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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 26 Apr 1934, p. 11

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^ 1 „ "* "n,*-4 t *" •»•>,"»•;' ' •'*••" 1 'w,^?' y'- A 5- t* ' "* *\* v if*** >> . - <1§T» a set of rules and regulations to fern the county in the enforcement er aald Act to be approved by the rd at its July meeting. Tour Corntee would further report that Li- •les have been granted to the foling applicants, •; Name > Class Amount lenry J. Idngenfelter „-.....,....A 817.5o Ved Dlttman , B Jen Plngree „..'. Croll Vodnansky ..B trs. Anna Henning B tudolph E. Johnson A ' Clinton C- Green ...^..:...i.,k. A 21a us Ander >edlow & Bergman .'est & Bauman trs. Anna Hansen B Jaylord & Hahn .u.t..;....A • lira. Kate Sheldon E. Harrison .. . . B fWfed C. Holly iX fpter & John Engeln ...A valter J. Richardson ..:•. ;A •" lenry Nell . ..;..^.ACnox & Keck . ;j.„;. Jtto c- Broecker ..........:..„i!.A • John J. Oeffling ..^.A;' - Jerome & Elisabeth Boyko .'...Aijiamuel r. JohnsQn .:.,^:...;.A;"' iv^eter Koob ,.!...s..'. '. B 'itt & Huske Sari C. Barnard Bfoe E. Miller .......A T. .Bradford . . .„' .. A. lose HermanCe • F. Frett ;. .J..:.:....-.;..A. faul R. Voss ;.^,...B . Jeorge Lay ,..., s.'.A C. C. & Margaret Foster ... A - Harry Mlnola ,...A. Frank Nell ... v;A Harry L. Scott ....,.....i.,..U»«^,..A Arthur F. Shober |latt L. Welter .. ................A lonald & Eugenia Herforth A jVm. Mertes Klingman & Earl F. A. Weltzien »: A. Renard taab & DeMay Jblaf Christofterson TVestlake & Devonian • Joseph B. HettermaiMl Geo. Frit?el .. James A. Weinand John W. Foster' tfoseph Slomef iKathryn Justus John S. Rich A - A A B A ..........A ...A. A • A -A :.A A ,.i......A' 12.50 17.60 12.50 12.50 17.50 17.50 12.54) 12.50 17.50 12.50 17.50 12.50 12.50 17,«0 17.50 17.50 17.50 17.50 17.50 i7.50 17.50 17.50 12.50 1.7.50 12.50 17.5ft 17.50 17.50 17.aO 12:50 17.50 17.50 17.50 17.50 17.50 17.50 17.60 17.56 17.50 17.50 17.50 17.50 12.60 17.5U 17.50 17.50 17.50 17.50 17.50 17.51* 17.50 17.5U port of the condition of^Phe State Batik of Woodstock at the close of business on June 30, 1933, which were ordered placed on file. The Clerk presented lists of claim? against the County, and upon motion of Supr. Ackman and duly seconded by Supr. Turner, said elaims were referred to the proper committees for report, antl the Board adjourned to 1:30 o'clock p. m. for committee work. 1:30 O'CLOCK *. M. «, Board met. pursuant to adjourntnent. Present same members. State's Attorney Lumley being present at the meeting was called upon by the Chairman to advise the Board on the payment of the Claim of the Woodstock Public Hospital, State's Attorney Lumley then stated that In his opinion the bill should be paid by Lake County, and that he would advise that the proper committee refer the bill to htm aa State's Attorney.for' collection. ' Tlie Committee on Claim? .County Poor made the following report, tft-Wi-t: the Btuaner stfrtavisofts, /wvtv. ittwots PAsernun lowed nt the last meeting of this Board. It was thereupon regularly moved bv Supr. May and duly seconded by Supr. 1 . , $66,806.43 Wright that the Clerk be directed to I Ant B«o«lT*d for Hftltii of Jtily issue an order in the amount of Five 1 Supervisors. for County Home ...*262.2S Jufy I-.'...' 16,677.76 j paid, from the ' County fund as follows: pilars »$5.00) on the County Treasurer Byroh Orvis, Burton Assr. 193S payable to Vhe White Cafe of Marengo, I Illinois, out . of any funds that are not otherwise appropriated; ar*$ the roll being called, said motion was declared (unanimously carried. I The following resolution on Right of Way Purchase was presented and read to the Board, to-wlt: Total 1867.50 All of which is respectfully submitted. J. G. STfcVENS, Chairman. . G. A. I 'ODD ~ V. E. BROWN I,. A. STOCKWELL, CHAS. H. ACKMAN- : It was thereupon regularly moved by Jksst. Supr. Donovan and duly seconded l»y Supr. Dodd that the report, 6f the Committee 6n Licenses be adopted by $his Board. Said motion was declared Unanimously carried. The Committee on Roads and Bridges tnade the following report, to-wit: ' Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors, McHenry County, Illinois: The undersigned members of the Road 'find Bridge Committee for said County, Vould beg leave to submit the following report on the matters before them. That we met at Woodstock, Illinois, On the 7th day of July, 1933 and auditad and paid bills chargeable to the Mc- ,.ijenry County Patrol System of Roads lis a whole including supplies and re- |)airs for county machinery and labor at I'he County tool house to the -.Amount of ,«• $155.71 Bills chargeable to the various sections ;0f the County Patrol System of roads, for labor and materials at rates heretofor approved by this Board, were audited and ordered paid as follows, from the County Highway Tax Fund. t . SSeeccttiioonn ' 12 .., Section 3 (lection f ection 6, 6 ections 7, 10 • SeeccttIioonn 8j '.'..'.' 'i,...... ..i- .. ection ection 12 Section 13 ection 14 Section 16 Bectiona 16, ll .... (Section If,, Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen, of the Board of Supervisors: •' Your Committee on County Poor Claims would beg leave to report that they have examined aril elaijns presented to thern. and recominend the payment Of t Iw following, and that the Clerk b*' directed to issue orders on the County Treasurer to the Claimants for the s^v eral amounts allowed, as follows, to-wlt: McHenry-- • • Laura Blake. Tuberculosis patient, serv. home of. Pete Freund $12.00 Hart land--> . v"-' The Zace Tuberculosis San., ci.Ee Hattie C. Butts .;..a.;|ifl."l Chemung-- The Zace Tuberculosis Ban., care Ada Parrish 100.71 Woodstock Hospital bill, care of Edgar A. Poe 232,00 Woodstock hospital bill $232.00. care of Edgar A. Poe not allowed, and your committee recommends that tWs blJl be referred to the State's Attorney fot~ collection against l,ake county. All of which is respectfully submitted. D. M. WRIGHT A. H. HALE S. H. FREUND ~ CHAS. H. ACKMAN JOHN T. O'BRtEN Tt was thereupon regularly moved %y Supr. Ackman and duly seconded by Supr. Clawson that the report of the Committee on Claims County Poor be adopted by this Board, and the roll-being called said motion was unanimoualy adopted. The Committee on Claims, Labor Fees and Supplies made the following report, to-wit: Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: , Your Committee on Labor, Fees and Supplies Claims would beg leave to report that they have examined all claims presented to them, and recommend the payment of the following, and that the Clerk be directed to issue orders on the County Treasurer to the Claimants for the several amounts allowed, as follows, to-wit: Lester Edinger, hauling garbage....! 3.60 E. F. Meyer, water softener shf. 10.00 Davidson-Pearsall Co., mdse. shf. 10.64 E. F. Backhus, labor and material C. H. : 29.01 dog tax R. M. Bean, Seneca Aasr. 1933 dog tax '. ; Jos. n. Schmidt, McHenry A.agr. 1933 dog tax 'J Northwestern Garage, Personal Prop, back tax . County Treasurer's Fees •R. D. Woods, Co. Clk, Dane* Hall and Beer license Arthur L. Senger, Ext. Estate ^ of H. E. Benjamin .-. Co. Treas. Fees on July Inheritance Tax. Alfred C. Meyers, Ext. Estate Amelia Vincent Section 1 Section 2 Section 3 Section 4 tl.OO Sections 5, i:.... Sections 7, 10 13.00 Section 8 | Section 9 8.00 Section 11 ...... Section 12 --... 47.82 | Section 13 .16 I Section 14 Section 15 m.SO i Section 16-11 Section 17 ...... Highway tax » 669.41 62.50 ............ 761.58 Your Committee on I>abor, Fees And Supplies Claims would beg leave to report that they hftv* examined all claims presented to them', and iteco_mmend the payment "of the following, an3 that the 62.50 , Clerk be directed to issue orders on 391.S0 22.60 Total _ feesolutton WHEREAS, there Is now available for the' une of McHenry County, Illinois, out of the Motor Fuel Tax of 1929, the sum of $3,29 4.22 and WHEItHAS, it is permissible under said Motor Fuel Tax Law, approved March 25, 1929, to purchase Right Of Supervisors for County Home Way for the improvement of State ,;Ald Co. Treaa. Fees on spec, aqsni'ts 73.13 Setx 3, 16D, at t'nion; i 11 111. BellvTel., Cov com; on" booth .54 1 and labor and mat< 62.60 6S.50 ea.svi 64.60 . 623.15 66.95 44.20 67.37 71.45 62.31 Mar«n«»<i---Sioney P'Tp, Ci.rrrles Kelley. Dunham--Fr> .1 Chemung--Fred Bosler, R. l». Offlhr. Alden--Elnur Cf./. 1? art land--Chas. Cooper. Seneca--C-- Perry Wright, - the County Treasurer to the Claimants Coral--Harry Ocock. allowed, as ..f»7.3; for the several amounts follows, to-wit: Frank Thorn her ft Co., supplies Co. Officers III. Bell Tel. Co.. service "and tolls Co. Officers .... .. .... 60.35 111. Bell Tel. Co., service and tolls sheriff 16-85 Ethel C. Cue, exp. of office ............ 12.64 186,16 Keystone Eiu-. Co., mdse. Supt. ~ •'•» 1 of, Scha. 14.45 OacettA. nrta. Suiit. of . .90 WHEREAS, the Right of Way Com- State oC liLMrtT. T. S< littee of the Board of Supervisors ot Co. Treas. Fees on sam< Sec. J .. .....1.000.00 "Fees same 30.30 .McHenry County, Illinois, have secured State of 111. M. F..T. Sec. £-16D 6,777.10 the signatures tt> the following High- .. Co. Treas. Fees or same .... 116.71 way Dedications for the improvement of B. C. Getzelmaik, ext. MarCella State Aid Routes Number 4A, 13-13A. j Klnkor ; 14 A and 11. McHenrv Count v. Illinois: •t*t« Aid Bout* 4A, S. B. i. Boat* SO Chaa. Foley .,.....f500.0t» F. Norwood Wilson, et al Vi.' 600.00 Joseph E. Freund,/agreement-for" channel charge 400.Oo Will' T. Conn, County Recorder, \ recording 3 dedication plats... 20 00 Harry,F. Peteit, County Treasurer • Treasurer Fees 28.68 . ... $3,813.86 , Richmond -Gazette, prtg. Supt«> . M. F. T. Sec. 5 at Harvard, labor and i" 1 Schs. materials, ny>Jor fuiel tax fund $670.31 Woodstock Journal, pftg. Uupt. W.II His P. T. Sec. 4. at Ridgefleld, labxir, J of Schs. 164.SK I from motor fuel tax fund $22!>.-4j& Herald Pub'g Co. (C. Lake),- ement $7,404.64,. j prtg' Supt. of^Scbs; terial, 816,534.31 'I McHenry Plaind.eaier, prtg. SUpt» total $23,998.95 | of Schs. The concrete slag is iril laid on. the':"Hebron Times," prtg. SUJ)t.. of Irnion; Job and ..the nhmiMer work is be- Schs, .....-.".,..;':;'i.U,sA4'r' ing' rapidly.. cotQjjL^MlT " ' isiieriflf t^ook County, Peo.- Va iL j The Harvard joli is completed except [" E'. Helton,' Recwver < < ! t y- .90 .9d 4"S0 . . ...... 516.64 some guard rail ah'd we recommend j.loh'n F. Weinke, cutting thistles j , H. F. 1 etejt, Co. C611. pt 1932 - : la resolution be passed requesting main- j fair gronnds 6.00 County Tax .v.... , . 10,000.00 ; tenance money for said section 5 M. K. ! Hoy J Stewart, 26days Board ; " -- -- r -- -- T . o u t o f t h e M o t o r F u e l T a x f u n d s . R e v i e w $ 5 , 5 i i p e r d a y . , . . . 1 1 9 . 2 5 .345.43 | We decided to pot the road patrolmen Henry 1 lati ison, 25 da\s Board,. ? --- ^• on a 5*1 hour week > schedule for the) .Review <u $5.50 per day 112.50 Bal on hand July 81,1>33 - 6.00 i«l 81, 1133 . $75,151.86 month of August, instead of halt' time, i l>r. Henry W. Sandeen, Insane H. F. PETRIT, Co. Treas.; All i>f Which is respectfullJ^'avjbWittVd, ' trial Geo. W. Mathews ...V.ilC. Dj[ Ulenn ,E.. Wright,' insane trial'* ..-•Geo. \\. Mathews . -- Kirkman Ice Co., ice sherirt Woo'dstock .Dairy, milk sheriff $ 36.75 75.78 122.47 70.25 98.75 66.00 94.05 80.15 608.53 68.45 12.25 76.97 72.87 60.4 5 ; 199.54 , , ' $1,897.97 If.-P. T. aac. 6. labor and materials, Motor fuel tax fund $1,122.4S M. F. T. Sec. 6, for engineering . on plans Motor fuel tax fund 117.00 Yqur Committee has decided to continue the road patrolmen on half time for the month of July, 1933. ', In the matter of the improvement of •Woodstock Street In the City of Crystal lAke, Illinois, referred to this Committee, no action has been taken but so far -Ve would report that we are informed |hat this portion of 'street cannot be made a State aid Route under existing laws. There is no money available at the present time for its improvement, yhen too we are informed a law was Tecently passed whereby the Cities and Villages of Illinois are now receiving or tre about to receive one cent of the State gasoline tax, the same as the County. We would .also report that the deal Whereby McHenry County purchased a crusher from R. W. Miller of Lake Jreneva, Wis., has been completed and in order was issued to him on the 12th ay of June 1933 as a final payment for aid crushing and screening plant, in he sum of $1500.00. Your committee met on the 8th day of July, 1938, at the Bartell culvert on the State Aid Road west of Huntley. The peld stone wally of this 8 ft. six inch . span culvert had undermined during the jrecent flood, and the floor caved in. This «ras discussed and considered as an Emergency matter and it was decided to J>ut In two 5 ft. tubes of Corrugated tnetnl culvert pipe, estimated to cost abput $400.00, and we instructed the County Supt. of Highways to order lame at once. We estimated that there will be necesaary for the care m the McHenry Patrol System of Roads until the September meeting of this Board, an appropriation from the County Highway') Tax Fund levied In September. 1932, in the sum of ten thousand ($10,000,001 Dollars. All of which 1b respectfully submitted: CHAS. H. ACKMAN J. G. STEVENS G. A. DODD FRANK MAY ' N B. CLAWSON There is about $36,000.00 tied up in the American National Bank. To date I have used about $50,000.00 of the, :-- County Tax. I have about 60% of. the $1,448.68 taxes collected and have paid out to the •tat* Ald Bonta 13-13A, Sao. 4, M. T. T. taxing bodies 65%. Herman P. Kelder. Jr. $100.00 m * John Holek 351.00 It was thereupon regularly moved by Mrs. Georgia E. Lockwood 28.00 Supr. Brown and duly seconded by Asst. Committee on Roads and' Bridges be George "oVant" dpty"shf Edith Castle 100.00 Supr. Donovan, that said report be adopted bv this Board. And the roll Wen -Edinger. dptv shf 5.00 10.00 •13.95 CHAS. H. ACKMAN G. A. DODD J. G. STEVEN# FRANK MAY N. K. CLAWSON I West. I'n. Gas & El. Co.. gas Shf.' 8.4<1 It wns thereupon regularly-moved by E. F. Backhus, mdse. shf .....,..^.19.60 Supr. Wright and duly seconded by a. W. Wagner, mdse, shf. .,..."10.75 Supr. Brown th_at .th e re.p.or.t . .of th. e William Cairns, llailiff & dpty shf 324.00 0Q 4.00 Grafton--Thomas J- Keating. Dorr--Jos. Peacock, Wm. Hackeft Greenwood--Kramer Porter. Hebron---Joe Losee. _ Richmond--Wm. PeferaOtt. ; Burton--Chas. Freuna i*, ^ McHenry--S. H. Smith, joe_W«t. N unda-- Wm. Tessendorf; llfchael Knox. Algonquin --> Fred Duensin#, Stanley Stewart. There being no further business to come before the meeting it was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Ackman and dulv seconded by Supr. Turner that this Board adjourn. Motion carried. Thereupon the Board adjourned. a JOHN E. HARRISON, Chalrinaiu Attest: R. D. WOODSj, Clerk. « • Y « A „ . " . . " _ i * 1 " - »»,» HII." rtiiu liir » wn UUITII l^lillgt'i , ti)H \ i i... .i>... John O. Krausa .,v.i..s;.;1600.00 placed on file. Motion declared, carriea. being called said motion was declared Richard Farrell. bailiff ff dpty ahf 12.00 Harry F. Peteit, County Treaa. j The County clerk made the following unanimously carried. tLeRoy Clark bailiff & dptv ahf .. .32.00 Treasurer Fees 36.61 report on mother's pensions and payment | The following Resolution on main- ' 1 «s-te'r Edi-nger. expenses ".. 16.70 ' ' " of License fees, which were on motion tenance referred to in the report of the Marquette Cement Co., S. A. Rt tl.J'S-®1- <lnly made and carried, approved and Committee on Roads and Bridges was I 21A, 14A. Sec 3-15D > , ..7,464.64 State Aid Bonte 14A, Sao. 3-lSXt ordered placed on file, to-wit: (presented and read to the Board, to-wlt: C. L. Trvon, sal exp. Sup. Hys 278.82 Robert Albrecht, moving back 150 i August 8, 1933. Baaolatlon . Woodstock Daily Sentinel, stp. rods fence for Zickuhr Est. . . $ 40.00 State of Illinois, County of McHenry, ss. ! Of County Board of Supervisors of , env. Ctr. clk.,*and Sup. notice . .. 61.20 Harry F. Peteit, County Treasurer I. R. D. Woods, County Clerk in and McHenry County Requesting Approval L Tryon, cemetery plats .124.72 . Treasurer Fa^S .81 for the County and State aforesaid, beg of the Use of Money Allotted to the Chicago ind. Home for Child,, care ' . < -- leave to report that Mothers' Pensions County under the Provisions of the County, children 315!00 •t- / . ' *0.81 have been granted to the following nam- Motor Fuel Tax Law. ; Woodstock Journal, prtg. aasmt. (tat* Aid Bonta -"ili S. B. X. Bonta 47 e(l persons by the County Court of said RESOLVED, by the Board of Su'per- list and beverage notice.' .230.45 Will T Conn County Recorder McHenry County, since December 1, visors, of McHenry County, that public The Hepublican-NeWs Co., prtg. recording dedications ' $ 8.00 1932: interest demands the maintenance of assmt. list -...154.00 Harrv F Peteit County Treasurer ' McHenry Twp., Mayme King $10.00 sections of the public highway all lo- The McHenry Plalndealer, prtg. Treasurer Feea U "•"McHenry Twp., Anna Miller 30.00 cated in State aid roads and originally - aasmt. list 98.70 Dorr Twp., Anna Spencer 10.00 constructed under the provision of the The Richmond Gaaette, prtg, $ 6 12 Algonquin Twp., Josephine Sta&ck 10.00 "Motor Fuel Tax Law," approved March assmt list 56.50 THEREFORE B« it reaolved bv said Dorr Twp., Clarice Thacker 10.00 25, 1929, designated as follows:'; Hebron Times, prtg. assmt. Mat.... 41.30 Board of Sunervisors of McHenrv Coun- Twp., Mabel Dennlnj 86.00 State Aid Route 20, Motor Fuel Tax c. Lake Herald Pub. Co., prtBT. ty, 111 inoi s? that t he abo ve a mo un t of Dorr Twp Sylvia Casey 10.00 Section 5, and be it further ^ . 278.05 81 294 22 nf the Motor Fuel Tax of 1929 McHenry Twp., Dorothy Van Duaen 10.00 RESOLV ED, (1) that the above destg- Dr. H. \\ . Sandeen, pled, attend. be' used for the nurohase of said rieht Nunda Twp., Jane Camm 10.00 nated sections be maintained under the Co. Prisonera 84.00 of wav above mentioned and McHenry Twp.. Anna Hentlfhg 15.00 provisions of said Motor Fuel Tax Law Bodenschatz & Sahs, mdse. ahf. .... 82.99 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Grafton Twp., Elsa Clara Schwarti 20.00 during the year ending December 31, Rohn Hrd. Co., mdse. shf.^^X....... 4.86 . ... , ,...o ....... • - 15.73 Regular September Meeting, 1933 The Honorable Board of Supervisors df McHenry County met in annual session at the Court" House in the City of- Woodstock, on Tuesday, the 1,2th day ot September, A. D; 1933 at ten p'elticki a. m. - -, The meeting was called to order by;> the Chairman; John E. Harrison, and the roll being called the following mem-' btrs responded to their names, to-wit: L. A. Stock well, D. M. Wright, C. M. Palmer. John T. O'Brien, N. B. Clawson, E. c- Hughes, E. F. Kuecker, Chas. Ackman, Jos. Hemmer, V. E. Brown, John E. Harrison, H. M. Turner, J. G. Stevens, Frank Mav. S. H. Freund. A. H. Hale, G. A. Dodd and Asst. Suprs. J. D. Donovan and Paul Rosenthal constituting a full Board. The records of the last preceding meeting of this Board were read and on motion approved. The County Treasurer's report for the month of August. 1933. was presented and read to the Board and upon motion duly made and carried said report was approved and ordered placed on file, to-wit: County Treasurer's Beport, August Balance July 31. 1,933 $75,151.88 Pd. out on orders month of August 38,012.01 R. D. Woods, County Clerk, Is hereby directed to certify a copy of this resolution to the Department of Public I Works and Buildings. DJviplon of Hifh- ; ways, Springfield, Illinois, for its ap- ; proval - for voucher. All of which is respectfully submitted. 1933. I R. D. WOODS., County Clerk. (2) That there is hereby appropriaJI July 12, 1933. ed the sum of Five Hundred Dollars Received of R. D. Woods, County ($600.00) from the county's allotment Clerk Nine Hundred Forty-two and of Motor Fuel Tax Funds for the main- Belcher Bros., mdse. shf. W. F. Lang, labor and mat. sheriff's res 1.. E. Sweet, notary public serv. Beer Lie. 20.50 ' hvISu^rMAckm^fn,Innd dnfv'seconded^bv State of Illinois, County of McHenrv, s«, 'hereby directed to transmit two certi- E. F. lvuecker, spl com wk .20.90 nr Mav that th» rpsolutim on Bleht I. R. D. Woods. County Clerk in and fted copies of this resolution to the !>e-' Chas. H. Ackman, spl com wk " i of Way Purchase be adopted by this f°r ^ou"t/ "nd State aforesaid. Do {^tment otPn"lc Works and BuHd- j;oseph Hemmer, spl Board and the roll beine called said Hereby Certify and Report that I did ings, Division of Highways, bpringneld, V olney Brown, spl c 60-100 Dollars for 63 Beer Licenses and tenance of the above designated sec- L. A. Stockwell, s|il com'WOfk .... 42.40 ~ ^ J Delos M. Wright, spl' com wk ...... 63 20 68.40 3 Dance Hall Licenses. ($942.50), H. F. PETEIT, Co. Trer»s. tions; and be it further RESOLVED, that the County Clerk Is John T. O'Brien, spl com vk 15.01' 150 6.00 7.50 2.00 It was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Wright and duly seconded by Supr. Palmer that the report of the Committee on Roads and Bridges be adopted by this Board. On roll call Suprs. Stockwell, Wright, Palmer, O'Brien, Clawson, Hughes, Ackman, Hemmer, Brown, Turner. Stevens, May. Frennd, Hale, Dodd and Asst. Suprs. Donovan and Rosenthal voted aye. Nay hone and motion declared unanimously carried. A Mr. Fran*, a salesman for a manufacturing concern, appeared before the Board and displayed a nfew type of tnetal fool-proof ballot box for the consideration of the members. It was therupon regularly moved by Supr. •Freund *.nd duly seconded by Supr. Turner that said matter be referred to Committee on Elections for report. U otion declared carried. Mrs. W. T. Charles and Mrs. Earl Blgelow, a committee of the Board of the Woodstock Public Hospital, being resent at the meeting were called upon _>y the Chairman. Mrs. Charles then (addressed the Board and stated that iiulte some time ago a patient was .brought to said Hospital by the County Physician and Sheriff of McHenry County for treatment, and that the Hospital had a bill against McHenry £ourity 'or *aid treatment in the amount of $232.00. Mrs Charles further stated that the hospital board is very anxious to make .collection of said bill. On account of Mr. Lumley not being present at the meeting, said matter was laid over for the afternoon session. The Clerk presented and read several communications from the Department of Public Works and Buildings ot the State of Illinois, together with a ire- Woodstock Dairy, milk shf. Roy Sherman, gun shf. .... West. Un. Gas & El. Co., gas ahf. t.94 Rudolph Kramer, cleaning boiler c. H. : Lawyers Co. Op. Pub. Co., A. L. R. Vol. 84 ...; Woodstock Sentinel, prtg. Co. . Officers ..,.. 71.96 Woodstock Sentinel, prtg. Co. Off. 13.75 Zion Office Supply, mdse. Co. Clk. 2.35 Oscar Bates, hauling ballots to be burned Chicago Ind. Home for . Child, Board County children' Sidney Corson, bailiff and Dpty, shf 12.00 Walter Brooks, dpty. shf. 4.00 Geo. Frett, dpty. shf 4.00 Pfeiffer's Pharmacy, mdae. Supt. . Schs 1.50 Ethel C. Coe, exp. Supt. SChS. ........ tt.88 Hammond & Stephens Co., md*fe- Supt. Schs Woodstock Journal, prtg. Supt. " Schs V v -- Eckert & Bending, rhdse. shf. ........ 111. Bell Tel. Co., service and tolls Co. Off 38.96 111. Bell Tel. Co.. tolls shf 18.15 Hoesley's Bakery, mdse shf 26.35 C. L. Tryon, sal. & exp. Sup. Hys. 258.93 W. S. Battern, fees People's cases 110.00 Richmond Cassette, blanks Co. Clk, 2.00 McHenry Plaindealer, pub. Bev- .. erage notice Co. Clk Hebron Times, pub. bev. notice Co. Clk .-. C. L. Herald Pub'g Co., pub, be*... notice Co. Clerk - 2.00 G. L. Tryon, cemetery plats :....,1®4.66 14.00 80.00 8.00 8.00 9.80 46.55 Illinois. com wk com wk |Volney Brown, telephone H. M. Turner, spl com wk & tel. Board, and the foil being called said . , , „ „ motion was declared unanimously car- '?n i,uly 19.81 Vi „ • Coun ri_d • • ty Treasurer or McHenry County, evi I fin nr rim an nhnirmin nf the mm. denred by receipt hereto attached. Nine | It was thereupon regularly moved by J. G. Stevens, spl com wk mi nil 'onf rfic-h't nf w«v n^dresood tho Hundred Forty-two and 60-100 Dollars Supr. Brown and duly seconded by Supr. g. h. Freund, spl com wk Bftor^T and stated that the^-e is auit* a amount received by me for Hale that the Resolutioh be adopted by P. K. Rosenthal, spl com wk . b/t of monev in I he A m er hMin Nat i onal f'f'.v-three (53) Malt and Vinous .Bev- this Boanl. And the roll being called o. A. Dodd, spl com wk Bank of Woodstock which is now closed. ?r.**e Licenses and three (3) Dan<* Hall said motion was declared unanimously n. B Clawson, spl com, wk •• • that was received bv McHenrv Countv I-lcenses issued up to and Including carried. Frank May. spl com wk for th^ navment of rieh\ of-wav onsev- Jul>' n- 1983< and approved by the A Resolution .for the appropriation of C. M. Palmer, spl com wk eral different routes from of Hoard of 8uperviHors on said dat#. , Motor Fuel *Tax Fund to replace Motor lister Kdinger, allowance for imnois „ut of Motor FiISl ^ i , R. D. WOODS. County Clerk. , Fuel Tax Fund in closed Bank for the «uto July 100.00 d u f M c H e h r v C o u n t v • a n d T h * t o n a c - 1 p u r c h a s e o f R i g h t o f W a y w a s p r e s e n t - M a r i a n E d i n g e r . c o o k i n g f o r p r l a . count of this condition contractors are Th® Committee on Licenses made the ed and read to the Board. Supr. O'Brien. July . ..100 00 i unable to continue with the work until following report which was on motion Chairman^ of b^Special^ Oommjttee ^on Philip Bierdeman. clerk shf. .100.00 •00.00 the " ' Brow Boart 62.15 3 4.15 73.60 4.55 . 5.90 59.0^ ....: 28.00 .... 5.50 ..... 55.00 ..... 50.86 ..... 5.80 57.37 could Fund of the County, so that the contracts could be completed. A general discussion was then had by the members of the Board on this subject. It was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. 40.76 ' Wright and duly sec .80 '70.69 S.00 S.oo Your Committee on Licenses .would conditions on the several Routes being cieo. Welch. S .A. Rt. 21A-14A beg to submit the following Report on < constructed In McHenry County und Sec. 3, 15D .. .16.634.31 the matters before them:' |that he wished to report that the Hunt- All j)f which Is respectfully submitted, v m .veil I>v mmr Your Committee has investigated the ley and Union contractors were employ- JOHN T. O'BRIEN liv Siinr following applications for Dance Hall lng local labor satisfactory to the Com- % E. F> Kl'ECKER uiiaeuI o> oMir. and He<,r i^censes during the preceding mltte. but that it was the opinion of p. F. ROSENTHAL th<> committee that the bridge work N. B. CLAWSON' JOSEPH HEMMER The Committee on Claims, County Poor made the following report which 8 86.00 Committee did not consider local labor, on motion of Supr. Brown and duly 26.00 but that on account of the advanced seconded by Supr. Palmer and the roll 26.00 stage in which this work was in. they being called was unanimously adopted, mi did not think it advisable to hold up the tu-wit: 8 76.00 payment of the Right of Way. It was of the nf Hpht „f r,nt nf the C.^ner'il month and beg leave to report mat L>»- me i ommmee inai ine uriuge wor* of the Countv l. referreH to the have been granted to the same, nearly completed on Route 60 was not » Vv- <-"uul> ^ to-wlt' satisfactory for the reason that <iuite a AtLrnev Wowa " few men were being employed that the Stockwell thiit the matter of the pay- .. , . . „ . - . ,v,„. , , ment of right-of-way out of the General »lonth and beS l*ave to report.that Li Fund Right the County Judge and State's Attorney with full power to act. And the roll *Lra«MC ceveij, being called Suprs. Stockwell, Wright. Palmer, O'Brien, Clawson, Ackman, Hemmer, Brown. Turner, Stevens, May, Dodd and Asst. Supr. Donovan vcAed 837.139.SS •mount* received tor moatli of Aiful County Treasurer's Fees on August Inheritance Tax 811.99'. V. S. Lumley, State's Attorney Fees and Fine 40.0# Wm. T. Conn. Circuit Clerk, fees 19.4# Lester Edinger, shf., feeding Federal prisoners ....,, --880.8$ J. T. Kitchen, Assessor Marengo 1933 dog tax 64.0# State of Illinois, reimbursement blind, pension 513.5# County Supervisbrs for County Home Rlanche McCue, personal property back tax 88.7# Chas. M. Palmer, personal property hack tax 35.M Wm. F. Lang, personal property back tax - 4.81 Co. Treas. Fees on personal property back tax State of Illinois, Const, cost Sec. 6 SA 20 110.00 Countv Treasurer's fees on same 22.2X H F. Peteit, Co. Coll. pt 1933 tax 10,000.00 County Supervisors, County Home 402.68 111. Be.ll Tel. Co. comm. on booth .34 Riley Township, for highway fund 222.85 . R. D. Woods, Co. Clk., Beer and Dance Hall licenses 602.50 Rt. 60, 81120.00; 13 and ISA 81763.00;3-15D 840.00, Rt. 47, $6.00 State of Illinois 3.229.08 County Treas. Fees on same 66.28 State of Illinois, SA 13 and 13A Section 4 6,200.Of County Treasurer Fees on same 125.2K 'Vv C. E. carpenter, personal prop. back tax 15.0§ N. B. Clawson, Alden, Co. Home ... 19.7® 1,^.* Frank May, Burton, county home . 64.8* «if. -- w- • ' l.A" :? • »**- Wm. Ackman Total $23,326.U land stated that soine time ago the Wm. Cairns, bailiff Cir. Ct. Richard Farrell, dpty. shf. Howard Freeman, dptv. shf. .. Lcliov Clark, Imiliff A. L. Bennett, labor V! H Evans Meat Market, meal -«hf. Lester Edinger, allow, on car June 100.00 Marian Edinger, cooking for prla. June 100.0" Philip Bierdeman, clerk shf. June 100.00 Vestie Muldoon, janitor, June ...106.00 Daisy V. Moore, Ast. Sup. Sch. T. Off.. 113.75 Irene Crabtree, salary Ct. Rep 90.00 Citv of Woodstock lights 82.18 M. F. T. S. A. Rt. 20, Sec. 6 1,122.41 M. F. T. S A. Rt. 8, Sec. 6 . 117.00 Joseph Hemmer, spl com work .... 16.40 Volney E. Brown, spl com wk .... 66.80 J. D. Donovan, spl com wk 4.50 H. M. Turner, spl com wk 6.90 J. G. Stevens, spl com wk 8f.l0 Frank May, spl com wk 1'8.10 S. H. Freund. spl com wk 17.80 A. H. Hale, spl com wk 6.50 P. F. Rosenthal, spl com wk ........ 8.50 G. A. Dodd, spl com wk 88.30 D. M. Wright, spl com wk \.. 48.20 Charles Ackman, spl com wk #i.Si> L. A. Stockwell, spl com wk' 49.35 N. B. Clawson, spl com wk SO.80 John T. O'Brien, spl com wk 84.90 C. M. Palmer, spl com wk 36.25 All of which is respectfully submitted, JOHN T. O'BRIEN i L N. B. CLAWSON P. F. ROSENTHAL JOSEPH HEMMER It was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Hale and duly seconded by Supr. Hemmer that the report of the Committee on Claims, Labor Fees and Supplies be adopted by this Board, and th* roll being called „spild motion was unanimously adoptrd. Chairman Harrison called on a special c o m m i t t e e c o n s i s t i n g o f J o h n T . O'Brien, N. B. Clawson, C. M. Palmer and I). M. Wright appointed by the «Thairman to have charge of McHenry County labor on road projects in said County. Supr. O'Brien as chairman of haid committee, then addressed the Board and stated that it was the opinion of the committee that the contractors are not employing as mucli local labor as they should under their contracts. Representatives of S. J. Groves and Sons and Thos. McQueen, contractors then stated that they were willing and ready to employ at least 90% local labor at all times. It was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Ackman and duly seconded by Supr. Dodd that the committee appointed by the Chairman continue to look after said matter. Motion declared carried. Supr. Wright, chairman of the Lands and Lots Committee, addressed the Board and stated that at the June meeting of this Board the question of purchasing the farm adjacent to the County Farm, consis-ting of 160 acres .mo.r_e or less, was referred to his Committee for report! and that his committee had made a thorough investigation in regard to said matter. A general discussion waB then had by the members ot the Board in regard to same, and gpkans thereupon, regularly moved by Ackman and duly seconded by Supr. Hemmer that the proposition of purchasing the farm adjacent to the County Farm, be tabled. And the roll being called said motion was declared unanimously carried. Supr Wright addressed the Board and stated that the rent of the polling place for the June Judicial Election for the District: in Warengo precinct was not included .!» the election expense al- Watson & Redwani rected to present the matter to the full 'I1 Board for their consideration. Rev. C. , "• * ^ E. Maxwell, superintendent of the Wood- V stock Children's Home, stated that they A' Hor" & son would accept the Institution for lars per month larly moved by Supr seconded" by 8upr. Turner that th County of McHenry guarantee the payj ment for the care of said children in riiVnann the Woodstock Children's Home, and tJe™ ^nioson the roll being called said motion was declared unanimously carried. 1 A claim in the amount of 8260.00 presented by the Old People's Rest Home for the care of Etta Hibbard was referred by the Committee on Labor, Fees and Supplies to the full Board for their consideration. State's Attorney Lumley addressed the Board and stated that up until one year ago the care of Etta Hibbard at said home was paid for by relatives living at Crystal Lake in Algonquin Township, but due tt> financial reverses, the relatives were unable to continue to contribute to her support. A general discussion was then had by the members of the Board in regard to the same. It wk* thereupon regularly e five children in their Burke & %Vert i rharirt* nf fiixtv Dol- August 1 . W enkel It was thereupon regu- Olen Crest Country Club Supr. Clawson and duly IfTrv*i"n1g! VAinXdfie®rs o"nl. Ackman & Ackman Earl Judson C. Ben .lacoby .. Sawka ft Toll^lt Peter Parten Poor report that pre- _ £0 Palmer, O'Brien, Clawson, Kuecker, scnted to them, and recommend the pay- 17.60 Ackman, Hemmer, Brown, Turned, Stev- inent of the following, and that the 17.80 i ens. May Freund, Hale and Dodd and Clerk be directed to issue orders on the 17.60! Asst. Suprs. Donovan and Rosenthal Countv Treasurer to the claimants for 17.80 voted aye. Nay--none. And motion de- the several amounts allowed, as follows, 17 60 clared unanimously carried, to-wlt: Ito-wit: 12!60 I *aaol»tloa | Nunda -- 12.60 | For the Appropriation of Motor Fuel The Ottawa Sanatorium, care 17.60 Tax Fands to Replace Motor Fuel Tax ! Elmer Nelson .............:|90.00 17.60 FundB in closed banks lor the purchase Old People's Rest Home, braird 17.60 of Rle-ht of Way. j Etta Hibbard 40.00 12.60 WHEREAS, there Is now available | McHenry-- 17.60 for the use of McHenry County, 11U- ,8: H. Freund, serv. Pater Freund 17.60 nols, out of the Motor Fuel Tax Law of I and Mrs. Freund --. 40.00 17.60 1929 the sum of 87,207.72 and i Chemung-- 17.80 1 WHEREAS, it is permissable under Zace Sanatorium care Ada Parrish 104.08 All of which Is respectfully submitted. A. H. HALE CHAS. H. ACKMAN H. FREUND' l!.6(i ) said Motor Fuel Tax Law approved 17.60 ,July 7, 1933 to replace Motor Fuel Tax IT.60 Funds which have been made Inacces- 17.60 sihle through the liquidation or con- ] servation of the Bank in which such 8412 .60 (funds were deposited by the County,, All of which is respectfully submitted, land J. G. STEVENS. Chairman. Clerk presented and read & copy of an application for Certificate of Con Bal. on hand Aug. 31, 1933 .. •160.464.# ' 838,000.00 of the above amount !»• still tied up in the American National Bank. Following is the percentage of taxep collected in the various townships <t£ the county: Riley, 63<£,; Coral. 78<£: Marengo, 62%; Grafton, 53^-: Dunham Tier.: Dorr, 67% Chemung, 77%; Greenwood. 81%; Al« den, 74%; Hebron, 81%: Hartland. 61%; Richmond. 6905.: McHenry, 72%: Nunai, 52<x; Algonquin, 66%. H.„ F. PETEIT, Co. Treaa, -.0/ ft: <lH .1 - »A ' H The following report presented by th* Committee on Eradication of Tuberculosis in Cattle was presented and .read, to the Board and upon motion duly made and carried, said report was ap» approved and ordered placed on file. to> wit: Beport of the T. B. committee on tkl Expenditures of tk» County Yatartnar* tan's Ottee from Sept. tat.. 193S t« Sfept. lat., -19W. Office Xxpensaa September. 1932 .... V. E. BROWN G. A. DODD CHAS. H. ACKMAN L. A. STOCKWELL WHEREAS the County of McHenry. |venience and Necessity together with Illinois has deposited in the American a notice of an application directed to the National Bank of Woodstock, the sum Illinois Commerce Commission pre.^entof 87,207.72 of Motor Fuel Tax Funds ed by Iveeshin Motor Express Company received from the Department of Fi- for a right to operate Motor Vehicles nance for the purchase of Right of Way for the transportation of property on following . Resolution .on St^te Aid Route Number 4-A Mc- cetain State Bond Issue Route in M<v alntenance of State Aid Gravel and .Henry' Coun\v.' It'linoTa '»#-follows: lllenr> County. It was thereupon regu- Amount larly moved by Asst. Supr. Donovan and 81,200.O0 duly seconded bv Supr. Brown that the 16 .00 notice and application be referred to the Macadam Roads was presented and read ( Name of Owner to the Board, to-wit: 1 Nellie Johnson ...;. B*B0lntl0» {Catherine NimegFep , Of County Board for the Maintenance moved by Supr."Hale"and duiy seconded of State Aid Gravel and Macadam Roads. John Miner by Supr. Turner that Etta Hibbard be WHEREAS, The law required "That Mrs John Bowefi .. made a County charge until such lime when a gravel or macadam road is con- ^uier as her relatives can take care of her strocted, the county shall pay one-half (V"uni> ireas. ««ca Motion declared carried. It was then of the cost of its maintenance," and , _ . , moved bv Sunr. Turner and dulv sec- WHEREAS, The law required that I T1H0E1aR EFORE, BE IT ilKSOLVED by 250.00 Committee in Ronds and Bridges for .. 3,300.00 report. Motion declared carried. 1,100.00 The following communication from .. 1,200.00 the State of Illinois, Dept. of Agricul- 142.72 ture, was presented and read and upon . • motion duly made and carried was 87.207.72 , ordered placed on file, to-wit 1 • State of Illinois Department^ of Agriculture Springfield, July 21, 1933. Dr. G. W. Hess, West McHenry, 111. Dear Doctor:. • v I wish to advise of, the certification October, 1932 November, 1932 December, 1932 January, 1933 ... February, 19X8.- March. 1933 w.. April. 1933 ...... May. 1933 June, 1933 July. 1933 August, 1933 6li| 86.If. 20.6| 28.98 10.9* 13.4V 59.7» 132.8# 14.11, 13.28 3148 6M«rt»a ' Dr. Draper fr. :ii ^ept. 1st:, 1981 to June 1st, 1933 81.640..70 DOiothy Desmond, from Sept. . »y Clerk be directed to issue an order promptly all maintenance bills to se- )I929 ,4®*? to re»>1,ice sald funds 'on the County Treasurer to the Claimant cure satisfactory and" economical re-|.,n nircnr vrn that lout of any funds that are not otherwise , suits; therefore, be it IT r L RTHER RESOLVILD that .' ssaTwid 'mmoot uilomn : wwaass" declared uuna^niSmoiusSly 'ofKf'MvtfW'.sK |i^ , of the accreditation of ^Henry County (( y ttpi)roi>r.ateil - fund ln the , lution to the ^rtmjw of^^Wic j,y the federal Bureau as qf July 5. There being no further business tOjhands of the County Treasurer, the sum J j1833. _ t _ 1 come before the Board, It was there- of Six Hundred Fifty Dollars ($650.00), upon regularly moved by Supr. Turner |or as much thereof as is necessary to ; and duly seconded by Supr. Ackman to defray the county's portion of the cost I adjourn. Motion declared carried. There- of maintenance of Stat, aid road known | upon the Board adjourned- ,;,s Section G-15D for the period ending Kuuaines were nresenteu ::J R™. wS?DSR'!.«£ ^'r™"' '^O.VK".' jttl' U and ,„d 1 ways, at Springfield, Illinois, for Its j j wi8h to congratulate you and the approval and voucher. owners of McHenry County on.the suc- . 'cessful campaign which has been put Several communications the|on jhere in recent years. A continuation of the testing in that county is irn- Attest Special August Meeting, 1933. from State of Illinois, Department of Publi = Works and Buildings were presented perative in order to prevent =the recur. and rer " -* --J --J J hereby authorized to draw orders on the , on file. trust that you may have the co-opera 1 Countv Treasurer In the payment of the • A representative of the Illinois Emer- tion of the board and the owners in the f maintenance cost of said road upon re- fi'? ._?!!! conttouiition of this work fceipt of Itemized bills properly ap [ proved by the State Division of Highways. peared before the Board and presented j Very truly yours, forms to the Supervisors, to make re- j Division of Animal Industry turn to said Commission covering relief | p_ \v. ROBISON granted in their respective townships. DWR:AG Superintend, nt Mr. Cristie and Mr. Gay, officers of , Chnirman-^Harrison stated to the the McHenry County Farhi Bureau, ap- Board that he believed that this was peared before the Board requesting that all opportune time for the Board to take The Honorable Board of Supervlaora i it was thereupon regularly moved by of McHenry County met in Special Ses- Supr. Ackman and duly seconded sby Sion pursuant to a call signed by more g0pr. Kuecker that the above and fore- - - -- - - --: r - than one-thfrd of its members at the ! going Resolution be adopted by this an appropriation of Two Hundred (|200) 8orne action with respect to the 2 per Court House in Woodstock, Illinois, on Board. And the roll being called sald;P0"arB oe made to said organization to ce„t retailers Occupation Tax act. ef- Tueaday, the eighth day of August, A,-motion was declared unanimously car* he used as pn*e money in judging con- fective July 1, 1933. That in his opin- D. 1933 at ten o'clock A. M. ried. -- I tests. A general discussion was then j jori it will be necessary for all Counties | The meeting was called to order by The Committee on Roads and Bridges I h*d by the Board In regard to this mat- »o make a proper application to the thf chairman, John E. Harrison, and the m#de the following? report, to-wlt: ) ter, but no action was taken on tne .state of Illinois for their share of this roll being called the following members Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the ,8a*1®- , . . ., . , IreVfcnue' 11 was thereupon regularly responded to their names, to-wit: L. A. ' Board of Supervisors, McHenry Coun- , The Clerk presented lists of Claims j moved by Supr. O'Brien and duly sec- Stockwell, D. M. Wright, C. M. Palmer, | ty, Illinois: j against the County and upon motion I onded l)y supr Dodd that the Chairman John T. O'Brien, N. B Clawson, K. K. i The undersigned members of the road | dtily made and carried _the same was , mittee -v- -- .- - - Kuecker, Chas. H. Ackman, Joseph Hem- and bridge Committee for said County. ; referred to the proper for ; three to investigate saiJ maTTeT' StlRl Of'tlM" - County -of the awantr.www mer, V. E. Brown, John E. Harrison, H. would beg leave to submit the follow- j «eP°rt- And the Board adjourned to l.od [ascertain the. proper *way for McHenry iff. Turner, J. G. Stevens, Frank, May, ine renort on the matters before them. »c,ock 1 • ^ » work. County to qualify under said Act. S. H. Freund,, A. H. Hale, G. A/^Bedd That We met on the 5th day of August J l '3° ocl,oc* r- j Motion declared unanimously carried. and Asst. Suprs. J. D. Donovan and Paul at Woodstock. Illinois. 1933, and audit- J Board met pursuant to j^jjournment. [The Cha:r,nan then appointed to act as Rosenthal-constituting a quorum. led and paid bills chargeabM to the Mc- ! Present same members. :',,r such Committee Supr. O'Brien, Asst. i The records of the Special July meet- Henry County Patrol System of roads I The Committee on Claims. Labor Fees JSupr. RosenOial and Supr. Turner, ing were read and on motion approved, as whole including supplies and re- |and Supplies made the following report j The following named persons were i The County Treasurer s Report for pairs for County machinery. Insurance : which on motion of Supr. Ackman and j selected to serve as Gn«nl^jTuroi s for ! the month of Julv, 1933, was presented and labor at the County tool house to duly seconded by Supr. Brown and the the September "term oft the Circuit 'and read by the Clerk, to-wit: a total of 81.126.98 roll being called was unanimously I Court and on n.otion thef ltst was ap- | Bills chargeable to the McHenry adopted, to-wit: s proved and the Clerk directed to cer- ' Conntjr Traasprer'a ^aport, Swir 'County Patrol, sections for^Jabor and • • t4fy the same to the clerft of the Circuit Balance July, 1, 1933 ; :J?M84.18 materials at rates heretofore approved Mr. Chairman and Gentl.ejrnen of - the Court, to-wit:. Paid out on orders month ot hy this Boai'd were audited and ordered Board of Supervisors: > Riley- -Wm. 6waTd. 1st... to Sept. 1st.. 1933 Dr. Hess from July i-st„ to Sept. 1st,. 1933 4 • Total Sala^es Office Exp. 1933 .. 1,080J0« £80.08 .....|3,000.7# .... 604.78 Grand To'al 33,505.48 Annual Report of CouRty Veterinarian's Office from Sept. 1, 1932 to Sept. 1. 1938 Clean Herds Infected Herd#. Sept. '32 .272 7598 25 977 4T Oct. '82 ... ....181 46.43 38 1147 «» Nov. '38 . ,162 4556 23 811 4t Djec. '32 .. 167 4881 11 359 2i-v- Jan. 33 337 9833 34 934 «i Feb. •si .... 233 6568 25 807 61 Mar. •33 ... .317 9197 34 12S4 71 . Apr. '33 .... ... .303 9428 H 768 7T May, '33 . 308 8841 x17 66S 32 June, •33 143 4042 3 117 4 July, •33 . .150 4573 4 147 & ,'33 .213 5769 '12 368 1* - 1786 79829 235 8384 4sf1:r 2786 79829 3021 88213 GEO W. HESS. The Clerk presented the several reports of overseers of the Poor to tho County Clerk which were ordered placed on file. The Clerk presented and read com* municatioas from the State of Illinois. Department of Public Works and Build* ings: State of Illinois Department of Finance; The Illinois State N'-irse's Association and the Illinois Commerce Commission, which were ordered plaee<t •on file. The Clerk presented the Certificates of the various Highway Conmiissioneri sary to be raised by taxation Tor th* construction, maintenance and re;»air of roads and bridses in the various townships. After the reading of the Certin» "'cites, it was moved by Supr. Hemmer' and duly seconded by Supr Freund. tha|« the said Certificates be approved b»\ this Board. And the roll being called* , Suprs. Wright, Palmer. O'Brien. Claw*, son, , Hughes. Kuecker, Aokman. H' mer, Brown, Turner, Stevens. Hay^ Freund. Hale and Dodd and Asst. Supr% Donovan and Rosenthal voted *y<*. Nay*-«one and motion dedartd nrriii m

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