v Our VfashingtoffT7' Letter • •. --By- - iH Wi•:- h 0 / . < THE M'HENRY PLAINDEALEE, THURSDAY, ATO. 8, _ f --r1--:-- : ' r' " • ^ • r^* • " i':i" <"•-•••it Washington, August 2--No council V of doctors called in for desperate cases -ever watched tne pulse action vf the patient more than President Roosevelt and his aides in an effort to determine the effects of the fypodcrmic they have given the public. V Despite their optimism it is general! y agre'ed that the economic situation i->. v ;• (still feverish and not yet out of the . crisis stage. '• | Employers >r® not rushing tfiadly | 1 i diywn to the prist office in each to*n i }v to have their names posted as .sign- i ers? of' the re-employment agreement.; .The average employer is willing to ccoprate. in the emergency but wiii; •. •' • rot .subscribe to.the language- of tlic . ' . proposed apreefnent uhtvl it is clarified by official 4'r.terpretation. Woro • '• has reached Recovery .Adminktratwr ^heacfa^cfte.rs hew; tihat employers ai e -'to go .sion# with ' she, spjiMt '*".*• of the President's appeal previde&u 1? is not at the %<nXfce of constitution}' I rights. " In other words tha- • hirinc • . -i groups; do not 'yrant.. to place iheii: - heads in a noose in consenting to pay- ; i'ng hijrher wages and cutting workiTg hours in cases where they canoe possibly finance sucfi a definite pledge. Some are frankly worried over the beating of drums by governmental propaganda agencies in their communities. The majority are keep ing their heads above the clouds ard modifying their acceptance of th agreement. Tariff policies have always been a here of contention with politicial parties. In recent years it has been difficult to draw a line of demarcation between the tariff programs of the Democrats and Republicans- The eld fashioned Democrat was known as a "low-tariff" or free trade advocate. : The program of the National Recov- : ery Administration if carried to its j logical conclusion will undoubtedly ; forcf Democrats jnto open advocacy! of protective tariff measures. Secre- • tiiry of State Hull has been a low- j tariff specialist during his long care«t ' in the Senate and House and now finds himself out on a limb. Hul had plenty to say about abolishing tariff barriers at the I ondon j Economic Conference this summer. ! He may be obliged to recant if the j piesent trend in official quarters j reaches a point where the President; will have to proclaim tariff increases.j There is talk that Hull may be forced! to walk the plank amd resign, lin- • porters of low cost foreign goods are I alarmed at the prospect of addition-; al import duties to compensate domestic producers for the forced payment of higher wages. Tjfoe indictment of Alphonse Capene and others of his tribe of rack- j eteers on a criminal charge is hailed j by Federal law enforcement agencies, j They feel that it presages a new era j . in criminal prosecution and if sue-1 cessful will permit the shelving of j petty legal contrivances as pending gangesters to jail for income tax violations. . Presecutors have always been apolegetic for this subterfuge because it made them the laughing stock of the criminal element. The next step is to plug the loopholes in national and state laws which permit hoodlums to escape through technicalities or intimated juries. The Department of Justice wants to put a crimp in ..the kidnaping epidemic before it tspreads to all localities as a substitute for bootlegging. The patronage problems which annoy legislators of ttie dominating! party are not weighing heavily on the President. He is giving his full time I to industrial and agricultural relief j activities and routine matters of his I high office. A secretarial barricade ha* been erected against office-seekers no matter what their rating as party workers so that the time cf the Chief Executive will not be taken up on relatively trivial matters. Postmaster General Farley has a perfect alibi for postponement of patronage demands by simply stating it has been referred to the President for consideration. If appearance counts for anything, the political "pie-counter" has been ignored in the selection of deputy administrators and Other special assistants to General Johnson, the- Industrial Recovery Administrator, and his pal, George Peek, Administrator for Agriculture. The staffs have b6en recruited froi^i various localities ar.d the men are usually known to these chieftains .for their ability--not ' their political preferences or rating. Dr. Isador Lubin, rcently appointed director of the Bureau of Labor Statistics will soon haye an opportunity to test the validity of his private studies regarding unemployment- As a research specialist, Dr. Lnbin conducted an inquiry into the absorption of the unemployed. His observations of a cross-section showed that relatively few men returned to their old jobs. It was established, however that workers were usually employed at jobs under similar requirements of the post they had lost or vacated. Dr. Lubin stated that theie was a certain percentage of unemployed wbo Were unwilling to accept jobs even in hard ' times which would place them in a lower category as regards to skill or • income. This type preferred to loaf and suffer raher than take temporary work which might be considered a "come-down" in th« eyes of their colleagues. ...a 1'* ,-"V Moat Decisive Battles if ten decisive battles may be chosen •ttoey are probably the battle of Marathon', B. C. 490; the battle of Hastings, 1066; defeat of the Spanish Armada, 1588; battle of Blenheim, 1704; battle ft Piltowa, 1709; victory of the Americans over Burgoyne at Saratoga, lTfj* battle of Waterloo, 1815Gettysburg, 1863; battle of Manila, 1898, and 0* battle of the Harne, A familiar scene in most any hom$ that doesn't have automatic gds beat. Dad was up at 6:00 a. m. /i : f: : : Stake thefurnacelt's Roo now and '; •. house is still cold. Why I gas heat and end this di$ - - nfort? May avoid sickness, too. » , , . _ ' . * . *0t4$^0 ft t fof children to have a recreation room in the basement. It didn't ; •••:/,; . ; cost much--and it saves the up- ' „ Not that Mr. S. wanted to get up at dawn to stoke the furnace. He got to bed late last night ana was gretty tired. But the house was cold and his wife insisted on tt. Mr. S. will soon put t» automatic gas beat so bo can get bis sleep in the morntng. .Low Cost j . V . ' • Installed at oar expense...removed at our expense if you don't like it Nd other fuel ever made such an offer! YOU INVEST NOTHING! Without one cent of investment by you, we install the most modern gas burner in your furnace or boiler. If you are satisfied it stays. If pot --and you are the sole judge--out it comes and your former heating method is re-installed--AT OUR EXPENSE. No other fuel for house-heating dares make such an offer. " * . v * IOOK into the new low g*s rates now j --before you spend a penny for your winter's fuel. For the cost of gas heat -- the automatic heat you have always wanted --has been reduced to less than half the 1930-31 rates! Think of it --when you use gas for home? heating, a single match lights your furnace in the Fall. A turn of your finger extinguishes it in the Spring. Home-heating: with gas eliminates days and nights of back-breaking coal shoveling ... dirty hours of hauling ashes ... weeks of seasonal house cleaning.. .replacing grime - smudged Mr. E's bet peeve--thawing out the pipes after a freeze-up. No water--late for the office. Too badt Air. E. doesn't put in gas beat and avoid all this trouble. curtains ... slaving to dean soot-streaked walls. You save the wear and tear and expense of reconditioning your home and its furnishings. A servant that never sleeps Gas is the clean, healthful, only truly auto- Static fuel. No longer need you trudge the cellar stairs ... soiling your clothes cutting kindling... starting fires... stoking die furnace... hauling the ashes... scrubbing smudge spots from the cellar and the rest of the house... inhaling dust and soot. Gas is the only fuel that is not delivered on your premises by grimy or black, dusty. ; methods. When gas is piped into yoiif fcrnace or boiler room you are freed of all Otre, worry, gtixne and dust. Let gas sell itself Tell us you want to tty * gas-heating. Using yo^e J present heating apparatus, we will install the necessary equipment • Within a very short time. -- entirely at mr expen&j.;^ If at any time during the first year you are not content, we will ren^ve the equipment-- further expense to you-- and replace your former ' heating equipment in 4* • Airs. H. doesn't like the odor from the furnace and Mr. H. doesn't like ib freeze. The H's wouldn't risk these arguments if they had odorless gas beat. good or better condition than it was the day we removed it. And anytime during the first year means during the first, second, twelfth or any other month in the year. During the nine heating first year you pay only $3 a on the equipment we install in die average home--you pay nothing during the three summer months, when the heating system is idle. (This rental charge will be sent along with yotit bill for the gas you use. But i£ anytime duly log the first year, you are not entirely satisfied • With gas-heating, all you have to do is order ; it out. Out it goes. And rental stops immediately. It is af daring oflfe*. No fornkof fuel used through the centuries has ever dared match ik? That is because only gas has the confidence of perfection. Yes-there is a "new deal" in home-heating -- a new deal in cost «* comfort--convenience m: health and happiness. Let us tell you die complete story --there is absolutely no obligation. Just mail the coupon. Too late--the damage is done. A big rut in Af r. D's lawn where the fuel truck missed the snow covered drive.. "They don't deliver gas in trucks, mitii D.--you'd better look into it. months of the month rental FILL OUT THE RON NOW --' DON'T DELAY Ho/pse H e a t i n g D /v i s i o u WESTERN UNITE n > \ OAS «. uiUKK. uaua-Nvi-/ ' WVVEGSATS^E OR£CNTK UIC.NoomITimEnyDL/ Please send me full information about heating my-home with gas. Ns0t\ Address.\ ..." Phone Important! Mail coupon to House Heating Division of your nearest Gas Company office." 4-