THE M'HENRY PLAINDEALER, THURSDAY, 60T. 5, 1933 'MW. •»* » ^ r•' . /' "f/*",V-'f. . 'J i:,- ; •••« 'A U" 4, "• <«<• .V I "* I t. COUNTY FARMERS RAISE POTATOES FOR OWN USE JlcHenry county is one of the few counties in Illinois inhere farmers raise -enough white potatoes for%their own use and they also raise ontf^gh to supply some of the demands of urban population, according1 to Lee A. ,Somers, "Associajfe in Vegetable Gardening from the Extension Service of the University of Illinois, who •will conduct a vegetable garden study frroup in McHenry County during this coming year. Mr. Somers will lead first discussion on Wednesday, October 25, at the Ifarm Bureau office, Woodstock. This project is carried on as a. part of regular Home Bureau program for the year 1933734.„ The public is in vited. RURAL MUSIC AND DRAMA TOURNAMENT 4 ,\f i D. H G. CLUB PICNIC members" of the D. H. TJ. club • anfl their-families enjoyed a picnic at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C, W. Goodell Sunday. The event was planned ,as a surprise for Mrs. Goode)[ l in honor of her birthday anniversary; I>inner and Supper were served with twenty-eipht guests seated at thf! table for dinner and thirty-one .for supper. A pleasant day was spent in visiting and games. - ; Plaindeal'ers .for sale at Boljpe^s.- All prices hereon for Woodstock only! Exceptional low prices at Elgin Salon. STOMPANATO'S REVITALIZING PROCESS PERMANENT WAVES Satisfaction Guaranteed We use new pads only $5 to $10 values .$3.50 up Combination spiral and Croquigfnok' Wind complete with special .Haircut, Shampoo and Finger W ave Shampoos-Finger Waves-40c each (Shingle Bob) - .r-T / STOMPANATO'S 3 Barbers 8 Beauty Artists 226 Main St. Telephone^>41 Woodstock, Illinois . Elgin Salon has been sold to Theresa Stompanato ' Beauty Salon Open Evening* until 9 p. m. A meeting of all fdiks in the coun- • ty who are interested in participating in or in knowing more about the Rural vMusic and Drama Tournament, are afeked to attend the regular organization meeting ojf participating ' groups to be held 'in the Court hQUse, I Tuesday night, Oct. 10 at 7:45. I This tournament is carried on as a I part of the regular program of the ! McHenry County Home Bureau and the Extension service*of the Univer- | sity of Illinois. I Any rural group may enter the contest provided that all members^jof the group entering reside in the community which the group represents, Residents of incorporated places of a population of 1200 or more, school groups as such, and those earning a living by acting, singing or playing orchestra are eligible; • ! The features of thfs tournament are as follows: - 1. One-act plays selected from a list compiled to include suggestions from .representatives of groups competing in previous tournaments; The playing time of all plays must be'from 20 to, 45 minutes. 2. Men's quartets, singing one irequired and one elective number; required number, "Home on the Range" by Guion. 3. Mixed quartets, singing one- required and one elective number; required number, "Voice.of Praise". (aVe verum) by Mozart. • . • 4. Womans' quartets, singing one required and one elective number; required number, "Love Lyric" by Loomis. y ~ 5. Orchestra having not "less than four nor more than fifteen pieces, having both string and wind instruments and playing one required and one elective number; required number, "On the "Volga" by Akimerks. The first .county district tournament will be held as part of the Harvard Community ,Fair, Thursday and Friday nights, October 12 and 13. Three plays will be presented each night. Admission 15c. Roland McCannon, Ringwood, the county chairman, is anxious for a good representation of folks from the county Tuesday night, Oct. 10. . PERSONALS and Mrs. Jack Purvey of Champaign spent the week-end here. Mrs. J. W. Rothermel and children Mrs. JVT. M. Niesen, Mrs. Roy Kent arid Mrs. P. M. Justen were Kenoshp visitors Monday. ( Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Krause, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kennebeck ard Math J. Baur spent Monday and Tuesday in Chicago and attended the world's fair. Lester Bacon is in Chicago this week where he is on duty with the state police at the Legion convention. Miss Emily Smith attended the world's fair one day las;t week. Misses Elsie and Frances Vycital and Mrs. J. E. Wheeler attended the grand chapter of th«oO. E. S. in Chicago on Tuesday and Wednesday of this week. $9ttdb FRIENDS REMEMBER BIRTHDAY A party of friend* surprised Miss Jaunita .Keg Sunday evening in honor of her twentieth birthday anniversary Miss Keg is now employed at Wilmette and was home only for the week end and because of her birthday. A merry evening was spent by the ygung people with cards, dancing and music furnishlrg entertainment. The hostess received many lovely gifts in honor of the occasion. Delicious refreshments" were served by Mrs. Keg at the close of the evening. The guests were: Misses Louise Kilday, Marion Krause, Virginia En- PTJBLIC CARD PARTY"" The Eastern Star will hold a public card party at their hall, Friday night, oct. e. : ip-fp. Say you read it in THE ' PLAINDEALER.. ; V THC Bi4£lpB McHENRY ILLINOIS ' H ' GREEN STREET trader new management of E. W. Johnson : Admissftga 10 And 25 cents You haven't really laughed until you've seen-- "InternationanHouse" > M Saturday and Sunday, October ? and 8 than the Milky Way!--MadWags--Grand Gags--New Song Hits Freah Beauties Wrapped in Cellaphane ALL STAR CAST Peggy Joyce--W. C. Fields--Rudy Valle--Burns and: Allen--Cab Calloway--Many Others Comedy and Shorts WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY, OCTOBER 11-12 Featuring JAMES CAGNEY in V "MAYOR OF HELL" r rflNGWOOD UNIT MEETT| Rmgwood Home Bureau unit mot at the home of Mrs. L. C. Benwell on Tuesday afternoon* 6ct. 3, with eleven members present. Roll call was responded to by "Ways of Storing Winter, Vegetables". Clothing Chairman, Mrs. Elbert Thomas gave a good rer port. Mrs. J. McCannon, Community Interest, and Mrs. . C. J. Jepson, the geln, Mildred Thompson, Florence! home. Felici Unti attended th# world's fair Monday. . • Art Smith attended Che Legion convention in Chicago Tuesday. Donald Givens attended the world's fair Wednesday. Dan O'Shea of .Brule, Wis., spent the week-end at his noma here. Miss Kathleen Givens went to Chicago Wednesday for the remainder of the week. . « . Master Dean McCracken returned home from Woodstock hospital, Friday. William Doherty, Sr., was a Sunday guest in the Thomas McLaughlin Steffes, Robert Jessen, James Sheehan, Bill Sheehan, Charleg McGonigle Luther Johnson, Richard Smith, Donald Hayes, Ralph Schroeder and Edward Engeln. r ' SURPRISED ON BIRTHDAY A party of relatives and friends surprised Fred Feltz at Harmony Ct. Saturday evening in honor of his fifty sixth birthday anniversary. The evening was spent in cards and'music Health,, chairman, g&ve good talks, the singing of the old Songs, af- MiSs Greaves gave the lesson qn the ter which refreshments were served. "Repair; of Household Equipments Plans were made for, a party to be held in the hall on Friday evening, Oct. 27. " , Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Kitchens, Mr. and Mrs. J. McCannon, Mrs. C. J. Jepson and daughters, Mildred and Olive, Mrs. R. McCannon, Mrs. B. Friend and Mariam, Misses Ellen.. Smith, Norman Larsen, Ruth Klintworth, Helen Harrison and Mercedes Smith were among those from Ringwood that attended the Home Bureau party at Woodstock last Friday evening. - * :v .. . P l'H C ft P pic® Have Seeds Pineapple seeds are contained in the flOwer bracts which appear in the ripe pineapple as sections oX the fleshy mass which make up the fruit. Pineapples, however, are very seldom raised from seed except for the production of new varieties, and ten years is often required to bring such plants Into Waring; ; Pawnshops Pawnshops, like novels, are crosssections of hdmanity. Into them come the count and the pauper, the artist nndnre mechanic, the gold-digger and the innocent victim, the spoiled children of the wealthy and the beggars who have never known anything but the life of the hobo. Seminole* Passing On The once mighty Seminole Indian tribe in Florida has dwindled to less than 500 members. * HOPE OF ItXlNi Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Lon Bending, and Mrs. Charles Nickfels of Woodstock, Henry Antholz and daughters, Florence and Alvera, Kirk Schroeder, Mr. and Mrs. Fred' Voeltz and family, Mrs. Minnie Block and son, Louis, Mr- and Mrs, A. J. Kam Mr. and Mrs. F. • W. Sayler and daughters of Woodstock were McHenry visitors Sunday. Bill Sheehan of Chicago spent the week-end with frienas here. Mr. and Mrs. James Rainey of Rifigwood visited her mother, Mm. Anna Thomas Sunday. Miss Rosina Glosson returned home Friday night from a visit at Kenosha. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lange and daughter, Nancy, of Waukegan .were Sunday guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Bacon. Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Burns and son of Oak Park spent the week-end at their cottage at Hickory Grange. « Mr. and. Mrs. A. G. Mathews and daughter, Marion, have returned from a motor trip to Wisconsin. Miss Hannah Glosson visited in the holz and son, Mr. and Mrs. Fred i home of her sister, Mrs. George Feltz and Mr. and Mrs. Emil Patzko. Rauen and family at Kenosha, Wis., the last of the week- Henry Vogel returned to work on Monday morning after a two week's ATTENDS FUNERAL Mr. and Mrs. Joe Schaefer and Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Schaefer attended the | vacation. funeral of John Gubbin who died in 1 Mrs. W. A. Sayler was an Elgin the Belmont hospital, Sept. 17. On caNer one day last week, where she his way to church he was struck by lifted her sister, Mrs. G. A. Hanly. a car which caused his death. Burial j George and Albert Justen delivered was from Our Lady of Victory church j furniture in Chicago Thursday, in Chicago to Calvary cemetery. Her Misses Frances a lid Elsie Vycital, is survived by his wife, Anna, and! Mrs. E. E. Bassett, Lisle Bassett and daughters, Marie Block and Annie Mrs. James Perkins attended an Norman and stepchildren, Margrette Eastern Star meeting^at Aurora on McGivern and Lyman Bolger. Mr.! Thursday nights Gubbin was 74 years old and of the j Mr. and Mrs. William Eltoft of first summer resorters on Sunnygide, Northwood Lodge, Cranberry Lake, Beach. PHILATHEA CtUS lWMTS Wis., visited Dr. and Mrs. R. G. Chamberlin the last of the week; Mrs. Robert Weber and little son The second meeting of the Philathea turned home last week from St. club was held at the home of Mrs. j Theresa s hospital, Waukegan. Lester Bacon Thursday afternoon! Misses Theresa and Olga Brefeld with twelve ladies and their children Chicago spent Sunday at their present. The club is sewing and pre-' home here. paring articles for the bazaar to be | Miss Irene Walsh attended the fair given soon by the Ladies' Aid society, j Wednfesday. The club name of "Philathea" was' Mr" and Mrs- Hei-man Schaefer and chosen at this meeting. The next ^ ^•r' Mrs. John Stilling attended meeting of the club will be at the;the. American Legion convention in home of Mrs. Ethel Berglund fcext Thursday afternoon. RETURN FROM FISHING TRIP Chicago, Tuesday Mi ss Ellen Frisby is spending a few days visiting in Elgin. Miss Kate McLaughlin and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Krause and George Miller and children were Eldaughter, Marion, and Mr. and Mrs. gin visitors, Monday. Herman Schaefer returned home last Thursday night after about a week's visit at Turtle Lake, Wis., where some excellent fishing was enjoyed. The vacation was a very pleasant one with beautifu^l weather making conditions! ^ ' u jed relatives here Sunday evening. Mrs- George Mix or Chicago has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Rose Mr. and Mrs. George Hoelscher of Wheaton, Mr. and MrSv Ed Larkin of Elgin and Miss Alice Sutton, who is enroute from New York to California, visited relatives here Sunday. Miss Bernadine Walsh of Cary visitideal. The party brought home some fine fish which were pfentiflpl ai the lake.- Miller, for a few weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thompson and Mr. and Mrs. Will VanNatta visited in the Floyd Thompson home at La Frank Froscliauer, 181 ijuuiid star of the University of Illinois football team is expected to provide the pnnch in the back field, operating from left halfback. The chances of the Illinl de pend largely on him"4 and Jack Benyon BOLGER'S WEEKLY DRUG SALE R. N. A. CONVENTION Tiie annual Royal Neighbor conventicin of McHenry county will be held; Grange, Sunday. at Crystal Lake next Tuesday, Oct. 10. j Mr Mrs. Ed Callahan of Chi- The business meeting will take place, cago visited relatives here Sunday, in the forenoon and tne afternoon will j Mrs. Rose Miller left today (Thursbe devoted to school of instruction., day) for Marionville, Neb- where she Riverview Camp of McHenry will put, WJJJ visi| her sister for two weekson the memorial service and Fox Riv- j Mrs. George Stoffel of Woodstock will er Valley Camp will put on the rit- ^ hgre while her mother, Mrs. Miller, ualistic work by the graces. ^ away. „ H. R. Bennett of Wooodstock called - DINNER HONORS BIRTHDAY on his sister, Mrs. W. A. Sayler, one A family gathering made up a day last week birthday dinner party in honor of Mrs Henry Lange of Waukegan at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William BaCon, Sunday. Guests in- Bill Lannon and Katheryn Maher of Chicago were Saturday callers at Miss Kate McLaughlin's. Mrs. Margaret Gilles of Woodstock eluded Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lange and spent Thursday and Friday with her daughter, Nancy, of WaukegsCh, Mrs. j sister, Mrs. Peter Doherty. Lester Bacon and children of McHenry and Bud Rapp of Chicago. Pint Russian Mineral Oil..„.; 49 25c Kotex •25c Mennen's Baby Talcum. . 16^ 25c Sani-Flush 19^ $1.50 Alpen Kreuter ... $1.16 50c Zip Depilatory Cream 33rf 25c Dr. West Tooth Paste 2 for 33^ Pint Rubbing Alcohol 23c 25c Colgate's Tooth Paste 2 for 35^ 50c Henna Foam Shampoo 33^ Pint Super D. C. L, 0. , $1.11 $li00 Lysol 79^ 25c Listerine Shaving Cream 17^ 60c Phillips' Milk of Magnesia 33^ 35c Cenol Dry Cleaner ... ._ .„ 23^ $1.50 Pertussin Cough Syrup_„ .98^ 26c Venetian Shoe Cream^ ' 17^ 50 Famabella 5c Cigars $1.78 $1.50 B. K. Powder $1.13 75c. Squibb's Viostero! 56<^ 5 pounds Epsom Salts. „25<^ 100 McKesson Aspirin. ^ .494b 75c Dextri Maltose. ...... Gallon Poultry Cod Liver Oil. 79^ 35c Keen Shaving Cream 10^ $1.00 Listerinf 79 ^ 75c Castoria 56^ $1.25 Absorbine, Jr. 98^ Pint Cascara Aromaticl 25^ v . 50c Lilac Vegetal. -1..27#- 30c Bromo Quinine Cold Tablets 21# Gallon Russian Mineral Oil _$2.00 60c Bag Balm i 49 Pound Pail Tip Top or Plow Boy. 65<^ Thomas P. Bolger 40 'The McHenry Druggist McHenry, IH. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Reihansperger and Mr. and Mrs. Ray McGee were Chicago visitors on ^'uesflay. SOCIAL WHEEL Mr. and Mrs. Ed Turner and Ben The Social Wheel held its first meet; Winn of Spring Grove were Sunday ing of the season at the Universal-j afternoon guests of Mr- and Mrs,, ist church parlors Thursday afternoon 1 Peter Doherty. whore three tables "of cards were in | Donald Gordon and McKenzie Laplay. Prizes were won, by Mrs. Louis heed of Canada are gtiests for a few Hawley, Mrs. James Bouril and Mrs.! days in the Ray Page home. They J. R. Smith. The next meeting will , motored out from Chicago with Mrs. be at the home of Mrs. Jacob Brefeld J. F. Brandt on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. J. Claxton, with Mr. and Mrs. John Dreymiller, wefe Racine visitors Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Drymiller were F. Claxton and son, Will, and Cloice next Thursday afternoon. JOIN FOREST ARMY Charjes Peterson and Donald Hayes went to Woodstock Monday from where they left Monday night for Ft.; Wagner attended the world's fair on Sheridan as members of the Reforest ration army. They will probably be in camp at Fort Sheridan for about two weeks before they are transferred BRIDAL SHOWER Mrs. A. E. Nye entertained a party of friends at a bridal shower in honor of Miss Pauline Scarbough on Tuesday of last week. S!he was presented with a beautiful luncheon and a pleasant party was enjoyed, . Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. John Dreymiler were Chicago visitors Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Schroeder of DesPlaines were guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Kramer on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Walsh attended the world's fair Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. George Cramer and family spent Friday in Chicago. Miss Hazel Kramer is spending this Week in Chicago, where she is visiting friends and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Smith were Chicago visitors Tuesday. Mr, an^r Mrs. Perry Short j>f Chi- R. N. A. CAMP MEETS Fox River Valley Camp, R. N. A., held its regular meeting iSiesday even ing with th^ officers practicing for' cago were Sunday guests of Dr. and the convention at Crystal Lake on October 10. • M. E. CHURCH I ^ : There will be no church service at the M. E. church this Sunday as the pastor, Rev. L. H. Brattain is attending conference at Joliefc. Sunday school will convene at 10 a. -m. as usuaL CARD OF THANKS Undersigned desires itl -this manner to express thanks and appreciation to the McHenry Fire Department, neighbors and friends who fo kindly assisted at the time of the fire at his residence last Saturday nirf* * 4 *19 WM. SCHAEFER. Mrs. N. J. Nye. Mrs. Henry Heimer has returned Jhome after spending several days in the hope /of her daughter in Chicago and attending' the Century of Progress Graham McQueeny of Elgin spent Saturday evening in the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Nye. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Purvey and Low. ell Nye of Champaign spent the week end at their homes here. Mr. and Mrs. John Grush of G«ne see Junction, Wis., visited in the home of Mr and Mrs. P. W. Frett several days and wftiile here attended the Century of Progress in Chicago M?rs. William Marshall, who has been quite sick for the last three we«ks, is improving »nd ^ jlW* to be up. FREE DANCING every SATURDAY NITE - Johnsburg Hall, Johnsburg, 111. GEORGE LAY'S TAVERN Admission 25 cents per couple. Terrace Trio Orchestra Plate chicken dinner 20c ' At BOLGER'S || Ice Cream Special if CHOCOLATE - MACAROON CHOCOIATfSS A new combination and a wonderful one. Rich, dark Luick chocolate ice cream that you know and like so well with a layer of the most delicious macaroon ice cream between. It's simply, superb--much too good to miss. Have you tried the Luick Ice dream Cake Roll? You can serve 7 or 8 nicely --- 29c -- ask your dealer. Bolger's Rental Library The best way to spend the coming long fall and winter evenings is with a goo.d book. Our Rental Library contains books of every description and we are positive that we can, fit your needs for reading. This is the very best library in this part of the country. Come in and examine it i|t your leisure. We are sure that you will be agreeably surprised at the large, selection of books as well as the low rental rate. - BOLGER'S FOR BOOKS Lee's Gizzard (Capsules Now is the time to worm your flock I It is an admitted fact that the safest, easiest as well as the most economical method of poultry worming is with Lee's Gizzard Gaj>- sules. A wormy flock is a poor producing flock and, therefore, an expensive one to own. When Leers Gizzard Capsules are used the results are certain, and the worming inexpensive. The cost per bird is about the value of one of the extra eggs produced. Drop in and get literature on the entire line of Lee's Poultry and Swino Remedies. LEE'S LINE AT BOLGER'S An Announcement We are pleased to announce that we have been appointed the exclusive agents in McHenry for Bourjois newest creation in .cosmetics, "Springtime in Paris". This line is absolutely the last word in delicacy, insofar as design and perfume are concerned. Girks, if you want "that something" that adds the final touch to a perfect toilet try "Springtime in Paris.,> You will be delighted. Take our word for it.- - BOLGER'S--THE COSMETIC STORE - 'Farmers Attention Now is the time to get rid of your most expensive enemy ! Lice on chickens rob you of more profits from your flock than any other agent. A contented bird will be far more productive than one that is pestered with lice. Black Leaf 40 will rid your flock, in one treatment/without the handling of a single bird. Merely paint the roosts abont one-half hour before roosting time and the next morning your birds, as well as their quarters, will be free of lice. We offer you a price on Black Leaf 40 that we believe cannot be bettered any place! v REGULAR PRICE--1 pound $2.10 At Bolger's, per lb. $1.50 Bolger's Nut Shop •Crisp Butter Toasted Nuts ! I Our new process of butter toasting nuts changes a common food to a delicacy. Nuts from all over the world, so prepared that when you get them they are in perfect condition. Drop in at your first opportunity and sample what we know to, be the best nuts you have ever eaten; at the same price you pay for the ordinary kind. * THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL--FRIDAY and SATURDAY Butter Toasted Blanched Jumbos, per lb. 19c BUTTER TOASTED NUTS AT BOLGER'S | Students Attention A 70-Sheet Package of High Grade, Loose Leaf ^ Note Book Paper for A 100-Sheet Tablet of*Typewriter Paper for.„_^„_..10c AT BOLGER'S--REGULAR PRICES For the Grade School Girls Only This Coupon Entitles You to a Novelty Pencil Sharpner FREE, Friday and Saturday at; Bolger's Drug Store.