory Voting Under Australia's compulsory act, an elector failing to vote a valid reason Is liable to a C f voting wltho^ Always Complaining Most of us don't get justice ta I world. h«t still y Michael Obenauf of Fremont were visitors in the home of William Althoff recently. Phil Dome of Chicago called on friends in Johnsburg Sunday. Miss Asella and Miss Angela Tonvan spent Sunday afternoon with their cousin, Miss Mary Althoff in | being""awa7ded McHenry. Fred Schmitt of Spring Grove was a caller here Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. John E. Freund and son, Vernon, of McHenry, were Sunday visitors in the Adams home. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Freund of McHenry visited "with Mrs. Katherine Tonyan Monday. ~ . Mrs. Fred Smith motored to Woodstock Tuesday. Miss Evelyn Meyers and sister, Laura, visited with Mrs. Fred Justen Monday afternoon at McHenry. Misa Mabel King of McHenry vis- Mr. and Mrs. John Thelen announce the arrival of a baby girl. Miss Martha Hettermann was a Chicago visitor Friday. The Sunday Evening Club met at the home of Martha Freund, prizes to Mrs. John M. Schmitt, first; Mrs. Fred Smith, second, and Mrs. Peter Smith, consolation. Making Prisons Homelike If prisons were fitted up with libraries, center tables, rag carpets, and canary birds, maybe they would look so much like home that people would try to keep out of them.--Cincinnati Times-Star. Colored Snow Bed snow has been reported at rlous times from such places at Green* land, Italy, Germany, etc.; oth« colors such as green and yellow have also been observed. These colors are said to be due to minute organisms. NOTICE I wish to announce that I have opened an exclusive Optical office in the Pries building, corner of Elm and Green streets, McHenry, with rooms adjoining Dr. Froehlich and will render complete optical service Tuesday Evenings--7:00 to 9:00 Thursday Afternoons--1:30 to 5:00 Dr. Paul A. Schwabe r OPTOMETRIST * > PHONE 80-W, McHENRY PHONE 674, WOODSTOCfk For appointments*, or leave message with Dr. Froehlich \ ' Put your home in repair now . *. No need to delay any jer . .. nationally known building materials manufacturer, through us, will lend yoq the money! Cony, Animal Farmer ®tos: cafiy Is the furiher of the animal world, Just as the bearer Is the engineer; S handlers of Johns-Manville Building Materials we are ^authorized to pass on this amazing offer to every home owner. Johns- Manville has a million dollars to lend for home modernizing and repairs--and YOU can share in it! It's dangerous to postpone important improvements--and prices have begun to go up. Whatever your home may need---a new roof, hew outside walls, tile in kitchen or bathroom, or extra rooms in attic and basement, and even if your home is hard to heat--there is a Johns-Mahville material to meet your needs. We will not only apply these materials for you but we will also arrange with Johns-Manville to finance the work. Moreover, we will be glad to help you plan the improvements and select the materials. Let us estimate on your requirements and give you the interesting details about the cost under this million-dollar offer. There is no obligation. • '^To 'Speed Up Big Ships name "fathometer" has Men given to an instrument which makes It possible to drive a ship at full speed- safely.----.... ENRY LUMBER WEST McHENEY, ILL. For Com foff -- your car has to be big . enough so you can be comfortable in it - Pontiac--th« Economy Straight Eight--has a wheelbase of 115 inches. V For Performance big, powerful engine Pontiac's engine is a big 77-horsepower Straight Eight that gives you 78 real miles pf how with all the inherent smoothness that only a Straight Eight can have or give. For Economy--you have to have engine efficiency • Letters from people who have taken Pontiac's Economy Demonstration ~ say that It gives 15 miles or more to the gallon of gasoline. That, plus the natural durability of a Straight Eight engine* gives you real operating economy. jCome w for Economy Demonstration. » = -- well, just look at it * My b* discyr far yew to buy a n« car now, Ikon to contim* nwning Mm old on*. find you'll see what Pontiac is 'V" ™•• Pontiac shows the effects of a new finesse In styling that is making it one of most talked about cars of the yean For Safety --you have to have scientifically designed and ruggedly built bodies and chassis Pontiac's 4-door Sedan weighs 3265 pounds at the curb, and aU closed cork have bodies by Fisher--and you know that means extra strength and safety. FieHer N» Draft Ventilation is a special feature in all closed models. ^ Only if you have Pontiac's size" and weight and engine in your car, can you expect to really get their benefits out of the car Pontiac b a typical General Motors Value--cm outstanding car in the low price field--and a good car to buy. PONTIAC 'W> T H E t C C N C: M V f T*R A I G H T FIGHT v t t \ k k a l c t i k i i a i i i C V A C OVERTON & CO WEN West McHenry, Illinois

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