f, -K ' iffinsf: v«f f . r < ^••' #*T x.t.;'" fA<jI SIX - • tn'i'i" i • • --? •»•'" ^*V '*?$?, * .*• ,y.~r ^ >«m V,-. ;^-: • / 1 < ' : " • ? * > J ' \ j r ' " W I L * * i • • ! > ' J / . J x - * . , . vV rnt BOARD OF SUPERVISORS, McHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS / " , * .' • / -,! t, \ '*7 !' "v, - • • t I "% -V* ~ " , they will not in arty way injure the pavement In said highway and shall'be placed and maintained under the direction and supervision and with the consent of the Department of Public Works and Buildings of the. State of Illinois, or such other governmental •department as shall have Jurisdiction In- the premises. This grant is made upon the express Special December Meeting, 1932 County's portion of Motor Fuel Tax Q. L. Tryon, S. A. lit. 22 funds set aside bbyy resolution of th» M. P. T. ^Io. z ,...., .County Board for, this purpose If and [when allowed by the County Board. WITNESS my hand and seal this 6th «*»'«, __ day of Decefnber, 1932. The Honorable Board tff Supervisors | ^ Signed, H. F. PETEIT. of McHenry County, met in Special Sea- ;County Treasurer of McHenry County, sion pursuant to a call -signet^ "J" niore I it was thereupon regularly moved by .than one-third of its members and after gupr. Ackman and duly seconded by This grant is niade upon the expr .s (U p0tiCl> had been published-for said S r Kuecker that the Assignment be condition that said granteec will pay all < n1ooUng t0 be h<?w at the Court House ad'ted by Board: And the roU n7 ' ini^ln-g to be held at the court Mouse adopted by i Wi^hw.x-J uM. h iin the City of Woodstock on Monday. being called said , fifth dfty °* December, A. D. I932 mously carried. y reason ot the plai- hu t^n o'clock A. M. ^ I damages to the. -owners abutting upon said they may sustain by lng of said gas mains and appurtenant motion was, uaanl- Arcole Const. Co., JB. AM. F. T. No. 2 John Bailey. S. A. Rt. *0 M. F. T. No. 5 .......... Ewald Winkleman. S. A. M. F. T. No. 5 Waiter Winkleman, S. A. Rt. 20* M. F. T. No. 5 ------ A. H. Hale, spl com work John Conley, spl com work .., »: Henry M. Turner, spl com work 54.1* " 2,6•6-5.91 3.69 i 2.50 1.86 23.70 10.80 ty for the purchase of cement for the above mentioned construction during the present calendar year. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the County Clerk and the County Treasurer of McHenry County, Illinois, are hereby directed to make payments for cement so purchased promptly upon the approval of the Invoice by the County Superintendent of Highways. It was thereupon regularly. moved Vf eeting was called to order by J0.40 Supr. Wright and seconded by Asst. Charles H. Ackman, spl com work *77.90 | Supr. Rosenthal that the above and Charles H. Ackman, telephone .. ... 5.50 1 foregoing Resolution be adopted by - ~ * And the roll being called Section 8 Section 9 .. Section 12, Section 13 Section 14 Section 15 ....... 883.76 264.74 6260 141.70 j 830.00 1,'OOS.OO section io 1lf7b5..o0u0 Section 16, It 86.74 section 17 --.r.........:.......... .......... 208.97 The m The Special Committee on Motor Fuel |N. B. Clawson, spl com work 10 00 ithis Board l.ne iioarai. oj ouperyiauia wi "w u„„i,AS t,- 10 'K'tii>i'ker Chas. AOKIliatl, 1 - »- . ^County .ofjMcHvnry, in theSt*t:e"^'ilitaConlpv, V.- E. Biown, John Harri- | eettiajr W«» of • Illinois: \ " • " 4 son, H1 jt'.furner. F. M. McConnell The undersiAfd reddest*, y^tlr W#n--i Krank;i^aJ-^Ai.-'H. 'Hale, G. A. Dodd and orable Body foVrant/to . it • .the- nght. •, ^?s j- .supps,- J., n. pohovan and 'Paul pawer and Uut^rnT*^) place' and iil-tehthai cehstitutint.'-a--.quorum. tate In State Ai Route No. 21-A..a-sov-., ^'cords- of the last preceding j ernon pit, sifie 7 ft. 4 in: ln--d ft. 4 ln., .- "V and on motion ap-' the east side of-which shall be located, \ - . • - ' - . » 602 ft. 4 in. wrist of, the- east ^llrve of '-cieilc presented the Annual .144-' 6ectIon 6, aj?d the north boundj^J"- 0' nf, - - J . --- •»-- •».» which shall be the no,rs,h line.; <>#" ^jd »;?s • ;B« • and and as to yt>u|* :Hon"orSl)l -•seem proper.'. "• . Respect fully 1 submitted,- .V; , W^atern1 United 1 ;,is .and, Elec. <?.«>.,. • 4By B. P. aLsciu lER, Vlee, Pria.; ' Xeeolatloa Hndy "sViity otor Fuel Tax ment for Belief mrpoaea WHEREAS, It has b^TTVdetermlncd, upon investigation, that theiSj are 1000 residents of this county", whov. by rea.- son of unemployment or otherwise, are destitute and in necessitous circumstances: and ' . : WHEREAS, it has become necessary to use money allotted to, the county under the provisions of the Motor Fuel lax Uw for? relief purposes, in addition to otjh«r funds available, for that purpose; and , WHEREAS, investigation has shown that the county will need for relief purposes from the motor fuel taxes allotted to it .money for the month, and in. > The, following Resolution; • was • • presented and read to the Board, to-wit: " • r. •>. . •- Woodstock, - 111., ljec. 5, 1932. -- . ------- 7 - - th. • WtlteREAS. th«r« will not be surf!-1 the amounts._ hereinafter set m Ulent money in the County Fund of Me- For the month of Dec. , 932 ..,.$10,000.^ .. - Henry County to meet and defray the ; For the month £f Jan. 1933 .... 5.000.QP WHEREAS, the Western United Gas ( ordinary expenses of the County, I F%hEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED and Electric Company, a public utility, j it is necessary at .this time to provide | THEREFORE BE li KL.bUi.vi,iA has petitioned this Board for the right | funds to meet all such expenses by is- f that motor fuel taxes allotted to he and authority to exercise the license suing and disposing of anticipation county rel'ef,oresiaudaPnr. vilegeJin this resolution provld- I .wangnt^toi^X J ^ WHEREAS, it is deemed" advisable j way and manner provided ty the Stat- unemployment or otherwise.in«q t*£ this Bokrd pant, such right andJme_or_t^U Staffer the issuing and I tute and -^ecessitou^ circumstances. authoritv, now, therefore, "[-disposing of warrants. BE IT RESOLVED that full rightj BE' IT RESOL'S ED by the Board of power and authority are hereby - given 1 Supervisors of the County of McHenry and granted lintd the said Western tlat the County Treasurer of this Coun- Dnited GaB and Electric Company to | ty be and he is hereby authorized and place and maintain in State Aid Route directed to issue and sell as needed. needed for the months, and In the respective amounts, hereinbefore set forth; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the County Clerk be, and he is hereby John T. O'Brien, spl com wo|Jc.;.:.:,44,40 D.. M. Wright, spl com worfc *68.00. S. H. Freund, spl com work -- 36.90 Frank B. McConnell, spl com work 11.80 Arcole Const. Co., S. A. Rt. 22 • Sec. 2, M, F. T. Est. 9 ......:.^.1,7S3:04 C. L. Tryon, sal. & exp. Sup. Hys. 562.47 Dlv. of Highways, Sec. 16-1 G 132.84 Chicago Ind. Home for" Children, , care County children-. ......687.10 Amer. -PrtK. Co., prtf. Co. TPe&a.- #26.00 W. S, Batterrt," J. P., fees P.eo. , j cases . . . , - 7 . . . . . . . wO.OO C M. Curtis, p. M., fees Peo": casfes 36.50 Lou E. Fisher, to. services stenog. . " -g^and jury lO.OO All of which is respectfully submitted. --S-v Zj. A. STOCKWBLL E. BROWN- • • E. F.. KT'ECKER ': '-C. M. PALMER ^ The Committee on Claims, County Poor made the ^ollowing^ report which was on motion of Supr. Palmer and duly seconded by Supr.«Turner, unanimously adopted, to-wit: Mr. Chairman and * Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your Committee on County Poor Claims would beg leave to report that they have examined all claims presented to them, and recommend the payment of the following, and that the Clerk be directed to isslurf orders on the No 21 -A, a governor pit, size 7 ft. 4 | anticipation warrants to an. amount not , directed to tr"nsr"^ f,° the...^'ir,rt'^®"^ ; County Treasurer to the Claimants for In. hv 6 ft. 4 in . the east side of which.; to exceed the sum of $30,000.00 against of Finance, bpringfleld, "'J"®}*; th *S • the several amounts allowed, as toi- Shall* be located 502 ft. 4 in. west of j the County, tax levied in the year 1932, certified copies of this rwo ution and ,ow8t to.wIt: the east line of Section 6, and the north but in no event shall the anticipation t the ^receipt of the ceirtihed coi _ z&ce Tufa sanatorium, care m-„. boundary of which shall be the north warrants issued, exceed 75 per certt of | of said reS0}i"' 0" n b a 5' , ®a.'d . X. 'Thv Fred Ward $160^00 line of said highway in Section 6. Coral the amounts of the appropriation tax 1 of Finance shall constitute a requtst oy | z Tub gan&tofium, csLre Township, McHenry County, Illinois. | levied for the year of 1932; that sad the County Board to pay over to the, Ha(,ie e Butts ; ........280.00 Said governor pit shall be located and 1 warrants shall be issued as needed in | County Treasurer or this county,_ The Zace Tub sanatorium, care maintained so that it will not in any sums of $5000.00 each and e.ach war- 1 the flrs^: of each month, the | Ada parrish - 70.00 way; injure the pavement in said high- ! rant . to be so drawn so that the same [ herein set forth as the amount n_ The^ Ottawa Sanatorium, care way and shall be placed and maintained j shall draw interest at^ the rate o^f^6 under the direction and supervision and I per cent per annum from the time of its With the consent of the Department of i issuance until paid or until notice is Public Works and Buildings of the ; given that said warrant is recalled for State of Illinois, or such other- gov- ! payment, which anticipation warrants ernmental department as shall have are issued for the purpose of creating a Jurisdiction in the premises. | fund from which payment of the ord'- • toils grant is made upon the express 1 nary and necessary expenses of said condition th'at said grantee will pay all .County, may be paid. damages to the owners of property : BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that abutting upon isaid Highways wliicn such anticipation warrants shall when drawn show upon their face that they are payable solely out of the true, when collected, and not otherwise. H. F. PETEIT, county, Treas. It was thereupon regularly moved by Supr- Conley and duly seconded, by Supr The Committee on Claims, Labor Fees and Supplies made the following report which was on motion of ASBt. Supr. ...... j j • Donovan and duly seconded by Supr. Kuecker that the Resolution be adopted , May and the roll being called unanlbv this Board and the roll being called | mously adopted, to-wlt: Supr. Stockwell, Wright, O'Brien, Clawson, Kuecker, Ackman. Conley, Brown, Harrison, Turner, McConnell, May, Hale, Dodd and Asst. Suprs. Donovan and Rosenthal voted aye. Nay none and motion declared carthey may sustain by reason of the placing* of said governor pit, said damages to be ascertained and paid in the manner provided by law for the exerv else of the right of Eminent Domain. A Bond given by one of the Vice Presidents of the Western United Gas and Electric Co. made payable to the People of the State of Illinois for the Ufa of McHenry County in the sum of Five Thousand Dollars was also presented and read to the Board. Supr. Palmer, Chairman of the Committeemen Roads and Bridires addressed the Board and stated that the Road and Bridge \ ried. Committee report favorable on the •-- Resolutions presented and that he would I The Clerk presented a recommendamove that the above and foregoing pe- tion from the State Auditor on Motor tltlons be granted and Resolutions be Fuel Tax recommending that the Counadopted and Bond approved. Said motion j ty Board of Supervisors authorize the to adojit was duly seconded by Asst. i County Treasurer to reimburse the Supr. Donovan and the roll being called 1 Motor Fuel Tax Funds out of the Gen- Bafd motion was unanimously adopted. |eral fund in the amount of $300.00 to Supr. Ackman addressed the . Board j take care of the payment made for and stated that he would like to have j right of way. It was thereupon regu- State's Attorney Lumley explain the | larly moved and duly carried that the Botid Issue to the members of the j County Treasurer be authorized to make •Board that is to be voted upon at the (said transfer. coming election, state's Attorney Lum- 1 The Clerk presented lists of claims ley then addressed the Board and ex.- t against the County and upon motion of plained the Bond Issue in detail, and j Supr. Stockwell and duly seconded by Stated that every Supr. in the interest Supr. Ackman the same were referred of the tax payers of McHenry County ; »o the proper committees for report, should go out and instruct the voters in and the Board adjourned to 1:30 o'clock their Community to' vote for the Bond j for committee work. Issue which would save them approxi- ' 1:30 O CX>OCK P. M. mately 1140.000.00 in taxes to be levied Board diei pursuant to adjournment, for the ensuing year. It was there- Present same*members. Upon regularly moved by Supr. Stock- j The Clerk presented and read a comwell and duly seconded by Supr. Tur- , munication from the Public Welfare Iter that this Board go on record for Association of Crystal Lake requesting voting "Yes" on "Emergency Relief i that the County Board of Suprs. allot Ballot" or Bond Issue Ballot causing a portion of the Motor Fuel Tax Refor relief, purposes for that month. It <fras thereupon regularly moved by Supr. O'Brien and duly ^seconded by Supr. Stockwell that the Resolution be adopted by this Board. And, on roll call Suprs. Stockwell, Wright, Palmer, O'Brien, Clawson, Kuecker, Ackman, Conley, Brown, Harrison, Turner, McConnell, May, Hale, Dodd and Asst. Suprs. Donovan and Rosenthal voted aye. Nay none and motion declared carried. • , Ada Parrish ..263.00 All of which is respectfully submitted. JOHN T. O'BRIEN D. M. WRIGHT CHAS. H. ACKMAN J.E.HARRISON pef cent of theit Levy. The Clerk stat ed to the Board that due to there being no November meetlhg of said Board, some of- the Posts were very bady In need of funds to carry them through to December and that he" had taken the matter up with -several of the Supervisors .and received their consent to advance a small amount of their Levy provided they had made the necessary. qualifications. •; It was thereupon re^ularlgy moved by Supr. Hale and duly seconded by Supr. Conley that the ac-' tion of the County Clerk and Treasurer Ive approved and the Bonds of the several American Legion Posts be ap? proved. and the County Clerk directed ( Claim No. B188092 Total $3,308,58 We would fapd>M that seottona 1 and 2, M. F. T. are completed and awaiting final acceptance by the state. The construction work on sections 4 and 5 M. F. T. was not started due to the early winter. We find that the state specifications do not allow frozen material placed in a fill, and that when the road bed' Is constructed it must set at least 30 days before surfacing material Is placed, and gravel surfacing must not be placed on a frozen subgrade.- ,Th$ AS*"1013-1 status of t,he Mfllenry County High way Tax Funds, dre" ^aiCfolr lows: Snow Fund Bal. on hand £s reported April . 26, 1932 i...:„4ijrre.6# No further expenditures fro'tp said snow fund. " w •>...' Kerala? Fund B&l:- on hand Oct. 11, 1932 . 91 Additional appropriation October ' "11, irn: vk§®0'0® "• Received gas tax refund ottyv.';';!^; gas used 'n tractors: , ' Clarence Hyde, Kate Newcomb for Hyde Estate i . John Miller --- -••'>300.00 v Mrs. John Bowers 1,100.00 :; Mike Miller l,$0t».0ft Will T. Conn, County Recorder, ' recording Jahonnot tract plat 5.00 Harry F. Peteit, County Treasurer, Treasurer Fee 121.30 |6,126.30 Mate J44 ftmtirwil, 8- X. Route 47 DeCoy Sills, atty., Murdock tract Will T. Conrf, County Recorder, recording 1 QCD, 2 Partial Releases and 9 Dedication plat* W.W * Harry F. Peteit, County Treasurer, Treasurer Fee 8.07 ,*0 draw orders payable to said Posts upon the filing of sutiicienj Bond and request for an amount not to exceed SO per cent of their Levy. And the roll being called said motion wag unanimously carried. The following report presented by the Committee on Fees and Salaries was read to the- Board, to-wit : Resolution Whereas, it appears from ..ttie reofids of the ' County treasurer that Will T. Conn, Circuit Clerk of this County has turned over to the County the following amounts after .paying all salaries and expenses of his-otftce, to-wlt: May 31, 1929 .:......................i$2,028.87 3.48 -47.37 102.21 •21.12- Claim No.. 618801$ Claim No. 6191486 Claim No. B19318« *"$8,883.09 Less expenditures Nov. 6, 1982 3,208.58 Balance on hand Dec. 6, 1988 ....$6,674-51 Your committtee estimates there will be necessary for the care of the McHenry County Patrol System of Roads until the next meeting of this Board an appropriation from the County Highway Tax Fund levied in September, 1931 in the sum of $2,000.00; and from the Oountv Highway Tax Fund levied in September, 1931, for removal of snow an appropriation j State Aid Boat* 14, B. ». X. *au«e 0g $407.47.;,.' 'v Will T. Conn, County Recorder," **•» recording 2'Rights-of Way - . *' plats .•. Harry F. Peteit, County Tr«M- •'••• . y , " , -• urer. Treasurer Fefe-'.' " •= ' $io.2OL ,*• THEREFORE, be It resolved by saldnt , ' Board of "Supervisors of McHenry.-'; • _ CViUo uUJnl lty v ,, Illinois, tlUhOatl tuSjive above amoant'.- /,'; " ft*,,:; -1- of $6,543.97 of the Motor Fuel Tax of>.'T^» • ,v 1929 be used for the purchase of saidS'W/,Jr^ y' <*" rlghjt. of wty^above mentioned, and, j I " ^ from- said highways a Nov. 30, 1929 2,499.84 the 8um of $2,000.00. May oP, 1J30 .........1 All of which is respect Nov. JK>, 1930 3.435.2«- bi«Ly. 4l, 1931 2,885.81 N o v . 3 0 , 1 9 3 S r ' . . . . -- 2 . 6 9 0 . 0 ® May 31, 1932i 3,808.84 tfov. 30, 1932 2,890.15 Making a total of .....$23,009.80 And whereas It appears from th6 sponsibilities of the said office have increased to a large extent. And whereas the compensation of the spectfully submitted. C. M. IWI.MKft - A. H. HALE H. M. TURNER y; O. M. W'RIGH'P '• >. v. E. BROWN _ The .Committee on McHenry County above that the dutie^ork "and ^otne Resented the following report, to-wlt: The County Farm Committee met at the County Farm on December 3rd, 1932, Circuit Clerk has heretofore been below and took the Annual Inventory which Inv1 iuf St°rehaesronC°Unty °mCerS %WUh°Ut i One ^hestnUr G^ding . $100.00 Therefore Be' It Resolved by the I One ^ey 100.00 The Committee on Elections made the dBuomarud of Supervisors of McHe--nr,-y Two Orey Gelding^ t 1 n„v Oeidinfr following report \irhich was on motion County that the salary of the Circuit j One Bay Oelp ng ..... of Supr. Kuecker and duly seconded by Cler.k be and it hereby is fixed at the , - Supr. Palmer and the roll being called sum of twenty-five hundred dollars 1 800.00 25.00 $425.00 was" unanimously adopted, to-wit: I ($2500.00) per year as per Statute for One Pure Bred Holstein Bull $^60.00 Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of" the 1( thjlee terrn commencing December 5, 1932 jTwenty Milch Cows 1,000.00 Board of Supervisors: Your Committee on Elections to whom was referred election expenses for the General election of November 8, 1932 would beg leave to submit the Palmer, 1 Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the | following report on the matters before Board of Supervisors: [them: Your Committee on Labor, Fees and j Riley Supplies Claims would beg leave to re port that they have examined all claims presented to them, and recommend the payment of the following, and that the Clerk be directed to issue orders on the County Treasurer to the Claimants for the several amounts allowed, as follows, to-wit: Frank Thornber & Co. sup. co. of. $548:24 R. D. Woods, Co. Clk-, fees Marengo 1 Marengo 2 Dunham .... Chemung 1 ;• L.........:$l 09.20 109.70 115.60 113.70 il0.45 and the appropriation for Clerk hire be tixe# at Five Thousand Dollars per year . Committee, A. H. HALE .' -v.. G. A. DODD * E. F. KUECKER ; . D. M. WRIGHT . P. F. ROSENTHAL . CHAS. H. A<'KUAN V. E. BROWN Six 2-yr. Holstein Heifers 125.00 One Broyvn Swiss 13ull Calf ........ 35.00 Four |Fat Hogs Elghti Brood Sows One Duroc Jer&ey Boar 11,220.00 .1 42.00 120.00 15.00 Alden Hartland Seneca Coral $177.00 , 250 Hens !. -- ...|162.50 8 bu. Seed Corn 25.00 . K_ 1400 bu. Barley 120.00 regulary moved by 1B0 bu 30.00 . _ - - *•"* --.00 00 Silage --x,....u 820.00 Straw 10.00 i i.1" ™ 1 It was thereupon reguiary moveu ay ,150 bUt oats . -30. Chemungr: |- ":lll' Asst. Supr. Donovan and duly seconded ,1440 bu Ear Com 800. Chemung f hy Supr. Ackman that the report of the • 3o ton3 Alfalfa 460. j Committee on Fees and Salaries £e I nQ tong •"« d :.;jo«io | adopted by this Board. And the -roll be- '2 stacks 1 lng called said motion was declared | | unanimously carried Peoples cases 8M.25 1 .'..-lOS.^O ! "'cCoouunnttTyT Juuddggee,," CChha rles T. Allen, ad- I 2Q0 bu potatoes ....; ••• ^looioo Zion Off- Su. Co., mdse. Treas. .... 7.05 £>orr 1 103.70 ] dregse(j tbe Board and stated thajt^ the ; provj8{0ns On hft^4 ' 738.00 Callaghan & Co., law books ...;. S.uu , Dorr 2 lioo' ats. Canned Fruit -- 830.00 La. Co. Op. Pub. Co., law books.... 7.50 I porr 3 . ^ . McHenry Co. Abst. Co., search 1 Dorr 4 ...j rec. for Supt. Hys 78.50 ( Greenwo(>4 Pfelffer's Pharmacy, mdse. Co. X>ft. 13.25 uebron : - | V V-- ---- Harvard Herald, ballots 1,184.90 Richmond Crystal I.ake Herald, emergency J Burton and spec, ballots 86 00 ! McHenry. 1 T. J. Shackell, auto, del. ballots .... 33.00 i McHenry 8 _ great saving to the Tax Payers of t%ls County. Said motion was declared ttftanimously carried. fund due McHenry County from the State of Illinois for Poor relief. Several members of said Association being J. T. Kitchen, canvas ballotB ........ 6.00 W. S. Bat tern, canvas vallots .......' 8.00 Woodstock Daily Sentinel, prtg. Co. Officers 176.80 'Dr. Henry W. Sandeen, com. insane, Geo. Ostrum, Julia Long, Mable Noble, Irving Ohrwall, Harvey Llndahl, Geo. Ballard, Wm. Kelley, Hope Billiter 415.00 Dr. Henry W. Sandeen, serv. County Prisoners ,17.50 Dr. Wm. H. Newton, Com. Geo. Ostrum and Mable Noble 10.00 Dr. Hyde West, com. Geo. Ballard 6.00 fitinr Palmer addressed the Board and present at the meeting were called upon Ethel C. Coe, (?xp. sup. schs ?1"5f •UtUed that the maftl? of additional j hy the Chairman Rev. Omar J. Flugum ^Itigraph^C-up sch. .... 4.2B Roads j W el far- 111. sup. sen. der to the Clutlrman of said Committee that he I nations to raise funds in the different allied a meeting of the full Board |.communities that the Association felt held in the Board of Supervisors Room I that an emergency existed and that the In the County Building at Woodstock, | Board should <^p Everything within its Illinois on Fridav evening of last week 1 fiower to relieve/the same. A gtmeral and that they had a plan that they , discussion was then had by the Board Wished to present at this time. He then ! on this subject. Supr. O Brien ad- Milled upon Mr. Tryon, Supr. of High- | dressed the Board and sta'ted that he *DVS to Mnlain the different roads as appreciated the remarks of Rev. Hugum and that he too felt that an emergency ed that the matter ot aaamonai me ........ .»»»». -y™ • h 17gq ds needed in McHenry County un- as spokesman for the Public 1rt elfar^ HI. Of. Sup. Co., mdse. Hup. sch. 17 6. • he Third Issue had be^n referred Association of Crystal. Lake addressed I Safety I.nv. Co., mdse. sup. sen. z.o<5 he R^d and Bridge Committee for ' the meeting and stated that due to the Marengo Rep News. prtg. sup. sch .90 m He farther ^stat^ that Ts I inability of private Charitable Organi- Woodstock Eve. Journal,, prtg; ; . . > , , .iAi . a« t. v.iiAnu in raitio fiiTiria in thp fl J fr t SUD. SCII. i, McHenry 3* Nunda 1 .... Nunda 2!- Nunda 3 .... Algonquin 1 Algonquin 2 Algonquin 8 Algonquin 4 Algonquin 5 All of which is respectfully submitted. D. M. WRIGHT, Chairman J JOHN CONLEY •' •' N. B. CLAWSON FRANK MAY 'v- JOHN T. O'BRIEN • -^2 5 i maximum amount allowed for Moth 1?; ^° ! er's Tenions in McHenry County for •15' -J'the ensuing year is based upon a val- 114 i° 1 uation of $40,625,615. or $16,250.00 and 108 !^ 1 that Mother'B Pensions paid for the MS month of November, 1932 were $1480.00. 10»-30 ! jU(1ge Alleif further stated that due to J^'4X :thls condition it will be necessary, to I? keep within the maxmum amount al- 128 tons Soft Coal lowed under the Statute, to scale Moth- 29 tong jjar(j coal 1 er's Pensions accordingly. He wished 108.40 j t0 jeaV(, tltiH information with tlio Board so that they would be able to 109.20 | explain to the Pensioners in their 108.30 | Townships why their Pensions wer6 re- Furnlture * Fixtures Laundry Equipment Farm Implement? 109.00 109.20 101.40 Quantity Stove Wood ... Oil and Gas ..... 51,168.00 8,500.00 2,000.00 ^ $5,600.00 $1,800.00 $137.00 420.00 i'00.00 100.00 HorMt Cattle duced. The Committee on Fees and Salaries presented the following report, to-wit: j Hogs Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the | chickens Board of Supervisors: Your Committee on Fees and Salaries to whom was referred the audit of McHenry County officers would beg leave to submit the following Report on the matters before them: That we met in the Court House on Tuesday, the 25th day of October, 1932, and received and opened twelve bids $««7.00 4„«.M r.i,iao.oo • ; 177.00 -- • T'-: 162.50 Grains and Feed* .......1,155.00 Provisions - 1,168.00 Furniture, fixtures & equipment 5,500.00 Farm Implements .'. 1,800.00 Fuftl - 667.00 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that^A-r. r R . D . W O O D S , County Clerk, is hereby!.<'it«/,";; i^v directed to certify a copy of this reso- .lution to the Department of PubltCit;". Works and Buildings, Divison of High-.. • ways, Springfield, Illinois, for .Its ap-- • proval for voucher: It was thereupon regularly mpved by / Supr. Ackman and duly seconded by! Supr. Turner that the Resolution b« adopted. And the roll being called sftldl motion was unanlmomusly carried- Tfae Clerk presented and real several communications from the State D*' partment of Public Works ,and Build- , ings, Division of Highways which were ordered placed on file. States Attorney Lumley, presented his report for the period ending Dec. t 1, 1932 and explained the same to the» Board in detail and requested that the' records show that he had filed the samo And upon motion duly made and car-1 tied the request of the State's Attorney was granted and the report filed. ' The following named persons war® selected to serve as Grand Jurors for the January Term of the Circuit Court and on motion duly made and carried the list was approved and the Clerlfc directed to certify the same to tMs Clerk of the circuit Court, to-wlt: Riley--Roy Griebel. Marengo--Chris Busse, John Wilson, Jr. ' •' , Dunham--Fred Gay. • _>T~L , Chemung--F." E. Beck, J. B. CSunnlngham. Alden--Art Senger. Hartland--John Callaha^. Seneca--John Galbeck. - Coral--Clarence Lockwo$#» Grafton--Al Ehorn. >«. Dorr -- Chas. Schneic&|r, CUreao* Berkley. Greenwood--Frank Snow. Hebron--J. M. Imespn. Richmond--Clay Hardy. Byrton--Math Lav. .., McHenry--Theo. Wlnkel, W. J. MtJNpr, Nunda--Wip., Brudigam, Wm. Rosto* thai. _ ' • ' Algonquin--Joe Opatcny, John Dvorak, Jr. State's Attorney Lumley again a< dressed the Board and stated that n had appointed Russell Allen Assistan, State's Attorney and that he would llKj to have the Board establish his salary It was thereupon regularly moved bj Asst. Supr. Donovan and duly secondr by Supr. May that the appointment approved and the salary of the A; sistant State's Attorney be $110.00 pel month, and the roll being called saij motion was- declared unanimously ried. A representative of a painting an| decorating Company addressed tr meeting in regard to the painting the outside of the Court House Jail and upon motion duly made an| carried said matter was referred to thj Public Building Committee for report.^. State's Attorney Lumley, stated tha there was a woman in Ringwood, 1111, nois. that was a resident of the Stat] of Wisconsin and that he would llH to have this Board authorize the Shel iff to move said person to her place residence. And upon motion duly mai and carried the sheriff was authorise to carry out this request. &';V There being no further business W ; ^ come, before this meeting It was thereg. . ; upon regularly moved by Supr. and duly" seconded by -Supr. Turner adjourn. Thereupon the Board adjouri $12,374.50 Your Committee would report that - -- , the County emi>16y "Dr. Sandeen as for the bi-annual audit of the following , County Physician to the first day of firays to explain the different roads as laid out in said plat. Mr. Tryon tl^en •tplained the different roads as outlined on several plats as presented. It Was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Kuecker and duly seconded ty Supr. Jfcckman thtot the plan.of new roads be approved by this Board ancT that the X|<oad and Bridge Committee together With County Supt. of Highways, Tryon, lie authorized .to recommend the. same for approval to the' Hunter Good Roads {Somrhission qf the State of Illinois, and roll bein>? called said motion was pnanimously adopted. Supr. Hale, chairman of the Fees and Salaries Committee addressed the Board iind stated that as Chairman of Committee he had received several for the Audit of the several County Of ^cers in McHenry County for the two jpo\0 Sear period ending December 1, 1932. tri" existed that should be taken care of as | H. J. Burchfiela, wit. fee yfion as possible. He further stated that the members of this County Board were also aware of this fact and a movement was started some weeks ago to take advantage o-f this new form of relief. It was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. O'Brien and duly seconded by Supr. Wright that $10,000.00 of Mc- Dept. Pub. Wks. vs Weldner- Wm. Foster, wit. fee .60 F. W. Mais, wit. fee J. E. Nichols, Wit. fee Chas. Hawthorne, wit. tee Frank Holmes, Wit. fee Thomas F. Burns, wit. ^ee W. E. Brigham, wit. fe# .., ........ W. D. Cornue. wit. fee C. W. Bailey, wit. fee 8.20 " .20 8.20 8.20 ,50 .20 Henry County's share of the Motor F. D. Wynkoop, wit. fee Fuel Tax be appropriated for the relief of poor in McHenry County for the month of December. And the roll being called said motion was declared unanimously carried. Town moved th^t the Chairappj^ int a Committee of five mem- Board giving them full act -to work out a plan of dissald fund and have charge Sr. Hale further stated that he felt 1 generally ^n all matters pertaining to at this matter should be taken care the sanje. J Said motion was duly sec- #f at this meeting for the reason that londed byN<3upr. Kuecker and the roll be M. W. Merry, wit. fee L. V. Kiltz, rent twp. Trea#. ribbon shf. 111. Bell Tel. Co., serv. and tolfp (Oct. and Nov.) ....» 111. Bell Tel. Co., tojUp Sheriff (Oct. and Nov.) k......'. .... Went. lTn. Gas and Elec. Co., gaf sheriff „«• Evans Meat Market, meat, shf, > Oct.- ....: .....}u... ,73.89 Evans Meat Market, meat shf.' .... 78.51 Oaulke Bros., meat shf .....1®4.8# The Semi-Annual Reports, of the County Clerk, Circuit Clerk and Sheriff were presented . to the Board and on motion dulv made and carried the same -- - - were referred to the Committee on Fees I "McHenry County offices: Count y CierK, 1 March, 1934, to attend the patients at 90 and Salaries for report. | Circuit Clerk, Sheriff, State 9 Attorney, the County Home at $4.00 per visit, he .90! The Committee to settle with the • Superintendent yf Schools, Treasurer,^ come onjy at the call of the Superi Treasurer made the following report] and Collector. ' . : lntendent. .80 which was on roll call unanimously, The lowest bid received was i™?" your Co'mmittee would recommend adqpted, to-wlt: j Theodore Hamer of ^?^d®to t c^' ' that Gardner A. Knapp be reappointed .40 Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the nois, guaranteeing to m^e 1 thorough ^ Superintendent of the County Home Board of Supervisors: audit and present-two c®Pj®8 and Farm and that his salary be fixed Your Committee to settle with Treas- to the County Boarp when completed _ -_j urer would beg leave to submit the for a price of $350.00, payment to be following report on the matter before made Immediately following the apthem. L , 1 l>rov«l °f ?iud,lt h* ,1%^^ i Home "and Farm, and for the proper We have examined and checked the j Board of Supervisors ®f McHenry I ftre the jnrnates, who may be in the vouchers in the office of thg County County, , _ . Mrpii>ii house on the first day of March A. p. A motion was duly made and carried n u admitted during the that contract be awarded to Mr. TheO,- ' * dore Hamer* for the amount above stat- s""° veared and pubject" to the above provisions. It is hereby provided that th© audit shall be certified by J. Vf; Worth, a licensed public accountant. A. JI. HALE, chairman1 V. E. BROWN E. K, Kt'IOCKER D. M. WRIGHT O. A. DODD CHAS. H. ACKMAN P. F. ROSENTHAL ^ hercg. ourrj. '• *l" : E. C. HUGHES, Chalfma^ Attest:: it. p. Woods, county cierk. Special January Meeting, 1933 Treasurer .Harry F. Peteit" jMid find them correct and satisfactory showing ,2n as follows: ,2fl 2.10 3.20 8.00 97.62 89.00 gS.82 S^ere would be no meeting of the Board uring tlje month of November. It was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Ackman and duly seconded by Supr. . jurner that this matter be referred to I'he Fees and Salaries Committee givtog them full power to aet. Asst. Supr. J)onovan offered' the following amend- *ient to the motion.--That Contract be -apt to McHenry Countv Auditors if the Jame is legal. Amendment to the motion was duly seconded by Supr. D<Jdd. A. roll call vote on the amendment to the motion was called'for by the Chalr- Brian and Suprs. O'Brien. Clawson, Conley, Brown, Harrison, May, Freund and - podd and Asst. Supr. Donovan I voted i.ye. Suprs. Stockwell, Palmer, Kuecker, Ackman, Turner, McConnell, Hale fend Asst. Supr. Rosenthal voted nay. Amendment to the motion declared carried by a vote of nine aye and eight nay. The roll was then called on the motion lng called unanimously carried. The I Eckert & Bending, fruits, vfg» Chairman then appointed to act as such Committee Suprs. Turner, Dodd, Brown Wright and O'Brien. State's Attorney Lumley was then called upon to explain' the proper .procedure td take In securing said funds. Mr. Lumley then addressed the Board and explained said Act in detail. A Resolution concerning upe of Motor Fuel Tax allotments for relief purposes was presented and read to the Board and upon motion duly made and carried said. Resolution was referred to the Special Committee on Poor Relief for report. r as amended and same was unanimously (carried. State's Attorney Lumley addressed the Board and requested an appropriation of Two Hundred Fifty Dollars to take cjfcre of Incidental expenses of his office to December 1st, 1932. It was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Ackman and duly seconded by Supr. : Palmer that an appropriation "of Two Hundred Fifty ($250.00) Dollars be al- • lowed and paid to the State's Attorney's The following Assignment was presented and rend to the Board, to-wit: Assignment THTS INDENTURE WITNESSETH. That whereas a judgment of the County Court of McHenry County on a ver otables, fish shf. , i.. 189.21 Eckert & Bending, fruits, vegetables, fish shf ...188.09 Woodstock Dairy, milk and cre^im shf : 42.16 G. A. Barker, milk i<hf 44.32 N'at'l Police Officer, mdse. shf. 12.50 Bodenschfrtz & Sahs. mdse. shf 45.20 Aurora Spec. Co., mdse. shf :... 1.4.87 Kirkman Ice. Co., lC". shf 10.00 E. F. Meyer, water softener shf. 10.00 D. B. Nichols, repalts Ct. HpilJe 44.15 A. S. Wright, drugs shf 8.10 Sanitary Pig. A Htg. Co., labor and mdse. C. H "....!.v ........ E. F. Baccus, labor and rpdse. C H. -. ...t ....... Boyd Elec. App. Shop, labor and mdse. C. H. ......... Mike Krieger, repairs Jail Buckley T Room, me"Is jurors ... Vatnre of Service and Earnings 2 per cent com. on $1,516,462.21 collected as Co. Collector . J30,329-60 1 per cent com. on $388,021.91 collected as Co. Treasurer 3,880.22 1 per cent com. on $380,182.97 , paid out as Co. Treas 3,801.88 ^ per cent fee on Co. Treas. Fees on inheritance tax & motor fuel tax .v«--• Int. and costs collected on General Taxes , Int. and costs collected on' Special Assessments Collector's com. on Spe. A^iSau Int. and costs collected on „ Forfeited Tax Int. and costs collected, rfdeemed forfeited tax 2.724.43 1,071.03 299.89 N481.3S 301.10 his wife be employed at the sum of $600.00 per annum, for running the said year. We further recommend that the Board of Supervisors hire all the help required to1- properly run the said Home and Farm, the hired help to work at all time under the instruction and direction of the Superintendent and his "'it is further recommended that the •*he Honoroble .Board of Supervisoi of McHenry County met In .Spec! Session at the Court House in the Ci of Woodstock, Illinois on Tuesday tl 10th day of January, A. D. 193S pu suant to a call signed by more th one-tl#rd of its members. The meeting was called to order the Chairman E. C. "Hughes and the. n being called the following member* sponded to their names, to-wit: SUj L A. Stockwell. D. M. Wright, C. Palmer, E. C. Hughes, E. F. Kuecl Chas. H. Ackman, John Conley. V. Brown, J. E. Harrison, H. M. Turn' Frank McConnell. Frank May, S. Freund, A. H. Hale, G. A. Dodd an*- Asst. Suprs. J. D. Donovan and Pai§ Rosenthal, constituting a quorum. The records of the last pre<?edl nurse employed at the County Home meeting were read and on motion >0.08 , 10.28 i«<,973.63 Expenditures Clerk Hire, General taxes, ^ special Aes'ts ,......,.$7,386.92 Stamps, tel. tolls, stationery - ^ and supplies 1,185.11 H. F. Peteit, Co. Treasure?, salary 1 year • -- t.600.00 $10,972.03 Net Earnings of €bt|i*ty ®reasurer's office .$458,001.60 | The County Treasurer's itemized report hereto attached which with the 11.16 1 County Treasurer's report showing Of- 2.00 ficial collections and disbursements 6.R0 | made during the year; we submit as It was thereupon regulary moWtd by Supr. Ackman and duly seconded by Supr. Turner that the report of the Committee on Fees and Salaries be adopted by this Board. And the roll being called said motion was unani- 84.20 i mously carried. ' Thei County Clerk presented a report on Mother's Pensions covering a Period from July 5, 1932 to December 1st. 1932 which was on motion duly made and carried approved and ordered placed on file. . . A certified copy of the report of the Grany Jury, Sepptember Term, presented and read to the Board and ordered placed on file. be paid not to exceed $75.00 per month, and to be employed for such time as her services shall prove satisfactory to the County Home and «Farrn Committee and the Superintendent of the County Home and Farm. ' i t i s f u r t h e r r e c o m m e n d e d t h a t t h e Superintendent or some responsible ompinveo of bis or of the County shall at all times be in personal charge of the inmates. it is further recommended tnat tne Superintendent be employed for such time as his services shall prove satisfactory to the Board of Supervisors and the County Home and Farm Committee, not lon^r than the first day of March ^ j? js further understood and aPr®ed the the entering upon the duties of 'Suproved. The report of J- W. Wprth, Public countant and Mr. TheOdpre Hamer co' ering a Biennial Audit for the pefl ending Nov, 30, 1932 was presented the Clerk to the Board. It was the upon regularly moved by 8uPr- Turni and duly seconded by Supr. Palmer trv the report be referred to the fees a" salaries committee giving them f' power to act. And upon the approval said report bv the Committee that County Clerk be instructed to draw order for Three Hundred Fifty doll* the Contract price for said audit, to 1 Auditors. And the roll being call .Suprs. stockwell, Wright, Palm Kuecker. Ackman, Conley, Brown, H rlson, Turner. McConnell, May. Freu diet of the jury in a condemnation filed 1 Hoesley's Bakery, mdie. shf. 83.24 part of this report in said court by the Department of I Conway Bros., drugs, shf 8.07 Public Works and Buildings of the Gladys Kiddoo, serv. Bd. of Rev. 9 00 State of Illinois to obtain right of way I Grace Abbott, sev. Bd. of Rev. .-- 9 00 for State Bond Issue Route 60 in Mc- iWm. R. Cairns, bail.ff 68.00 Henry County, was entered and that?" 1 Sidney Corson, bailiff and dep. shf. 68.00 Whereak paid order provided that I LeRoy Clark, bailiff & dep. WJf... 21.00 upon the . payment of the sum of Two j Loren Edinger, dpty. shf. ,'l»-00 Hundred and Fifty ($250.00) Dollars to 1 George Grant, dpty. shf. , 15.00 the Countv Treasurer of MeHenry Conn- | Howard Freeman, dpty. shf. ....... 6."0 •v. Illinois, the Department of Public (Tester Edinger, serv. ........1,108.50 Works and Buildings of the State of .Lester* Edinger, •Illinois, are authorized to enter upon Lester Edinsrer j*£.*"•' Office and that the County Clerk be and take possession of and use for pub- E. J. Field Hrd. Co.', r- - • • * All of which is respectfully submitted. J. D. DONOVAN, Chairman P. F. ROSENTHAL JOHN CONLEY J. E. HARRISON C. M- PALMER The following Resolution was presented and read to the Board, to-wlt: WHEREAS, . it is possible for Mc- The Committee on Roads and Bridges ,,cl ... - „ . Hn acceptance r toils,«!! isea.-® s - v... seconded by Supr. Kuecker and tHe roll being called unanimously adopted, to- Mr." Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors, McHenrj county, Illinois: . . .. „„„i The undersigned members of the Roafl and Bridge Committee for said County would beg leave to submit the follow ing report on the matter? before them part a contract between the Superintendent and the County Board of Su- ^nof"'which Is respectfully submitted. FRANK B. McCONNELL, Chm. J. E HARRISON - JOHN CONLEY P F. ROSENTHAL. N. B. CLAWSON It was thereupon regularly moved by r. misc. serv i.iub.ou whuk&ao, h i» iH>a»iuin i... t_,nrnv.ment for this r, fees Peo. c*«ee ...840.30 Henry County, Illinois to purchase ce- proposed for Jmprmenw . • r, expense office 50.90 ' ment for certain road construction , County, which wPn0ard •d. Co;, mdse. shf 6.0^ . from cement companies ^ hsvlng^ I vVu^^Commlttee again met at Wood* I tracts with th<> State of Illinois. .That Tf?r^!5"r interviewed0 State J Supr.^^rYghT and duly seconded by S°C^f®I^;Jtiie r>'a; rd Hun^r?^halrman I s"£r. Hale' that the above wd foreofePthe 1 egisiative Committee who are gping report be adopted by ^thls ®oard. studvfng the road question in Illinois, And the roll being called said motion arid delfvered to him the map of roads j wis unanimously carried. The following Resolution W Rlghtof- Way was presented and read to the Board, to-wlt: 5 th day of Novem- Xesoltttton ...ed and paid bills WHEREAS, there is now .available McHenry County Pa- .for the use of McHenry County, Illinois, Roads as follows: out of the Motor Fuel Tax of 1929. nature charageable ttti» «nm of $6,543.97 and, WHEREAS, it i8 permissible under cement for sections of road to be con- j to »» "V^olsupplie^lninsur -j said "Motor" Fit ei Tax" Law, approved "toer meeting of this Board he wished ! thi« right of way, now " ' Daisy V. Moore, Ast. Sup. Bch. . structed under the provisions of eitnw ;.cninery K hoy at the County tool March 25, 1929, to purchase Right of at thlfl tlltie Also to thank them for the | Th#»r«»fQr«t 1n oonsiderotnn of the sum • 2 mos 227.50 the Motor Fuel Tax Laws, the ht^te A»a i an nf ...S406.S2 \Vav for the improvement of State Aid *T splendid cooperation that he had receiy- of Two Hundred and Fifty ($250.00') Hans Hanson, hauling coal 32.49 Laws, Section 11 of the General * j pharKeable - to • the various sec- Roads, and. . ea from gfti'l Board during the years that Dollars, in hand paid bv Thomas Mc- n. o. Andrew Co., coal C. 227.4S ers of the County Board or the ^tata , puis * „ty 'patrol system of j WHEREAS, the Right of Way CofijT; he had served with them. j.Queen, the receipt of which is hereby W. J. Kittle, sol Pro. Off. 2 mos. 150.00 Highway Act, where such cement is to uons o and materal» at rates mlttee of the Board of Supervisors of There beinr no further business to t acknowledged, I, Harry Peteit, County City, of Woodstock, light and water hv Countv. , n»u» . •« ^ *u«- r>--«•.. thi«ah, Come before thia meeting It was-regu-r Treasurer ' of McHenry County, do by 2 mos. larlv b'r Supr Aekman nnd d"'v j these presents, hereby assign, transfer, : G. L. Tryon. S. A. Kt. 21-21A seconded by Supr. Turner that this and set over to Thomas McQueen, the' M. F. T. No. 1 Board adjourn. Thereupon the Board | sum of Two Hundred and- Fifty 3!^ryon, 8. A. Rt. 20 adoumed. ($250 00) Dollars as soon as it shall M. F. T. No. 4 be furnished by the County, be pur- ..,243.$0 chased as outlined) above. - -- • • ' THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED, 45.00 that the Department of Public Works and Buildings of the State of Illinois Section i llale and Podd and Asst. Suprs. Donjr and Rosenthal voted ave. m| Motion declared carried. Tt EaRL C. HUGHES, Chairman. |be psid over to me by the Treasurer of Attest: R. D. WOODS, Clerfc. r / * . . . . • -JMh . ' ! • the State of Illinois out of McHehry M, F. T. No O. L. Trvon . 8. Bt. 11-1 .v.~..j387.(H) is requested to issue authorisations Section 3 upon request .of the county superin- Section 4_... 589.00 tendfent of highways to McHenry Coun- Sections »« f 8.70 ill nnd 14. McHenrv County. Illinois: 86 I state Aid 4A, «. B. X. »<M»te 60 •04 Kinsella Bst., Condemnation . ..$8BO.OO van none The monthly report of the Treasured for the period ending Decerfr ber 31, 1932 was presented and re%| and upon motion duly made and carriej was approved and ordered placed , file, to-wit: •' County Treasurer's Report, OtcemlMt Balance December 1, i9S2 $95,922.^ Paid out on oi^tera month of • December ,...36,666.14 : ' |59.266.H • Amounts fteo'd for month of Deoembejf Back tax collected $ 57.81 Forfeited Tax redeemed S17.J® State of Illinois,, highway fund 144.18 Commission on Telephony booth ' * and tolls Inheritance Tax w.W Motor Fuel Tax --2.0W.or tnmates County Home (Suprs.) ..6»9.fl State of 111., Emergency Relief 10.000.M V. S. Lumley. State's Attorney. Fine and Fees 456.M R. £>. Woods, County Citric . ..296,M Wm. T Conn, Circuit Clerk 7J® H. F. Peteit, Co. Treas. Fees 269.83 Bal. on hand January 1, 1933 $73.76T.*t H. F. PETEIT, County Treasurer* The Coroner's report for the year ending December 31. 1932 was present* and read and oh motion duly made aQ£ carried was ordered placed on file A report showing the operating c of the Hospital installed in the Henry County Home- was pre*e#W read and ordered placed on Blfc V ,l:..