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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 26 Apr 1934, p. 13

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-<\ V y ^ - ' v * ' ; : f ' p ( . , , > flta motion or Supr. Hugh, s ana duly I stock, Illinois seconded by Supr. Hemracr and the roll 'amending the' JgjEBOARD OF SUPERVISORS, IfteHENRY rOTTNTT. TLITNTjK for the purpose ot ^inoviiy !I ?;;.; ;s^ re r ,vl HI I 11V AU* Ut. Chairman and Gentlenten of the ber 12 .Sessiun,he!<l Septem- tul « ei( Board of Supervisors: 01 %VL arn?. t0 amend °r revise the |U nion Road extension section 3. Ridgefleld road, section 4, M. FW ,, material ; >T.893.63 Greenwood road, Section 7 M. F. T. for engineering expense >90.00 1 Ann,,»i t „ - t -- , - "* • 1 u"""i «u«'J «n-Ti J . J y. ai,npted at said An" 16D final estimate CtHtfativm nsa vwAo Auvl«d«^Mgin^leave to^port ^t !" rTn^actKn™1'"' S5fsion .,and ,lor. th® I We do not think it A<i «n 1 «•A 0 " ociv. LiUii #84.18 they have examined all claims presented to them, arid recommend the payment of the following, and that the Clerk be directed to issue orders on the County Treasurer to the Claimants for the sevtai amounts allowed, as follows, to-wit • McHenry-- Laura Blake, care Peter Freuitft T. B. Patient Pauper Fund 8 20.00 Chemung-- , Zace Tuberculosis Sanatorium. '•" -Va?re Ada Parrish, T. B. Patient • Pauper Fund 100 71 • 411 of which i^respectfuiiy"'submitt«i. S." H." FRKl'ND' -•' JOHN T. O'BRIEN1 / ; ' '•<i2he foll°wing report of th* Staters ATtorney on expenditures for the period ending October 10, 1933 was presented: »nd read to the Board, to-wit: n, . r* * *tty*« Btport of Expenditures To, the Honorable Board of Supervisors! Gentlemen: T, herewith, respectfully" submit ,port of the expenditures, made .by,;'me SIT t^le day of December • A. D. 1932 to; the 10th day of October A. JL». 1933. State of. Illinois, County of McHenry, ss. I, Vincent, S.rfLumley, State's Attorney of McHenry County, Illinois, being first duly sworn on oath, depose and say that the several items mentioned below are Just and true expenditures made by me in connection with the administration of my office out of money set over to me by this Board of Super- Visors for such purposes, .-1932-- .... v .!•• ' if-.Kn.l«w<<ffi;-ay >. Vp^Is proper to com,°e/ before said meJert£ining*. *s 1 the , Dated at Woodstock, iuinois7thYs 6th mend thE'U^cost" 'snot relovaT^ • o ^oHN t' O'BRIEN?'*" no longer carried as a 'Tpara'tTf™!. * . O BRIBN . Your committee eatimatM ih.» -,111 B*«b. 14--Appropriation from r •V Board of Supervisors •. >•...„.• 110.00 jBept. 12--Appropriation from - 1 Board of Supervisors . ...v.i. 160.00 Total Credits Disburssmaatn 1433 Jan. 13--Telephone Feb. 10--J. B. Crofoot Co. for staples ._ Feb. 10--Graham Cogan Co. for paper , Ffeb. 9--Express charge on the above item Feb. 20--Telephone June 1--telephone for March; April and May \ . 102.-02 June 3--Lou Fisher, stenographer 6.00 Sept. 2--telephone for June, , ! July and August .... 95 33 Sept. 28--Fred Walters, rent to ' Dec. 1, 1933 800.00 Sept. 28--Smith-*Hurd, statute.-. Sept. 28--'Stamps ..|407.48 .$39.90 .V.,/ 1.60 , 18.05 35.00 G. A. DODD S. H. FRKl'ND J. G. STEVENS I-li.\NK MAY JOSEPH HEMMRR P. F. ROSENTHAL," V. E. BROWN J. D. DONOVAN" 1. R. D. WOODS, County Clerk of Mc-- Henrjf County, Illinois, and • Ex Officio Clerk of tlie Board, of Supervisors of"> said County, HEREBY CERTIFY that on the. 7th day of November, A." D. 1933 I mailed a written notice to the nine* teen members of the Board of Supervisors at fheir respective addresses in the Post Office in the City of Woodstock. Illinois. I further certify that I made publication of said.meeting under date of'November- 8th, 1933 in the Woodstock Daily Sentinel* published at Woodstock, .Illinois being" a paper of general circulation. . • / < , I N W I T N E S S . W H E R E O F , I h a v e hereunto set .Thy band,and,-affixed the Seal of sai4.cpm.ti this 7th day of' November. 'A., D. 19-33. rSeal) i . " R' D. WOODS, committee estimates there will be necessary for the care of the McHenry County patrol (system of roads until the December meeting of this board an appropriation from the Counts" tax fund levied in September, 1932, in the sum of $1,000.00. All of which is respectfully submitted. , - CHAS. H. ACKMAN J. G. STEVENS frank may ... . , G. A. DODD : N. B. CLAWSON : ^ • • fit* Committee on IJcenses made the following report t-which on motion of Asst. hupr. Donovan and duly seconded y Supr. Wright was unanimously adopted, to-wit: Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen*, ©f • the Board of Supervisors: Your Committee to whom «|raa referred Licenses would, beg leave to submit the following report on the matters before them: . Your Committee has investigated the following Applications for Beer Licenses during the past month and beg /- wi, leavt re»,ort that Licenses hay® been The meeting, was calledTord?^ by j N^^4 -Edwal-d'Zge^^ic^r.111 rofl be?ngT-dledhtheE'f 1?,arr!son' and ,he J Issued to replace one issued to Stockwell. D. M. Wright, Charles M. ^la88 A Chemung, I'a liner, John T. O'Brien, N "B . Clawson, iu. C. Hughes, E. F. Kuecker, Chas. H, Ackmftn, Joseph Henimer, V.,-®. Brown/ John E. Harrison. H. M. Turner, J G. Stevens', Frank May, S. JH. Freiind A. H. Hale and G. A. Dodd and Asst! Suprs. J. D. Donovan and Paul Rosenthal constituting a full Board. The records of the Special October meeting of the Board were presented and read and upon motion duly made and carried were approved and," ordered placed on file. The County Treasurer's report for the month of October, 1933, was presented and read and upon motion of Sui>r. Henimer and duly seconded ly Supr. Dodd was ordered placed on file, to-wit: County Treasnrer's Report, October Balance on hand Sept; 3» .„:J.#58,293.69 Paid o.ut on orders month of October 23.843.58 All of which J. Gi STE' i .* • V, B. BROWN O: A. DODD y CHAS. H. ACKMAN ' L. A. STOCKWELL is respecttuli& subnrUtteV! STEVEN, Cljalrmrtn. ; ^ The following report of the County | Chairman Emergency Conservatioh Commitee was presented and read to the Board, to-wit: The American Z>«rloQ, ' Woodstock, 111., Nov. 14» lttS. Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of . the Board of Supervisors, McHenry County, Illinois: As chairman of the McHenry County Emergency Relief Committee on Conservation I take this opportunity of reporting the progress In this work since Hist J un*i. During, the period of time between June and November of this year a total of 109 boys betweea the ages of 18 and 25 years have been enrolled in the county. Of this number 92 still remain in this service. Twelve of the 109 who joined have been granted a release from this work in order to accept positions in their 49.a>0 home communities. I am sorry to aay iv "o;";"-". " 57 that ttVt> havP been discharged for fail- Tou, 1 vt' - cm °7twmr^w^ass; r.r v„u ,„ amount paid out* -- 655.61 II H. Fn-nml. Supr. Co. Hom'e . S1.H6 j Know that of ,lie drst quota of « » Balance d». Stat.'. Attorney mil. iSy jSjJ J "to ".'"of^K, "™'o,f LuySl" $34 ,450.14 Amounts received month of OctobAt State of Illinois, reimbursement Mothers Pension $3,173.00 15.00 G. AL Dodd, Super. Co. Home 108.36 a tamps -- 10.00 Jos. Henimer, Super, Co. Home .... 29.75 Oct. 4--Tel. for Sept 31.85 N B. Clawson, Super. Co. Horne .... 9.94 ------- A. H. Hale. Super. Co. Home' Total Disbursements $655.61 : 111. Bell Tel, comm. on booth on all taxable property in the County in accordance with the report for the following, purposes, to-wit: Salary and Traveling txpeniM Co. Supr. of Highways $3,000.00 Salary County Judge 3,600.00 County Services, Co. Clk.. Ctr. Clk. Shf. and Treas.' ...i. 7,000.00 Compensation and Office expenses Co. Supt. ! Supplies, stationery. PernDlemPrpi«rl?h.. 0™ce.,"s 3000.00 opinion that t he prisoners in the"cou'nT Total Earnings of fees, ™c. Bd of Re ty Jail were receiving better food than " S ' ' i ' PACE AU 0f JOHCv t submi,t«d- -leave to submit the following report on 1 Federal Prisoner.? P F* "r6«?FXTh'vL ' j the matters and things before them: . State of Illinois. Blind Pension - ^ N. B. CLAWSON., ,. . ^^^01 ciWrt - Supr. John T. O'Brien, {Chairman of Suits in Court 222.80 00 ttee 3 24 nSi,*!,'vvtf'ww .a;ouPr' Jonn T- OBnen, .Chairman 222 *x* u aaa a a ' j Committee on Claims; Ijibor Fees. For County Services- 841 ««i!iS 1.800.00 and Supplies addressed the Board and For Misc.-Serv 4473 >U.80fctas*'" stated that his Committee was of the ' """• *7,047.1? C C«r«ner«. Jury action be taken m this regard. U 500.00 thereupon regularly moved by Supr. 1 f ^ K* I Ackman and seconded by Supr.| .Total Receipts! oa p,ans for Bid«--Contractor#™ 69.80 State of Illinois--Mothers pea< .-.4... ' sion Refund |.| 4,470.19 Dog Tax (1933) 1} Institute Fund '4 Non High School Tax fees at inquests Fees for Birth & Death reports." w. Er???!!on 9?oer! Co. Ct, l.ioo.oo 'Steven« that tl- „ „ Sl.SSS.SIt.M > <)•>, H. F. PETEIT, County Tre«Mmf .wv ill PTUids WOT. it. IMS ~ General Fund feel light w™era8etr,c0urt ^'00° °Q %lt J,heir Investigation. . Re fund lW(iet Fee^!." V 5"00 "H ,Vo useK aned tJacil- » Court «2 500 00 Said "mloottiioonn ddeeccllaarreedd uunnaanniimmoouuksllyv cr«arr-- v-MisceHaneous ...;. . 22 27 Janitor Seivlce Supplies. Court House Salary, cooking for^^ prl«oneri?3 I.loo 00 adoptc^* lo"Wlt: j - . Ci^stiit Cl«k coin--. 0.1--•-- -- 1- Thu aAiv,|.ann:Ua[ report, 1,260 ' J'SSa'aa "n "10110" of Asst. Supr. Donovan and Balance due County for r l'nnrt oo roll ny/upr- Dodd • ^nd the ha" year .ending T l$Lt%in£.j£ltA: was . unanimously i <Dec, 1st, 1.933 v ' --$6:,788.17 1 Highway Fund 1 '27^' ? ' . I Personal Property Back Taxis *' . . ' forfeited taxes re^e^mTed $j| . Deposit order of Court ...- l,ii Cinstitute Fund j; Tax Fund " * 3,866.17 Non High School Tax' .... .4CI75 Unknown Non Resident * Minor Heir Fund r.. Motor Fuel Tax li,9|8.|? Salary, Deputy Sheriff, livery , for sheriff, etc. The semi ?,r*40«.»o :M^ the oi^h ci^H being as fXws: County aid in building'bridges 500»00 Your Cs6nimittee on t> j Receipts •*<ftarned-'Reeeived Furniture, Court Housl and Jail I00Z Wi°Z wouW beg leave to re^'rt thnl ' Recording ....!r,.,$2.691.85 Contingent expenses, labor, law thev have r\im.L »n i,i ^ that For Clerk s fees in, books, etc . ' 1 000 00 ;ed to them I?8 Present4-Suits in Court .... 2.101.28 Pewr odrike,m mmemilehaegrse Ranrld Ssjpn..^ rCo o, ' 1' e aa hh ,'ment of Ui'e .l ooll loowwinign,^ rannrdt ' that the , Ff.o0rr 155?4,s 'd aSyesrv i-n ;C 6'u rt 126.70 at $10.00. per day ... 1,540.00 $1,931.90 Eradication T. B. in cattle fund ift.M State's Attorney account . rejHJi't ot the Cir- , Widows Pensions )vTll*li °^'r* 'J1 cattle - 5,500.00 County Treasurer to the Claimant*} for •tcd;:..r.™!L^:^t?iit000.00 {"--era! amounts allied, as^^ $2,691.85 Deposit* in American National'10' '^ ^ 1 #7c Bank N6v" 20> 1931 »4ft>60.T5 Deposit in State Bank of WoodJ?F, 118.70, stock Nov. 29, 1933 ^fll@S0.1V Ciish and checks on hand November 29, 1933 Mothers' .Pensions Payment of Right of Way General Fund Totstl 1.1.L.U i--I....:...*..-..-;.,..- ,$.|8g6p,)1 80.t)0 CbUnty Highway Tax* mMntehahcet State and State Aid Roads .. 40,000.00 Total Amount To Be Raised $126,180.00 All of which is respectfully submitted J. D. DONOVAN, Chairman V. E. BROWN J. G. STEVENS S. H. FRKl'ND It was thereupon regularly moved by Asst. Supr, Donovan and duly seeonded by Supr. Ackman that the report of the Committee on Finance be adopted by this Board and that the Annual Appropriation Ordinance or Budget be ..14,0^0.00 ! Nunda- 600.00 Ottawa Sanatorium, Elmer Nel- 5,500.00 I son (T P.. uud paup. l'und $135.00 I McHe'irjv-r r L^ura Blake, Teller R. Freund (T. B. and pa up. fund) 25.00 Riley-- . Ottawa Sanatorium, Fred Ward (T. B. and Paup. fund) .lJS.'OO Hartland-- ' Zace Sanatorium, Hattie Butts ' (T. B. and l'aup. fund) Chemuns -- Zace Sanatorium, Ada Parrish .tT. B. and Paup. fund) ..............104.08 • All Of which is respect fully submitted. D. M. WRIGHT CHAS. H. ACKMAN S. H. FREUND A. H. HALE Total Earnings of half year $6,458.8$ Received of earnings previously reported 109.55 Total Receipts $4,796.33 Expenditures--j ^ J Clerk Hire includlUgr ' extra % year .$1,750.55 ' Refund Docket Fees 65.00 - Misc. expense 37.93 Clerk s salary Vi yr. l^S0.0«i $.163.48 $10$.| H. F. PETEIT^Couatjr Treasyrtf ot McHenry County,-III. : Tbe State Bank of Woodft«#k Woodstock, Illinois, Dec. 17 19lt« I hereby certify that from buf books it appears that there was standlllr to the credit of Harry F. Peteit, OSTIBty Treasurer, the sum of $69,553.17 »$ tJie close of business November SOth.i lftll. The State Bank of WooartfeDfck . • By H. T. COONEY, Pr«ifM*ttt. TkS American Watlonal m| ot Woodstock Woodstock, III . Nov. >(>, 19f|. Total Earnings of H year ~$8,881.90 - Received on previous ^SMIlngS. Process Docket i ~ ; '^,040.20 Executions ^ f * 142 18 M iscollaneous ............ Total Receipts Expenditurestwo months: three stayed one month esqpli and thirteen three months each. The remainder are still enrolled. The second quota of seventeen have sent home $425 and the third quota will s«-nd home $525 the latter part of this *ed. prisoners .......: , 128.05 month. Sloan Bros. Per. Property back tax 53.IS j This will make a total of $8,600 sent present total of 92 send ,at,„ . _ . ' V. S. LUMLEY C. H. Ackman, Super". Co. Home . . 8.40 tsjs.AL) Subscribed and sworn to be- L. A, Stockwell, Sujn-. .Co. Home 9 92 me th,s. 9th d*y October, A. D. j J. T. O'Brien, Super. Co. Home .... 57.12 1983. Beatrice C. Bopp. N. B. Clawson, Super. Co. Home 8 40 It was thereupon regularly moved by J, G. Stevens, Super. Co. Jlome 59.52 Supr. Ackman and diily seconded by Lester Edinger, sheriff, suiiport Asst. Supr. Rosenthal that the report " 1 of the State's Attorney be adopted and the clerk be directed to issue an order to the States Attorney for the balance due. And the • roll being called said motion was declared unanimously curried. The Clerk presented a< Bond with Fred B. Morgan, commander of the Crystal Lake Post of the American liegion as principal and the I'nited States Fidelity and Guaranty Companv as Suretv, guaranteeing the faithful discharge of any funds that said post might receive during the ensuing year under the Borardus Act. It was thereupon regu larly moved by Supr. Hale j.Board" o^ Supervisors"i effort poss^To dlvVdTthSSs® otS us® Fundtyt^rrt1fSUrer \ °f theB°Safd- | . Yo"r Committee on Lands and Lots (between the various townships in a fair us Fujid to the several American Le- to whom was referred the matter of manner and I hope I have satisiled the County when the | selling McHenry County's interest in a j board members in this matter. Any sugthe \\ illlam 1 gestions the board members may have amended and the \nnual Tax I evv t?« a Chairman, John E. Harrison, advised as outlined in said report ^nd !' * l!oanl and raised the roll being- called Suprs. Stockwell. we of tl e SmnaW?lnSP°nSl 6 the WriRht. Palmer O Rrion riaw«nn iT . ?om,a r^nuly now residing in Hughes Kuecker Ackman Township, also that he did not feel Brown Turner Sevens Mav Fre.mrt' aS tho"Kh he could ^nt'nue to take Hale and Dodd' and As«t Surtrs Dono" ,Cart °t. l51' farnil>' out of his own pocket van and1 Rosen^l vole.l aye. *over £ ^ that- thG carriedm°ti0n deC'arCd unanimou»^ v,ere foV'ne^cessnU^^f ^t^rhe'tad ag^t^C^^d1'^^ expenditures-- duly made and carried said Claims w*re on' ^d sMihilcf m®,nb':rs the Board Deputy Salary .$ 750.QO referred to the proper Committee "and tk n ^ pl Stockwell ad- Misc., Postage 27.00 the Board adjourned to 1:30 o'clock p. f™unt nf Mr s-nm/h 1 stated that on Sheriff's salary for M. for Committee work. account of Mr. homa being an ex-service I H year - _ .1 man. he felt that the bills should be' D . 1,30 OCIiO««: ». X paid by the County as in the past and Board met pursuant to adjournment, 'moved tint all of the Soma bills laid Present same members. , over in the report by the Committee on The Committee on t lalms. Labor Fees County Poor be allowed. Supr Stockand Supplies made the following Report well's motion was duly seconded by which on motion of Asst. Supr Donovan Supr. Hale and the. roll being called and duly seconded by Supr. Turner and was declared unanimously carried the loll being called was unanimously j Supr. Ackman then addressed the adopted, to-wit: ' Board and stated" that he felt that the: ^question of Ex-service mens' bills for Balance due County 11-29-33 for % yr. $1,692.85 The Semi-annual report of the Sher- ' iff being as follows, to-wit: McHenry County. Woodstock. It! For^Fe'es^in Suits l» Earned-Roceived , _This is to certify that as of Court Process | above date, there is to the cr»A Docket .......:.|1,299.50 your account as Treasurer of 3lo Executions 502.40 For Misc. Serv...... . 1.080.00 965.40 4(6.85 County, Illinois, the sum of Th|ft] thousand, nine hundred seventydollars and seventy-five cents . I •973.75) on deposit in this Bank. > Respectfully yours, • », • c. w. whitino, Asst Conssrvstor •Thi Axasrtcan Wstional Bank if ' Woodstock " ,T ~ • Woodstock. III. Nov. 30. 4##S. 1.134.00 Mr H r Peteit, Treasurer, •• too *• Kishwaukee Drainage District. ......f3,738.63 sir: This .is to certify that then, ifl 4#^ rosited to your credit as Tfeaiuffr^f 850.00 H. -Fi Peteit, Co. Coll; Pt. 1932 tax to general fund ..10.000.00 . home $2,300 per month into the county. I This is at the rate of $25 per month for $13,963.72 $48,413.83 H. F. PETEIT. County Treasurer Itacted each boy enrolled. It lt> compulsory for each boy to send home $2g per month to help his family. In recruiting these"boys I have conthe various supervisors and ••reupon regu- J The Committee on hands and Lots . . very township with the exception of Tax Blk. etc. ale that the made the following report, to-wit: I Seneca has been represented in one Prank Thornber & Co.. shf. off. it the County] Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen ' ot the j <iuota or another. I have made every "UP - ~.iT. ....... Which reports we And to be correct. ; the Kishwaukee Drainage Dlstrl^, ts t e*i nn of ,ile above date, the spm S# 'T»0 i,« hundred eight dollars and sixty*!!™ i- in Rt I ccnts *-nl-6'{ 1 Respectfully vours, * • All of which is respectfully submitted , C\ W. WHITING. Asst. CottftffMtor Mr. rhalrman and Gentlemen A. H. HALE.-Chairman P. F. ROSENTHAL JOHN T. O'BRIEN S. H. FREUND G. A. DODD B». C. HUGHES V. E. BROWN . Board of Supervisors: f Your Committee to settle wtffc «^e Tr easurer would beg leave lo JttlMM.t the following report on the mattff Wfore them. * "*' . We have examined and check^ !()• : books in the office of the County Trtts- XThe rommittep ,A and fl»- gion Posts In the Commanders file good and sufficient 'parcel of real estate bonds to be approved by the Clerk and j Class Estate to his widow would beg I to offer to aid in recrui'tIn*"niore bov's a request in writing for an amount not leave to submit the following report oh j if such a call is received will be apmfet ™elr levie1 at any ' Uu;. 'natters before them: | ...yciated by your chairman P time. Said motion was <Uily seconded/ * our, Committee met with David R. At present some of the bovs are at by Supr. Freund and the roll being , Joslyji. Jr., Attorney for the William lirule, Wis., in the northern part of the called was declared unanimously car- j Class Estate and viewed the property I state.;,- These boys will remain there - ,, o t " 'an(1 ,wt>r" over the rnaller Quite thor- | this wHnter. Others are at Mountain *° •' Lumley presented a oughly. .Mr. Joslyn, stated to the com- Wis., not so far north. The-last auota bill for services in condemnation pro* i mittee that Mrs. Class was wiilimr to of !»a r^u„tiv Oregon. Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of th$ that have been, a matter of con-' Board of Supervisors: Vftroversy before this Board for some Your Committee on Labor, Fees and should be decided once and for all. Supplies Claims would beg leayfe to re- ^ was thereupon reguki port that they have examined tall claims Supr. O'Brien and presented to them, and recommend the Sul,r- Wright that payment of the following, and \hat the or overseers of the Clerk be directed to Issue orders on the Townships require ; _ _ County Treasurer to the Claimants for cases be taken care of by the individual , v the^everal amounts aUo wed, as follows: jPr^aid^fu^ds13^^.!'^"^^ S ^akHn^yearedndlabUN8eln?et? Frank Thornber & Co., Co. Clk. jwhen said funds are exhausted that the 29 • 1933 ending No\ember 83.02 : And the roll being called said motion.) ' si rah cti * j-- 43.78 was declared carried. ' Disbtii semeni» ' the we The following communication from I . 0„ IV-IJ10 yeaJ. part of this report. Board of Supervisors: County Treasurer's report shoeing prtg. and sup. Frank Thornber & Co., Co. Clk. Frank Thornber A Co.. Cir. Clk Harvard Herald Co., Co. Clk. prtg. and sup. Richmond Gazette, Co. Clk. prtg. and sup. . Woodstock Daily Sentinel, shf. off. sup .* Supr. Prtg. ^ Amer. Prtg. Co., Co. Treas.' prtg1.' 6 Callaghan & Co., Judcy. library Aurora Spec. Co., C. H. sup E. F. Backhus, C. H sup. . 18.15 Disbursement from the year f • v ending Nov. 89. 1933 »l,454JO#.S« Bat on hand Nov. 29, 1983 | || M# The Co«inty Treasurer's lteWukM - Mrport hereto attached which vttE tile County Treasurer's report shofrilll Otflcial collections and dlstMiMMie«^> following communication from ' ending - Nov 29 * ii jc i om« a. | C, L. Tryon. County Superintendent of BjST on hand^'No^. 29 1933 ' 'ton 3?4*ff Highways, was presented and read tot ' f, nl (the Board, to-wlt: . i , A11 of which is respec%f,,$,ly56submi^ 12.50 Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the t6H.t F." PET^Errf Countt^T^ure^if j.OO Board of Supervisors, McHenry Coun- McHenry County. 111. ' o'3® ' luJ.•'ni'Vu8' * .v m , ~ . »nK)rt of County Treasurer of XcKsaiy ! 3.06 Buchman of the Elgin office of , County, Illinois for tha Ttar 4.90 the State Division of Highways "ust Ending Nov 29 1933 1 called me on the phone and stat.'d that ! T, Harry I' I'.'t.-ii," (-omit All of which is respectfully *UWYtltiM this 12th day of December. A. t>. llli. . P. F. ROSENTHAL. • J. G. STEVENS viW^F* •t-l-'-f C. M. PALMER * E. C. HTOHES • •" J. D. DONOVAN Bodenschats & Sahs, C. H. sup 21.10 they were just informed from the in and for the Countv of Treasurer McHenrv and Burdette J. Smith. St. Att. sup:.... 16.00 Springfield office of .he State Division State^or Hlinols^respecti^ly sut"n^ lawyers Co. Op. Pub. Co., Judcy. of Highways, thaf the government following report of all foes and emoluurer for the same. And the roll being called said motion was declared unanimously carried. Several communications from the State of Illinois, Department of Public Works and Buildings, were presented to the Board and ordered^placed on file. • The Committee on Mclfenry County Labor presented a report showing that there were eighty-five McHenry Countss men and thirty-five L a k*e County men employed on McHenry County' Road projects not including truck drivers. . Said report was ordered placed on tile. Mrs. W. T, Charles and Mrs. Earl Bigelow again appeared before the Board and requested that some action be fak-n in regard to the bill of the Woodstock Public Hospital against Poe for services. A general discussion was then had by the members of the Board and t he | Ackman, State's Attorney but no action taken. ' Stevens. State's Attorney Lumley presented and read a decree entered by the Circuit^ Court bf McHenry Countv on January 26, 1929 in regard to the Special Investigation held in McHenry County on liquor violations some years ago. Mr. Lumley stated, after the reading.of the decree, that in his opinion the suit brought by McQueeny was out of order for the reason that the Circuit Court under this Decree still had charge of the subject matter pertaining to said Investigation. A general discussion was then had on said subject. David R. Joslyn, Jr. attorney for the William Class estate addressed the Board and stated that under the' will of the late William Class the County was named Residuary Legatee, Mrs. Class having the life use of the property. H„e further stated that there was a vacant lot on the NW corner of Calhoun and Throop Streets that Mrs. Class 'would like to get title to and wondered if the , . ^ , - - -ppreciate the cooperation the mem- 1 and all lot 10 block 13 of the Original , bers of the board and the county clerk Plat of the City of Woodstock, McHenry ; have given in this matter. County, Illinois. All Of which is respecfully submitted. D. M. WRIOIIT, Chairman C. M. PALMER , -.'J. G. STEVENS* •'•.'-•.-'•'•"•'FRANK MAY •;.-;J. D. DONOVAN ' It- ^iras thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Freund and duly seconded by Supr. Dodd that the recommendation of the committee on Lands and Lots be adopted hy this Hoard and that the County of McHenry, State of Illinois Respectfully submitted, C.EORGK E. SULLIVAN, • County Chairman, Emergency Conservation Commitee. It was thereupon regularly moved and duly seconded that said report be placed on file. The Committee on Finance made the following report, to-wit: State ctf Illinois Office f the Secretary Of State assign its interest in said property as j n„at. ' Springfield. Oct. 27, 1933. llbry. G. L. Tryon, Co. Surveyor C. L. Tryon. Co. Hwy. Maint.- *•' (salary and exjl.) Ethel C. Coe, sup. sch. off. exp. . The M. B. Cook Co., sup. sch. -olf. supplies Pyramid Paper Corp., sup. «eh. office supplies . 7.50 funds would be furnished for repair ments of my office both earned and rc- • 107.66 work on the State Aid Roads of the celved an.l Also of necessary expendi- ; " a ounties' handled b>' the tures therefore for, and (luring the vear 129.47 maintenance forces. ending November 29. 1933 wherein 1 18-75 tv 4'iinlrirt»»nrf!!ntL1'> <•"iii'"J"* sta,° th<* Kr«>.ss amount of all fees or ty Superintend« nts of Highways in thu< emoluments by me earn^ch liv Official ; 6.89 .o's'.^'ct l<> report any work they have service during said yearV the total 16 3" ^'a t llal,'e the County State Aid Rond amounts for clerk hire. stat\f>nery and Pfeiffer Pharmacy, shf. off. sup; .... 4.81 on a map and send it in at once. Work stated in the report for the amount of $1500.00. And the roll being called Suprs. Sto«?kw^ll, Wright, Palmer, O'Brien, Clawson, Hughes, Kuecker, I Hemmer, Brown, Turner, May, Freund, Hale ttnd Dod'U and Asst. Suprs. Donovan and Rosenthal voted aye. Nay none and motion declared unanimously carried. The Commitee on Roads and Bridges made the following ' report \fhich .on motion of Supr. Wright and duly seconded by Supr. Kuecker and the roll being called' was unanimously adopted, t o - w i t : - ' . : ' • • X • . Believi'R that you Will be inteftosted in the provisions of the two bills, ljam enclosing, herewith, -pamphlet cofjy of se Bills No. 8 and No. 9, enacted by the first special session of the Fiftyeighth General Assembly, and amending the County Budget Acts enacted at the regular session of the Fifty-eighth General Assembly. Very truly yours, EDWARD J. HUGHES. Index Dept. Secretary of State LV :MAL State of Illionis, County of McHenry, ss. To the Chairman and Members of the Board of Supervisors of McHenry County, Illinois, Your Committee on Finance would beg leave to report on the matters before them. That "An Act In relation to the Bud- Mr, Chairman and • Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors," McHenry County, Illinois: The undersigned members of XHe road and bidge committee for said ... ,c.„w„„ r)u<1. County, would beg leave to submit the I gets of Counties notrequiied" by "law" to following report on the matters before pass an Annual Appropriation Till!" ap- „ .v ^ « 'Provt>d Jub' 10, 1933 was amended by , . ^ , «• ,on. th,e„da>^ of °C- the Fifty-eight General Assembly, said tober at Woodstock, Illinois and audit- amendment approved and in force Octoed and paid bills for lab-or on the Ridge- her 26, 1933. fie!d.:,oad, **•*<*• 4 M" F' T' to 1 j Your Committee therefore recoma tota,l o.f. .{.• S39_. 30. The committee the,n , mends that the Annual Appropriation County ^ould be willmg^to accept • an ,1 V?hk Nng' d.lne .nS^*C- 1 -°r. B^d?-et. ,adoPted by the amount of money ("lass Its interest in property and it was there oney from Mrs. (lass for T . ,r V V 1 *"•, 1 D"»lu OI aicne n this particular piece of 1 J'ork nearing its Annual Session,-Sep assign its interest to her I r Si V n d. th^ crufihed gravel, sur- j be amended by strikiiv .T^If S. heing placed. We' also inspected j Fiscal Period ending w 1 M. F. j County Board of McHenry County at , . September i2,1933 ng out "for the Wit h tha KnnH'jv ried v i . 's""!.""f"" ,l" 1'our Committee would further report There being no further business to j^ r"odstock. TH1\ that "An Act for the assessment of come before this meeting it was thero- , t h» h «<- r- , , I »>"0],er,-v„and for the levy and collection upon regularly moved by Supr. Ackman Patrof Sjstem of " .County j of taxes ' approved March 30. 1872 was Special November Meeting, 1933 Tliel -.Honorable., . ^lli>erisi>Fs • Sect ion system of roads for labor and materials j Henry Countv, Illinois be revised* to at rates heretofore approved by this as follows to-wit" boad. were audited and ordered paid as f That we. the Undersigned Members follows: ., •; |°f the Finance Committee of the Countv Section 1 * 1 -- • - - ' .tof McHeniy County met iif"Special Ses-'f.^crkW T jsion at the Court House in Woodstock, [Section 4 .Illinois on Tuesday the 14th day of Sections 5, 6 - 'November, A. D.' 1933 at ten o'clock A. Sections 7,7*# !M. pursuant to the following t'afl sinn- J Section 8 4*.-^*, «d by mere than one-third of its'mem- Section 9 bers, with County clerk's Certificate of Section 11 mailing notices and making publication Section 12 attached, to-wit:( : Section 11 | Section 15 Y* Wool>s. County Clerk: ' ' -Sections 16, 18 We tlie undersigned members of the'Sectioii 17 Board of Supervisors of McHenry Cfoun- ! ty. Illinois. H EREBY RKQ CEST you to $ 71.50 Board of Supervisors of McHenry Coun- 85.00 t Illinois have ascertained the sev- • ,| .. - - juu i'»i Total rr-.. - .." . J"s. .°.f. s*id Boa -d to be he|d ' . Bills wot^ "also aiidiUstf; ttttfl ' onlerec! preceding the, first Monday in Decemn i. .if iJ daj" of November. A. i»aid-otit- of |Hoi«.r Futl Ta& Fimds ber, 1934 and that the County Clerk is D. 1933 in tfas County Buib 'ng at Wood- as follow*? bereby instructed to extend sa/d amount W. J. ^ClttleT ^tery Si^oTmlno^, Boa^'of -.-cessary -exj>enditures -for ...... 7PJ0 the County purposes as nearly as pos- 112.03 • sible and recommend that the sum of 103.o:1" #86,180.i»0 be levied for the General ...... 68.19 County I'ur|>oses and tile sum of $ 4 0 . - 97.6S "00 t'u be levied for County Highway 336.44 ' Tax< Maintenance, State and State Aid ..... 67.75 ( Roads, making ft total of. $126,180.00. ..... 77.50 That said amount of $126.1 feo.OO be lev- ..... *• 77.65 | ied as a County Tax on ali i* taxable ..... 208.6S : property of said County and State ...' 240.12 j aforesaid for the Fiscal period begin- •-1 --'--| ning with the First Monday in Decern- ,1.^2,249,9? 'ber. 1933 and ending with the Sunday Lester Edinger, shf. per diem, fees and serv. Dr. W. H. Newton, Charles G. Russle (Ins. and Dep.) Dr. O. W. McClusky, Charles L, Russie (Ins. and Diip.) Lillian's Food Shoppe, meals (Ct. Jurors) Ye Old Style Inn, meais Jurors) Buckley Tea Room, meals (Ct. Jurors) .: 41.55 111. Bell Tel. Co.. O. H. A Jail tel. 43.10 111. Bell Tel. Co., C. H. and jail tel. (sheriff) Gaulke Broe., meat tshf. feeding oris.) .. ; Woodstock Dairy, milk (shf. feeding prit.) ;. Tingel & Koch. groc. (shf. feed* ing pris.) : Eckert & Bending, groc. (shf. ' • feed, pris.) •.*;w.^ Hoesley's Bakery, mdse., (shf.- feed, pris.) West. I'ni. Gas & Elec. Co.# g*# - (shf. feed, pris.) Lester Edinger, (shf. feed, pris.) Shf. per diem, fees & serv. ........ 33.00 Division of Highways. S. A. Rt. 21 A-14 A 18 Albin Kuppe, sheriff deputy '"4.00 .Howard Freeman, shf. deputy .... 4.00 Walter Brooks, shf. dp.y. . . .;. .. 16.(Mi LeRo^- Clark, shf. dptv. 828.00 bailiff $20.00 Sidney Corson, shf. bailiff Wm. cairns, shf. bailiff, .... "VV. S. Battern, J. P. fees. Peo. - cases Chicago Ind. Home for Child., dependent Co. Children 348.08 Old Peo. Rest Home, Etta Hibbard (T. B. and Pau. fund) 40.00 Be*t Boiler Repair & Weld. Co^ C. H. and jail repairs ....:.125,00 D. B. Nichols. C. H. and jail rep. 127.55 City of Woodstock, light & water 86.0J5 " ~ " " coal C. H. & Jail ... 228.16 coal C- H. and ling) ,.. 28.89 pro. officer 75.00 rabtree. Co. Judars Ct. ter #0.00 Philip E. Bierdeman, salary, dpt. shf J 100.00 Lester Fdinger, car 'shf. per diem, fees and etc. ........100.00, Marian Edinger, shf. feed. pris. -....100.00' Vestie Muldoon, sal. (C. H. & jail) J08.0O Daisy V. Moore, Supt. Sch. Ast 113.73 O. L. Tryon,.S. A. Rt 2 Sec. 7 M. F. T. 390.00 G. L. Tfvon, S. A. Rt. 13-13A, Sec. 4. M. F. T 239.30 G. L. Tryon, Rt. 13-UA. 8ec. 4, M. F. T .....1,893,60 L. A. Stockwell, spl com "work .... 15.90 D. M. Wright, spl com wk 67..UO C. M. Palmer, spl coin wk . .. 36.00 John T. O'Brien, spl com wk ,. 30.45 can include brush cutting, tree trim 878.55 ming, .tile ditches, ditches, channel changes, sbovelers and work of lik other expenses: Vsturs 'of service and MnlSfi Commission on $1.296,629.44 collected as Co. Collector $25,891.03 1 Con .mission on '$327,421,481 Asst. Supr. Donovan. Chairman 0i the Finance Committee stated that-according to the report of the County Tressurer there was approximately Thirtyseven Tnousand Dollars of County Funds tied up in the American National Bank now under a Conservator and that it was his opinion that the County would run short of funds during the ensuing year if this money was not released. A general discussion Was then had by the members of the Board on said subject and it was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Hughes «hd duly seconded by Supr. Stockwell thftt the County Treasurer, Harry F. Peteit, be instructed to write the Comptroller bf Currency at Washington, D. C., to 6.00 nature, all to be paid for at no cost to. collected as Co Treasurer ^ 274 21 x£nd out what Portion of the money W^l ( 1 the local authorities. Transportation 1% Commission on $31 1 030 31 ° ' iT available should the Bank open Ift 5.00 to be furnlshejl by the State. Men must paid out as Co Treas 3140 30 I near futur*- Motion declared cars jfurnisir their own food.^vages are to be 2% Fee on Co. Treas. Fees on ,.....,.10.80 »the going wage of the, Wall ty. , Inheritance Tax & Motor - (Cti I 1 will attempt to prepare said map! Fuel Tax if 10.40 18.70 53.54 J.3.95 81.43 il.76 43.98 9.60 2.00 • 8.00 20.00 52.00 90.0<» at once.- Your suggestitons of any Interest and costs oollectsd The Committee on Roads and Bridges 9 .«<»» f rosde the following report which Ofl • mntinfl Af Cnnr Wotvkt nn<l available work would be placed on said map. C. L. TRYON, County Superintendent of Highways. : Dated: November 14th, 1933, on General Taxes 4.719.09 It was thereupon regularly mo\-ed and duly seconded tbat the communication be placed on file. Motion declared carried. ' The Clerk presented and read Several communications from the State of Illinois, Dept. of Public Works and Buildings and State of Illinois, Dept. of Fi- • $39,647.27 Expenditures Clerk Hire, General Taxes $Z#069.41 Stamps, Telephone Tolls, Stationery and Supples ; 1.227.07 II. F. Peteit, County Treasurer salary 1 year motion of Supr. Wright and duly seconded by Supr. Palmer and the- toll being called w&s unanimously adopfcbdt to-wlt: Mr. Chairman and Gentlemsn of tft* Board of Supervisors, McHenry County. Illinois. The undersigned members Of tlM road and bridge committee for 2,500.00 j County, would beg leave to submit tfe« | following report on the matters bsfwto Net earnings of ..County Trea.suri-r's office , $28,850.73 nance which were ordered Respecttully submitted this I2th dav Hlaced on lile. of December A I> 1931 Supr. John T. O'Brien, Chairman of,0 H F PFTFIT Wmn., the Special Committee on Local Labor McHenrv Countv' 111 Road Contract, addressed the Board and , ^Orsdits made a detailed report of the progress Paidmade bv his committee and cautioner the memjbers of the Board to be on th* v alert in regard to said matter in the Townshit. offlcf f.-ture and that lie believed that it v™t"T,u\ (JrTnd C. Martin $10,796.48 j them. That we met on the !7th dav of Jtbvember, 1933, at W«K>dstock, Illinois, and audited and paid bills for labor It- _ , furred on the Ridgtlield road tmprovfe* unty Treasurer of j nient known as State Aid Route 13 tad i ISA. sec. 4 M, F. T. in the sum of 1410.39 J The matter of tTie C. W. A. program I wherein the 1". s. Government plans lo 11 ^ ( spend $400,000,000 to put men to woark .$179,888.16 was discussed. The concensus of opifters ... 9ijt>,284.62 • jon 0f the committee was favorable lA would be a good idea for the Board to cbuntv'"Jurors^^Certlhcates" oa co.operate ,n al, ways possible in the work out some plan to regulate said mSy Jurors CerUfl^aU-s " tsSoo ' ,uo^.emenU , , _ matter for the ensuing vear. iL,"V ' 126-00 We were informed the County woilM There beirifc no further business to Certificates"^roners Jilror . be called upon to pay toward the cMt come before said meeting it was there-' Probation Offlcei^ ^ o38 0i „f tools and materials and incidentals upon regularly moved by' Asst. Supr. c.unlv Orders ' 5"1 projects proposed on the County Donovan and duly seconded by Supr. Highwav Offers "--1 " ' Stevens to adjourn. Motion carried. Highway Snow Order*" 1 •>•!«. o* , « Thereupop the Board adjourned. M.ftor Fuel "r "*" oe 1 Treasurer <>>*<-*los*d that about 88 per chaimaan ; no:?»•* I l-nhtfritance Tax : [Institute Fund . .. '.•Eradication T. B. in cattle ' orders State's Attorney's account j Foreign Witness Fees . -- Bounty Orders The Honorable Tioai*d «>f Siipt rvinors ' Tax of McHenry County, met in Special Emergency Relief . ....' Session pursuanf to a call signed by Non High" School Orders Attest: R. D. WoOJ>S, Clerk.' Special December Meeting, 1933 more than fine-third of its members and Clerk Hir*1. Isinks A stfimiic The meeting was called to order by the Chairman. J. E. Harrison, and the .•.u>-.,,^4:ft^,i.ii5,502.26 state Aid system of Roads. 52,404.54 1 Inquiry at the office of the County ! T . . . : T2.730.26 (j'Iii'm ' wh?reas we had been planning the road ' 1, . work on the basis of an estimated yield 43_.a0 of about 80 per cent. So we found that „ ••! tt would be possible to aid in the C. W. 3,510.56- A. Program to the extent of $3000.t>«, J-'^-OO We considered that an emergency 138..0 existed a« the work was to start at oaca .1.00 and we appropriated $499 or so much thereof as necessary to the chairman 36.00".on -of,this committee and the County Superintendent of highways for the purposa . "ii, .-. buying materials and tools and In- "" ' v ' McHenry ? w. jL work oil tr t- nt'Ti.ini . $^,563,521.04 Your Committee again met on th* H. I. PKTl'.IT. < ounty 1 reasurer. 28th day of November 1933 at Wood- DeUSS :•.. . . stock, Illinois and made arrangemen|n N. B. "h;wwn; spt-ff[m Wk" E. F. Kuecker, spl com wk Chas. H. Ackman, spl com wk . Volney E. Brown, spl com Wk H. M. Turner, spl com wk J. G. Stevens, spl com wk Frank May, spl com wk .............. S. H. Freund, spl com wk ..i........ A. H. Hale, spl com wk Geo. A. Dodd. spl com wk .C. J. D. l K>novaii. spl. com wk :.r ... P. F. Rosenthal, spl com wk Irene C. Tliomson. investigation Lillian Gi.thman l>on Leonard, cutting thistles on fair giouhds ........ ~«TfW 17.90 55.45 22.50 5.20 31.30 23.80 10.40 5.5" 13.60 8.20 5.50 ja.oo ov: •ft^ftillBfiardT'-^ The records of . lft , County interested in a pr<§>~ ,, .. atei 0.00 posed new concrete road to lead frolBthe last preceding R. D. Woods, Countv Clerk". '8,«9!>.»« Tower 1 ike 4ii«.n»llv " E Proved WVre reMd Rnd °n m°tlon ap".- ,W ,T 'conn. Circuit ^'terk, .#.347.15 point' nlar int^Uion^oV1 sul The "committee on fees and salaries 'iCfv Ti^ne^^s '5ond Routes 19 and Jt Lak» made the following re^rt which was on Inh^itance Tax . l..-.'.':Z££ J«;4«7;«# r,«d as far^as** heir wuttv* C°2| motion of. Supr. Turner and duly sec- • Illinois Bell Telephone Co.. " us to lav t V .hr HfonJ^I, adopted^ tc^wit": ,U"n,ner V»^«^ously h C.^^sio„. on booth eitension of the road ml State Aid Kotid anj slat« it for fuiurE 249.2» i-onstrtu-'tion. Your Committee is m* Mr. Chairman and C.entlemen of the Dance Hall & Betr Licenses Board of Supervisors: . • Motor Fuel Tax refund ... lour Committee on Fees and Salaries Supervisors--County Home .:•;' l.7S1.4:i readv !o iiiake a recommendation w ft on 1 was referred the Semi* .Annual Emergency Relief ,.. ...I t«,.H)0.00 the matter at this time sports of the County Clerk, . Circuit -Telephone 1 Olfc , l.»t> right of wiv limoultiw 1^' "i'®ar Redeemed fkitn '. Forfeiture*... -\^r Committee again met at Wood - Illinois ou the 8th day 6t fHtceat I

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