J -i-'. " • *W* M>($~ ~ i *y.v&;* ?••/•;; 1>S ^-V* £ i > '.• - •« ,v ,;•* * _v ,r""v"5- , THURSDAY, AUG. 10,1933. 7 r^r-^ ">*? *", K> ,^-<n':Z::": ;r' j 1 Aug. 19 to at below the market at a time when the price of nearly everything is advanc- . y.:i ' . c ?•?" >' i^iT sv *J • • **.'•"V>V; '.*v^ COTTON BATTS--"Dalton", 3 lb stitchv 'edcotton batts, all new cotton, roll 39^' ^ M B M M M M M p M W M PERCALES--All new patterns, best " "golden Star" perc&l^ _.per yd. 19^ VOILE--Beautiful new seed voiles, selected patterns J, .. .per yd. 174 ORGANDIE--Fancy printed organdie, good quality . per yd., 17$ LACE and INSERTIONS--one lot, per yd. 24 SUN SUITS--For little children, while they last ; . .. • .each 194 CLOTHES BRUSHES -- Twisted wire frame clothes brash with black enamel handle ... . .each 94 .. . • MATGHES--Full count, parlor matches ^ 6 boxes for ; 234 _ --. -^'>1 --- SALT--Free running, plain or iodized per 2 lb. box * . . ' • • - . v. ; FLY TOX--Kills flies, ants and mosquitoes, large sixe : ; • ; '-y.', i89^ Medium. _....494 Small : .224 CATTLE SPRAY--per gallon. Bring your own cans 754 Quart bottles, pure Cider Vinegar 10c Bulk Vinegar, White or Cider,, per gallon NOTICE The Federal Processing Tax of 4>jC per pound is now being added by the jobbers on all cotton goods. This Same tax must be paid by retailers on inventory of September 1, 1933. These advertised prices do not include this tax. COFFEE--A good quality Santos Peaberry per lb. 17<£ -504 TEA--Pan fired Japax?(T*a. lb. 294 Vi K>. 154 1 lOquart Galvanized Pail 1 Large Chipso 3 Camay Toilet Soifr ; 3 P & G Laundry Soap 1 Ivory Soap 44c CAKE FLOUR--Pillsbury's Cake Flour . 2>/< n>. pkg. ^214 CORN--Ferndell little kernel Sweet Corn No.2 canr .. • each 104 PINEAPPLE--Doles No. 1 grade "Sunny Isle" canned pineapple, vacuum packed, 8 slices in large tin for 204 STRAWBERRIES -- "Baby Stuart" brand, No. 2 tins, per caa^-X 224 '-.'I ^ GRAPE FRUI^--1' Ba|>y jSt^iyrt" brand 8 ox. cans ^2 for 15^ '•? ' . . WHITE CHERRIES--Peaches and strawberries __ _ 3 8 oz. cans for 254 DILL PICKLES--. 2 qt. jar 254 SELOX--The speed soap, large box > 9^ SHEETING -- Pepperell 9-4 sheeting Bleached „ per yd. 334 Unbleached .... _„.....per yd. 314 ' " " ' • * COTTON CREPE--Windsor Washanready Crepe .per yd. 1§>4 'SANS"--Sanitary Napkins, 3 * do*.' - packages DRESSES--Ladies' Voile and Percale house dresses, extra value each 494 DUST MOPS--One lot .wdi 194 XIIICKERS--Boys' khaki knickers, per pair- .....---- : -...,294 Boys' white long pants, not all sizes, pair 694 Shoe Bargains Three small lots of infants' and children's shoes -;:/;.!er pair 194--394--594 One lot consisting of Ladies' Straps and Oxfords, Men's Oxfords and Work Shoes per pair $t49 Jta's 2-buttou athletic UNION SUITSeach . I.-. Men's athletic UNION SUITS--checked nainsook .." „..each garment 394 At a Saving--Buy Now 59c, 39c, 19c SILK HOSIERY--Ladies' fine silk hosiery value to $1.00, per pair, sale price 694 CORSETS at Vt price ASH TRAY--Glass ash trays, a 10c value .44 JUICE--Opal glass juice extractors, each 44 SCREW DRIVERS--A handy household screw driver each 4<* SAUCE PANS--Small aluminum sauce and mixing pans each 54 /handles quarts and pints each 394 WINE GLASSES--Goblet style, thin blown wine glasses, set of 6 for 294 TALCUM POWDER--Palmolive and Honolulu Bouquet, 25c cans„ 3 for 504 or each ; --174 One lot of Ladies' and Men's Bathing Suits, some are all wooL To clean up the lot, each garment-- 89C ERKXSWS DEPT. STORE McHetiry, 111. Main Street