Clip This Conpoa This coupon and 50 cents entities the holder to 2 Fall Saaday Dinners it BETTY'S it Lily Lake SUNDAY. DEO. 17TH fcttween the hours of • 11 and 7 o'clock GOOD ATTENDANCE AT CHRISTIAN MOTHERS PARTY About 160 people were in attendance at the baked ham supper served by the Christian Mothers at St, Marys church hall Sunday evening. Card* furnished entertainment for the evening with twerty-four tables in play and prizes in five hundred were won by Anton P. TYeund. Mrs. Peter Winegart, Mrs. Jack Thies, Mrs. F. Blake and Mrs.°°Jacob Schaefer; the prizes in bridge went to Mrs. Gritzmacher and Mrs. Simon Stoffel and in bunco to Bernice Justen and Lucile Simon. A quilt given by Mrs. Simon Michels was given to Mrs. P A. Freund. HOME BUREAU MEETING The Ringwood unit at the Hone Bureau met at the home of Mr?. Cha?. Peet Tuesday, Dec. i>, for an all-day ] / r'-i- HARD TIMES PARTY Hard times proved to be happy tim»S at the Hard Times St. Nicholas party at which the ladies of the American Legion Auxiliary were hostesses on Wednesday evenng of last week. . , „ „ Bingo was played during the evening ^The annual tneetmg of. McHenry, us*#^ ,wei* won, tiiapter. 0. E- S., was held Monday wy,j]e pr;Zes for the most appropriate evrmngf "frith election of officers as <.ostUmes went to Fiances Michels and tbe important ^usirnws of the meet- pred c Schoewer. Dancing conclud- Clwlbttews EASTERN STAR ELECTS McHBKRY GETM< AeconBot; to made last week UNTY TO CWA JOBS an announcement t. Woodstock, Mc- Henry county will be given an aditional quota of 161 men for work under the CWA program. This will ra\se the total from 673 to 824. - Ths allotment will come from the new quot£ of 45,000 to the state. It wag esti? mated that by last Saturday here would be 555 of this quota at work throughout the county. J. C. Pierce of Woodstock is chairman of the McHenry county reemployment committee. About fifty-five of the men are now m inf. Officers elected were: . Worthy Matron--Ftwcw' Vycltttt.; ^Verthy Patron--Lisle Bassett. . ; •'-'Associate Matron---Mra. Xiulu • • • ® h > n t x . ' A : . ' ed the evening and refreshments wet* served. SOCIAL WHEEL ELECTS Members of the Social Wheel have ?: ;• "Associate Wtro«UJ>r< C. W. Kloiit*] ^^ted officers for another year with ' •Conductress- Mrs. Minnie Martin. ] Minnie Miliar re-eleeted as presi- , Associate Conductress--Mrs. Fk>it-.dent; Mrg c W. Goodell, vice-presifcfcl Vogel. *ident; Mrs. F. A. Hitchens, secretary; , Secretary--Mrs. Emma Fay. Mrs. Frank Hughes, assistant secre- TreasuTcr--Mrs. Alice Lindsay. I^y ara> Mrs. H. M. Stephenson, Installation of officers will be held treasurer. The society will not meet Saturday night, Jan. 6. < i until after Christmas." McHenry chapter, O. E. S., will, sponsor a Christmas party Saturday BENEFIT PARTY evening for members and their friends ! 0n 8^,.^ ewnJnp the members and Masons ar-d their families. Each of McHenry chapter, O. E. S., sponone is to brinfj something t§ serve g0red a card party for the benefit nf co-^e€ an<i * ten-cent wrapped fund of the chapter. Six gift to be exchanged. tables of cards and bunco «ere .in : play with a prize for each table. RETURN FROM TEXAS Lisle Bassett returned home Friday from a several weeks trip and visit in Houston, Texas. He was accompanied by Henry Vogel, Sr., and Wm. H. Motley, both of Richmond. On their return trip they arrived in Springfield Wednesday and spent Thursday in sight-seeing and attending the legislature. A total of 8,300 miles was covered and the trip was a most interesting one. *Q» CHRISTMAS PARTY The Catholic Daughters* of America held their regular business meeting meeting with fifteen members present jen Monday evening, December 11, at A pot luck dinner was served at noon. K. C. hall. Plahs were completed for The making of inexpensive Christ- the Christmas tree party to be field mas gifts was the topic of the. fore- on next Monday evening, December noon. The afternoon meeting was 18, in the K. C. hall at 7:20 o'clock called to order by Mrs. F. A. Hitchens, sharp- 1 a song was sung and roll call was re- j The party this year will be for sponded to by candy receipes. The j members and their invited, small chairmen of the various projects gave guests. There will be a program apinteresting reports. „ ^ propriate for the season and mem- A party was planned to be held bers will please follow the usual custhe last week in December. Mrs. torn of arranging with Santa for in- Clara Sweeny, home advisor, gave a dividual gifts for the children they talk on upholstering and arrangement bring. / of furniture. i it was voted to present the amount f-- - (of twenty-five dollars to the local workinP at the state fish hatchery nt MOTHERS CLUB (.branch of the United Charities for, sPrin« Grove, forty-nine are working Th* Mothers club will me&t ^rfday distribution of Christmas dinrter bask-1 a city improvement project at afternoon in Woodman ball. Each ets, thus dispensing with the former Crystal Lake, twenty-two are working member is asked to bring a gift or custom of tftte C. D. of A., in deliver- pn * Cary project and others are toy that will be donated to the local, ing same. . [working on the highways of the counrelief society to be used in Christmas The members at the meeting ex-i^ baskets. , pressed surprise When they learned: The road Work consists of clearing Each member is also asked to bring that McHenry county has not yet re-j highways of brush and weed?, a small donation of food to be used ceived the benefit ; pf the new sales-j ditchirtg and other work and is ternin preparing a basket for some needy tax. . . • ' jporary emergency work to give 'men family for Christmas. • I .The next social meeting will be held immediate employment. As soon as Each member is asked to come jprs- Wednesday evening, Dec. 27, and will °ther proposed projects arte approved pared .to give a short CSuSitifta?' be the "Christmas Gift Exchange j'i' the state, men will be taken off rhyme, soitg or stoiry. , ;'f i I>rty.^ Each member will bring a ^ gift; to' be pi-esented by rum be r to :: PHILATHEA CLUB ' .• mother.':-. Tjieee gifts are tl^ally in- • Hie Phlathea club met this Thurs- Thore^ will be card games, day afternoon at the home of Mrs, L. a"d ^ *0l»- J. kcCracken. The afternoon was asks the members to trj' to be spent in singing Christmas carols and at the hall at 7:30 p. m. and endeavor in completing the hemming of towels'^ .a attendance to make this which are ordiered. The president * 8UCCesl>- ' ^ wshes to expres§ her appreciation to; : • in embers of the club for the fine! ^IVERVIEW ELECTS OFFICESS manner in which they co-operated and The annual meeting of Riverview helped at the bazaar, dinner and sup- Camp, R. N. A., Was held Tuesday per of last week. | with the following officers LINGER ' The Linger Longer club met at the ' „/ T."11 home of Mrs. Ray Howard Friday. A . ' few, pleasant hours were spent in bun- | oo with prizes awarded to Mrs. Rafri Mrs- Fred Schoewer and j The next meet-! evening •* elected: Oracle--Mrs. Calla Perkins. Past Oracle--Mrs. Agnes Wer.t- NEIGHBORHOOD CLUB Mrs. G W. Hes> entertained mem bers of the Neighborhood club at hef , Howard, home Thursday evening. Bridge was Mrs. Charles Mertea. played and prizes were awarded to | ing of the club will take place next Miss Clara Stoffel, Miss Lena Stoffel and Mrs. E. E. Bassett. Vice Oracle--Mrs. Dorothy Nickels. Chancellor--Mrs. Ella Gans. Recorder--Mrs. Maud RoUf^ytel^i Receiver--Franees Vycital. Marshal--Gertrude Weber. Assistant Marshal •-- Mrs. Albert CHRISTMAS PARTY Members and thtfir children and the juveniles of Pviverview camp, R. N. A. CTjjoyed the annual Christmas party at K. C. hall Friday evening. Santa Clauli was present and brought a trfeat for the children and a gift for everyone. Everyone was young again •lid games trere enjoyed by young and old. AUXILIARY TO MEET DEC. 21 The next meeting of the American Legion Auxiliary will be held in the Legion hall next Thursday night, Dec. 21. LEGION HOLDS MEETING MtoBenry Post of the American Legion held its meeting Monday night. The Post will entertain the McHenry County council in January. M. E. CHURCH You are invited to attend services at the M. E. church every Sunday. Sunday school, 10 a. m. Morning worship, 11 a- m. Sermon "What's Wrong With the World." PINOCHLE CLUB Mr. and Mrs. Albert Purvey entertained members of their pinochle club at their home Sunday evening. Three tables were in play and prizes were Bring in your Christmas tree lights awarded to E- R. Sutton, Mrs. Albert j for free testing. New bulbs can be Krause. Dr. G. W. Hess and Albeit purchased here. Gary Electric Shop. Krause. 29-2 .•* Mrs. / Margaret Thursday evening at the home of Mrs. v , Frank Meyg. ; r K. C. VOLLEY BALL LEAGUE | ^oITter' Sentinel--Laura Weber. All four teams are nicely bunched Managers -- Barbara Weber and Director lire. Alice in the race and anything can happen. Bohr. Tuesday night the two leaders were Juvenile' beaten with Schaefer's team giving jj^avis the Jeaders a trimming 68 to 60. , Assistant Director--Mrs. Borothy Standings--Knox, 272; Unti, 262; Nickels Sutton, 254; Schaefer, 241. PUBLIC CARD PARTY JURORS ARE NAMED Mr^Joe Friend will ^ lie card party at Justen s hotel Wed- at the court house at Woodistock the road work and put io work on th? new projects. , At a meeting of the county re-employment committee at "Woodstock on Wednesday evening of last week it was decided that those who were receiving relief at the time they were employed be continued in such employment and that anyone employed who does not qualify under the CWA ruling be replaced! by; those who do qualify. Supervisor Johg T. O'Brien is the chairman of the county Relief and C WA committee. After those taken from relief rolls have been given work, the ex-servic,y men with dependents will come next and the remainderthe men will be ^elected from townships in various manners^ It is estimated that 2,000 men will register in the county under the CWA program. The largest number to register is at Crystal Lake where 588 have registered, of this number 270 are from Crystal Lake, eighty-three from Huntley, eighty-nine from Algonquin, eighty-six from Cary and seventyfrom Fox River Grove- ! Harvard has 313 names which covers Chemung, Dunham and Alden townships. At Woodstock a total of 305 have registered, which takes in Dorr, Hartland, Greenwood and part of Seneca townships. In McHenry a total of is a large were P!ck^ Friday Lumber considering all are from one neaday afternoon, Dec. 20, for the (Those chosen from McHenry township Nearly every township Has one or more projects under consideration. . m * i. Richmond has made application to en- \ ,The ""f ,a""Ty ,of court w,U mark the start of th. larlre the town hall in that villas. geyeraJ „orth„M(, projects have new cm! practice act, which is inten-]Wn 5„bmjtted antI i( th throllBh ded to speed up and simpMy pro- it wi]] mean that mary public imbenefit of the McHenry^ Township ^ ape George Smith, Carl Bickler and Emergency Belief association. Priiss. I William Justen. PAST ORACLES MEET Mrs. George Johnson, Mrs. E- E. Bassett and Mrs. Carrie Ensign attended the McHienry county meeting of the past oracles at Algonquin Tuesday. A Christmas party was enjoyed and gifts exchanged. BOLGER'S WEEK-END DRUG SALE Friday and Saturday--Only--Dec. 15 and 16 cedixre in the circuit court. MERRYMAKERS The Merymakers met at the home of Mrs. Jacob Justen Wednesday afternoon. Cards were played and the prizes were won by Mrs. Stephen F. Schmitt, Mrs. Albert Vales and Mrs- Frank Masquelet. The next meeting will be with Mrs. Peter A~, Freurid on Jan.. 10., i $1.25 Lily r Hot Water Bottle or Fountain Syringe . 69C -11 i • *:r-' t •? $1.00 Rem COUGH SYtttf Special 69<^ iftegfular 25c KOTEX Sale Price 2 25^ | 25c Dr. West's TOOTH PAST* 2 for 25^ 85c Jad Salts • .v-l •; 25c Sani Flush . 1.......... „.. $1.50 Super D. 0, L. Oil $1.00 Ov<ine - _ ' 50c Yeast Foam Tablets Pint Rubbing Alcoh^J Pint Witch Hazel 35c Vick's Vapo llttb .. .... .. .... $1.00 Pepsodent Antiseptic . 50c Lysol Five Pounds Bath Salts 50c Feenamint Gum : $1.20 Bromo Seltzer 60c Woodbury's Cold Cream $1.00 Coty's Face Powdor 90c Pint Virgin Olive Oil 56d 75c lb. Tip Top or Plough Boy 63<^ 30c Bromo Quinine Cold Tablets 19c 45c Quart Pluto Water 27k^ $1.40 qt. Glo Coat FjLoor Wai: 98<^ 60c Bag Balm ,^43^ 75c Squibb's ViosteroJ^5-cg^l...50^ $1.50 Pinkham's Vegetable Co. 98^ 100 McKesson Aspirin Tablets 49 50c Hinds' Houay ^ Almond 25c KLEENBX 2 for 33<? C. 0. F. CHRISTMAS PARTY Members of St. Clara's Court W. C. O. F., will hold their Christmas provements will be made in the next two months. McHenry county has 1,000 miles, of road, it is said. "BOWERY" AT MILLER THEATRE, DEC. 17-18-19 "The Bowery." roaring romance of bad old New York in the 'BO'S and bygone days-- Did Steve Brodii* jump from Brooklyn Bridge or was his iump a phoney? "The Bowery" brings back to life many of the real characters of the Bow«ery days. Wallace Beery, Georer1 i party Wednesday- evening, Dec. 20. i Raft and Jackie Cooper* ita thn^? Cream 30c Kolynos Tooth Paste ..... 21<^ 25c Listerine Shaving Cream.17^ 50c Colgate's Brilliantine 33^ <X.7S Bell of Nelsoa Whiskey Blend .; *i.X9 n Bt. Regis Electric HEATING PAD $4.00 pad. Sale $2-33 Members will exchange gifts and are also to bring gifts for the childn n who ace their guests. PERSONALS Mia Eleanor Kinsala of L^e and Miss Marguerite Kinsala of Winstars, play, respectively, Chuch Connors, &teve Brodie and Swipe«, th" newsie. George Walsh plays John L. Sullivan. Lillian H&rmer is Carrie Nation, Fay is Lucy Calhoun, rescued from white slavers and Pert Kelton i". Trixie. the Bowery Queen. « In "The Bowery" Steve Brodie again does his jump from the Brooknetka spent Sunday in the home of ,, • j r»u -u r> » * tthheeiirr iniaarroennttss,. Mrr.. aanndd Mrrss.. HHe.nnrrvy !Vn.Bnd^- ?huch Conn°rs' .fam°^ Kinsala. Miss Kate McLaughlin, Thomas McLaughlin, William Doherty, Sr., and James Doherty visited at Ringwood Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Blake have moved from the J. J. Vasey house to a house on Green street. PONDS KX 65c Pond's COLD CREAM Sale 49<^ 60c SYRUP OF FIGS Special at THOMAS P. BOLGER ~ - » Cl|riatmaa £biox* McHanry, lUinoU UNEMPLOYED TEACHERS Any unemployed teachers in the McHenry Community high school district who wish to register for employment under the Federal program for emergency relief in education should register with C. H. Duker, ?uperaatendent of the local high school Ethel C. Coe, County, Supt. CARD OF THANKS The Lady Foresters desire in this way to express their thanks to E. W. Johnson, manager of the Empire theatre, for co-operating with them in c l o s i n g , the t h e a t r e on the nights of' their play, "Hie World's All Right." i *29 honky tonk is seen going full blast, John L. Sullivan fights his fights and the girls of the Bowery Beef Trust have their little fling. The Miller theatre in presenting "The Bowery" Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. CARD OF THANKS Wet wish to extend our thanks and appreciation to the McHenry fire department also the friends and neighbors who so kindly assisted us during our recent loss by fire. MR. AND MRS. WAYNE BACOK. CARD OF THANKS The McHenry branch of the American Red Cross desires to thank all members of the committee of workers who put on the annual roll call and completed it in so satisfactory a manner. "i - ""CHRISTMAS CARDS A. box of 21 beautiful engraved Cfcn*tma» Cards for 75 cents at the 91aiit4ea)er office. * "Living FmsII" Ant D!ie6¥ir»i The discovery ol' a "living fossil" ant ip Australia anew the venerableness of the ant family. One hundred million years ago they had developed social order which might W*ll hpve served as a model (Af BMI)'*. PariaiMia Proriaaiad Nearly two-thirds of the population of Parts is said to liav* «Ma« from the (Jray suede leather Jerkin with sleeves and skirt matching gray ribbed knit heightened with a blouse of re<I wool. The Tyrolean hat has a gay re l feather. POTPOURRI * Marble Contrary to the belief held by onrn.v, marble is only of medium hardness and ft can, therefore, be easily worked In sculpturing. Marhie differs from limestone only In that it has been crystallised and purified, .by prehistoric heat. The fact that the crystals are so small and numerous is the reason the stone Is so beautiful when polished. ®. 1911, WMt«rn K«wsp»per llploa. RAILWAYS REDUCE FARES TO CLERGY As part of the program to greatly stimulate railway passenger tnmd it has been announced that clergy fares are being reduced from 37 per cent to •r>8 Per cent The holder of a clergy certificate traveling in sleeping cars will pay a rail fare of only a cent and a half a mile, while in coaches the fare of one cent a mile will prevail. CHRISTMAS CARDS A box of 21 beautiful engraved Christmas Cards for 75 cents at the Plaindealer office. FARM HOME NEAR . . '• WAUCONDA BURNJ} The home of Wayne Bacon near Wauconda was completely destroyed by fire Monday morning and all of its contents burned. Mrs. Bacon had taken her husband to work at a nearby farm and when she returned found the house in /lames. " . , V The fire had already been seen by hunters who put in a4 call for the M<ji- Henry fire department, which save4 other buildings from the, flames. It was impossible -to save anything ijft the house. Subscribe for The Plaindealer. Say you read it in THE PLAINDEALER.. X&,>: Belger's Drug Store Christmas and New Years Greeting Cards • As usual we have the most complete line of seasonable greeting- cards to be found in this locality. Cards of all kinds, all prices and in several different language^ 7We urge you to famine our line before buying. BOLGER'S THE GREETING CARD STORE i Candy for Christmas WHITMAN'S JULIA KING'S JOHNSTON'S ANDERSON'S PAGE & SHAW'S BOLGER'S SPECIAL CHOCOLATES All Attractively Decorated in Yuletide Wrappings CHRISTMAS HARD CANDIES 20<£ pound WEEK-END CANDY SPECIAL--Pound of Brach's Chocolate Covered Cherries 39^ Xmas Tree Decorations String of Eight Varicolored Lights Complete 49^ Extra Bulbs for Tree Light Strings ... ' V TreeSnom ^ 10^ Outdoor 16-Light Xmas Tree Strings, with flicker $4.50 Outdoor 8 Large Light String $3-00 Christmas Tree Decorating Cotton, lb. 49c EVERYTHING FOR THE XMAS TREE -- BOLGER'S Buy Him Smoking Supplies for Christmas Possibly the most practical gift you can buy for & man is something in the smoking accessory line. Cigars, Cigarettes, Pipe Tobaccos, Cigarette Holders, Cigarette Lightcfs, Tobacco Pouches, Cigar and Cigarette Cases and Pipes. The cigars and cigarettes are attractively decorated in Christmas wrapping and we personally know of no better gift than tobacco for a man. JOLGIR'S THE JWBACM S^ Liquors for the Holidays We have in stock some of the Finest Domestic and Imported Liquors in existence. BOTTLED IN BOND WHISKIES BRANDIES RUMS WHISKEY BLENDS WINES OF ALL KINDS * VERMUTHS and GINS Week-end Liquor Special $1.75 Belle of Nelson Whiskey Blend $1.19 Cameras, Photograph Albums and Scrap Books These items make a Christmas gift which will be long remembered and appreciated. We have the full line of Eastman and Ansco Cameras in stock. The prices are greatly reduced from other years and are bound to go up again at an early date. Get that Camera now at Bloger's. We have just received a new shipment of Photograph Albums and Scrap Boofe* The prices are right. Come in and see them. BOLGER'S THE KODAK STORE Sheaffer's Pens & Pencils The Famous Sheaffer Pens and Pencils are now procurable from $2.50 up. The very name Sheaffer on a writ ing instrument is a positive guarantee of quality and long life. In making out your Christmas shopping list don't overlook Sheaffer Pens and Pencils. BOLGER'S THE PEN AND PENCIL STORE We will wrap your Christmas packages for mailing free. If you so desire you may, leave your packages here and we will mail them for yon. Everything for Christmas at the Christmas Store-- BOLGER'S DRUGSTORE - ?x, :