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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 21 Dec 1933, p. 4

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X-* THE HcHEKRY P in » I , I IIIWU " n « f « r > < • " T f ^ T J '- -- : f t - THURSDAY, DSC. 21, im .;M'V - THE M'HENRY PLAINDEALER Published every Thursday at McHenry, 111., by Charles F. Renich. Entered a* second-class matter at the, postofl|ee at McHe^rjr, 4mt the act of M*y 8. 1879. ni., One Year - Six Months ...... $2.06 $1.00 4« H. MOSHER, Editor and Manager Waterway* Left .to Wicked G<K>d citizens in China live in towns arid cities, leaving the waterways to the wicked--the waterways generally .'throughout the Kast are the highways , abounding with hidnvnymen. German Peniion Test* ^triet Applicants for Cermlinpensions on flie score of physical drsability und«'rgo ch refill tests. ,V iHjichinp is • used.-to measure, tlie po<>led vital Ac- , tivity on the entire body., , ; E You want fine foods for your Holiday Dinner CLUB HOUSE COFFEE, lb 30c MINCE MEAT, 1 lbs. jar, ,25c OLIVES, plain ar stuffed 8 ounces for ...!. .....:....18c PINEAPPLE JUICE, Dole v No. 1 can . 12c ASPARAGUS, green,. ..........17c Sweetheart PUMPKIN .......lGc FRUITS for Salad, 2V, <ean 29c Sweetheart CATSUP .......18c WALNUTS, California faacj new <crop, lb MIXED NUTS, new crop, lb 2k XMAS CAMPY,-lb. ._.15e MARSHM ALLOWS l2lb. ... 16e SMITH BROS. Phone 179 McHenry. MEANING OF INITIALS APPEARING IN NEWS The initials which dot thenews of the day are so numerous and so near I alike they tend to become confuting to persons with brief memories. In case you've forgotten, here's what they stand for: . AAA -- Agricultural Adjustment administration. ACC -- Agricultural Credit. Corpomtion. " CQC' C i v i l i a n C o n s e r v a t i o n c o r p s GCC-^Coijtmodity' Credit corporation. CSB---Central' Statistical board. CWA--Civil Works administration. DLB--Deposi t Liquidation board. PMC -- Dairy Marketing corporation. . : -..;7 " FACA--^-Federal Alcohol Control administration. -V ' . ; FCA--Farm < Credit administration. FCT -- Federal • Co-ordiftator of Transportation. FDIC--Federal Deposit Insurance corporation. ' ~ FEHC-- Federal Emergency Hous-^ ing corporation. FERA--Federal Emergency Relief administration. " FHLB--Federal Home Loan bank. FSHC--Federal Subsistence Homesteads corporation. FTC--Federal Trade commission. HOLC--Home Owners' Loan corporation. NEC--National Emergency council. NIRA -- National Industrial Recovery act. NLB--National Labor Board. NRA--National Recovery administration. PAB--Petroleum Advisory board. PEC--President's Emergency council. PW A--Public Works administration- "**"5 RFC--Reconstjsrction Finance corporation. 0 . SAB--Science Advisory board. SRC--Surplus Relief Corp. TVA--Tennessee Valley authority. WEEKLY EXCHANGE ITEMS OEJNTEREST TAKEN FROM COLUMNS OF OUR EXCHANGES Subscribe for lite Plaindealer. ILLE1 TH-VEOCAQ^TOTCK RE ^ B 1 ElTovar CRYSTAL LAKE, ILL. . Illinois' Most Beautiful Theatre Admission 10-3©c Sun. Mat., 2:45 to 6:00 p. m. 10-25c--After 6 p. m. lO-30c SPECIAL PERFORMANCES ! Christmas and New Year's Sj^aplay Schedule and Prices Midnight Show New Year's Eve THURS.-FRI., DEC. 21-22 Zane Grey's "The Thundering Herd" With Randolph Scott, Judith Allen, Harry Carey, Buster Crabbe A spectacular stampede ot thrill SATURDAY ONLY, Dec. 23 Richard Dix in "ACE OF ACES" What becomes of heroes! Children under 12 adm. free! • SUNDAY ONLY, DEC. 24 "MIDSHIPMAN JACK" Bruce Cabot, Betty Furness A flag-flying show with a heart grip, the Spirit of. Annapolis today.' MON.-TUES., DEC. 25-26 "TILLIE AND GUS" tr;„us (card-sharp With K». v,. Gu») Alison SkipwoTth (Atiiti Tillie) and B?by LeUoy. A roisterous riot of comedy! Woodstock's Beautiful Play House SATL'RDAt, DEC. 28 Admission |0-30c George O'Brien im a Zane Grey | Western Thriller "THE LAST TRAIL" Special Added: "Three Little Swigs"--also Episode No. 1ft--- "Swimming the Torrent" in the Buck J one* serial "Gordon of Ghost City." SUNDAY ONLY, DEC. 24Ttt Cont. Sun. from 2:80 p. m. Adm. 10-25c till 6 p. m. 10-80c after. W. C. Fields, Alison Skipworth and Baby LeRoy in "TILLIE AND GUS" MON.-TUES., DEC. 25-26 Cont. Mon. from 2:50 p. m. adm. 10-25c till 6 p. m. 10-30c after, Our Special CHRISTMAS PROGRAM! Jack Pearl (Baron Munchausen) and Jimmy E^urante in "MEET THE BARON" Special added attraction:.. Walt Disney's Silly Symphony in color "Santa's Workshop" WEDNESDAY, DEC. 27 OUR BARGAIN NIGHT! Admission 10-15c "MIDSHIPMAN JACK" Thrilling naval story with Bruce Cabot and Betty Furness THURS.-FRI., DEC. 28-29 Admission 10-30c Woodstock and the bar of McHeniy county will soon have another lawyer and one who comes from a distinguished sire, not only in the field of law but one who has attained national, and international fame as a statesman, says the Harvard Herald. The newcomer is Smith W. Brookhart, Jr., son of former U. ^ S. Senator Brockhart of Iowa. If the junior Brookhart is a "chip of the original block" McHienry county and the local profession as well are to be congratulated. The Wauconda Pure Milk association held election of officers, Monday of last week with S. A- Dickson starting hi£ fourth term asi president. Other officers elected were: Vicepresident, Harry Matthews, secretary and treasurer, II. C. Punker; committeeman, Alvin Oaset- director, Anthony Wegener; delegate, Lloyd Fisher. •. • \ '» William*' C. Bicknase, 67, Lake Zurich business mam for thirty years, was killed, Monday afternoon of last^' week when his automobile was struck by a C: & N. W. passener train in Palatine. , The accident occurred at ,the "same crossing where his brother and nephew, Henry P- Bicknase, 63. and Earl Bicknase, 34, were lulled on January 18, 1933. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas^ V. Wait of Wauconda celebrated their golden wedding anniversary on Wednesday, Dec. 13, at their home. More than 100 relatives and friends gathered at the home to help celebrate the event. Two ex-convicts caught near Deerfield last Wednesday night with a stolen car and a revolver, confessed to Lake county authorities. They were both from Milwauke,e and gave their names as Charles Hamlett and Norbert Berencfcen. Neither could give a permanent address as both recently, released from prison. The description SEASONS GRt . FROM COUNTY - Raymond w? AND FflfJII-V JUDGES STRIKE CASES FROM COURT DOCKETS Judge Edward D. Shurtleff on Tues- <lay made good his promise to clear the chancery docket of the McHenry. Circuit court by striking off 140 cases This added to the thirteen already stricken makes & total of 153 chancery cases disposed of during the present term. A total of 493 chancery cases are listed. j Tuesday's attack on the court d FOR SALE ' ~ r . ..s l^iesday's attacK docxof the two men corresponds with the et bH ^ ^ nnmher { ^ description given by Wilbur_ Matson | dh ^ of durin^ tKe t€rm to'34L of Round Lake, who was held up by two gunmen near Grayslake the day before. They denied any part in the holdup. Donald Loftus, bank bandit^erving disposed during Of this number eighty-four are state cases, 104 common law and 153 chancery. At present only 464 of the 805 cases ..... .. , , remain on the docket. Members of ?. eri" in the state penitentiary at Jo- the bar asgociatlon agree that the for robbing the First Nation^ g tember term haR one of the bmaonok a•t Marenrg o, ,d ur,i.n g the .w inter, of ,b usieos4t. t. erm. s m many yea-r s and, ,t,h at, 1.93 2', is on,e o.f t,h,e figf u,r es in. .a. fp.l an [Judge Souh u-rtnle *ffe :is *to ub e commendje dj of «<*,» from the state mst.tut.on. u hjs e((orts )n rK|u<:in the la , Mrs. Jeenette Latino ' number of cases listed. The total „s is- tje r. of Loftus, and her husband are - „ ^ ». . . „ . saia to uh ave prac.ti.c a„ll y conf-e ssed, .t o un um' b,eir ,o f . case* li,sted on the Septem- v . , j . . * * j? r * ber docket wtas thu e ,l arges.t num,b er being implicated in a plot to free Lof- „ , . .. , _ , , . . i x u f i M . i x e v e r f i l e d i n t h e l o c a l c o u r t tus and several others. The plot was M f stricken from f„ru str,a tejd. by prision ,a uthoritie, s. The the dbeket were cases of» ,l ong st. and.- g„u ar.d..s found a , ry7eo lvu er and a,m - , Othe_rs .ha.d ,b een fd d, uri.n g munition that had be.e n sm.u,&g&gl ed- .the. te rm. A. .la rge num,b er o.f at.t.o r- over the prison walls. The mother of! Loftus was born and raised near Harvard in this county. The post office department at Washington last Monday advertised for bids on a site for the new Liberty, ville poet office, according to Associneys gathered in the court rom while the docket was being called. It took several hours to call the docket. Several cases were . stricken from the county court'rdoc It et Monday by Judges Charles T. -Allen, the same beated Press dispatches from Washing- ing as follows: E. E. Keating vs. Wm. u , „ „ . _ t A • , . #eA A-- , , Hooper an appeal case; Frank Ru- K b»»h "• John Conley, an appeal case; postal,h ei.t. b?is' ldulnn?de rbs>t;o od The Prophet of the State of Illinois vs In advertising for proposals on a site, J. R. Grahami, an information charg- ... ijj transporting intoxicatmB liquor; SCt the C0St 'iv'IlThe State vs. Lew Fkncer, charged at *10,000 wh,le ,t .s neceMa^' that ^ dia0Td(sr| ,,OTduct ' Timothy lh,fL",'Te„ 7h . ,"d * ,Va"- Leonard, by Charles Leonard, agent, Al^ I? ? frontage. v„ ArcWe Kltche| diMTes The Stste Albort R. Ficke, 60, pran.nent in , h Mu char|,. Democratic circles in Uke Zurich last!| tt , • ^ gtI y* Mondsy night w.. «lu„^ wd robbed ir,,^ Haddon, ctogtag petty larand into . ditch near Uke;ce„y, Th(, state vs. George Krein Zurich. He was found bv motorists, \ ' > >§ i • . '* • mi.- nhraif T«5/tniorVit (charging failure to support wife; State vs. Ben Lane, charging violation FOR SALE --Underwood Standard Typewriter, No. 5. Reasonable. Albert Krause, McHenry. 29-tf FOR RENT FOR RENT--Farms, large and small, with base, also modern homes. Call 93-M, McHienry. 26-tf. FREE RENT--7-rm. house with bath, gas, electricity, water and furnace heat for 4 months. Inquire Geo. B. Tonyan, McHenry, 111. Phone 642-J- 2 or 152. *28-3 FOR RENT--Modern 6-room flat over J. C. Thies Candy Co., store on main St., West McHenry. Inquire at store. 21tf FOR RENT--Cozy modern 5-room bungalow, with garage attached. Furnace heat. See Albert Blake, Mc- Henry- Tel. 156. 30 WANTED WANTED--Caretaker at Pistaqua Heights Country club for winter months. Inquire Geo. B. Tonyan, McHenry, 111. Phohe 642-J-2 or 152. *28-3 MISCELLANEOUS DRESSED POULTRY--for Christmaa Lewis McDonald, Phone 613- J-2. 30 A REAL CHRISTMAS GIFT--What could be more appreciated as a Christmas present thani a pair of glasses scientifically fitted by Dr. C. Keller, Sundays and Mondays at his summer home on Riverside Drive, McHenry. Phone 211-R 27-tf about midnight and taken to the Bar rington hospital for medical aid. His body, according to witnesses, was found a few. feet away from his wrecked automobile. Marks on his body indicated that he had been the victim of violence although deputies believed it possible that his injuries were received in ail auto accident when he lost control of his machine. Ficke is a brother of Emil Ficke, a of the motor vehicle law; The State vs. Ben Silver, charging violation of the prohibiton law, and several applications for mother's pensions. An it stands now there are no cases on the county or circuit court dockets charging violation of. the prohibition law. All of the cases whirh were list* ed, in these two courts charging violation of the prohibiton law have been member of the county board of .superstricken from the.docket. . visors, and has been mentioned severa! times for postmaster in Lake j faM!LY QUARREL Zuncn. A double funeral is being held in ENDS IN ARREST ... , , , X1. , . , , Johnsburg and Solon Mills came In- Woodstock th!S (Thursday) afternoon to the limelight in the office of John C Schuett and wife, aged resi-1 Sheriff Tjester Edineer at W- • . . dents having passed away two days j i__t e k j. ^odstock apart, Mrs. Schuett dying on Sunday 1 °e ^ar's Johnsarid her husband on Tuesday. Thtf. - iwaS arreste<l Wednesday night. WHEN YOU NEED A VETERINARIAN-- Call Richmond 16. Graduate veterinarian, prompt service. General practice. Beth large and small animals. Dr. John Ducey, Richmond, 111. 12-26 DEAD ANIMALS REMOVED * FREE OF CHARGE MIDWEST REMOVAL CO. PHONE DUNDEE 10 Reverse Charges •20-18 CWA PAYROLL FOR WEEK IS $11,126.36 aged couple had traveled side b" side Irene fruttrte, Walter Huston To |Ir®r alwost a lifetihie and during aU - •1 the years had V.ever been separated 'ANN VICKERS GREEN STREET Shows--7 and & Th£ McHENRY ILLINOIS Adm. 10-2bc for any length of time. James Cox, 25. Libertyville, an attendant at the Veterans Bureau hospital, North Chicago, will face a charge of murder in Lake county as a Friday and Saturday, Dec« 22 and 23 RICHARD DIX ' In a blazing tale of clash and combat in . "ACE OF ACES" JONES 1 GORDON OF ©HOST CITY Episode Flamet of rury Xmas Eve, Sun. & Mon. Dec. 24-25 Xmas Nite : 1933's Big'Football Romance "SATURDAY'S MILLIONS" With ROBERT YOUNG and LEILA HYAMS Wednesday and Thursday, Dec. 27 and 2S EDWARD G. ROBINSON in "I LOVED A WOMAN" With KAY FRANCIS Remember him in Little Caesar? • • Sheriff Edinger and Deputy Reese were called about 2 a. m. Wednesday morning to investigate a dispute in the Karls home. Karls claimed he bad ben stabbed in the back by his wife, following a quarrel, which started, it was claimed, when Karls failed to bring home his CWA check. After , , . . _r.„ ,, their stories were told to State's Atresult of the death of William Mc- to Lumley the matter was patch- Namara, 35 yearn old, an insane pa- cd up tp suit both. tient at the hospital. Cox is said tol Lavoman of Solon Mills was have kicked the patient several times apprehended Wednesday night on a in the abdomen, resulting in a punc-1 charge of assualt with a deftdly weapture of the intestines, from which Mc-|OIlf €harles Murphy, a Chicago laun- Namara later died. LEAGUE STANDINGS Oldtimers League Bicklers, 7570; Meyers, 7565; Hughes, 7335; Schaefers, 7213. Hughes-- 145 164 l27 151 135 155 162 162 151 169 ..720 801 Adams Goodell Covalt Rarbian Hughes Trtrxl' .... ISchaefers-- M. Schaefer M. Schmitt Perkins . J;. Schaefer ' H. Schaefer Total ... Meyers-- N. Freund J. Schmitt Beavis Sutton Meyers Total v*i Bicklers--* .T. Freund Johnson Granger Bickler Wsttles . ToUt .. 152-1 461 129-- 407 157-- 447 162-- 486 dryman, made the complaint. Justice W. S. Battern fixed bond at f500 and continued the case. 141 1?S 161 186 170 .802 148 161 148 160 ,181 JJ09 l?n 155 169 ' 18" 16° ; 78 184 149 179 193 170 ^75 148 134 200 lfi9 200 851 152 155 ' 169 160 150 "86 STREET CAUSES PLAYGOERS TROUBLE THURSDAY NIGHT A slight drizzle which turned to ice when it struck the streets and sidewalks last Thursday night made motoring extremely dangerous and rc- 156--: 476 j suited in several minor falls and mis- 756--2277 ! haps in this locality. | Th<» large crowd in attendance at 145-- 4701 the Forester play at the high school 149-- 447 j had difficulty in getting away from 136-t- 471 j parking places and in walking home 174-- 553; and wveral automobiles had to have 170-- 510 j a^si^tance in making the slight grade 774--24511 on Main s t r e e t , some b e i n g s t a l l e d f c r j some time and the Waukegan street 148-t- 444; hill .Was an impossibility. H«*r tha Lio» Roatr A bronze llou, 12 feet, high, which roara at noon, and a cock,~elSt feet high, which crows at sunrise^4nd sun-^- set, are features of a huge clock In Messina, Sicily. Broom Symbol of Victory When the commander, mlral von Trump, scattered the Bttgllsh fleet in the year 1652, he holsteA a broom to his masthead to signify he had swept the channel clear. Over eight hundred ttten are now at work in McHenry county on CWA jobs, according to $ late report from headquarters, with a grand total of 4,000,000 persons in the United States new working on these projects. The weekly county CWA payroll amounts to about $12,000 and the country's is estimated at $49,000,000. Checks are being mailed out today from Woodstock for the county workers, the week's pay amounting to $11,- .125.36. I McHenry county's headquarters for the CWA has been thoroughly organized. Located in the supervisor's room in the court house an efficient staff of workers has been enrolled to take care of the administrative work of the program in the county. Project engineers, . timekeepers, stenographers, clerks, office manager and various contact men have been assigned to duty. McHenry county probably has one of the most efficient staffs in the state. Reproaetffehtives from the istate office have^fommended the committees who fiffve been in charge of the work and have given credit to those who have^-donated their time in organizing the program in the county. Although there has been 50me criticism in connection with the supervising of the program in the county this has come from a jealous sort and has in no way interfered with the progress of the work. 191-- 488 168--- 516 169-- 507 189-- 570 865--2525 J 132-- 414 155-- 465 169-- 507 190-- 533 150-- 450 796--2369 During the night the temperature ro'ne, however, with the result that the ice was gone in the morning. Nature has been in a freakish mood for some time with rain and sleet, miurk and sunshine and varying temperatures being encountered. 3»ch*ry Taylor'* Tomfc frttrib of Znchrw Taylor, former :t* . U, >s rtt I ' " Kjr. Pompeii'* Garden* Flourish A|*l« The ruins of ancieut Pompeii have been largely restored to the light of day and many a beautiful garden may be sl^n flourishing again after a rest >f neariv " "v> Sect Found Crawling on "Four* An evnlorer from Afghanistan reports the discovery of a sect whose leinbers crawl about on hands and knees. Xmas Gifts For Every Member of the Family Slowing the New, the Latest Styles»,„\.. t t V" Gifts for Last Minute Shoppers. :v 3 • Merry Xmas To All / Phone 123-J ijp pd Radio Shop v West McHenry ; 15 Charlie's Repair Shop Formerly Pint's Blacksmith Shop Pearl St., Near U. S. 12 Radiators Repaired, Bodies and Fenders Straightened J: Sign Painting Truck Lettering CHARLES RIETESEL THAT CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY TRIP-- Will be much more enjoyable if the car is in proper working condition. Let us check over the motor, battery, tires, etc. There is no charge for this service. We will tell you what is needed and the price i&jriglit. Choose a good mechanic for your car as carefully as you Would a dcotor for yourself. We guarantee Our work to be satisfactory or it will be made so. V Batteries--Radiator Alcohol SMITH'S GARAGE Phone 320 McHenry Elm St. and Riverside Drive EIGHT O'CLOCK 19c None-Such Mince Meat Fancy Mixed Nuts • i Hard Candies mixed e • Sjnidpr's Vegetables • 1; v* (YOU* CHMCt O* WHOLE BEET*. WAX BEAM. CUT RERJSEE KM OB MCET PEM) • 12c • 19c 2 LB8- 25c 2»-oz. JAR8 Ghase & Sanborn Goff^g Sparkle axl flavors Oyster Crackers Fruit Cake BAKERS UNEEOA BAKEItt DANDY Brillo caB' 25c «<o. 5c pkI: 17C 2 LBS.51.79 2«<o«r 17c WHOLE SPICED NO. 2 CAN Ceresota Flour College Inn Soups ........ Raisins, seedless 1....^, .... Nutley Oleo . ... Pumpkin •• Pumpkin -- Soda Crackers or Graham ...... Swansdown Cake Flour, ..24'/2-lb. bag 99c 3 cans 25c 4-lb. pkg. 33c 3 lbs. 2&c _2 lar^ge cans 19c ^ 1 No. 2 can 5c L.... .2 lb. box 19c pkg. 27c Set of 3 Beetleware Measuring Spoons Free, PRODUCE SPECIALS Tangerines, medium size --..... Nancy Hall Swrct Potatoes --..... Cranberries : Extra Fancy Jonathan Apples .1 Naval Oranges, 150 sise _ , .29c 200 size 2 doz. 33c 4 lbs. 15c 2 lbs. 23c 4 lbs. 22c ..stalk 5c _ .25c Rutabagas Fancy Florida Grapefruit J2 lbs. 5c _4-lb. bag 19c The manager and clerks of the McHenry Store wish all its customers a Very Merry Christmas \&1» l O O l l STORES ^ T,.£ CBt ATLANTIC » P»C'FH" TCA CO.. Mlltrth- WtSt.m b.v.MOU .

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