; • - : i • . • _ m •2* >:,• ' .T'^H '\ sii'jfc'-i'--- .'•' •'• Ul - " v . % ( - ^ K %. ~ ^ • ' '• - ' V - • A "y „ . • _ : v . " . • • - . " * "S - • ' ' . • mmHM» -W. J J ' " i f J t a u " , A.«*- * *">. " - \ ^ ^ ; % L. " ^ • n V ' - .m:. ,V- .»&».*-vu <**.> ik}* •• • •• ••..-..••»» - i : " "' 1 --'v •- •':.. t']>>•••?..^:y' VOL.59. ['HENRY, ILLINOIS, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 30,1933 CLEAR DOCKET j OF 171 CASES RED CROSS ROLL GALL IN PROGRESS Workers for the local' Red^ Cross drive for memberships were organised Monday evening at a meeting held in - a R n A CTC AD* Legion hall. The chairman, Thomas 41 CRIMINAL CASES ARE, £*Bolf,er> explained the work and STRICKEN (grave out the necessary blanks, pins,, -- i receipts, etc., to be used in the drive Jud&e E. D. Shurtleff has cleared which is being put on this we$Jc. the docket of „the McHenry County | Those in charge of the roll call are, r circuit Court ot J.71 cases, forty-one, Arthur Smith, West McHenry, Fred '•'•of which are of the criminal type, 103 ( Schoewer, Centerville, Albert Krause, common law and twenty-seven chan- Riverside Drive, Morris Taxman, east . «ery. Many of'these have been strick- * en from the docket with leave to reinstate. Others have been tried be of the river, John A- Miller, Johnsr burg. These men may appoint their assistants and it is expected that th •. fore juries while still others fcave drive Will be accomplished this week, been settled by agreement between each of the workers showing interest counsel- ' {and enthusiasm in the project. Last Thursday iftemoon the court The price of a membership is one and State's Attorney V. S. Lumley dollar. Of this sum fifty dents goes • made quite an attack on the criminal to the national organization and the law docket. Of the 115 state cases a remainder is kept at home. Anyone total of forty-one were stricken from, may donate less than a dollar and the docket with leave to re-instate, [this amount will be kept by the local He people's case against John Den-1 chapter, but no one is entitlj»' to a ning for operating a corfidence game membership unless they pay a dollar, was stricken from the docket. Cases I The Red Cross has been on the job penttng against Lew Findley, Lew | in McHenry and throughout the coun- CooMr and Clete Dobbins were strick-1 ty and is giving relief to the needy in en TOf*-the docket. Cooper and Dob-;every way possible, assisting with bins are serving time in the state j clothing, groceries and necessities, penitentiary while Findley is out on i , Approximately 200 families were probation. They were convited of given aid last winter by the Red Cross a highway robbery near Marengo- I chapter of McHenry and about 20, A burglary charge against Michael , 000 pounds of flour were distributed, Pettro and William Labbario was dis-1 The officers of the local chapter missed as was robbery with a gun:®re Mrs- Jack Walsh, chaimran, Mrs. charge against Everett Johnson. An Lillian Sayler, secretary, Gerald assualt with a deadly charge against Carey, treasurer, and the executive Edward Tubiri was dismissed. ? j committee includes several of the The burglary and larceny- charges! representative business men of the against Ben Stedman, John Bokemier,. city. This executive committee as-, Charles Fay, John J. Stafford, Carlin sists and advises in the work of the Tucker and Joseph Frozely were chapter and is composed of the three stricken off with leave to reinstate.! officers above mentioned and Peter A charge of larceny of a motor,M. Justen, Ray Corway, Stephen H. • vehicle against George and Elmer Freund and A. H. Mosher. Bowers of Crystal Lake was dismiss-1 Last year there were 157 members ed with leave to reinstate. The state j enrolled in the local chapter and it is case of burglary and larceny against hoped that this number will be ex- William and Elmer Lee was dismissed, ceeded this year. with leave to reinstate. The state) The Red Cross is purely a charitcases against Oliver and Edwin Lein, ahle organization and is the recog- Emanuel Tazelaar and Arthur Lein nized relief agency throughout the nawere stricken with leave to* reinstate, i tion. It is hoped that local *people Dismiss Chancery Cases '[will respond to the roll call in their Seventeen chancery cases were dis-; usiial generous manner. missed from the docket Thursday. Of j these most were divorce cases. Divorce cases stricken from the docket JUNIOR CLASS PRESENTS COMEDY KO. 2* "j SPEED WORK ON CWA PROGp d&ftNTY MEET HELD IN WOODSTOCK SUNDAY OPEN REGIS7 K AT ION . HEADQUARTERS FOR TOWNSHIP UNEMPLOYED Junibrs come and juniors go, with every year an entirely new personnel of the junior class registered at the Community high school; yet every year an equally pleasing and com-> piendable class play is put on by members of this class of the high sehooL "That PerSon From >*aris" the play given by members of the Junior class j at the auditorium on Friday evening ! was no exception, to the rule in that it j was noteworthy ii> the acting, of mem- ] bers of the cast and pleasing to the j audience, in its amusing situations s Light and easily understood, with an , unusual plot, tlie play gaVe amusing \ Sidelights on the Course of married • Kfe, not too easy, for the young people to enact, while its action and short,;; changing conversation kept listeners interested at all times. " j ; "That Person Frofn: l*aris" enacted j by Jean Reckenbaugh, was really de-i Serving of sympathy in «the way she j Vas bounced around by the men of the Cast in their effort toi hide her fromj More than 2&0 attended the CWA, fheir wives and sweethearts as she meeting at the opera house in Woodk searched vainly for her "hoosband." j^tock Sunday afternoon and listened . Headquarters have been opened in The Peoples Bank on Green street, McHenry wfKerc the unemployed of" McHenry' township can register for work under the Illinois Emergency Relief Commission. Ray McGee has been appointed registrar for the township. The headquarters w m be open on Tlwrsday Cn*anksgiving DayV~«Btil noon. IP? The play was a the characters young, witty and attractive. . . The farce was written by Priscilla Wayne and Worn Sprague, with the •etting in a modem suburban home, ind a plot of unsual brightness to Leo Lyons, district chairman, explain in detail the manner in which this program Is being ^dfrried out in ^ the county. Mayors of various cities in the .. county, village board presidents and beard members, heads of the various MOTHER AND GIRL ARE FOUND DEAD STEINSDOERFER SUIT FAILED TO START RELATIVES RESIDE . SOLON MILLS AT by the plaintiff follow: Ida Beebe vs. Mason Beebe; Edith Stoll vs. Albert Stoll; Jphri Cleland vs. Henrietta Cle- The circuit court adjodrned in land; Fredia Sopzak vs.. Steve Sop- Woodstock Friday after being in sesczak; Evelyn Kuecker vr. Vernon «'<>« for six weeks with the $20,000 TCuecker and Charlotte Haase vs. suit of Leonard Steinsdorfer against Otto Haase. I Gustav Kunz failing to get under way Three bills for separate mainten- j The plaintiff was ready for trial, but ance were also dismissed by the the defandant was reported to be ronplaintiff, the same being Cora Beck! fined in jail in Cook county for failvs. Henry A. Beck; Gertrude Spang-juref to pay alimony. ler vs. John Spangler and Amelia The suit was brought by George Franz, vs. Edward Franz. I Steinsdorfer, father of the plaintiff. A total of 805 cases are listed on | The young man lost an eye in a huntthe September docket. This is the ing accident a year ago and at the largest number listed for one term (same time his brother lost the sight in the history of the court. There still | of both eyes. remains a number of old cases which j A $20,000 suit brought by the fathwill probably be disposed of when er a year ago for the injury to the Judge Shurtleff returns aganv j older boy resulted in a $2,500 verdict i in favor of the boy. The Judgment NEW BANK LAW JANUARY 1ST has been entered in the court, but as Begining with Januarv 1, 1934, the!?** they b*™ been unaDle collect bank runs and bank failures will end.*- ^unz claims that he broke wid if the new law in effect on that date •. P®y- 3 works out as intended. I Whether the father will proceed to On that date Uncle Sam will assume [hav® KunE ja,!ed. for failure to pay full responsibility for small and med- on judgment is not known, but it ium-sized savings and partial respon- ^as been indicated such may be the sibility for the larger accounts ^P* , ; . . . , in banks. It is expected that all of . P°.n *earinin£ that Kunz is _m jail 16,196 banks of all descriptions which'"1 Chicago, Attorney 3. J. CcCauley, are open and functioning today will be j for plaintiff, asked the case insured when the corporation gets; "e un^' further notice. down to business. In that expectation Both boys were in court, although there is a bit of irony. Those that do 1 J»v«ngr the sight of. only one eye, not choose to take on federal deposit ^™1^/^ as guid^for his brother, insurance are quite unlikely who is totally blind from MARY'S CHURCH SCENE OF WEDDING UNITED CHARITIES ' 1S FORMED HERE The cast of eight characters worked j schools, members of the board of hard to effectively present their play. supervisors. Representatives William and were successful in givirg a vei*5 Carroll and Thomas A. Bolgtf, smooth and finished prodiu"tion. land1 in general a real representation Every one did remarkably well iH j0f the^MrHenry county's active citU the enactment of their part and all arejZens were numbered in the meetirg- . deserving of praise in the expert ren-i Probably for the first time sincj»r dering of the play which pleased all: the CWA program was launched dB4 who saw it. | these men and women hear in detail The high school orchestra, under; ^he manner in which federal reliaf ' the direction4 of Miss Dorothy Holden, afKj j0hs are to be distributed in tha and the Girls' Glee CIUD, directed by oounty. Chairman Lyons describfidl. Miss Lucile Grant, furnished music ^his work in such a manner that theao before the play and- between the acts, j various civic leaders can return 16#^ f;; Miss Betty Conway, advertising their respective communities and in|» manager expressed appreciation to part the information to the citizens of (those present and presented Miss their communities in a most efficient Stevers, director of the play, with a manner, " ^ ; ,rift. Miss Dorothy Althoff was ticket; jhe meeting Sunday was not OT% , manager and Chester Howard stage to impart general information to thll dt A Met MA'HIP VOT? manager, work, but also to speed up action oil PLAHb BJSlWtr mADJS ^ aeemed that the depression is applications for projects in the cou£ j just beginning to be felt by the school ty, so the remainder of county^S [plays which, with their great popular- quota of 673 men can be placed ^ Relief work for thes coming winter, Ity, h«ve Jfiven to P^ed houses work. . . . ' ^ seems to be the predominating subject | in the past. At the junior play he j Numerous Applications *?»: in McHenry this week with all or-j attendance was good, but many seals j jfon(jay morning a r.umber of afk»'; ganizations, as well as individuals, were unoccupied this year, which ^'as plications had been received, incluifc interested in the new program for in great contrast to past years, when some project in practically every giving work to unemployed men jit has been necessary to brirg 'r1 township in the county. These pn>» which is being launched by the gov-> chairs to accommodate the c™w Ijects must be approved by the genergi isrnment. » [people of the community are a*™8™ committee in Chicago before the m^'V At a meeting of business men and | interested in affairs of the scnoo !can placed to work on themrepresentatives from various organ-.which concern their children and tuin; j()hn x. O'Brien, chairman of tha izations of our city held in Legion out in largo numbers to affairs McHenry county commission, AOfe hall Monday evenirg, it was decideti this kind- r>w^i i P^ase<i with the fine turnout at tha to form a "local relief association in j Members of the cast were: Fred meeting. He said! th?>t it was evident® which the various charitable socities Meyer, Emily Simon, George Johnson. 0f^ the fine co-operation which tfca of the city would combine under one j Evelyn Karls, Robert Martin, Shirley Crtmmittee will receive in this wofk head. Covalt, Raymond Hughesj Jean Peck " this winter. The need of a united charity organ- RELIEF WORK A pretty, late autumn wedding was ^olemAised on Saturday, Nov. - 25, when .Miss Florence Freund, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Freund, and,-Mr. Joseph Britz, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Britz of Fox Lake. were united in marriage at St. Mary's Mrs. Thelma Aubert, 33 years church. Father Nix, pastor .of the and her daughter, Elaine, 12 year# oldichureh, officiated at the Nupital mass were found dead, Monday, in their, and Vnarriage ceremony at 9 o'clock home at 5244 Waveland avenue, Chi- Saturday morning with the church cago. The bodies were found by Ar- organist playing the wedding march thur Aubert, husband of the- woman, | ami the sweet voices of the children when he returned home from work at1 singing the mass. 2 o'clock Monday afternoon. He is a | TTW bride was attended by her sisfurniture mover and had left the iter, Miss Alvina Freund, as-brideshouse early in the morning. A small) maid, while the groom had his brothgas stove in the room was burning J er, Albert Britz, afs best man. and it was the opinion of the investi- j The bride was charming in a suit gators that the mother and daughter of black and white tweed trimmed had been killed accidently when the gray squirrel with grajf accessories, oxygen in the room was exhausted, [while a corsage bouquet of sweet Two other children were seriously ill-; peas and tea roses completed Ker Parents Live At Solon j costume. ,, . . Mrs. Aubert is the daughter of Mr. I The bridesmaid Miss Alvina .Freund ^at,or} lS Rreater now than ever beard Mrs. John Gibbs of Solon Mills!wore a becoming brown suit with fore since the civil works admjn.strnend the mother of Arthur Aubert also brown accessories and a corsage 0f tion is being launchedin the countj. lives at Solon Mills. [ sweet peas and tea roses. • ^ . Mrs. Gibbs, mother of the dead wo-1 Following the ceremony a wedding I AN*1"* Purvey, who ha h man, is seriously ill and the death of .breakfast was served at the home of considerable experience in ch n y her daughter has been a great shock the bride's parents at 10:30 o'clock ^k, was elected president of the to her. I witft- about thirty-five relative., , . _ , , , , - „ , . . . . A telephone »-> h™w1 ent. The home m attractively P*ter|226 »*'• la Attend****. of Mr. and Mrs. Turner of Solon told orated for the occasion in pink and <M- Ju len as secretary the sad news which Mr. Turner broke i white with the bride's table centered | with a large weefding cake. -«<s 'I enbaugh. COUNTY LEGION MET AT HARVARD, NOV. 23 Receipt of new -federal forms rt^ ouiring information hot obtained from applicants for jobs under the Civfl Works administration during the past week, will necessitate the re-retristejp* inar of MoHenrv county's unemnloveA fit# monthly meeting of Cottft*' Chairman O'Brien said that machi# tv American Legion was held at How- j ery for this work has not been set up, witft' about ^rty-Vive'relatives" pres- i local organization, with Mrs. Albert |^ Thurs<i«y night with more than; Annlication blanks have not been r^ as th >iii post in the county was represented, blanks are received and the nmn» Another meeting will be held 8<>Qn! Melnberships reports showed Rich- machinery will be set un to re-reg<>* at which J- J. McCauley of Harvard mond over the top jn membership as ter, er register those who have ru* People of the communitv are shock-! Later in the day, Mr. ard Mrs be imiied to be present and ex-jcompared ^ last ye.r. Hebron has already registered • - - - - a short wedding trip to Plftin th$ Stalls of organization and,eache<J its uota and Woodstock rt- will be given th lough the wlumns * * , R I . - . J - I » . . I I M M 1 A I > F R T _ . _ , . I A I ¥\\*% VOVIAIIE \r\ IWM as gently as possible to the parents ed and saddened by the untimely death Britz left on of the young womn and her daughter Springfield and through Illinois. outlining a course similar to ^ 106 members signed up. About th* various(newspapers intVmn» 01 tne young wonwn arm neru«uKiiK. ". .. . . ..... »coA k„ which is said ' v,„1f _r w«r's membership to inform those who are seeking |oW who will be brought back home for burial ar)y deposits to be insured. CHANGE OF LOCATION Otto E. Mueller, who has conducted the Pint blacksmith shop on Pearl St., for the past year, has moved his shop to the Peter Schoewer building across from the city hall on Green street, and will open for business Friday of this week. the accident. MRS. MAUD HOAGLAND DIES IN MONTANA The bride has manv friends in this (that used by Harvard ... . vicinity, where she has been employ-1to h*ve the best chanties in Funeral services will be held in Chi-' ed at Niesen's restaurant for the past jth^1^unty. _ . , cago at 10:30 o'clock Friday morning six years. The bridegroom has ha(1! from the Hlinois """ r t those «eekin<r iobs with Jt>urial in the south cemetery at an ice route at Fox I,ake for two RUm of -J1'0®0 from. ^ nJinols, the 33rd and 86th divisions featuredfc-th<se ^eekin^ »o»>s- . *^ with -burial m the south c^eter> ^ ^ ^ ^ employ., En^rgency^ief^ the program at which _Rep. William one half of last year's . has been signed. to ^«ter. ^ Signal corps picture of the World! The.county committee will «nnr^ War featuring the active service of.ciate verv much the co-operation* ' - --i.:-- TH? coniimtte# Solon Mills. ^U^m^thS^'return from their trin ! during this month ami the fed- j p^^on' of"t'hrpre°ent Veli^f sltua-i the court h ;-e arw] ^ ^ ^^ ... ---xt -- i.-i eral relief plan the county will re-j^on jn ^ state and a description of,patient and they ^{ill be t»ken care m. | used for relief work in the county! p carron a]so jjave an interesting ex- SELL YOUR OLD GOLD IN McHENRY, DEC. Possessors of articles of gold and silver that they no longer care to re tain will find it possible to sell tham for cash to the American Scale Works of Waukegan at .Justen's Hotel in McHenry Saturday afternoon and evening, December 2. ,, A representative of the company was in McHenry today and made arrangements for coming here Saturday The company is licensed by the government to buy discarded gold and silver articles, also diamonds. * Articles that the company will buy are listed in an advertisement in this issue of the Plaindealer, A few of the many are rings, spoons, diamonds and cuff links. The representative of the company ts.'vaking his third visit to Harvard this week as it was impossible to take care of the business brought in during the first two visits. In Harvard, the representative Said, one woman who had expected to receive two or three dollars for an old gold watch that had been hidden away for years, expressed surprise when she was paid $10. The Harvard Herald, of which Mike Walsh, former director of the state department of Education and Registration, is the editor, vouches for the reliability of the American Scale Works. The buyer will be in McHenry from 12 noon iratiirt n>. nsxt Saturday. ? Mrs. Maud Hoagland, 62 years"old, died at her home at Missoula, -Mont-, on Monday morninp, according to a message received by her brothers, Clarence and Vincent. Martin. She had not been well for two years. She is survived by six brothers and three sisters. Maud Martin was born and raised tielar Wauconda, where she liVed until I about twenty years ago when she ftini ! her husband, who preceded her, in [death, moved to Montana. I Funeral services were held this (Wednesday morning at Missoula, Mont. AMONG THE SICK t _llt Mrs. Fred Schneider is ill it her they will reside with her pareats unt.l home on Court street. | after the holidays. | Mrs. John Schaid, residing west of | town, is confined to her bed with, LADY FORESTERS TO rheumatism. She is under the caret of a chiropractor. .1 John Karls, who underwent a 'sligh^ 'operation at Belmont hospital SPONSOR COMEDY on" •'The World's Ail Right" is the title Tuesday of last week, returning Mine of a comedy to be presented at the the same day, is improving nicely and High School auditorium in McHenry is able to be up. [on t>ecember 13 and! 14, sponsored by Mrs. Clifford was tak#« to the *anl. the Catholic Lady Foresters. tarjum «t Ottawa Sunday. Mr. Clif-1 This is a comedy of radio life, ford is employed at the Hunter Boat | headed by Leo Heimer in the role of company and they live east of the river. cast as the feminine lead, F. S. Orr ceive a certain amount each month j re-Iiparsed at Springfield. The committee has a big *>b on »ts for relief. Thomas P. Bolger, a member of the hands to map out this work and * * A committee for the county has recentiv organized county relief com- -organize m such a manner tbM thja. been appointed with John T. O'Brien.. mjssi0« Spoke briefly on the work of work can be carried out in an efficient supervisor of Chemung, as chairman, | committee- Althongh 'onlv/three niannei; and for the best l-terest of and Thomas P. Bolger of McHenry. i 0|d the committee was fast those concerned. secretary. Leo B. Lyons of Rockford rounding into shape to care for the About 100 men have been putto is district chairman on relief work of npe(r« Qf charity in the county, he work out of the county s quota of ©7a. ., . As soon as more nrojects are anpr*'»- the Illinois commission. said, . . _ „.:ii u- :a. This county committee will also supervise the hiring of men under the DINNER, SUPPER. K. C. HALL The public is invited to attend the XMAS SEAL SALE TO START Mrs. C- W. Goodell is again local chairman of the annual sale of Xma3 seals which starts on Thanksgiving day, with Mrs. E. E. Coe as county chairman. The McHenry County Anti-Tubercuosis association has placed an order for 450,000 Christmas Seals for this sale and if the entire quota of seals are sold it will net S4.500, however, it is hoped that the sale will exceed half of this amount. The money from the seais will be used in the welfare tuberculosis work being carried on by Miss Mabel Hobbs county nurse. The seals this year present a picture of three men of England dragging in the Yule log. The seals will be distributed to rural schools and to residents of the county and offered for sale in this manner. Some of the active county officers of the organization are: Dr. J. G. M^xon, Harvard, president; Miss Dlaisy Moor*, - Woodstock, secretary, and G. E. Still, Woodstock, treasurer. bazaar, roast beef dinner and baked <"•? P^P1^ in »*s >>« been called ham supper at K. C hall next Thurs- ^musical pot-pourri, which features day Dec. 7. Dinner and supper 35 >ncmg and singing choruses speccents each, children under 10 years, i ^lty comedy numbers and effective 20 cents. The menu for dinner will Ubleaux^scenes. Rememberthe date include roast beef, mashed potatoes;| W rtmdty and Thursday, Dec. 13 and J salad, celery, pickles, rolls a vegetable i . ___ t pie and coffee. There will be an'i - u u e t»i>pb .equally delicious menu for supper in- BAKED HAM SlPIER 'eluding baked ham and baked bpans! The Christian Mothers will serve a ! with all the accompaniments. The, baked ham supper Sunday evening, | ladies of the M. E. church invite yofxr patronage. ; An invitation is to be extended E. fd more men will be given iobs. P. Haves, national commander of the « expected registration of all u new federal civil works program. Mr-1 to be a guest of the McHenry ployed will be completed some Henry county's allotment under this councii'at the annual May" party to be this weekprogram is 673, with the quota for -iven next spring;" Not sir.ee the in- National Program ,a radio announcer. Mr. Heimer will McHenry township being about sixty ceptjon cf the Legion has a national The CWA program calls for W supported^ by Mra. Lillian Kraus». men jt is expected that m^n will be crtrnniander ever visited the county placing at work of 4,000.000 registered here within a few days during a term of office. Commander in the nation; $400,000,000 has be*afe with men who have been oh relief j jjayes has been a guest of the county appropriated for the work by the fed-* . given the preference, next comirg the, Legion on other occasions, however., eral government. If the plans \ . unemployed. Men will receive 50 gn(j t^e veterans hone he will be their carried out this will mean »1»out tl«i as the hard-boield bill collector. This show, which includes .150 locents per hour and will not work more than 120 hours per month. Many men have already been put to work in the county, some working guest this year while he is serving as-per person if all of the 4.000,000 are natioral commander. Legionairres from McHenry attended the meeting were: Fred on* the highways and others at then Nickels, Alfred Rich state fish hatchery at Spring Grove, j ardsoni George Weber, Thos. P. Bote-1 it will be. The work of the relief committee Howard Culver. J. J. Marshall, 7.1 will in no way interfere with the re- Beavis, Howard CairnS and Robeit Knox. - ; given jobs. This program DMist y hn completed by February so the mi f# : : C. speed the local committee c»n irv-ita^E ' into the county's program the better CARD PARTY ' 19ae members of the .Christian Mothers will hold a meetlh#* Friday evening, Der. 1, at Sit. Mary's hali, after which a social hour of cards will be played- The frablic it welcocAa, *27-fp. LADY FORESTERS TO MEET St. Clara's Court, Lady Foresters, will have initiation on Dec. 6. .Theae will be a pot luck supper at 6:30 o'clock with each member bringing a covered dish and sandwiches. . All members are requested to be present. Dtac. 10, in S;. Mary's cht.vch hall. Sei*ving will start at o o'clock. Price 35 cents. Cards will furnish the entertainment for the evening with a charge ~;f°15 cents. . *27-2 Pioneers found themselves on the f r o n t i e r a n d t h e y bad to make a living or starve, so tney all went to work imd many of them got riclj--bavlug n«j #ther particular lief work being carried on by the various societies. It will, however, lessen their burden and assist them In caring for their needy. No actual cash will be spent by the local committee. All bills will be paid FORMER RESIDENT DIES Ben Rieman (Med Thursday evening at his home at Iona L«ke, Minn. Mr. SUCCESSFUL USED CAK SW.K Harry Townsend, Chevrolet Sales* located at the corner of Riv Drive and Elm street. McHenry, ports a verv successful used car which was held durirg the »-vk ing Nov. 2.s». Many spler>!id through the main office <at 10 S. LajRieman who would have been < 4 V®*1"® j awaited the large number who Salle street, Chicago. Those asking for aid will be given a requisition for whatever aid they need. The merchant who fills the order will file his bill with the committee and in turn will receive payment for same. GRAND OPENING Torright (Wednesday) is the date set for the grand opening of Joe Friend's Rathskeller at the Justen Hotel. Read his announcement in tftother page of tkls issue. old on Dec. 22, was a former resident salesroom* during the •w'eek of this vicinity. ' , (Mr. Townsend states that he is He is survived by his wife, two, ,,]easej over the results. sons, and two daughters, two brothers, Chris of St. Pa«l and Peter of Milwaukee, and two sisters. Mrs. Hen it Desren, McHenry and Mr*. N.' C. Klein, Waukegaa. Funeral serv NAMED ON COMMtlTEB Ray MeGee was ram?d on the ciynv mittee selected T\iesday afternoon t^. ices were held at tile have aharge of registering unemplo.^ Catholic ehureh at Iona Lake, Minn.,' ed in the county The,committee mil Monday morning. i Tuesday night to complete plans fa». Mr& and Mrs. N. 6. Klein of Wauke- t^e registering of all unemployed %k gmn aMecJad the couaty.