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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 26 Apr 1934, p. 14

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: ' ^ '•' "k ' . J " 5 yp ^ ; ?\y*\ f'H |P '*<*},> fw:* -T j- f"> ->T *'>, L-r ' .y*4 '. -JTSif Hi) It, changeable to the jlotiA of the McHenry ly litem of Road? In at rate* heretofor loard, we1*e audited «s follows: • .-Section I itfcjyi 'taction . *• i.i.... Iection; f -....«.. .... Action -4". ...a..„..:..w.\.. etion* 5, 6 .............i„.A.. EUojl ' t . - ,.v..v_.t.^;. It-was thereupon regularly moved by TlteAA. tfie several amounts allowed, as follow*, (traveled and (the only m'eann of entrance Rational Bank" torWlt: ... fof a lpt of\ property, owners on Pox ™uik Thornber A Co.. Cir.' Clk. $64.64 I Rtver and Plstakee Bay regions and . • . ... Frank Thornber A" Co., Co'. Clfc.- J that he would like to have the Board regulafly fifovcq Tax- Blkn.' 11.92] take some act lot} in regard to the name. nd duly see* Frank Thorjtber 4fc-Co., Co, Cllb r i It wan thereupon regularly moved by .?0a.r^,_0'. s®PprvlsorB °f onded by Hfrpr. Kuecker that the report . Ptg. and, supplies 4...v 31/24" Supr. Kuecker and duly seconded b£ lawyers Co. Op. Pub. Co., Judey; .Library •.... 111. Bell Tel. Co., C. H. and Jail , (shf.) --. 17.2$ --.. . . _ - - „ „ - -- III.! Bell Tel. Co.. H.. and Jatt Co. 60.96 •»» BOND I»mw BOAT* 60 read to the Board and upon motion duly \yill T. Coim, Clr. Clk., dedicai 6.00 made and carried, said report was re- Will T. Conn, Cir. Clk., Refrrred to the Committee on iAbor, Fees ! lease Mtg. &&&'•• 2.0# and Supplies tor report, G. L. Tron, surveyor, cemetery-' . , „ „ , Tbe Committee oit McHenry County1 pla# , 28.00 provisions. John Miller, agte*7nent for cut- |Home presented a report showing: bills , Woodstock Type. Co., shf. oS?- ...... : . , . . , i,t! motion vert outlet l.DO allowed for the month of December Sup . 79.26 f« ';! Wi)r', \ re,1."'-,aTilniously carried. Harry P. Petelt, County Tre^s. rte l.M-i 1983 in the amount of $8,326,87 with a 'Woodstock Typewriter Co., Co." - ' • T1"'•Vom.»»t ttf® "P McIIfnry County Jnet,cost 0roperation Qf%£217.45 which! T^reas. Off. Hup; t®:i» I Home Panted a report showing bill* . $ 78.6if|jee*rt W«n» on n*>Uof» duly rt|de and America^ ^rlntg. Co., Co l4-e*s. .^.4a* iiou<><) for th- month of November, ' THEREPORR. be it re*olVed btv sAld.fjgeied, approved and ordered placed on I p(f Bup| i... fS.M f the alyove and 1'orepolnR :1 V7.-M.-i And the roll being called said motion y'CoUnaimount of ...i 'in. the-amount of with a Board ^THnpervlftprn of Mcltotry . • > - , 1 8 6 , S b . n e t c o s t o f o p e r a t i o n o f I H 6 S . 8 9 w h i c h t y , I l l i n o i s , t h a t t M a b o v e a m o u . . . 16' .....^«ii:j.jj.-.',w..'. lyi.86.-i rtport was on jriotion duly made and $74.55 of the Motor Fuel Tai*of 1929 carried ^p^rov.ed and ordered placed on be used for the purchase of said rlfcht M lr«0.65 ft)e. >s *' ' . of way above mentioned, and, -• - . - • 4':f11 - flQT r^ il the C*lle~ r~k presented lists o™f ~ nClaTims- . BIO I.Ttr FURTHER, RESOLVED, th.k t r Tntal ,i........$l.:<8 Bills were also audited and or.l>-r«-.t ii»ra. out'of the Motor Fuel Tait 'Fii:mV^.?is W^lrefpild Road Section 4 M. F. "i.T. for labor and material. $2,32'!* 8i Orfeen#6od Road Section 7 M. F. ^ 'T. ffer engineering: expense ' 2fl4:0O .Otis. of the projects proposed under the C. vW. A., is the improvement 4f the road one (1) mile east of Mc- Heitry, Illinois from State Bond Issue Route -20. north past the Chappel llill Golf Cotirse, involving about $8,000.00. Tfhe mstter was discussed and constd- «m to be an emergency matter, as the 4MPMi?ftttbns' must be in Chicago the flfiiL 4&y. So it was decided to appro- |(TW>|i,i$600.00 or so much thereof as is AMMMry toward the cost of tools, trapel .and culverts, and we authorized fne Eteunty Superintendent of Highways W.|^ifil"8&td application to the C. W. A. behalf of McHenry County, Illinois. 'T'JjLlnar- decided to appropriate $25imiO •r Section to the various sections on !•' C(H|ftty State Aid System of Roads, .-winter work, to consist of gt-adins. prf 'tlte conditions are right, snow remlVind gravel hauling at the rate |^e per cubic yard for satisfactory *rn. "dropped in the first mile from ^•ftd," 15c per cubic yard additional additional mile one way haul. Jr Committee recommends Jkiard authorize this Commiitee Ind $S000.0() or so much thereof as Itttary in the furtherance of C. AW ,Jpjects on McHenry County State kl4 utfoads', out of the County Highway r*| iFund. J We have received a check fiom geotye Welch for rental of the Coun- #igjtt»d blast and spray paint machine •bridge north of Union, Illinois, rned same over to the County a pa in st the County and upon motion of R, D. Woods, County Clerk,"is hereby Hupr. Wright and duly seconded by directed to certify a copy of tMs're&o- Siipr. Palmer the same were referred lution to the Department of PuMfc lo. the proper Committees for. .rvnwrt. Works and *Bulldin»«, TMvlslon of High- And the Board adjourned to 1:39 o'clock: ways, StMHngKeld, Illlc^lis, for Its ap- .P/..M: for-Commiltee Work. .. v proval for voucher. . ' ' 1:30 O CZ.OCK P. Mi I -- Board met purs>iattf, to adjournment. ' It was thereupoifi regularly moved by Present same niembeft. Supr. Wrig-ht and duly seconded by The Committee on Claims. Labor Pees Supr. Ackman that the Right of Way and Supplies made the following report Resolution be adopted by this Board,' which on motion of Supr. bright and And the roll being called said motion duly seconded by Supr. Ackman and win declared unanimously carried, the roll being called was unanimously The Clerk presented and read seVeral adopted, to-wit: ccfnimunications from the State of llli-*, nols, Department of Public Works and Mr. Chairman -a$d Gentlemen of the Buildings, Division of Highways which Board of Supervisors^ were ordered plated ort file. 't-.L mrtde tho following report, to-wifcl AnfeHijM; PrlnttfA»Co„«#i^t; Bofc*. prf. eHt>^.„. •Zlon .Office Sup. Co., Supt. 8chfc« fitt. sup. S.-09 66 Mr. ChRlrman and' Gentlemen of the .Pyramid I^^r Co!. 8upt. Sch^ B6Ard of Supervinori, McHenry Coun- I off. sup 84.0& 'ty. Illinois: ' Ethel C. Coe., Supt. SchB., ofl». sup, 16.0i The underHiriraed' members * of the ' K. C. MWler Co , co. oik, prtg, & supi 86.4T Road and Bridge Committee fj>r said K. P. Bnekhus, C. H. sap. 22.80 County, would beg leave to subftiit the | U. S. Sanitary Spec. Corp., O H followiPx report on the matters before J supplies 8.^0 ihem. I I>avid«OU-iPearsail Co., C. H. sop. 10.77 Yon r Commit tee met on the 15th day Bott« Welding shop, C. H. and Jail' Of December 19S3, at McHenry, Illinois, I repairs 6 09 with representatives of the Statfe Divl- Chicago Ind. Home for Chlid' ^e-" •Ion of Waterways «|rid discussed a C, i pendt Child 346 00 W. A. project of widening the.road em- Old Peo. Rest Home, (T. B." it bankment along Fox River about three | Paup.) Ktta Hibbard quarters of a mllq south of McHenry, Sidney Corson, shf. ttafliff and it w&D decided that whereas a por- Sidney Corson, shf. dipoty tlon of tjif River I^oad along the east Wfclter Prooks, shf.' d^Mlty bank of Fox River »oi)th of and ad- Oeorge Orant, shf. deputy 20.00 *4.00 12.00 4.00 Joining Sunnyside subdivision is narrow William c5rti»r«Kf."depoty"".Xr;^ 12 «0 and dangerous and it is proposed to William Cairns, shf. baailllllif f 16.«0 Your Committee on Labor, Fe»k' ahd The following named persofif w»re Widen the road bed pn the side toward fester Edinger,' shf., per dletiit" et for the road fund in the * vRtrCommittee estimates that there I Ri^noJli Gazette' Schs Jrilla M< necessary for the care of the-l Wo Wcli^ry County Patrol System of off " P bcslUttill t^Od C. W. A. projects on said Harvard Herald Co Co Clk nrtc POftd* imtii the January, 1934, • meeting ^ i," Co" " P r Of M6f.Bpa rd an appropriation from the ' -- p > S P f H i g h w a y T a x F u n d l e v i e d A n <^fl^pttpn!bw, 1932, in the surri of $9,0<i0. Of which is respectfully submitted. CHJke. H. ACKMAN N** B. CLAWSON DODDSTEVENS FRANK MAT f . •Nr' i •; vl' '• G. A. i t1 J. • o. £ >Ihs.*:'RAN1 •The Committee on McHenry County BddM' presented the following report, ' Mlii OeUnty Farm Committee met at t|M°C*unty Farm on December 8th, 1933 Md t.eok the Annual Inventory which SUKt to submit, to-wit: •wo Orey Geldings ,.$250.0U 'TOW TBfOwn Geldings .... 325.00 unt) B»y Gelding 35.00 Cine Sfcirei Geraing 125.00 •• $735.00 CaUle^- 0ne Pufe Bred Brown Swiss Bull $50.00 fsventeen Milch Cows 020.00 wo two'year old Heifers ........... 60.oo our C*l,v#s 60.00 91.190.00 10.oo .... 45.00 .... 119.00 ... 84.00 >-'A rtof»r~. 9n4 Jerifer Hea Boar , Three Brood sows Seventeen Spring Pigs Tweftty-one Fall Pig» ' - $258.00 Chidc®ti^--• faro-l^undred fifty Chickens ...,„..$i 25.00 Qnw* and Feeds-- 7*elv4 bushel Seed Corn J 8.00 lifHhflusand buthel Barley 500.00 ImfMiundretf f'y btishei Oats 126.00 hlfljr- tons i r corn--.--. . ..... . 360.00 ....... doo.OO 150.00 50.00 eo.oo Supplies Claims would beg leave to re- selected to serve aB Grand Jurors; for port that they have examined all claims the January Term of the Circuit Court presented to them, and recommend the and on motion duly made ahd- carfled payment of the following, and that the the list was approved and the Cl«*rk Clerk be directed to issue orders on the directed to certify the Mn)«( 11>'" tht^ County Treasurer to the Claimants for clerk of the Circuit Coqrt, to^'wft: the several amounts allowed, as follows, Riley--Roy G. StockVhsll.' Marengo--Ed Anderson Jr., Ray Noe." Frank Thornber & Co., Co. Cllf. Dunham--Claude Pagel*. prtg. and sup. # •*.69 Chemung--James Landnim,' F*red E^»afer. Frank Thornber & Co., Co. Clk. Alden--Henry Knopp \ tax blks. >„l »,1» Hartland--Clyde a*tet; i 1 Frank Thornber 4r Co., Cir..Clk. .... T.07 Sopeca--Leo Beebe. . • . Frank Tjiornber & Co., Co. Clk. Cgral--N. F. Koch. . t . i Elec. sup. 11,77 Qfafton--Geo. Dalby. H. C| Miller Co., Co. clk., prtg. Dorr--Ralph 'Peacock, C.'i' and sup 16.02 Greenwood--Rudv fetdeft. ' .1 Callaghan & Co., JudCy. Libry .... 11.00 H^bron^-Fred Seamoir. i 111. Office Supply, Co. Treas. prt»>. 4.19 Richmond--N. F. Pierce. > ™ " Hotel Woodstock, Co. Ct. Juro'rq 39.00 Burton--Ben J. May. Lillians Food Shop, Co. Ct. jurors 3J.10 McHenry--Geo. Bohf, Thea. Winkle. Ye Old Style Inn. Co. Ct. Jurors .... 11.20 Nundu--Rudr Itock. L61» Falee* Buckley Tea Room, Co. ct. jurors 28.20 Algonquin--Joe Opatrhy, Frank Brock' Friendly Aid Society, Co. Ct. -jurors 6.20 i rogge. .' J3upr. O'Brien, Chairman of the'Com* .80 mjttee on Ptlrchaafng' addreesed the ^^-Jijiard and stated that n«w tyjhewHters .90 were needed in the offices of Sheriff and Treasurer and that hfs committee would' .90 recommend that the same be purchased from the Woodstock Typewriter Cotti- .90 pany for the net price of $168.56, beintf $205.00 for 8nld machine less ten per S.*0 cent and ten per cef»t and leSs a|iorW- 111. Bell Tell Co.. serv. & tolls Co. 60.76 ance of $7.50 on old machines. It was appro^rlHtW not to exceed ft00.00 or so • ijrnuch • tlroreof a» necessary to pay one- :lh'alf (^4) of tiie co<t of tne filling material and the co^t Qf extetidink the fexlsfinjf culV»rt*of thirty (30) Inch pipe, ^our Committee ageip met on the McHenry Plaindealer, Supt. Schs. Off. exp Herald Pubg. Co., C. Lake, Supt. Schs. Off. exp: TU. Bell Tel. Co:, tolls, shf. Woodstock Daily Sentinel, Suprs. Woodstock Daily Sen., Cir. Clk. .. Woodstock Daily Sentinel, shf. off. sup. ..T. E. F. Meyer, Ct. Hse. sup Bohn Hrd. Co., Ct. Hse. sup. E. F. Baccus, Ct. Hse. sup. The Bransby Studio, Sts. Atty. investg 30;18 theteufidn regularly moved by Asst. 1.60 Supr. Donovan and duly secotrtfed by 58.00 Asst. Supr. Rosenthal that the report of the purchasing committee'be approv* 7.60 ed* and the typewriters put-chased- for said amount. And the roll being*1 called 8.61 said motion was declared unanimously 20.80 carried. I Supr. Hcmraer pf Grafton towtaahit> 15.96 addressed the Board and stated that Thorne & Son, shf. jail sup. & Clo. 9.86 some time ago a Committee was at>* L. V. Kiltz, Co. Treas., off. sup..... 4.00 pointed by the chairman to make an L. V. Kiltz, ct. House sup .75 appraisement of the damage done to Lester Edinger, shf. per diem. crops and building* by the Wind and fees. serv. ..a 1,080.00 h*il storm that swept through the Fox Lester Edinger, shf. per diism, River Valley in July of this year. He fees, serv 38.S0 further stated that the appraisement I.ester Edinger, shf. feed. pris. .... 2.00 Was made by the Committee appointed Eckert & Bending, shf. feed pris. 59.12 and referred to the Board of Review of Ed. L. Martin, tfhf. feed pris 9.00 McHenry County but to his knowledge Pingel & Koch, shf. feed pris 56.H« tmtliing as yet had been done, and he Hoesley's Bakery, shf. feed pris. 25.99 wondered if some plan could be worked Evans Meat Market, shf. feed pris. 35.79 out whereby the County could deposit Woodstock Dairy, sljf. feed. pris. 16.00 a certain amount of credit, with the West. I'n. Gas & El. Co., shf. County Treasurer for the distressed feed, prisoners ...:. 7.41 farmers for them to draw on so that Kirkman Ice Co., shf. feed. pris...;. 9.50 they might bit able to get spine relief. John J. Sullivan Jr.. shf. bailiff .... 8<00 A general discussion was then had on Wm. R. Cairna, shf. bailiff ........ 7$.00 said subject and It was thereupon regu- 48.00 larly moved by Supr. Ackman and duly 24.00 seconded by Supr. Brown that the Chair . 14.00 appoint a committee of Are to make . 4,00 an investigation on said matter and r#- . 18.00 port hack Jo th<- Board at its January 1934 njeetlng. Motion declared carried. 386.00 The Chairman then appointed to act as thi river, which will necessitate Jilting 1 fees, serv 7 76 in-land now covered by Fox* river, the Edinger. "shf.', feidv 'pri«! t'.oo Sthorufd w'sign1 on, Hoe.leyV B*W, -hf. feed, prti, 84.88 ry County on application for-a pertnit ! 1™!r' 5*'b2 addressed to the State of Illinois De- j 3® Meat Market, »hf. feed. pris. 43.8S partm.-nt of'Public Works and Bultd- Th« Woodstock Dairy, shf., feed. ings, Division of Wftterway« for. per- ' - 17.6t» mlHHion to make said flij within the iWeitern ITnffed-Gas & BI. Co.; bounds of the existing- highway. We i shf. feeding pris, 6.90 • " * Woodstock D. Sentinel, Clr. Clk. .. 57 50 -- - - - - - « n 81 l6th 'd4y pf December 19$8, a telepwi had come to the C.. W. A. office, feflnfr all State tools belhg used on Wlty Stite Aid Roads turned in tft ! Stite garage at Elfln, IIUn6is, We Hfore CTJUght one hundfed twenty* Tlyp ($lt(.(0) dollar# worth of tools fo* ujife on -dtale Aid Ftoada. We also secured a- Mlfease of damages from the Oifh'er of tlfe'Weaver farm in Marengo Tua^Ship. near Stftte Bdnd Issue Route ,R- O. Andrew Co., C. H. and 23, as one of the C. W. A: projects called [ coal for cleaning out about forty (40) rbds Hans Hansen, C. H. and Jail Woptfstock d. Sentinel. Supr. prtg: l.f t*lnwl & Kojch, shf, feed prill. --. J.. V. Kiltz, Co. Treas. Off. sup. 7.00 C. L. Tryon, Co. Hwy, Mftin 236.87 HftfvArd Herald Co., Co. Cljt; prtg. fihd sup 18.80 Harvard Herirld Co;, Clr. Clk?-....190.00 Le^tet- Edinger. shf.,' per dtem fees and serv "....100.00 Afar I an Edinger. feed, pfls 100.00 Philip E. Blerdeman, nhf. deputy 100,00 Vestle-Muldoon, C. H. jail sal 108.00 Irene C. Thomson, Co. Judge Rep. 90.00 Daisy V. Moore, 8tlp. ®eh. A»t. and Clk - 113.76 of ttftch to ffive ^" culvert a better outlet. Your Committee 'figraiir met on the 6th day of January 1934 arrd audited and Mid bills chargeable to the McHenfy County Patrol System of Road as a whole Including- supplies and repulrfc .211.26 coal (hauling) 29.43 City of Woodstock, light and water 74.68 R. of Wky S. A. Kt. 13, ISA Sec. 4 M. F. T : .. .1,492.46 G. L. Tryon,' R, of Way S. A. Rt. : 2»8ec. 7, M. P. T .H0.00 - for county o*rner niaohinery, Innufance I A. A. Cfissev, sal. Pro. Off. 2 mos.160.0o and labor at the'Cotmty: tool house tb 1L. A. Stockwell, spl com wk 6.30 the sum of $1,229.87 N- B. claweon, spl com Wk (4.80 Bills changeable to the various sec-' E. C. Htx^hfes, spl com wk- 4.60 tions of the McHWry County Patfol ,K- P- Kuecker. spl com wk 6.00 ~ - - _ 90.46 - 15.80 17.30 .. 6.20 17.70 -37.0ft I Ptank May, spl com wk 16.60 14T.04 8. H. Freund. spl com wk 4.80 40.69 A. H. Hnle, spl com wk 16.70 68.90 O. A. Dodd, spl com wk 16.80 141.24 P- F. Rosenthal, spl com wk .......... 5.50 System of Roads for labor and materi- ,Chas. H. Ackman, spl com wk1 als at ratea heretbfore approved by ' Joseph Hemnter, spr-com wk tbi* Bdard WMe audttea and paid us <V. E. Brown, spl com wk follow*!' :7?' ift. M. Turner, spl com .... Beet Ion-11 -. $ 37.10 ! J- Stevens, spl com wk ... Section •' j *" B^Ctlort" 8 pOetfoA 4 SkCtioAi1 6,' 6i Sections 7, lo ...... 98.'97 15. M. Wright, spl com wk 94.05 C. M. Palmer, spl com wk 124.69 65.76 171.64 221.71. 164.19 445.59 .. 7.00 .. 6.60 All of wlifcb is respectfully submitted. JOHN T. O'BRIEN JOftHPH HEMMER ) P. F. ROSENTHAL ( tt. B. CLAWSON" ft F. KUECKER Maty tons a ifa Wrt* feet fi,. ge Ode Uagk straw •aiy^ty-flve bushel i. ' . ' 91,164.00 ' - Provisions-- • . Ihree-hundred bushel Potatoes ..$375.00 • Prbyuions on hand 750.00 oPHe-thousand quarts canned fruit 200.oo •V Furalttii-e and Fixtpfea SAundry Equipment MV tbns Soft Coal.1.. IW tohs Hard Coal >11 ihd Gas $1,325.00 .-...$3,450.00 ....$1,800.00 ....$1,600.00 .......$ 75.00 220.00 35.00 $330.00 pur Committee would report that . County employ Dr. Sandeen as Ipuftt* Physician to the flrst dgy of MitCn, 1935, to attend the patients at iefcCdUnty Home at $4.00 per visit, he <fifcoe,oBly at the call of the superlendent. . - , - . Xeeapttalatloa ; ; > -1 loraes 735.00 Attn ..: -- moon • 258.00 • tfciakiti t: ^>^.125.00 liNiO|lkU4 F«od« .....l......:^,iC4.00 Wjll(te» .....,,..1,325.00 Ivfmlulre, fixtures, equipment 6,250.00 [irm Implements ...:....1,600.00 F*el ..: 330.00 $12,977.00 v.4:otlr .Committee would recommend 4»4t Gardner A. Knapp be .. ,.rr IPuBUBeHntehdent of the County Home >M 'Farm and that his salarv be fixed sUm of $14 00 Oo per annum, and iW wwe be employed at the sum of ; JWp.09 t>*r annum, for running the |Ml( Ui4 Farmland for the proper *f«: Of the inmates, who may be in the tMMe On the flrst day of March A." 1). 984 tor may be admitted during the ifclif ,yMr. ' • v. TOT' further recommend that the 1 DpuftUr Home and Farm Committee hire Ufcl help required to properly run ud Home and Farm, and Hospital, Ifftd help to work at all time under 89, JMfctHictlon and direction of the (UMnlitehdent and hiB wife. JR Uj further recommended that the ItfjMtfntfndent or some responsible emiwyOe or his or of the Countj: shall at ill 1 tlthfci be In personal charge of . the nrnatfe*. .tjt !• .fiirther recommended that the lufrertltehdent be employed for such Itft*-. tjt his services shall prove satlst° the Board of Supervisors and Cojlttty Home and Farm Committee, fc DHttl than the day °f March It .tt further understood and agreed "that'the entering upon the duties of JVptolntendent of the said County Home •M nrm Phall constitute an acceptance 'Of fell foregoing provisions and be in P*Pt a contract l^etween the Superintendent and County Board of SupervltefC, 'hich is respectfully submitted. P. KUECKER. Chm. P. ROSENTHAL A. STOCKWELL M. TUPVER A. H. HALE »uch Comm it tee Supra." josf Hemrner" I L,Mn51"'. southerly 'to State "Bond Issue of the'followingiand'That' the Clerk *be 20.00 Chas. Ackman, and L. A. Stockwell Sf? ?. 1 known^as M. P. T. Section 6 directed to issue orders on the County members of the Committee appointed to 15.00 make the ainraisement together With Supr.H. Earl Hughes and elms. ,Palmer, 7 ®3 ' John T. O'Brien addressed th# Board 293.87 in answer to several inquiries made by the members in regard to tne dlstrlbu- 58.79 tlun of food stuffs under " the Illinois Sidney Corson, shf. bailiff LeRoy Clark, shf. bailiff LeRoy Clark, shf. deputy Richard Farrell, shf. bailiff Richard Farrell, shf. deputy ... Chicago Ind. Home for Child.. dependent Child. Old Peo. Rest Home. Etta Hibbard (T. B. & Paup.) Harry C- Daniels, Co. Judge Judcy. Misc. i; Sanitary Pig. & Htg., Ct. H. and jail rep C. L. Tryon, Co. Hwy. Mainr. Dlv. of Highways, patrol 16-1 Sec. G E. J. Field Hrd. Co., C. H. sup. .... 23.05 Emergency Relief Commission (Keder W. F. Lang, C. H. and jail rep 88.00 al) and statc-d that the distribution Irene C. Thomson, Co. Judge rep. 90 00 would be made throughout the County Daisy V Moore, sup. sch. asst 118.75 through the McHenry County RetMr Lester Edinger, car (shf. per D. Commltte-3 appointed by th& Illiaoli serv.) 100.00 Emergency Relief Commission of *hlch" Marian Edinger, cooking (shf. he is chairman and that it was the opin> feed, pris.) 100.00 ion of his commtttee that they would Philip E. Bierdeman, salary be nbl£ to get tome action on sild ttiftt- (shf. dpty.) .100.00 ter in the very near futiite Russell Allen, salary/ (ats. atty. < There being no further business to Sup.) .....110.00 come before this meeting it was thei"e- Vestie Muldoon, salary (ct. H. upon regularly moved by Supr. Ackman Jail sal.) _..., 108.00 to adjourn. Said ^notion was duly sec- City of Woodstock, Ct. H. and jail onded by Supr. Brown And declared 1st. and water 66.08 earned. Thereupon the Bdard adjourn- 8. A. Rt. 13-13A. Sec. 4 MFT , 2.740.23 ed. J 2?i r? i *4 J.,E, HARRISON, ChAlrman 17.65 Attealv «: D. WOOD8. Clerk. . 13.60 S«ctl on 8 ...J;. Section 9 Section 11 8ection-" 1# .j..., Section- 14 : . . Section1 lfr Bectloi# 16,19- SAction 17 ........ : i;v 'i The Committee on Claims, Cotinty B11W Were _also audited and ordered Poor made the following report which w.^?SL,Sf thfr Moto* Puel T®* funds on motion of Supr. Kuecker and duly 0.1 n .seconded by SUpr. Turner and the roll Ridgeflelii Road beo. 4 M. P. TJ. being called, was uniUiimously adopted, 4, labor and material $1,31*46 to-wit: 8- A- No.:2, M. P. T. 7--Qreen- 5 Mr. Chalrthan and Gentlemen of the ¥rt>od- Road 180.00 j Board of Supervisors: «JL coJLM?(;t B,*nfd ^ the C. A N. W. ! rour Committee on' Coilnty Poor Rwy. officials on the matter of proposed Claims would beg leave to renort that improvement of ah e*tehslon of Main they have exattTlned all clAlm*rpre*rtit- 5 City of -Crystal I^ake, «d to them, and recommend the . 11.60 .. 10.40 .. 71.8.0 .. 9.01 .. 24.60 ... 67.80 5.£0 Special' January Meeting, .. Tbe Ho'norable Board of StJpel*visors* 38.70 of McHebry County met in special 806- 9.JO sion at the Court House, in tni'City of H. A. TU. 2, Rec. 7. MFT L. A. Stockwell, spl com wk ... D. M. Wright, sppl com wk".: C. M. Palmer, spl com wk John T. O'Brien, spl com wk ... N. B. Clawson, spl. com wk E. C. Hughes, spl com wk E. F. Kuecker, spl com wk ... Chas. H. Ackman, spl com wk Joseph Hemmer, spl com wk ... V. E. Brown, spl com wk H. M. Turner, spl com wk ... J. G. Stevens, spl com wk 33.00 Woodstock. Illinois On TuesdaV tfii'oth Frank May, spl com wk 27,90 day of JahU^ry, A. D. 1984 ftura&iiftt tb S. H. Freund, spl com wk * " '" " --" J A. If. Hale, spl com wk J......™;... G. A. Dodd, spl com wk J. D. Donovan, spl com wk P. F. Rosenthal, spl com wk ..... 111. Office Supply Co., Co. Treas, Prg. Fund All of which is respectfully submitted, JOHN T. O'BRIEN N. B. CLAWSON . • P. F. ROSENTHAL E. F. KUECKER The Committee on Claims, County 26.78 Ali Of If1: Aiet. Supr. Donovan addressed th BoiNL, and etated he thought it would bedttf fc. fair for the county to advertise f«r bHli for the employment of a Coun if^ Mysiclan at the County Home. A 10.40 a call signed by more than one-thlfd' of 16.30 its members. 39.20 The meeting was called to order by 4,10 the Chairman John E, Harri«6n and the 16.30 roll being called the following' memWtft responded to their nafrrts,'to-WIt: L. Aj Stock Wei I D. M. Wright, Jof>n « O'BHen. N. Q. Clawson, J|. C. HtlKhaL E. F. Kuecker, Chas. Abkman," JpaeSfk Hemmer, V. E. Brown. John E, H.lfrigMi', H. M. Turner J. G. Hteveni, Frank i|2f, S. H. Preund, a. H. Haj« and O. A. Dodd nnti Asst. Suprs. John D. Donovan Paul Rosehthal. constituting a Poor made the following report which quorum. < * on motion of Supr. Kuecker and duly The records eff the l«Bt dreceiinix seconded by Asst. supr. Rosenthal and, meeting' Were read and' o»'fe«l»n"«.- the roll being called was unanimously proved. ' *• • 1 H adopted, to-wit: I Chairman, J. E. Hafrison addressed haa been received. Treasurer to the Claimants for the sev- We do .not like the wording of the erfcl amounts allowed, at folloWs, tO-Wit: hext to the la»t paragraph and r4com- Nunda Cie™ *hat the contract be referred to The'Ottawa Sanatorium, Elmer n attorney,at law to pass on sum* and 1 Nelson (T« B. A Paup.) 890 41 afmnlify the Wording to cover liability • McHenrv .J during construction only. . Miss Regina'Klein, care J(^ef>Kine We also recommend that an attorney 1 Freund , ' 17 50 b^'secured to petition the' Illtnoie state I Hartiand fcommerbe • CommiM»<»n. for hearing on The pace Tuber. Sanatorltim care the matter. We would call you^ atten- 1 Hattle c- Butte ...., » lt)4.01 tlon to the following state}A*nt9 which H. Wf. sandeen, X-ray of 7 chlMfen £1.00 we believe to( be tfue In retard to the The Eace Tubfer. Sanatorlflrt. cafe abdve matter. I* That the records of thi« Board im* that sevetal' ClTlc orgahltaflbns of. the City of Cryet%l Lake •; asked for the' improvement. of the road ott th» eaat sldev of the RaMway. 1 2. That the alignment of the roa«fr' as proposed has been approved by tn«r State Division'of Hi«4i#Hy». of'Ada Pterrtih 104.08 All of which Is respectfilliy submitted. IX M. WRIGHT ) f CHAS. ff. ACKMAN ' A. H. HALE . .. ,S^H. FREUND ' ' The Clerk presented several communl- Supr. Brown that the petition be referred to the Road and Bridge Committee of the CJounty Board of Supervisors for their investigation and report. Motion declared unanimously carried. The Chairman called L. E. Mentch of tel. Co. off. stfifc 111. Bell Tel. Co., C. ». Jail tel. shf. Ei. C. Bodenachats, shf. Jail sup. • and clo 84a» Thorne A 3on. shf. jail sup.. A?-clo. 18.10. PfefWer's rtiarmacy, Cir.' Clk. ........ 4.40 Pftilfcr Phartnacy, Co. Clk. prli' , . ahd sup. --.---- Pfeiffer Pharmacy, shf. off. sup.-- ,69f Richmond Gatette, Cif. Clk. 8.00 Lester Edinger, shf. per diem, . fees, serv ,....380,8» Cary, Illinois, a past member of the Mever Feed Store, C^ H. applies 6.0#. Board, who was present at the meet- : e. F. Baccus, C. H. supplies 20.65 ln^, for a few remarks. Mr. Mentch . Ludwig Wilson Co. C. H. supplies 38.7P' then addressed the Board and statedly, w. Wagner, C, it. supples .... l,S9f' that he had no particular reason in be- | w. Wagner, shf. Jail sup. clo. lng present other than a personal in- wtlcox A Kolbents, shf. Jail sup. terest in the Board and its members. | li.6® He then congratulated the Board on the The Woodstock Cafe, meats splendid work that they were doing I court jurors lf JO s.Lht'.^uJ,Y:;fn?i <'.nform^ Wt?bd»tock D. Sentinel, Bur*. r*lf-th<$ ot Harvard Herald, Supr. pAtf;; ...M iSf l al*° very McHenry PUindealer. Supr. p#i§i- l,ti' WelL pleased with their services. Richmond Ganette, Supr. prtg. .... 2.OP - Asst. Supr. Rosenthal addressed the u v Kutlf Co TreaS. off. supr .... 1.6* Board seeking information as to whit zion ndlrr Surnilr Co Treas' action is being taken in regard to Route ' 41 °2!" PP^T' ire"- .... 176. Supr. Brown, Chairman of the c t/Trvon * Right of Way Committee then informed • v him that his Committee was havtnjp a rn tbA- Hb«» "ifHi rhiui• * little trouble securing some of the right °d^fndt children ChiW- igt hLWon'H«WKmn'tteIr dl8CU88l0n W" 1 Old people's Rest Home,'Etta'-' ' yf , John Supervisor of Che- ' " ^ ^ mung Township and Chairman of the , snl" *** awm' -/or McHenry County Relief Committee, ad- ! T "* -V?. JJJJ ' ilL toewhatl wa?°hefn^n<rt^»d?na' McHenrv K'rkmah Ice. Co., feedihg-• pris."]..! sit* ssrsy ??rT„.'nor vs'sa: Works Administration (Federal). He tmSJmS a, kSLh reported that since the inauguration of £'^'1 ^ ni>ii> the Civil Works Administration up t6 nfiH "" January 4, 1984 that $61,523.99 had £rla come into the County through re-em- ® A I, J ployment and otherwise, that the full »hf quota of 851 men were now working and that the Committee are endeavoring to 2 Pi 5 "" get the quota increased. lie also re- ^ n aw6 hinn*v ported that many good projects were be- i# "" lng completed and some that were not Albin Kuppe, shf. deputy so good, but from now on only good S?°£Ke s^5; jep projects, would be approved. Supr. ,5T Jfi ^ O'Brien then moved that the following 1 Ear' shf. depoty Resolution be adopted by this Board . ^rank Lorenx, shT deputy and that the the Clerk be directed to forward a copy of tbe same to Mr. F*rank D. Chase Director and Chief Engineer of the Civil Works Administration at Chicago, Illinois, to-wit: WHEREAS, On numerous occasions representative cltlsens of McHfenry County have voiced their appreciation of the activities of the Cwa in our County, and of the wonderful cooperation extended to the municipalities of our County by the officers of the CWA. BE IT RESOLVED: That we In our official capacity as Supervisors of Me- Henfy County extend to you the thank* of our citisens for the co-operation afkd splendid aid you have so efficiently ex* tended. Said motion was duly seconded by Supr. Freund. and unanimously carried. There being • no further business to come before this meeting it was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Kuecker and duly seconded by Supr. TUrner to adjourn. Motion carried. Thereupon the Board adjourned. JOHN E. HARRISON, Chatrimm Attest: K. D. WOODS; Clerk. 8.81 42.64 6i,»« 11.49 32.41 38:04 " 8.09 4.00 2|,00 19»0 29.00 31.00 24.00 4.00 8.00 11.00 38.00 *1*9 ].9». .99 800 20.00 n. of the United States apa Hfemry a. Wal Tt wli's, theteupon rijrulatiy" trfwMJ tir lace, SOcrttary of Apiculture in the Your Committee on! CCooUUnnttyy PPOooorr wwo^rkk^ d and' thst the I '°!L.! U2^*n* „ »>' "laims would ben leave to report that tahjed or laid over they have examined all clatms pre- that he wanted at sented to them, and recommend the to the Board wh' navment nf the followinir nn^ that cUlttj Ho fHr inveBiig»nwn. ana in« ing me largest tntIK pn cter^ be directed to tesue' o^der* nn th» several h5 roll betrt# called, said motlOn was de- in the Chicago Milkshed, you are hereby Special' February Meeting, 1934 The Honorable Board of Supervisors met in Special Session at the Court House In the City of Woodstock, pursuant to a call signed by more than one-third of its members on Tuesday, the 13th day of February, A. D. 1934 at ten o'clock A. M. The meeting was called to order by the Chairman John E. .Harrison and the roll being called the following members responded to their names, to-wit: L. A. Stockwell, D. M. Wright, C. M.' Palmer, John T. O'Brien, N. B. Clawaon. E. F. (Cuecker, Chas. Ackman, Jos. Hemmer, V. E. Brown, John E. Harrison, H. M. Turner. J. G. .Stevens, Frank May, S. P. FreUnd, A. H. Hale and G.' A. Dodd and Asst. Suprs. J. D. Donovan and Faui Rosenthal constituting a quorum. The minutis of the last preceding meeting were read ahd on motion approved. Mr. Al. C. Smith, a member of the Committee appointed by the Governor of the State of Illinois to look after the Interests of the farmers, whose crops and buildings were damaged by the hall storm in July 1933, was called upon by the Chairman and stated that the purpose of said committe.e was to work In harmony with all organisations interested in relief for farmers in the •trlcken area and that he wondered if it would he possible for a committee from the Board of Supervisors to meet with their committee at the First National • Bank Building at Marengo on Thursday afternoon of this week at on# o'clock. Mr. Nolan, a member of the Committee-also addressed the Board on said subject and outlined how the Committee functioned and what it has accomplished since the' appointmeht. by the Governor. Supr. Palmer addressed thO Board and stated that a now organisation had been formed in the County known as thjb' McHenry County National Farmers IJtilon who were working1 along this line. Supr. Hemmer then stated that the organixation referred to by Supr. I*a1mer had been,in contact #lth Senator Dietrich and had received a corhr munlcation from him outlining th* procedure necessary to secure Government grain and requested that the communication be pefcd by the Clerk. The Clerk: then read the communication referred to. It was thereupon regillarly moved by Supr, Hemmer ahd duly seconded by Supr. Hale that thi: Clerk be directed -to'write a .letter to Senator Dietrich in regard to aald mattM- and also td g«t ift touch with Mr. Jonn T. O'.Brien and Mr. Reynolds at once:, A ,fceneral dlscusstpn was then had on said subject by the members, of the Board alid 'the Commtttee as represented by Mr. Al, C. Smith. The Clerk presented lists of claims against the County and on motion, of S]Upr. Wright duly seconded by Supr. Ackman and unanimously carried tne IH^me were referred to the proper ComritiLtek and the Board a^joprnwl to rw o'clock >P: M: for\CgnamJ[ttee work. .Board met'purtw»nt to aSournment. Present same nlfemttera including Supr. E»fl HUghes'of HArtiand Tewnahip. The Committee on Claims; Labor Fees a^r8|IUpUMr*made the following, report *rnlch motloft of SUpr. Hemmer and duly seconded'by Supr. Palmer and tne' row bplng called was unanimously adoptee to-flfi Mr. Chairman and Gentlertett of' thtf Board of Supervisors; Your Committee on I.abor. Fees and Supplies Claims would beg leave to report that they have examined all claims presented to them, and recommend the arrled. respectfully ° requested to use etery I thefolloVlng, and that the mAftnfi flvniinhu tn imfn#iiiAt»iv oatiiA'!' '^n( oe ciirecteu to 1 3 That .the. north *hd of the ItA- nf provement, inclfadlni the railroad croaiin* is wholly within the City of Crys- thL ^L^e, Illinois, rfnd the CMy council -wS Kitia? on lfle. . ^ the Bodrll »>a*ed tor Yhi "improvement oftha^ ISV* Jj"I? 4. TM matter of laying ovt a new roid- rJiSn^ eiitlrely west of the Railway track has beofi considered but It waa found that sLmljj wt wriJhT the^e waa no ' way this cotild be• 4onO csShJi" bright and unahl- Bbpf Ackman addressed the Boara it to his knowledge sev^ GoirerhmehtRl Bodied Ija'd to ,the^ Preildent _ _ _ ^ ?ind the secretary ro^ithg the rail eVitlreiy within tne Oltf . Your coirrttftittee MtmaU>s ttrflfe be necessary for tl^ ca,r«- of t)*e Henry.County Patrol'. Until tKev neit. qHiotlt tW s|im of ." kt^ of Agriculture, requesting: thtt tfiey " t a k e s o m e a c t i o f j t o s e t t l e t h e n f l l f t vrritBi.iMqg. fittAe now in process lp the' Chicago |Mll*slied satisfactory tp all concerned i aiffd t hi by Supr. Turhef and' un^imo5tly carried. < • . Tfto" committee on- Resolutiohs togethaf - with ah« Cletk- thin : ptipared the following telerfrajh directed te his honor; Pfanklln p.' Rooafv^lt. president" the Boar4k of Clerk be directed to issue orders on the several times with the Rl*ht of Way clsred unanimously cari County Treasurer to the Claimants for Committee and other commlttees of tbe i Mrs jffih an enu^oyw of the'Clvll meini"aCa11 ebU To"" i m I «• Mv Tlerk be directed to lAue orders on the wit: he several amounts allowed, as follows, ^^erra^d3 ofhehrad^i™^ A^lnirtra'uoT^e.sed ^ 'the ,^11^." ^%^ \T¥%££*,»"£% j Ow«ty Treasurer to ^.aimahta for hP« I.S. In - P.1ur'1 ,atld thfct Bk>aPd and outlined to the Supervisors Chicago Milkshed satisfactory to all I Jh® several amounts allowed, a* ToJnis idea in presenting this clntni was or Overseers of the Poor' the program concerned I low Loren Edinger, shf. deputy Sidney Corson, shf. deptoty ...... Sidney Corson, shf. bailiff Wm. Cairns, shf. deputy Wm. Cajrhfe, shf. bailiff ..... John Sullivan Jr., shf. deputy John Sullivan Jr., shf. bailiff .... Lester Edinger, shf., per di4m fees, serv .100-.00- Marian Edinger, shf. feed. pais. 100,00 Philip E. Bierdeman, shf. deputy 10<j;00" Irene C. Thomson, Co; Judge Hop. 90.00 A. A. Crissy, pro. officer 76S06* Vestle Muldoon. C. H., jail sdl. 108.00 Daisy V. Moore, Sup. Schs. Asst. Clk. hire 118.71 R. O. Andrew Co., C. H. and-jatt coal Hans Hansen,- C. H. and Jail coal (hauling) 30.7t- City of Woodstock, C« Hi aftd^ Jatt light and water 109(99 O. C. Tryon, SurveyorR. O. W; A - Bid. S. A. Rt. 13-13A .". 72.0® G. h. Tryon, Surveyor, H. O. W, A' Bid. S. A. Rt.r 2, Sec. 7 72.0® L. A. Stockwell, spt corw work .... 15.90' John T. O'Brien, spl com Wk .... N. B. Clawson, spl com Wk E. P; Kuecker, spl com wk' Chas. H. Ackman, spl coirt wk ..... Joseph Hemmer, spl com wk .... Volney E. Brown, spl com wk H. M. Turner, spl com wk J. G. Stevens, spl com wk Prank May, spl com wk S. H. Freund, spl com wlr~ A. H. Hale, spl com wk G. A. Dodd, spt com wk P. F. Rosenthal, spl com wk Wilcox A KoMentz, jail supplies 22.V7 All of which Is respectfully submitted. JOHN T. O'BRIEN P. F. ROSENTHAL B. F. KUECKER JOSEPH HBMMSlt N. B. CLAWSON art 29.10 14.80 29.1® il« R7.26 1M« 1L40 18.89 19^00 16.00 19.90 16.10 The Committed on dalinftH-, OMMf, Pttor made tM' fbnowing repoft WVilMr on motion? of Stipf. Brown and duly atttb" onded by Supr. Kuecker and the ratibeing called was unanimously adopted, to-*lt: Mr: Chairman and Gentleman of tkl Board of Supervisors? Your committee on CouMy P&or" Claims would beg leave to repbrt'thit they have examined all claims presented' to them, and recommend the payment of ' the following, and that the Clerk be dl* rected to issue orders on the Coutrty Treasurer to the Claimants for tlM' several amounts allowed, as'follow*; to* wit: Nunda-- -. Ottawa Sanatorium, care BlniMt Nelson (T. P. and pdtrp.) ._ 94®J|tS>t Chemung^-- ' The Zace Tuberculosis San., . care Ada Parish (T. P. A paup.) lWilf McHenry-- The Ottawa Sanatorium, care Mrs. V\ James Clifford (T. B. A paup.) l89fo9^ Riley-- , The Ottawa Sanatorium, care Fred Wafd (T. B. A paup.)' I38i®r McHenry-- Mrs. Reglntt Klein, care Peter R. Preund (T. B. A paup.) ............ l|M All of which H rejpectfuny sHta|lll«iWt D. M. WRIGHT. Supf . , » CHAS. H. ACKMAN A. H. HALE S. H. FREUND to-wit Nunda--L Ottawa Sanatorium; Elmer NelsOfl T. B. and Paup.) .... Riley-- Ottawa Sanatorium, Fred Ward (T. B. and Paup.) 60.49 Chemung-- The Zace Tuberculosis Ran., Ada Parrish, (T. B. and Paup.) .100.71 Hartiand-- s The Zace Tuberculosis flan.; tie C. Butts, (T. B.. and Paup.) 97.33 Paid out on orders month of Tire'County Treasurer's report for ttth" month of January. 1934 was prOMntiir abd rebd and upon ntotlon of SUtf. Ackman and duly • seconded by Supr. Wright and unanimously carried, WaS* ordered placed on file to-wit: Oouaty ftsasoxsrs BepOn. Jm*****.:' Balance December 30, 1988' . ..$95,026»t Paid out in orders month Of January $1$,151.0* $79,876;U: Amounts received for month' of January' w. T- Conn. Clr. Clerk, old sherllrs fees Fernholx A Shields, refilnd M. F. T. I^eSter Edinger, shf. support federal pris, V. 8. Lumleyt State's Attorney Fines and Fees ; Illinois Bell Tel. Co., comm oii • booth States of Illinois, Motor Fuel Ta* *A Rt. fa St. 69 ... .: * County Treasurer's Fees oastme Supervisors. Count}- Home ....... 360.9f fteaeemed from Forfeitures .... 2,898j) Co. Treas. Fees on same 11)1.1 ^"«»nal Property Back collected- S.....TL 241,9# Co. Treas. Fees 0(1 same 84# $*,194JTfc Bid. od hand Feb. l. l|34 993,04048® H. Pi PETBIT, Co. Tre^j, The Committee on Roads and Bridgijtf made the following report which on jflfiifc tlon of Supr. Wright and duly secondedby Supr. Palmer and the roil being called was unanimously adopted, to- ...r- ii:t^ ... H]& 79.f«- ' « McHenry I>anra Blake, Peter R. Freund (T. B. and Paup.) ter Nelsott curred ^d n" nw:M9»ry to make proper application Rest assured that action Will be a!»- 1 £• ^ ^ £ $00.49 cu^ed and_ that he didI nftt wlih_ to for Food Stuffs. A genet-al discussion preciatert. and thanking you for spleK- p-,f- Pettibone & Co., Co. Clk. y trouble over th« matter what- was then had on this subject. did deed* performed. V The« .... ....... . . _ ' The Clertt presented a list of Clalrfis Signed, 3: E. HArtRtBON, r>«i.rir., r*P°rt ^ of the against the County and' art motion of Chairman Boatd of Supervisors of Mc- Tr*wrer wu presented- and Supr. Dodd and duly seconded by Supr: Henry County, Illinois; 10 tne Board, to-wtt: Hemmer the same was referrW to tne Sppr: Hemmer. Chairman of the Comproper Committees and the Board ad- mltlee to inve*tl*ate damage done bv Prank Thornber 4 Co., Co. Clk. amounts Beo d for Mbnw of 39*9eW|*» journed to 1:30 o'clock P. M. fot- Com- the Wind and Hail Storm of July <*f ' e,ec- sup Nbv. 30, 1933 91093143rk.~-inittee .-w®i!kH.-., last year reported that his committee FVank Thornber A Co., Co. CUt. 1 •30 O'CXfOttr P. 1C. would recommend that all of the farm* j prg. and sup. Prtg. and Slip. P. F. Pettlbone 4k CO.. Oo. Clk. elec. sup : Prank Thornber A Co., Co. ClfcT tax blks. I)ecemb<?r Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of th* Board of Supervisors, McHenry Couftty. Illinois: The undersigned members of tMs; Road and Bridge Committee' for mM' County, would beg- leave to submit tlw following report on the matters beforfc-' them. That w» met on the 18th-day of JaVt^ 349.18 uary 1934 at Harvard. iUinois wlfll' .'representatives of the C. W, A. in rs- 49.47 gard to the borrowing of the County's large crushing plant for use on work 24.48 near Harvard. Although we did nOf $89.16 . 10.9)1 . 9.9** 7.01X StAll'of"wli"otf'Ve^nec^f 1 hmlifcsftfc of 'MiWVy The Committee on Claims."Labor PsOs farmer* to allowed lo lay their prob- 1 office exp All of which ^.respectfully submitted. Cou^ weicT rentafsand "mist"'"^ antf. Supplies presented the fcdknrtttg lems before the Board of Review after , HeH-on Times, Sup. of Schfc CHAS. H. ACKMAN A. H. HHAI.E s. h. Freund Machine Supervisors, County Home ...... Personal Property Back TV*%s paid The following Resolution on Right of Forfeitures Redeemed Way Purchase was presented and read Illinois Bell Tel. Co.. conim to the Board, to-wit: on booth •- 20,031.93 ' Board met i>ursu«nt to adjournment, ers affected be given a continuance on 1 Frank TbornberA Co^ CIt.;GI}l .-.1J6.3I refuse the use of'the crusher, we ^d-i -- : 1 P r e f c e n i s a m e m e m b e r s i n c l u d i n g - C . M . t h e i r t a * e s d u e a n d p a s t d U e a n d b e - > E t h e l C - C o e . S u p . o f S c h s . o f f . e x p . 2 0 7 7 T 5 v i s e d a g a i n s t i t o n a c c o u n t t h ^ |89J281.1 8* I*almer of Dunham Towtithi^. r.e lieved o. f any penal,t ies. and that s*id III.-- O f.. Sup. Co., Sup. of Schs. frosen icondition of the gravel pfts' ttAr- cost Involve* In moving the plant froijl1 ^ Ridgefleld to Harvard and then ba^ to Ridgefleld, and only about 16 worfclng days were available under the Gov- 7.10 ernment appropriation, and that thoy' m would be disappointed with the resu?tr 5.89 from trying to operate the plant in th* winter. We offered them the use of tils' 7.60 County's small crushing plant wfii<3i report, which on motion of Hupr. Ack- ss-id Bonru is in session this ye*r. A office exp. 86.0ft' man and duly seconded by Supr. Hale general discussion wm then had by the Siion Office Supply, Sup. of 8chs. 474.60 and* the roll being called, was- VMfll- members of the Ek»ard In regard to the Off. exp. mo.usly adopted, to-wlt: sftWie. Eugene Dietsgen, Co. Clk., prtg. 817.W Mr. Chairman and Oentlotti<ett ot; the Sbpr. Freund addressed the Bosrd | and sup. 8,486.60 Board of Supervisor#; >>nd stated that he had received a petl- Franklin Ribbon A Carbon Co., Your Committee on Labor, Fee®' altd tlon signed by approximately 700 rest- Co. Clk.. prtg. and sup. Xesolutloa state Of Illinois'1!7B fwl woUl^ »'»9r le«Vs to report dshts of McHenry Township In atid J. B. Conway, Co. Clk , prtg. 4k sup. 6.40 can be easily and cheaply moved »*Sl BilnrtH1' rf11' relmtoursenwrt- that tbey have exhmined all claim* pre- around State Aid Roads Nos. 22 and £3 Dr. c. P. Bsccus. Co. Clk. Iqtk set up. ""^Piy moved, atp th^uT^ofA Mcntm-v9 """" BtitiT sented to them, and recommend the pay- wltji the request that he present tbe Dep. (B. EV Gumina) .. ... out--of ^he Motor -Fusi - ^ 5*? of; 9o«»*Vt*Br*> <3r. Dr. g! E. Wright, Co. Ctk. ittS discussion was then had In re- sum of $78.65 and f ' Bal, 'o® hand January 1, 1984 $96 026 97 Count ^Treasurer <-> '"*ue -.r^er" °n lh® their oonsideratlon. Mr Freund further Dep(E. E. Gumma) to the Claimants for stated that said roads were heavily 111. Bell Tel. Co., C. H. Jail 699. We then inspected work done neat Lawrence and In the Town of Mfctitidt fW on patrol section IS neaf tlTe oI^TTOWr Creek factory and ordered additional .JBfesfr.';

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