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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 21 Dec 1933, p. 5

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- • ; * * • . tm ;VA- i• * '• -• • t AMONG THE SICK MrSuAsmalsky is quite ill at herhome ea«t of the river. Lou Baker is a patient at St. Theresa's hospital, Waukegan. Donald Meyer, son of Mr. andf Mrs. r, JVanik Meyer, Waukegan street, is quarantined with scarlet fever. Miss B. Doherty is ill at her home on Green street- Miss Rose Huemann underwent an operation at St. Theresa's. hospital, Waukegan, Monday, ,„s Earl Walsh, who has been at Mayo Brothers, Rochester, Minn., for the past week, underwent an operation on Wednesday. His mother, Mrs. Jack Walsh, left Tuesday night to be with him during the operation and will remain for a few days. LITTLE CONTOII^CE STANDING Huatley .......... .3 • fr 1.000 McHenry ......... ...» 2 lr .667 t- 500 Hjebnon .w. r .500 Richmond 4. 2 .333 Grant r.0 2 ,000 Results This W«ek Friday- Hebron (H) 40, Grant 26. ~ Hebron (L) 28, Grant 15. Marengo (H) 33, Richmond it. Marengo (L) 20, Richmond 1. Huntley (H) 24, McHenry 15, McHenry (L) 19, Huntley 9. Saturday-- Hebron (H) 22, Crystal Lake 19. Hebron (L) 14, Crystal Lake 12. STRIP "ZEKE-BACON The County Tournament far the 1933^4 basketball season is scheduled for next week at Crystal Lake's high school gym. Later on this year the district meet will be held in the same place which will give Superintendent Dean and Coach Metcalf plenty to think about. McHenry meets Marengo in the .fwp* game of HUNTLEY TUMBLES MCHS FROM CONFERENCE LEAD Huntley and McHienry met in tfafe feature game of the Little Conference last Friday night to fight it out for the lead and Huntley came out on top, 24-15, after the neatest offensive display seen on the McHenry floor so far this season. Coach Flancher has a veteran crew that can handle the ball and in Anderson and Borvcosky has the nucleus of a team that should go far in the rcae for All- County honors. This Spider Andersen was the one under McHenry COUNTY TOURNAMENT STARTS NEXT WEEK Next week the annual McHenry County High School Basket Ball Tournament will be held at Crystal Lake. The Crystal Lake Community High School will act as host and Principal D. M. Ewing is functioning &s manager. Marengo will play McHenry and Woodstock will play Harvard in Games 1 and 2 Wednesday night, Dec. 27. Huntley will play Hebron and Crystal Lake will play Richmond in Games 3 and 4 Thursday. The survivors, of the first 4 earner play in the semi-finals Friday night and HALF FRIED CHICKEN With all the trimmings, at ttlily Lake--Saturday, Dec. J$--i , ;Vr- Serving Starts at 8 o'clock faance while you eat arid drink . !i , V FRANKIE GANS' ORCHESTRA Famous Brews on Draught 5C . Friday Evening, 10« wiho put the skids ;with his three baskets early in the;the chajnpionship and consolation first quarter to put Huntley way out ganves will be run off Saturday night, . . .. . . . , , ,in front. Kreutzer made the fr»t Dec. 30. muscular < mascot for the high^school, ^ McHenry tried> to put then, The officiating wfll be in the hand momentarily in the lead,- but Anderson'^ trio of baskets and1 one by EM Wee iMcTue '^hmitt, three feet of tigh school five, held the spectators spellbound last Friday night during the inter- _ i mission between games with a stellar | H^tley as the exhibition of shooting, ; favoHtes ^ thev led 8-3 at the quari^ skets ma row from around the free! Ej, then Anderson and finally throw marker. And was Papa Joe k Pot in forshots on fast proud? Ypu're right, ml ^ho ^puld l ^ the bevQ{ McHenry could no »- •' n hdo was to drop a couple!of free throws 'HjL Oawiw of ruin tUalso Huntl|y forged to ft 15-5 lead at bottp Semeny of EIp -frortfed the! fhe ^ ^ ,lSo far McHenry had game^and he is the ^me Louis tha:phowll nothing which would entitle he other ] that second halfI Orr m»*t dates of December 27, 28, 29, 30"ar» em in t • . of Kuehn and Smidl, the same men that worked in last year's tournament. Mr. George Sullivan of the "Woodstock Daily Sentinel" and Mr. Hamlin of the "Harvard Herald" will be, the scbrekeepers. The doors will be open at 6:45 and the admission charge is 35 cents per evening. For sometime it has been felt that the County Tournament was being staged too close to the District Tourjuunent for the best interests of both: ISor this reason holiday Vacati&i istmds t's Greetings from your County Judge, / Charles T. Allen H Dairymen, Attention! A Ton of Gluten for a Ton of Barley ( . If your barley is of fairly good quality, testing 44 pounds or better, we will exchange, even up, a ton of golden gluten for a ton of barley. Barley, as you know, will analyze about 10% protein, while gluten will test about 25%. Thus you will readily see if you will replace your barley with gluten feed you will increase your protein and improve your ration. Many farmers, today, are feeding a ration consisting of corn, oats, barley and bran which will analyze about 11 to 12% protein which is nothing more than a good steer feed. Replace your barley with gluten and get the maximum production from your herd. McHENRY €0. FARMS CO-OPERATIVE ASSN. Phone 29 McHenry used floor in; such envy among the stars of the team^ Soup used to 'soup' ^ pfenty to all the lads dur- being tried this year; Most -of.the in regular fashion and as a dribbler: ing the intermission for they .came Christmas events will be' Wer before he was way out •mfiont. He played ; ^ • with fire in their eyes. DukeT the tournament starts and the touma- Tv! wKJ this tirne thro^h w5th a basket j ment will notJast Jong enough to inthe days ^hen and that complied the scoring for the [tei-fere with the New Year'* activities always a threat... • third quarter, though teh action was There he no interference with '• , . , •, fast and furious. Both sides were school work ami many of the Alumiii The MMAC have already picked ^ mjsging shots, but all were far from for the hoiidavs mil be able to their sixjnan teem for the. contest attend this year, * with the K. of C. s for the benefit of. Starting the last perio<i Aufabaugh To date no. team appears to be Charity. McCraeken is the captain oonvert<?d two-free throws to regain strong .enough to have the Toumaand he has selected as his mates* | the original lead of ten points and ment clinched. In the last ten years Conwavv Torchy Krause, Lester \.; ^hen McHenry again heeded the de- Woodstock, Crystal Lake, Harvard, Adams, Wm. B. Tonyan and Dr. rr\andr> of the crowd to come to life. Mcllenrj' and Ht4>ron have each won i Hess- Just who will be on the repre- Ell had scored Dukcr sunk an- the tournament championship one or tentative team for the Knights is yet. 0tjwr> Then Anderson, the trouble- nvore ^jimes. Of the three schools only a matter for discussion. : maker, scored his fifth two-pointer, overcfue to win Huntley seems the 1 Quite a stunt the cheer leader Lvle ^ K'reutzer. then Kinsala and then most promising this year. The trophy | I Franzen, and his cohorts pulled with! Kreutzer again, sunk hasket^ in rap.d, this year ,s a silver basketball playor 1 the stretcher and songs. Fourteen 1 to bring^th£ game to 22-15 and , mounted on a column, at the foot of lads pulled a regular funeral proces- it looked like McHenry wouldI at least which three other smaller basketball j !sion with the stretcher in the middle I make the score close But .A^erson furores are distributed. / and then used the tune of "The Little fmished the rally with his sixth coun- Tins year also martcs the end of an J Bad Wolf" with proper paradies to'^r the game was over, •„.!«***• year cy«le in ^-hich each of the! amuse the crowd. Seven of the lads In the second team game Huckjeight high schools has taken its turn; • pulled for Huntlev with the cheer thin^ o{[ ^ \ ^th actmg as manager for this County! : leader and the other seven were back- sweet shots to help McHenry t'i Tournament Each managing school ! ers of the McHenry team. It was * lef^,°,f. at th^ quarter. That has had full charge of the evented quite a performance, all the product: f'n,a,h« hl* goring, but it proves that, ha* held it ni .t^ o^-n building or else, !of the cheer leaders productive brain. the ad c»n ^ at tim« wheiv as it chose. Marengo, CrystaT . i and it makes his future career look Ijake ami W oodstock have been seleet- This Anderson, "Spider" as he is I more, promising. Meyersi took a han8 j^d as the place for holding this tourcalled bv his mates because of his 'aftei< that and WKS sc<n,er < f the ntf*ijent one or Inore times within thi<< long legs, is quite a hot man under j £amef°r M^Htjnry with sqveu pojilta. cycle, the basket and it was his three goals ^ McHenpr-- ^ Peanut Brittle or Hard Candy " Mixed Nuts % 20c Pecans Paper Shell 2 lbs. 49c Coffee Century Club Good Quality, lb BUTTER Brookfield or Cudahy's, lb. 19c Oranges Sunkist MeA size. doz. 20C Special t»r Christmas 5-1 b. box Chocolates $1.29 f Brick Ice Cream Full Quart--Many Xmas Special Flavors 39c .- Cigarettes - TCmnx Wrapped--Four Popular Brands--per cazton $1.19 v Full Line of Imported and Domestic • WINES and UQUORS / Rainbow Ice- Cream Parlor and Lunch Room BEER OK TAP Gor. Green and Elm St& McHenry early in game that sent Huntley f to the fore with a safe lead that was Kramer, f never seriously threatened. The Mc Kreutze*, f Henry guards seemed unable to cope K,r,sa'a» c with hi9 abiltiy. With Boncosky a S ••• star on defense Coach Flancher has; Walkington, built the team around these two men, jDuke*-, g and its a team that should challenge!! Total . other five in the county for I Huntley- Anderson, f Ell, f ......... any titular honors. McHenry had plenty of fifth* in last quarter aginst Huntley and tvenl . . . *' had the edge on them during the en-j ua _u^' ® tii'e last half but they coulcfn't stem I ° to find the basket with enough reg- ( .....3 ....JO ........ « ...i 2Z^Z..ia McHenry-- ularity to come near the Huntley | Beckcnbaugh, f score. It goes to show that Huntley M'^Un<' . can be taken but McHenry will have, T*^er5' m" to find a hot shot before tihey can ac- j „ "8on* complish that. Their passing attack: ^'"v" will smoothen out as time goes along, T e .TS * i ......3 but unless they find the basket more easy to hit they still fuSIl haw a few losses ahead of thew. .Tu^ten, g Hughes, g .... Baur, g Total .... , TT , _ | Huntley-- This Hebron team seems to be a^ stading f good one to keep an eye on- Starting , ^ ' out with defeats by Richmond and p <;tadin^ c Huntley they seem to have suddenly Boncosky g come to life, Coach Crane reorganiz-i g ed their system of play and they . jfilley promptly went out to go places. Not Satisfied with revenge on Richmond they took Fox Lake into camp 40-26 after their victims had given Huntley a good run for tbeir money. Then the very next night the Cranemen vanouished the Crystal Lake five 22-19 in one of the most interesting games of the season. Two one-handed shot® in the last two minutes gave the Hebron men their margin. g ... Miller, g ... Total --.,.2 1 0 1 0 .0 1 « 2 „.,Tr,...;0 ' 0 1 uZZZ 0 0 o 0 2 5 10 .0 0 w........l 0 1 2 « ......0 S 4 ....,...i.:0 0 e .;...;.„....o 0 0 6 9 1920--Crystal Lake woii at Crystal Lake. , " .. ' :'=•> 1921--Woodstock won at Ci-yatal Lake. - 1922--Crystal Lake won at Crystal Lake. 1923--Woodstock won at Harvard. 1924--Hebron won at Crystal Lake. 1926--McHenry wou at Crystal Lake. 1926--Crystal Lake won at Crystal Lake. 1927^-CryBtal Lake won at Mareng o . . " . . . 1 192R--Crystal Lake won at Woodstock.' 1929--Woodstock won at Crystal Lake. ! 1930--Woodstock won at Woodstock! 1931--Harvard won at Woodstock. 1932--Woodstock won at Woodstock 1933--Crystal Lalce won at Woodstock. ' ' 1934~r? www at Crystal Lake. Grapefruit Med. size., Seedless each 5c Broccoli Per bunch 20C Ducks 4 to 5Vi lb. average, lb. Leg of Lamb Tiirkeys Swift's Best " Grade, lb. x1 19c Finest Quality* Per lb. BARBIAN BROS. Phone 180 Riverside Drift We Deliver )0«S][=]E5EO[ GAMES THIS WEEK c Thursday Dec. 21 Woodstock at Hebron. McHenry at Crystal Lake. Grant at Marengo. Huntley beat McHenry decisively despite a late rally by the losers and dark room. Join the crowd again * SATURDAY EVENING, DEC. 23 ' at tin1 McHenry House Eat, drink and be merry-Make your reservations now for NEW YEAR S EVE AT BICKLER'S McHENRY HOUSE SctttUliS' Before the meeting the boys were asked to brin$r a present for a grab-! bag. This brought much excitement > couIJ be seen as anyone watched the smiling fa<-egt as the Scouts slowly drifte<l i nto the meeting-place They put tke;r gifts down, and as soon as the "Fledge of Allegiance" was finished, the fellows were lead out of the room. The gifts wore hid all ovtr the floor of the gym, and when the lights were -turned out, th • Scouts hunted for the presents in the TlM McH!^P,rdrkr V7« '2VSS. W ted'.'wli™ . sponsor an Athletic Nitrht at the pla^. in the Little Conference. Coach, he opened hip j>ackap*. Pens books I 'chool, the entire r««pts ^ Manche™'hoy, plainly the bert [ t»y., and a?mo"t lis tfo go to the fund for the McH(enr> team McHenry has met so far this!thing imaginable were found Each Townsh.p Chanhe*. TTv-event i, to | yelo. ^ ^ en™«h to entrtle b^ilTS. S awav 'o? •" tl,e °f the Utt" C<mre" M<"h" "«rt 4 1 t i j j • .. . ... of the meeting. " . J*~V.J .1^ , .n!i K iflgr- I McHenry's lights won handily to With the Christmas Holiday com- ,cn-ertamment will be volleyball, ping majntajn their undefeated record and irucr on we oug-ht to give parents and pong and basketball tf the present |are ^ ^th HeW for the lead in,Xr ^eopleTomeS,i?r iSd of p ans are followed. The volleyball: t^g Lightweierht division, neither team them giving to us all the time Wo s'ThX^n- ^ic te=! -r ^ x»"hoft.m thdr i 1,^ ^ thr::'i& Tf t a hiS h ^r^rz^t of. ,ht ^ much heralded event and the_ spirit; he TOi ht d!vl„io„ wi], ^ ^"><>7™ Chrirt™,UP^„ we w ' • . * tev'";h «*** W »he jlS» much ^Xmllor thta. FISH DINNER at Joe Friend's Rathskeller SATURDAY EVENING, DEC. 23 - Free Dancing--4-piece Orclwtn^I Do not forget the big surprise awaiting y#t : New Year's Eve, Dec. 31. I NewYear DailCO Johnsburg Hall - [Geo. Lay's Tavern] Wednesday Night, Jan. 3 Gus Uebei^s Orchestra Lunch will be served Admission 50c per couple night -of the big event! NOTICE Doe to inceased cost of Ice, the following schedule of prices will become effective December 20, 1933 DOMESTIC GRADE (Families) CASH ~ 60c per lob--45c per 75--30c per 50--15c per 25 Conpon Books 55c per 100 lbs.--1000 lb, book $5.50 cash COMMERCIAL GRADES 300 lb. per 100, 45c--300 lb to 1500 lb. per 100, 40c 1500 lb. to 5000 lb. per 100,35c The above schedule of prices has been filed with the authorities Obsignated by law under the National Industrial Recovery Act. It is a violation of the law for the undersigned to sell ice at a price different from the price prescribed in duly published schedules. Failure to comply strictly with the above prices is a violation of the law, punishable by a fine of $500 for each offense. McHENRY ICE CREAM CO. ANDERSON ICE CO. fURITY ICS CO. McHBNRY I£E CO% What a wow of a • football gan»e that was between the Giants and the Chicago Bears for the world's championship. Truly two great teams who could make their breaks and take advantage of them. After listening to i ^ i . -- -- oiniLit, two i-Moormns ana two Untis ^o-nter, 40-28,iTaxman's patrol. H. Conway. J. He«. that game Alice in Wonderland j 0f form to down Fox Lake, rated the sounds like looks of the discussion following the contest it seems as if college football will have to follow in the footsteps of the pro games and change some of their drastic rules so that the offense will have more influence on the game. 26.000 fans is bound to cut into aajr college receipts and there'll be more next year at the pro gpmes The games will not be conference j Scout*, as you waJce up Christmas flatties but the Or mien are out to morning and other mornings as well get back into their winning stride be^, The next thing on the program was fore the. tournament which will be,patrol choosing. The patrol leader* held at Crystal Lake next week. {who are the following: Granger's pa- Hebron surprised most of the sum- j trol. B. Kilday. E. Schaefer J Miller mer reporters in McHenry county G. Frisby, R. Powers an<! G. Johnson when they showed a sudden reversal A' d" amft' patrol, F. Cox. H. Ferwerda L. Smith, Noonans and War And Peace The war between England ° and America ended after yearrf of, terrific encounters, but the war In Ohio be tween the white men and the red men raged more fiercely after our peace with Great Rritaln than before. ^ Bell. Multi-toned A perfectly tuned bell, wlum properly struck, gives off not one tone but • chord of five distinct notes. In some bells, trained ears cm recognise is many as 13 tones. ' tal LaJce five the next night to win, 22-19, in one of the best played games of the present season. Coach Crane had his men coming. Keep an eye on them. Marengo also showed surprising strength by running up a large score on Richmond at the gym. and^then returmng against^ the Crys- B. Klontz, F. Johnson, W. Schaefer.' The Junior Assistant Scoutmasters ere Rav Hughes, Richy Vycital and Bruce Granger. Here's a game for you, leap frog It brought spills'and hisrh jumping a« the smaller boys went flying over th< larger boys, they sometimes sat or them, causing a burst of laughter from the others. The boys certainly had many minor falls in that game. A few knots were tied to show the ! boys what would have to be done in the coming contest. Head, jaw and hip bandages were demonstrated. By the way. look up bandages for^th? next meeting which will be January H Remember obedience. See you next year. SCOUT HAROLD TAXMAN. , : ^ Benedictine Liqueur Benedict In e liqueur Is distilled In Fecamp, Franoe. Originally it was made by the Benedictine monks, but it is how prepared by a secular company. The formula Is a trade secret, but among the Ingredients are believed to be cardamon seeds, arnica flowers, angelica root, lem»wi peel, thyme, nutmegs. cassia, hyssop, peppermint and cloves. AT "THE FIT" East of McHenry, on Route 20 V: SATURDAY NIGHT, DECEMBER & 17Q171? TURTLE SOUP Tnl!iX!i DANCING Don't forget the big New Year's Eve Party a* the Pit •o lllerry Christmas It«should be to " Him," If you choose any one Of the following- gifts. One-Minute Washer* as low as $39- Carey Electric Shop. 29-4 Main Street We have repairs and rolls for your washing machine. Carey- Electric Shop. SM Robes Pajamas House Slippers Underwear Skating Socks Shirts ore i; West McHeary, DL ; Spats Hose Handkerchiefs gloves Suspenders

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