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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 27 Apr 1933, p. 9

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McHENRY PLAINDEALER, McHenry, 111. :-W-. Special April Meeting. 1932 The Honorable Board of Supervisors McHenry County, Illinois met in scial Session pursuant to a call signby more than one-third of its mernrs at the Court House in the City 3l Woodstock on Tuesday, the 26th day ' Of April, A. D. 1932, at ten o'clock A. M. The meeting was called to order by \ L». A. Stockwell, the retiring chairman •- • uid the roll being: called the following •.tnembers responded to their names, totwit: L. A. Stockwell. D. M. Wright, C. * " ~ CI .f 1 . -m-m, * *uv" *» v44| Ay» Mi t f T I SF* Palmer, J. T. O'Brien, N. B. Clawson, \ «. c* Hughes, E. F. Kuecker, Chas. H. - ; -Ackman, John Conley, V, - ^ohn Harrison, H. M. Turn y'i'/i if ; i Brown, rner, Frank B. cConnell, Frank May, S. H. Freund, A. H. Hale, R. E, Haeger arid Assistant i>rs. J. D. Donovan and Paul. Kosenil constituting a full Board. The retiring Chairman, L. A. Stock- 11 thanked the members for their endid cooperation and consideration wn him during the year and also Officers and Clerkb ^ • of the County '»< .••'Olri<l members of the Board of Review I it. was his pleasure to work with. To then stated that the first order of ness .to c«me before this meeting the election; of a Chairman for the .. 14.SO 11.08 86.00 M. H. O'Brien, rent of house J.0.00 Otto W. Wallin, ointment 84.00 Willis Dsbrow, mdse 30.11 Mike Krieger, blacksmithing . 11.90 Armour 4 Co., butter and oleo .... 61.20 F. R. Goodall Oil Co., gas 4 kero. 69.63 H. A. Stone & Son, shoes 16.60 Sanitary Plumbing & Heating Co;, plumbing repairs Wayne Cooney, groceries .. Aurora Specialty Co., disinf. Ringwood Nurseries, shrubs and trees 34.00 H. T. Eppel & Son, Holsteln bull 126.00 Chas. McGu-lre, mov. Andrew Soma 6.00 Wood. Hospital, med. attendance.... 16.00 Elmer E. Carlson, tobacco ............ 36.63 United Chem. Co., chem. £ drugs 49.90 The Shurtleff Co., cement, lumber and feed .616.63 Gardner A. Knapp, incidentals 7.21 Gardner A. Knapp, and wife, sal. 176.00 Gardner A. Knapp, hire.d m:\n........ 7,6.00 Gardner A. Knapp,h*tp in the house 7.00 2.S0 11.83 year. Supr. C, the Board and stated that he ed to place in- nomination Kan. „ of Hartland, Township for Chairman for the ensuing year. The homination of Supr. Hughes was duly- Seconded by Asst. Supr. Donovan. Supr. iFreund addressed the Board and stated that there had been some discussion (previous to this meeting as to the Chairmanship and it was not clear in tils mind whether or not a Chairiqan was picked according to the total years •pf service on the Board or the continuous years of service and he would like to know whether or not there was anything in the records on this question. pupr. Turner addressed the Bbard and Stated that he was a ' member of this . JSoard at the time that the one year rule -'Clay Street Tire Shop, tire & tube 8.00 Went into effect but he did not believe , Colgate Palmolive Peet Co., soaps 28.80 there was anything in the records in A. S. Wright, medicines I 16J.0 tegard to the same. The retiring Chair- j-Wayne Cooney, groceries 7.08 man then called for further nomina- E. F. Backhus, elec. sup. 4 labor 337.84 Total ....... ,^..v.1;:_,.^iiiii,^;tl185l.63 Bills for *»T Audited lui 4*h, 1931 The Shurtleff Co , lumber, feed and coal ; :$209.91 Sprague Warner &. CQ., gro, . ........... 97.10 Kunoe Motor Sales, Marengo, -4 Chevrolet truck 111. Beli Telephone Co., iJhone l.i.^ i,6.50 Brey's Bakery, bakery Lud wig Wilson Co., tuFnitUre'sV"' * polish and receptacle "jll.61 H.'W. Sandeen, medicines tfrfS" medical attendance 48.26 Willis Disbrow, fruit and gro. ;.... 28.85 F. R. Goodall Oil Co., gas 6 kero 64.44 R. O. Apdrew Co., feed and ice .... 28.30 Elmer E. Carlson, tobacco ..., 62.33 A. 4 P. Store, 120 lbs. coffee :/...... 14.66 Otto Wallin, ointment ........j. . 1 6 . 0 0 Rockford Power Machinery Co., motor, pulleys and rails ^...126.00 •43words Bros. Co., electric' and ,. plumbing supplies 31.3.4 Buckbees Seeds, seeds and bulbs.... 9.19 McConnell Implt. Co., machin. sup. 26.60 B. F. Meyer, feed ....104.26 Marengo Co-operative Canning Co., canned vegetables 7.20 Clay Wilcox 4 Koblent*. clothing -- 16.66 Pingel & Koch, groceries 66.64 Swords Bros. Co., pulleys an4 steel hangers Woodstock Metal Products Co., repairs ijnd pulleys ... Columbian Hog & Cattle Powder Co., mineral ---_.--'.--.... McMaster Carr Supply Co., idling pulley 11.60 John Paulson, Cow 70.00 Woodstock lmplt Co., mchk.; rej>, 72.18 Schalz Sale, two cows A. S. Wright, medicines Public Servce Co., service A. 4 r. Store, coffee .. Willis Disbrow, mdse. lroquis Coal Co., coal Gaulke Bros., meats Belcher Bros., mdse ^•jwssr-jsaei roa* ., „ b~n approved by tJ.«V i ! a"P«rintendent of Illinois State Police b«Bches and , I NOW THEREFORE BE IT RKSOLVThe Shirtieff ciV,"Turaber4*"feed"lK:?l Henry Colmv^in'in M,C" United Chemical Co.. chemicals .... 47.27 M ^ LI'1"0'3; Elgin National soap Co., soap ?2.64 Aprils A D 1932 that thl ill. Bell Telephone Co., phone .... t.<0 of Public Works and RuiMinm nf thl W D. Allen Mtg. Co., tir^ hose .... 33.67 . We of Illinois Z hnmedilfely ad- » 1 ublic btr\ ice scrvic^ /... 4i.i2 vised that^this Board aDi>rovp« of the - 87.60 Willis Disbrow, can, mdse. * tob. 11.95 above and foregoing ph»n and be it ilil KTVo^^buner6- tOW#1 69.40 b, ii \ oss, butter " 17.60 Villages 'in McHenry Countyc Tctofoens^eraantde 63.36 H. \V. Sandeen, madlcines and 12.86 medical attendance 76.75 107.79 Br«y 8 Bakery, bakery ...i................. 33.64 17.46 Clay Street lire Shop, tires : _...3i4.l# i and tubes, .....„"...15T00 The Shurtleff Co., lumber, coal i McHenry County Farm Bureau, and feed --^......__,J4i.l7 • Ins. on truck ; 86.00 H.'W. Sandeen, medicines and. !c. & N. W. Ry. Co. frt. on coal 162.04 snedical attendance ^ 43.25 Elmer E. Carlson, tobacco 36.07 R. O. Andrew Co, feed 30.95 Emmett's Service, trucking --' 2.98 Hartland Garage, repairs, etc. -f.~. 8.40 George Meyer, balance plastering Gardner A. Knapp, incidentals ....:, 10-17 t contract 33.70 Gardner A. Knapp, frt. on coal ...;136.73 Sanitary Plumbing & Heating Co., Gardner A. Knapp, and wife, s*l. 176^00 1 baJanc« on contract . 461.00 Gardner A. Knapp, hired man........ 76.00 Gardner A. Knapp, incidentals 6.00 Gjk uix' r A. Knapp, help in the house J. T. Kitchen, canvass elec. ret. .... W. 8. Battern, canvass elec. ret. Harvard Herald, color ballots and not. Sup. Sch Dr. H.'W. Newton, las. trial Wilda Siperly , Dr. H. W. Sandeen, Ins. trial Wilda Siperly :....„ Zion Off. Supply, mdse. CO. Clk. and Treas. ^ 1 €\2& 111. office Sup. Co., mdss. Treas. 11.17 Ethel C. Coe, exp. Sup Schs 29.14 111. Of. Sup. Co., mdse. Sup Schs 2.37 W. M. Welch Mfg. co.. mdse. ..... 66.30 6.00 6.00 1.40 6.00 6.00 . , . - - --, . Sup Schs ill establishing some system of com- Empire Paper Co., mdse. Sup Schs 36.54 BfTppptupd ^ - The M* B. cook Co., mdse. Sup Schs 2.00 / mXHER RbbOLvilD, That World' Book Co.. mdse. Sup Schs 14.06 i!¥l J ? L, VK.y.^ instrmrted to cer- Rep. News .Co., prtg. Sup Schs .... 1.20 2 t> ^i? Resolution, to the Wood. Eve. Journal, prtg. Sup Schs .#0 fits rJli- • ° PubHc Works^and Build- Herald Pub. Co.. prtg. Sup Schs .... .90 Iwsion of Highways of the State Richmond Gacette, prtg. Sup_Schs a2jLia vVnililiaLgoe"s )l ocatVe d* ti^n '»MrcSHeernarry CCoiuUn*™s. i. McsHchensr y* . Plaindsaler, prtg. Suj». v ; ^ • i W oodstock News, prtg. Sup Schir All of which; 'submitted. ! Woodstock News, prtg. letter ' heads Co. Clk. l.«0 •»Q 1.80 Thursday, April 27, 1933. ty Treasurer out of any funds that ... . not otherwise appropriated. The motion was seconded by Supr. Ackman an<| the roll being called was unanimousl) carried. The Clerk presented and read a cer#- tifled copy of the Repora of the Gran<|» Jury of the January Term. 1932, whicl^ was on motion ordered placed on file. The Committee on Roads and Bridge! made the following Report which on roll call unanimously adopted," wit: Mr. Chairman arid Gentlemen of thif. Board of Supervisors, McHenry COuaN"" tl. Illinois: The undersigned members of thgi Road and Bridge Committee for sal^ County, would beir leave tp submit th# following report on the matters befor* them. .' hat w« met on the 16th day t# P. F. ROSENTHAL, Chairman A. H. HALK • V. E. BROWN W It WM thereupon regularly mdyWl ^y PP, Gardner A. Kfiaiip. and wife, sal. 175.00 Bupr. . Brown duly Seconded; bj^ Supr /,......,.110.00 Gardner A. Knapp, hired m4n 65.00 j Wright that the report of ^fe -S^ciai x': ' " f A ii Oa{rIdvnnciri aAA. " Knapp, help - - • -1 4. A AA . C\1o --m imtit--tee .be , a•* dopti e_d»• . A'b* *y this B&ard, tions and thiere being no further nominations a motion was made and carried trat nominations, be closed and Earl Hughes the Supr. from Hartland Town- Wlen's Dept. Store, clothing 93.19 Armour 4 Co., butter and oleo 29.89 G&rdner A. Kapp, incidentals 5.74 Gardner A. Knapp, and wife, sal. 176.00 thip was declared to be the unanimous 'Gardner A. Knapp, hired man 76.00 Choice of this Board for the ensuing year. The result of the election being announced Supr. Hughes assumed the Chair and thanked the members for the honor conferred upon him and stated that he was very sorry to hear that there had been some discussion as to ' the Chairmanship and he hoped that It would not in any way interfere with the efficient manner in which the £Soard had been operating for the-last several i-ears and that he would as Chairman, bend every effort to see that harmony' V and efficiency continued. . The records of the last preceding meeting of this Board were rfead and on motion approved. Asst. Supn Donovan addressed the Board and stated that he felt that this County Board and the People of McHenry County were fortunate in having Total A,. .$2,401.43 Bills for Jane Audited July 7th, 1931 Janesville sand & Gravel Co., , sand and gravel The Ringwood Nurseries, 260 strawberry plants .5.75 I.,ush Vermtlya Co., groceries ....... 6.25 Hall 4 Eckert, sack plaster ............ .85 111. Bell Telephone Co. phoae „..f..4 6.80 Belcher Brothers, oil cloth and linoleum ......100.32 H. A. Stone & Son, shoe* 44.40 The Bohn Hardware Co., hot Shot and hardware ,12.28 Pingel & Koch, gro. less eggs 64.67 Wayne Cooney, groceries 18.82 R. A. Pratt, meats 68.71 F. R. Goodall Oil Co., gas 4 kero. 78.59 fi State's Attorney and Sheriff that [ Willis Disbrow, hdw. gro. & tob. 50.5 Gardner A. Knapp, help in the house .110.00 efficiently carry out their duties and ^J;hat he would move at this time that he State's Attorney's office and SherfTs office of said county be complimented by this Board for the thorough and Efficient manner in which the Bank robber Loftus was apprehended and convicted. Asst. Supr. Donovan's motion ivas seconded by Supr. Turner and unanimously carried. Total .»M62.74 1 in house - ....,130.00 Bills F«f OctobaV Audited WOT. Mb, 1931 .Gardner A. Knapp, house tiurse . #0.00 B„ Heller 4 Co., roach, killer'....V.-C .36.70 } , , '--" , J. J: Horick, sharpenihg lawn J0"-- •--•t**-- "5 i Viii mower and. saws ...v.* k: .• 3.06 *1^ audited MarcH 4, 10M Dinse Bros., slip filling 64.66 Woodstock Daily Sentinel, print- . United Chemical Co., 1-2 drum ! »n» noticea .....,..„.i..... .|1.00 Ailgon 52.60 Elmer E. Carlson, tobacco 3$.1» Sprague VVarner Co., groceries ...117.68 Wilcox 4 Koblents, blankets - • Dolese 4 Shepard Co., limestone.... 30.16 clothing 66.97 Public Service Co., service and S . Garage, auto repairs -- Hotpoint Range 178.61 K°ck River Hatchery, 8o0 chix,71.20 Illinois Bell Tel. Co., phone 6.70 John J. biafford A Son, bedpf - ^ R. O. Andrew Co., ice 26.80 springs and mattresses 99.04 Hartland Garage, repairs on Ford 11.76 ®.rey s Bakery, bakery 34.91. Armour 4 Co., butter and oleo .... 4|.00 j«&yne cooney, groceries i.76 L. L. Metcalf D. D. S., medical ; Sprague Warner 4 Co., groceries, attendance 16.00 I drugs, etc. ..--136.32 F. R. Goodall Oil Co., gas &. kero. 25.46 ' B* O. Andrew Co., mash and Ice 16.80 A. & P. Store, groceries ......i ....158.32 < Slavin A Merwln, mattress and A. S. Wright, medicines 15.86 |„ burial 68.60 Willis DiBbrow, mdse ... 12.62 **• ^* btone 4 Son, shoes 20.80 Standard Tar Products Co., Ily Willis Disbrow, brush, tobacco* spray ,....„ ..... 4.05 1 and groceries 14.69 H. A. Stone 4 Son, shoes 31.65 A* w- Wagner, hdw. and discs .... 24.36 Wayne Cooney, groceries 8.26 Public Service Co., service 44.02 H. W. Sandeen M. D., medicines lThe Shurtleft Co., lumber 4 feed 97.47 and medical attendance 86.00 E* F* Voss, 70 lbs. butter ...., 17.70 Fred "Charles, 8 loads of sand 4.00 H* w- Sandeen, medicines and A. 4 P. Store, meats 21.48 Radical attendance 67.25 Lake County Home, heater 10.00 A- Sr Wright, medicines and paint 24.16 Swords Bros .Co., hanger bearing 1.66 . Sanitary Plumbing 4. Heating Co., Elmer E. Carlson, tobacco 12.61 radiators repairing .. 21.21 C. & I* W. Ry. Co., freight ...--• 36.13 E. F. Backhus electrical apparatus 21.13 Brey s Bakery, bakery 27.34 United Chemicals Co., wringer Emmett's Service, groc. cartage .. 3.40 disinfectant 49.48 A W. Wagner, hdw. repairs 14.36 Starline Inc., colums and rails44.81 The Shurtleft Co.. lumber, coal Hall & Eckert, cement, paint ^ and feed ...: 262.21 : and fire clay ... r ; J.60 Anton J. ijchmitt, labor carpenter Emmett Service, hauling 1.46 W0rk - 93.60 Woodstock Sentinel, 10o letter Paul J. Brefleldi labor carpenter ' ! heads ~ 7.60 work I 93,60 A. $ P. Store, coffee 40.28 Fred Wo», labor carpenter work 93.60 ^n?*1. * Koch, groceries lT9o Gardner A. Knapp, and wife, sal. 176.00 Bell Telephone Co.. phone 6.15 Gardner A. Knapp, hired man 76.00 «ardner A. Knapp, incidentals .... 1.90 Gardner A. Knapp, help Gardner A., and wife, sal. 176.00 in the house .120.00 Gardner A. Knapp, nired man -L 66.00 Gardner A. Knapp, help A. W. Wagner, hardware- 37.70 Brey's Bakery, bfikery goods 29.34 C. T. Abbott 4 Sons, auts repairs 2.75 Elmer E. Carlson, tobacco ............. 17.58 Armour & Co., butter and oleo 12.61 A. S. Wright, medicines 17.86 H. W. Sandeen, medicines and medical attendance 40.00 Sanitary Plumbing 4 Heating CO., plumbing repairs 41.93 Sprague Warner & Co., groceries 81.13 The following report of the right of jThe yhurtleff Co., tile, lumber Way committee was presented and read _ an<* feed ..127.64 to the Board-to-wit: | Gardner A. Knapp, incidentals .... 10.71 Mr. Chairman and Gentleman of the : Gardner A. Knapp, and wife, sal.'l75.00 Board of Supervisors: Gardner A. Knapp, hired man.. 76.00 Your Committee on Right of Way [Gardner A. Knapp, help1 Would beg leave to submit a report on ' in the house 110.40- the matters before them: • The following is a list of Right of Way secured by your Committee during the year ending April 1st, 1932, to- Wit I • Route 67, 36 tracts $4,108.80 Route 47 south 42 tracts ™4~,*1,357.10 Itoute 47 north 46 tracts ..13,067.30 . Route 62 Algonquin 5 tracts ....10,100.00 Route 61 Crystal Lake 7 tracts 1,546.30 Union 14 tracts 1,839.00 Route 22 Johnsljurg 21 tracts.. 4,525.00 Route 173 1 tract 50.00 7-Itoute 60, 21 tracts \......... 9,457.50 Total ^i;;^.......|66.051.00 About 44 miles of right of way In McHenry County have been secured for the total above stated, and all payments made and to be ma<]£ are out Of M. F. T. allotments made from gas .tax refunds to McHenry County from the State of Illinois, and are not a direct charge on the taxpayers pf McHenry County, - - i Your Commititee wishes to express Its sincere thanks to all, who co-operated with them in securing the above tnentloned Rights of way. Ail of which is respectfully submitted. E. F. KUECKER, Chairman. JOHN CONLEY CHAS. H. ACKMAJSr N. B. CLAWSON . '- ' JOHN T. O'BRIEtf - : Tt was thereupon regularty moved by (Supr. Freund and duly seconded by Bupr. Turner that the report of the Co*nmittee on Right of Way be adopted by this Board. Motion declared unanimouslly carried. The Committee on McHenry County Homo and Farm" made the following reppoo rt which was on roll call unanimously adopted, to-wit SEFOBT Committee on County Home and Term Your Committee .on County Home and Farm beg leave to submit the following report: The Committee met at the County llome and audited bills as follows: Bills for Karch Audited April 4th, 1*31 - - - |27,33 64.90 Rimer E. Carlson, tobacco Brey's Bakery, bakery The Shurtleff Co., lumber, coal and feed Horder's Stationery Co., files \Vavne Cooney, mdse. A. 4 P. Store, coffee pherburne Motor Co., repairs .. i'feiffen Pharmacy, truss .... The Woodstock Implt Co., leathers and saw •Fred T. Ferris, bows and need! IWillis Disbrow, fruit and gro. The Bohn Hardware Co., paint, turpentine and oil .106.36 Hollister /Motor Cartage,- cartage 8.64 ll. W. Satideen, medicines and. > me-clica^ attendance i... 32.25 jGaulke Bros., meats A- W. Wagner, hardware .106.28 . 7.30 . 62.90 . 61.03 . 6.12 . 4.00 . 7.70 I 1.25 . 22.78 Total $1,270.95 Bills for July Audited August 6th, 1931 F. R. Goodall Oil Co., gas 4 kero. $69.51 Hartland Garage, machinery rep.» 14.15 Conway's, clothing < 9.50 O. Connard, chair slides 6.00 Sanitary Plumbing & Heating Co., boiler and pipe repairs 8.18 R. A. Pratt, meats ...! 61.29 H. A. Stone, shoes 20.16 Wayne Cooney, mdse. ............i: 12.18 A. S. Wright, medicines 2j9 l)7 Armour 4 Co., butter and oleo >-- 16.64 W. H. Meyers, painting ventilators 7.00 Sears Roebuck 4 Co., fly nets ...... 6.90 Ralph Walkup, whitewashing barh 6.00 Burmeister Bros., 680 lbs. wheat.. 8.50 Brey's Bakery, bakery goods 31.52 Heaven City, case of honey 3.75 Slavin, Merwin & Pierce, furniture and undertaking 1981.00 H. W. Sandeen, medicies and medical attendance ,4.... 84.26 A. 4 P. Store, coffee and sugar .... 76.78 Elmer E. Carlson, tobacco ............ 33.39 111. Bell Tel<?phone Co., phone July 6.90 H. C. Grimm, one dozen brooms 7.50 Western Chemical Co., chemicals 7.00 Wilcox & Koblentz, clothing ........ 71.67 Willis Disbrow, groceres 88.19 The Shurtleff Co., lumber, coal and feed ..: *2.91 Sprague Warner 4 Co., groceres.. 136.55 George Moncur, plants and seeds:... 13.40 Elgin Natl. Soap Co., bbl. soap .... 27.60 R. I. Andrew Co., ice Gardner A. Knapp, incidentals . Gardner A. Knapp, and wife, sal. Gardner A. Knapp, hired man Gardner A. Knapp, help; in the house Total $1,946.67 Bills for Vovember Audited Dee. 4. 1031 Sanitary Plumbing 4 Heating Co., contract for plumbing .$249.00 Paul J. Brefield, 109'1-2 hrs. labor @ 66c Anton J. Schmltt, 189 1-2 htjj. labor @ 65c Wm. Backs, boar pig A. & P. Store, 80 lbs. coffee .... Armour 4 Co., butter A oled Thorne & Sort, clothing 71.1| in house -- ....130.00 Gardner A. Knapp, house nurse.... 80.00 Total Summary Bo. i BiUa for Mnrct^ 1941 • 1. Bills for April'".™. • Jt'nn Bills for May - fjr" Bills for June ™ Bills for July .....^ * 128 30 Bills for August 1,506.33 itorne <x c?un» ciuiiun§ aao.ou pin- Sprague Warner 4 Co.. groceries 118.04 g ^ f f°J ^ctob^r Midwest Mineral Co.. Mid Vitonic 27.95 g ^ WO. Elmer A. Carlson, tobacco 11.40 fnp 2 5G4 Public Service Co., service *9 84 5?!i» lor ."eceinoer f5b4. „'$1,308)00 ........ 1,851.68 2,401.43 ....... 1,270.95 l,439.7o 1,208.33 2,062.74 1,946.67 96 Motion declared carried'. 23.80 McHenry Plaindealer, prtg. confer ballots Co. Clk !.»• Chi. lnd. H«;rne for Children^ care • county children ..285.00 Crystal Lake Herald PuW Co., ' rtg. ballots .... .:...,i.;„t;;.l,197.75 Lester I^dinger. exp. shf. of. „„160;0 i 111. Bell Tel. Co., tolls shf. 25.40 West'. Un. Gas A El. Co.", gas shf 18.46 .Bodenschat* 4 Sahs, mdse. shf 80.59 Gaulke' Bros., meat shf 1 150:23 Pingel 4 Koch, vegetables shf ....149.96 March, A. D. 1932, at the Court Houa The ' folio,wihg Reeiolutibh was presented and read to tho Board, • tfr-wlt: Xeiolutton . Of County Board of McHenry County requesting approval of "the use of Eckert & Bending, fruits, vetfmoney allotted to the county under the etables, etcC shf 148.06 provisions of the Motor Fuel Tax Law. Wood. Dairy, milk 4 cream shf 32.64 RESOLVED, by the B0ard of Super- Hoesley's Bakery, rolls, cake, visors of McHenry C<U*nty, that public ! cookies, shf ...168.21 interest demands the construction of a Kirkman Ice Co., ice shf 10.00 section of a public highway designated E. F. Meyer, water softener Shf.... 7.60 as a State Aid road, said Section being Fay Roberts & Co., furniture described as follows: I gliders shf 8.60 Beginning on a pubMc highway desig-1 B°ycl Elec. App. Shop, mdse. shf 12.00 naied as State Aid Route No. 14-A, at 'Auto Ord. Corp., mach. gun etc.....278.66 a point near the north quarter section Conway Bros., mdse. shf 8.05 corner of Section 33, Township 44, ! Dr. C. F. Baccus, exam, body 6.00 North, Range 6, East of the 3rd P. M. Peter J. Freund 4 Son, labor it State Bond"Issue Route No. 67. and and mat. shf 69.21 extending thence along Route 14-A • in ' LeRoy Clark, dpty. shp. 4 bailiff 100.00 a southerly direction for a distance Of j W. R. Cairns, dpty. shf. & bailiff 65.00 6520 feet, more Or less to Sec. 1. M. F. Sidney Corson, dpty. shf. 4 bailiff 46.00 T., McHenry County, 111.; and be it'Geo. E. Grant, dpty shf 20.00 further ~ John Sullivan Jr., dpty shf 16.00 RESOLVED, (Howard Freeman, dpty shf (I) that the proposed improvement Loron Edinger, dpty shf heretofore designated * shall be con- ' Chas. Williams, dpty shf Btructed in accordance with the pro- ! Henry Nulle, dpty shf visions of the "Motor Fuel Tax Law," I Earl Smith, night watch approved March 25 ' ~ of Portland cemcnt tlon, 18 feet wide at Woodstock, Illinois, to consider plan®' for road work and prices for labor ana - equipment. The matter of a new heavjr grader for the County's Caterpillar #•:" tractor outfit to take the place of tftii Adtinis scarifier grader l-ought .*eonii handed ftv\ June 1926 for $710 (saraM^.-. being how worn and sprung) was di«tit: * cussed. Prices quoted were as foilowst Caterpillar 60 grader (formerly fi Russell) 12 ft. blade -$!,••+ Allis-Chalmers (formerly Ryan :' grader) No. 14, 12 ft. blade ...... Austin-Western No. 101, 12 ft. * » blade l^H .Adams 12 ft. blade grader 2.00$- No action was taken. Your committee again met on ttle 31st day of March. 1932, at the Court: House at Woodstock. Illinois. .; The) matter of wages to. be paid thi* season on County Highway work wai discussed and it was decided to cut the team patrol wage from $150 laet year to $125 per month during tti% patrol season; truck drivers. mot«P patrol operators and machinery opera* tors from 45 and 50 cents to 3$ cents per hour. Wm. Bailey, chief mechant# and foreman of the crusher gang to !!• cut from $150 to $125 per month. EwaJk^ Wlnkelman, foreman of the gradl* work from $145 cut to $125 per montlL The price of gravel at the local pit*, to be 15 cents per cu. yd. instead of 3* cents as last year. Gravel hauling by motor patrolm«ifc and by team patrolmen after the clo#r of the patrol season cut' to 65 cent* , ".0 * •m 1' ? "•iM . ' Per cuWc yard for gravel dropped an# 25, 1929, and shall be C. L. Tryon, sal. & exp. SujT. Hys 473.50 spread in the first mile from the p|t jnt concrete construc- IL. v. Kilts, typ, ribbon shf - .75]and 15 cents per cu. yd. additional fair , with earth shoulders • Pfeifter's Pharmacy, mdse. shf. 4.78 | each additional mile of one way haul 8 feet wide, and shall be designated as Section 3, M. F. T. (2) that there is hereby appropriated the sum of Fifteen Thousand, seven hundred ($15,700) dollars, heretofore appropriated and not needed on S. A. R. 21 and 21-A. M. F. T. 1, and Seventeen Thousand. Five Hundred ($17,500) dollars additional total of Thirty-three Thousand Two Hundred ($33,200.00) from the county's allotment of Motor Fuel Tax l*unds for the construction of said section; and be it further RESOLVED, that the County Clerk Is hereby directed to transmit two certified copiea of this resolution to the Department of^ Public Works and Buildings, Division of Highways, Springheld, Illinois. Sanitary Plumbing 4 Heating Co., labor and mat. shf 94.19 Marengo Co. Op. Can Co., tomatoes sheriff 20.36 Harvard Herald, Btpd. envelopes Co. Clerk >74.68 G. L. Tryon, St. Aid Rt. 28 Sec. 2 M. F. T. .._ 86.60 G. L. Tryon, St. Aid Rt 22 Sec. 2 M. F. T 20.70 City of Woodstock, light and water 2 mos _»..._.240.64 Dacy Lbr. Co., coal Co ...223.59 F. D. Russie, hauling coal 2 loads 64.44 Lester Edinger. oper. car 1 mo 100.00 Marion Edinger, cook, for prls. 61.29 p. da. 135.00 Philip Bierdeman, clerk .shf. 1 mo. 100.00 Vestie Muldoon, janitor 1 mo. 120.00 Daisy V. Moore, ABt. Sup. Sch. and T. Off. 2 mos 260.00 W. J» Kittle, Prob. officer Clr. Ct. 2 mos. ..150.00 Irene Crabtree. Co. Ct. *Re|> .100.00 A. H. Hale, spl com work 12.40 L. A. Stockwell, spl com work .... 17.60 H. "M. Turner, spl com work 6.20 R. A. Henrikson. Rockford tobacco 72.09 5}}{! ££ i?ebru«V'l^ :;<*^??f 1 506 33 Hartland Garage welding & cutting .29.00 1,1118 Ior *e°ruary l.&oft.dd Stones Drug Store, putty and wax 3.55 F. R. Goodall Oil Co., gas 4 kero. 33.06 A. W. Wagner, hardware 36.10 111. Bell Telephone Co., phone ........ 6.95 The Bohn Hdw. Co., hardware 12.29 R. O. Andrew Co., grinding 18.10 Brey's Bakery, bakery 29.20 Wayne Coonev, differance in cows 25.00 Fred Wolf, 183 hrs. labor 66c .118.95 Sanitary Plumbing 4 Heating Co., on heating work .^,..300.00 A. S. Wright, medicines 16.15 E. F. Bgckus, electrical cofftract 448.67 Wien's Dept. Store, clothing 165.36 H. W. Sandeen, medicines and medical attendance 32.00 The Shurtleff Co., lumber, feed and cement -- -- ..241.81 Gardner A. Knapp, protest fee or* checks 16.00 Gardner A. Knapp, incidentals .... 4.7* Gardner A. Knapp, and wife; sal. 176.00 Gardner A. Knapp, hired man 76.00 Gardnc r A. Knapp, help in house 130.00 Gardner A. Knapp, house nurse .... 80.00 George Meyer, to apply on contract floors 500.00 ..i^. 2,067 Total .....i™..,! 23,0 2 8.3 0 Divided as follows: Permanent Improvement# $7,819.82 Running Expenses . 12,399.07 Clothing, Boots and Shoes ........ Tobacco : Medicines Medical Attendance ........w.«-y..-« Operations and Funerals Dieting (two hnonths only) ........ 945.43 443.32 374.47 616.40 150.00 380.79 . 40.60 . 6.87 176.00 . 76.00 .110.00 Total $1,439.75 Bills for August Audited Sept. 4th, 1931 Sprague Warner 4 Co.. groceries $83.68 Elmer E. Carlson, tobacco 25.12 Public Service Co., elec. install. ....150.00 111. Bell Telephone Co., phone Aug. 6.05 Burmeister Bros., 10 1-4 bu. wheat 7.70 Sanitary Plumbing 4 Heating Co., pipe and ga^tets .4.71 H. A. Stone 4 Son, shoes i..i_ 17.60 Armour & Co., butter and oleo ..... *7 36 A. W. Wagner, hardware ........... 11.60 H.'W. Sandeen. medicineB and medical attentions 46.75 A. S. Wright, medicines 10.45 Co. Farm Bureau, 10 bU. peaches.. 14.00 Wayne Cooney, groceries 11.09 Brey's Bakery, bread 29.34 R. O. Andrew, ice and grain .......... 16.85 County Farm Bureau, year's dues 15.00 Rockford Power Machinery Co., electrical power supplies 87.10 George Moncur, seeds 11.80 F. R. Goodall Go,, kero; 4 gas. .... *8.16 Willis Disbrow, clothing ........v. . 24.61 Wien's Dept. Store, clothing 11.37 The Shurtleff Co., lumber, coal and feed ..*......121.69 Hartland Garage, shafting 4 rep... 18.80 14.75 j Gardner A. Knapp, incidentals .... 6.95 23^70 'Gardner A. Knapp, and wife, sal. 175.00 .Alfred Hansen, salt Armour 4 Co., butter K. A. Stone 4 Co., shoes :--..... 31.98 .M'ilcox & Koblentz, clothing 79.93 111. Bell Telephone Co., phone «.2« . Sprague Warner 4 Co., groceries 104.30 IF. R. Goodall Oil Co., gas 4 kero. 98.13 .A- S. Wright, medicines ......a. 16.33 ..jDinse Bros., husking 30.00 i _ _ \iardnor A. Knapp, incidentals .... 4.71 j Brey's Bakery, bakery Gardner A. Knapp, and wife, sal. 175.00 j Armour 4 Co.. butter and ol . 34.00 j Gardner A. Knapp, hired tttaa., 75.00 . 10.24 -Gardner A. Knapp, help in the house 110.00 R. A. Pratt, meats 46.56 Total $1,208.33 Bills fer September Audited Oct. 7, 1931 Elmer E. Carlson, tobacco $30.31 F. R. Goodall Oil Co.. gas 4 kero. 31.30 • - • S8.82 61.69 "Gardner A. Knapp: hired man .... 75.00 j McConnell Implt. Co., float ....^.....-..100.00 Gardner A. Knapp, help,, in the house .:. Total .....'^„tl,308.00 Bills for April Audited Way 5Th 1931 The Bohn Hdw. Co., hdw. 4 paint $53.34 ISprague Warner & Co.. groceries 136.75 Johnson Elec, Co., elec. repla<-em. 3.75 H. W. Sandeen. medicines and medical attendance .. . ......1.^.. A. S. Wright, medicines .... Ctcne's Drug Store, pants-' IM, Sjril XsJepbojie fio., I^»* > and washers, 1.95 111. Bell Telephone Co., phone 4.75 The Bohn Hardware Co., hardware and electric supplies 38.97 Marengo Co-operative Canning Co., 10 cases tomato pulp 10.00 Sprague Warner -A Co.. groceries 109.14 Wayne Cooney, groceries 9.01 A. W. Wagner, hardware 9.50 44.25 R. A. Pratt, meats 29.53 16.80 'Csadek Sheet Metal Works, sink 17.95 and tinware - 11 25 6.80] tfii'iA. anoea "" :V .' It was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Ackm&ti' duly seconded by Supr. Wright that the Resolution be adopted by this Board and the roll being called said motion was unanimously carried. The Clerk presented . lists of claims ... against the County and it was there- ! ^art C. Hughes, spl com work .... 39.80 upon regularly moved by Supr. Wright i »olney L. Brown, spl com work .. 60.40 'ij and duly seconded by Supr. Palmer that C. M. Palmer, spl com work ...:...,_37.80 13 I a" standing colfnmittees of this Board Chas. H.^ Ackman, spl com work.... 96.65 take charge of the business before ,5* M. Wright, spl com work 62.30 this meeting; Th^t the chair be .in- I r. F. Rosenthal, spl com work .... 11.80 structed to appoint the same standing , John Conle>% spl com work 29.50 Committees and the same number on I S. H. r reund, spl com work ......... 19.90 each Committtee as constituted the i E. I. Kuecker, spl com work 65.60 working force of this Board for the, F. B. McConnell, spl com work 6.90 past year and that the Board adjourn «J?hn T. O Brien, spl com work .... 42.10 to 1:3o o'clock P .M. for committee work. Motion unanimously carried. Thereupon the Board adjourned. Total ,...#23,028.30 Less amount received for: . Milk sold .........'........$1,111.67 Cattle sold .... Calves sold Hogs sold Poultry sold «*•'» Eggs sold Telephqne refund :.... Lumber sold --........ 238.67 32.25 •456.70 14.60 23.63 3.03 9.00 Less total .$1,888.35 Balance |21,139.95 Supplies on hand March 1st. J931 4,801.50 i 11.05 2.00 24.92 23.10 11.61 48-00 84.58 Total $3,400.96 Bills for December Audited Ju. 7, 1932 McHenry Lbr. Co., stair lumber ..$14.40 Anton Schrnitt, carpenter labor 2 days *.75 John Hallisey, hauling gravel .... 6.00 Paul J. Brefeld 2 days, labor and hardware Buel 4 Olmstead, insect powder Elmer E. Carlson, tobacco E. F. Voss, 70 lbs. butter ... Wayne Cooney, groceries H. W. Sandeen, medicines and medical attendance F. R. Goodall, gas and kerosene R. O. Andrew Co., grinding Montgomery Ward 4 Co., shades 60.67 f Tobacco Sprague Warner & Co., groceries 116.17 Medicines Ludwig Wilson Co., mops aftd polish -- 76.25 Eleotrolux, Inc., air purifier.. and cleaner 64.75 111. Bell Telephone Co., phone '--. t.6'» H. A. Stone 4 Son, shoes 45.66 Willis Disbrnw, groceries 11.11 Hartland Garage, repairs 4 labor 14.90 Swift A Co., soaps 31.72 A. W. Wagner, hardware ....; 9.06 Public Service! Co., service ........ ,41.61 American Hospital Supply Corp., rubber sheets 26.25 The Bohn Hardware Co.. hwd. ...... 62.60 A. S. Wright, medicines 16.55 Clarence Gurkske. 10 tons corn ....101.65 Stone's Drug Store, paint and varnish 21.26 H. P. Haworth, sanding floors 12.00 Wein's Department Store, bedding 135.73 George Meyer* allowed on labor bill „.......?..JOO.OO Frank S. Betz Co.,- bedding ..j..,..:.347.60 Tim Hanley, pasturing stotk ........ 16.00 The Woodstock IpnpH Co., Celo- . glass ...! - 2.86 Franklyn R. Muller, Inc.,, floor lustre - 12-00 It. A. Pratt, meats 26.73 Brey's Bakery, bakery ,.... 33.21 Wm. Burrow, trucking equipment 18.00 The Shurtleff Co.. lumber 4 feed 216.52 Sanitary Plumbing & Heating Coon contract ...200.00 Gardner A. Knapp. incidentals .... 8.65 Gardner A. Knapp, and wife, sal. 175.00 Gardner A. Knapp, hired man .... 65.00 Gardner A. Knapp, .help in house - 120.00 Total 825,441.45 Less supplies on hand March 1st, 1932 4.602.50 Balance $20,838.95 Less permanent Improvements 7<819.82 Total running exp for the yr. 13,019.13 Number of Inmates 7,1 Number of weeks of inmates .,2722 Cost per week per y ar $4,782 Summer *0. 8 Total expenses for t e year ....$23,028.30 Less the followir,^ items Permanent Improvements" 14.20 Clothing, Boots and Shoe* Medical Attendance .... Farm products sol4 --• Farm stock sold' Telephone refund Lumber sold Operations and Tuners!* ' Total $7,819.82 946.43 443.32 374.47 615.40 1.186.20 741.12 8.03 :V..» 9.00 150.00 „..#12,136.79 Balance * -- .,...$10,891.51 Supplies on Muid ICatr* 1*81.... 4.301.50 Total ,...,.....115,193.01 Less supplies on hand March 1st, 1932 4,602.60 Net cost of dieting for the yr. $10,590.51 Number of Inmates -70 Number of weeks of Inmates 2722 Net cost of dieting per week $3.89 Ail «>f which is respectfully submitted. < » 8. H. FKEUND, Chairman FRANK B. McCONNEIX, Clerk *. A. H. HALE ' N. B. CLAWSON E. F. KUECKER ; 1:30 O'CXiOCX T.M. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Present same members. The Chairman stated to the board that there was a committee of exservice men in the corridors that had a matter that they would like to pre-: sent to this-meeting at this time. The delegation was then called into the meeting and the Chairman of said del- N. B. Clawson, spl com work 40.40 Arcole Construction Co., 8. A. Rt. 22 M. F. T. 2 3,016.00 G. L. Tryon, S. A. Rt. 22, M. F. T. 2 164.81 All of which is respectfully submitted. A. H. HALE3 E. F. KCECKER C. M. PALMBR V. E. BROWN R. E. HAEGER The Committee on Elections made the following report, which was on roll egation, Clyde Clanton, County Com- | call unanimously adopted, to-wit: mander of the American Legion, ad-i Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the dressed the Board and presented to Mc- j Board of Supervisors: Henry County an American flag and J Your Committee to whom was referfurther stated that at a meeting of the red the Election expenses of the Pri- County Council it was voted to pur- mary Election of April 12, 1932, would chase this flag and donate the same to j beg leave to submit the following rethe County to replace the flag that now port on the matters before them: that flies on the dome of the Court House, they have examined all bills and rec- It was thereupon regularly moved by ommend the payment of tbe following: - - - - - - - g < g ( ) 84.70 85.10 84.70 86.20 91.20 84.90 84.70 84.10 84.30 84.70 84.40 . ill from a satisfactory pit instead of 9S cents and 20 cents additional as of last season. . Contracts substantially in accords ance with the above were ordered suSe' mltted to the following patrol men: Section 1 (part section) open. Section 2. Earl Davis, Woodstock; Oscar Anderson, Huntley; 4, W. g. Mon fat, Crystal Lake: 5-6, Kenneth Loprf man. Spring Grove: 7-10-11, Edw. Fislmj er, Harvard; 8, Burton Anderson. Greew^ wood; 9, Chas. Livexey, Alden; 12, FrqB Conley. Chemung; 13, Frank Andersolfc' Marengo; 14, A. L. Wirsing, Marengdt 15. John Leonard, Woodstock; 16-l|i Alfred Ackerson, Crystal Lake; lf| Fred Kunz, McHenry, 111. In the matter of conveyance of crusher, operators, grader men and bridge painters to the Job in various parts the County, your Committee has ni| yet come to any agreement. Your Committee again met on t%0 8th day of April. 1932 at the Chart House at Woodstock, Illinois and audits ed and paid bills chargeable to tM McHenry County, Illinois Patrol Sy1#* tern of Roads as follows: Bills of a general nature chargeabt* to the McHenry County Patrol SysteiA of Roads as a whole including insur* ance, repairs and labor on County mil* chinery, supplies and labor and m*» terlals for County Tool House to a Regular fund Snow fui§ total of. $617.71 Bills chargeable to the tions of the County Patrol Roads for materals and lab heretofore approved by this audited and paid as follows: Regular fund Snow fui Section 1, 11, 20 $94.59 $4*. Section 2 12.60 45. Section 3 ...... *60.03 67. Section 4 13,90 28. Sections 5, 8 ..L.... 25.80 Section 7 Section 8 Section 9 ...... Section 10 Section 11 Section 12 Section 13 43.40 29.76 61.20 .470.20 ~ 34.66 ... 28.00 12.00 11*1 Asst. Supr. Donovan and seconded by > Riley Supr. Turner that the gift be accepted Marengo 1 and a vote of thanks extended for the Marengo 2 same. Motion declared unanimously Dunham carried. Mr. Clanton then thanked the Chemung 1 members of the Board for their hearty Chemung 2 acceptance of the gift and stated that Chemunf 8 there was another matter that he would Alden like to present at this time. He then Hartlani ailed upon County Adjutant of the Seneca American Legion, Bartelt from Huntley. Coral .-... Mr. Bartelt then, stated that conform- Graf tort' ing with the unemployment program Dorr of the National Organization of tho Dorr 2 American Legion it was the desire o'f Dorr 3 the McHenry County Council to bend Dorr 4 v every effort to secure employment for Greenwood i ex-service men and any others in their Hebron community and he -was wondering 1 Richmond whether or not there could be anything•< Burton done to hasten the construction of . McHenry 1 paved roads that are now laid out in ; McHenry B McHehrv County to help in this regard. McHenry 8 He then called upon several ex-service Nunda I men representing the different commun- Nunda 2 ities in McHenry County who stated the unemplovment conditions that exist in their localities. A general discussion was then had on this question by the Board. Asst. Supr. Rosenthal suggeAed that the County Council of the American Legion adopt a Resolution directed to the Department of Public Works and Buildings of the State of Illinois requesting them to take some action along this line. • Sections 16, lit „_.^»I80.38 Section 17 _.„.160.T7 84.4i» 84.40 84.70 84.70 84.90 85.20 84.40 All of which Is respectfully Submitted. J. E HARRISON JOHN CONLEY JOHN T. O'BRIEN Nunda 8 ..... Algonquin .V Algonquin- 2 Algonquin 3 Algonquin 4 Algonquin 5 Totals $1,949.88 $823. Your Committee again met at M rengo, Illinois eti the 14th day of Apr A. D. 1932 to consider the purchase a heavy road grader. A 1 opportunity came to purchase a new Ryan A. C. II foot blade, power controlled lean frame grader, formerly selling at $ 850.00 for $1500.00. It was represent to the Committee by the Illinois R Builders Supply Co., of Rpckford. 1 nots, that the Allis Chalmers Co., Milwaukee, Wisconsin, had bo out the Ryan Grader Co.. which company had beerr in the field some sevqit years; that there were a few of them 78.50 machines at the factory that had to b# 78.50 disposed of under the Ryan name an)A 78.50 are identical with tho new machinf® 84.00 j being now built by the Allis-Chalmeip . 84.20 Co., except as to color of paint ar»d . 84.70 [trade name, and through their superior . 85.10 manufacturing facilities and drop 85.30 cost of material and labor are now sel 84.25 j ing at $2380.00. That this is the m . 84.70 j Improved grader now on the marked 84.70 weighs between 12000 and 13000 pound®, . . . . . . 8 4 . 7 0 I t h e m a i n f e a t u r e s b e i n g t h e l e a n i n g frame by which a large part of tHb ritw S4. The committee on Claims, County Poor made the following report which was on roll call unanimously adopted, to-wit weight of the grader can be shifted tie one side making possible heavier culjfc without sloughing around and power operated in all adjustments by mean!* of an auxiliary motor. That Carroll County, Illinois and several neart* contractors have used these gradeiftt for several years and found them saf» isfactory. That there was- one of t* graders at Rockford, Illinois. You Committee then went to Rockford, saw said grader demonstrated. Believing that .the available mad at this price would not last long, ye Committee decided to purchase one fcj .-J The Committee on Claims, Labor Fees and Supplies made the following report which was on motion of Supr. Wright ... and seconded by Supr, Palmer and the Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the J McHenry County, and signed a pu| -- * • " ' Board of Supervisors: »chase order to that effect, same to caj Yoiir Committee on County Poor. ry the regular guarantee of the All! Claims would beg leave to report that Chalmers Company. they have examined all claims pre- Your Committee recommends the fd sented to them, and recommend the ' lowing method of control of tbe "ountl roll being called, unanimously adopted, to-wit: Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen, of the Board of Supervisors: Your Committee on Labor. Fees and 'i •m > . * TM 8peclaI Commute<fc , . the March meeting of this Board on'Supplies Claims would beg leave t,2,Le' S the following, and^that the [ expenditures lor roads for which added police protection for McHenry Co. ' ... ... j presented the following report, to-wit: Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your committee to whom was referred the question of further police protection in McHenry County Would beg leave to submit the following report on the matters before them: . ... That they met in the Court House Woodstock Sentinel, prtg. Co.- _ Gardner A. Knapp, house nurse ..; 80.00 [in the City of Woodstock on the 21st 1 Clk., Cir. C. and SUp. 8 60.80 |day 0f April, A. D. 1933 and hereby eSolution and port that they have examined all claims Clerk be directed to tssue orders on the [County is responsible for the ensuing presented to them, and recommend the County Treasurer to the Claimants for j year. S payment of the following, and that the the several amounts allowed, as fol-j At meeting of this Board of SupeS* Clerk be directed to issue orders on the ; lows, to-wlt: 1 vigors, the Road and Bridge Committ*)# County Treasurer to the Claimants for J ~ * - "" *- " 1 * " the several amounts allowed, asv follows, to-wit: Frank Thornber 4'Co,, supplies Co. Off .$454.29 Total $2,564 38 j submit the following Bills for Jsuunry Audited *eb. fi, 1938 move its adoption: R. O. Andrew Co.. grinding •- 6 30 I WHEREAS, a move has been made H. A. Stone & Son. shoes ...; 32.00 j the Board of Supervisors held March Stones Drug Store, paints A oils 8.10 j 8th. 1932, a delegation of officials rep- Pingel 4 Koch, groceries - 31.70 | resenting the various Cities and V 11- Wayne Cooney, groceries 4.60 ' lages in the County appeared before Hartland Garage, truck repairs ... 17.85 (the Board with a request that B'^Jne F. R. Onodall Oil Co., gas 4 ker. 52.59 lacti'on be taken to further protect Mc- Pfeiffcr Pharmacy, hospital equip- 1 Henry County against »the seemingly ment and medicines 10.60 existing crime wave that now prevails The Bohn Hardware Co., hardware land • and dishes 21.00 WHEREOS, a move has been made Cir. Clk. .. .. . . ..... A. W Warner, hardware and pip^s 35.29 tv Pflid Officials to establish T. J- Shackcll, d^L ballots Amu* wwm- m•••Oft* -4ttt® ---' - • ' " • • • • • • a$ Wood County, Wisconsin, car® of [shall make an estimate of the amo UT* Mrs. Harry Otto 48.80 | of funds, within the tax levy for thj|i The above and foregoing accounts contracted before Jan. 1, 1982. All of which is respectfully submitted. F. B. McCONNKLL CHAS. H. ACKMAN purpose, needed to carry on the bus ing and maintaining of the roads fctr which the County is responsible, frotp time to time. If said estimate is an* proved it shall be considered as a limlp Woodstofk Sentinel, pftg. Super- ° D. M. WRIGHT on the authorised expenditures of thp visors' Proceedings & Pub. .576.00 • 1 County Road and Bridge Comma teeb Births and Deaths ..201.50 Supr. Stockwell addressed tbe Board over which limit said Committee sha«f- McHenrv Co. Abst. Co., right of and stated that the bill presented by not step. From said funds so appro® way search 45.00 Henry O'Brien for rent, for the Soma ' priated. the said Road and Bridgft Callagharf 4 Co., 111. App. C. Rep. family should not have been presented Committee may issue orders on thE Volume 261 ......M... 3.00 ! covering any time after January 1st, : County Treasurer, signed by not !esp Will T Conn, Rec. Dedications .... 90.00 11932. but tl at he did feel that In ac- j than three member# of said Committee! R. D. Woods, Co. Clk., fees, Icnrdanoe with a Resolution previously to pay for the genera! road bills, inj Peo. cases .. .... ...206 00 | adopted by this Board that the Coun-j eluding salaries for patrolmen and r««fr Law. Co- Op. Publishing company ' ty should pay the amount of this bill workers, gravel, gravel hauling, Ubo " L. A. R. Illinois Office Supply, blks. 5.00 up to January 1st. 1932 and that he , lumber, posts, snow removal. ret»ai would move at this time that the and supplies for County owned ma- 2.08 amount of $70.00 be allowed to Mr. O'Briep and that the bounty Clerk be [chinery. machinery rental, small *ment. culverts and brtdges. pa '.dirtcud to ai: order o<f tlxe Couo- suxAfice oa -Co.wV ^

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