" * ^,-r- » '•{- ^ "j" , . ->'* ", Tj. • . -., \* . yt'T^V «*- •>•' ? • *<*'- - "> "» • ^ v / ' • ' > * • • ' • f ' " ' * « V / „ , • ' , ; . ' ' - < ' r 4 ' f . THKifHKIOtY PLAIFBiALfcR'ttiURSDAY, fcof/ll.iSas^ t ,<' • J.- &•>. iiiiAiiihi .' I-" """' . «?"NMi P-j? BACONSSTRIP : 1 V. -•' •X'" • Vfl By ^iEKE" BACOlf^ A. wwlkathon, the first ever to be conducted in this county, is now in progress at t&he Woodstock Armory. If you care for that sort of thing stop in and wiatch some of your favorite couples perform. The high school basketball schedule is again published this week so that any fans who missed it will have another opportunity to scan it. Cut it out and post it somewhere handy for future reference. BUY A SEASON TICKET TOE THE MOHS GAMES Red ' Wintoel . accompained Felice, Laura and Bemiece Unti to Notre Dame last Saturday to watch this Cotton Warburton strut his stuff. And strut it dkl to the chagrin of the ND partisans. The public has already him for Alt-American material, a f£fct which sti^ carries some small honor- Prom the Viewoint before the seaeon opens ii> full swing it seems lijce Hie IjititofcGanfewence will hold, moat of the spotlight in this county- With apparently evenly matched teams, a good schedule, capable management «mH plenty of publicity the conference . presents a combination that is hard to i beat. Follow the progress of the circuit in these columns every week. The JPlaindealer is again printing the high school basketball schedule for the 1933-34 season for the benefit of those who might have missed it last week. Cut it out and post it somewhere for future reference as you're going to be more interested in the team this year than you have been for quite some time. And don't forget that the season tickets are now on sale at the big bargain rate of $1.25- Single admission for each of the eight games will be 35c for adults so you can still miss half the games and be money ahead if you buy a season ticket. Schedule 1933-1934 Nov. 21--Richmond--Th4fi. V • I>ec. 5--Wauconda--Here. . Dec. 9--Marengo--Here. " > Pec. 15--Huntley--Here. * Dec. 21--Crystal Lake--There Dec. 27, 28, 29, 30--Co. TQurnaiB£Bt Jan. 5--Hebron--There. V , \ 1 Jan. 12--Grant--There. '••. - Jan. 13--Woodstock--H«i • Jan. 19--Richmond--Here; ^ JTan. 23--St. Mary's--Hefte. •'» t '• Jan. 26--Marengo--There. ; Feb. 2--Huntley--There. . : Feb. 8, 9,10--Little Conferencf^t Touraoment. . • Feb. 16--Hebron--Here. -, ' Feb. 23:--Grant--Here, • • '». March 8, 9, 10--District Tournament. .1 • There seems to be no stopping this" Herman Staffes person in the Forest- "er',LeagUe this year. Herman was • never a high average bowler, but he was fifth in the standing for the first round and now he starts out the second stanza with a 610 series to top the night's action. And Eddie Thennes seems to have found himself with a 601 total to keep youth up there near the top. ARGENTINA NABS : BOGUS BARONESS' FOR SWINDLING Complaint of Victim Leadf, to Arrest of Notorious Adventuress. Fox Lake warmed up for the Little Conference opener by trimming Ela j Schaefe'r, 50. township high of Lake Zurich 21-14. ' Coach Fazinski has a fairly strong squad again this year, one that they'll have to watch. Hebron also got off on the right foot with a 32-27 victory In a melee with Capron. Coach Crane is again using the zone defense, but it wasn't functioning as well as he Would like'to have had it. Bat then the season is just beginning. K. OF C. VOLLEY BALL LEAGUE The K. C. volley ball league began on the night of Nov. 20. Two practice nights were played to enable the new men to learn the game but the teams have now been formed- The teams play one hour and the team having the greatest gross total is considered the leader of the league. Players must be on time as the games must start at 7:30 and 8:30 or they will seriously handicap their teams by their absence. Standing of Teams Knox, 88; XJnti, 85; Sutton, 69; WEEKLY EXCHANGE ITEMS OQNTEREST TAKEN FROM COLUMNS , OF OUR EXCHANGES k 'I'M NO ANGEL' AV tt Tovar, Sun., Mon., Tries. The Knights of Columbus are trying out the same system in volleyball that , the Oldtimers and the Foresters are in bowling. Each team will count 4>nly their- total points for the season with- the o»ly incentive toward keeping the opponent's score down will be that it gives each side more chance to win ,out in the long run. More attention will be given to offens^than defense, but it's just about the same in that game. * One hoar periods will be tine Tsfoe. ; Coach Orr is working his men very fcard-this week in preparation for the lay-off over Thanksgiving. The first home ganpe comes December 5, the same, day that prohibition repeal!J- Scmitt Team No. 1--Capt. P. J. Schaefer, A. E. £Jye, Jos Barbian, J. Bolger, A. Blake, L. Stilling, R. V. Knox, Ed Busse, Geo. Frett. Team No. 2.--Capt. Wm- Sutton, Gus Freund, H. Bacon, A. P. Freund, W. H. Guffey, J. Regner, N. Adams, C. E. Martip, A. H. Freund. Team No- 3.--R. E. Knox, L. Winkel; G. Weber, R. Conway, J. Thennes. J. Thies, Q. Adams, R. Kent, Weingart, Team No. 4.--Capt. F. Unti, E. Smith, H. Miller, H. Steffes G. Barbian, A. Tonyan, P. Jus ten, E. Whiting1, J. Frett. OLD TIMERS LEAGUE Hughes Johnson Covalt Barbian J. Schas&f Hughes Wattles N. Freund 154 142 172 796 <|ometi along, but it has no connection with that program whatsoever. Wau- <fcmda will furnish the opposition and Coach Drom's boys will show the local fjuis some speedy breaks. They had a mighty fast team last year and it wasn't badly wrecked by graduation. | Perkins Conch Drcfcn is also superintendent of |H. Schaefer the "Wauconda school, but he still Meyers finds time to coach his boys. Sutton Granger Total I AJder&an A1 Barbian and Alderman Jane Schaefer both bowl on Grandpa-Hughes' team in the Oldtimers league which should give Clay some influence in the city politics. Alderman A1 got going in old-tima «ty?e for a while last week, but cooled off just enough to prevent it being a stellar performance. He hit 209 and 133 170 209 166 172 Trial. 850 Grangers 151 151 178 118 145 117 198 169 194 151 ,866 706 Meyers ' 166 167 188 130 144 131 196 149 209 192 845 819 Bicklen 181 154 180 .154-- 467 148 143-- 4*?1 196-- 559 171-- 479 172-- 516 836--2482 M. Schaefer Beavis Total __ M. Schmitt Goodell J. Freuwl « Adams Bickler TMal S3 123 201 234 ...823 162 166 222 158 851 151-- 453 124-- 420 130-- 392 161-- 528 186-- 580 751--2323 170-- 533 , 142-- 480 150*- 425 176_ 460 148_ 544 780--2442 128-- 463 148-- 403 214-- 492 148-- 571 190-- 582 828--2511 • Bueros ..Aires.--Baroness Von der Oolz, which was the resounding title assumed by an international adventuress recently arrested by the Argentine police, preferred to fly «t hijrh game when possible, hut she did no» despise the piokintrs to be obtained by minor swindling and even petty lar ceny. According to evidence which the Buenos^ Aires police nre engaged in , sifting, the baroness was preparins a" coup which would Imve placed her and her associates on Easy street for the remainder of their lives in the event of success, fly some means not yet made clear, she obtained the serial numbers of a huge amount ot bonds deposited with the Bank of the Nation as collateral. These bonds sh«' was preparing to duplicate and place on the market In the belief that suffl cient time would elapse before the fraud could be discovered to enahh her to settle down comfortably fn NW or Blaritz with the proceeds, - Swindles General. , Although she will be unable to place this coup in the list of her accomplish nients, she Is credited with ha vim; victimized Gen. Hans Kundt, the geh eralissimo of the Bolivian army, for a formidable sum of money. She is al leged to have sold him a large quan tity of war munitions for nse In the Chaco, and to have collected a con sfderable sum In advance. She is also strongly suspecteil of lie ,ing a sort of sleeping partner In * swindling law business which special Ized in "arranging" bankruptcies for those anxious to escape their coinmer clal liabilities. Under such attractive heads as "Pay your debts without money," this institution Inserted ad vertisements in the newspapers offer Ing lt;s services to the "t'emporarilj embarrassed." and for more than two years has done a thriving business In providing fictitious creditors clalmine such heavy accounts as to reduce an\ debtor's estate to a 10 cents on llu1 dollar basis. Furniturt Unpaid. Liveried porters stood ontslde her mansion In the aristocratic Palermo district where visitors were always mnch impressed with the costly ftimi ture and th« priceless statuary. They usually departed equally impre^ed with the tvaronesS' uncanny si;lll at cards. Her arrest hns led to the dis covery l^at the costly furniture and the 'priceless statuary are not ye* paid for. ;Ever.v day the list or her victims grows longer, as men and women of all classes shamefacedly •come forward to 'confess how Imdly they fell for the wiles of this engaging swindler whose career has been >iMit short by t^ie denunciation of a victim who ungallantly refused t» take his medl cine iike a gentleman and say noth ing about It. George Danner, -farm resident of Harvard, suffered the loss of his fourth finger at the first joint and in addition a lacerated hand when he. was the victim of an aacident while husking corn Nov. 16. Mrs. Elizabeth Kirehberg Butler has been appointed acting postmaster at Crystal Lake by the President, accodring to announcement coming from Washington, D. C. Monday of last week. Mrs. Butler, will succeed Fred E. Rose who. succeeded Harry C, Shales May 1, 1927. > Burglars forced a lock on otie of the windows of the office of the Lake county sheriff, Lester T. Tiffany, last Tuesday night, entered and stole two machine guns, a gas gun, 400 rounds of amunition for the machine guns and several tubes of gas. The window through which entrance was gained-was to the maUi office almc^t directly in front of the door to the receiving room-of the jail where a turnkey is constantly on duty. Ben Rigby, operator of a highway produce stand on Virginia street, in Crystal Lake is practicing throwing, having gathered together a few stones just in case. During the cold weather Mr. Rigby watches his stand from inside his home and when some one drives up, he is out in a jiffy to wait on them. Last week, however, two fellows in a Ford coupe drove up hurriedly, siezed a bowl of eggs on the self-service plan, and were on their way before Mr. Rigby could get out of the house. The Walworth County Agricultural Society will collect $4,019 insurance on the destruction of the floral hall "OWED TO UNCLE SAM" < Unele Sam is my succor, I shall not wpBft; ' • - He leadeth me into foreign pastures^ - Beside the still conferences, \.• ; He hoardeth my gold; . He controlleth my wage, sod reduceth my aCresg^ And raiseth the cost of my daily bneftd. J ' He annointeth my purse with dole, "' i He restoreth my soil with trees * And the bones of infant swine. " , My stein runneth over. He buildeth roads, ploweth under crops, C^ateth Codes, Banks, Bonuses, Funds and Allottroeat;- Pryeth into my business from morn till night, , Flirteth with inflation from week to week. And daily offereth spurious cures for £Hb.' r Though ray taxes forever mount, . " Yea, even though I walk through' . - . The Valley of The Shadow of Debt I will fear no evil, for Thou art with m«; .. 1 ' Thy Boards and Thy Bureaus they comfojrt me. Blessed be the name of Uncle Sam, But may Thy Constitution stand t And Thy pay-day be postponed • ^..towyifr, AMT5N. 1, \cv ' » : , - ,'• . at. ^ „ *• ,. A\r, Jk 1 p and ttee me sometime'* ?.«t may not have discovered This decision was announced by i*1" curvsss^. but she certainly has uncoversurance adjusters after a survey ofi^j i the situation. The fire, which wasj i^pmorous "Darling of Broad* discovered early in the morning of coines again to the El Tovar November 9, completely desta-oyed the ^^^ j^day, Monday and Tuesbuilding, but firemen were able to,^ ^ 4 5> in her latest save the art hall section. So dry were picture, "I'M No Angel." the timbers in the structure that all, gh^j^te H herself and it-s »all a_ that remained of the building was a | ^o^-^jrl who lost her reputation FORESTER LEAGUE Team No. 4 196, but his other game dropped into;P. Freund 148 115 the 150 class. But that was quite a ! Pfannenstfl 132 161 bit •better than our depot agent's first Boley 161 161 attempt. Charlie seems to have gone to the dogs with the Green Bay Pack- E. Thennes E. Conway Total Ths higti school now h*s a season A. J us ten ticket campaign in force. There are | H. Miller ,eight home games scheduled with the L- Heimer ; door price for admission being 35c. A season ticket for adults costs but $1.2T>, so get your arithmetic busy and find out how easy it is to save $1 -55. And don't forget that a penny saved is a penny earned. For the high school and grade school pupils there is the Special rate of 75c, which should enable most of them to attend all the games. The single admission price for pupils is two bits. If you want your ticket delivered just call McHenry 201-J, the high school, and leave yoor'Hame with the ticket committee. That "Be^r-Portsmouth game which {lie Bear® won 17-14 at Wrigley Field last Sunday to retain their lead in the Western Division of the National Foot ball league was packed so full of thrills that' it made the majority of college games look like grade school exhibitions. And Bronko ..Nagurski supplied more than a lion's share of them with the able assistance of a perfectly balanced ter-.mr If the amateur associations would just wake up to the benefits of some of the rule changes the Pros have in force they Steffes 191 195 E. Smith 204 151 Total 836 813 Team So, 1 180 168 154 I 198 217 217 966 Team No. 3 W. Heimer 213 138 G. P. Freund 156 H. Weber . 162 Geo. Justen 167 IL Smith 170 Total ...868 Team No. 2 Stilling 157 157 H. Schaefer 218 170 Hank Schaefer 169 145 G. Weber 165 165 H. Simon 194 170 Total „,903 8C7 154 163 193 147 825 153 162 169 161 783 143-- 406 164-- 457 161-- 483 224-- 610 185-- 670 877--2526 179-- 627 154-- 4§2 148-- 500 191-- 601 178-- 542 850--2641 151--502 145-- 454 162-- 486 224-- 560 164-- 495 846--2497 156^- 469 165-- 553 138-- 452 165-- 495 169-- 533 792--2502 Forester League Standing Team No. 1, 2f>41; No. 2, 2502; No. 3, 2497; No. 4, 2526. Old Timers League Standing Meyers, 17147; Hughes, 16846; Grangers, 16630; Bicklers, 16680. Old Timers Averages far first round: Bickler, 178; Meyers, 177; H. Schaefer, 170; Hughes, 169; Granger" 169; Sutton, 169; Adams, 165; J. Schaefer, 163; A. Barbian, 162; J. would better their own offenses and j "s, 158; G. Johnson, 156; J. thereby provide a better and more ap- i Scnmiitt, 154; F. Covalt, 153; Beavis, pealing type of football. This winter '-52; Wattles, 160; Goodell, 161;, M. meeting of the rule committee should Schmitt, 149; N. Freund, 148; Bevo prove an interesting one. Harriet Betchir Stow* Harriet Beecher Sfowe. author of ""Uncle Tom's Cabin." was brought up is an atmosphere which tended to de- * velop the attitude jof mind revealed to the pages of -this-in'markahle book. She. was the sixth child of Rev. Lyman Iteecher. a New England preacher and •boiltlonjst -who was w«at to appeal to heaven to help "i»M*r. oppressed, bleeding Africa, thai »'ie time of deliverance wtght • Good assprtflaant of Toy* «t Vycitsls. 27 John, 147. pile of ashes, with no uprights standing after the blase. Edwin D. Russell, Chicago, was injured in an automobile accident in Quba township last week Sunday ev&HHig following a day of hunting near Crystal Lake. He was taken the Barrington General hosiptal f°r'aTMj -- - - • severe' and n#v*r missed it." Hub time she plays a modern role, a* Tire, Queen of the Circas, fided and ftJbfeited by tights, hula cosjpmes not, she tames lions and meMMjsi;s. torrid songs, does a "midway mace, rises to fame and fortune __.„lly *Vop8" a handsome clubtreatment. He had received severe | the person of Cary Grant, lacerations over his eyes and was bad- jjel^ arg }^r ^ame and she bags anyly bruised. The accident occurred, it olkfl wants from a small town is reported, when he hit the back J chuftiy to big city society playboys, another car with sufficient force to ^Vest has evert a more colorful Selt Trap Gun, Catches . Wife at Pants Pockets Baltimore. Md.--C. Jerome O'Brien, wealth^ contractor, suing for a partial divorce, told Judge O'Ounne In Circuit court that he had canght his wife plundering his trodsers of loos* change. After that they lived apart-- though under the same roof--ever after, he said. He had ttapped her. he said, with a little patented device Containing a paper firecracker that went oflf with the noise of a .22 caliber pistol "every time his pocket book was touched." Judge O'Dunne examined the wife trap, which consists of a tiny tin bm with spring and firecracker. Then he asked: "Is this « new invention tc catch wives?" Replied Mr. O'Brien grimly: **Ii worked In this case." send his car over an 18-foot embank ment. On landing, the machine struek a public service pole and was practically demolished. The Sinclair Oil Station, Northwest highway in Barnngton, was held up Celebrate Repeal Day at . . Nell's Miniature Ball Room One mile east of McHenry on Route 20 Wednesday, Dec. 6 Ask for your favorite mixed drinks. We have them-- Johnny Walker, etc. EATS--Nell's Reliable Duck Supper--50^ Music by Gus Ueber's Orchestra from Woodstock Leading Beer, & Stein MAKE UP A PARTY AND GO TO NELL'S role irv "I'm No Angel" than in its predecessor "She Done Him Wrong," and utters a succession of breezy wia^graeks which will be heard everywhere'. ifr. Sankstone, manager of the El and robbed last week Saturday night Xoy*T "fheatre, endeavors at all times by four bandits in a black V-8 car | ^ fQrnj8h the best entertainment at who drove up to the station at ! popular prices, and is proud to preo'clock, had their machine filled withjgpn^ gen«ation&] picture. Shows gasoline, calmly walked into the com- ;SurKiay eontjnnou,, from 2:46, 10c and bined service station and restaurant • UT)t5] 6 p.m. 10c and 30c thereand hobbed the eleven customers and aft«. T^on'ti miss seeing this million dollar mama--and worth every penny of itt, Girl Barricacfes Bear in Barn; Helps Kill Him * Quesnel, B. C.--Barricading a black beai behind a broken barn door, after she animal had forced its way Into rh«« building in search of sheep. Feodosl* Lazaroflf. twenty-«»ne. awakened a hired man on her father's farm. 28 miles north of here. She then pointed a flashlight at the b«>ar. hlindint the an imal. while the hired m.in shot and killed It Thie young woman, who slept In the; hayloft, was awakene«l wben the bear entered the barn. She sllppt>d down sin outshle ladder and reinfoned the door .willi heavy planking before -run ning to the house for assistance. Her father.-Paisley Ij»7.:ir<>(T recently had his leg ,amputated, and It if his.,dansrhter's Job to protect tl»e sbeqt. from bears. Find Grim Reminder of Bloody Oregor Massacre 'IfV math Falls Ore.-- A grim reminder of thdlbfiHtdy massacre of m«»rP than 40 women and children of an em igrant train by a war party of Piute Indians near here in the '50s was foiim! recently. An old rifle barrel of the cap and ball type was picked up ofT the shoreof Massacre lake (scene of -the battle) by tourists. . The lock was smashed and the bar rel -bent. The pioneers usually hem the barrels and hrokf the l-K-ks <i!' f heir wea pons to pre\'e« t- India ris fr«H i If you are not getting the heat oat •rsing th»»m of your stove or furnace the reason may be the quality of your coal. If j MAN'S HEART STOPPED, you have trouble, come in and tell U3 what kind of stove or furnade you have and we will gladly tell you what kind of coal will give you the best results. Alexander Lumoer Company- Phone 5. 27 Haad Knitter* ia Shetland There are 8,000 hand knitter* In Shetland, which represents 75 per cent of the total female population of the islands. STOMACH GAS CAUSE W. L• Adams was bloated so with gas that his heart often missed beats after eating. Adlerika rid him of all gas, and now he eats anything and feels fine. Thomas P. Bolger Druggist 1 ' Took It Up Most folks regard work, aa merely one of the words Jiefr the end of the dictionary. employes who were in the station of about $100 in cash and a watch. They then snatched up thirty packages of cigarettes and a raido from the restaurant and^ disappeared down the Northwest highway toward Chicago. Frank Wolfe of Walworth had an unusual, but not unknown, happening last week when a needle which he swallowed 68 years ago was extracted from his right shoulder. Mr. Wolfe fell as he was walking across the flootr mad hurt !hifc fright hip and shoulder- Later when he was taking off his underwear he noticed a pricking sensation in his shoulder. Thoji family questioned him about it ar>d,^ finally called a physician to examine ^ him. He probed about to find t h e i Y ' t r o u b l e and e x t r a c t e d the n e e d l e . I t ] # was intact but a trifle rusty. Mr. Wolfe then remebered that when he was 12 yean lie swallowed a needle. "total! be surprised at the of fuetl saved and the comfort gained *>y installation of Storm Sash, also combination storm and screen doors. Phone us for an estimate of cost. Alexander Lumbeh Company. Phone & 27 FISH FRY FRIDAY NIGHT AUTO INN Brewery Corner, McHenry BABY PIKE ^ ' Cooked Right--Served Rig Ht-«-A|>|>«tiru»g « ^ Fox DeLuxe Beer on Draught .isaiv • WM-#? N O T I C E I wish to announce that I have moved my -optical ,$ffice from the Pries bldg. to the A, E. Nye bldg«, W. McHenry, HOURS--THURSDAY AFTERNOON 1:30 to S:00 Or. Paul A. Schwabe, Optometrist Woodstock Office Hotel Building Phone 674 Leave All Appointments at WYE'S JEWELRY STORE Phone 123-J v-i She Can Shoot, Too >s * Need Money? We Pay Immediate CASH -- FOR -- -v Gold -- Silver - Diamonds Old ring^s, watches, chains, pins, cuff links, brooches, bracelets, dental crowns, bridges, fountain pens, cane heads, napkin rings, spoons Anything Containing Gold or Silver. ~ VJ».' t % 4* •<// Olenuu <'ollctt Vare, whose forte is shootiuK straight on fairways ami greens, ban also do a bit of straight shooting with rifle and shotgun. She Is an accomplished marksman at the traps, and when seeking game on the wing or hoof. Here she Is shown during a match between the trapshooting teams of the Huntington and Valley Forge clubs near Philadelphia. BRING IT IN WE EMPLOY NO SOLICITORS One Day Only Saturday, December 2 12m.to8p.nl. Justen's Hotel, McHenry, 111. .Alcohol. and Bverready at Striling'* Tur» Shop. Pwrtone 25 AMERICAN SCALE WORKS Makers of . Gold Weighing Scales Diamond Tools Gold and SUvar Wankegan, Illinois Operating under Government License No. 468