p; 'ir-.y-': > - i ! \ ' • !.•••- • ;vr, Hallowe'en J L 1 v l ; : > : r . f ' AT--- •Hi Nell's Miniature Ball Room ;; Sat., Oct. 28 BREWER'S HOT SHOTS GUINEA HEN SUPPER, including mashed potatoes, cranberries, Nell's special dressing, cabbage salad, bread and butter. Serving starts at 6 p. m. AH this for 50^ FISH FRY FRIDAY NIGHT only 10* ,. TIME Is HERE pVXTH ITS PITIES AND FUff Ev^ry ilioiiid be Well dressed .for this' season's; doings! This stem can supply the needs, in the way of a new suit, sliirtSftfc) or hat. Bring him in and let ns show you how we can please hina. * V "r . ' • ; •. Maybe Dad or Brother will want something new, too, in the way of cloth ing---a suit, overcoat or a new hat. Oar complete line pf up-to-date Ties awaits your careful selection. * - 0---|lunters, get your license here*) ' Green Street McGEE'S McHenry, Illinois Grocery Specials Friday and Saturday Bon Ami Powder, can ;......11c Gold Dust, large ..;..17c Super Suds, .....2pkgs. 17c Good Kind Cleanser 5c Idoized Salt ........%2 oz. 9c Savoy Cocoa ......1 lb. 20c Ammonia ...qt. bot. 23c Pumpkin, No. 2% can .. 10c. Clorox ...pt. bot. 18c Syrup, cane-maple, 22-oz. jug 22c Post Toasties, large 2 for 25c Kel log's Corn Flakes, lge. 2 for 25c Shredded Wheat Biscuit....2 for 25c Bonaza Coffee, lb. ..................J2Ac Zion Cookies, 6 kinds........ .....15c Savoy Oats ...., 20-or. pkg. 6c Ivory Flakes, large .19c Sifted Peas .......2 No. 2 cans 29c Cut Green Beans, 2 No. 2 cans 25c Oc. Sp'y Cranberry Sauce, can "16c Mdgt. Sweet Corn, 2 No. 2 cans 25c Salada Green Tea .......... y2. lb. 30c Japan Tea, bulk, lb 40c Dates' ......32 oz. pkg. 29c Oranges, large size, doz. 27c JOHN STOFFEL Hallowe'en Parly at THE PIT Tuesday Night, Oct. 31 FREE CHOP 8UEY FREE DANCE^i With Frankie Gant and His Orchestra SPECIALS AT , Northland Market West McHenry, Illinois SILVERWARE FREE--Buy here and receive cards for FREE ROGERS' SILVERWARE & THE M'HJSNRY PLAINDEALER, THURSDAY, OCT. 26, 1933 > EASTERN STAR NOTES McHenry chapter, O. E. S., held its regular meeting Monday night. Plans i wore made for a hard times party on | November 18 and for a movie on Nov. 7. This will be an all-star cast in "College Humor" and if tickets are purchased from the members it will help .the chapter. On Thursday night «lrs. John Vycital, daughters, Elsie and Frances, Mrs. R. A. Thompson, Mrs. J. R. Smith and Miss Adeline Perkins attended a meeting of Waukegan chapter, where the work was done by the Kenosha officers. . , ,. , , Those who attended official vi.it nt I 'n™en", lncl"",n f e b\ .» Libertyville Monrt.v mKht were orchestra the l»n« d>oi, and Frances Vycital, Mr,. J. E. Wheel "°L°„8 "1 ° LADIES' AID SOCIETY Mrs. Waterstraat was hostess to the members and friends of the Ladies' Aid society at the home of Mrs. John Fay, Thursday afternoon. Work is well under way for the annual bazaar and dinner, which is to be h'teld the first part of December, and many articles are being prepared to be sold at reasonable prices. Lunch cloths, quilts, aprons, rugs and fancy work are among the articles which will be on sale with many useful and prettv Christmas gifts and the Sunday school wilf have charge of a candy booth and fish pond Much of the fancy work is being done by the Philathea club and it is expected that an unusual array of fancy articles will be displayed. • • * Something of interest is/ being planned for each month and the feature for November will be an enterplay, "That Awful Letter," by senior girls of the Sunday school. The date for this interesting entertainment will be announced later, and the public will be invited to attend. In December will be the,bazaar and in January it is planned to give a party at which each one will tell how they earned fifty cents to contribute to the society, this being decided upori at the last meeting of the society. MM. E. Bl'ELL HONOREJ> : 1 „ mef X Mrs. Emma Bo.lt, tnmd lecturer er, Mrs. Henry Vogel, Anna Anderson and Mrs- E. E. Bassett. Mrs. Alice Lindsay acted as one of the escorts for Mrs. Mina Eggert at her reception in Elgin on October 14, and Miss Frances Vycital Acted as one of the escorts for the worthy fcrartd matron. Others from McHenry who attended were Mrs. Jaljnes Perkins and Miss Elsie Vycital. , ' • ; ;5 K#&- and past matron of Woodstock chapter of the O. E. S.. was honored 041 htBACHBW ARE fiNTERTAINBB' Members attend,. and friends are invited to for having recently been appointed a The Mothers club entertained the member of the examining board of the Krand chapter of the^O. E. S. members of the two board. Mrs. Bue l was escorted "Jo the >t a rMeption at the hall by tuw elve 1pa*st um ajtr onis,- and was 1'high school Thursday evening. A*„u+t - given a bouquet of handerchiefs from ! * --«««„«. t T 7 7 T Y 7 T 7 7 T j T T V TA s Hall (Benefit St. Patrick's Church} teachers of the grade and high schooli^ T T t h e c h a p t e r a n d a b o u q u e t o f r o s e s . . d.ec.ora tions .p r.e.v ailed and games Miss Lillian Schroeder sang "We Ar;e ! «rd: dan.C,n_g. ^ Always Loving You" an original poem bv Mrs. Maud Nienstedt read . I honoring Mrs. Buell and who respond- j1" ri^'1^, ed with words of thanks. Miss Elsie pleasant one. An interesting program was r"eXa"d,' w. as give.n and consisted of the follow- ET numbers: German song and dance by Dolores commence at 5 o'clock and continue until all are served T T T T T ,Vpv c.it.al. of. MM c „He nry gave a s,ho r.t talk „G e i s.e ,' J o a n, R e.i h a n s p e r g e r a n d J e a n * j-j o * r» i . car ;Huck; vocal solo, TB,or,b "P eterson; tap as did G. A. Parker of Woodstock. . , T n , *H»| ^Fo llowing .t,h e „m ee.t.in g ,b ri•d, ge and danc!,e• r /C-.a•r'o l •L yons, 1 D*o*lo res a i uS Ti*nT1 { .b unco was eni•o yedj bu y me 6e0n members ' Phyllis Ge-i sne , pj iano sro>-l o1, oM rs.* Alber1 t v present. Those present from Mc- Barb,an; ^folk da:nee. Ctrl Scouts; xyU' Henry were Misses Elsie and^rances !°l0' Helen Harr.son .y.vbuff^ Vycital, Mrs. E. E. Bassett and Mrs. Henry Vogel. supper was served. I years old SURPRISED ON 80TH BIRTHDAY On Tuesday evening the children PAST ORACLES MEET and grandchildren of Hubert Weber Twentv-four members and1 gue*ts . , . , , 'of the MeHerrv County Past Oracles h'm ,n h™"r oC iclab of the Royal Neighbors enjoyed If ««rht»th b.rthday anniversary the pleasant hospitality of Mrs Mary Scott Lanning of Harvard on Thurs- ° day afternoon. Mrs. Lanning, who e 0001181011 He was presented with a lovely gift and a large birthday cake in honor of The evening was spent t T Tt T TA ,h a•s the honor of be,l n xu i j i. in playing cards and prizes were won B the oldest D.ck by the ladies of the parish member of the club, being 80 wars _y „ * 7 ,ir' . , old. was a charming Hostess. Leo Sm.th and Mary Weujtrart. A1 shbr.t ,b us.i ness meext-i ng was hv elud , Those present were Messrs and r . r ... ±JK. , . o . ,1 Mesdames XNTi. c,k TWir e.i ngar.t and, c,h .u.d.- wnth. .t.h e„ pwci,d ,e, nt,. Mrs. Cleo Sc..h alle-r ren, „Fr edj Sc« mi-xthi. andj chui-lud ren, Pt>e xt er pres• i1d i1n.g . Follow„ in• g thj e mje etti n«g a Weber, G~ eorge We,b er and, cJh.il.d. ren, ^"^rp^er^s tv"" ^ WeW and children Martin Weh- The next meeting will be at West !La=™! w™..0 McHenry in Woodman hall on Nov. 21 Those from McHenry who attended were: Mrs. Agnes Wentworth, Mrs- J. J. Marshall, Mrs. F. O. Gans and Mrs. Charles Ensign. and Henry Weber and Henry Wagner. MERRYMAKERS MEET The Merrymakers met with Mrs. BIRTHDAY ANNIVERSARY Miss Ellen Doherty was guest 0? honor at a party given by Mrs. Ed Malone at Elgin SattH-day in honor of her eightieth birthday. Guests were Mrs. M. J. Walsh, Mrs. W. F. Burke, Mrs. Mary Carey, Mrs. Margaret Mc- | Remember the Date, Sunday, Oct. 291 •|> A • ••• •%> »^» «%» •*» <%» »*• •$» •$> •$> »$» •$» ^ Jacob Schaefer Thursday afternoon, Z Zh , M v ^ ! V " Pnzes m c«ar»r das kb e*i ng won ub y xM* rs .C arthy, Mrs. Mike Knox and daugh- F1'rence anfl Mrs Jack Walsh of Fran\kr Mansqnueil'eutt - Mrjs . Jmac.o b Justen McHenry Miss wM ayme fA yliw ^ai-d , VMrs and Mrs. W.n Freund. Three mem- Ay,ward Mrs> f.a/y Car^ of mbers Mrs. Ben Justen^ Mrs. Steph- EJ jr Mrs j w r^iahunty and Mrs. en Schmitt and Mrs. George Stem- Prank Sullivan> River For|st. doerfer were absent and their places were filled by Mrs. Joe Justen, Mrs.1 Art Smith and Mrs. Mary Powers.' The next meeting will be with Mrs. Albert Vajes on November 16.. ftr ENTERTAIN FOR SISTER Mr. and Mrs: E. R. Sutton entertained a party of relatives ard their friends Sunday in honor of their sister, Miss Alice Sutton of Pasadena, A delicious DINNER GUESTS Dinner guests in the home of Mr. w^°'s visiting here and Mrs. E. E. Bassett Saturday night <*icken dinner was served and a pleas were: Mr- and Mrs. Ed Martin, and ant daV was sPent in cards and visit* Mr. and Mrs. E. Mansfield of Wood- in*- Gue8t« were: Miss Alice Sutton, stock and Mr. and Mrs^F. E. Martin Mr- and Mrs" Joe Sutton' Elmhurst; of Belleview, Fla.. who have spent the Mr; and Mrs- ®°b Sutton and children summer here. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. Ed Larkin, of Martin expect to return to Florida ^in' and Will Sutton and Miss very jpon. MARRIED 27 YEAR^ Sunday guests at the home of Mr. Anna Frisby, McHenry. CARD CLUB MEETS Mrs. W. A. Bishop entertained the and Mrs. D. I. Granger were Mr. and members of her card club on Wed- Mrs. George Harris and children, Mias nesday afternoon of last week. Three i Neva Tonyton and Kenneth Granger tables of five hundred were fn play , of Wauconda and Mr. and Mrs. Peter and prizes were won by Mrs. W. A. Justen of Woodstock. Sunday was Bishop, Mrs. F. O. Gans, and Mrs. the twenty-seventh wedding anniver- George Schreiner. The next meetsary of Mr. and Mrs. Granger and 'ng will be with Mrs. Josephine Heimdinner was served in honor of the «'• event. • SIRLOIN STEAK, lb. : • - - 19* PIGS' FEET, lb ; i ... PORK SHOULDER ROAST, lb. PORK LIVER, It ...;d • -"7 8* LARD . . ,.4-lh. carton 30<^ BACON, lb. ......... 15 4 LAMB CHOPS, lb. ...... 18<* BUTTER, ....._ 23c PORK SAUSAGE MEAT, lb. - 10^ HAMBURGER -- 2 20* RESIDENCE CHANGES EMERALD BRIDGE CLUB Mr. and Mrs. Lyons and family The Emerald Bridge club held its, have rented th% home of Mrs. Georgie first meeting of the season at the A. Meine and will move soon. Mrshome of Mrs. N. J. Nye Tuesday af- Meine will live with Mr. and Mif. F. ternoon. Two tables of bridge were C. Schoewer. • in play and prizes were won by Mis. --: -- • Albert Krause, Mrs. N. J. Nye, Mr*,!'. HOME CHANGES HANDS Albert Purvey and Mrs. Ben Dietz. I The Charles B. Harmsen house on Refreshments were.served at the close John street has been sold to John R. of the meeting. > , , Schmitt, Jr., who, with his family, ATTEND STUNT NIGHT Several Royal Neighbors from McHenry and West McHenry camps at l will make this place their home. New line Ivorine Enamel Ware on display at Lyons' Variety Store. Spectended the &tunt night at Algonquin ial prices Saturday only. ' , camp Tuesday night. Riverview Camp %: of McHenry put on a mock wedding as their contribution to the program of the evening. (OFFICIAL PUBLICATION) Report of the Condition of . West McHenry State Bank ^ Located at McHenry (P. O. West McHenry), State of Illinois, at the ^iose of business on the 29tli day of September, 1933, as made to the Auditor of Public Accounts of the State of Illinois, pursuant to law. 7v .v.-.: ;• RESOURCES - Cash, Other Cash Resources and Dtie from Banks $ 96,829.87 U. S. Government Investments J*L 63,377.27 Other Bonds and Securities.,....:.......^....^:.....-.-.™-......-....-...^..:.. 68,217.03 Loans on "Collateral Security., 58,274.83 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Other Loans 6. Loans on Real Estate ....... :.... 7. Overdrafts 8. Other Real Estate.: ...... f). Banking House, Furniture and Fixtures .1. -10. Customers' Liability under Letters of Credit Customers' Liability Account of Acceptances.,.., Other Resources 152,849.96 . 53,330.00 84.41 . 22,409.32 19,555.0 i NONE NONK * NONE Total Resources^ LIABILITIES M. E. CHURCH You are invited to attend services at the M. E. church every Sunday. MEETS BROTHER AFTER 30 YRS.| U™! m. Sermon Frank Vycitai of Alamota, Kansas, subjecti Thee Up)» by the pastor spent a day last week with his brother r n Brat+ain J. J. Vycital and family. Mr. Vycital Frien<fe'0f the church •re asked to had not seen hm older brother, Frank,'meet at the church at 7:80 Friday for thirty years and, although the ni ht assist |n maki plans for visit was a surprise, k was a very another year. happy reunion. Let us furnish the pastries for your Hallowe'en party. Riverside Bake Shop. 22 .MID-WEEK CLUB j The first of the winter series of meetings of the Mid-Week club was held at the home of Mrs. C. W. Klontz on Wednesday afternoon of last week- Prizes in bridge were won by Mrs. C. W. GcDdell, Mrs. Dora Hahn and Mrs, Frank Hughes. The next meeting will be with Mrs. Berglunft! CARD OF THANKS We desire in this manner to express our sincere thanks and appreciation to friends and neighbors for floral offerings, pse of cars, expressions of sympathy and acts of AUXILIARY HOLDS MEETING , kindness extended to us during our TK, American Leeion Au*Hi„ry >nd F.mOy held its regular meeting Thursday night in Legion hall. Plans were made for a card party to be held after the next qneetmg which takes place In November. Winter underwear on sale at Lyons' Variety Store. Quality goodfc and the pried an right K X. Capital Stock 2. Surplus ...; . 3. Undivided Profits....™:...:. 4. Reserve Accounts 5. Demand Deposits <6. Time Deposits Due to Banks Bills Payable Re-Discounts Di^dends Unpaid Letters of Credit Bank Acceptances . 7. 8. 10. 11. n. M. Other Liabilities Total Liabilities :.:iii534>927.73 ...„„..450,000.00 ..._ 40,000.00 8,010.05 91,463.87 199,343.77 146,079.47 NONE NONK NONE NONK NONE ...... HONE 30.57 ;$534,927.73 Tlie bank has outstanding $95,103.39 face amount of Deferred Certificates, payable solely out of future jiet profits, if and when such future net profits are earned, (future net profits are operating profits j)lus recoveries, less cliarge-offs and proper provision for reserves) representing Contributions to the bank and subordinated to all deposit i|iid creditor liabilities but payable before any distribution to stock- • holders as such. " I, Gerald J. Carey, Cashier, of the West McHenry State Bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief, and that the items and amounts shown above correspond with the items and amounts shown in the report made to* the Auditor of Public Accounts, State of Illinois, pursuant to law. STATE OF ILLINOIS, County of McHenry. ss. Subscribed and sworn to beforelfrethis 24th day of October, 1933. (ISJEAL) ) HAROLD J. BACON, Notary Public.