TE05 M'HKNRY PLAIKDELAER. THTOBtDAY, DEP. 7 , , m • - • . - --. •<• ; v •; • - y } >: 1 ^ , W Win Just a Suggestion or two of Holiday Gifts Our 25 cent Handkerchief is an outstanding value Large Line of House JSUppers for the ? ;• % Whole family. .'uf 'm I' 'A ^S•* • it ' ' t • ... Silk Hose for the Daughter, Wife or Mother Our line is complete and prices are within your • reach. SMITH BROS. Phone 179 McHenry The Big General Merchandise Store Featuring Quality - Minimum prices SLOCFM LAKE Harry Matthews attended a directors meeting of the Lake county farm bureau at Grayslake Tuesday. Mrs. Earl Converse and daughter, Frances, and Miss Dorothy Dowell, accompanied Mr. and Mrs. William Davis and daughter, Frances, to Kenosha, Wis., last Friray. Mr. and Mirs. Philip Wagner of Mundelein spent Monday at the home of Henry Geary. ' Mr. and Mrs. William Darrell and two children of Wellsmere Heights and guests, Mr .and Mrs. Albert Rothier and son, William, of Mineral Pt., Wis., spent Friday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. Matthews. Mr. and Mrs. *John Deinlein and family of Libertyville and Mrs. Louisa Gruebman and children of Lake Zurich spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and MrS. Fred Nordmeyeiv Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Brooks and son, Chesney, spent last Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Ella Parks at Park Ridge. Mr.'and Mm Walter Norchneyer of Grayslake, Mr. and Mrs- Irving Nordmeyer and daughter, Verpene, of Harrington and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Nordmeyer and daughter, Bemice,. and son, Eayl, Were .sguests Thanksgiving day at the hqme of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Nordmeyer". John Nest ad spent' Thanksgiving day with friends at Waukegan. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Geary and children, Mr. and Mrs. John Zimmer and Henry Geary were guests Thanksgiving day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Zimmer at Palatin.e Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Esping spent Thanksgiving day and Friday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. LaDoyt Mat- Pi propr _ MEN AND BOYS The time is gowiii#: very'near iiorw' when you will be thinking of what to give Father, Hus-j hand, Son, Brother or 44Boy Friend" for Christmas. This store can provide the answers. New Suit or Overcoat, Shoesya Snappy Tie or Shirt, Muffler, new Hat or. Cap, Sweaters. Hosiery, Pajamas^ Underwear, Garters, Slippers, Hath Robe, and many other gifts; Make your selections n<*w and we will hold them until you want them. . SHOP EARLY and MAIL EARLY Green Street McGEE'S McHenry, Illinois thews at Forest Park. Mrs. Matthews is ill at her -home. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Darrell and Mr. and Mrs, William Darrell and daughter, Marylin, and son, George, were dinner and supper guests on Thanskgiving day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews. Other supper and evenirg guests were Mr. and Mrs. Albert Rotheir and son, William, of Mineral Point, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. John Blomgren and Mr. and Mlfc,. Raymond Lusk and daughter, Pffy Lou, of Maple Park were guests Thanksgiving day at the home of ^tr. and Mrs. George Lundgren at Wauconda. Mrs. Clara Smith and Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Williams and son, James Howard, of Crystal Lake spent Thanksgiving day at the home of Mrs. Emily Smith at Edison Park. Mr. and Mrs?. Elmer Esping spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Geer at Moline. Miss Margaret Esping returned home with them ard will spend a few weeks at the home of Mr. and Mrs. LaDoyt Matthews at Forest Park; Mr. and ;Mrs. Ray .Dowelland daughters were busmess caller? at Antioch and Waukegan last Saturday. ashingtonl Letter City Council Proceeding^ The Wasington, December 6--With the dust of controversy swirling around official Washington on subjects ranging from yrold,, relief schemes, and liquor policies down to political jobs Room, Dee. 4, City Council met in regualr Mayor Doherty presiding. Aldermen present: Barbian, JIBS ten, Kreutzer, Overton, Schaefer, Wattles. Absent: none. Motion by Barbian, seconded by Wattles, that the minutes of the last regular and adjourned meetings be approved as read. Motion carried. Motion by Overton, seconded by Kreutzer, that the Treasurer's report be approved as read, showing a balance of $7134.91-» Motion carried. | Motion by Kreutzer, seconed by Moit is idle to expect abatement for Schaefer, that the Collector's report months. In fact the convening of Congress in January will only increase the confusion as they harangue and re-.shape existing laws. The Administration has adroitly transferred the ultjmat^ responsibility for the be accepted as- read. Motion carried. Motion by Justen, seconded by j Kreutzer, that the Clerk's report be] accepted as read. Motion carried. j Motion . by Justen, seconded by paving and Sanitary Water tion earned. Motion by4 Overton, seconded by Wattles, that the distribution of refund on Elm street be made as prorated and any assessments unpaid on this property be deducted before the refunds are made. Motion carried. Motion by Justen, seconded by Kreutzer, to adjourn to the call of the Mayor. Motion carried. PETER J. DOHERTY, Mayor. PETER A. NEISS, City Clerk . Wlen is the official name of tK* ! ital of Austria, and the word ts pronounced "veen." Austrians, unless they are versed in foreign practices, know nothing of Vienna. Therefore the capital of that republic is printed Wien (Vienna). Likewise we find Istanbul (Constantinople) and many others. > ' POTPOURRI Most Hideous Animal - What is said to be the most hideous of all living animals is the mandrill. It is a ferocious member of the baboon-family . and inhabits West Africa. It grows to huge proportions. Even when kept in captivity until full grown it remains very savage. They live in groups and walk on all fours. ©. 193JI, Western Newspaper I'nion. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCHES "<1od the Only Cause and Creator" was the subject of the Ix»ssi>n-Sernion in ail Churches of Christ.-Scientist, on Sunday. December 8. The (.olden Text was. am the Lord, your Holy One. the creator of Israel, your King" (Isaiah 4."»:15'>. Among the eitntions which comprised the I jesson Sermon was the followiug from the Bible: "Thou. feven thou, art I-ord alone: thou hast made heaven, the hen von of heavens, with all_their host, the, earth, and all things that are therein, tlte seas, and all that is therein, and thou presorvest them all; and the host of heaven wor«Jilpi»eth thee" (Nehemiah O :6'. The Lesson-Sermon also Included the. following passages from the Christian Science textbook. "Science and Health with Key to the Script UK's." by Mary Raker Ktidy: "The starting-point of dnine Science is that <Jod. Spirit, is All-in-all. and that there is no other might nor Mind.--that (»od is Love, a ml therefore Ue is divine J'riue-iple" (P> 275 Y. & ^ V ^ s&tfW.'Sfip FURNITURE i i n i i The Lasting Gifts for the Whole Family A Gift for Any Man! Chair Ensemble ,;'C;.V Three Useful Pieces! Pad, husband or sweetheart will enthuse over this contribution to his comfort! The big, luxurious chair is made for rest and relaxation. Handsomely - covered in a choice of upholsterings. Together with drop leaf table and attractive pottery lamp. T": SHOP EARLY and MAIL EARLY HERE ARE A FEW SUGGESTIONS Dining Room and Living Room Suites, Bedroom Suites, Breakfast Sets, Hoover Vacuums, Thor Washers, Carpet Sweepers, Inner Spring Mattresses, Mirrors, Ladies' Desks, Ferneries, Card Tables, Radio Benches, Pier Cabinets, Smoking Stands, What-Nots, CostumenC PRETTY END TABLES A pleasing style -tit a pleasingly moderate price! A useful remembrance. She Will Enjoy Sewing Cabinet REMEMBER THE KIDDIES SLEDS OHAIRl GO-CARTS STABLE SETS TRICYCLES GREEN STREET McHENRY, ILL. tne Ultimate respopsimmy lor tne , Kreutzer, to table the pavinp control of . the revived liquor traffic 1 sewer Special Assessment Bills on tlv* with the legislative body. The an-^Hey in West McHenry. Motion carimosities that may jrrow out of this >ied. issue are limitless. A stop-gap plan; Motion by Schaefer, seconded by for the creation of a Federal Alcohol Barbian, that the following bills be Control Administration is deliberately pai<i as read and. approved-by the fidk? signed to make Congress work out jna,nce committee. Motion carried- ' the details for permanent measures; | Qeo, Meyers, spread, cinders . $ ' 4 f>0 A1 Smith, once-styled by Franklin Get>. Bohr, legal blanks^ Roosevelt as "The Happy Warrior" J. B. Wirti; marshal.. is living up to this soubriquet. Smith, W. C: Feltz, caretaker ^-........."100.00 as editor of a national magazine, has_Edw.. Mischke, polk«jv!;...:........ 95.00 directed his fii'e on money and public &. N. Niesen, Supt. : 50.1)0 work polices of the Administration. P. A. Neiss, com. post, tel. ...; 37.25 His pithy criticism is undoubtedly H. C, Kamholz, sup, wat wits.. 4.10 crystallizing opinion which has been Plaindealer, licen. not- 'slits.'*;.-., 4.r>.ri brewing under the surface in many Mort Ritt, rep. st. clock ....U.. ; 3.00 sections. The Smith trick of "let us McH. Art. Stone Co., sidewalk.. 3.80 look at the record" so familiar to Alexander Lumber Co., Coal... 11.02 millions of voters, is utilized to ar- Ixmis Althoff, bracket 1.25 rest attention. Whether or not he is Buchert's Sen'. Sta- sop. lab. WW .12.52 prompted by personal hostility to the Overton & Cowen, welding, etc 12.3S President or a better motive--the McH. Flour Mills, hose con. .... 2.00 j nuhlic service, the fact is inescapable; Mayme Buss, com., etc. 38.31 Smith is making the public think McH. Lumber Co., coal ; l0.071 more intimately about the conduct of -111. Bell Tel. Co., service..'2.25 i the national government. And therein Pub. Serv. Co., st. lights ....... 150.1 ti lies the danger to the promoters of Pub. Serv. Co., st. lights ll!>.22 various recovery schemes. Smith's Pub. Serv. Co., pow. at sew. lift 27.2»> broadsides are making officials more The Garlock Pack. Co., packing 27.»>2 cagey in shaping their plans. They G. A. Mavon & Co., city hall in. 56.<>0 now must consider a .frank critic who R. A. Kent, truck ins 15.62 has the public's ear. The Republi- John Stilling's Tire Shcp, j cans, however, are chortling with glee j Storage and gasoline ...... 13.78 at this prorounced schism in the Dem-; Motion by Breutzer, reconded by ; ocratic ranks on economic issues. Justen, to have the letter from the; They hope to cash in with this split as a basis for their 1934 Congressional campaign propaganda. The great American thirst which will be relieved beginning this week is expected to give the government a wedge toward re-opening foreign markets to our agricultural and do* mestic products. The newly created Federal Alcohol Control Administration estimates that/twenty million gallons of spirics and fifteen million gallons of *wines\ will be reouired t ) assuage parched throats in addition to the domestic production during- the next year- The government ha.VTnade it clear to importers that the volume is contingent on the ability of our poli ticians and diplomats to negotiate favorable tariffs with countries prepared to export these beverages to America. There is so much confusion as to regulations that several diays will be required to cut the red tape and permit the shipment of foreljpn liquors and wines. Not over one million of sufficiently aged liquors are available today. Commissioner Doran expects that a large portion of this sptnial stock will be blended with new products in order to meet the postrepeal demand. No doubt the bargain on tarrifs is a scp to the "dry" rural sections. , The dressmakers and the tailors of the Capitol are interested commercially in the beginning of the new roeial season. The first of a series of formal receptions will be held at the White House Thursday when the President and Mrs. Roosevelt* will receive the members of the Diplomatic Corps. Invitations to this function are eagerly sought by resident society as well as the newcomers to official life. It is supposed to be the most swanky of all official receptions held at the Executive Mansion. This gathering gives the high-hat boys at the State Department many hours of worry because a slight error may result in international complications. The diplomats insist on being received apcording"# to their rating. There are many new faces in the Diplomatic Corps and practically a new galaxy of government officials because this is the Roosevelt Administration's first formal function. Everybody is interested in the weather and the reliability of weather forecast. To glance nt the skies and" note the trend of the wind is a universal habit,-which Is seldom broken. Therefore it is of particular interMt to the millions of citizens to note that a special committee of scientists have recommended the adoption of modern methods in the system of weather forecasting. The development of aviation and radio as "well as scientific agricultural methods have made the weather a vital factor. This special committee ha§ recommended to the government that provisions be made at once for extending the 33?, called air-mass analysis method over the United States. It is significant to rote that the committee believes that 1*mger range forecasting so important ia) farmers, and particularly fruit growers, should become more popular The air-mass analysis methods have made rapid progress in Europe, and their adoption in this country is expected to eliminate much of what the' public regards as guessing on the part of weather forecasters. This analysis will be supplemented in other sections of the country by pertinent surface data; HINTS Santa Clans will be at tfiis store Saturday, December 16 to greet all of his little friends. Remember the date. Kiddies is now read^'!^^your-inspection^ Tree Lights, set of 8 . ... Electric Lighted Trucks 16-iiL Rubber Dolls, with Ls^ttfis Kiddie Cars r*?"- +4- ^ Large Coaster Wagons mc 25e $2-80 $1.15 $2-98 Toys--Sleds--Coaster Wagons--Dt>ll£--Dishes, the youngsters. SUGGESTIONS FOR THE HOME Pyrexware Flower Vases Chromium Trays Flower Pots Chromium Relish Dishes Mixing Bowls Copper Wall Bracket* Cannister Sets- Copper Whistling; Carving Sets Tea Kettle % Wm. H. Althoff Htfwe Corner U. S. 12 and Main Street, McHenry IF YOU FIND A GASOLINE AT ANY PRICE THAT STARTS QUICKER THAN TAILOR-MADE AROMAX SKELLY WILL BUY YOU 10 GALLONS FREE l)om t mi.** thr Trri niir<,nlin*i:Utl Air Itm-o in it Jiiuiule Allen lf lralV lite Cnie/i in Your Offer? ) Plaindealers for sale at Wattles. Coarult thejiisi ,E«h 9if Except SaLand Sua. .WlDAK, Kauwi* Cuv . 6:1? KMOX. «i Luuii . . fcOO WOW. Omaha . . ... 6:15 WOC WHO. Oct Vfoinct6:30 KU Denver .... <M>0 WCCO, MiniiejM** 6:15 WIlH. Madikon . • 6:JO KVOO. TuU-. M T-W. 6:15 Sunday* t>:OQ aad 6:15 . Q «Qi5. SW«lly Oil Co. Thrnr no f atrh. ITP hare thv ya&4>tinr to hark it up Try. k. Tc*t >•• back if vow think Skclb TTwt's th^ SkelW offer. Uaring? \Vk But SLolly tailt»r-M«Lea AromaV for quirk starting: for tliid mmith ia this elate. We know fMclW b»« qttirkly it i>tart». V( •* »aut vuu to know, make an ufTcr uu which tou can't lose. -" Ktiy lO gallons of Skelljr Arouia.\ Gasoline. Get a Sk«'IU oiler receipt. On tlie next few morning*, as you •ferp on the ftlarter. notice the starting time. Then, if vou have ttsed auy otlier w« ll know it gasoline at any prie« •lint «tarti* fn»ter in similar weather, pet IkicJv from Skellj fMir ntouey to buy 10 gallons of the other gasoline. Thal'tt simple, and fair, and to the point- (II JOUR ITAK HOLTL* I 2 |T«'LONA «R L««I, #NLTRV (M )M«fd Olt i( KlIloiM.) Costs Ia's.% U* Start Skellv has tested llie •Urtinji tiinei* of all miihlle- At zero, only 73% mm much >krlly Ar<Mii«\ i« n«*eile«l U> «Url at. the average of the 10 neXI IM-»I g:itnliarii. At zero, aifto, text* show tailor-made Skelly needs only ,'i ? revolutions to Ktart in the average ear ill good condition. Mo»i other ^a»oline« need from 4 to 10, and some a* iuan> a> uikI 40. I Slow starting rod* money. Twelve Marts with poor Hanoline I'liiMiimi' e«oii{;li lo take you a mile. Kntterien run iliiwu (>a*tolin<* llooti^ iuto the erank-case, thinning your motor oil. All that r<>-tn vou money. You Can't Lose Yon needn't ichange your carburetor "for winter, and Arn for till miner. Skellv changes the gasoline--tailor-makes itlfor yo«i» to give you summer like results all the year around. Skellv takes all the risk on thi« offer. If you thiok Tour former gaixiline proves best, Skelly pay s, so you wis. If Skellv Aroiuax proves to be fattiest starting, you win easily, for jrou have found the gasoline that is tailormade for yon. And you are ready for below aero temperatures. But this offer means nothing to you--until you make the test. Do that at once. Kemeiuber, you can't lose. (Skelij Oil CocBj>«uj rctrrTM the right tv withdraw liu* offtr at U»«.) 70 Octane, Of Course. Tailor-Madc Sk«ttv AfoaMS Oaeoline it Ml 70 octMM, . meantnf of coune, Kixfofet , liuti knock rating. TO i% fb# Iniximum tnti-kOiKk rating lor nuvtc rteguUr-friuitf fu* clinc*. which >:ive vou high anti-knock QuatiCv hv lime method uwd ia m>m tftmiuai gatotiAM. But 70cn:fane hat notfiiiNl to do wrth the winter scan* in* ^ualitic« of S6» Skellv Taik>r-M^ke« Arv^mti (or nHir o^u jnd *Ottf (iwn chamrin^ <*Mcl>er (liiioni, bcs»id«r> >1OV hi .hen am « K » tof n!cj>c pcrtK-s WILL BUY YOU 10 ANY GASOLINE AT STARTS G A L L O N S IF A N Y P R I C E 312>I> % ' TAILOR-MADE FOR ILLINOIS FBEUND OIL CO., West McHenry GARAGE 1--ftM, Wept MdUnry ADAMS & FREDSD F«arl St., M«Hfnrjr I t BOKFffflfl