• _ -. - • f 1W*-- "'V4- :-»- -«*»•• ijta**. TBI MeBEMST PLAIKDEAXJEX, THURSDAY, JAM. 4, 19S4--: > - : -* : t*cs*.x:t?r?'..;. .V-v- •>*.«.- .; tt .-, ^ .a,"- , dlk -*• ^4-. JL.Lu*...* ^ ,.'iir „... MJ^.. flip This Coupon! This coupon and 50 cents entitles the holder to 2 Foil Turkey Dinners SUNDAY, JAN. 7 ETTY S at Lily Lake tween the hours erf 11 and 7 o'clock : --v---' *•? Frank Gans was a - - I Chicago visitor HONOR ROLL AT ST MARY'S Honor Roll--Grade I Dorothy Fround, 91 4-7; Esther d, 90 4-7; Richard Schmitt, 90 3-7; Joseph Munson, 90 1-7; JSlaiae Schaefer, 90. . • • - Perfect Attendance !><rthy Freund, Esther Freund, Richard Schmitt, Joseph Munson. E- Tuesday. laine Schaefer, Gladys Stilling;, Carl Ralph Bouril of Elgin visited, he*^ Adams, Donald Kennebeck, Roman : last week. Bau^r, Lee Grose, Thomas , Lawson, i A. E. Nye wu a business visitor in- Jewel Grose. Richard Blake- Chicago Tuesday. - ' , Honor Roll--Grade II 1 Mrs. Josephine PoUS* spent thP Marilyn Schaefer. 94 3-8, Robert holidays in Chicago. Justen, 98 7-8; Betty Lou Weber, 9.1; Harold Bacon visited <3hi4«go 7-8; Harold Miche^s, 93 3-8; Ray (Sunday and Monday. Smith, 92 .4-8; James Freund, 92 2 8; ! Arthur Martin left Tuesday for Robert Smith, 91; Edward Adama, 90 Montana after a visit here. 4-8; Norman Neiss. 90 2-8. -• * I Robert Hoelscber of Wlieatdh spenV Perfect Attendance : Friday with relatives here. ^ : Marilyn Schaefer, Betty Lou Weber Mi", an! Mrs. Arthur Boger of Cbi- HatvU Mwhete. Ray Smith. Jam?* ?»go spent Sunday here. Freund. Robert Smith, Edward Ad ams, Norman Neiss. „Jame*?o .Regner, at har Home at Fox Lake. Betty JCilday-,- Stephen JHuska. Hciir$v- rl^ss' Katherine Walsb T^WI^hd, Robert Sales, 'No*raa^;^^*^:#hil. Irt'omiay in Q^icago. •• ;.f \ C und, L William Br'ittian of Mountain* Wis., ,Honor Rt.ll-r-Gracfe III ~ • •*!' ^ptMit the holidays at,-his hftrtie, •rtivwring.' A- chiekcn dinner Av'as serve J ; Madeline Freund,, 93.8; Virginia- ; :Mi?s-:^xine^laf<)n returned hotfft H.; ateaght 'o'clock, after which the ©vei.1- Williams, •9S.0; Bertha Freund, 93.6; Wednesday .aft<yv a^ visit in Elgirtv.v, *. * "11^" sfprn? in m»5-rc, game? an^ ,'Thomas ^Suito'ii, 90.7; "Clare" Fremw?; T • 'Mr^, ^Marv. McCabe M Chicago; >;can|8; :c^r<3i}.,*ach tweifcflsd^R. ?'9&2;" 'Eteanc:iV-Y Qttng.. 9t>. 1. - ' /v : '*• visited 'Wre Sundrfy nijd;.Monday, .u,; * pri7o contributed by one pf the other1* i . Perfect Attendance,-.." ^*ss Gonevipve Knox and Ml-s. Jtay *1 jrwts - ' | Chailes Ad-im*- H<r\\ Buch Glrtr- CortWav vi ued ih»El£m I1 n lav N * ;S\ "JWembers and paip*fs wl o ^re jkre^r^ertce^^ Ffe^tndv^^ RiehaM \ . ent -»icre an^ Me^darnes G. >W. Schaiitf, Robert Smith, Thoma> Shit- ca«ro visitor Sun<Uy-^md'^MoHdaifr;• Mesa, Suttoft, 'Albert Rratise,';ton; B^rHice, Bjlixke, iWitvifred ' CaVp,: ^Si,-lohSri,'MAy-and;«<^.of^.Wa6p^»-, j££.' • All>t>rt FutS-ey, yiNick Freund,- fend^M^i-Wartha Durland, .^ertha Freund, Mad- Visiting relatives herjeCthfr -week. S;? > and "Mrs. Frank Marzahl and Mr. ar.d eline Freund. Frances Glc^son, Rose Miss Genevieve Knox and RotJi*' ROAD ROLLER USED ' «Y MAYAS IS S:-fc3B WATCH KKiHT PARTY vi'Utch^ nifrht party was membfrs of the pmochle: club an. invite*! jri^stjs; ate1 t-h e ' home • ami Mrs. ,C W.-\KI(>nt2V.Stittdpyj Five-Ton Cylinder Empldyed in Surfacing Work. Washington.--Ileeeut discovery In the jungle-covered regioe of northe&si ^ern^ Yucatun, 4U Miiles out of Coba of » sefifiieut ot solid stone 13 feet long. 2li feet in riiutu'eter and weigh ing about o tons, nltebv fashioned in to cylindrical' form draws att'entlot) once aKftin to the tact that the nil »cfent (>ecii[i.Mnrs of an ami tone "'"in hahited >vefe skilled in the bill Idiot of raised roads of paved stone It seems proliahle that tlifs' great Satara'* Rinf* ul Me*u Th# moat remarkable feature of Saturn la Iti magnlflcent system! of rlnf« and its ten moons. The rings are nnlque in the solar system, no other planet having such plcturesqne and mysterious accessories. The bright ball of the planet proper sets In the center of these luminous rings. •7^ _ '( TO INSTALL OFFICE^ Riverview Camp, R. N. A., will hold a ' public installation of officers ut K. C. hall Saturday night, Jan. 13 Eluch member May invite one guest. 31-2 •v^: fccperplau '• Rathske JUSTEN'S HOTEL Saturday Night, Jan. 6 FREE DANCING--GOOD MUSIC The place where everybody has a good time MEET YOUR PRIENDS 4T JOE FRIEND'S ^IJ^jtottin. Richmond. i - ^; -|-Mane Kunz, Lorraine .. Schmitt, J»|ary Micliels were Hai*vard vistors Thuta- ' '? v ' -- =-------: Simon, Lily Unti. Elizabeth Weit'l, day. :'*i:V.."RIVfiHIVIEW CAMP • ^i:'-i"Vi' rginia Williams. Edmund, Lloyd, and Claire Whitins Members of Riverview Camp R. ;N. j . Honor Roll--Grade IV. of Elgin visited relatives here Mou- A., are asked to pay all back dues and j Georjre Freund, 94.6; Beatrice Wii-'day. • December dues not later than Jan. 10,jlianis, 94.4; Rollin Justen, .91,3; Don-, Dr. W. C. Besley of Woodstock was as the bnoks will be audited and turn- aid Schaefer, 91.2; Elaine • Helmed a Friday caller in the:W- A.' Sayler «<l over to the raw recorder, Mr<?.;90.1; Philip Meyers, 90. home^ , " Maud Rothermel. Mrs. F. E. Cobb,; Perfect Attendance" , Mrs! It. Waterstraat and chHcM'^ii recorder, will b© at the home0of Mrs. j Albert Adams, George Freund, have returned from a visit in Chi George Lindsay on Jan. 8, 9 and 10 to dues. NEW YEAR WATC3I PAICTt A party of friends gathered at the ho*ne of Mr. and Mrs. Mat Blake qn! laine Heimer, Beatrice Williams, Ralph Freund, Rollin Justen, Vernon eago, > Kennebeck, Philip Meyers, Robert Miss Doi^thy Powers of St! Theresa Pfannenstil, Donald Schaefer, Lest»r hospital spent Monday at her home Smith, Elmer Smith, Esther Altlioff, here. . Virginia Mae Grose, Grace Kunz, E- Mrs. Josephine Heimer spent the i holidays in the home cf her son in Sunday night to watch the passing of! Perfect Attendance--Grade V : Chicago. 3ke old year 1933, and to welcome the j Bemice Justen, Eleanor Rankin, Mr. and Mra C. M. McDermptt and new year. Three tables of five hun-j Dolores Rosing, Lucille Simon, Ed- little son, Tommy, spent New Year's dred were in play and high honors' ward Blake, Harold Blake, Robert 'n Chicago. were awarded to Mrs. Irving Smith j Kunz, George Spoo, Lawrence Still-! Mr. and Mrs. Henry Vogel and Lisle and Nick Huff while consolations ing. Harry Unti, Richard Weber, Bassett visited at Richmond Saturday Donald Weingart, Francis Wirtz, R*y i evening. Harris. < | Mr. and Mrs. Will Heine of Chicago Honor Roll--Grade VI *• [were Mcnday guests in the J. F. Clax- , ENTERTAINS CARD CLUB Anita, Althoff, 94.1; Beatrice Bussjton home. •,i|trs. Albert Wilbrandt was hostess M.5; Helen Buch, 93; E^hel Althoff,! Mr. and Mrs. George Bohr, with' teSladies of her card club Thursday!92.8; Richard Williams, 92.4; Earl Mrs. Bon D4etz, visited Eleanor Pries afternoon. Three tables of bridge Smith, 92.2; Doris Kennebeck 92- at Waukegan today w*fe in play and prizes were won by j Lorraine Schaefer, " 92; Lucille Weinto Mrs. Mat Blake ^nd- Irving JSnith. A midnight lunch was served John Kilday, Mrs. Albert Justen, Mrs. Nick Freund and Mrs. J. W. FVevmd. The next meeting of the «tal> will be with Mrs. John Stilling. Mm gart, 90.8. Perfect Attendance Anita Althoff, Ethel Althoff, Kel«a Buch, Beatrice Bu^is, Jane McAndrews, Phyllis Meyers, Doris Kenne^ WELCOME NEW YEAR beck. Isabelle Simon, Esther Smith, il'Happy New Year," was the greet-! Luella Smith, Lucille Weingart, Ed-; ^ears with Mr. and Mrs? Joe Suttan ward Freund, Joseph Gaudsen, Wil- at Elmhurst. . liam Hamil, Earl Smith, Geno Unti, i ^r- and Mrs. George Westerman Gharles Weingart. • jof Elgin spent New Year's day in the Honor Roll--Giade VII ) C. W. Gibbs home. Lois Meyers, 92 1-tz; Richard Jus-1 ^rs- Peter Garry of Evansville, ten, 91 10-12; Angela Freund, 90 2-12j^s-> spent last week with her sister, Virginia Freund*, 90 2-12; James Lar-1 Mrs- Harry ToWnsend. kin, 90. i Miss Dorothy Wormley of St. Perfect Attendance {Theresa's hospital spent New Year's Clarence Adams, Jerome Bttch, day at her hom<1 here. 'Fred Herdrich, Richard Justen, James! ^r- and Mrs. Ed Smith of Crystal Larkin, Harold Stilling, Jane Durland' spent Sunday with his parents, Margaret Fan-ell, Angela, Freund, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Smith. Geraidine Kennebeck, Lois Meyers,' Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Besley of Des Catherine Rothermel. Lorraine Smith,' Moines, Iowa, were guests of Mr. ami Emily Steffes, Isabelle Stoffel. ! Mrs. W. A. Sayler, Friday. Honor Roll--Grade VIII r ' Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Moeller of Theodora Kaelin, 95 11-12; LeRoy ^ica^ spent the holidays in the Smith, 93 6-12; Paul Justen, 93; Elea- homf Mrs. Fred Karls. nor Althoff, 92; Ralph Smith, 91; | M*385 Frances Hughes of St udrey Rothermel, 91» 2-12; Arlern" Teresa's hospital, Waukegan, spenl Hay, 90 3-12; Pauline Herdricfc, 901 New Year's at her home here. ' Mrs. E. R. Sutton and son, William, visited her uncle, Sylvester McGee, at Harvard hospital Saturday. Raymond Howard returned to Wlheari at the K. C. hall Sunday afeiit where about twenty-four cwuples gathered to spend the eveniOK and to greet the New Year. An orchestra furnished music for dancing and the year 1934 was welcomed in music and laughter. SODALITY ELECTS OFFICERS -At a meeting held Sunday the Altar id Rosary sodality elected the foltarmg officers: president--Mrs. Jack Walsh. r"irst Vice-praeident--Mrs. Mary F, Vice-president--Mrs. E. R. ry--Mrs. Herman Schaefer. -Mildred Kinsala. NEW YEAR'S PARTY 4Bill and Jim Sheehan entertained a party of friends at a New Year's eye party at the summer home of their parents here. Games, dancing and 2-12; Gene Adbms, 90. Perfect Attendance Louis Diedrich, Irvin Freund, Ornrasic made up the evening's enter-Jj!1^? P?!?ald Juf^fn' ,T PauI KMrSinnmmeenntt.. |Justen, Richard Meyer®, Allen Noon- K - PLAN SUMMER BAZAAR The Philathea club met this Thurs- #y afternoon at the home of Mrss Everett Hunter, Jr. Each member fcttraght an article to be made for the imuner bazaar, for which these k»y ladies are now planning. On Mv Record *n, Anthony Noonan, Ralph Smith, Allie Wirtz, Eleanor Althoff, Arlene Hay, Theodora Kaelin, Audrey Roth ermel, Catherine Simon, Marie Vales, jsrue8ts of Mr- aivl Mrs. A. J. Wirtz. Evelyn Weingart. Mr,, antd M»rs.--'George Young of Ringwood spent New Year's day with M\ri ss 'It rene xWtf ail suh spenit- Nvre w Yve ar s°' stone ev• liti«, V. er. . was.•.•desfgned ki lie w Vf^,o «f irrtv T.otra '« J»hUhi« down Into soti.t •sliH'.fessi ve„. ciMnves of " (tiHteriftl. . p'n.r rihrrtrrijil: y v st • " • ; ' w * ,W0; ^ sTii'vxw Wtirlvhtuj »Ui tbr^JW ot tiw isrsb. ;Vi'p ti\ es '••Tftk'e.fV'-'in*' I'orelyit,; ' RtW^i" ' DVIvj.4iL!' .VrfV t-ljjj' ;-:tWrf- lo fh.«* „fv i;itlirmkilis or l>idTi.fefi. = v-'k Network q!'Roads.. . . C'oliii: h .\ia.\ si city o! LOiisequei)(,tl'.| lr Ciilii'iiibljiB ilii-i s. us shinvn 'by ubiuiiliii.ii Hrclu'olojfk'iil evldefk-e but now loii^ jtliimdoueU lies about 05{' tniles wist of south of ('l)I(hen Itza the hejidfimtrters ^ol tlie archeolojricHl tield stiilT of Cjirdegie InstilutiiHi oi -UljishiiiKton. •Study of (Vdja aud tlM? region there abouts has revealed the fact that It is at the center of a network'of raised constructed roads which run qIT north, east, south and west and connect various, groups of ruins located about the chain of small, fresh water lakegjilttit is such a distinguishing feature of*the district One great road which takes torthV westward from Coba had been thought to end at the ruins of Yaxuna, about 12 miles southwest .of t'hlnchen Itza. but no hup Inn] ever traced its course from end to- end. h'or many years, Dc; Sylvanus d Morlej', in charge of the Carnegie in stitution tield staif, has hojied for op portunity to determine the facts about this the greatest of all the Causeways running out of Coba, Finally, this Jrear seemed ^propitious and he set about organizing an ex[tedltion. To head the expedition, he chose Alfonso Villa, a young schoolmaster of the Yucatecan race. It was while cutting hi» way through ;he thick bush, 22 inHea out of Qaxuna, that Villa caine upon the stone-roller. Road Walla Built, In construction of their road^the andent engineers began by dilglns down to hardpan. which Is near the surface, and erecting retaining walls on each side to the height to which they desired to bring the road. These Avails were built of large, roughly faced limestone set In mortar. Into the space between the walls a layer of heavy boulders, some of theiu two or three feet in length and weighing many hundred# of pounds, were carefully laid and the spaces between chinked with smaller stones, fitted and hammered into position. Other -courses followed, each of successively smaller boulders and stones, quite as carefully placed, until the road had been brought to requisite height, whereupon a layer of rock - broken frnto~ fflficb finer pieces wn s added. After this-was hammered or rolled into a hard, level surface, a final coating of mortar cement was applied. This cement was made of lime mixed with finely sifted white earth, called sascab, which, originally, under the tropical sun, must ,have given the roads a dazzling appearance, quite as dazzling, perhaps, as the great "white ways", of our own cities. t: THRILLS j', EXCITEMENT! Mr. and Mrs. Hal Plumb of Chicago spent the last of the week in the Albert Purvey home. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Kinsala and Laby of Chicago spent New Year's with-his parents. John and Will Sutton spent New liam Penn college, Iowa, this week after spending the holidays here. Dr. and Mrs*. Henry Freund and daughters of Chicago were New Year her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Kai Antonsen and tO INSTALL OFFICERS Pox Riv$r Valley Camp, R. ft. A., , , , , „ , , will hold its installation of officers dau^ter. ^ Gray Jake were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kane. Stanley, Richard, Harold, Charles and Elsie Vycital and Stanley Schaffer spent New Year's with relatives at Racine, Wis. Mrs. Mollie Givens, son, Donald and Miss Anna Fris,by attended the funer. al of Mathias Warner at Elgin Wednesday. Mrs. Mary Dibler, George Dibler and daughter, Marilyn, of Woodstock on Jan. 20. ^ Each memDer may invite one guest. There will be a pot-luck ' supper. The recorder asks that all ;d)ues be paid before Jan. 10 as the ] books are to be audited at that time. SURPRISED ON BIRTHDAY Memberfi of the D. H. G. club surprised George H. Johnson Saturday evening, upon invitation from Mrs. Johnson, in observance of his birth-«visited in the E. H. Nickels home New day anniversary. Games and cards j Year's day. 1>,CKe18 no™e IN<$W were enjoyed during the evening and luncheon was served. M. E. CHURCH You are invited to attend services at the M. E. church every Sunday. Sunday school, 10 a. m- Morning Worship, 11, a. m.\ Sermon by the pastor, ReV. ,;!*• Brattain- " „:,• .mz A4elightful taljklng motion picture presented by the^ For 4 .Mot ot. Compan y • : "THESE THIRTY YEARS" A story that begins in a country town of yesterday and ends in a modern home of today--Don't miss it. Its real, gripping--An inspiration to Young and Old. EMPIRE THEATRE McHENRY, ILL. : TUESDAY, JANUARY 9 7:30 and 9 o'clock COMPLIMENTARY TICKETS AT BUSS-PAGE MOTOR SALES Phone l West McHenry "^a" ^^"A " If IF ^"AyTA ATaaTA If ^"y "AATA" "y "y • "y "A" A ^AW "A" "A" A. A ^ A. Pharmacologist FincJi Drug That Will Reduce Palo Alto. Calif. -- a drug which will make persons thin without the necessity of exercise has been found by research pharmacologists in the Stanford medical laboratories here. If operates by producing a high fever In the pAtient, thereby consuming energy and tissue beyond the nor inal rnte. A preliminary report on this new drug has been published In the Jour nai of the American .Medical Association by Or. W. C. Cutting and M. I,. Thayer. Small doses administered daily have 'reduced the weight of fat persons two pounds a week over a period of several months without diet chang«% or \imiormal exercise. • Oil my record as a public Official, I wish to announce my candidacy for. the office of , County €lerk OF JtcHENEY COUNTY , M #fce Republican Primaries ,J- ^ ttrt April 10th, 1934 I Aamy f. peteit, -,| • ^^v flCouaty Treasurer. m . MRSONAIift Mrs. Winnie Cobb spent New! Year's day in the Mat Glosson home. Miss Genevieve Glosson and George itauen, Jr., returned to Kenosha with hem. - Mr. and Mrs. Ole Erickson of Barrington and Mr. and Mr*. Lester Bacon and children were New Year's day guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Adams. \ Mr. and Mm. Clarence Martin spent Sunday in the home of their daughter, Mrs. William Smith* in Chicago. Their daughter, Rita, returned home with them after a visit in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. William Perkinson and Mr. and Mrs. J. u Peterson of Chicago and Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Wormley and daughter were Christmas day guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. W: Winkel. Mrs. John Thompson and daughter, Mildred, returned the last of the week from a visit at Terra Haute, Ina. Mias Mildred left Wednesday to continue her studies at DeKalb Teachers college. Mrs. John Vycital and family spent Christmas with relatives £t Racjne. Miss Elsie Vycital remained for a week's visit Mr. and Mrs. Georg>e L. Jones and Jay Compton of Woodstock were New Year's day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Purvey. Miss Katherine Kunz, who spent the holiday season with her aunt, Mr*. Charles Schmitt, in Chicago, returned ) to her home here. - i Mr. and Mrs. George Kamholz and family and Mrs. Carl Schmitt and; children of Chicjigo spent Tuesday in the Fred Kamholz home. j Miss Mercedes Hayes returned! home Sunday from Chicago where she has been recovering from a recent appendicitis operation. Mrs. Nellie Bacon, son, Harold, Mrs. Mollie Givens and Miss Anna Fr'isby visited in the Mathias Warner home, Elgin, Tuesday night. Edward Bonslett, Mrs. Bemice Muckler and Mr. and Mrs. Ben Bonslett of Chicago spent New Year's in the William Bonslett home. ' Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. Schofewer and Mr. and Mrs. E. N. Young and daughter were Sunday guests of Mr. »nd Mrs. N. C. Kleini Waukegan. Mias Frances Vycital, brother, Har. old and Mrs. H L. Ritter attended in- John J. Davis had chornic constistallation of officers at Wauconda, pation for six years. By using Adchapter, O. E, S., Saturday evening. | ]ei-1ka he soon got rid of it, and feels Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Eddy with like a new person. Adlerika is quick Arthur Peterson of Grayslake attend. T1m Plaindealar. Canadians Are Strong for Yankee "Hot Dogs" k Montreal.--Canada's imiMirts of "hot dog" skins are not to be "barked" at According to the dominion bureau of statistics, the don>4nion imported $06. 1)23 worth of "weiner" wrappers from the United States during'Jhtie 6f lhl» year, an Increase of $54,608 over June During the twelve months end Ing June the total was $421,000, coin pared with HH75.000 in the previeu* twelve months. I' . WMte'rl---,;. Arizona Has Big ROM BMII Tombstone, Ariz.--The world's lafg eeit rose bush is growing in tlie putie of a hotel here, residents claim. It is large enough that tables for thlrty-rtve guests may be placed under tc , No. 5752 - JFrberal Irpnait Sttaitranrr Corporation • . ' • / • Washington/ z: : --'H'-r v -" "• ; ^ : / ',-v.• Effective January lr 1934 Whereas by satisfactory evidence presented to the Federal Depowt Insurance Corporation it lias been made to appear that Urat iliiigrnnj 6>tatr lank West McHenry, in the State of Illinois, has coraplied with all* condi Uions imposed by law to entitle it to become a member ®f ttie temporary 3ffrtoral Irjmatt 3uaitruurr JFimJi Andt^^to the insaring of its deposits as provided bv law from the date hereof until July 1,1934 s wA&d whereas its admission to membersliip in such, fund has beeii approved by resolution of Ihe Board of Directors of the Fede^al Pe l - w s i t I n s u r a n c e C o i * p o r a t i o n < ; ^ " • - . NOW THEREFORE, I, Walter J. Cuimmings, Chairman of the - Board^ 0 0ireetors^^ 4^ hereby Mrat ittrijirurg #tatr lattk -- McHenry, itt the state of Illinois, is a duly qualified member of the temporary Federal Deposit Insurance Fund. (SEAL) IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF witness my signat ure. , , WALTER J. CUMMINQS, ^Onairman of the Board of Direct<frs of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. CONSTIPATION 6 TROUBLE NOW GONE ATTEST: WALTER J. Secretary. ed Eastern Star installation at Union Friday evening. Miss Ruby Peterson, niece of Mrs. Eddy, was installed m worthy matron «f Union chapter. acting--safe. T. P. Bolger, Druggist. « Say you rmd It In THE PLAINOEALEigT