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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 27 Apr 1933, p. 11

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r , , 5 • ? & * v f \ t ?;r • v ; : •* , . ' ' 1 ' 1 - - T ; • • l i t ' ' * " flftfc £OARt> or $tTrt!ftVtSOftS, McflEtfftY COtJNTY, fLLlNOI# ^ \^.:4 ^ v r *:•* ^ ••> >;* * ^v;* * ;;> *<•.«:;> - r v,:.v^ v. • ,4^ " . „ *' fit'.' .Ja-'^VMs" .# ':> '•sto! ' j -- --• -- -1 rr"'- *i "fftW and buildings, printing. road ; From the Fox RSv.t Bridge at Chica- ' Resolutions--J. D. Donovan, P. B. I, fuel, grease, .>il, gasoline ami in- so Str.-et iti tin- YiH.-ige c.f Algonquin McConnell, P. Rosenthal, John Conley, lentalft. ' easterly one mile more -or lesS. • John Harrison. . . *•' .'That the Cotnmittae be authorised to-l It was thereupon regularly moved by i " • Meet monthly to pay bills and transact Asst. Supr. Donovan and duly seconded I The following- named ' per$6ns "wel* •business of office. by Supr. Haeger that the Resolution selected to serve »s Grand Jurors at That a trif> of inspection of County be adopted. And the roll being called the May term of (lie Circuit Court and KMs be taken by the Committee and said motion was unanimously carried, on motion duly made -and carried the at so far as possible the nearest1 . ~------ list was approved and ordered certified (ember of the Committee handle emer- The_foIlowlng Resolution Oh Right of to the clerk of the Circuit Court, to-wit; Riley--Gep. Anderson. Marengo--Ray Shear, Weldon Kelly, Dunham--A. H. Shefiard. Chemungv-L. A. Keller, D. T. Phalln. Alden--W. D. Thompeort. Hartland--Willis Disbrow. , - Seneca--P. S. Burt. Ci»ral-^-(J. W. Shaw. . . . • Orafton--Otto Hart. . ! • • Dorr--;Geo. Rei.desel, Ed Read el. Greenwood--William Wlednef. "% Hebron--Mont Housholder. - ,•'•.* *>.'.if Richmond--Harry Turner. •Burton--Nr. B. Weber. , McHenry--Louis Hawlvy, Wm. Sfcyler. Nunda--H.. Or. Meyer, Geo. -Tes&ehdorf. Algonquin--Ben Phflum, .Frank Homm* Vfncy matters. Way Routes 4 7 and 62 was 'presented j That the County Superintendent of And read to the Board, to-wit: Highways act as general overseer of the , absolution , Work and as Clerk of the Road .and 1 WHEREAS, 5here is now available ®rM<re Committee. . for the use of McHenry County, Illinois, ' That said Committee shall keep min- out of the Motor Fuel Tax of 1931 and •tea of all meetings and a record of each IS?', the sum of $31,767.30 and, -•Kid .every expenditure in a substantial .WHEREAS, it is permissible under .record book, said minutes to be, when ' sajd Motor Fuel .Tax I-rfiw,- approved •approved by said Committee, signed ,lw March 25, 1929, to purchase Right of t»e Chairman thereof and by the clerk Way for the improvement of State Aid ,®f Said Committee. Road*. and, ',' PThat said Committee bp authorised to • WNEKEAS; the Road and Briiige Mcurt necessary forms and books for Committee of the Board of. Supervisors handling the motor'fuel ta* funds and of McHenry County, Illinois,. have se-' twork out a method of handling said cured the signatures to the following ndl and administering the laws in Highway Dedications..-for "the "impYove^ id matter. ; inent of, State Aid Route No- 5-A and pla. We further recommend that the right" 7 and 8, - McHenry County, Illinois, \t State;s. Attorney Lumley addressed df way for roads built from gas tax. S. B. I. Houte 47, Xorkli of Woodstock the Board and stated that a Franchise months care in Sanatorium. Mrs. Erna Stockwell, Majrengo, III.-- Ottawa Sanatorium; Ottawa, 111., ' June 1, 1931 to Oct. 16, 1931 ....*874.40 The patient was gIVen five months care in sanatorium. Rockford Municipal TB SanatoHtllll, . Rockford, 111-- K X-ray and client examinations of ' . 5 members of the Kretch- * \ Dacy Lbr. Co., -coal county 213.(46 Jed to them, and recomipend 'the pay- ! Asst. Supr. Donovan, chairman of t W. J. Kittle, sal. Pro. Off. Cir. 1 rnent of the following, and that tbe Committee on Financu addressed t Ct. 2 mos ICO.00 clerk be directed to issue ordeM on Board and stated that as Chairman Vestie Muldoon, sal. Jan. 3 WOs. J40.00 | the County Treasurer to the Claiffiaiits said Committees, he would like to Lestef Edinger, allowance CM for the several amounts allowed, as fol- this time reporti'on the question of aa 2 mos 200,100 jlows, to-wlt: Marian Edinger, cooking for prls. . 2 mos ....'. .270.00 Irene Crabtree, sal. Court RepV 2 mos .....400.00 mer family $50.00 j Daisy V. Moore, sal. Ast. Supt. On March 9, 1032 a contribution of Si:hs. 2 mos ..250.00 $500.00 was accepted frort the McHenry Philip E. Bierdeman, sal. Clerk fbnds bft secured by the regular Right A. G. • Dickerson"' Way Committee, and that emer- T/ouis Rollivahrt' ... gktxy mutters' that may deveU>t> in the*4 Caroline - Cole „ ' ®|Im5nistration pf satd toad improve- ^ Thayer ...... be handled by : -Wle.1^ "Road aiul'. Mitrtin jacobs.oih.' . vjpridge Committee. * Harry'Woodbury 3 • The1 finsftcial status of-the McHeriry., 'Howard " siavin • . •;'•"'Cpunty Hig-hWay Tax Fundklls as Ijtil- Thos.. I.awler, •• 'Mwa: • ' " \ "" Mrs. Sophie Mnioi'.iw , ; > . *egrtl»r Fund • v'-' ' Peter Nelson-• '• walance on hand Mai-'. 8, 1938, .. .J1H5.06 Kd. "Ayhvard ' ft Received Gas Tax Refund*" - F. S. Archibald Claim B-154S8J 88.07 Wm. Siavin • ©aim B-155361 21.24 Geo. Burk^ .. CSaim B-165768 17.40 Richard Burkg. Claim B-1B5358 1.14 J. J. Palmer , ijidditional appropriation . ,C. M. and E. L. Howard .,..1....™ .1: March 8th, 1832 ..-- 3,000.00 Frederick c. Schroeder Wm. C. Hacker i* $3,667.90 Sadowiski Bros. tun expenditureii Apt*, t, 1832.. 1,949.88 Geo. M. Boat i-' * . . Andrew Larson balance on hand Apr. H, 1832 $1,718.02 Mrs. Lena Birk i>-. Snow 7ul | Elmer G. Kelley ..J....*......'.;... Ml. on hand March 8, 1932 .,....$*,799.09 Peter Hansen XSeM expeadl. April 8, 1932 ...... 82C.60 Frank J. Green - * . " 11 • Henry Murphy w--.l.. Bttl. on hand April 26, 1932 $1,976.59 j Stanley Koster , Your Committee Estimates there will I Anna Siavin lis necessary for the care of the Mc- John McQueen ffenry County Patrol System of Roads Alfred Spooner Witil the next meeting of this Board, afr appropriation from the County Highway Tax Fund levied in Septem-|,T<| Harry ,F. Petelt, County . fctc,. 1##1, In the stim of $7000.00. | Treasurer, 2 per cent fee .. > i',- wH of which is rpsneotfully submitted,! ^ E. C. HUGHES - * ,J. D. M. WRKJHT M. PALMER E. BROWN t;% f. "CHAS. H. ACKMAN " . ; ' -#?#titIon presented by Frvln L. Le- Mrs ^I^d^K^atina""^"' Oros, a Police Magistrate, and Luna E. q p Severs Mentch, a Justice of the Peace of Al- jj ^ Schult* *1 flbnquin Township requesting that John Charles "^Garlleb ••••--•••••"•--••••fr Howard freeman be appointed a Con- Charles Hooker ,^855^.31^ •table to fill the unexpired term of |^rs Tom Garry - • 1 Oeorge Lazansky resigned, was prer j prP/i WeltriAn - •fnted and read to thi Board. It was | Anielia Welt*»en^ hereupon regularly^oved by Supr. .H j LaKerRchulte Haeger duly seconded ly Supr Freund Mrs Anna Marjsh tbat the prayer of the petition be grant- john Donahue •• Co. TB Assc., tp pay current bills and lor the care of Mrs. Fruend, at Zace Sanatoriuum, for a period not to. exceed April 1, 1932. A balance of $53.52 jvas returned .to the TB Aasc. V Reapectfullv submitted, ; : hyde wKsr, m. Ii., Preaidatrt Tnbercnlosls Work - Tuberculosis WorlKffK* ,v •, • , »' fit visits to homes. 'v.; 5 -y 3 visits to Sanatoria... .' **'»,* 2 Clinics. « ^ Miscellaneous W^ork- Vlsits to offices of physicians. - --r. - . 10, Social Service investigation/vlslfs. ! Marquette Cement Co., These were for agencies outjslde Of -,-Areol, Construction Co., county. , , • - United Charites of Chioagf). United Charities of 'Omalia.'.';;.'^;;-<i-'-s' Juvenile Cotirt of Chicago., / Moose Charity Board. , : , " : Social Service Bur.e&u of Denver. , Los Angeles County Charities; Trips to Hospitals, and Institutions $209.10 was granted to the Natural Gas Pipe ..W 64.40 Lines Co. of America -by the County yiji. 143.90 Board -at Its 'March meeting subject ',X;r .14,3.60 to his approval and that, he had ruled •'...-i 83.00 that he would not a'.Iow said company ,^'i 1,700.00 tci tear Up . any main thoroughfares "and ...... 159.SO in- casies where they had, to cross said _ thoroughfares that" it would be tieces- "Juvehlle Research, Chiiago^2- trips 650.00 saf y for them to bore under the road. I Rt Ijljke's Orthoepeclic' cjinlN 8 trips. 446.40 It was thereupon regularly moved by i mYnois Research Hospital, ,Cb£o.„ 1 trip 120.00 Supr. Palmer d^ly seconded by Supr. | R00itf0l.d Tuberculosis Sanatorium, 1 188.10 Haeger that the action.of the State's: trip :- *67.00 Attorney be approved by this Board and' Ottawa T. B Sanitarium; Ottawa, 1 tripf 188.20 that he be directed to notify said Com- Kducatlonal Health Meetings attended 157.60 any accordingly. Motion declared unan- Tuberculosis Tnst. of Chicago. 1 day. 137.90 imously carried. Regional White House Conference 1,490.00 It was thereupon regularly moyed by Chicago 1 dav 209.90 Super. Haeger and duly seconded by ' --- 63.60 Supr. Turner that this Board adjourn 1,762.80 subject to the call of the Chairman. 193.20 Motion carried. Thereupon the Board 264.40 adjourned. 88.40 , EARL HUGHES, Chairman. 473.20 Attest: R. D. WOODS, Clerk. 300.00 200.00 181.30 168.70 1,200.00 73.60 800.00 912,627.00 SEOTOAB JTTWX MEETUTO, 193ft Regular June Meeting, 1932 Sheriff, 2 mos. 200.09 8. A. Rt. 21-21 A, Sec. 1. MFT-- G. L. Tryon 66.99 G. L. Tryon 128,*4 S. A. «t. 21-21A Se^. 2 MFT-- » G. L. Tryon 280.63 S. A. Rt. 22 Sec. 2, MFT-- «. L. Tryon ' ...810.66 G. L. Tryon ' ..16S.70, Marquette Cement -Co., .4,896,00 Ma rquette Cement Co., .....1,648.3'8 S. A. Pit 21 -21A Sec. 1 MFT-- Marquette Cement Co. ,....330.«0 S. A. Rt. 22 Sec. 2, M#T--• ' ...722a« 6,80 f.70 S. A. Rt 21,-21 A See'. 2' iIF5P--.... *0.00 (M.00 Si.OO 30.00 76:00 Herman Luedtke S, A. Rt 22, Sec. 1 MFT Herman Luedtke Arnold JOwen, .....k..... Harold Ackman Harold Ackman ..'4.,,.,..!:':..... S. -A. Rt, VI Sec. L, and MFT-- k... Arnold Iwt'n ..........4..:...'...... 96.00 Gfity of Woodstock, lights §3.33 Alt of which is respect,fullK submitted. ., ... L. A. HTOCKWBE.1^ , , • - " V., E. BROWN .Vv' D. M. WRIGHT '• v.: ,-". • • G. M. PAI.MF.lf E. F. KUECKjlR All-of which Is respectfully submitted. V ' L. A. STOCKWELL . V. E. BROWN1 - " < /.D. M. WRIGHT ' O. M. PALMER '• te. F. KUF.CKER • ,>7^' ippropriation for the Home Bureatf, that was referred to said Committee at' the last preceding meeting of tht® Board. He then stated that the Con|i mittee felt that they could not maMf any recommendation on this matter armwould at this time refer the same bacft . _ to the full Board for their considerfcrtrftfton-- > • » »• -- • tion. It was thereupon regularly moved Dr. C. F. Bacctt#, «a*« Thomii ' by Supr. O'Brien and duly seconded W Commence . Supr. Haeger-that the appropriation far Nunda-- » • j the Home Bureau be discontinued at Dr G. H. Pflueger care Adfile Arti tfO.OO this time. And the roll being calle4 Marengo--- > j Suprs. Wriglit, Palmer, O'Brien, ClaW« Taking mother atld BebingW" . .Jsosi, Kueucker, Conley, McConnell, Hal% Mlilnben • ' 6.00 Haeger and Asst. Supirs, Donovan a(f* Mi Of which is respectfully Jllfetetuia. ltb.Renthal-voted' aVe" _8.uprs. StockWe* . ' JOHN T. O'BRIEN •X'.-lZ B. H. FREUND '13. E. HARRISON '. ' CHAS. H. ACKMAN •- . Tto Committee on -Dance Halls aenfed the following report whleb on motion of Supr. Kuecker and duly ferred to 'the Road and Bridge Coseconded by Supr. Wright, unuanlmous-1 mittee for report, to-wlt: ly adopted, to-wit: Crystal Lake, 111., March 23, 19|i: a«J Ackman, Rrown, and Turner voted na SuprSt. Harrison, and Freund not votinK ; motion declared carried. W The following petition presented w officers of several Civic organlzatiojw of the City of Crystal Lake was presented and read to the Board and oH" motion duly made and carried -Was r«- ' )!«!» Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen bf the To the Honorable Members of the Boaj of Supervisors of McHenry County:.1 We, the undersigned, representirt^ the citizens of the City of Crystal Lat® The Committee on Claims, Labor Fees Board of Supervisors; Your Committee on Dance Halls t6 Vbom- was referred the application bf ^ Rudolph Cepek and Otto Welcome for and the surrounding communltv, pettlicense to operate dance hall, would beg tiori your honorable body to cause a leave to submit the following report Mntnt highway to be constructed on tl|» on the matters before them: j public road running .northerly along tlfii v That they recommend that license be ! west si<}e of Section four (4) from thf granted. ' " " ' All of which Is respectfully submitted: , .JOHN CONLEY, C JOHN T. O'BRIE: C. M. PALMER south line of Section four (4) to thf' north line of said Section, for a dill* tance of one mile, all in Algonqulj^ Township, McHenry County, Illinois. •» This highway to connect the matt business section of Crystal Lake wiffc State Highway No. 19. HENRY C. MEIER,', Chairman, Go«# PERCY R. FORM AN, Chalrm«sH» The honorable Board of Supervisors of McHenry County, met in regular 25-.54 session at the Court Houuse * in tho 1 City of WoodBtock on Monday, the 13th s 44 tonsils removed. 112.879.64 day of June, A. D. 1932 at ten o'clock Through Knatlsy to Kane County Line A. M. Henry Koppen 9.00 The meeting was called to order by Chas. Garlieb !;.... 245.00 the Chairman, E. C. Hughes and the MA-BKr^HOTBRS, 11. N^, Cn. Nurse and gUpp-jjea ma(te the following report ... Smnmary of Work ox the OoiuMyifarBe which was on motion of Supr. Hale,/ The Committee on Fees an# Salaries o u in?«r 1 " Ju ' duly seconded by Supr. Haeger and the made the following report which was on t> "j""r'oir'« "cSS - »n?A 2 ^orbTiT> « ^ varMinari r0" being called unanimously adopted, motion of Supr. Palmer duly seconded ^omrnittee' Crystal Lake City 2250 school children Were examined to_wU, e by gupr gtockwell unanimously, adopt- . Co^l1^ 138 had complete m«dical and aental ^r cha|rman an(j Gentlemen of the Jed, to-wit: examinations. _ j . jjQar(j (>f Supervisors: 1525 of these had one or. more, physical Your Committee on Labor Fees 4 ' to whom was referred the Semi-annual defects. " - _ 884 had defective teeth. ]3l65 had enlarged tonsils. 8 defective hearing. 87 had marked defects of. ifttiOtl- • 15 per cent were underweight. "-'J • 68 other defects were found including deformities, skin infections, etc. Corrections of physical defects during the year | Your Committee on Fees and Salaries . vatv^ m bito Aatii riniat 1 our i:ommiuee uiuor rues <s r Supplies Claims would beg leave to re- reports of the County Clerk, , Circuit jK p d ^^™j** ,?-^™er'^a,} ~eglon. port that they have examined all claitmhos Clerk and uShte riifqfa ?f!o r the half yle«arri >en dtn- RT, oa'dH„s C^T.tb,n „m ittee, Businessmen s Asm, (BERTRAM,- Chairman, 50 and on roll call said motion was Mrs Geo SchroedaT ttJianlmously carried. . Cook , JMrs. John Walkup, County President , Mrg Bertha H^br'*C"'3"^ 2ff ^otne^ Bufeau appeared before !AugUst Schults We Board and was called upon by the c ^ Foster ' i. Chairman. Mrs. Walkup then address- Hahana Ewert""'r*rr7',?^'T •4 the Board and stated that irr order Tohn Pp(.nle. .- ---*r*'"v--r-»--:«-^- W effectively continue the work of the Maud Elanchart""^^":^-^ Home Bureau in McHenry County, it j ^as necessarv that thev be assisted I ttiancially as in the past and asked that To Harry Petelt( County Srill Sisters per Edwin M. 8rH 1,400,00 rott being called the following members .. 1,828.90 responded to their names, to-wlt: L. A. 260.00 Stockwell, D. Mi Wright, C. M. Palmer, 175.00 John T. O'Brien, N. B. Clawson, E. C. 200.00 Hughes, F. Kuecker, Chas. Ackrrtan, 55.00 John Conley, V. E. Brown, John Harri- 60.00 son, H. M. Turner, Frank B. McConnell, 75.00 S. II. F*eund, A. H. Hale and II. E. 60.00 Haeger Assistant Suprs. J. D. Don- 60,00 ovan and Paul Rosenthal constituting 150.00 a quorum. 60.00 The semi-annual Report of" the Coun- 2,750.00 ty Clerk, Circuit Clerk and Sheriff were 170 had complete deittal corrections. 45 follow-up home visits were made,: 4 visits to hospitals and ClifriCM With school children. 1 sanatorium. \ , 2 juvenile researcn, Chicago. 2 to St. Lukes orthopedic clinic crippled children. ... . Pre-School Work-- presented to them, and recommend the ing June 1st, 1932, would beg leave to , p „ payment of the following, and that the report that they have audited the books I R S- T 0«.tT,rtlittpp r.PVHtai T r„ Clerk be directed to issue orders on the of said officers together with said re-( ^7?^^ Crystal Lake Co County Treasurer to the Claimants for ( ports, and submit the following report j the several amounts allowed, as follows, on the matte" before them: *The following Resolution" on Right Frank'Thornber & Co., sup. Co. ^ I The Semi-annual report of the County ^ a,u• pre8^nted ftnd r< officers 4266.72 Clerk being as follows: for Receipti For I'robate Fees For Clerk's Fees In suits in court ...... For County Services For Misc. Serv. .... Earned Received fi;*60.67 $ 893.68 466.00 691.00 3,948.39 3,943.69 The Woodstock News, prtg, Co. Clerk 28.00 American Prtg, Co., prtg. Ctr. Clk. and Treas. .'.,";....2Sl.00 Callaghan & Co., 111. App. Rep, •' . Vol. 262.263 00 Lawyers Co. Op. Pub. Co., ... , Amer. Law Reports Vol. 77 7.60 Total Earnings for Woodstock Sentinel, prtg. Ciri (r. 1 half year ...$6,656.04 _. ^ , m- Judge, Shf. Sup. Hys 'tfi.26 . Received of earnings u ij11?1 Miller, records and Mar. ' . .previously report^!; were held for chlldten who were to enter . LCo rik q0 Probate first grade In the rural schools of the Dly of HighWays, "Patroi r«-l "" Court Costs . . . ^ j , l t 4 . p * 1 , ^ S e c . 9 ^ 8 4 . 6 4 M i s c e l l a n e o u s The physicians and^dentlsts of the ^ Tryon, sal. & e*p. Sup. Hys.', 664.66 . , v _ r county gave their services. Eight of Richmonj Qazette> prtg. cir. elk .... 12.7S' Total Receipfd $6,180.8# these conferences were held in the Harvard Herald, bar dockets Kxpenditures»«--r *> Community high Schools of the coun- | CIr Clk .....224.00 clerk Hire .,„.;^.;f»,2S*.80 tV- . . Zlon Office Supply, prtg. Treas. (Miscellaneous 11.11 113 children were examined | and ghf * 6.15 Clerk's Salary for 1 lans are pe'ng made to repeat this Dr c p Baccus, inquest, Ottlltan one-half year ....... 1,250.00 examination this summer. More schools , Krause 6.00 •'*- % 500.00 presented and read and on motion were 200.00 referred to the Committee on Fees and 100,00 Salaries for report. 60.00 Several communications from the 6:00 State of Illinois, Department of Public i Will be included. Three schools, two D „ w oftn(jenn i«auest 100.00 Works and Buildings, Division of rural and one two-room school have ottllian Krause' ' i . 6.00 80.00 Highways were presented by the Clerk completed their examination Including jjj Beuxel Co service"and"toIiS"" 76.00 and on motion were referred to t,he all of the school children. 1 1- " Committee' on Right of Way. ...11,664.38 $8,417.90 appropriation be made to the Treas Treasurer, 2 per cent fea .... «rer of their organization. It was thereupon regrularly moved by Supr. Brown Mid duly seconded by Supr. McConnell Qikt the question of an appropriation ~$r. the Home Bureau be referred to the IBCe Committee for report. Motion Emil Vodnansky >r*d carried. (Mrs. Henry F. Dierks, for lie question of salaries and per diem ! Henry F. Dierks Est. ....... brought to the attention of the t Vincent Colek, pgr. Hi, Blah* J n m /) t\ir i f o vm a m Kittis T fr . W m ,' 1 * ' The Semi-Annual Report of Harry F. 168.36 Petelt, County Treasurer, was presented and read by the Clerk and upon motion loard and discussed by its members. It [Wm. Gardner was thereupon regularly moved by Asst. Supr. Donovan and duly seconded $8,586.26 • of Supr. Haeger and seconded by Supr. ' Bout* 68. Alffoaanin Bast. -j Wright said report wa» ordered placed Johrt JT. EFilnli«sio«rrtt *$29, 5<50A0n. n0n0 on f l ,e' the rePort being in the words and flgures ,,s foll,)WS, to-wlt: Oonnty Treasurer's Bemt-Annnal Beport 2,000 00 Ending Way 31, 1933 300.00 Balance November 30. 1931 ....$88,083.92 160 00 Received month Of'-- December, 1931 ....„,.......,.,.....$17,828.66 Balance due County * Circuit Clark _ , The Semi-annual report of the Cir- ( March :....... Ji.60 jcuit Clerk being as follows: ^ _ .... .. .... .. , . nr . i. 111.'Bell Tel. Col, service and tolls | Receipts-- 'Earned Received of all costs for right of way need Dr. West then outlined the work of April _& May 77.95 j°For recordlnj| ..,....„...$3,51S.05 $3,513.06 on said State Aid Route 4-A, also knovm ag state Bond Issue Route 60, the d»- 3,101.65 2,836.20 tailed location being described as fdlto the Board, to-wlt: Bight of Way BesolutUm Be It Resolved by the Board of B pervlsors of McHenry County,' at 326.00 j meeting this 13th day of June, 19 that there is hereby appropriated sum of $20,000.00 dollars, or so mu thereof as may be necessary, from said county's motor fuel tax allotment of 1931, for the purchase of Right at Way, together with all court costs, an# jury awards in necessary condemnation .771.07 1 proceedings, required for State AM 245.20 ' Route 4-A, (also known as State Bond .76 Issue Route 60.) When detailed costs for each tra or condemnation are known, the Coun' Superintendent of Highways is here' authorized to send a statement of su cost to Geo. N. Lamb, District En; neer, Elgin, Illinois, with request payment from aforesaid motor fuel allotment. , Be It Further Resolved, that thli. resolution be submitted to the Department of Public Works and Bjiildlng^, State of Illinois, to guarantee "payment 4,616.01 the Committee for thfe past year and Edinger, mlsci. services jFor Clerk's Fee* ill also the work of the County Nurse and mos 1009.50 1 suits in court tthhaannkkeedd tthhee mmeemmbneerrss aafr itnhee Cuoouunntt y Lester Edinger, fees Peo. ca«es 255.75 For Misc. Serv. ........ 234.85 Board for their splendid cooperation It j^eftter Edinger, express and haul* ;For 144 days in Court was hereuP°n r^5U hv Wnnr ln<r garbage 6.58 I at $10.00 per day.... 1,440.^0 Brown and duly seconded Evans Market, meat April and f U right that the report of the > May sheriff 294.75 .Total earnings of County-Sanatorium Board be approved ^ckert & Bending, fruits and yeg. half year ,$8,$S9.6ti and ordered placed on file. Motion, de- ( Apr. and May shf ...298.20 ^Received of earnings $10,100.00 Januaury. 1932 62,348.26 Hy Supr. Brown that the salaries and [To Harry F. Petelt, County ' 12,218.81 4 of the ! Treasurer, S.,:p« ce«t fee L:; tfppimittee work of the members County Board be reduced 20 per cent. Ifotlon declared unanimously carried, •llupr. O'Brien addressed the Board and •tatedi that he thought this was a good lime for other employees to fall in line llnd moved that the County emplovees Snd Officials play the game of "Follow fie Leader." Supr. O'Brien's motion ras seconded by Supr. Harrison and eclared not carried, "."i 8upr. Stockwell addressed the Board ®nd stated that it was his opinion that tny matters affecting salaries should e referred to the proper coft^mittee And moved that the question of salaries 4$f County Officers and their Clerk hire ^e referred to the Committee on Fees And Salaries for report. Supr. Stockwell's motion was duly seconded by vupr. Kuuecker and unanimously ca.rfled. The .following Resolution on right ay Route 47 was presente&"'.M!tid to the Board, to-wit: i Th. V"' 202.00 ; March, 1982 April, 1932 $10,302.00 Ma-y> 193* Total .$31,767,30 1 $169,404.68 THEREFORE, be it resolved by said . . • ^ . , -- Board of Supervisors of McHenry Amount received for ( mM. $257,488 4C County, Illinois, that the aboVe amount Paid out montli.®f--r - of $31,767.30 of the Motor Fuel Tax December, 1931 ,i.^:„....;........$36.fiCS.1^9 clared carried. | West. Un. Gas & El. Co., gas April and May shf. 86.36 previously repyted 11I.M Total Receipts Expenditures-- Clerk Hire (includlrif extra) one-half yr. $2,057>06 .....^.:|6,960.#6 Refund docket fee 35.Q0 l.OOO.Ofl 50.11 224.86 lows: It was thereupon regularly moved bjf 250.00 Supr. McConnell, duly seconded W Supr. Hale that the above and foreggfe Ing Resolution be adopted by this BoarVL And the roll being called said motlaa was unanimously carried. The following Resolutuion creating State Aid Road of Route 60 was pt%* sented and read to the Board, to-wit: BE IT RESOLVED by the Board fet Supervisors of McHenry County, IUlndw That State Aid Route 4-A from State of Illinois Bond Issue Routa 61, east«fly to the McHenry and Lake County , line,, be discontinued as a State Aid 8,142.11 ' Route and be deducted from the Stat? Aid Road mileage* of said County and of 1931 and 1932 ba used for the pur- January, 1932 chase of said right of way above men- February. 19S2 ....... tloned, and, that the County Clerk and. ®far?, • AS?3 the County Treasurer of said County VL f pr ' .Jl* are hereby ordered to make payment ta , Mair' 19S.2 ..v the ^bove listed land owners the amount opposite said names upon receipt of) said money from the State of Illinois __ , . ' ..• Department of Finance for said pur- Balance on hand May SI, 1982 pose, and i in all funds .........................--$63,278.23 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that ' Jlav® U8cd $65,'0tftt.00 of the $1_T4.- 38,584.76 Z1.H13.69 48,789.82 17.275.6Q 81,278.07 $197,210.22 The Committee on Claims, Labor Fees Woodstock Dairy, milk1 and creaM and Supplies made the following report j sj,j> 81.72 which was on motion- of Supr. Hale, Hoesley's Bakery, bread, cakes duly seconded by Supr Haeger and the j les ptp ghf ........146.04 roll being called unanimously adopted, 81^vln & Merwin, ambulance to-wit: ' nt ih> ' Walter Timm 15.00 Clerk's salary « and Gentlemen of the Bros., mdae. shf ?.00 one-,half year Board of Supervisors: Davidson-Pearsall Co., mdse. shf. 11.64 Miscellaneous exp, Yoifr Committee on Labor Pees and ^rniversal Laboratories, mdse. shf. 267.60 .• Supplies Claims would '^ye ' Rochester Germicide Co. mdse. shf. 62.76 Balance due County ....^(gOS^ i Be it further" resolved that the f<&- report that they have examined all Montgomery W.nd & Co., mdse. . I SheHS 'lowlne described road be made a Stat* claims presented to them, and reconi- 8hf „..,...W, 1.98 J The semi-annual report of the Sheriff Aid Route; . - Tn^u', ^,,par»wk iJ* In M- N- Wlen, mdse. shf 4.66 being as follows, Beginning at State of Illinois Bottti and that the Clerk be direcled^ to ls^{je Bodenschatz & Sahs, mdse. shf. .... 81.34 Receipts-- Earned Received Issue Route 61, near center Of Secttttft orders on the County Treasurer to the Bohn Hrd Co mdse. shf. IS.25 For fees in suits In court: ' 21, Township 46 North Range 8 Eaif Claimants for the several amounts al- -• - - • - - -- - -- -- ' " * - ** - - - lowed, as follows, to-wlt: ' Frank Thornber & Co., supplies Co. Officers ••,.--...•,...$266.72 The Woodstock News, prtr. ~ Co. Clerk Sherman's Sport Shop, mdse. aJW. 8 .00 Process Docket Dacy Lbr. Co., mdse. shf. ...„..„.V 2.33 Executions .- Dr. L. L. Metcalf, serv. Emil , For Misc. ServicM Lichner, prisoner .... .. ?.00 (Lnke Co. Nelsdn) fir. H. W. Sandeen, serv. Co. prls. 31.00 For Misc. Services American Prtg. Co., prtg. Cir, Clk. and Treas. aa-A/v *» . ciuiuctu, T- vw. ' r UI ITlIDt;, D6I VIVO Buckley Tea Room, .meals Jurors '7.80 (except above) ... .. L. V. Kiltz, mdse. shf. A treas 11.10 , 'uo Howard Freeman, bailiff Co. Ct. .... 16.00 Tc.tnl earning® of 1,009.•<> R. IX Woods, County Clerk, Is hereby ' *7l-21.0 County Ta* money up to May I Ca"*«h,a" IU* App' Rep' Aan }V R Cairns, bailiff Cir Ct. 40.00 Ijalf year °. $M06.B1 directed to certify a copy of this reso- t - ... Li'.rl L L'PHr"(;o',"Amfr; :' i^eRoy Clark, bailiff & dpty. shf. 25.00 Received of earnings Bight «f Way Beaolation Be It Resolved by the Board of upervisors of McHenry County, at its eeting this 26th day of April, 1932 hat there is hereby appropriated the un of Twenty-One Thousand ($21,000) liars, or So, much thereof as may be jeoessary, from the said county's motor ,_'uet tax allotment of 1931 and 1932, for the purchase of Right of Way, together felth all court costs, and jury awards : fn necessary condemnation proceedings, ,-required for State Aid Routes 5-A and (also known as State Bond Issue ( Route 47). 1 „' When detailed costs for each tract, «•-•„..-%>r condemnation are knowh, the Coun- •>>? *y Superintendent of Highways is here- •;> by authorized to send a statement of ,j.puch cost to Geo. N. Lamb, Dstrict En- Iglneer, Elgin, with request for pay- *,i» . ;ment from aforesaid motor fuel tax * allotment. Be It Further Resolved, that this Hresolutlon be submitted to the Depart- 'Iment of Public Works and Buildings, iState of Illinois, to guarantee payment .of all cost!# for right of way needed on Jsald State Aid Route 5-A and 7, -also ' Jknown as State Bond Issue Route 47, tl1'1', 1 "the detailed location being described as •?>' Tollows: [•' ^ North from the City of Woodstock jfcV through Greenwood and Hebron Town- • fchlpa and Village of Hebron to the 111ifcr; . nols-Wiscoi>sin State line as now sur- ,-'.'f . veved and staked out. g-,..' ' It was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Turner and seconded by Supr. iV;" '.Ackman that the resolution be adopted. -^And the roll being called' said motion was unanimously carried. lutlon to the Department of Public „.9n 1®'® taxes I borrowed $45,- Works and Buildings, Division of High- 000 00 on anticipation warrants and ways, Springfield, Illinois, for its ap- Interest on same was $679.66. proval for'voucher. I °n 1931 taxes I borrowed $20,050.00 It was thereupon regularly moved by on anticipation warrants and interest Supr. Turner, duly seconded by Asst. wa8 $196.70. The 1981 tax warrants Supr, Donovan that the Resolution be' were paid March 24, 1932. adppted by this Board and the roll be- H, F. PETEIT, County Trearf. ing called said motion was unanimously June 11, 1932 carried. | -- A delegation of Tax payers' and cltl- Lawyera Co. Op. Pub. Co., Amer,' Law Reports Vol. 77 f.tO Woodstock Sentinel, prtg. Cir. Judge, Shf., Sup. "Hys. 90.25 H. C. Miller Co., Records and Mar. Licenses, Co. Clk 201.00 Earl Smith, night watch jail I previously reported (2 mos.) ......220.00 Process Docket Sidney Corson, deputy shf 20.00 Executions ......... Ethel C. Coe, exp. of office 21.71 Miscellaneous World Book Co., mdse. Supt. Schs. 71.13 I Laldlaw Bros., mdse. sup. schs 54.94 Dlv. of Highways,- Patrol 16-1 . jj] Qf Supply Co., mdse. sup. schs. 1.57 Sec G ...: 84.64 w M. Welch Mfg Co., mdse. - . C. L. Tryon, sal. & exp. Sup. Hys. 564.65 , Sup. Schs ^|t.80 Miscellaneous Total ReceiiJta Expenditures-- Deputy Salary _. Richmond Gasette.* prtg. Cir. Clk. 12.75 -yy g {Pattern, fees Peo. cases ......110.00 Sheriff's salary for Harvard Herald, bar dockets, Cir. Clk .224.00 Zion Office Supply, prtg. Treas. and Shf. - 6^15 Dr. C. F. Baccus, inquest Ottilia Krause .......: Dr. H. W. Sandeen, inquest Ottilia Krause 111. Bell Tel. Co., services and tolls March 111. Bell Tel. Co., services and tolls Supr. Palmer addressed the ' Board sens from Richmond and Burton Town snd stated that in the report of the ships in McHenry County were present Road and Bridge Committee in asking at the meeting and presented to the clerk for an appropriation that there would a petition signed by three hundred and perhaps be no May meeting and that sixteen property owners from said he would move at this time that an ad- Townships, said Petition being read to ditional amounut of $4000.00 making a the Board by the Clerk. Supr. McContotal of $11,000.00 be appropriated from nell of Richmond Twp. then addressed the -County Highway Tax fund levied the Board and stated that the delegaln September, 1931, until the next tion present was requesting that the meeting of this Board. Supr. Palmer's remaining pieces of Right of Way on motion was seconded by Supr. Wright Route 60 be secured as soon as poa<- and the roll being called was unani- sible and also that said -^delegation mously carried. would like Jo 'be heard by the Board, The Chairman presented a list of The Chairman then called upon several Committees as appointed by him to con- I members of the delegation who in turn stitute the standing committees of this addressed the Board on said • subject. 1 ir./vT/, Board for the Ensuing year, which was A general discussion was then had fori vp_. rll itfv _hf on motion duly made and carried, ap- and against the present location of Tin r,, a vi rn mb" proved, to-wit: |Route 60 through Richmond and Bur- Anr,i ?nd,hf ' ton Townships. It was thereupon reg- Woodstock Dairy reiik 'i uluarly moved by Supr. Wright and sec- «wi£ 5' ^ onded by Asst. Supr. Donovan that the i Crystal Lake Herald Pub. Co.,, printing election 10.86 one-half year' Johnson Elec. Co., mdse. shf. ;... 8.60 Balance due county thereon. $2,216.65 $1,524.00 of the Third P. M., thence easterly to 620.86 470.02 Chicago, Milwaukee and^St. Paul Paclftq, Railroad right-of-way; thence a re*. 60.00 . _ location along the southerly side of' said railroad and through Solon Mille;' to the east and west road through thd* centers of Sections 25 and 26, In said Township; thence easterly along saidroad and said road extended and on a re-locationcas now surveyed and staked . 'out for State Bond Issue Route 60, south 646.3B of the aforesaid railroad to the MO- 196.19 Henry and Lake County line, near > 1,202.50 northeast corner of Section 6, Townslmi • 1 I 45 North Range 9 east of the Third ..$S;W9i©f: | P. M. *• ?i BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED th£t 810.00 . two ooples of this resolution be tranil* 18.00 [ mitted by the County Clerk to the Staie of Illinois Department of Public Wortji 860,00 1,678.00 and Buildings through Geo. N. Lanw, ! District Engineer, for their aetloil S. H. Freund, mdse. Jail .:3M.10 Claude Butler, caulking court house and Jail ..140.00 Wm. Wise, painting In shf. res. 102.60 Chi. Ind. Home, care Co. children 670.00 A. H. Hale, spl com work 76.20 88.90 p m Wright, spl com work 181.45 Chas. H, Ackman, spl com work .-...116.70 6,90 5.00 April and May C. M. Palmer, spl com work ......... 92.50 T.ester Edinger, mis. serv. 6 mos. 1009.50 K F Kuecker, spl com work ....... 87.75 Lester Edinger, fees Peo. cases 255.75 H Turner, spl com work ........ T8.60 Lester Edinger, express ahd haul- -- - " - balance due county" ......$7,794.^8 All of which Is resnectfully aubBriltted. A. H. HALE . R. E. HAEGER . CHAS. H ACKMAJT V. E. BROWN i - P. F. ROSENTHAL E. F. ICUECKER ' X>. M. WRIGHT Ing garbage. Evans Market, meat April and, May shf. $.68 . The Committee on Fees and Salaries Volney E.. Brown, spl com woiflc .... 78.00 presented the following-' report, to-Wit: It was thereupon regularly moved bjr Supr. Ackman and duly seconded Kuecker that the Resolution "M Said motion was unanimously Supr adopted adopted. The following Resolution Oil Right Way Routes 60-67 Rnd 17$ was presen1 ed and read to the Borird, to-wlt: Beeolutlon WHEREAS, th^re is now aTaiia' for the use of McHenry County, Tilt I Stockwell, spl com work $6-<o Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of tho 'nois, out of the Motor Fuel Tax of 19: the sum of $11,524.88 and .298.20 M « S. ^. Freund, spl com work ...>...., 92.20 Board of Supervisors: ZV4.75 p p Rosenthal, spl com work .... -81.80 I in your April meeting your Cora- R. E. Haeger, spl com work ........ 16.80 mittee on Fees,, arid Salaries was in- N. B. Clawson, spl com work : 14.60 gtructed to investigate and make rec- t .... ' J. E. Harrison, spl com Work .14.10 ommendations at your next meeting, i Way for the Improvement of State Aid .. 80.36 John Conley, spl com work--..- ,..10.80 relative to cutting salaries of County, Roads, and L8S WHEREAS, it ii permissible Under said Motor Fuel Tax Law, approved March 25, 1929, to'purchase Right df Urn„ «n. . V. „ , . .« C. _ . . , p. C. Hughes, Chairman R. D. Woods, Clerk Personal Property--N. B. Clawson,' J. , petition be referred to the Committee T. O'Brien, R. E. Haeger, Frank May, on Right of Way of this Board. Motion John-Conley. . (declared carried. Roads and Bridges -- Chas. Palmer, | The Clerk presented lists of claims . ,m - _ cream Frank B. McConnell, spl com wofk 5.90 employees and other expenses. sheriff -. 81.72 John T. O'Brien, spl cj>m work .... 29.66 Your Committee has met and given Hoesley s Bakery, bread cakes, ... . 'Dacy Lbr. Co., coal county 213.66 the matter before it their careful conpies, etc shf ,,..126.04 W. J. Kittle, sal. Pro. Off. Cir. Ct., sideration. Siavin & Merwin, ambulance * A I 2 mos: 150.00 We therefore beg to submit the fol- Walter Tim Vestie Muldoon, sal. Jan. 2 mos. 240.00 lowing report and recommend its adop- Volney Brown, D. M. Wright, A. H. against the County and on motion of 'K«dsonBpTarMu"^ 11^1 car 2 mos. .200.00 tion: Hoifl m u • Riinr Un**-** »4_a% icl80n"*_€arsal1 Co » Marian Kdin^er, cooking' fot priii. aw. 1 mId'Vl^hns*were°referrS? , 2 mos. , , F.. committee for report, and the Board Moi»,fgomei^ev^rddA ro" »hf'#l 9* lren* Crab^ree' saL «*• reP- - ^,0Ck P' M N WlTn A^Co, ^ndse. Thf Assistant Supr. Donovan seconded by y - Supr. Kuecker moved that the Treasurer of McHenry County be requested to make a financial report to this Board ofl the finances of said County monthly. , Motion declared unanimously carried. The following Resolution on Right of "Way Route 62 was presented arid read to the Board, to-wit: Bight of Way Beeolntlofi "Be It Resolved by the Board of Sll- •.pervisors of McHenry County, at its meeting this 26th day of April, 1932, that there is hereby appropriated the sum of Ten Thousand Three Hundred Two ($10,302) dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, from the 3f said county's motor fuel tax allotment of 1931, and 1932, for the purchase of Right of Way, together with all court costs, and jury awards In necessary condemnation proceedings, required for State Aid Route 8. (also known as • State Bond Issue Route 62.) • ' When detailed costs for each tract, or condemnation ar<> known, the County ' Superintendent of Highways is hereby authoriaed to send a statement of such cost to Geo. N. Lamb, District Engineer, Elgint Illinois, with request for „' payment front aforesaid motor fuel tax •ii. allotment. Be It Further Resolved, that this resolution be submitted to the Denart- > ment of Pilbllc Works and Buildings, Stat# of Illinois, to guarantee payment of all costs for right of Way needed on said State Aid Route 8, also known as State Bond Issue Route 62, the dede8crlljt; 4 Hale, H. M. Turner. Education--H. M. Turner, N: B. Claw son, L. A. Stockwell, Chas.. Ackman B. McConnell Fees and Salaries--A. H. Hale, R. E. Committee work. Haeger. E. F. Kuecker, Volney Brown. I -- Chas. Ackman, D. M. Wright, Paul 1:30 O'CLOOI V. K Rosenthal. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Land and Lota--Volney Brown, Frank 1 Present same ijjambers. May( Chas. Paltner, J. D. Donovan, I Dr. Hyde West, President of the Mc- John Harrison. Henry County Sanatorium Board, being Clairtis, Labor Fees and Supplies--L. I present at the meeting was called upon A. Stockwell, E. F. Kuecker, Volney 'by the thairman and made the follow WHEREAS, the Right of Way Committee of the Board of Supervisors •# McHenry County, Illinois, have secured the signatures to the following Highway Dedications for the improvefnolrt Of State Aid Routes Numbers 4-A,'yjr and 14. McHenry County. Illinois: State Bond Issue Boats 00 ,^.....u...; .$ 4 00 W Brown, Chas. Palmer, D. M. Wright. Finance--J. D. Donovan. H. M. Turner, S. H. Freund, John Conley, R. E. Haeger. Public Buildings--S. H. Freund, P. Rosenthal, John Harrison, H. M. Turner, J. T, O'Brien. Railroads--John Harrison, John Conlev, L. A- Stockwell, A. H. Hale, Frank May. Claims County - Poor--J. T. O'Brien, John Harrison. Chas. Ackman, S. H. Freund. D. M. Wright., , To Settle With Treasurer--*J. D. Donovan, P. Rosenthal, John Harrison, John Conley, Chas. Palmer. McHenry County Home--P. B. Mc- Connell. P. Rosenthal, John Harrison, N. B. Clawson, John Conley. Rules--J. I). Donovan, E. F. Kuecker, J. T. O'Brien. Elections--D. M. JWl-ight, J. T. o-Rrfen, Frank May, John Conley, N. B. Clawson. ' « Purchasing--Volney Brown, L. A. Stockwell, D. M. Wright. Relief «f Blind--H. M. Turner, R. E.- Haeger. D. M. Wright, Frank May N. B. Clawson. Ing report, to-wit: Be port of McHenry County Sanatorium Board, June 1, 1931 to fue 1, 1933 Mable Ilobbs, County Nurse:-- Salary--June 1, 1981 to Mar. 1 1932 That all salaries or wage under 270.00 $100.00 per month be cut 6 per cent: Ruben Turner -$ mos. 200.00 that all salaries or wage from $106.00 Adam JacksOA ......... Sup. • to $126.00 per month (both amounts C. G. Hardy „ „ . . . . , Schs. 2 mos 260.00 inclusive) be cut 10 per cent; that all ,S. Huft (4-w Bodenschatz & Sahs, mdse. shf 21.34 pj,nip E. Bierdeman, sal. Clerk salaries or wage over $125.00 per month I Wm. Freund Bohn Hdw. Co., mdse. shf. .. 86.25 | shf. 2 mos , ..... ......W0.00 be cut 12H per cent. I J. Oxtoby Sherman s Sport Shop mdse: shf. 3.00 Q; L. Tryon, S. A. Rt. . . I" Th« above subject to the following,P. J. Huffma* Dacy Lbr Co mdse. shf. ..... 2.88 I 21-21A Sec. 1 M. F. T. ..i...,. 65.99 exceptions: the Chief Deputy Sheriff to A. Hergott r I L Metcalf, serv. Emil G. L. Tryon, S. A. fit. •' receive $125.00 per month; the Sheriff's Joe Kattner I.iohner prisoner 3.00 21-21A Sec. 1 M. F. Clerk to receive $100.00 per month and j Joseph Rauen "r* *;• W. Sandeen, serv. Co. prls. 81.00- o. L. Tryon, 8. A. Rt. the County Superintendent of Highways I Catherine N'imsgreeB Bucklev Tea Room, meals Jurors 7.80 2l-2tA Sec. 2 M. F. % to receive $2,260 00 per year. ' I James Jackson Your Committee further would beg Mrs. Mary Mav ..... .....JIO.M to submit the following and recom- Frederick Meyers mend its adoption: ! Amelia Thomas .... -J08.70 That Bailiff's pay be reduced from, Mrs. Nellie Johnsei .......... .Marquette Cement Co., S. A. Rt. $5.00 per day to $4.00 per day; that the fMartin H. Freund r...; .220.00 1 22, Sec. 2. M. F. T 4,899.00 members of the Board of Reviews pay Mrs. Grace Wilson-Bird L. V. Ktltc, mdse. shf. ft treas 11.10 g. L Tryon S A. RtJ Howard Freeman, bailiff Co. Ct 15.00 i 22 Sec 2 M F° T W. R. Cairns, bailiff Cir. Ct 40.00 ' g? L. Trvon. S. A. Rt. I.eroy Clark, bailiff A deptv. shf. 25.00-1 22 See 2 M F T Earl Smith, night watch Jail . - • <2 mos.) , Storaae of mr Jnne 1 till 'tw..f'l .640.00 I iSrVidv!n" ei"y /-C" o'Ar's on, de"p u"tiy shf. !? S? Marquette Cement Co., 8. A. Rt. be cut from $7.00 per day to $6.00 per , Chas. Foley ... Btorage of car. June 1. 1981 to . Co®, exp. of office 21.71 , 22. Sec. 2. M. F .T. 1^48.88 dayt for actual time served; that Sher- jE. C. Cropley rsoo nil on* 1®*®® M^orld Book Co., mdse. sUp. schs. 71.13 Marquette Cement Co., S. A. Rt. ifTs allowance, for automobile be cut . John Pester 1 1981 to Ma7ch 1 195^""'^ 1S8 88 AafW« °Sn SUP' BChs u" ' 21-21A Sec. 1. M. F. T . : .880.00 to $75.00 per month for service and Grace Jackson Orit.lcJe h21el,p1 ° Marcn *• 1,32 '"""IL11- °.f- SuP- Co.. mdse. sup. schs. 1.S7 Marquette Cement Co., S. A. Rt. use inside McHenrv County; that the! Joseph Freuhd \ ll.S jW. M.. Welch Mfg. Co., "Mdse. sup. schs. printing election Johnson Elec. Co., mdse. shf. .. S. H. Freund, mdse. jail t Vlande Butler, caulking court house and Jail ! Herman Luedtke. S. A. Rt. .. 10.88 | 21-21 A, Sec 2. M. F. T 8.80 Herman Luedtke, S. A. Rt. 386.10 | 22. Sec. 2, M. F. 1" Ardnold Ewen, S. A. Rt. 89 .140.00 j Sec. 2, M. F. T 30.00 June 1. 1931 to April 6. 1932 $988.13 This patient had about 16 months care in the Sanatorium. Tl „ , T _ • Mrs. Rosemary Carey. Richmond, 111. Dance Hails--John Conley, Chae. Pal- Zace Sanatorium, Winfleld, 111. m«T' J- T. O'BrlM. | June 1, 1931 to Oct, 1. 1931 ' ...$848.M EradicaUorv of Tuberculosis in Cattle This patient had 16 months care --A. H. Hale, F. »B. McConnell, Chas. | in Sanatorium. Ackman. ] Alexander Baumler. Coral, 111.-- i _ _ __ . . „ ^ $1,706.08 jW. S. Battern. fees Peo. cases B. C. Kretchmer, Harvard, Til.-- Crystal Lake Herald Pub. Co. Auir. 1. 1931 to Feb. .1, ^32 $180.00 This family has ^en allowed $30.00 per month Mr. Kretchmer had previously had 10 mos. * care in Ottawa Sanatorium. Miss Dorothy Clark. Richmond, 111.-- Wm. Wise, painting in shf. res.^HMM0 j Harold Ackman, S. A. Rt. 1,e?931 t0 1. 1932 ....$80.09 Chi. Ind. Home, care county chll. 570.00 I 22. Sec. 2, M. F." T. 80.00 This patient allowed $40.00 |A. H. Hale, spl com work 76.20 iHarold Ackman, S. A. Rt, . , ner month for care at home. D. M. Wright, spl com wofk 131.45 1 22, Sec 2, M. F. T 75.O0 Mrs Josephine Freund. McHenry, 111. c^as. M. Ackman, spl com work 119.70 ^Arnold Ewen. S. A. Rt. 22 Zace Sanatorium, Winfleld, 111. C. M. Palmer, spl com work 92.B0 ! sec. L and M. F. T. 95.00 E. F*. Kuecker, spl com work 87.75 C|^ of Woodstock, lights 88.33 I 22, Sec. 2, M. F. T. 712.19 job of night-watchman for the jail be Chicago, Milwaukee & fidle 21.50 I Arcole Construction Co.,* S. A. dispensed with. ) R R. Co. 130.Q0 I Rt. 22. Sec. 2, M. F. T._ ......•,301.70 | The various items In this' report ' 7 48.90 500.09 190.91 850.09 35.00 3ff8.W> 230,99 1,200.09 682.89 250.99 400.90 223.90 358.09 750.00 1,000.90 238.00 1,200.00 60.00 200.90 100 m 1,690.00 460.00 183.t» ^ would mean a saving for the County I $10,796.ti f0.00 01 $5,226.00 per year. This does not To HJtfry F. Fafceit, Co«nrt)r * •take into consideration the saving on 00.00 Bailiffs. All of which is respectfully submitted.f A. H. HALE, chairman P! F. roskxthaL CHAS. H. ACKMAN R. E. HAEGER D. M. WRIGHT E. F,. KUECKER V. E. BROWN" Treasurer's Fee 218. ' $11,014.33 »o«te rt, MMMfto ***' J. D. Pi ingle Est. I4«t' Ida Drake 40.00 Joe A. Richardson ...v.. 46.99 To Harry F. Petelt, Couatjr Treasurer's Fee ...... 2. the ^de- Rights-of-Way^-Chas. Ackman. S. H. Ottawa Sanatorium, Ottawa. Ill ^ T- O'Brien, < jhNie 1. 10M- to-«e*^ 1, Wl-^ •it -I"..i.A..1Stockwell.This patient was given 7 ,1-2 _ _ Jt was thereupon regularly moved by H. M. Turner, spl com work 78.60' The Committee on Clalma^" "County Sutnv Ackman and dulv se£6ndSd by Volney E. Brown, spl com work ?8,on roor made the following renort which ' Supr. Wright that the report of the L. A. Stockwell. spl com work R6.40 was on motion of Supr. Ackman duly Committee on Fees and Salaries be S. H. Freund, spl com work 32.20 seconded by Supr. Kuecker and the roil adopted by this Board and the roll be- P. F. Rosenthal, spl com work .... being called unanimously adopted, to- fng called Suprs Stockwell Wright S- ®pl -Com work M.J0 wit: ' Palmer. O'Brien," Clawson,' Kuecker' >. n. riawson, spl com work 14,60 Mr. Chairman and Gentleman of th« Ackman Conlev Hrown Harrison 111 S mtiilj J- "Rr.r,,w>n' fP1 eom ^2rk JH!I I 5°Rrd ?,f SuP«rvisor«: ^ v . Turner, McConnell, Freund, Hale, and T«t Harr^"r. CWM& ^ •'*****» John r-onW. spl com work 10.80 Your Committee on Couaty Pofcr Haeger and Asst. Suprs. Donovan and, Treastwee's Fee ~ . s«»M;tO Frank «. MeCenaeU, spl com wnrlk'fcM Claims would bag leave te report tHat RoMI'tlMd a»* "nSmwS* and.1' -jTPI" 1 ^ John T. O'Brien, spl com work .... 19.66 they have examined all claims present- motion declared <carri^3. ^ VsoiKl; itate Bond Issue Botrte ITS Chl6ago and Northwestern Ry. Co.--The railroad crossing in the Village of Richmond, I 40m F;-

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