-t •**:* «& , f .-v; '.•>>*•" *'1'- •. "*Sf *" V"*** " ii ',.r: THE M'HENRY PLAINDEALER, THURSDAY, 0CT19, 193$ m fldbMdins ecsaKffi^s^asQa CELEBRATES BIRTHDAY On Sunday, October 15, Miss Marie Vales was fifteen years old and celebrated her birthday by entertaining her classmates of the eighth grade of j Neb., the birthplace of Mr^ Schmitt, ^ START WESTERN TRIP Mr. and Mrs. Stephen N. Schmitt, with his mother, Mrs. Jacob Schmitt, and her mother, Mrs. Catherine Young and daughter, Rosina, left early Monday morning on a two weeks' trip to Humphrey, Neb., and South Dakota and the Black Hills where they will visit relatives and enjoy the secenry. At Humphrey, St. Mary's school and a few friends during the afternoon and evening. Bunco and games Were played and prizes were won by Audrey Rotherjmel, Katherine Rothermel, Katherine ^Simon, Constance Jackson and Henrietta Herdrich. Singing and . music were enjoyed and at six o'clock a birthday luncheon was served with the table prettily decorated in red with favors, Jfouquets of flowers and birthday cake decorated with candles carrying out the color scheme. Marie j they will visit relatives and then go on to South Dakota. While they are away Mrs. Katherine Schmitt, a sister, and Clarence Young will attend to the work on the farm. Anna Bertrang of Aurojra is also spending the time here with her aunt, Mrs. Katherine Schmitt. C. D. of A. TO INSTALL OFFICERS The Catholic Daughters of America will hold their next regular meeting on October 23. This will be a social * i-"{ Y ^received many lovely gifts with which ™*ting and installation of .officers ' • • she wm very pleased- Guests pres- kill take place. It 's hoped that a - . • ent were: Audrey Rothermel, Evelyn good attendance will be present as ,'Weingart, Katherine Simon, Ele.nor.Jh® office™ of Belvidere Court have *;-iAlthoff. Constance Jackson, Theodor* S Kalin. Katherine Rothermel, Ruth " • ^Stilling, Margaret Farrell, Henrietta .; Herdrkh, Dorothy Herdrich, Mrs. , .'^Catherine Schneider and daughter, Heiec. Mrs. McGill, grand regent of the Belvidere court which have charge of the installation. Refreshments consisting of a pot luck Supper will be served before the installation. The meeting will open at 7 o'clock. v COUNTY R. N. A. ELECTS > Mrs. Carrie Ensign was elected ' first vice-president of the McHenry* 'County Royal Neighbor convention to be held at Algonquin next year. The other officers are: President, Mrs. , Edna Pflaum, Aglonquin; second vicepresident, Camille Ebel, Crystal Lake; chancellor, Hattie Schmalz, Huntley; secretary, Helen Jenners, Algonquin; assistant secretary, Irene Beden, Crystal Lake; treasurer, ' Margaret ' Nason, Algonquin. SURPRISE PARTY -About twenty-five friends of Mr. . and Mrs. Anthony J- Wirtz, who recently returned from their honeymoon and aire living in the Frank Cobb house on Elgin road surprised the young couple Tuesday evening, when, after a charivari, they walked in with eats, gifts, etc., to spend the evening. .Cards were enjoyed after Tony and his bride recovered from the surprise. WEDDING ANNIVERSARY - Mr. and Mrs. John J. Thelen Celebrated their tenth wedding anniversary at their home at Johnsburg on Sunday, October 15, with about fifty relatives, neighbors and friends present to enjoy the afternoon and evening with them. Cards and visiting helped to make the day a pleasant one. Mrs. Thelen was formerly Miss Agatha Schmitt and was m&rrted to John Thelen ten years ago at St. John's church, Johnsburg. RIVERVIEW MEMBERS, NOTICE! The next meeting of Riverview Camp, R. N. A., will be held Wednesday evening, October 25, instead of on the regular meeting night. October 24. All officers are requested to be present. There will be a social hour after the meeting with cards and lunch. - 20-2 YOUNG FOLKS INSTITUTE Young folks from all parts of the county will gather at the county seat Thursday night, Nov. 9, for ah evening of study and fun, with David *jB. Lindstrom of the Extension Service of the University of Illinois. This will be the first of a series cf four county meetings. One to be held each month. Folks who have charge of recreational activities, regardless of theii nature, will find these Institutes most helpful. DIRECTORS MEET The regular monthly meeting of the McHenry Country club directors was held Monday evening at the cl^b house. £••/ GREEN STREET TH£ McHENRY ILLINOIS Sfcewc 9 p.m.--Matinee-each Sunday at 2:30 -- Adm. 10-25c Friday and Saturday, Oct. 20 and 21 CUftSNM IACM OTHCR... TIT COM TOM MATH TOMTMIR! THE EAGLE THE HAWK A Wrtn, TnArii MARCH Gwr G R A N T CAftOtf LOM&AJtD JACK OAK* St«y fcf IN THEATRE lurftjr and Monday, Oct. 22 and 23 MAURICE CHEVALIER an* HELEN TWEI.VBTREES "A BED TIME STORY" It's the baby's night out and he has to Stay home with Wednesday and Thursday, Oct. as and M "MOONLIGHT AND PRETZELS** 8 Big Song Hits--50 beautiful girls--The smash musical romance EASTERN STAR HAS BIG GUEST NIGHT A successful and interesting guest night was sponsored by the McHenry chapter, O. E! S., at a special meeting Monday evening, Oct. 10 when worthy matrons' and worthy patrons' night was observed. Offices were filled by visiting worthy matrons and patrons invited by the worthy matron and worthy patron of McHenry chapter, Miss Elsie Vycital and Lisle Bassett, and exemplified the work in a most impressive manner- About 100 members §nd visitors of McHenry chapter filled the hall which was attractively decorated with autumn leaves and baskets of autumn flowers and leaves. Miss Jean Mathison, worthy matron of Woodstock chapter acted as worthy matron for the evening and Arthur G. Parker, worthy patron of Woodstock chapter, acted as worthy patron. The guest of honor was Mrs. Jennie Duell of Sorosis chapter, of Gray slake. The acting worthy matron was welcomed by her hostess, Miss Vycital; greeted in an appropriate soog by the soloist and escorted to her seat in the east under an arch of red rosebuds held by officers of her own chapter and presented to her by one of the officers. The guest, of honor was also greeted in song by the soloist, Mrs. Lilyan Armstrong, a worthy past matron o£ Algonquin chapter, whose appropriate songs added much to the beauty of the initiation ceTemony. Beautiful flowers and (rifts were received by the officers in the east PHILATHEA CLUB The Philathea club met at the home of Mrs. Ethel Berglttnd Thuf|* day afternoon with seventeen young mothers - and twenty children present, A busy and happy af^moon was spent in serying and making fancy articles for the bazaar to be given soonv Some completed articles have already been turned in and judging by the amount of work planned and the interest taken by the members in making the articles, the coming bazaar will be a bigger success than ever. On Friday afternoon the members of the club will enjoy a weenie roast and are to meet at the home of Mrs. Alby Krug between 3 and 8.30 o'clock Each one mf invite a guest and bring tjjeir own buns and weenies. The next meeting of the club will be next Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Alby Kl% with MJ*S. Glen Peterson as hostess. WILD GAME FARM ATWOfDER LAKE (Continued from front page) MOTHERS CLUB Tho Mothers club met at the home of Mrs. George H. Johnson Friday afternoon with the president of the club, Mrs. C. W. Goodell, acting as assistant hostess. An interesting program arranged by Mrs. Lillian Cox was given and consisted of a talk by Miss Grant, Home* Economics teacher at the high school, on Home Economics and what mothers can do to promote the girls' interest in this study, Miss Holden played a piano solo and Miss Marguerite Johnson played a violin solo, accompanied by her mother. , Plans were discussed for the re- , ception for the teachers and board and each officer was presented with members that will be heid at the a gift fijom McHenry chapter. % ' high school this Thursday evening ' Mrs. Emma Buell. jrrand lecturer (james and the serving of lunch comof Woodstock chapter and recently .ppointed on the examining commitpleted the afternoon meeting. The next meeting of the club will be held tee of the grand chapter, was escorted, with Mrs Rich^ Fleming Nov; 10. and introduced as were also grand lecturers, worthy matrons and patrons and past matrons and patrons of the order,' including a worthv matron FAMILY GATHERING Members of the Sutton family cnand- every part of the United States. The farm is also a haven for wild geese and ducks on their southward flight and last year as many as 1,000 wild geese settled about the artificial lake at one time and on the opening day of the hunting season last year thirteen wild geese were shot within a stone's throw of the house. The opening of the hunting season is always a big event at the Wonder Lake game farm where Chicago hunters rent sections for the privilege of hunting in this section Which has been known as the goose country. During the five years they have owhed the place, Dr. and Mrs. Schroeder have made nilany improvements and have spent much time and money in -beautifying their surroundings. Many trees have been planted, 500 vase elms, set near the lake and many mulberry trees in the pheasant enclosure as these birds like the mulberries as well as Lombardy poplars and silver maples. To the front of the house are several acres of green lawn kept smooth witn a moto£ mower, while bordering the entrance drive are 2000 Siberian and Japanese iris and 1,000 oriental poppies and on a gentle slope nearby are peonies, all colors and varieties of the larger sort, as well as the single Japanese flowers, and in the spring and summer months the place is a gorgeous sight. To the south of the house the lawn terraced with hugh boulders taken from the farm, slopes to the lake and here may be seen flower beds bordered with oriental poppies while the wail is almost hidden by banks of petunias and zennias. Siberian iris surround a bird bath, where just be* yond may be seen the habitat of the wild fowl and nearby is to be found an extensive vegetable garden.. The half dozen pools on the place JX J^LG STAGE SHOW OPENS THE EL TOVAR THEATRE The ElTovar Theatre Company presents for your entertainment, direct from the Century of Progress, A1 Trace and his Streets of Pfcris band, featuring the Fan Dance--« stage full' of excitement. If you missed this big attraction at the world's fair, you now Have the opportunity of seeing it at the El Tovar theatre this coming Sunday, Oct. 22, one day only,' matinee and evening. Bringing this big production to the ElTovar theatre means a slight advance in prices. Matinee, children 10c adults 30c, to 6 p. m. After 6 p. m. 10c and 40c. Doors open at 2:30 continuous.. On the screen will be "Beauty for Sale" played by Madge Evans, Alice Brady, Otto Kruger, Una Merkel, May Robson, Phillips Holmes and Ed Nugent. Blonde, Brunocte, Redhead-- 1 ids-: all three offer Beauty for Sale. Come and take your pick.' Mr. Sankstone, manager of the El Toyar theatre, promises a big time in store for you. Come early for best seats and enjoy yourself. (See our ad in other part of t&ia newspaper.) " & CARD OF THANKS We desire in this manner to expntfs our sincere thanks an l appreciation to neighbors and friends for floral offerings, the use of cars, expressions of sympathy and acts of kindness extended to us during bur recent bereavement. Especially do we thank Fr. Nix, Fr. FVeund, the Lady Foresters And Christian Mothers fo£ their many kindnesses. Herbert Freund and Childrefc. V The Weber Family The Freund Family. * Say you read it in DEALER^. . THE o Colon, Ohio i joyed a family dinner at_the home ofVare stocked with brook trout and it FFoolllloowwiinngg tthhee iinniittaertoorrvy work talks and Mrs. M- A. Sutton Sunday i.i ps planned that soon a hatchery will Were given bv the officers seated in, honor of Miss Alice Sutton, who is the east ard the chapter was dosed, i visiting here on her way from Onecnafter which lunch was served and a|ta> to , f, ,en*' , social hour was enjoyed. I gathering was held at the old home- Miss Elsie Vycital and Iiite5^ Bas-! *tead now occupied by^ Mr. and Mrs. sett will serve as worthy matron andjM. A. jSutton, where the day was;raising nothing but the best and the * . 1 _ i, 1 _ 11 lW^W Al<t mi I'D C T" efmiwa f KA A# patrnn at Hebron chapter, Oct. >25 and be > made for trout and perhaps other fish. Raise Thoroughbreds.. Thp farm is the home of thoroughbreds where the owners believe in at Woodstock chapter, Nov. 10. The officers of the evening were"as "follows: Worthy Matron--Jean Mathisoiy Woodstock. T Worthy Patron--Arthur G. Parker, Woodstock. spent in- visiting and, recalling old purest strains. From the fine herd of times. . I full-(blooded Jersey cowis in the A one o'clock dinner was served to barnyard to the thorough-bred little the following guests: Mr- and Mrs. toy terrier puppies that frisk about Geo. Hoelscher, Wheaton; Mr. and j the house, from the gorgeous pheas- Mrs. Edward Larkin, Elgin; Mr. and ants on the hillsides to the ducks and Mrs. R. E. Sutton and children, Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. J- J. Sutton, Elm- Associate Matron--Frances- Vycital! hurst; Mtfes Alice Sutton Pasadena, McHenry. iCal., and John arid Will Sutton, McAssociate Patron--Clarence HanHenry. over. Libertvville. Conductress -- Susie Brunswick, Richmond. ; BUSINESS WOMEN MEET Mrs. C. W. Goodell and Miss Ethel Associate Conductress--Nellie Sktte- Jones went to Woodstock Monday bury, Waukegan- ' evening where they attended the meet Chaplain--Milton Begun, Hebron. ' ing of the Business and Professional Marshal--Charles Osborne, Rich- j Women's club. Mrs- Goodell, with mond. • (Miss Hobbs, membership committer, Organist--Mabel Johnson, McHenry!had charge of the program which con- Honorary Organist--Alice Ledger, sisted of several interesting numbers Hebron. and included vocal SOIQS by Mrs. Bac- Treasurer--Clyde Hill, Sorosis chap i cus and a talk by county superintenter. Grayslake. jdent, Mrs. E. C. Coe, on "The Ten Secretary--Jas. Finn, Waukegan. Year Objective" explaning the object Adah--Gladys Lovell, Libertyville. [of the club. MIrs. Goodell gave a talk Ruth--Bessie Broncheon, Wauconda:on membership and its meaning, Mis* Esther--Linda Bushman, Antioch. | Maud Donavan talked on legislation Martha--Grace Keyes, Algonquin, j and Miss Greaves on international re- Electa--Louise Freemqji, N. Chica-1 lationships. go. j. ; Warder--Frank Love, Richmond- I CELFBRATES FIFTH BIRTHDAY Sentinel--Minnie Miller, McHenry. j Walter Miller, son of Mr. and Mrs. Honorary Sentinel--George Keyes, George Miller, Celebrated his fifth Algonquin. j birthday Saturday and entertained a Soloist--Lilyan Armstrong, Algon- party of little friends during the afgeese that float contentedly upon the lake, may be found only the clearest strain1 and1 purest types of breeds and even a • picturesque pile of pumpkins and huge squash in the dooryard give evidence of excellence and superiority Here, indeed, is an interesting place to visit as well as to live and here it is that quality counts. Such a place can not fail to be an asset to surrounding, communities. ODD SQUIBS quin. Margaret Schubbe of Nunda chapter, Crystal Lake Vho had been invited to act as associate matron, failed to come as did also Ethel Gage of Dundee chapter, who had been invited to act as organist. Guests were present irom Woodstock, Algonquin, Waukegan, Marengo, Hebron, Grayslake, Libertyville, Wauconda, Richmond, Antioch, North Chicago, and Salem, Ohio. Say you read It h« THE PLAJNDEALERW: gv BOLGER'S Week-end DRUG SALE FRIDA1T AND SATURDAY ONLY ternoon. Games were played and liinch was served, with each guest rereiving an individual cake decorated with a birthday candle. Invited guests were: Katherine Heaney of Chicago; jean Conway, Elgin; Mrs. Joe Weber and children, Danny, Joyce and Billy, Mrs. Peter Freund and daughter, Donna, Mrs. Ray Conway and daughters, Marion Grace and Betty, Mrs. Fred Leiser and daughter, Gloria, Walter, Bobby and Mary Elizabeth Miller. $1.00 Ovaltine 69<v 25c 4-oz. pkg. Egyptian Henna.....-!6£ 35c Cenol Uninflammable Cleaner 23c $1.00 Squibb's Cod Liver Oil 69^r 40c Fletcher's Castoria .... -27^ 25c Kleenex ; • • •' 35c Bayer'8 Aspirin... 60c Alka Seltzer 100 McKesson Aspirin Tablet* 49^ $1.00 Miles Nerving"'••• £' $1.00 Nature's Remedy Tablets .69 50c Phillips' Milk of Magnesia Tablets 75c Acidine :. ; 56^ $1.25 Bulgarian Herb Te* -v 89<fr $1.50 Apex Clinical Thermometer 98^ 25c Infants' Glycerin Suppositories 65c Bisodol ; 60c Campana's Italian fialm,.;.. !25c Zinc Stearate Powder 17C 25c Colgate's. Tooth Paste „^ for 350 50c Pahnolive Shampoo •//• -25^' 50c Nonspi Deodorant $1.00 Boyer's Face Powder 69 60c Woodbury's Qreams ,* " &9 4 25c Castolay 3aby Castile " Soap -tor 25C 85c Kruschen Salts ', t^ , , 45c Pluto Water >^6 - "27^ 50c Horlick's Malted MUk . $1.25 Lily Hot Water Bottle or Syringe ±:.^.j694 5 lbs. French Fried Popping Corn X-ZWc *$1.00 Listerine Antiseptie _.ij^Sd59d $1.00 Rem Cough Syrup.;. ......„69d Thomas P. Bolger Phone 40 THE STORE THAT'S ALWAYS BUSY McHenry, IU. CANADA EUCHRE CLUB MEETS The Canada Euchre club held its first meeting of the seasqn at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Frisby on Wednesday evening of last week. Euchre was played and prizes were won by R. J. Frisby and Kate McLaughlin. The next meeting will be with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Weber Friday evening. Members of the club are Mr. and Mrfi'R. J. Frisby, Miss Kate McLaughlin, Tom McLaughlin, Mr. and Mrs- E. R. Sutton, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Weber, Mr. an<£ Mrs. George Miller, M. A, Conway and Will Qyinn. •/ 'KOCIAL WHEEL The Social Wheel met Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Jacob Brefeld, where cards furnished entertainment for the guests: Prizes were wort by Mrs. James Bouril, Mrs. J. R. Smith and Miss Mabelle Wheeler. ' ( • The next meeting will be with Mrs. H, A. Asmatsky Thursday afternoon- LINGER LONGER The Linger Longer club met Friday evening at the home of Mrs. Fred C. Sthoewer where bunco was played and prizes were won by Mrs. Fred C. Schoewer, Mrs. Peter J. Schaefer and Mrs. Frank Meyer. An International congress for the blind Is to be held In Amsterdam In 1934, Five hundred blind persons In Ohio are gainfully employed In their own homes. Horse traffic at Tower BridgC London, still comprises more than onethird of the total. Rabbits In Australia have been so ravenous this year that seven are said to eat as much grass as one sheep. A wine museum, showing samples of 0,000 sweet vintages and 2,000 others, has been opened in Helslngfors, Finland. Pursued by hawks, thousands of migrating swallows recently took refuge on a liner in the Red sea. One daring hawk attacked an officer of the ship. m A new signal code for ships Is to go Into effect in 1934. It haj been translated Into seven languages and will Include the use of flags, semaphores, lights and radio. G?eat Salt lake, the second largest "dead sea" of the world, will become extinct If Industry rind farming continue to prevent water from flowing Into Its three sources. Out of a total of 150 rigid airships or dirigibles huilt during the history of Ilgliter-than-alr craft only two, the Graf Zeppelin and the {J. S. S. Macon are now In commission. V SNAPSHOTS ROYAL NEIGHBORS MEET Fox River Valley Camp, R. N. A., held its regular meeting Tuesday evening with the oracle, Mrs. Carrie Ensign, presiding. Flans were made for the public stunt night to be hied t the grade school gym on November 3*S The camps of the county are inlted to attend and put on a stunt. AUXILIARY TO MEITT The American Legion Auxiliary will hold its first meeting of the new year at Legion hall this Thursday night. PUBLIC STUNT NIGHT Friday evening, November 8, will be known as public stunt night at Fox River Valley Camp, R. N. A. Man has two m he knows what "war" is. ' Whenever you see a man vt'sitthg a chiropodist there Is something afoot. The wage-earlier Is a slave'Vhn ha^ the perpetual right to become' a master. • '• ' J Robberif rea*f the papers 7 they *1*^ lUce publicity. Only it miist I* 'tncognlto. • • ' . '.v* - .'J iw iV" -'/• When «M> gro#s old and fat he thinks It is a hardshifi even to lace his shoes. . * - •".••; When one meets a man **wlth an Iron win," he generally goes away. Very few knuckle under. * Unless one possesses a certain Indifference to hardships he iftH not see the far places of the earth. We oughtn't to hold It against anyone who uses perfect language, If ho Is an agreeable fellow anyway. TheN)ldest-fashloned man is the one who still says "Rata!? as a slangy ex- clamatlon. It dtfttfsffrrco m about 1880. Snn-Gogf Dugtrmi Many of the very cheap sun-goggles on sale are dangeroos, catching Are If touched with a lighted dgarett* At BOLGER'S Ice Cream Special you imagine a rich devils food cake rolled With Luick's decilious vanilla ice cream? Not too much cake nor too much ice cream, but just the right amount of each to fit the appetite of the most fastidious gourmet! That is what Luick's Ice Cream Cake Roll Is! Enough of this delicacy for 29c to serve five or six persons liberally. .- TRY LUICK CAKE ROXX With Your Sunday Dinner! Kotex Special Regular 25c Box of Phantom Kotex._ two boxes to customer) 2 FOR Nuts Nuts BRIDGE MIXED NUTS--Regular Price 79c p«r pound FRIDAY-SATURDAY ONLY--lb. 59<£--K lb. 15^ Another Butter Toasted Nut Product, Fresh and Crisp Football Fans Wasn't that a peach of a game? A still more interesting one is to be played at the high school field at 2 p. m. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 28. The much vaunted Woodstock team is coming over to see us, and believe us the local boys are all set for them. We'll see you there ! ! Just Received 20 NEW BOOKS JN OUR RENTAL LIBLARY In keeping with our policy of having plenty of reading material of all kinds, for everyone at all times, our library is checked every ten days and new books are added. Below are listed the new books just received. * THE FARM KISMET IN KENYA THE GUN TAMER FORBIDDEN UPS THE DUTCH' SHOE MYSTERY DON LORENZO'S • BRIDE THE TRYST THE WHITE PANTHERS THE COLOSSUS THE TURMOIL OUR VERY BEST PEOPLE -WILD ONIONS THE TRAGEDY OF X * THE RAMPANT AGE THEIR FATHER'S GOD BAR 20 . THE ARRANWAY MYSTERY WOODEN SWORDS A DEAD MAN DIES RASPUTIN AND THE EMPRESS Many others of like nature at all times in-- BOLGER'S RENTAL LIBRARY Painting Time Is Here Protects your properties against the ravages of the coming cold season! The weathering of wooden objects proceeds very rapidly during cold wither. At the present time paint is cheap. According to all authorities paints will be up from 25 to 40 per cent next spring. Do your painting now and save your buildings ma well ae your pocketbookX We carry a complete line of the famous DUPONT PAINT, DUCO and VARNISHES. Bolger's the Paint Store-We meet mail order house prices THE FINEST STOCK OF GREETING CARDS Wf McHENRY COUNTY Birthday Cards Convalescent Cards Birth Announcements Shower Invitations) - Shower Gifts Relative Birthday Cards Boil Voyage Cards Baby Gift Cards Wedding Cards Wedding Congratulation Birth Congratulation Wedding Anniversary Thank You Cards General Gift Cards Friendship CarOl And Many Others * BOLGER'S, THE GREETING CARD STORE •Utef'M