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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 27 Apr 1933, p. 16

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f A«i srx TtTf BOARD AT StfPSRVlSORS, HcHENRf fWlfnr. IttfNOIS 1 Ihey Will not In any way injure the favement in .said highway and s>hull bo •laced and maintaltved under the dlection and supervision and with the onsent of the Department of Public JVofks and Buildings .of the State cf 'Illinois, or such other governmental- Special December Meeting, 1932 : i County's portion of Motor Fuel Tax a. L. Tryon, S. A. Rt. 22 | funds sot aside by resolution at th» |County Board for this purpose if and i When allowed by the County Board. | WITNESS my hand and seal this 6th The Honorable Board of Supervisors jda* of Uvc«nber.^M2. ^ rETKIT ty for the purchase of cement for the Sections 7, to, 11 M. F. T. {*<». 2 64.16 above mentioned construction during | Section 8 ... -• ,-i • . A Arcole Const. Co., S. A. III. 81 I the present calendar .vear. .! Section 9 M,. P. T. No. 2 : .......2^65.811 BK IT FI'RTHEIl RESOLVED, that j Section 12 John Bailey, S. A. Rt. 20 the County Clerk and the County Treas- Section IS „U.. ..... M. F. T. No. 6 ... ] urer of McHenry County, Illinois, Aire ! Section 14 j v. : , " Ewal<i_ \Vinkleman, S. A. Rt. 20 J hereby direc ted to make payments/for Section 16 purchased promptly upon Section 16, H al of the invoice by \the Section 17' Superintendent of Highways.) e exereiise of . the right main-. , . • Petition Ipo the -Board ' of supervisors •*- County - of McHenry, -in ^ f Illinois: ;> "/It The undersigned , reftUeste ryour' ttdn- *&> • ¥• V^H^nd --v ASrable Body to grant to it tlie ri^ht : < ^rj^K^Ia5 • ; n i^ i iwer and authority to place, i»nd main- • £?--•' 'A, > iln in Stat® Aid Route No. 21-A'. *« gov--: 1v',*|, 'ntha!i oona?.Uu*l*g .•nor pit, size 7 ft.'A in. bv 6 ft. 4 tav. The records of „the last .preceding tlie east side of whic'h shall - be located nweting mere read aijd oh motion &p- &&« ?£' irhioh shall be. the north 'line-.-of said ^H'r? j,J .7 ^ i _ . M money in the Coiyitj Kegointlon I (Henry County to meet and'defray the . For the month of Jan. 1933 WHEREAS, the Western United*"Ga«; ordinary expenses of the County. jSndjFor the month of Feb. 1933 .... 6,000.00 ment for Belief Purposes WHEREAS, it has been determined, tfpoji investigation, that there .are 1000 residents of this county, who, by reason of unemployment or Otherwise,' are destitute and in necessitous clrcutftvstanoes; and WHEREAS, It has become necessary to use money allotted to the „ county under the .pro via ions of the Motor Fuel lax Uw for relief purposes, In addi- ' tion to dth'er funds available, for that purpose; and W-HlCREAS, investigation has 1 sliowtl county will need for relief from the motor fuel taxes alit money .for the month, and ill imourits, hereinafter set forth:, month of Dec. 1932 $10,000.00 5,000.00 iad Electric Company, a pifblic utility His petitioned this Board for the right and authority to exercise the license and privilege in this resolution providr cd. and it is necessary at this time to provide I THEREFORE BE -IT RESOLVED funds to meet all such expenses by is- j that motor fuel taxes allotted to the suinp and disposing of anticipation county to the amount of $20,000.00 dolwarrants to be drawn against the Coun- (lars be used to provide relief to' resl- I ty tax levied in the year of 1932 in the dents of the county, who, by reason of WHEREAS, it is deemed advisable j way and manner provided by the Stat- unemployment or otherwise, are destltpat this Boftrd grant, su^h right and ute of this State for the issuing and I tute and in necessitous circumstances, Kiithority, now, therefore, disposing of warrants. and that the money to be so used is" ; VBE IT RESOLVED that full Tight. ! BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of power and authority are hereby gtven Supervisors of the County of McHenry fUld granted unto the said* Y^gptern that the County Treasurer of this ("iiunand Electric Com|5niy to i ty I*.* and he is hereby" authorized and needed for the months, and in the respective amounts, hereinbefore set forth; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that work £>rk work work . work .... 20.80 John T. O'Brien,, spl com w;ork ;... 44.40 IX M. "Wright, spl com work ...... 58-00 S. H. Freund, spl com work 36.90 Frank B. McConnell, spl com work't.80 Arcole Const. .Co., S: A. Rt. 22 See. 2, M. F. T. Est. 9 /..i,783.04 C. L. Tryon, sal. & exp. Sup; Hys. 562.47 Div, of Highways, Sec.>16-1 O 132.84 Chicago Ind. Home for-Children, care County children i..'....:.587!3-0 Arner. Prtg. C.Q.. prtg. <"o. Treas. 426.00 'Wf S. Ba,ttern,:,J. B.,.:fe.ies Peb. cases 60.0f0 C. M. Curtis; P, M;,'fees'1'eoi easier 36.B0 Lou E. Fislien, to serviirt'S stenog. ' •" ngrand jury i lo.oo All of- which' is respectfully, submitted. - L. A. STOCKWELIx . V. E. BROWN , ' . E. F. JKUECKER " C. M. PALMER thereupon regularly moved \/y Wright and seconded by Aast. Rosenthal that the above and Resolution be adopted by And tho roll being called on was unanimously carried. "T- 264.74 G2.50 141.70 230.00 4,008.00 1 75.011 - 66.74 208.97 Total *3,308.58 We would report that sections 1 and 2. M. P. T. are completed and awaiting final acceptance by the state. The construction work on sections 4 and 5 M. F. T. was not started due to the .early winter. We find that the statu The Committee on Claims, County Poor made the following report which was on motion of Supr. Palmer ana duly seconded by Supr. Turner unanimously adopted, to-wlt: Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your Committee on County Poor Claims would beg leave to report that they have examined all claims presented to them, and recommend the payment of the following, and that the Clerk be directed to isdue orders on the Posts for an amount not to exceed 60 per cent of their Levy. The Clerk stated to the Board that, due to there being no .-Novembermeetlhg of said Board, some of. the Posts were very bady in need of funds to ea'rry them through 'to December and that- he had taken the -matter up with several of the Supervisors and received -their. consent to advance a small an^ount of their LeVy provided they had mad*1 the necessary auajifitations. It was thereupon regular! gy moved by Supr. Hale and duly Seconded by Supr. Conley that, the action of, the -County i Cli?i-k aird Treasurer be' approved and the Bonds of the several American Legion Posts be apys before surfacing material is placed, and gravel surfacing must not be placed on a frozen subgrade. The frnnhcUTU status of the MeHenry County Highway Tax; Funds ara a? -JSf&v loWe; * • Snow X*9ad Bal. on hand as reported April 26, 1932 .. No further expenditures from / . said snow fund. 1 -4' V W" I "I 1 11 IF mmm Clarence Hyde, Kate Newcomb :%'- for Hj de Estate 150.00 John Miller L.........„™.....„..3,300.#® Mrs. John Bowers 1,100.00 Mike Miller :.„.lt200.00 Will T. Conn, County Recorder, recording Jahonnot tract pi# s.w Harry F. Peteit, County Treasurer, Treasurer Fee *6,126.|jf •Ntto DeCoy Ellis, atty., Murdock tract Will T. Conn, County Recordel", recording 1 QCD, 2 Partial Releases and 9 Dedication plat* 49.M Harry F. Peteit, County Treasurer, Treasurer Fee, B,|T State Aid Xonta 14, B. M. X. ^ Will T. Conn, County Recorder^ recording 2 Rights of Way plats ; Harry F. P»teit, County Treasurer, Treasurer . Fee ...... 1407 I 19M $10.|« THEREFORE, be It resolved by said: Board of Supervisors of MoHertfy ; Regular Sftutfl . {County. Illinois, that the above amount Bal. dn harid Qct. 11, 1932 , . .»,',7tt"91 0< W.543.#,7 of the Motor Fuel Ta* kit Additional aapppprroopprriiaattiioonn Occttoobbeerr ' 1929 fc-e v.sed • for the purchase cf sajUl / 11, 1932 : •„ .. ! " Received gas tax: refund gas usejd in trnctopei: proved and the_ County 'Clerk, directed I Claim No B188092 ' ^"-u. to draw orders payable to said' Posts Iciaim No. B1-8-8093 trn ited Gas a.... ..... ^ ..» .. „. v ^ place and maintain in State Aid Route j directed to issue and sell as needed, the County Clerk be, and he is hereby No. 21-A, a governor pit, size 7 ft. 4 ; anticipation warrants to an amount not .directed to transmit to the Department t In. by 6 ft. 4 In., the east side of which j to exceed the sum of $30,000.00 against of Finance, Springfield, Illinois, tliree..^-County Treasurer to the Claimants for Aiall be located 502 ft. 4 in. west of the County tax levied in the year 1.932, 'certified copies of this resolution and ^ne several amounts allowed, as folthe east line of Section 6, and the north but in no event shall the anticipation (that the receipt of the certified copies j9w8' to" wit: _ - jj#undary of which shall be the north I warrants issued, exceed 75 per cent of I of said resolution by said Department iTh® jCf,T °anatoHum, care Kile of said highway in Section 6. Coral the amounts Of the appropriation tax iof Finance shall constitute a request by i _. S, --z •••••; $160.00 Township, McHenry County, Illinois. | levied for the year of 1932; that said the County Board to pay over to the The Zace Tub. Sanatorium, care Said governor pit shall be located and [warrants shall be issued as needed in j County Treasurer of this county, on ' ,^a'lie £utt3 ; 280.00 mnintained so that it will not in any «ums of $5000.00 each and each war-i the first of each month, the amount i™"e Zace Tub. Sanatorium, care 1 - •- , . . . i Ada Parrish ....* 70.00 The Ottawa Sanatorium, care Ada, Parrish .263.00 Alt tt>f which is respectfully Mmtttiik,' JOHN T. O'BRIEN - •P. M. WRIGHT . ., CHAS. H. ACKMAJJ J. E. HARRISON ly injure the pavement in said high; - rant to be so drawn so that the same herein set forth as the amount needed Wiay and shall be placed and maintained i shall draw interest at the rate of 6 I for relief purposes for that monthtioder the direction and supervision and ! per <^ent per annum from the time of its Jrtth the consent of the Department of issuance until paid or until notice is Public WorKs and Buildings of the : given that said warrant is recalled for State of Illinois, or such other gov- payment, which anticipation warrants •fnmental department as shall have are issued for the purpose of creating a Jurisdiction in the premises. i fund from 'which payment of the ordl- ' This grant is made upon the express i nary and necessary expenses of said condition that said grantee will pay all County, mav be paid. ,damages to the owners of property : BE IT FL'RTHER RESOLVED, that abutting upon said Highways wlncn siich anticipation warrants shall when drawfi--yhow upon their face that they are payable solely out of the-tax, when collected, and not otherwise. H. F. PETEIT, county T/eas. It was thereupon regularly moved by they may sustain by reason of. the placing of said governor pit, said damages to be ascertained and paid in the litanner provided by law for the exer-, dae of the right of Eminent Domain. A Bond given by one of the Vice Presidents of the Western United Gas and Electric Co. made payable to the people of the State of Illinois for the tna of McHenry County in the sum of Five Thousand Dollars was also preaAnted and read to the Board. Supr. Palmer, Chairman of the Committee on Roids and Bridges addressed the Board •nd stated that the Road and Bridge Committee report favorable on the Resolutions presented and that he would move that the above and foregoing petitions be granted and Resolutions be It was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. O'Brien and duly seconded, by Supr. Stockwell that the Resolution be adopted by this Board. And, on roll call- Suprs. Stockwell, Wright, Palmer, O'ferien, Clawsor., Kuecker, Ackman, Conley, Brown, Harrison, Turner, Mc- Connell, May, Hale, Dodd and Asst. tfuprs. Donovan and Rosenthal Voted aye. Nay none and motion declared carried. The Committee on Claims, Labor Fees and Supplies made the following report which was on motion of Asst. Supr. Supr. Conley and duly seconded by Supr. I Donovan and duly seconded by Supr. Kuecker that the Resolution be adopted i May and the roll being called unanlby this Board and the roll being i ailed | tnously adopted, to-wlt: t Supr. Stockwell, Wright, Palmer, i Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the I following report on the matters before The Committee on flection# l^age tlle following report which was on motion of Supr. Kuecker and duly seconded by Supr. Palmer and the roll being called was unanimously adopted, to-wit: Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your Committee on Elections to" whom was referred election expenses for the General election of November 8, 1932 would beg leave ta submit the O'Brien, Clawson, Kuecker, Ackman, Conley, Brown, Harrison, Turner, Mc- Connell, May, Hale, Dodd and Asst.. Suprs. Donovan and Rosenthal voted aye. Nay none and motion declared carried. 1 Board of Supervisors: 'them: r>^,r'„Lce?.aJld iRiley :r.,....:t.:.,.:.........™J,.....v...|i09.20 The Clerk presented a reepmmendation from the State Auditor on Motor Fuel Tax recommending that the Counadopied and Bond approved. Said motion ; ty Board of Supervisors authorize the to adopt was duly seconded by Asst. j County Treasurer to reimburse the 8upr. Donovan and the roll being called 1 Motor Fuel Tax Funds out of the Genaald motion was unanimously adopted, j eral fund in the amount of $300.00" to Supr. Ackman addressed the Board take care of the payment made for *»d stated that he would like to have j right of way. ;It was thereupon regu- Btate s Attorney Lumley explain the larly moved and duly carried that the Bond Issue to the members of the iCountv Treasurer be authorized to make Board that is to be voted upon at the | said transfer. coming election. State's Attorney Lum-1 The Clerk presented lists of claims ley then addressed the Board and ex-I against the County and upon motion of plained the Bond Issue in detail, and | Supr. Stockwell and duly seconded by Baited that every Supr. in the interest | Supr. Ackman the same were referred or the tax payers of McHenry County : to the proper committees for - report, •Qould go out and instruct the voters in ' and the Board'adjourned to 1:30 o'clock their Coinmuhity to vote for the Bond : for committee work. XasUe which would save them approxi- 1 1:30 O CXiOCX P. M. OWtely $140,000.00 in taxes to be levied Board met pursuant to adjournment, for .the ensuing year. It was there™ , Present same members. Upon regularly moved by Supr. Stock- j The Clerk presented and read a com- Well and duly seconded by Supr. Tur- . munication from the Public Welfare ..ir4 .? on recor,l tor I Association of Crystal Lake requesting 2S.»5. « ?n, kmeJ"*f,ncy Relief [that the County Board of Suprs. allot Ballot or Bond Issue Ballot causing | a portion of the Motor Fuel Tax Re- * .^r*l,a' saving to the Tax Payers of . fund due McHenry County from the tl||8 County. Said motion was declared State of Jllinois for X*oor relief. S©v- Supplies Claims would beg leave to report that they have examined all claims presented to them, and recommend the payment of the following, and that the Clerk be directed to issue orders on the Marengo 1 Marengo;- Dunham ......I. : Chemung 1 ... Chemung! County Treasurer to the Claimants for rhemung the several amounts allowed, p.s follows, to-wit: Frank Thornber & Co. sup. CO. of. $648.24 R. D. Woods, Co. Clk., fees Peoples cases. .332.25 oraTton-v Zion Off- Su. Co., mdse. Treas 7-05 Dorr 1 .--v***r~--• *-r-" Callaghan & Co., law books 8.00 , n»rr' La. Co. Op. Pub, Co^law books.... ?.50 | | Alden Hartland .... Seneca Coral 109.70 115.60 113.70 110.45 ... 111.20 ... 108.90 «. 108.70 ...-. 108.10 .. -108.30 jl 08.V 0 upop the filing of suflicient Bond and a i request for an amount not to exceed 50 per cent of their Levy. And the roll being called said motion wag unanimously carried. The following report presented by the Committee on Fees and Salaries was read to the Board, to-wit: Resolution ^ Whereas, it appears from the reords of the CoUnty "prcasurer that Will T. Conn, Circuit Clerk of this County has turned over to the County the following amounts after paying all salaries and expenses of his office, to-wit: Claim -Nm- Claim "ivo. B19148t> BWliM 7,000.00 3.48 17,87 102.21 • 21.12 - $*',883.09 Less expenditures Nov. 5, 1932 3,208.58 May 31, 1920 ; _..$2,028.87 11 Nov. 30, 1929 . . - - - - - May,si81, 1930 Nov: ao, 1930 3,435.25 May 31; 1931 2,885.85 Nov. 30, 1931 2,690.00 May 31, 1932,.. .....J..,'.3,808.84 Nov. 30, 1932 2,890.15 Balance on hand Dec. 6, 1932 ....$6,674.51 Your cortimitttee estimates there will be necessary for the care of the McHenry County Patrol System of Roads until the next meeting of this Board an appropriation from the County Highway Tax Fund levied in September., 1931 In the sum of $2,000.00: and from the CoiMity Highway Tax Fund levied , in September. 1931, for removal of snow 2 499 84 fro"» said highways an appropriatloh 2 771 00 ln the sum of $2,000.00. All of which is respectfully submitted. C. M. PALMER A. H. HALE H. M. TURNER £>. M. WRIGHT V. E. pROW right of way above mentioned, and, BE IT FURTHER • RESOLVED, thft* R. I). WOODS. County Clerk, is here^Jf directed t© certify a copy of this resf lution to the Department of Publ Works and Buildings, Divison of Hig( ways,- Springfield, Illinois, for its approval for voucher. '* It was thereupon regularly moved Supr. Ackman and duly seconded Supr. Turner that the Resolution adopted. And the roll being called motion was unanlmomusly carried. ate •r |f eral ail^ hl#t Making a total of ....$23,009.80 And whereas it appears from the The Committee on McHenry County above that the duties, work and re- Home presented the following report, sponslbilitles of the said office have., to-wlt: increased to a large extent. The County Farm Committee met at And whereas the compensation of the 'the County Farm on December 3rd, 1932, Circuit Clerk has heretofore been below and took the Annual Inventory which that of other County Officers without we wish to submit, to-wit: , . any just reason. , One Chestnut Gelding ,.„»^|a00.00 Therefore Be Iti Resolved by" the I One Grey Mare ....: H 00.00 Board of Supervisors of McHenry Two Grey Geldings ...............^.,..^ 200.00 County that the salary of the Circuit {One .Bay Gelding 25.00 Clerk be and it hereby is fixed at the , «i"" r sum of twenty-five hundred dollars) • #425.00 ($2500.00) per year as per Statute for One Pure Bred Holstein Bull 60.00 the term commencing December 5, 1932 | Twenty Milch Cows 1,000.00 ;ind the appropriation for -Clerk hire be fixed at Five Thousand Dollars per year. Committee, A. H. HALE G. A. DODD - E. F. KUECKER D. M. WRIGHT P. F. ROSENTHAL CHAS. H. ACKJtfAN - ^ V. E. BROWN Six 2-yr. Holstein Heifers One Brown Swiss Bull Calf 125.00 35.00 $1,220.00 IJour Fat Hogs 42.00 Eight Brood Sows J20.00 One Durop Jersey Boar 15.00 It was thereupon regulary moved by . • n ""* Asst. Supr. Donovan and duly seconded j ° by Supr. Ackman that the report of the ® ,V„ • Committee on Fees and Salaries ^e ] ??ft A„,? ™ ndonted hv this Board. And the roll be- 'i™. . Ke ' : $177.00 2(0 Hens -- 1 f 162.50 8 bu. Seed Corn 4 26.00 400 t-u. Barley 120.00 2 Stacks Straw ! 200 bu. Potatoes ...•. McHenry Co. Abst. Co., search , ( nn,.r A rec. for Supt. Hys 73.50 GrPpnwood""* Pfelffer's Pharmacy, mdse^ Co. Off. 12.25 H.i.pnn Harvard Herald, ballots : 1,184.90 , ftfphmori.i"""'*" Crystal J^ake Herald, emergency ' Kurfnn and spec, ballots 86-00 ! &Xnr>"T": eral members of said Astsociation boin; present at the meeting were called upon Unanimously carried Supr. Palmer addressed the Board and •toted that the matter of additional Heads needed in McHenry County under the Third Issue had been referred to the Road and Bridge Committee for report. He further i stated that as Chairman of said '(Committee that he «alled a meeting of the full Board held in the Board of Supervisors Room in the County Building at Woodstock, . . Illinois on Friday evening of last week -I fjower to relieve the same aSd that they had T. J. Shackell, auto, del. ballots .... J. T. Kitchen, canvas ballots W. S. Battern, canvas vallots Woodstock Dally Sentinel, prtg. 32.00 6.oo McHenry .2 McHenry. 3 Provisions on hand ' 738.00 110o qts. Canned Fruit ... 330.00 K nil i w *'00 Nunda V ;... Nunda 2 adopted by be ing called said motion was declared unanimously carried. County Judge, Charles' T. Allen, addressed the Board and stated that the maximum amount allowed for Mother's Penions in McHenry County for the ensuing year is based upon a valuation of $40,625,615, or $16,250.00 and that Mother's Pensions paid for the month of November, 1932 were $1480.00. Judge Alleff further stated that due to ins 7n this" condition it. will be necessary, to Tmnl«mei»tk }?5-'®'keep within the maxmum amount al- i ~ 113.70 »Ho Statute tn cpnlo Mfith. ' »? lO«S BOH. tOW f 30.00 ...........i._......'..... joo.oo 450.00 220.00 ,10.00 108.40 I 103.70 102.50 102.50 107.80 i 114.70 ' 108.70 ' 114.40 I 109.30 : 113.70 $1,155.00 $100.00 Furniture ft Fixtures Laundry Equipment ; $1,168.00 $3,600.00 2,000.00 Co. Officers .; ". 17«.80 Dr- Henry W. Sandeen, com. insnne, Algonauin "i Geo. Ostrum, Julia Long, Mable | Algonquin 4 Noble, Irving Ohrwall, Hajrvev Lindahl, Geo. Ballard, ffm. Kelley, Hofce Bllliter 4C.00 Dr. Henry W. Sandeen, serv. ~ ' County Prisoners ...... I t50 Dr. Wm. H. \Tewton, Com. Geo., Ostrum and Mable Noble lft.0# Dr. Hyde West, com. Geo. Ballard 5.00 Ethel C. Coe, exp. sup. schs. 34.50 113.70 108.40 lowed under the Statute, to scale Moth- „0 er's Pensions accordingly. He wished to leave this information " lila'on Board so that they would be able to i*iT Quantity Stove Wood ith th0 Oil and Gas by the Chairman. Rev. Omar J. Fluguin MUltigraph Co., mdse. sup sch. . 14.26 as spokesman for the Public Welfare 111. Of. Sup. Co., mdse. sup. sch. 17.69 Association of Crystal Lake addressed I Safety Env. Co., mdse. sup. sch. 2.tf2 the meeting and stated that due to the J Marengo Rep. News, prtg. sup. sch inability of private Charitable Organi- Woodstock Eve. Journal, prtg. 90 . . plan that they wished to present at this time. He then Willed upon Mr. Tryon, Supr of High- Krfcys to explain the dilTerent roads as laid out in said plat. Mr. Tryon then •Jtplained the different roads as outlMled on several plats as presented. It Wfrs thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Kuecker and duly seconded ty Supr. AtKmjn thrtt the plan of new roads be approved by this Board an<T that the Road and Bridge Committee together #lth County Supt. of Highways, Tryon, be authorized to recommend the same for approval to the' Hunter Good Roads ComiYiisxion of the State of Illinois, and the roll being called .said motion was tBkanimously adopted. Supr. Hale, chairman of the Fees and Salaries Committee addressed the Board a«d stated that as Chairman of said Committee he had received several bids for the Audit of the several County Officers in McHenry Countv for the two year period ending December 1, 1932. Mr. Hale further stated that he felt that this matter should be taken care of at this meeting for the reason that there would be no meeting of the Board dttrlng the month of November. It was thereupon repularly moved by Supr. Ackman and duly seconded by Supr. Turner that this matter be referred to the Fees and Salaries Committee giving them full power to act. Asst. Supr. Donovan offered the following amendment to the motion.--That Contract be let to McHenry Countv Auditors if the same is legal. Amendment to the motion was duly seconded by Supr. Dodd. A rSll call vote on the amendment to the motion was called for by the Chairman and Suprs. O'Rrlen. Clawson, Con- , ley, Brown, Harrison, May, Freund and Dodd and Asst. Supr. Donovan voted afe. Suprs. Stockwell, Palmer. Kueckef, Ackman, Turner, McConnell, Hale ahd Asst. Supr. Rosenthal voted nay. Amendment to the motion declared car- "•pd by a vote of nine aye and eight nay. The roll was then called on the motion W amended and same was unanimously •arrled. > State'* Attorney Lumley addressed gie Board and requested an appropriation of Two Hundred Fifty Dollars to tjike care of incidental expenses of his gffice to December lost, 1932. It "was niereupon regularly moved by Supr. Ickman and duly seconded by Supr. Calmer that an appropriation of Two hundred Fifty ($250,001 Dollars be allowed and paid to the State's Attorney's pfflce and that the County Clerk be Ircted to ifrsne an order on the Counzations to raise funds in the different communities that the Association felt tViat an emergency existed and that the Board should do everything within its A general discussion was then had by the Board on this subject. Supr. O'Brien addressed the Board and stated that he appreciated the remarks of Rev. Flugum and that he too felt that .an emergency existed that should be taken care of as iH. J. Burchfield, wit." fee soon as possible. He further stated • F. W. Ma as, wit. fee ..r.™™;:;...-. .^.20 - Prtg. sup. sch McHenry Plaindealer, prtg. sup. schs Richmond Gazette, prtg. sup. sch. C. Lake Herald Eub. Co., prtg. ,- sup. sch* Harvard Herald, prtjf. sup. schs. and treas Dept. Pub. Wks. va Weidner-- Wm. Foster, wit. fee 109.20 108.30 109.00 109.20 101.40 Algonquin 2 Algontiuin $ ......4..........:^......; Algonquin 4 Algonquin 5 All of which is respectfully submitted. D. M. WRIGHT, Chairman ^ JOHN CONLEY N. B. CLAWSON - FRANK MAY JOHN T. O'BRIEN that the members of this County Board were also aware of this fact and ^a movement was started some weeks ago to toke. advantage of this new form of relief. It was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. O'Brien and dulv seconded by Supr. Wright that $10,000.00 of McHenry County's share of the Motor F. D. Wynkoop. wit. fe« -j' " Fuel Tax be appropriated for the relief I M. W. Merry, wit. fee J. E. Nichols, wit. fee Chas. Hawthorne, wit. fee Frank Holmes, wit. fee ..i Thomas F. Burns, wit. ^ee W. E. Brigham, wit. fee---;..".-.- W. D. Cornue, wit. fee : C. W. Bailey, wit. fee The Semi-Annual Reports of the County Clerk,, Circuit Clerk and Sheriff were presented to . the Board and on .90 motion duly made and carried the same were referred to the Committee on Fees -90 and Salaries for report. t .90! The Committee to settle with the | Treasurer made the following report ' .80 which was on roll, call unanimously adopted, to-wlt: % « .40 Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your Committee to settle with Treasurer would beg leave to submit;„..the following report on the matter before _ 20 them. 3.20 We have examined and checked the 3.20 vouchers in the office of the County <50 Treasurer ^Harry F. Peteit p.nd find .^0 them correct and satisfactory showing <20 ' as follows: explain tp the Pensioners in their Townships why their Pensions were reduced. The Committee on Fees and Salaries presented the following report, to-wit: Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: * Your Committee on Fees and Salaries to whom was referred the audit of McHenry County officers wpuld beg leave to submit the following Report on the matters before, them: That we met in thfe Court House x»n Tuesday, the 25th day of October, 1932, •and received and opened twelve bids for the bi-annual audit of the following $5,500.00 $1,800.00 $137.00 i 420.00 100.00 100.00 |««7.00 Stooapitnlation Hortes ,1425.00 Cattle ..........1,820.00 Hogs i..~ 1. ..... ..i.,-- 177.00 Chickens ....• 162.50 Grains and Feeft# --...4465.00 Provision^. 1,168.00 Furniture, .fixtures A equipment 6,600.00 Farm Implements 1,806.00 Fuel 667.00 Clareno* $12,374.50 Your Committee would report that the County employ Dr. Sandeen as of poor in McHenry County for the month of December. And the roll being called said motion was declared unanimonsly carried. Supr. Brown, moved that the Chairman appoint a Committee' of Ave members of this Board giving them full power to act to work out a plan of distribution of said fund and have charge generally in all matters pertaining to the same. Said motion was duly seconded by Supr. Kuecker and the roll be- .20 2.10 i.20 Ing called unanimously carried. Tho I Eckert & Bending, fruits! vig« Phn trmo rt n 1 »_ • H . . m T L. V. Kiltz, rent twp. Treas. '> ribbon shf f.OO 111. Bell Tel. Co., serv. and tolls (Oct. and Nov.) 97:62 111. Bell Tel. Co., tojta sheriff (Oct. and Nov.) 39.00 West. ITn. Gas and dec. Co., gar sheriff 26.32 Evans Meat ftarket, meat-, shf. Oct. ;. >u... 74.39 Evans Meat Market, meat ahf.' .... 7|.51 Caulke Bros., meat shf 104.8^ Chairman then appointed to act as such Committee Suprs. Turner, Dodd, Brown W'right and O'Brien. State's Attorney Lumley was then called upon to explain the proper procedure to take in securing said funds. Mr. Lumlev then addressed the Board und explained said Act in detail. A Resolution concerning use of Motor Fuel Tax allotments for relief purposes was presented and read to the Board and upon motion duly made and carried said .Resolution was referred to the Special Committee on Poor Relief for report. ; The following Assignment was pre' sen ted and read to the Board, to-wit: Assignment THIS INDENTURE WITNESSETH r-. ^ otftbtea. fish shf. 139.2i Eckert & Bending, fruits, "Vegetables, fish shf. ...193.09' Woodstock Dairy, njllk and cream «bf 42.16 G. A. Parker, milk ehf 44.'32 Nat'l Police Officer, mdse. shf. 12.50 Bodenseh#tz & Sahs, mdse. shf 46.20 Aurora Spec. Co.. mdse. shf. ..; 14.87 Kirkman Ice. Co., ic<\ shf 10.00 E. F. Meyer, water softener shf. *0.00 D. B. Nichols, repaiis ct. House 44.16 A. S. Wright, drugs shf j.10 Sanitary Pig. A Htg. Co., labor and mdse. C; H. v 90.08 E. F. Baccus, labor and mdse. C. H 10.28 Boyd Elec. A pp. Shop, labor and mdse. C. H. Nature of Service and Earning* 2 per cent com. on $1,516.462 21 collected as Co. Collector . ,.$30,329.60 1 per cent com. on $388,021.91 collected as Co. Treasurer .... 3,880.22 1 per cent Com. on $380,182.97 paid out as Co, Treas.' 3,'801.83 9 per cent fee on Co. Treas. Fees on inheritance tax & motor fuel tax 2,724.43 Int. and costs collected'on : General Taxes ^071.03 Int. and costs collected On | Special Assessments .299.89 'Collector's com. on Spe. Asm. j(81.33 lint, and costs collected on Forfeited Tax 801.10 Int. and costs collected, redeemed forfeited tax ...v.......r.. 84.20 $48,973.63 SapendltnrM ' Clerk Hire, General taxes, special Ass'ts .......$7,286.92 Stamps, tel. tolls, stationery and supplies ..1,185.11 H. F. Peteit, Go. Treasurer, salary 1 year .......i. 2,500.00 $10,972.03 ?>Iet Enrnlngs of County Treasurer's office $38,001.60 The County Treasurer's Itemized report hereto attached which with the _ v. - • nij.uooEijn, _ iiiunjr. v. « 1j,1 j.. 1id6 jj cCoouunnttyy TTrreeaassuurreerr'ss rreeppco rt showing Of- That whereas a judgment of the Coun- t Mike Krleger, repairs Jail „ 2.00 ficinl collec tions and ty Court of McHenry C ounty on a ver- Buckley T Room, me-'ls Jurors .... 8.R0 made during the year: diet of the jury In a condemnation filed 1 Hoesley's Bakery, mdse. ahf. ........ 83.24 part oil this report. for the bi-annual audit of the' County Physician to the first day of ^IcHeni > County offices. County Clerk, j March 1934, to attend the patients at Circuit Clerk, Sheriff State S Attorney, Countv Home at $4 00 Der visit he Superintendent of Schools. Treasurer ; ^e c^Ue%nly aT the c$ail ofP the |1 1Iper! and Collector. intondent The lowest bid received was from • "iteiiuein. , Theodore Hamer of Woodstock, Uli-I ^our Committee would recommend nois, guaranteeing to make a thorough that Gardner A. Knapp be reappointed audit and present two copies of same •as Superintendent of the County Home to the County Board, when completed rand Farm and that^ his salary be fixed for a price of $350.00, pavment to be at the sum of? $1400.00 per annum, and made Immediately following the ap- I his wife be employed at the sum of proval of said audit by the County \ $600.00 Per annum, for running the Board --of -Supervisors of McHenry Home and Farm, and for the proper County. J care of the inmates, who may be in the A motion was duly made and carried ' J1®"8® on the £rst that contract be awarded to Mr. Theo- ,1933 or may be admitted during the dore Hamer* for the amount above stated and subject to the ab°ve provisions. It is hereby provided that "the said audit shall be certified by J. ^jf'Wlfljh, a licensed public accountant. ;".t •> A. H. HALE, chairman /; V. E. BROWN , E. F- KCECKER D. M. WRIGHT O. A. DODD CHAS. H. ACKMAN P. F. ROSENTHAL said year. We further recommend that- the Board of Supervisors hire all the help required to. properly run the said Hortie and Farm, the hired help to work at all time under the instruction and direction of the Superintendent and h'ls wife. It is further recommended that the .... nurse employed at the County Home meeting were read and on motion ap5 The Clerk, presented and real several communications from the State Cl partment of Public Works and Builjj ings, Division of Highways whl4 were ordered placed on file. States Attorney Lumley, presented his report for the period ending D^e. 1, 1932 and explained the same to tl^p Board in detail and requested that th* records show that he had filed the sanM and upon motion duly made and carried the request of the State's Atto#sney was-granted p.nd the report filed.. The following named persons welM selected to serve as Grand Jurors fjr the January Term of the Circuit Court, and on motion duly made and carried the list was approved and the Clevjc directed to certify the s$me to t||*' Clerk of the Circuit Court, to*wit: Riley--Roy Griebel. Marengo--Chris Busse, John Wilson, Jr. , - Dunham---Fred Gay. 4 Chemung--F. E. Beck, J; E Cunning* ham. Alden--Art Senger. Hartland--John Callah$A. • Seneca--John Galbeck. Coral--Clarence LockwOfd.- Grafton--Al Ehorn. Dorr -- Chas. Schneider, Berkley. * .; Greenwood--Frank Snow. Hebron--J. M. Imeson. . Richmond-p-Clay Hardy. Barton--Math Lav. McHenry--Theo. Wlnkel, W. J. M«Xl£. Nunda--Wip. Brudigam, wm. Komsthai. - , Algonquin--Joe Opatrny, John Dvorak, Jr. State's Attorney Lumley again ad-» dressed the Board and stated that had appointed Russell Allen Assistaal State's Attorney and that he would lllw to have the Board establish his salar|% It was thereupon regularly moved lur Asst. Supr. Donovan and duly seconds* by Supr. May that the appointment tw approved and the salary of the Assistant State's Attorney be $110.00 paf month, and the roll being called said motion was declared unanimously ca$>.. ried. A representative of a painting decorating Company addressed tfc meeting in regard to the paintfng the outside of the Court House a Jail and upon motion duly made ar carried said matter was referred to tl_ Public Building Committee for report^. , State's Attorney Lumley. stated thtK'-' there was a woman in Ringwood, Illfe-, nois. that was a resident of the Static of Wisconsin and that he would lik» to have this1 Board authorize the She#%. 1ft to move said person to her place residence. And upon motion duly ma* and carried the sheriff was authoriz< to carry out this request. There being no further business t$> come before this meeting it was there*-, upon regularly moved by Supr. H; and duly seconded by Supr. Turner adjourn. Thereupon the doard adjour ed. E. C. HUGHE8, Chairman. Attest:: R* SD. WOODS, County Clerk. "irrfSI'.; Special January Meeting, 1933 The Honoroble Board of Supervisor of McHenry County met In Sped Sesston at the Court House in the Cit| of Woodstock. Illinois on Tuesday 10th day of January, A. D. 1933 puij suant to a call signed by more tha one-t !#rd of its members. The meeting was called to order bjt the Chairman E, C. Hughes and the roflfe™- being called the following memberp ragiy.; sponded to their names, to-wlt: SUptc L A. Stockwell, D. M. Wright, C. \ i Palmer, E. C. Hughes, E. F. Kueckei ( Chas. H. Ackman, John Conley, V. 1 ( Brown, J. E. Harrison, H. M. Turnei ; , Frank McConnell, Frank May, S. I . ' Freund, A. H. Hale, G. A. Dodd an K Asst. Suprs. J. D. Donovan and Pai i - Rosenthal, constituting a quorum. The records of the last preceding It was thereupon regulary moved by" Supr. Ackman and duly seconded by Supr. Turner that the report of the Committee on Fees and Salaries be adopted by this Board. And the roll being called said motion was unanimously carried. Thei County Clerk -presented a report on Mother's Pensions covering a period from July 6, 1932 to December 1st, 1932 which was on motion duly made and carried approved and: orderad placed on file. A certified copy of the report of the Grany Jury, Sepptember Term, was presented and read to the Board and ordered placed on file 1 be paid not to exceed $75.00 per month, and to be employed for such time as her services shall prove satisfactory to the County -Home and Farm Committee and the Superintendent of the County Home and Farm. It is further recommended that the Superintendent or some responsible p-np">v(u> of his or of the County shall at all times be in personal charge of the inmates. it is further- recommended that the Superintendent be employed for such time as his services shall prove satisfactory to the Board of Supervisors and the Countv Home and Farm Committee, not longer than the first day of March A. D. 1934. It is further understood and agreed the the entering upon the duties of -SuThe Committee on Roads and Bridges pt erintendent of the said County Home made the following report which was (and Farm shall constitute an acceptance on motion of Supr. Ackman and duly , of all foregoing provisions and be in seconded by Supr. Kuecker and the roll part a contract between the Superlnbeing called unanimously adopted, towit: we submit as in said court by the Department of | Conway Bros., drugs, shf ..... -8.07 Public Works and Buildings of the Gladys Kiddoo, serv. Bd. of Rev. 9.00 State of Illinois to obtain right of way I Grace Abbott, sev. Bd. of Rev. .... 9,00 for State Bond Issue Route 60 in Mc- j Wm. R. Catrns. bailiff 68.00 Henry County, was entered and that Sidney Corson, bailiff and dep. shf. 68.00 W hereas, said order provided that I LeRoy Clark. baillfT & dep. shf... 21.00 upon the payment of the sum of Two : Loren Edinger, dpty. shfl 16.00 Hundred and Fifty ($250.00) Dollars to 1 George Grant, dpty.* shf. 16.00 • . „°,Vn,y rf'nsurpr.of McHenry Coun- (Howard Freeman, dpty. shf. B.00 Illinois, the Department of Puhllr Works and Buildings of the State of Illinois, are authorized to enter upon nnd take possession bf and use for public highway purposes, certain land in . . shf. Lester Edinger, misc. serv. 1,108.50 Lester' Edinger, fees Peo. casee ....840.30 All of which is respectfully submitted. J. D. donovan, Chairman P. F. ROSENTHAL JOHN CONLEY j. E. HA|TRISON disbursement's | Mr. Chairman and Gentle,men of the Board of Supervisors, MciHenry County, Illinois: _ . The undersigned members of the Roan and Bridge Committee for said County would beg leave to submit the followr ing report on the matters before them. That on October 14. 1932 we w'-nt to tendent and the County, Board of Supervisors. All of which is respectfully submitted. FRANlf^B. McCONNELL, Chfn. E. HARRISON HN CONLEY , - j - F. ROSENTHAL v - ' . B. CLAWSON 1 >r granting his request and for the] others, were made defendants in the ... . It was thereupon regularly moved by C. M. PA'LMBR | Rockford! Illinois, and interviewed State j'pupr. Wright and duly seconded by - Representative David Hunter, chairman Supr. Hale that the above and fore- The following Resolution was pre- ] of the Legislative Committee who are (going report be adapted by this Board, sented and read to the Board, to-wit: {studying tho road question in Illinois, j And the roll belncr called said motion WHEREAS, it is possible for Mc- j and delivered to him the map of roana i was unanimously carried. . ^-- .Henry County, Illinois to purchase ce- "proposed for improvement for this Tester Edin*er, expenae' office 50.90 ment for certain road construction • County, which was approved at tue Oct. K. J. Field Hrd. Co., mdse. nhf. .... J5.06 from cement companies h»vin#r con- jll*h meeting of this Board. LestEdinger, allowance cat I tracts with the State of Illinois. He- Your Committee again met at vvood- 2 moa -100,00 i partment of PubJijc Work?? and Build- stock, Illinois on the 5th day of NoveiiJMarion Edinger, cooking tor prls. lings at the prices contained in such ber. 1932 and audited and Paid bjus 2 mnfl 305.00 contracts. And, . -1 chargeable to'the McHonry County I a- Philip Bierdeman, elk, shf. 2 mos. 200.00 WHEREAS, it Is the desire of the I trol System of Hoads as follows: V^stie- Mul doon, ~Ja nitor 2 mos 216--.0-0 C ounty Board of McHenry• . Illino-is, thM'li Bi.lls o f a, ge _ne _ra l na^tu~ ret e--hnrameeaable- Ibo nded by Supr. Turner that th}«-and set over to Thomas McQueen, the ' M. P. T. No 1 .... Jloard Bdjourn. Thereupon the Board sum of Two Hundred and Fifty Q. L. Tryon, S. A. Rt. 20 ||dourned, j ($250 00) Dollars as Roon as it shall M. F. T. No. 4 %Mmiti ft' WOODS, Clerk. The following Resolution bp Rightof- Way was presented and read to the IJoard, to-wit: Resolution WHERRAS, there is now available for the use of McHenry County, Illinois, out of the Motor Fuel Ta* of 192#, th« «nni of $6,543.97 and, WHRREAS, it is permissible Under ur" 1 said Motor Fuel Tax Law, approved tool Mareh 25. 1929, to purchase Right of {406.82 Way for the improvement of State Aid sec- Roads, nnd, of | \vHEPEAS. the Right of Way Cornrates mittee of the Board of Supervisors of Board, j McHenry County, Illinois, have secured I the signatures to the following Hlirhthat the I")epartment of Public Works . Section 1 52.26 i,w-av Dedications for the improvement and Builditips of the State of Illinois Section i ; of State Aid Routes Numbers 4 A, 7 and is. requested to Issue authorisations Section 3 1..-- '-4- 11 nnd 14. McHenrv County. Illinois: jlljon request at the <$unty su^erin- i 8ect|^g * .. - »•»*# A44 4A, •. B. Z. Be«te 45.00 ' fi'hdfcnt^of hfghwaya to ifcHenry fioun- Sic Kinsella Condemnation %$< 0.00 proved. The report of J. W. Wprth, Public A0#.;: countant and Mr. The6dore Hamer cov erlng a Biennial Audit for the peM<j t ending Nov,. 30, 1932 was presented 1> the Clerk to the Board. It was ther| • upon regularly moved by Supr. Turn#! and duly seconded by Supr. Palmer tha ' the report be referred to the feeB an 1 salaries committee giving them flii . power to act. And upon tlie approval 6 said report by the Committee that th I County Clerk be instructed to draw a . order for Three Hundred Fifty dollarj . the Contract price for said audit, to th ' Auditors. And the roll being call® Suprs. stockwell, Wright, rulmat ;- Kuecker, Ackman. Conley, Brown. Har rison, Turner, McConnell, May, Freunt V.Hale and Dodd and Asst. Suprs. l>ono t • van and Rosenthal voted ^ye. Nf#* none. Motion declared carried. The monthly report of the Countf Treasure!4 for the period ending Decerns.' ber 31, 1932 was presented and read,' and upon motion duly made and carriei was approved and ordered placed oi|i %i: Hl<». to-wit: ; County Treasurer's Report, Sseenxber ||Hal:inne December 1, 1982 165,922.94 J'aid out on Qi;der^ month of December *6,666.3-1' • . . . -- -- * • ' $S3.256.6( J,. Anetmti Seefil ttor- ntmtli of Beoembe (• I^ack tax. collected $ 57.5: r'. Forfeited Tax redeemed 617.6 !• _ State nf Illinois. hiKhway fund . 144.l|ps.*: ' Commission on Telephone booth •* and tolls 1.64 Inheritance Ta* 23.6$ Motor Fuel Ta* 2.020.0* Ipmates County Home (Supra.-) 629.64 State of 111.. Emergency Relief 10,000.00 V. s. Lumley. State's Attorney. . Fine and Fees ^ 455.0$ R. t). Woods, County Clerk 296.00 Wm. T Conn, Cil-cuit Clerk 7.90 tt. P. Peteit, Co. Treas. Fee* 25J.S3 Bsl. on hnnd January 1, 19J3 J7S.767.8$ H. F PETEIT. County Treasurer. The Coroner's report for the year end* ing December 31, 1932 was presented/ and read nnd on motion duly made and' carried was ordered placed on file. A report showing the operating cost of the Hospital installed in the Mc* Henry County Home w*» prm«it»4 «pj| read and ordered placed on Ale. Jit

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