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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 30 Nov 1933, p. 8

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*<, -- .-rn * -'. \-y~ ' • ' • # ? rf»» *l « l *W #-4 ,««. * rf % v ; ¥.• . 'iV YBE M'HXMKT PLAIXDKALK, THURSDAY, NOV. 30, Mgt r *' ^ »Y# \f• * , v v* -/ ^ V; -0 - - •*"" Km ,vc. *,, -'•:';t^: ' t' *"v* • ;.i~ l->& *, 7-' •«k^,; i,a-c ' 4. Club News DIimBR AND BAZAAR AT K. 0. HALL, DEC. 7 THANKSGIVING PROGRAM A very pleasant and interesting entertainment wtes given to an audience of about 130 members Tuesday afternoon in St. Marx's hall. This Thanks- 'jrivinjr program was griven by the pupils of the 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th pranleB. ij_ Every number of the program from the first strains of the welcome song j : start • Next Thursday, Dec. 7, is the date set for the annual bazaar and dinner to be given by the ladies of the M". E. church which is always a popular eveAt in th«^community. This year the place of this event has been changed and all who plan to attend are asked to note that the affair will be held in the K. C- ball over the National Tea store on Green street. A delicious roast beef dinner will be served at noon with serving to to the last "Gobble, Gobble" of the , at 11:30 and continuing until .i i j • „,o., all are served, while later in the day turkey was enjoyed immensely. Cleat- ham sum>er will be served ly did these young actors picture to ! * 1b*key h®m f"ppe . , ,' the n.m<fe of their audience the trials j™' P"«'?r «»» ™e«'s >* « »„,! difficulties encountered by our •»"«• c!"ld™ '1/ ' 20 Piljrrim fat.hve rs, a_ s well as »tn«e,. ftrnu»e , cents and will be considered very rea- . me**a ning of Thanksgiving -D ay; sonable considering the generous In conclusion the Sisters and chil- Vdren wish to express their sincere 4 i thanks to the ladies who have co-oper- Wt* So wonderfully with them'»nd ^ , . assisted in making this, program a unsurpassed xor generous servings success. . We deeply appreciate the ^ } keen interest you havft»keT> in oto . work. We thank you. . , ^ ^ menu which is being planned Mrs. James Perkins is chairman of the committee in charge of the mea'.s and the ladies are planning a menu and delicious cooking, to which they I invite the general public. . . j Everyone has to e&t why not eat at j the K. C, hall next Thursday "and give ' Jladies'^h) to meet Tuesday A^peci*! meeting 6f the Ladies Aid f. m and evening ; V"society w^s held at, the home of Mis. there be on sale an extensive W. Klontz Friday afternoon with Hne of fancy work -j useful article^ . everyone present busy on yk mduding aprons, rugs, quilts, towels. , the bazaar to be held, Dec. 7. Commit- lunch clot}ls and other articl6s too tees for the dinner supper and bazaar numerous to mention. These articles were appointed and oth?r plan$ -were prjce<j very, reasonably and . A1 . . will make ideal Christmas gifts. The The next meeting of the society members of the Philathea club have Will heW~*iext Tuesday afternoon, been b f artides for Dec. 5, at the home of Mrs. William tbe bazaar and it is e^ted that a Spencer. It is requested that all work larger line of beautiful hand made for the bazaar be turned in at this ^-ticles will be on display than ever meeting. Everyone mylted. b*fore at reasonable prices. . Members of the society were glad Then> too> there will 'be candy on to have the president, Mrs. Lillian DISTRICT COKVZIPnOK. UEOION AUXILIARY Miss Julia Feffer, .district director, presided at the semi-annual convention of the American Legion Auxiliary held at Crystal Lakp Saturday, at which 200 women from the eleventh district were present. Following the formal opening of the convention, officers for the ensuing year were installed, with Mrs. Carol Anderson, past distridt director,' acting as installing officer. Distinguished guesits. included Mr*?. Mary H. Kent, department president, Mrs. Eva Springer, department chaplain. and Walter D. Murphy, district commander of the American Legion. Fourteen gold star mothers of the district were honored at the threecourse dinner served at noon by members of the Crystal Lake unit, when they were seated at a long table with appointments in gold. Lighted taper?, and corsages of baby chrysanthemums were carried out in a Color scheme of gold. , Mrs. H. M. Stephenson, gold star mother of Ringwood, was present. Christmas work in units and hospitals, family relief, child welfare, Americanism and Junior activitieswere stressed.*'".-'" -j'. The annual convention will be held in the spring at Downers Grove. Delegates from the local unit were: Mrs. Theo. Schiessle, Mm. Fred C. Schoewer and Mrs. Herman Schyefer. WOODEN SHOES BEING MANUFACTURjKD IN IOWA A' half century ago wooden shoes were worn by a majority of the. substantial Dutch people in Sioux county, Iowa. The wooden shoes looked very clumsy but were said to be very comfortable footwear. Now, of course, the Dutch people in Iowa have largely grown away from that, but Orange City still has a wooden shoe factory. It is conducted by Jacob Von Hoff, an old tinier maker of wooden shoes, and he finds a market for his product all over the United States. He makes the shoes of all sizes, but most of them are of nut cup size and are used as souvenirs and favors. Von Hoff still makes some to be worn," howeVe?, and sells them. All of the shoes are made by hand. SKILLY STARTS HIV ADVERTISING CAMPAIGN URBAN NYE. 21. DIES SUDDENLY IN OHIO Relatives here have recet^d word of the death of Urban Nye, 21 years old, of Alvado, Ohio, which occurred PRE-NUPTIAL SHOWERS^ Several showers have been given in the last two weeks in honor of Miss Florence Freuml, a bride of last Saturday. ' • /• On Thursday evening Mrs. Phil Guinto entertained fourteen At a pfenuptiail shower in. honor of Miss Freund, who was presented with beautiful silk quilt. Five hum) by Mrs. John Engeln, Mrs. Jacob Freund and. Mrs, Marywald. Refreshments were served at tables attractively docorated in ^ijjk and green. Guests present were: Miss Lucile Grant, Miss Marie Ropp, Miss O'Gara, Miss Dorothy Holdfen, Miss Ward, Alvina Freund, Mrs. Jacob Freund, Mrs. Arthur Krause, Laura Meyers, Mrs. Maywald, Mrs. Charles Pich, Mrs. John Engeln and Florence Freund. Mrs. Arthur Krause entertained a suddenly on Saturday. The young i Party of friends in honor of Miss sale, including pop com balls --„ Cox, with them again after her illness other good things and there wiU ^ a j fish pond to amuse the children as C. D. OF A. SOCIAL MEETINGS well as the older folks.- • t- The Daughters of America held The proceeds from this annual bath eir social meeting in K; C. hall on zaar, dinner and supper will be used Monday evening with a sociable crowd to meet the payment of debts and carae as a great shock to present to enjoy the evening. Cards assessments which are coming due Were enjoyed at the close of the and the ladies of the church invite meeting with the prize in bridge go- you to let them serve you on next ing to Clara Stoffel and in five hund- Thursday, Dec. 7, at the K. C. hall. red to Mrs. Ray Conway. " r The patronage of the public is apt- The next meeting will take place preciated. ' ; • on Dec. 11, at which, time plans will . -------- be made for the annual Christmas! EASTERN STAR NOTES party. Members are urged to tunij.-'^licHehry chapter O. E. S. held its out for this meeting and assist ill the regular meeting Monday night. The plans. , Good Will Star club has planned a * -- card party for Saturday night, Dec. 9, ST PATRICK'S CARD PARTY at the J. J. Vycital home to which the • A card party for the benefit of St. public is invited. Patrick's church and sponsored by the On Dec. 16 there will be a Christ- Altar and Rosary sodality took place mas party in the hall for Eastern at the home of Mrs. John R. Knox, Star members and their families and Riverside Drive, Thursday afternoon. Masons and their families. Each one Fourteen tables were in play and the is to bring a gift not to exceed ten winners in bridge were Mrs. Clarence cents. Martin. Mrs. Theo Schiessle and Mrs. Mrs. Arline Pearson was warder, Fred Schoewer; in five hundred, Mrs. Mrs. C. W. Klontz conductress and Ellen Whiting, Mrs. Ray Qonway, Frances Vycital associate matron at Mrs. Harry Rankin, and in bunco Miss Richmond Monday night. Others Mary Fleming and Miss B. Doherty. from McHenry to attend were: Elsie Vycital, Mrs. J. R. Smith, Mrs. Jas. HARD TIMES PARTY Beavis, Mrs- E. E. Bas^ett, Mrs. John JLiulies of the American Legion Fay> Mrs. James Perkins, Mrs. Minnie Auxiliary are making plans for their Miller, Mrs. F. Spurling, Mrs. W. St- Nicholas Hard Times Bingo party Feltz and Mrs. H. M. Stephenson. to be given at Legion hall, Dec. 6, -- -- A penny a card bingo game will be WARREN HOLLY MARRIED played and there will be prizes for, TO CHICAGO GIRL, SEPT. 2 the couple having costumes most ex-1 Friends here will w interested to pressive of hard times. The pro- hear that Warren Holly, son of Mr. coeds from this party will be used and Mrs. Joseph C. Holly, was united Ife ^Su^stmas welfare work. _! in marriage to Miss Mildren Mann of Chicago in a quiet ceremony, with their chums, which made it a double Freund. The affair was a surprise to the guest of honor, who was preent with a gift. Three tables of five hundred were in play and prizes were awarded after which refreshments were served. Miss Alvina Freund entertained in honor of her sister, who was presentfelatives. 1 ^ with a gift from her friends pres- When Dr. William Nye and liis uncle ent- Five hundred was played and A. E. Nye, left Alvado on Friday, af- Pri?es were won by Mrs. Bernard ter a visit there, Urban was in good Blake, Celia Thennes and Anna Balke. health and going about his \york as Sixteen guests were present to enjoy usual. the evening which drew to a close man has visited in the homes of his uncles, Dr. N. J. Nye and A. E. Nye, and I several times and has mattyj friends here. Funeral services were held Wednesday morning at Alvada, Ohio. Particulars concerning his death are not known here, but his sudden death Mr. and Mirs. Harvey Nye and children, Eugene and Ruth Nye left on Tuesday morning for Alvado to attend the funeral of their cousin. ' TEACHES AT U. OF L The University of Illinois was host to 5,000 Illinois high school teachers November 23, 24 and 25 at the annual conference of high school teachers •:and superintendents. Here the teachers of the youth of wedding, on Saturday, Sept. 2, 1933. They kept the wedding a secret until Oct. 25, when their flat was completely furnished at 257 N. Francisco aye., Chicago* . The bridegroom was born and rais- "T "It McHenry and attended school oLuZ ^ tlK 801,001 here h«» ""-y Mends who mWren' , extend congratulations. COOKING CLASS ENTERTAINS AUXILIARY MEETING The girls of the cooking class with On Friday, Dec. 1, the McHenry eir teacher. Miss Grant, at the high County council of the Legion Auxilschool entertained the teachers and iary will meet at Huntley. Ail mem- Sophomore girls at a tea Tuesday af- bers are urged to attend. Painty sandwiches, cookies,} ^ . tea, punch and candied orange peel j E CHURCH were prepared with the guests sery-j you are invit^ to attend 8erviceg mg themselves at a table attractively; at the M. E. church every Sunday, centered with flowers. ftmday school, 10 a. m. ^ *• ' ' " • Morning Worship, 11 a- nu ^ LINGER LONGER Dr. Aubrey S. Moore, district sup- The Linger Longer club met Wed- erintendent, will be present next Sunnesday evening of last weeH with Mrs. day and deHver the sermon. Immed- Peter P. Schaefer. Bunco was played iate]y fonow5nfr the service the first and prizes awarded to Mrs. Ray quarterlv conference will be held and Howard, Evelyn Schaefer and^Mrs. memberg of the . official board are The next meeting to be present. It is hoped that nexi there will be a large attendance at Louis McDonald will take place on Friday of week with Mrs. Ray Howard. Send GREETING CARDS "made from your own snat JOHN WIRFS PASSED AWAY AT LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS Word has been received by relatives here of the death of John Wirfs of Oak Park, who passed away at Little Rock, Ark. Particular and funeral arrangements are not known here. He is survived by his wife in Oak Park, two sisters, Mrs. B. J. Brefeld and Mrs. Elizabeth Buss and one brother, Peter Wirfs, all of McHenry. A brother, Eld, diett at Waukegan eleven months ago. How to Eat for.. Health »' Illustrating the best way to drink a toast to success, Bing Crosby, radio crooner, and Paramount featured player in "College Humor" evidently knows that m nutritious diet is an important feature of m finger's "training rules." with the serving of refreshments. Why worry about your insurance? Perhaps you have been forced to drop your insurance like a good many others, but that should not stop you from carrying protection. National Aid Life is safe and dependable. It is an old line Legal Reserve Company and carries y<j»u for per month. Inquire of Leonard Franzen, West McHenry, 111. 27 With the announcement of a new advertising campaign and a startling offet, on its Tailor-Made Aromax Gasoline, Skelly Oil Company has revjeajed that flts \adfertising iexpeditures in 1933 have been the largest of any year in Skelly history. "I have the most profound faith in advertising," said W. G. Skelly, president of Skelly Oil company, in a statement regarding the new Skelly campaign, "and particularly in the effectiveness of newspaper advertising. This year, 1933, has shown us the largest sales increase that we have ever seen. We fiye convinced that these increases are principally due to advertising and the quality ot our products. "We met 1933 with, strong advertising efforts, and we have continued successfully throughout this difficult yfear, not by spending less money in sales efforts, but in spending more money, and spending it mpre effectively. Needless to say, we will continue to advertise aggressively." , Announce Startling Offer The new advertising now appearing," on Skelly's Tailor-Made Aromax Gasoline makes this startling offer to emphasize its important "advantage of quick starting: Skelly offers 10 gallons of any gasoline free, if the purchasel" of 10 gallons or m«re of Skelly Aromax Gasoline can find a gasoline that is quicHer> starting than Skelly Aromax. Skelly achieves quicker starting through its own exclusive process of tailor-making gasoline to fit each locality and the changing weather conditions throughout the year. Right now, in Illinois Skelly Aromax is tailor-made to fit December weather in Illinois. Tailor Made Aromax Gasoline and Skelly Tagolene Motor Oil are available at the service station of The Fr«und Oil Cp., Skelly distributors in McHenry. ; PAY DUES Members of Fox River Valley Camp R. N. A-, are asked to have their dues paid by December 10. It is necessa y to have the report' in earlier this month due to installation. Election of officers will be helc^r next Tuesday night. Better 'get that roof repaired before sloppy weather sets in. We sell good roofing and asphalt coatings for reoairs. Alexander Lumber Company. Phone 5. 27 Subscribe for The Plaindealer. is the End.. Of November 3te| m- As these few lines are being read, Tbuaksgfring Day is being or has been enjoyed by many' families' throughout this section, and now -tfil minds will begin to center on t^e Christm»- season, onl^a few weeks away. •Wiibh prdmpts us to Remind you that this stoned; k making preparations to^ jtafce^ care of Jm 7 many customers when they get ready to do^J: § their Christmas shopping. Visit ,Mc(Jee;,s.:fiisti§&% and see what" ire will offer for men and young. men. "ufelii Green Street McGEE'S McHenry, Illinois j Finish the Thanksgiving Dinner With Luich Ice Cream SPECIAL BRICK--MACAROON--CRANBERRY ICE VANILiiA Each Thanksgiving more and more families serve this famous Luick special--the smoothest of vanilla ice cream--refreshing, delightful cranberry ice--and rich macaroon ice cream. You will find it just the thing to climax your holiday diniMr. « v. Phone 40 Standard Oil Co. A. D. Krause, Mgr. Cor. Riverside Drive and Elm Sts. Phone 182 Tires, Oils, Gas, Tire Repairing RADIATOR m Auto Service--All Repair Work Guaranteed -- Fan Belts and Tires BLAKE'S McHenry, 111.--Phone 156 N. P. Justen Authorized . Standard Oil Service Station McHenry, Hi Junct. Highway 12, 20, 61 NOiW A NEW AMBER SINCLAIR KWV , GASOLINE Higher anti-knock than Stepped-Up 70. Higher even, than the original HC which sold at the premium price for five yeas& At the price of regular gas! r Hamper-Proof Coat \ Sinclair Motor Oils KNOX'S Sinclair Super Service Station ' FIGURING out just how many days it should take you to gain - weight may help to keep you encouraged about your progress. A 3,200-caIorie diet •uch as the one sketched below, should accomplish a gain In weight of about % pound per day, which is safe. Multiply the number of pounds you wish to gain by four and the result will be the number of days It should take ypu to accompllsh the' Increase. ' WE'RE READY to make them vow---ready with a fine selection of Dew styles io . J»oth cards and envelopes. Answer your holiday greeting card - ./problem in this up-to-date ptr- . , sttnal way. Order now for prompt delivery. Just hand us your film--we'll do the rest. §ur samples TODAY A. WORWICK Photographer Open Sundays until 4 p.m. m 113-J W. McHenry the service to hear Dr. Moore and' to show their appreciation of his coming to preach the sermon. Officers of the Sunday school met at the church Sunday aft^pnoon. It, was decided to have a Christmas program on Christmas eve with Santa Claus, a tree and a program by chil-. dren of the Sunday school. The geh- | eral committee in charge of the | Christmas program appointed at the meeting is Mrs. L. J. MeCracken, Mrs. , Alby Krug and Mrs. Glen Peterson. | Children who w|sh to be in the proi gram or to share in the Christmas | good time must attend Sunday school | Practice on the program will start soon and all who wish to take part must be at Sunday school next Sunjday. Election of officers for the Sunday school will be held after Christmas and the nominating committee consists of Mrs. Ray Cobly, C. H. Duker and Mrs. H. B. Schaefer. The rules governing the attendance pins will be revised and the committee on this subject was appointed as follows: Glen Peterson, Mrs. C. H-| Duker and Mrs. Arthur Kennebeck. j They will submit' a set of rules at the next meeting of the Sunday school board. , The attendance of the Sunday school is encouraging and children and teachers are interested in the work. Last Sunday each one attending Sunday school brought something for a Thanksgiving' basket for Rev. and llrs, L. H- Brattain. • . ,. Barbequed Goose--Broadway Bar- B-Que, Highway 12, Beer on draught. •Ml. A 8,200 CALORIE GAINING DIET Breakfaat (685 Calories) Grap«fruit V4 ............ <•.. .,. 100, Bacon 2 large Strips Scrambled egg 1 100, Toast 2 slices 100 Butter 1 tbsp. 100 Jam 1 tbsp 60 Fresh milk 1 glass ...13S Lanckeaa (810 Calories) " Cheese sauce on toast :..J50 Tomato and water cress salad..25 French dressing 2 tbsps . ..200 Washington cream pie 1 piece ..200 Fresh milk 1 glass lit 1WI4-Afternoon (250 CaloriM) Chocolate milk 1 glass t90 Salttnes 3 ....'., . , ... f« Dinner (1,310 Caloriea) Roast beef 1 medium sUoe ....S00 Gravy 2 tbsps. 100 Baked potato 1 medium 100 Butter 1 tbsp 100 Creamed cauliflower >6 CAiP ....135 Whole wheat bread 2 slices ....100 Butter 1 tbsp .100 Fresh strawberries % cup 100 Sugar 1 tbsp. (0 Cream H cup .....' 200 Fresh milk 1 glasa Itf ••fore Retiring (236 Calories) Bliaoi 1 glass ...236 Total Day's Calories 1,290 Full Moon I* Full Moon TlM period of one full moon to .aa* other full moon Is 2!) days 12 hours 44 minutes and 2.87 seconds, or 29.53059 days. When one full moon 6ccurs on the first or second day of the month, there will be another full moon before. J^iat month ends. »3|ff 'Iftrif; Cw4-- Bw*.." 'V ::i Qtarlos Bveiyu'a "Lady Recreation," 1707, was the only English book written during the Eighteenth" qffhtiirf for women tardepers. " ALJ. MAKES REPAIRED :XPERTLX Trucks and Tactors Skelly Gas and Oils ADANS & FREUND McCormick-Deering Service Phone 185 Broadway Filling Station Highway U. S. 12 and 111. 20--Texaco GaS and Oils Broadway Bar-B-Que and Broadway Tavern -- Bejfreshments -- Gambrinus Beer SERVICE OIL WATER MECHANICS Smith's Garage TIKES -- BATTERIES. PHone 320 for Service Adams' Repair Shop Batteries - Skelly Gas-Oil phone 199 Route 20 West McHenry, III These firms represented on this page are your neighbors and help pay the expenses of the community by paying taxes and buying their household necessities here in McHenry. They are always more than willing to co-operate with any move that will benefit this community as a whole. Show your appreciation by patronizing them. You can secure what you need just as advantageously right here at home. B L A K E'S Auto Service ^ The Place to Go--Whtfc Your Battery is Low McHenry Fhong 156 M. J. Walsh, Mgr. ATLAS TIRBS Standard Oil Co.

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