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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 27 Apr 1933, p. 13

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«*»« ?>-' v f®.** I^AGE FOTJK §060 gal. No. 9 Viscoment Asphalt applied at 16e per ga.ti> ___™$64l.00 0.<7 cu. yds. pea gravel at 86c pe|* cu. yd. .. 25.11 ^"4 County trucks 2 days haul pea ,£3 gravel at cash outlay Xor labor and fuel .. -- - 24.20 vj| m«a 2 days spread pea gravel 42.70 Total cost --$740.01 •the Job appears to be a success ana e believe we have conserved the forminvestment of the Lake Development ompany of some $12,000.00 for many ars with small future expense per yr. The matter of Public Inability In- •a«ce on the County's 12 motor veles (trucks and tractors) was diss «ed with agents for the U. S. Fiity 4 Guarantee Company and the artford Insurance Company. Exact „ res could not be given, but the cost as estimated at about three hundred liars ($300.00). It was decided to cure the insurance and the Hartford urance Company" agent agreed to nd the company to "cover the county Supervisors of the County and various Civic and Social organizations. The Clerk presented lists of claims against the County together with two communications from the Stale of Illinois Department of Public Works and Buildings, and on moUrolV. of Supr. Wright duly seconded by Supr. Turner and unanimously carried the same were referred to the proper committees and the Board adjourned to 1:30 o'clock P. M. for committee work. 1130 V. M. / Board met pursuant to adjournment; present s&me members. The Committee on Labor Fees and Supplies made the following report, which on motion of Supr. Aekman and seconded by Supr. Turner and the roll being called was unanimously adopted, to-wit: Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Tour Committee on Labor Fees**nd Supplies Claims ^would b^ leav.p to re- Commlttee had consulted with State's Attorney Lumley as to the legality of publishing the delinquent list for 60 per cent less than the Statutory fee as stated in the communication above mentioned; and then called upon Mr. Lumley to further enlighten the Board in this regard. Mr. Lumley therv addressed the Board and stated thajt this was a question that had never been brought to his attention before arid that he would like to submit the same to the Attorney General of the State of Illinois for his opinion. It was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Ackman and seepnded by Supr. Palmer, that this matter be referred to the Committee on Fees and Salaries with power to act, and the State's Attorney be instructed to present the question to the Attorney General for his opinion. Motion declared unanimously carried. Supr. Ackman, chairman of the Committee on Right of Way addressed the port that they hive examined all' claims | Board ^Tannds trumcotveedd that the County presented to thfem. and - recommend the , S**UA .°1d®ra 48.77 thfem, U1 the exact fi.g -u res could be secured., Pna,>vment of the following, and that the rk be dlrected t0 i8Slte 0ydcr •s on the "" .W I1™11' insurance and ^e u r nt °e Treasurcr to the .Claimants for reported at a future meeting, of the several amounts allowed, as follows, $2$000-$50000 _ mmittee • . • '^he Clerk presented a bill from 'Phil IV jjfheaban- for $10.50 for labor at the "Orushing plant on Patrol Section 8 and "'••JrWao a request for an advance oft$60.00 -from his monthly- salary from Fred Suns, patrolman on Section 17, which ils were audited arid ordered paid. Your Committee agjlin met on the 6th f y of August, 1932 and audited and id bills chargeable to the ,McMenrjr trol System of Roads as follows: Bills of a general nature chargeable .the l^cHenry County, machinery, pplies and labor and material for Unty tool houses to a total of $506.50 Bills chargeable to the various patrol ctions of the Ocfunty Patrol System of qads, for labor and material at rates retofo're approved by this Board were ited and paid.;as follows: ^ ction 1 -- ---.-I 62.50 tion 2 148.74 .ction 3 , "286.67 tion 4 138.60 .ctions 6, 6 ......----.....v 161.60 tions*7, 10, .11 .. --....--- 165.45 4" '• V :tion 8 Bection 9 . Hep tion 12 Srctlon IS ffection 14 •option 16 Sections 16, 18 aaptlon 17 1,14 6.10 : 125.00 :148.65 529.74 648.54 'J 84.95 -892.15' .... 151.97 J ' Total .$5,131.06 ^Public Liability Insurance $25000- *•000 limit on the County's trucks and tractors and on the trucks owned by fjie County Road Patrolmen while forking for the County was awarded to Harry Nienstedt for $287.85 per year. ^Estimate No. 7 on the Union Road {nprovement M. F. T. No. 1 and estiite No. 7.on Johnsburg Road Improveent M. F. T. No. 2 and bills covering ife engineering cost on said projects ere approved. ^.The financial status ofi the McHenry Spunty Highway Tax Fund is as fol- i .'on hand July 12. 1832 44,419.02 ditlonal appropriation July 12 4,000.00 $8,419.02 error July 7, expenditures $ 4.00 Is expenditures July 21, 1932 70.60 expenditures Aug. 6, 1932 5,131.06 to-wit: Frank Thomber A Go., Suppliea;' , v , . Co.' Of.- ,iJt7|.i88 111. Bell Tel.' Co., set*-.- and'tolli* •V'- . Coi Off.,. ,.. 111, Bel I Te J,; CO;* tolls, Chi. Irid. Home for Children, care > ' Co, children Ethel C. Coe, exp. of office 21:70 Frankltn Rib„ '& Carbon CO,, mdse." • Supt. of Schs. I...... 12.09 McHenry Plalndealef, pub. notfis%' . Supt. Schs ; ; >80 Richmond. Gazette,'pub. notice : Supt. Schs. ~.L .80 Woodst^j1c".'News, pub. notice Supt. Schs. ! »80 Woodstock News, prtg. Clr. and Co. Clk ... 23.^0 Woodstock Sentinel, prtg. Co. Of. 62.25 Hebron Times, prtg. Co. Treas. Assmt. list 46.70 McHenry Plaind'ealer, prtg., C«. Treas. Assmt. list 113.60 Crystal Lake Herald Pub. Co., prtg. Co. Treas. Assmt. list the County Treasurer for the payment of1' Right of Way to the following named persons, to-wit: : ' 9. A. *t. 7 S. B. J. Bt. 47 / Trustee Hebron Schools by C. H. Nichols ' ,_.......,......,....J.:?^...|2S.60 Anna SlaTin . ..1 .L";...... 60.00 HowaTd Pierce .4a. Walter H. -Wojbd,l)iryi;si^lu|ii...'.:.".s.; 26.00 :'-V $281.40 . «. JL. mt. sa Motion ft, IK. <x. E. ,M. Downs ..$100.00 Frank Miller- KstatA 50.00 $150.00 Supr. Ackman's^motion waa duly seconded by Supr. O'Brien and the roll being called Suprs. Stockwell, Wright, Palmer, O'Brien, plawson, Kuecker, Ackman, Conley, Brown, Harrison, Turner, McConnell, May, Freund, Hale and Asst. Suprs. Donovan and Rosenthal voted aye. Nay none and motion was declared carried. Supr. Palmer, chairman of the Committee on Roads and Bridges, addressed the Board and stated that Mr. Hunter, chairman of the State road commit- 29 60 Itee had Informed him that if the offl- Zion' Of.' 'sGp.' co.'," mdse"; Cir.' cik." l2!99 clals ,of McHenry County would draw McHenry Co. Abst. Co., search «P Pla,ns for ™ad*| needed under the titles 25.00 Ithird issue, that he would take said R. R. Rockhiii, "mds^ 2*00 | Plans p,er®onal,ly J? *he s^at* Franklin Rib. & Carbon Co., mdse. ™nt Public Works and Buildings. Co ' Clk 4 00 I SuPr. Palmer further stated that he S. W. Beck/ mdse" Cir. Clk. ^ 3^60 I thought something should be worked Will .T. Conn, cir. clk. dedication; 1.50 .ou^ along this line. > L. V. Kiltz, clean twpr cir. clk. ..,. 4.60 ! Supr. llale addressed the Board and C T. Trvon sal and exo j moved that the Right of Way papers Rnn Hv«' ' 62 ' and Dedications on Route 176 that are Div of Hiirhwavs""natroi16-1" inow in the °mce of the state of Illi_ w a patrol, lb x ,4-57|nois Department , of Public Works and Arcole Const""Co"""s""A"-RT"*22 ' BuilJinfc'« at Elgih. Illinois, be forward- M F T 1 j 8 746 06 Ied to McHenry County as soon as pos- Frank D Haves Co W A Rt 21- ' ' islble and that the County Clerk be in- 21A M F T i"- " ' 786 45 I structed to notify them accordingly, n r rp_,' _ ' o 'A t 9 'Said motion was duly seconded by Supr. M F T 1 389 94 i Turner and unanimously carried. n t Trvnn <3 "a "wt" " Supr. Ackman addressed the Board M F T 1 197*90 'and moved that the County Clerk be inn r' t." _1 hi • Pft structed to issue orders on the County Amer. ^rt«r. 'Co. nr^g. Treaii."*!I!!!!l66!<»0 i Treasurer for the payment of Right of Lester Edinger,' serv. Peo. cases 399.60 j Way to tHe following named persons, Lestor Edinger, exp. of office 16.13 i to-wit. 1'ingel & Koch, mdse. shf >.... 107.10 *. A. Bouts 14. •. B. li Boats 67 Eckert & Bending, mdse. shf 129.58 j_ d. Pringle Estate $14.50 Bodenschatz & Sahs, mdse. shf €4.74 j^a prake 40.00 $6,206.56 '• it-' 1 ^ ^' lilice 'on tian'ff A-ofe -9th, 1932 $3,218.46 Jyour Committee estimates there will 1 > necessary for the care of the Mc- 1 enry County Patrol System of Roads 1 Ail "the next meeting of this Board an j Jpropriation from the County Hlgh- 1 ay Tax Fund, levied in September, 3 (31, in the sum of $$5,000.00. »;\ C. M. PALMER Eg.-" V. E. BROWN If* '.' H. M. TTTRNER' "-A. H. HALB . D. M. WRIGHT It was .thereupon regularly moved by 1 tfftr. Kuecker and duly seconded by opr. Brown that the report of the ijnmittee on Roads and Bridges be idptfd by this Board, and the roll be- S railed said motion wa» unanimously .tried. A Petition and Resolution presented y.the Western United Gas and Electric >: together with two resolutions pre- £«ted at a previous meeting were preented and read and on motion duly rnde and carried were referred to the 'ommittee on Roads and Bridges for port. Supr. Turner of Hebron Twp. adrftssed the Board and stated that there ere several citizens of his twp. presnt at this meeting in regard to a bond iven by them on Route 47, and then ailed upon Mr. Dickerson to address £ Board. Mr. Dickerson then adressed the Board and stated that the ondsmen were desirous of being reeved from the bond given and wonered whether or not the Board could ake any action in this regard. It was he.r<mnon_ regularly moved by Supr. ackman duly seconded by Supr. Wright «t tti«s sktne be referred to the State's ttorney for report. Motion, declared arrled. Supr. O'Brien addressed the Board, nd stated that in order to get Mcenry County's share of the emergency elief fund that .he would move the option of the following resolution, to- "WHEREA8 there is now available funds for State poor relief and WHEREAS it is the desire of this bounty Board in meeting assembled to^ tnake proper application for said relief to the Illinois Emergency Relief Commission, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the fallowing application to the Jllinois Emergency Commission for Rtate Poor Relief Fund be made by the County Board of McHenry County: ; 'The County Board of McHenry County, Illinois, hereby makes application -to the Illinois Emergency Relief ComrnlSsion for funds to provide relief for Jllin ois residents-ln this County who are (destitute and in necessitous circumstances. This application is made in jiccordante with the terms of the Act, •Ko create the Illinois Emergency Relief HCommission,i to define its powers an<t Joei A. Richardsiii^ 46.90 ' $100.40 B. A. Boat* 5, B. B. X. Boat* 173 Chicago & Northwestern Ry c°- .--400.00 Bvihn Hdw. Co., mdse. shf. 8.66 Bovd Elec. App., mdse. shf. $.65 West. Vri. Gas « El. Co., gas shf. 13.07 G. A. Parker, milk & cream shf. 69.14 E. F. Meyer, water softener shf. 5.00 Wm. R. Cairns, bailiff :... 24.00 LeRoy Clark, bailiff & dpty. shf. 29.0G Sidney Corson^ baii'f & dpty. shf. 64.00 $400.00 Earl Smith, dpty. shf. ; 12.00 Supr. Ackman's motion was duly sec- Geo. Grant, dpty. shf i...™..... 4.00 ! onded by Supr. Kuecker and the foil Howard Freeman! bailiff 12.00 \ being called Suprs. Stockwell, Wright Harvard Herald Co., prtg. assmt. i Palmer, O'Brien, Clawson, Kuecker, list „1Q1.80 1 Ackman, Conley, Brown, Harrison, Tur- Lester Edingrer," allowance auto ner, McConnell, May, Freund, Hale, and July .,."..100.00 • Asst. Suprs. Donovan and Rosenthal ! Marian Edinger, cooking for pris. , | voted aye. Nay none and motion was July .... ;.... ....120.00 j declared carried. Philin E. Bierdeman, clic, shf. Supr. Brown addressed the Board and July 160.00 stated that there is a lot of dlssatisfac- Vestio Muldoon, janitor July 108.00 ; tion in the County with the respect to Daisy V. Moore, Ast. Sup. Schs; the employment of local labors on State july . ° ... .112.50 Road projects, and that it was his un- Irene CrabTree, Co. Ct. Rep. July 90.00 derstanding that 85 per cent of all la- J. W. Gallagher, painting flag 1 bor employed by the contractors under pole July 20.00 'their contracts should be local or Mc» W. J. Kittle, "sal, pr'ob. off. July .... 76.00 I Henry County men. City of Woodstock, light A water 126.87 He further stated that the contractors Marquette Cement Mfg. Co., S. A. were not living up to their contracts in Rt 22 Sec. 2 M. F. T. 319.60 I this regard, and that he believes that Arcole Const. Co., S. A. Rt. 22 | less than 20 per cent of the labor em- Sec 2 M F. T 3,729.53 [ployed" were county men; and that he A. H. Hale, spl com work 26.95 would move that the Chair appoint a L. A. Stockwell, spl com work .... 26.50 i committee of five to thoroughly inves- D. M. Wright, spl com work 67.00 tigate this matter giving the commit- C. M. Palmer, spl com' work tee full power to act in compelling said (phone 75c) 60.35 contractors to live up to their agree- Volney E. Brown, spl com work .... 38.30 ment»and take any steps that they see John T. O'Brien, spl com work .... 22.30 | necessary in this regard. A general J. E. Harrison, spl com work . : 14.10 j discussion was then had by the Board Frank B. McConnell, spl com work 11.80 ! and the State's Attorney on this ques- John Conley, spl com work 10.70 ! tion. Supr. Brown's motion was duly E. F. Kuecker, spl com work 19.60 ! seconded by Supr. Harrison and unani- H. M. Turner, spl com work ........ 9.70 mously carried. The Chairman then p. F. Rosenthal, spl com work 6.50 i appointed to act as such committee S. H. Freund, spl com work 14.50 ! Suprs. Brown, Harrison, Turner, Claw- N. B. Clawson, spl com work 6.00 t son, ^»nd Conley. Chas. H. Ackman, spl com work.. 48.90 I Sj/pr. O'Brien addressed the Board Chas. H. Ackman, telephone 4.30 All of which is respectfully submitted. L. A. SToCKWSLtLi V. K. BROWN f ' C. M. PALMER V E.#K D. M. WRIGHT §f^ (duties and to make an Appropriation (therefor and in accordance with other Acts related thereto. 1 After careful investigation the Boardlhas determined that the funds which pre now available or which may become j-i'" ja vail able for poor relief from county, • a '• ' -itoWnship, municipal or other local public sources and from private sources, •will not be sufficient to meet the relief - meeds trithin this County during the {period. . The Board, therefore, requests that the Illinois Emergency Relief Commission make available state "relief funds ^ to those areas in accordance with its • irules and regulations.' " Supr. O'Brien's motion was seconded by Supr. Harrison and unanimously carried. Supr. O'Brien further stated that it , . waB necessary to have a special committ<- e appointed, to take charge of this •matter. It was thereupon regularly .moved by Supr. Ackman and duly sec- • r . onded by Supr. Kuecker that the Chair appoint a committee of seven to a«"t as • wthe County Agency for the purpose of handlihg the said relief Allocations. " , Motion declared carried. The Chairman . Earl C. Hughes then appointed to act - as such Committee Suprs. O'Brien, k , Wright, Brown. Freund, Hale and Ackt , '* man and Asst. Supr. Rosenthal, i ; [ Supr. Turner addressed the Board ' and stated that he had been informed ftkj that Supr- Haeser. of Algonquin Twp. Is very seriously 111 at the Sherman n, «' hospital, and moved that the matter of ** . a Resolution of sympathy to be adopted by this Hoard be referred to this Coriiniittee on Resolutions for report. Said motion was duly seconded by Supr. Wright and "unanimously carried. Supr. Brown addressed the Board and stated that the Special Committee appointed at the July meeting of this The Committee on Claims; County Poor made the following report to-wit: Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Tour Committee on County Poor Claims wuld beg leave to report that they have examined all claims presented to them, and recommend the payment of the following, and that the Clerk be directed to issue orders on the County Treasurer to the. Claimants for the several amounts allowed, as follows, to-wit: Nunda-- Dr. A. V- Llndberg. care Nelson, O. Smiley and Morrisey $29.«(» Dunham-- Dr. Hyde West, care Mrs. Victor Peters 40.00 Dr. G. A. McLane, cars Mrs. Victor Peters 28.00 All of which is respectfully submitted. JOHN T. O'BRIEN . 8. H. FREUND' : -- D. M. WRIGHT . 3. E. HAUHISON It was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Turner and seconded by Asst. Supr. Rosenthal that said report be adopted by this Board, and the roll being called Suprs. StockweTT, Wright, Palmer, O'Brien, Clawson. Kuecker, Ackman, Conley. Brown, Harrison, Turner, McConnell, May, Freundj- Hale, and Asst. Suprs. Donovan and Rosenthal voted aye. Nay none and motion was declared carried. I The Committee on Resolutions presented the following report on the matters and things before them, which was on motion duly made and carried, unanimously carried, to-wit: WHEREAS, it has been brought to the attention of the. undersigned Committee that Robert E. Haeger, Supervisor of Algonquin Township, and a member of this Board, ts seriously ill and confined in the Sherman Hospital at Elgin, Illinois, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that this Board in meeting assembled tender to Supervisor Haeger their sincere sympathy and hope for his immediate recovery to the end that "he will be able to attend meetings in the near future. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Resolution be spread on the records and that th® County Clerk be Instructed to forward a copy of same to Mrs. Robert E. Haeger. All of which ts -^respectfully submitted. J. D. DONOVAN, Chairman Resolution Committee. *\ B. MCCONNELL. , P. ROSENTHAL. JOHN PONJJOY - JOHN HARRISON a'nd moved that each township call a Town Meeting to map out additional roads needed and submit their plans to the Road and Bridge Committee of this Board, and that after all townships have submitted said plans, that a County meeting be held to map out a complete program of roads needed. Said motion was seconded by Supr. Ackman and unanimously carried. There being no further business to come before this meeting, it( was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Wright and duly seconded by Supr. Turner tnat this meeting adjourn subject to the call of the Chairman. Motion carried. Thereupon the Board Adjourned. EARL C. HUGHES, Chairman. Attest: R. 1). WOODS, Clerk. Regular September Meeting - 1932 The Honorable Board of Supervisors Of McHenry County met in annual session at the Court House in the City of .Woodstock, on Tuesday the thirteenth day of .September, A. D. 1932 at ten o'clock A. M. The meeting was called to order by the Chairman, E. C< Hughes .and the roll being called the following members responded to their names, to-wit: L. A. Stpckwell, I). M. Wright, C. M. Palmer. John T. O'Brien, N. B. Clawson, E. C- Hughes, E. F. Kuecker, Chas. H. Ackman, John Conley, V. E, Brown, John Harrison, H. M. Turner, S. H. Freund, A. H. Hale, George A. Dodd and Assistant Suprs. J. D. Donovan and Paul Rosenthal constituting a quorum. The records of the last preceding meeting of this Board were read and on fnotion approved. The County Treasurer's Report for the month of August, 1932, was presented and read to the Board and upon motion duly made and carried was approved and ordered pliioe.d on file, towit: County Tresurer*' Report, August Balance August 1, 1932".... $74,453.21 Paid out on orders month Of August 36,623.11 A. H. Hale, WUnda, Inmates County Home Balance on hand Sept. 1, 1982 $69,383.86 H. F, PETEIT, Co. Treasurer. The Committee on fees and salaries presented the following report, to-wit: State of XUlnoli Liw Department, Springfield Osoar E. Cfcrlstrom, Attorney General August 16, 1932 File No. 4161. Fees and Salaries: \ Fees for Publication of Delinquent Tax List. Rate fixed cannot, be legally ^changed by agreement. Hon. Vincents S. Lumley, ~.- state's Attorney, Woodstock, Illinois. ' ' Dear Sir: f " I am in receipt of your" letter and enclosure of the 10th instant, in which you request my- opinion upon the following questions In relation to the publication of the delinquent tax lists: "Can the County Collector accept competitive bids for the publication when the statute fixes the amount of costs to be included as costs in case of sale? ' Second, does the County Collector have anything more to dp than to follow the statute and would it affect the title to land sold if he failed to follow thfe- statute in regard to the costs?" V, " > Your letter conclude? by asking how the fees" should be collected in caSe of competitive bids. , ' The provisions of the iStatute. pertinent to the determiijaMoii of questons are as follows: ' ' • Section 22 of the Fees and Salaries Act (Paragraph 40, Chapter 68, Smitfc- Hurd's Illinois Revised Statutes, 1931) is as follows: •'For printer, for advertising delinquent lists, in all counties, for each tract of land, twenty (20) cents; for each town lot, in counties of the first and second class, ten "(10) cents; in counties of the third class, twenty (20) cents, to be taxed and collected as costs. The printer shall receive for printing the preamble, tire descriptive headings, the affidavit, and any other matter accompanying the delinquent list, the sum of ten (10) cents per Jine, to be paid by the county. No costs except printer's fee shall be chafged on any" lands or lots forfeited to the state." Section 182 of tfie Revenue Act of 1872 provides in part: "At any tme after the first day of April next * after such delinquent taxes and special assessments on lands andi lots shall become due, the collector shall pubish an advertisement, giving notice of the intended application for Judgment for sale of such delinquent lands and lots, in a , newspaper printed and published in his county, if any such there be, and if there be no such paper printed and published in his county, then in the nearest newspaper in this Stale to the county seat of such county; • Where the publisher of any paper that may have been selected by the collector shall be unable or unwilling to publish such advertisement, the collector shall select some other newspaper, having due regard to the circulation of sui:h paper. * * *" In the case of Xiee Publishing Con- ; pony v. Coulity of St. Clair, 341 111. 257, at page 260 the court said: . "In the Belleville Printing Co. ease it was held that while it is elemerv- ... tary that a contract should be construed and its validity determined under the law in existence at the time the contract was made, the law is that where the rate of compensation for an official publication is j fixed by statute, such rate of com- . pensation may, after a contract therefor is niade with the newspaper, be modified by a subsequent statute passed before any printing is done under the cqtract. Under this authority, the compensation having been increased by the amendment of 1927 before any printing was done under the contract and the lists having been printed before July 10, the date fixed by statute, defendant in error was entitled to recover under the. new rate unless there are some reasons to the contrary." On page 262 of the said opinion, the ppurt saidr . , "Various rates have been created i by statute since the Revenue act of 1898 was passed. The legislature, ) and not the court, has the right to j llx the rate. The change to ten ' cents per line is not so unreasonable i as to render section 29, as amended in 1927, unconstitutional." As. to your first question, I am of the | opinion that the county collector has no authority to accept competitive bids for the publication of the delinquent tax lists, the rate of such publication . having been fixed by statute. In answer to your second question, I you are advised that it is my opinion that the cpunty collector has nothing to do in the matter of determining the j rate or charge for publishing such list. When he selects the newspaper and pro- | vides such paper with a proper list for such publication and the publisher accepts such list, his duty in relation to the contract for the publication ends. Any change in the rate of publication of such list would not, in my opinion, affect the title to land sold by virtue of such publication, if otherwise regular. Since my answer to the first question is that the collector cannot accept competitive bids, it therefore becomes unnecessary to answer yotir third question. Very truly yours, OSCAR E. CARLSTROM, Attorney General Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your Committee to whom was referred the publication of the delinquent tax list would beg leave to submit the following report on the matters before them: Your Committee submits herewith as n part of this report ar* opinion under date of August 16. 1932 from the Attorney General of the State of Illinois and feel that due to said opinion it is not within our jurisdiction to take any action in regard to the matter referred to your committee for action thereon. All of which is respectfully submitted. A. H. HALE, chairman CHAS. il. ACKMAN E. F. KUECKER P. F. ROSENTHAL' ,.Tt was thereupon regularly moved by Asst. Supr. Donovan and duly seconded by Supr. Brown that the report of the committee on fees and salaries be approved and ordered placed on file. Motion declared unanimously carried. 1 ,i*h --y • v • . . . . : J.:.. .. THE BOARD OF S¥PEW3SORS, McHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS The Clerk'presented a communication frpm Mrs. Haeger and Robert Jr. thanking the Board of Supervisors and County Officials for the many acts of kindness extended te them during their ,recent bereavement, which waa ordered approved and placed on file. A Resolution presented by the City of Harvard requesting the extension of State Aid Route 20 within the Corporate limits of the City of Harvard was read to the' Board and ordered placed on file. Mrs. Ethel C. Coe, County Superintendent of Schools, presented the distributive fund report and report of Institute Fund for the year ending June 30, 1932, which reports wet'e on roll call unanimously adopted, to-wlt: Beport of Distributive X*und Tear Ending Jane 30, 1933 TO ;the Chairman of the County Board ' of Supervisors, McHenry County, 111. I, ETHEL C. COE, County Superintendent of Schools of McHenry County, respectfully present the following report of all moneys received and; distribution made of the Distributive School Fund by this office: Becelpta • Received from Harry" Petei£, , Co. Treas., tax of 1981 .. .:;..$25,522.04 Total. Receipts JQlsbnrseme'iit* Township Treasurer--',' Grant Anthony, 43R 5fiS Nl V. Woleben, 4-iR 5E C. A. Phillips, 46R 5E F. R. Phelps, 46R 5E . fit; J. Miller, 43R/ 6E Frank Silliman,. 44R 6B'....\ii D. H. Desmond, 45R 613 F. S. Smith, 46R 6E ............ D. D. Fyfe, 43R 7E W. F. Conway, 44R 7ET;3"" Nellie Baldwin, 45R 70 J. W. Smith, 46R 7E L. E. Mentch, 43R 8E F. W. Covalt, 44R 8E S. W. Brown, 45R 8E ............ F. B. McConnell, 46R 8E ...... F. L. Waterman, 43R 9E ...... Jos. S. Haas, 44R 9B A. H. Franzen, 46R 9E Victor Siegler, 46R 9E .$25,522.04 tn 60 .u;l,707.60 ...... 884.00 .....2,699.00 .....1,079.50 877.20 ..... 749.80 997.00 .. .1,484.50 3,985.29 767:80 1,210.80 1,606.20 3,062.30 1,264.70 1,081.00 764.00 96.69 191.00 ..... 270.16 January, 198S«-- Draper Desmond .J , Office expense February, 19SZ--' Draper Desmond Office expense March, 1982--. - Draper Desmond Office expense April, 1982--" Draper Desmond Office expense May, 1932-- Draper ...» Desmond Office expense . June, 1932--- v ' Draper Desmond Draper Desmond Office expense July 1932-- Draper Desmond Office expense August, 1982^* Draper Desmond QfBce expense lr.. $333.81 • . • : 122:f! Hifij* $3*83.2$ 100.00 99.24 $6SS.$? $333.28. 100.00 39.83 94tS.i« $383.11 100.00 ;; 63.42 )4U.7|t $323.33 .100.00 16.90 94«M> $333.32 : 100.69 . 133.32 back sal. . 40.00 back sal. 61.15 $667.80 *18180 . 90.00 .$182.30 . 90.00 .. '• . 36.07 $308.37 §5,474.58 45,474.58 AnnUal Beport on T. B. Eradication "Work x» McHenry Const? Vvom. Se»fc/%, 1931, to Sept. 1, 1»3& Clean SerOs : - : •. • " Y No. of Month' • Herds Cattre September, 1931 ' .164 4366 October, 1931 ............„....;..i..v..160 November, 193-1 ^...-^<-r-...114 December, 1931 .•..„„..„...154 January, 1932 '„.........™.,„..„...310 February, 193iJ .......u~....-..260 March, 1932 April, 1932 May, 1932 June," 1932 July, 1932 August, 1932 ,.;...209 240 ............Vi;....260 292 229 11* 3688 2878 4370 8355 6598 5985 6920 7698 8301 6514 3608 Total Disbursements $25,522.04 Respectfully submitted, ETHEL C. COE, County Superintendent of Schools. Beport of Institute Fund For Tear Ending Jnne 30, 1932 To the Chairman of the County Board of Supervisors, McHenry County, 111. I, ETHEL C. COE, County Superintendent of Schools of McHenry County, respectfully present the following report of all moneys received and expenditures made from the Institute Fund of this office: Becelpta Balance on hand July 1, 1931 ....$687.00 Received for year ending. June 80, 1932 - 463.00 Total receipts Disbnrsementa Lois Waechter Frank Zarnstorff, Dist. 18 Irving Horn Marina Phillips Marina Phillips .1.... Marie Kingsley .... Mrs. J. B. Adam® .-.J Marina Phillips Ruth A. Mead Gertrude Coarsort Joyce Prouty Marina Phillips Marina Phillips ...............-- Marina Phillips Irving Horn Arline Herdklotz ^... Ruth A. Mead $1,060.00 $ 202.40 ........ 10.00 10.00 , 85.00 lo.oo 5.00 ......... 5.00 ; <0.00 15.00 5.00 5.00 10.00 105.00 #5.00 5.00 . 6 . 0 0 *5.00 Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar- Apr. May, June, July, Aug. 1921 1931 1931 1931 1932 1932 1932 1932 1932 1932 193» 1932 2498 69,181 Xftfeeted Sirli ,No. of No. of Herd* Cattle Reactors 27 26 41 .29 J 79 48 ...87 .63 .29 .27 .14 980 831" 1129 1060 1911 1740 1182 1977 ; 970 769 620 ...17 660 1 427 . * M629 2498 6ll81 81 .64 82 £2 1^8 94 103 136 68 43 86 42 "919 II' - * v* * Total Disbursements $707.40 Balance on hand, June 30, 1932 $342.60 Board to take care of the County's interest in regard to free government flour had held a meeting to investigate Bi id matter. The ('ommittee met with the new County Organization of the Red The Chairman of the Committee, on Fees and Salaries addressed the Board and stated that a communication from the Woodslpck News printing company directed to the Board of Supervisors on the question of the publication of the Cross and were informed that th'- tp- delinquent tax list, was referred to his Henrv Turner, Hebron,! Inmates |M( WW miiT'lj Tw*"vTlta ***» "•T""1 for fepCMrtr and the count^ »«ttie ...-- $44,243.08 Amounts received for month of August 11.1. Bell Tel. Co., comm. on booth $ 2.31 State of Illinois, reimbursement Mother's Pension 760,00 V.. S. Lumley, State's Attorney. ' Co. Claim E. Williams Est. .... 297.81 J. T. O'Brien, Super. Chcmuiif Inmates Co. Home 67.G0 E. F, Kuecker. Super. Sene$fc , Inmates Co. Home ' 60.82 State of 111., M. F. tax Rt. 47 60, -22 *. :... 1,778.61 County Treas., Fees on Jjuly Inheritance Tax 46.19 H. F. Peteit, Co. Coll.. Pt. 1931 tax .i 1,000.00 J. H. Conley, Grafton Inmates County Home ' ' 53.'89 'V- E. Brown, Dorr Inmates. Co." Home 33.62 H. F. Peteit, Co. Coll., Pt. 1931 tax 6,000.00 H. F. Peteit, Co. Coll., Rt. Non High Tax 2,000.00 Chas. Ackman, Coral, inmatea County Home . - 7.13 Total $1,050,00 Respectfully) submitted, ETHEL. C. COE, County Superintendent of Schools. The following Resolution was presented and read to the Board, to-wlt: Besolntlon of County Board Tor the Maintenance of State Aid Gravel and Macadam Boads WHEREAS, The law required "That when a gravel or macadam road is constructed, the county shall pay one-half of the cost of Its maintenance," and WHEREAS, The law required that the maintenance of all State aid roads is Under the jurisdiction of the State Superintendent of Highways, and WHEREAS, It is necessary to pay promptly all maintenance bills to secure satisfactory and economical results; therefore, be It RESOLVED, By the County Board of McHenry County that there Is hereby appropriated from funds in the hands of the County Treas., the sum of Four Hundre Dollars ($400.00), or as much thereof as is necessary to^defray the county's portion of the «6st of maintenance of State Aid road known as Section (s) G, for the period ending December 31at, 1933, and be it further RESOLVED, That the County Clerk is -hereby authorized to draw orders on the County Treasurer in the payment of the maintenance cost of said road upon receipt of itemized bills properly approved by the State Division of Highways. It was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Kuecker and duly seconded by Supr. Conley that the above and foregoing Resolution be adopted by this Board and the roll being called said motion was unanimously carried. Total ...... 2925 82810 919 Total expenses for the year September1 1, 1931 to Aug. 3i, 1932 is $6474.68, the samei being paid out of an appropriation of $6,000 made out of the tax levy of September 1931; leaving a balance of $525.42. This amount to be turned back into the general fund by the county treasurer. ; Your committee would further report and recommend that there be appropriated the sum of $5,000 out of the tax levy or so much thereof as is necessary to continue the work of eradication of tuberculosis tin cattle from September 1, 1932 to September 1, 1933. We further recommend that the county continue under the present area plan of handling the eradication of tuberculoma in cattle. All of which is respectruily submitted. A. H. HALE, Chairman CHAS. H. ACKMAN The Committee on Resolutions presented the following report and upon motion duly made and carried the «ame was approved and ordered placed on file, to-wit: Beport of Committee On Resolutions WHEREAS, Robert E. Haeper, Supervisor of the Township of Algonquin in this county, who has so faithfully served his township for twenty-one years last past as supervisor departed this life since the last meeting of this Board leaving a vacancy which is keenly felt by the members of the County Board of Supervisors of this Countv, THEREFOR!-} BE IT RESOLVED by the said Board of Supervisors of McHenry County in session assembled that in the passing rtf the said Robert E. Haeger as such supervisor this Board has sustained an irreparable loss; That in his passing McHenry couniv has suffered the loss of one who has labored hard and faithfully for the benefit of ' fellow men and one whose honesty nnd inteerltv has ncvur bef>n questioned: BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that said Board extend to the widow end family of said deceased Supervisor Its heart felt sympathy in their bereavement and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this Resolution be spread upon the records of the Board nnd * copy thereof forwarded to the widowf 9^ t£e said deceased. Supervisor.- J. D. DONOVAN F. R. McCONNELL. PAUL ROSENTHAL JOHN "ONLEY JOHN HARBISON lUsaiuUen Commit***. " . \ ' V - f' i \' The following Resolution was presented and read to the Board, to-wit: WHEREAS, the Law provides for Route 67 "Beginning at Marengo and extending in a northeasterly direction to Woodstock": AND WHEREAS, the portion of Route 67 now being built as a cement highway, comes to an end on a very poor road some 5 miles south of Woodstock, its! destination, and thus its full benefits cannot be enjoyed by "the people it is to serve: - THEREFORE BE IT RESOL\ ED that this Board of Supervisors of McHenry County, Illinois, hereby urges the State Department of Public Works and Buildings to take steps to complete said Route 67 northerly to Woodstock, Illinois as soon as possible, and connect same to the road known as Dean Street road-south of Woodstock, Illinois. _ . „ BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the- County Clerk transmit two copies of this resolution to the Stale of Illinois Department of Public Works- and Buildings at Springfield, Illinois. It was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Brown and duly seconded by Supr. Freund that the above and foregoing Resolution be adopted by this Board. , Motion declared unanimously carried. Two communications from" the State of Illinois, Department of Public Works and Buildings were presented and read to the Board and ordered placed on file. The Clerk presented and read to the Board Bogardus Fund applications of Levy presented b|y the several American Legion Posts in McHenry county, which wer§ on motion duly made and carried ordered placed on tile. The Committee on Eradication of T. B. in cattle presented the following report which was on motion duly ipade and carried approved and ordered placed on file, to-wit: Mr Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors:,. ^ The committee on Eradication of Tuberculosis in cattle, submit the following report) on expenditures during the ^September, 1931 v Monthly Totals Draper ......._^.^.».~..$300.00 Desmond 90.00 oifice expense --.. 73.05 $463.06 October, 1981--- Draper . ,t •.^..^^$300.00-. y.. Desmond 90.00" Office expense 12.25 November, 1931-r- Draper . ...v ..........$333.33 Desmond 100.00 Office expense 13.55. December, 198l~ Draper ........^......$333.33 Desmond ...........i. 100.00 n.26 . $402.26 $446.88 Mrs. Ralph Walkup, President of the McHenry County Home Bureau being present fit the meeting was called upon by the Chairman. Mrs. Walkup then addressed the Board and stated that the 4H club work in McHenry County was greatly handicapped for the reason that no appropriation was made for the last preceding year and that the membership had dropped off materially. Mrs. Walkup further stated that it would be necessary for them to secure an appropriation from this Board to .effectively carry out the 4-H club work. A general discussion was then had by the members of the Board in regard to said appropriation. It. was thereupon regulraly moved and duly carried that action on an appropriation for the Home Bureau be continued to the afternoon session of this Board. The Clerk presented lists of Claims against the County and upon motion duly made and carried the same was referred to the proper committee for report and the Board adjourned to 1:30 o'clock P. M. for committee work. 1:30 O'CLOCK P. X. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Present same members. The Committee on Claims, Labor fees and supplies made the following report which was on motion of Supr. Ackman duly seconded by Supr. Kuecker and the roll being called unanimously adopted, to-wit: Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of ^Supervisors: Your Committee on Lal^or, Fees and Supplies claims would beg leave to report that they have examined all qjaims presented to them, and recommend the payment of the following, and that the Clerk be directed to issue orders on the County Treasurer to the Claimants for the several amounts allowed, as follows, to-wit: Frank Thornber & Co., sup. Co. Of $361.87 Lepter Edinger, exp. of office ........ 94.00 Eckert & Bending, mdse. shf. ....129.19 . Bodenschatz & Sahs, mdse. shf 16.90 'Wilcox & Koblentz, mdse. shf 19.36 Bricher, Bros., mdse. shf 42.70 Gaulke Bros., meat shf 120.68 Davidson & Pearsall Co., mdse. shf 11.54 West. Un. Gas & El. Co., gas shf. 14.15 j E. F. Backhus, labor slif 18.23 Schmidt A Becking, meat shf. JuVy 127.'95 Hoeslev's Bakery, mdse. shf. July 77.86 Hoesley's Bakery, mdse. shf. Aug. 68.82 I Woodstock Tent and A*wning Co., I awnings C. H 26.00 IBoyd Elec. App. Shop, mdse. shf 3.60 Pfeiffer's Pharmacy, mdse. Co. Of. 7.90 W. R. Cairns, bailifO and dpty shf .............12500 LeRoy Clark, bailiff ft dpty. Shf. 104.uO Geo. Grant, dpty. shf. 16.00 I Loren Edinger, dpty. shf. 10.00 Howard Freeman, dpty. shf; .--10.00 Richard Farrell, dpty. shf.,........X- 10.00 Charles Williams, dpty. shr. .......A. 6.00 111. Bell Tel. Co., toll shf. 29.16 111. Bell Tel. Co., toll and serv. Co. Officers 47.70 C. L. Tryon, sal. and e*p. Supt. Hys ...360.64 Ethel C. Coe, exp. Supt. Schs. 6.80 Republican. News Co., pub. notice Supt. Schs !...: Woodstock Evening Journal, pub. notice Sup. Schs. . Woodstock Evening Journal, pub. bfds $4.80 and del. list treasurer $1871.40 „ 1876.90 Marengo Rep. News, pUb. aasmt., list Treas 161.10 Woodstock Daily Sentinel,, stp. env. letter heads Co. Off. 112.50 Amer. Prtg. Co., blanks Co. Treas. 46.50 R. R. Rockhill, mdse. Treas 2.00 The M. B. Cook Co., mdse. Treaa. 21.00 R. D. Woods, Co. Clk., postage stamps for tax amendments .... 51.06 Donald Still, addressing tax amendments 33.00 E. C. Hughes, serv. Board of Review and auto 70 days 640.00 Henry F. Greeley, serv. Board of Review and auto 70 days 540.00 Wm. E. Nason, serv. Board of Re-, view 70 days .420.00 Theo. Hamer. serv. Board of Re- ' view 75 days ............460.00 G. L, Tryon, S. A. Rt 22 MFT No. 2 MFT 136.02 O. L. Tryon, S. A. Rt 31 and S1A Sec. L MFT ..130.99 Herman Luedtke, 8. A. Rt 22 Sec. 2, MFT 6.00 Daisy V. Moore, sal. ast. sup. schs. 115.00 Lester Edinger, allowance car ...J 00.00 Marian Edingei^ cooking for pris. 115.00 Philip E. Bierdeman. sal. clk. shf. ino.flo Vesue Muldooa, salary _103.<H> • , -99 W. J. Kittle, sal. prob. off. .......... 76.M City of Woodstock, lights W. S. Bat tern, fees, Peo. cases Irene Deitz, serv. Board of Re- ?• view, 64 days 241,it Vera H. Fehrman, serv. B(i. of 'Vj Review, 64 % days A. H. Hale, spl com work 28>fA Chas. H. Ackman, spl com work.. 62. Chas. H. Ackman, phone ...^l I. H. M. Turner, spl com want ; . ajid phone L. A. Stockwall, spl com work .... 31<|0 Volney E. Brown, spl com work .... •l D. M. Wright, spl com work f7, John Conley, spl com work 16 S.iH. Freund, spl com work 1 20 P.l F. Rosenthal, spl com work .... 10 N. B. Clawson, spl' com work 4$j John Harrison, spl com work 11. E. F. Kuecker, spl com work 8f John T. O'Brien, spl com work .... 16 C. M. Palmer, spl con* work ....... 4l.t Peter J. Freund & Son, labor and material C. H 46 ft E. J. Field Hdw- Co.. mdse. ahf. 14!|0 Dr. H. W. Sandeen, serv. County prisoners 2KJm Dr. H, W. Sandeeh, serv. blind ~ j* persons ...;! J.; ...^ S.M Chicago Ind. Home for Chil.,, cafe County' Children 298.M Frank A- McCarthetf, services Rt. 47 ........... 2*1,!*. . ., $8,S45|3r All of which 1b respectfully submitted. ». L. A. STOCKWELL -: i'. , c. *m. palmer . ,v . v-7, • IS.-IF. KUECKEltf" *- D. M. WRIGHT ".V. E. BROWN The Committee on Claims, County Poor made the following report whldn was on motion duly made and carried approved and ordered placed on file, to* wit: • ,T Mr. Chairman and Qentlemen rof toe Board of Supervisors: 5 <•,. Your Committee on County claims would beg leave to report thit they have examined all claims pt%'r sented to them, and recommend the pair* ment of the following, and that tie Clerk be directed to Issue orders on the County Treasurer to the Claimants for the several amounts allowed, as follows to-wit: j Woodstock Hoapital, serv. Thomas > i Commance, $77.00, laid over fdr 4 I vestlgation. 1 • All of which is respectfully 8Utra)ttt JOfiN T. O'BRIEN D. M. WRIGHT J. E. HARRJSON The Committee on Relief of BltMl made the following report, to-wlt: * . Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of tnfc Board of Supervisors: Your Committee on Relief of Bliad would beg leave to submit the following Report on the matters before them: - That the appropriation heretofcjjpe made for relief of blind persons exhausted on the 1st day of July A. ©. 1932. We would therefore recommeid that the sum of Three Hundred Si*ty Five - ($365.00) Dollars payable quarterly, commencing July 1, A. D. 1932 and payable October 1st, A. D. 1932; JanStary 1st, A. D. 1933; April 1st, A. ©. 1933 andt July 1st, A. D. 1933 be appropriated and paid for tne following pifsons, under the statute, to-wlt: .*• No. 1, Ellen Boyle. . Vr 4- No. 2, Henry Burger. " > No. 3, Walter J. Freupd. No. 4, Lynn H. FiUmofp," ; .. «, No. 6, John A. Purney.4'- No. 6, Robert I. Furney. - No. 7, Elsie Harmsen. ' •' No. 8, Frank W. Miller. No. 9, Johanna Ritt. No. 10, Christ Sund. No. 11, William A- Schoen. No. 12, Paul Trow., No. 13, Jacob Terpstra. No. 14, Adelbert H. Willoughby. We further report that We lmrei" amined the applications of Jacob Dickerson, Charlies Schinske> Alf Dunham and Fred Reed and find t' they have been regularly examined that the examiner reports that they blind. We further find their income fb be less than Four Hundred SiXty-fWfc Dollars ($465.00) per annum and rfecommend that their applications tbe granted and that there be appropriated and paid the sum of Three Hundftd Sixty-five ($365.00) Dollars for each said applicants make a total of Sixttfive Hundred Seventy Dollars. They would therefore recommend t an appropriation of Twenty-five H dred Dollars for relief of Blind be eluded in the Tax Levy for the curra&t year. All of whicb is respectfully submittft H. M. TURNER, Chairman. W N. B. CLAWSON £ G. A. DODD D. M. WRIGHT It was thereupon regularly moi by Supervisor Palmer and duly onded by Asst. Supr. Rosenthal til the above and foregoing report be adopted by this Board. On roll call •Suprs. Stockwell, Wright, Palmef,- O'Brien Clawson, Kuecker, AckmUI. Conley, Brown, Harrison, Turnet, Freund, Hale, Dodd and Asst. SupfS. Donovan and Rosenthal voted aye. Naj-. none. Motion declared carried. 4- #V--' that 1$- si The Committee on Finance mad0 following report, to-wlt: Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of tM Board of Supervisors: . Your Committee to whom was red the matter of the County Tax Lew for the year 1932, would beg leave M submit tthe following report on tM matters before them: That we have ascertained the seveifttl items of necessary expenditures for tfte County purposes as nearly as possible and recommend that the sum of Eightysix thousand six hundred thirty (»8|- 630.00) Dollars for General Couiflfy purposes, and the sum of Forty-flr thousand seven hundred elghty-fi; ($45,785.00) Dollars for County Hi_ way Tax, Maintenance State and state Aid Roads and Removing Snow making a total of One hundred and thlrty-tWO thousand four hundred fifteen ( mi* 415.00.) Dollars be appropriated and levied as County Tax on all taxable property of said County and State aforesaid for the year A. D. 1932, and that the County Clerk is hereby instructed to extend said amount on all taxable property in the County, in accordance with the report for the following pt|^> poses, to-wit: Salary and Traveling expenses Co. Supt. of Highways $3,150 Salary County Judge 8,600.' County Services, Co. Clk., .Clr, t Clk., Shf. and Treas. 7,Q0O.jfj| Compensation and office ex-1 penses, Co. Supt. Schools 2,000.11 Supplies, stationery, postage and 'l press, Co. officers 3,000.(9 Per Diem, clerk hire, witness fees, etc., Bd. of Review 2,600. Mileage and Per Diem, Jurors, 5,000. Co. Judge, Stenographer 1,080. Coroner's and Coroner's Jucy fees at inquests 600.M Fees for Birth and Death JI reports MOJV Salary Probation Officer, County * Court l^OO.W Salary Probation Officer, Cir- A cult Court 900.0# Co. home, farhi, asylums, etc. 7,000.W Fuel, light, water, etc., Court : . House and Jail : 2.50O.OT Relief of Blind 2.500.W Repairs of Court House * jail. 1,000.j© Repairs Poor Farm 1,000.00 Janitor Service 1,300.|0 Supplies, Court House l.OOO.fd Supplies, Jail 500.60 Salary, cookihg for prisoners .... 1,200.19 Salary Deputy Sheriff, Livery for Sheriff.J'etc ...... 2,400. County aid in building bridges 500. Furniture. Court House and Jail 500- Contingent Expenses, labor, law books, etc 2,000.60 Per diem mileage and spl. com- * * mittee wk., members Bd. Suprs Eradication of T, B. In cattle Boirardus Fund, relief ex-soldiers, sailor Mothers' Pension Payments of General Fund Total $86,630.«ft County Highway Tax maintenance pit*-«* 4Jd Roads -#43,7*5.00 II 2,600.1 4,000. IU, rPiioi rs, etc. ........... 6.000.W isions „....14(000.f# Right of way .... I 5,500.##

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