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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 5 Oct 1933, p. 4

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mam W,» WS«- THE M'HENEY PLAINDEALKR, THURSDAY, OCT. 5, 193S HE M'HENRY PLAINDEALER Published every Thursday at McHenry, 111., by Charles P. Renich. Entered a& second-class act of May 8, 1879. -fritter at the postoflice at McHenry, DL, un- ....$2.00 ..41.00 A. H. MOSHER, Editor and Manager FOR SALE POR SALE--Guernsey cow and about ""200 leghorn pullets. Price reasonable. Tom Beeksma, 1*6 mi. south of Volo. *19 BEYOND "THE DOOR' LIES PARADISE! WEEKLY EXCHANGE ITEMS Of INTEREST TAKEN FROM COLUMNS OF OUR EXCHANGES Furs shipped frmn Alaska to ttie fnited States last yew ^\ere valued at ?U00,400. . The public death rate "from organic. ; fceart disease has Increased 32 per cent, In tftfe la>t ten y«trs: ' • - ; IVspite the widespread use of insulin . * ftie diabet^;jn4trtA)4^"-'t>«te '.Is. '.JHi'jjiefr » , cent greater than ;.*!•*' yeArs apl "" •- . *' ;* « .Americans hav*1 (Wire 1 h;in $1.bOO. s - 300.000 invested fn r'fht\rr-a^if<>xi'tijnf^' . RROOjrtOo clec'trir jvaMirnc machines.-» . A dttfeasf. Hiftt; has." flCsj rojjtwt about1 • \V'-V^.*>third«wf.'tfje4ewh^ttiWes*in ttj^';MarI- " *fline ?>ro\inces-i»f"Canada has itppeiired "-1 *, in Mjun#1. - v has a,doptlie (^olorftdw -•blue ;.^.ni're; .as ,ifs^*fl%ial-t^ef!;i^shln? 1e£- '^slation l^f<>re tiff saine tree t%ould ;W .: •designated by * the state from . which It-takes its name; ' " * • FOIBLES OF THE GREAT The curious things that great men do are just as likely to be interesting as the evil or the good; . . Cardinal Richelieu spent his ihours <t relaxation in leaping over furniture. At the first night of his play, "M5. H.,M Charles Lamb hissed louder then any one else, \ i< Thackeray lifted his hat e>ver? tterf' .he pased the hdtise in which: he Wrote ••Vanity Fair." • . '• *>• HOW= Tin: WORD "OEKItYMANDER" S T A KT ED -- ITS MEANING. A geiry«Htnder (pronounced with a hard "g"' is an unnatural and unfair /jijvisjon" of a state or county info election districts or other civil divisions for Uie purpose of giving th? largest number of votes to the political party-in power. Hostile voters are put Into districts certain (a. gOi.agqinsi; dopij-nant nafty and friendly voters added t<Mli$$1cts w here l.he ; parties are Equally di* \;ide<!L ' •' ' , *• Thp hanje4ciglnaf^a in 'MassadVut- otts in 1S1^, \vliile Abridge Gerry \va^ ,goverwr.*Oi)v'ern6r.Gerfy influenced • ljn» legislature , to redistricl the state- to insure,"Victorv iu the n'vvt election. Wlten the lleniocratic legislature tiiiwhed ,\vith its. work, one di^rut iu Essex c&.iilitjr 'resembled a dragon 11V outline. This wa§ shown on a liiap of Massachusetts which Benjamin ftnssell, the Feder- «1is.t editor of the IWston Sentinel, hung up in his office. - The celebrated painter,. Gilbert Stuart, coming into the office one day and observing the queer shape of the Essex district, added*with his pencil a head, wings and claws and exclaimed: "That will do for a salamander!" "Better say a Gerrymander," replied 'the editor. Thu* the name was'coined and sbonrame into general use, ; FOR SALE--Pears, cheap. Henry M. Smith, Sayer farm. Phone. 656-W-2. *18-2 USED STOVES FOR SALE One 5-burner kerosene Move, side oven, $10. One ^burner Kerogas kerosene stove, twofreaj^ burners, $10. One full white enameled gasoline ranjfe, side oven, nearly new, $20* * One 3-burner gasoline stove, with high shelf, $10. Win. H. ALTHOFF HOWE. Phone 284 "West McHenry 19 . • FOR "SALE--Quaker oil burner, good as new. Inquire of Leo Blako. *19 FOR RENT FOR RENT--Modern cottage, fapiish- Those xWib receive the "Farmer's Wife" have, no, doubt, read the interesting story in the October issue entitled "Beyond the Door .Lies Paradise" by Carroll P. Stre€iter. It is the description of Washington island in the waters of Lake Michigan off the shores of northeastern Wisconsin. Fourteen year old Jean Wise, •While it is only seven miles from the daughter of Mrs. Leona Wise, of Har. tip of a pennisula, thenearestof anyjvard died at the Harvard hospital size in that direction is fifty-five lasfc week Friday night, Death wa3 miles away- mouth of I due to injuries received a short time Green Bay it is thirty miles to the befow on the Woodstock-Harvard mainland of Wisconsin, twenty mil ss;road. jean was riding on a truck noi h to Escanaba, Upper Michigan, loaded with tomatoes. Some of the ® east„t0,.the hgtothtouses tomatoes fell out of the truck and, along the lower Michigan shore both the girl and the driver jmnped • . miles , off the beaten, out to retrieve them. The young girl track of the motorist many people do;was struck and thrown by a careless not know that such an island exists, passing car whose driver never stopbut for centuries? it has been on other jped. She was taken to the hospital more romantic highways. In bygone and died soorf afterward. centuries it was the hunting grounds for half dozen powerful Indian tribes Nearly 100,000' pounds of carp have ,r,>B and explorers the island was a haven, their threshold into the northwest; red years the ish -quarters of fisherweek under the direction of the Delava'n Lake, Improvement association, r-, %-u 1 4 1. j 1 , , A 5,000 foot sfeine is used, which ia ^n the last.hundred j-ears the ,S and (20 by 50 feet in depth and takes as has fceenfhe head-quarters of fisher-! high as 30,000 pounds at a haul. The been reduced to satisfy one property owner who didn't want the water on his property. Lake Antioch, artifically created some time ago, is being partially drained by means of sluices due to the fact that one of the abutting property holders has no desire to cash in on increased property value claiming for, his land because of an attractive lakefront view. George Wedge is the land owner whose petition has resulted in the partial draining of the lake. He argued that a portion ^ of his farm land was of no value to him if it were to remain under 12 feet of .water. Hopi* Indians Hop! Indians, says Pathfinder Mag-, azine, descended from the Shoshonean* stock which originally inhabited tl», region now Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona and adjacent territory. They' have dwindled in numbers and ttemost of them are to be found In Ad* zona. Portable Gold Mill*- Portable gold mills, capabl# Itf |ii»- tog transported by airplane into remote mining areas, are used in northern Outarib and other sections of Canada. ed 3 rooms large sun pader- 'neaf "Ir lh°me .of sailors^ ai>d far-1 carp weigh from 2 to 4 pounds each, riyer' and park: Re2oie^£ ?»: ** , I^ jThe Seining is done by a Madison con- Andrew Miller, 19-tf MISCELLANEOUS of 'the lake. To get to Washington island you; take a winding roa<T up from the historic town of Green Bay through an VHEN YOU NEED A VETERINAR- eighty-mile peninsula. Taking a ferry IAN--Call Richmond 16. Graduate i from a headland called Gills' Veterinarian, prompt service. General i ^°CK y°u 5 to Washington Island practice. Both Iarg6 and small animals. Dr. John Ducey, Richmond, III. 12-26 UPHOLSTERING--Furniture re-upholstered, covered and repaired. Full sample line carried. Chas. J. Rasi tractor who employs ten men. 'How Big Is a Bridge?" ' Is an Unusual Question -question "How big is a bridge?" is asked by "Wire Engineering," a publication, and answered by the statement : "That depends "on the 'measuring stick."" ,i Some say the Golden Gate bridgf will be the biggest; others say the George Washington will still hold its first place In suspension bridges. For Woodstock'sBetiutifulPlayH.OUSC 1 fhe third place, the Ambassador and WED.-THURS, OCT. 4-5 Admission 10-30c Pan! Roulien, Gloria £tuart, , > Edna Mae Oliver in "ITS GREAT TO BE ALIVE ' FRIDAY ONLY, OCT. 6 This is Merchant Night. Use Your Tickets.--Adm. 10-30c Loretta Young, David Manners, Victor Jory in "THE DEVILS IN LOVE" A story of a man who ran away from life until he met a girl who gave him courage to face fate. 'T ONLY, OCT 7 SATURDAY Admission 10-30e A Teal western thriller that will take you right off your seat. Ken Maynard in "KING OF THE ARENA" SUN MON.-TUES. OCT. 8-9-10 Cont. Sun. from 2:30 p. m. Adm. 10-25c to After lt>-»0c Marie Dressier • Wallace Beery "Tug Boat Annie1' This is the picture you have been waiting to see. This pictirre will entertain old as well as young, WEDNESDAY ONLY, OCT. 11 Adm 10-30c Marion Nixon-Charles Baddy Rogers in "BEST OF ENEMIES" On the stage, between first and second show, Ray McKaney and his Guitar Orchestra. This will ... be a pleasing program for you to see, as these boys are local talent and want to give you a chance to hear them. THURS.-FRI., OCT. 12-13 Marlene Deitrich - Brian Anerne "SONG OF SONGS" This is a picture that will be well worth your time to come and see. A family argument ended in a tragjedy last| >week Saturday on a farm near Elkhom when Henry Harm 68, former resident of Slades Corners , . , , and Wilmot, ended a discussion about across a deep channel known as "The;farming. by fatally shooting his stepw U.- 4. • , J • , 9 ^ . ! daughter, Mrs. Angela Uhen, aged 36, ; Washington island is about six a bride of less than a month and miles long and five and a half miles j then kiHing himself. The shooting wide and contains fifty-five farms, occurred on the Uhen f tweJve averaging 67 acres, as wel^as ex- mijes from Elkhorn. Harms died mussen, West McHwiry. iOT-M'ST "b* i ^ ^ "" - ' L?"JUT No"tfff.ians' Ice"!hospitL. She's aii •'fomer"^- A RARE BARGAIN--Mathews Gas I thlv ^ ^ving there.: dent of Slades Corners where the ^dinbutf tw TtinK- r, ^ , hoiiie. CS>st J650arSWiIl "eU-to *f Jn t?re*tln«! sto,T- I The work on 'Route 60 is progresscomer for $75. Anyone who does not have regular gas or electricity will welcome this offer. Chance of a lifeschocls, churches and the four exx- 4 , .cellent country stores are all out in n'SLlrP,yOUrr W • ^ the °Pen country and modern convenience. Can be examined everyone lives crete is being poured and in the near future we hope to be travelling the new road. S. J. Groves & Sons Co., of Libertyville, are located in Solon at Huemann Motor Sales, Johnsburg. *6-tf NOTICE--I will not be responsible for any debts contracted by anyone but myself. Paul Zenk. *19-3 the Delaware compete, while for the fourth place, the Delaware, Brooklyn and Manhattan bridges are contestants. ' # Bigness in suspension bridges, therefore, Is a matter of the factors picked for the measuring. Suspension bridges are "built-to-' order"--built to meet local traffic conditions, present and future, and every such bridge Is a designing and constructing problem unto Itself, a problem for the traffic, bridge and cable engineers. the geologist and financier. VI ith the historical Brooklyn bridge as a starting point in big suspension bridges, each bridge since then has been built big t<> meet gpme local traf. fic condition. m a rural home. Mail arrives by boat jMills on.the Chicago, Milwaukee and one a day and is delivered by carrier• ] St. Paul riRht:of.way> just west of Fishing is the chief industry of |the depot and Btockyardfif where they Washington island and it ships more have their office and where tTie fish than any place of similar size on Lake Michigan. The farmers produce chiefly butter, cream, hay potatoes, corn, grain, cherries and their produce right oh the island Prices are relatively good and fishermen and tourists are "good spenders. On this same little island are _ timbered lands so untrampeled fis to Miss I^one Conway is , spending the be the home of deer, American eagles week with her sister, Mrs. E. C. Halle, | and orchids. el hopper is erected. The gravel is hauled from Wiljnont, Wis.,> in twenty five large dump trucKs. The force of , ... . men number 130, working two shifts ap_fe sen.n? most of of sixty-fiVe each fornix and onehalf hours each day. One shift works from 5 a. m. to 11:30 a. m. Th other shift starts at 11:30 and works until 6 p. m. Th© contractors are endeavoring to give the McHenry county workmen the preference. How Pip* Tobacco I« Mado Pipe tobacco Is made by passing the dried leaf through a cutting machine, stoving or panning It on hot metal plates, and then cooling It. It Is then Subjected to hydraulic pressure, which forms it Into hard slabs, which are cut into bars, wrapped and again pressed. Most pipe tobacco contains a portion of Perique or Latakia', the former grown in Louisiana and the latter in Asia Minor, both too strong to be used alone. Rolls or twists of tobacco are also prepared for pipe smoking. The leaf is spun into coils or ropes of uniform diameter, the rolls are baked for a few hours, and are then placed in strong presses. Olive oil may be added to it he leaf If a black product is desired/ of Oak Park. The George Westerman family has returned to Elgin, after spending the summer in the Joe McOmber cottage. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Stack of Chicago spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Catherine McCabe. Mrs. Simon Stoffel, daughters, Lena and Clara, Miss Etta Powers and jni?s Anna Frisby were Sunday Kendshft yiotors. Mr. and Mrs. T . Ensign and daughter, Mildred, of Elgin were McHenry visitors Sunday. The people, organized their own telephone company, there are four fine grade schools one high school teacher, three active churches and ex- Frederick Vasey, younger soft of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Vasey of drays lake had a narrow escape from death Monday evening of last week, and cellent gravel roads. Yet taxes on an. obabl owea hig Hfe t the ick improved eighty acres run only to $60 action of his oIder brother% victor. SS5S ores A sensational offering of fine foods and household "heedt at spectacular prices. Be "cent-sible" this wee^r. ond maku your pennies count---stock up now and savot;.': . 1 CHICKEN, PEA, CELERY, ASPARAGUS, VEGETABLE AND OTHER 1 ^ CAMPBELL'S soups yi •» CANS 29c -- ADDITIONAL CAN le OR TOMATO JUICE • » CANS 25c -- ADDITIONAL CAN le OR LIBBY'S 4,3 c^26C IONA FULL STANDARD QUALITY TOMATOES . . . t CANS 29c -- ADDITIONAL CAN le OR CAN! 30C or $60. They have an unusual plan to keep a doctor on the island and when a farm home burns the owner not only collects his insurance from the local insurance co-operative insurance company, but may find himself with a fCll&ctlon of several hundred with no Mrs. Simon Sto£f»l, daughters, Le-| donors name attached, na and lift's. Gerald Carey, with her i If a storekeeper runs out of sugar daughter, Barbara, were Evanston he goes over to his competitors and El Tovar V CRYSTAL LAKE, ILL. Illinois' Most beautiful Theatre Admission 10-30c Mat. 2:45 to 6:00--10-25c After. 6:00--10-30c . <' '* TONIGHT and FRI., OCT. 5-6^ Claudette Colbert-Ben Lyon in 'I Cover TU§ Waterfrcst' Inside story of the waterfront exposed! How Batik I* Mad* In making'batik, tlje, design is first sketched on the cloth with a pencil: then all the intricate portions which are to be protected from the first dye are car fully covered on both sides of the cloth with melted wax. This Is done by hand, by means of a tiny spouted cup the size of a thimble. Bydyeing. removing the wax, rewaxing and redyeing several times, the piece of batik is finally made. It seems KimpJe enough, but weeks, or perhaps months of patient labor go Into its making. Some of the best cloth, worked in beautiful designs, ls~" restricted to the use of royalty find the court dancers. visitors Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Barbian and Mr- and Mrs. Albert Barbian attended the world's fair Thursday. Mrs. Ray McGee, Miss Lena Stoffel Mrs. Henry Miller and Mrs. Gerald Carey attended the world's fair on Thursday. Alex Adams, Otto Adams, Bill Bickler and Albert Barbian left Monday on a fishing trip in Wisconsin. Mass. Ethel Jones was a Chicago visitor Monday. Miss Frances Hughes of Waukegan spent Sunday at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hughes and son visited relatives at Milwaukee over the week-end. Mrs. Raymond Powers and son and Mrs. Josephine Pouse moved.Saturday into the latter's house on John st*"M't. Stfr. and Mrs. Fred Feltz, Mrs. Fred Voeltz and Mr. and Mrs.. A. J, Krtmholz attended services at Cary Sunday Mt. and Mrs. C. Unti and family attended the world's fair Friday. Mrs- Mary K. Adams and daughter, Christine, have returned from a visit at DesPlaines. Mrs. C. M. McDermott, son, Tr^iny SAT. ONLif, OCT. 7 * Special Matinee at 2:30 Admission 10^25c "OLIVER TWIST" With Dickie Moore, Irving Pichel and Doris Lloyd A picture the entire family , will want to see! SUN.-MON.-TUES. OCT. 8-9-10 Marie Dressier-Wallace Beery in "TUGBOAT ANNIE" Lovin' again . . and fightin' again . just for the fun of making up! At last--here they are--the screen's "great lovers" at their funniest! How Fast We Read | Such tests as have been made Indicate that there Is considerable variation, depending upon "the nature of i the contents that are being read, the type used, and other factors. Huey | found that adults varied In the rate • of reading from 2.5 to 9.8 words per second, silently at their, ordinary rates. When reading as rapidly as possible the rates varied from 3.5 to 13.5 words per second. Whipple and Curtis found that the time per word in hundredths Af a second for. normal silent reading, maximum silent reading, and skimming w^g 26, 22* and li, respectively. borrows some until the next boat arrives. It is a place so friendly that there is, no jail, lawyer or even constable and a place where every man has a job and where the township officials can't give away ten barrels of Red Cross* flour because nobody needs it. It is an island so picturesque in its pastoral beauty that it seems a modern Arcadia impossible this side of Paradise. ECONOMICS CLASS MAKES LOCAL SURVEY The economics class of the McHenry high schol -has been making a survey of the number of gainful occupations carried on within the city limits of McHenry and they Have found that there are approximately 90 occupations employing about 600 people. The following ar§ the occupations found and & fair estimate of the number of persons each employ; janitor 3, blacksmiths 4, tailor 3, shoe shops 5, grocery stores 24, novelty stores 3, Mrs. Harry* Con7on"^d son* Biliy,iW0I"en's and men's clothing 7, meat md Miss Loretta McDermott return^ T o x', ^ugg,lst ll> JI c urnitfe Monday after a several day's visit ihiele<:tnc 8' Pubhc ^ervice'25> Pool hall Chicago. | 6, hair dresser 4, jewelry store The boys had just returned from school, and Frederick was riding on a road grader that was ieing used to grade the driveway. As the grader turned, the boy lost his balance and fell into the path of the machine, but was drawn to safety by his brother, Victor. However, one^rm was injured. v- The village of Antioch last week Claimed one of the first cases on record where the level of a lake has rnp\ IONA FULL STANDARD Vuni^ QUALITY • • • • |nss V..SCONSIN W SIFTED EARLY JUNE PEAS . EARLY JUNE PEAS FULL Q5Zf,N T?«l» QUAKER OATS Q0oMW . . fciRES ROOT BEER OR EDFV IVFIS^ PALt D*Y GINGER ALE, . tIJ'Ciliffljiaa GRCCN RIVER LIME RlClfaV • • ED CROSS MACARONI OR SPAGHETTI . tNCORE MACARONI OR SPAGHETTI . ADOITMJNALSCAN°»e OR i CANS SOC • ADDITIONAL CAN le OH i 45c 3 CANS 39c • ADDITIONAL CAN le OH a PKGS. 17c % SM. ADDITIONAL PKQ. le Oft * PKGS. 2 PKGS. 17c 18c 3 PKQS. 20c • NCORC READY-TO-SERVE SPAnHFTTI WITH CHEESE AND 111 IN TOMATO SAUCE PRANCO-AMERICAN SPAGHirrTI A LA MILANAI$E NAVY BEANS „anc^8eKED - - . . AMERICAN FAMILY SOAP . * 0LIV-ILO TOII.ET SOAP i v KITCHEN KLENZER • *»DmONALSCANCtc C* ^ 1#ciAZ" 24C 4 LBS. 22c E , l>«. ADDITIONAL LB. lc Oil # LBS- ^*C S BARS 39c 7 1 rt- • ADDITIONAL BAH lc OR • BARS IIIC 'J^DmONALECAKEC>e OR 4 CAKES 20C • ; ADDinONALSCANClc OR 5 CAMS 2SC ROBERTS Irish Style Bacon . u. 14c : • . . - • 2 tes. 25c •RANDMOTHER'8 White Bread ftEESS 'SSt tc V UNSLICEO LOAF IAN CAMP'S PUREED eas or Spinach 2 SA's 25c Crackers prIm?om fla"! 1 lb. 17c UNEEDA BAKERS Chocolate Susans . i». 25c PRODUCE SPECIALS Bananas 4 lb. 25c Yel. Onions, 50-lb bag 89c Tokay Grapes 2 lbs. 15c Celery, 3 stalks 10c •Bun Now--Save Now FRIDAY OHLY! EIGHT O'CLOCK COFFEE *LBS. w. on 4 LBS. 58C SATURDAY ONLY I LUCKY STRIKE, CAMEL, CHESTERFIELD OR OLD GOLD CIGARETTES . 1* PKQS. S1A9 OR 11 PKGS. $1.20 FRIDAY ASD SATURDAY ONLY I Gold Medal FLOUR. 5-lb. bag 24c 24-lb. bag " $1.05 . .. .... 48-lb. bag $2.10 THE GREAT ATLANTIC & PACIFIC TEA CO. M.ddicW^n D. Special Fall Sale of WED.-THURS., OCT. 11-12 Mae West and Cary Grant in "She Done Him Wrong" The darling of Broadway gives a hot time to the nation! How Chicago "Tire Raged . The great lire of Chicago, October, 1871, broke out in a barn in DeKoven street. The flames, could not be controlled because they were fanned i»y Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Schaefer and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Nell have returned from a fishing trip in^ri*;in. Mrs. Ed McCormick and daughter. Phyllis, and Mrs. I. W. Hart a-;d children of Chicago were F-iday guests of Misses Gertie and Katie Weber. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Sayler of Woodstock visited his parents Friday evening. .• Mr. and Mrs. Ed Anderson an'! sop, Earl, of Woodstock, Mrs.. Martha Thomas of Franklinville, and their mother, Mrs. D\ttbanner of Woodstock called on ®Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kamholz Sunday. Miss Juanita Keg of Winnetka spent the w«k-end at her home here. Mrs. Minnie Miller and son vis-tied music store 1, gasoline stations 25, garages 28, Plaind'ealer 6, restaurants 15, postoffices 3, hovels 7, hat shops 1, -school teachers 27, brewery 6, music teachers 3, insurance 2, doctors 5, lawyers 3, dentists 2, oculists 1, stenographers 10, telephone 15, mail carriers 5, railroad employes 4, implement deal#s 6, milk dealers 3, taxi 3, bakery 4, trucking 8, paper hanger 10, junk dealer 1, ice Co., 4, radio shop 3, cigar shop 2, battery shop 2, salesmen 2, real estate 4, clergy 4j domestic service 25, well digger 2, bar equipment 1, beer distributor 8, police 4, gasoline Co., 6, artist 1, dredging 8, excavating . 2, furrier 1, florists 3, Candy Co., 4, lumber yard it), artificial stone co., 6, flour mill 4, farmers mill 4, poultry at Kirkland Sunday. I market 3, barbecue stand 4, Boat Co., Mr. and Mrs. Wm H. Althoff were'7» danc^ halls 12, photographer 1, Ice Chicago visitors Tuesday. I Cream Co., 9, gas co., 2, carpenters Bio Nutini of Itlay is visiting in the! *2» street cleaner 1, masons 2, theatre LIBERAL ALLOWANCE FOR YOUR OLD GAS RANGE The new Acorn Range with oven heat control and other features at a price that appeals. Small down pay nttat and deferred terms ifyouwtfch- Bale, consequently the "Are raged f^ ome of his sister, Mrs. Gus Unti and 3, painter 3, bank D, seamstress 3, twror\ r(lJnprvas novffeirr nann antr>enna< no#f O2, 11(/Xui) a~ cres-. ' ....... Seventeen thousand four hundred fifty buildings, were destroyed, causing 200 •deiiths and rendering more than 70,000 homeless. Property to the value of $11(^,000,000 was destroyed. "How Much Candy We Eat Since some people eat none and some eat a great deal, and owing to the fact that candy made in the home can not be included, a per capita average of candy which bas been purchased is the best figure which can be given. It amounta 0»i|bont l3 pounds a year per person. assisting in the Rainbo^ Sweet Shoo,1 P'umbing 5, hardware 6, monument He will be here about two weeks works 1, country club 6, upholstery 2 'when he expects to leave for a visit in j Considering that McHenry has a Canada with relatives.- population of 1500 people of which Mrs. Mary Green and Miss Charlott i *>°0 are school children there is left a Madden entertained at a dinner for; group of 900 from which the 500 Mrs. Mary Wall, and Mrs. John Malier j workers are taken. It must be reof Chicago Friday evening. membered, however, that in this group Mr. and Mrs. J. F. McLaughlin en-! of 900 there are possibly 300 houfetertained Mrs. John Maher and Mrs. j wives not classed among the gainfully Mary Wall of Chicago and Miss Kate; employed. Gainfully employed refer* McLaughlin of McHenry at their h' me in Ringwood Saturday afternoon and evening. Paul Bonslett of Detroit spent the last of the week hers. to people who recive a salary or wage for their labor. The remaining group of about 10$, would include those "Who have retire# from business1 and the unemployed. ; HERE is your Opportunity to get a brand new gas range with all the modern in** provements. Our special fall sale of ranges now on. New and more beautiful styles at attractive prices have just arrived. Cooking and baking become real pleasure? with these new modern ranges. Oven hcit control, extra-heavy insulation, porcelain-lined ovenSj self-lighting double-duty burners, and jmany other features make it possible to cook better and with less attention. , l Come* in. See this complete line of gas ranges at prices you can afford to pay. Remember, as a special inducement to buy now, we arc - makinglTtiberal allowance on your old range. Also special deferred payment terms if you desire. W/TSTERN UNITE!") ^ WGAS ELECTRIC COMPANY.L/ ^

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