^ •» • ( ** ~ 1 ' . . . ." ».. * ' V? ... .. v^' wAv^>.4.S: <PT^> ^ . ^ **V EIGft* --r-*-^---- -Ssati THEBOAHDOF SUPERVISORS, McHEMRVCOUNTY, ILLINOIS ISmi t&%' f „ > . . • * v\ „ v ' U . * ' ' * « • M S * - - •" \ :t , . |> ,-r •' <**.' '. v- _> 'i.vjjV.'-" - ' * •~^>>~5vk teas permanent improvement* i,01S.82 ," Said amendment 'to the motion X. B. Clawson, spl com wk ...15.90 -------- I was duly seconded by Supr. Kreund. K. F. Kueeker, spl com wk 6.00 !ftetal running expense for . |And the roll beingr called Supr. Stock- Chas# H. Ackmap, spl com wk .... S9.00 c the year ...;,$15,183.68 wcni Palmer, O'Urlen, Clawson, Hushes, Jos. Hemmer, spl com wk 5.20 Number of Inmates v...92 Kueeker, Ackman, Hemmer Brown, Volney E. Brown, spl com wk <8.u5 Number of weeks of ttimateS 8,498 Turner, Stevens, May,• Freund, Hale and H. M. Turner, spl com wk 5.20 Qtat per week per year :.w'..'..,...?4.84 • Dodd and Asst. Suprs. Donovan and J. G. Stevens, spl com wk $2.00 Summary jro. 3 Rosenthal \oted nve. And Supr. WriRht Frank May, spl com wk 17.40 Total expenses for the year $19,218.61 . voted nay. Amendment to the motion Leas the following items../ I declared carried. The Chairman, then Permanent Improvements 5fe,>, -.2.01 S.82 ' called for a roll cnll on the motion a's Clothing, Bbots and Shoes -76S.16 amended which was declared unani- Tobacoo Medicines ; Medical Attendance Farm Produce sold ' Farm Stock sold .. Telephone Refund Old Lumber sold Operation 810.43 -:-»t :.3o - " 0.60 • 23.00 Less totbl .......i..'. ............$.5,f58.'JX Bala nC» . .;i.J1 3; 3 fi ft. < Supplies <m bainS* Matv : tr; l»33 4,275.50 ' Total - ' _...$17,6:15.20 Less supplies on hanfl- Mar." ; ^1, 1934 '.- :5,075.50 Net. cost Df Die 11n;g- for 1 he-; J'K -;J.2,$5,'.«: i<• Number of'initiates • Number df week o'f Inrifctfes-J9. Ket cost of Dieting- per week4f 3.nit All of Which is respectfuHy-isutrn^jt ted. -F- .KI'KCKBR, chairman ' i- VP^ 'Fv ItOSKXtHAI- ^ : <•»»: : L- A. STIK'KWKI.L- • H. M Tl'HXBR * • 1. H. HAW: '• It was thereupon regularly moved by Stfpr,' • Wright and duly seconded ;by, Supr. Ste\r«>ns that rhe report of the Committee- on county Home and lanii be adopted by this Hoard. And -the roll faH0ns calllcd said motion was declared upahimously carried. TThe1 Vnonxthly ;.rS8}>'>i t of the (lommittie on County Borne was presented showing the t&tal expenditures of $1712.10 with a net cost <of operation of $1,588.73 and upon motion duly mad* and carried was approved and ordered placed on. file. \ • The McSenry Couhty Medical Society presented the. following Resolution Jo-wit: KcEeknr county Medical Society March 12, 1934 llesolved. " . That the McHenry County Medical Society at' its mieting March 8. 1934 went on Ctcord as not approving the action Qf the McHenry County Hoard of Supervisors in appointing as County Physician an unethical physician who will have under his care the poor and nnfortun^t^ of this county. That the county society request the Board of S-'upervisors to reconsider their appointment of county physician. That tfc? Ecr.irt of Supervisors take Into cons deration the fact that the county medical society is organized to protect the people of the county from fraudulent' practitioners of medicine, and is organized for the improvement and/ welfare of the health of the county. That as individual^ this medical society has always ^-operated with the Board of Supervisors fn the interest of the people of the county. We, tlie-roforo, earnestly request that this honorable board take so'ine action at this time. McHenry Cojnty Medical S,ociety. <5. E. Royce, H. J. Schmid, C. F. Rac- 6»w, VV. H Newton, O. W. McClusky, J. H. Furlong, W. V. Gooder, W. J. Copeland, C. W. Bailey, Henry \V. Sande. n, Geo. H. Pflueger, J. C- Sculley, J. G. Maxon. Wm. Nye, C. W. Klontz. X. .1. \ve, S. W Sukumlyn, Xeill J. I>oherty. A. V. Liiulb6rg. O. I. Statler, C.lenn E. Wright, N. L. Seelye. A. S. Komberger, D. G. ..ijMls, A. I. Froelich. O- H5. Nelson. '|ffo action taken by thi Board. . The following report of the County physician was presented and read to the Bdard, lo-wit: Beport of Oounty Physician March 13, 1934. To the Honorable Members'of Board jf Supervisors. Htnce taking over the work on Mar. 1st, as County Physician, I beg to submit for your approval my report up to March lfth. 1934. No. of visits to the Co. Poorhouse 13 J(d. of visits to the County Jail ...i.... 6 No. of examinations of inmates of Poorhouse ...» --56 Number of examinations at jail ........ 6 Number of urinalisis tests--............. 56 Jfumber of X-rays I have made these tests and examinations and have a record for each in dividual inmate, so* as to be able to intelligently advise those in charge as to the individual care and how to .protect the other inmates, not so afflicted. I have found in my investigations, Some patients suffering from Syphilis, some with Tuberculosis, some afflicted ._ **lth Cancerous infections, and some from ulccrated or infected teeth, in the latter cases I have procured extractions. - i 1' wish to state, however, that any extractions made on inmates, and any Xray pictures necessary to be taken, will be made free to the County, as a part Of my original proposition of service. The total expense to the County for the first thirtean d ivs, for medicine and aupplies .used by mo in the above work, is $4.21. a Mil of which hereto attached and sworn to. Very respectfully submitted, . E. THOS BRAND, M. IX County Physician. €i>6<37 , mously parried. 431*95 I The question of whether or not the 749.50 Board would grant ont or two licenses •P94.78 was then brought up,'l'or disenssion and *t was thereupon rrgt'larly moved by. Sut>r. Stockw'eli. and duly seconded by Supr. Henimer' t(iwt there he two license fees, one i oVei iris I 'd tied beer only and Che cither for celling alv<>holio__ liquors .ncluding :draft and bottled'beer t() be consumed on^the premises. And tlje roll being citlled said- was declared carried. 'It was t hereupon Regularly mo\ ed , by Supr. - S-tockwe'I , and duly seconded -6y Supr. Kueeker _ that tho foilov. iag Resolution .calling for a $25.00 lf«V*nse fe.?: lor' bottled hepr'and a $7SJd0 ' liff use .fre for. ;. AlcOjWHc Liin'iora including draft and bottled, be^r to be consumed on the ;premise's.,.pe adopted-Lv this B^apd, to-wit:. * , Keeolntion of the Board of Supervisors me IT R,KSOLVEi) by the'.Chairman uui Board ,jl Supervisors of the County of McHenry and State of lUioois that the license fee to be charged to all persons petitioi.ing for a license to sell Alcoholic l.njurii as provided in the Act psfssei"., ai pro\e'.l ana t/ecoming operative on January- -31, 1634, be fixed by this Hoard as follows: For Restaurants handling only bottled bter : . u $25.00- For Taverns stlling Alcoholic Liquors to be consumed on the premises or otherwise $76.00 UK IT PI RTHKK RESOLVKD that all licensee* shall not be allowed to §ell oleoholic i:«iuort- between the hours of two g dock Sunday morning and twelve o clock noon' of the day commonly called .T.nday. ; ""An.l the roll - being called Suprsi 'Stock well, Wright, Palmer, O'Brien, Clawson. Hughes, Kueeker, Ackman; Hi mmer; Brown, Turner, May, Freundj- Hale, Dod 1 t.n.d Asst. -Supra Donovan and Rosenthal voted aye, . . And Supr. Stevens voted nay. And motion oeclarcjd carried. Sui.-r lirien i-wv(« that the ^.'lerk be authorized to secure the prooer foims for the an ministration of the Licensing of Alcoholic Liquors in ; McHenry Couhty under the supervision of the License .Committee and State's Attorney V. S. Lumley. Said motion was duly seconded by Supr." Dodd and unanimously cat rhd. Supr. Stockwell, Chairman of the special committee appointed by the Chairman to meet with the County Undertaker's Association with regard to the burial ' of Paupers withih McHenry County addressed tne Board and stated that Mr. Warner of cr/ tal Lake a numbei of said Association was pr-^.im at tne meeting and would like to address the Board on said subject. The Chairman then called upon Mr. Warner who presented a! Ch-irt showing that it was impossible for any undertaker to tnake any money on the burial of a Pauper for . $50.01'. Mr. L'icn e, formerly of the firm of Siavin, Merwin and Pierce Undertakers, was tl.cn called upon by the chairman and briefly gave his views on said subject. The Committee on Claims Labor Fees and Supplies made tlv; following report which on motion of Supr. Brow ri and duly seconded by Supr. Turner and the roll being called • was unanimously adopted to-wit: S. H. Freund, spl com wk^ ................ ^.20 A. H. Hale, spl com wk 10.40 G. A. Dodd. spl com wk 28.00 P. F. Rosenthal, spl com wk ........ 5.50 AH of which is respectfully submitted. JOHN T. O'BRIEN P. F. ROSENTHAL ' E. F. KI'EPRER • , JOSEPH HEMMER N: B. CLAWSON . ; - No action taken by the Board. Supr. Harrison, chairman, addressed thte Board and briefly outlined the i jprogress made by the County Physician : during the first thirteen da;ys at the . County Home. . • -v The Clerk presented lists of Claims . against the County together with sev- *. eral to •nmunicatj/fTts««ajid on motion of |tui>r. Henimer and rliiTT^ bi t muli il by :Pupr. Ackman the same wererSte/red to the proper commiitees for report. And the Board adjourneil to 1 :30 o'clqck p, •Hi. for commitlte work. 1:30 O'CLOCK P. K. .. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Present :^ame members. Y • , The (^hairman announced that the first order of business for the afternoon session woul<l be the question of Liquor Licenses in McHenry County, and called for a discussion on said matter. The following Resolution, 'was then presented and lead to the Board, to-wit: Xfesolutlon of the Board of Supervisors BE IT RESOLVED by the Hoard of Supervisors of the County of McHenry In the St-ue of Illinois THAT the County to grant, outside of municipal Corporations aid ,'ncorpo rated towns, a license to such jeisons as can qualify and desire same, to sell alcohidic liquors in accordance with, the laws of th« the State of Illinois which became effective ilanuary 31,-1934, in relation, to said subject. 1 It was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. llrown and duly seconded by Asst. Supr. Donovan that the Resolution be Adopted. Said motion was declared unannnously carried. ' A general discussion was then had by .the members of the Board together with Several Tavern Keepers in regard to the amount of the License fee and Sunday closing. It was then <le%bjed that the first question that should was whether cr. not they should have ' Or allow Sunday opening of Taverns. It was thereupon regularly moved by fcupr. Hughes and duly seconded' by Asst. Supr. I ono\ an that the following . Resolution be aoopted "Hi': IT, RE- --pdLVBB """ Mr- Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your -Committee on Labor, Fees and Supplies Claims would beg leave to report that they have examined all claims presented to them, and recommend the payment of the following, and that the Clerk be directed to issue orders on the County Treasurer to the Claimants for the several amounts allowed, follows. to-wit: Frank Thornber & Co.. Co. Clk. Prtg. and sup.' $ 7.08 Frank Thornber & Co., Co. Clk. tax blanks 124.71 P. F. Pettiboae & Co., Co. Clk. . prtg. and sup. 62.90 P. F. Pettibone & Co., Cir. Clk..:... 4.20 (J. L. Tryon, Co; Surveyor (cemetery pits.) .../a:....... 49.6' C. L. Tryon, Sal and ex p. (Co. Hwy. Main.) .,197.32 Division of Highway's, patrbl v 16-1 Sec. G. (Co. Hwy. Main.);... i$;33 Eugene Dietzen, Co., Clk. prtg. and sup Harvard Herald, Co. Clk. prtg. and sup Marengo-Republican News, Supt. of Schs. Oft. exp. ....' M. B. Cook Co., Supt. of Sehs. n .v. off. exp. . 13:77 111. Office Supply Co., Supt. of ; Schs. Off. exp. '59,55 Hammond & Stephens Co., Supt, of Schs. 'oft', exp. I...... Ethel C, Coe, Supt. of Schs. . oft. exp. Woodstock Journal, Supt. of ' Schs. off. exp Woodstock Journal, Supr. prtg. f ind Woodstock Ii Sentinel, Supt, of SCHS:, Off. -eXp.' Woodstock IX Sentinel, Co. Clk. prtg. and sup Woodstock D. Sentinel, Supr. prtg. fund •. Woodstock D. Sentinel, Cir; Clk.;J. 39.80 Woodstock Journal, Clr. Clk. .64.5 Dr. O. W. McClusKy, Francis E. Cairns (Co. Clk. Ins) ...v.... Dr. H. W. Sandeen, Francis E. Cairns (Co. Clk. Ins.) W. S. Battern, Judcy. Justice Fees (Peo. cases) 111. Bell Tel. Co., C. H. and jail telephone (Co.) 30.0•) 111. P.ell Tel. Co., C. H. and Jail telephone (shf.) i. .. 10.94 Ludwig Wilson Co., Gt H. Sup. fund . . , 9:1.9:; E. F. Parens, Ct. H. Sup. fund .... 12.10 I >. B- Nichols;"Ot. H. Jail repairs 16.0't John O'Leary, shf. jail sup. & -clo. '2.15 A. S. Wright, shf. jail sup. & clo. 11.-.2 I.estcr Edinger, shf. jail sup. and clo .i.oO Lester F.dinger, feeding pris. . 'J.'iO Bohn Hrd. Co., shf. feed. pris. ...: ; ; ^5;84 Bohn Hrd. .Co.; shf. off. sup. ,* Bohn Hrd. Co., c. H.*Sup. fund ..v 7.40 A. W. Geister, C. H. Sup. fund • ' 27,S<i Si-hmidt & Becking, shf. feed. pris. 42.59 F.< kert & Bending, shf feed. pris. 45.21 Pin gel (k Koch. shf. feed. pris. . . 30;11 Woodstock Dairy, shf. feed, pris:,11.BO' lloesley's Bakery, shf., feed. pris. 32.09 Wasterp United Gas and El. Co., shf. feed. pris. . 8.81 Walter Brooks, sheriff deputy 4.e,) R. H. Smith, sh. dpty, 4.On George Grant, shf. dpty. v . 12.00 Howard Freeman, shf. dpty.. T{{.00 Sidney Corson, shf. dpty/: ... 52.on Sidney Corson, shf. bailiff * . :'20.0'i Wm, Cairns', shf., dpty JO,00 Wm. Cairns, shf. bailiff . 20.00 Lester- Kdinger, slif. per diem,. fees and serv .....tOO.OO Marian Edinger, shf. feed. pris. : 100.00 Bhiljp E. Bierdeman, shf. feed.-' v"'.*1-*;' pris 100.00 Trenft Thomson, Co: Judge, reporter J>0.00 A. A.' Crissey, pro. officer ................ 75;00 Russell Allen, fcts. At-ty. Asst. ...330,oo Vestie Muldoon, C. H. jail sal 108.00 Daisy V. Moore, Sup. Schs. Asst A cikt'-Wre 1.88 10.50 .70 40.70 15,81 1.00 2.00 .80 8.7 AA 5.00 r,.oo :>\Q The Committee on Claims County Poor mitde the following report which on -motion" of Supr. Palmer and duly seconded by Supr. Hugh's and the rcfll being Called was unanimously adoptisd, to-wit; x Mr. Chairman and. Gentlemen of the Board of Superisors: , Your Committee on County^. Poor Claims jvould beg leave: to rep<yrt .that they have examined all claims presented to them, and refommend .the payment of - the following, and that the Clerk be directed to issue orders on the County. Treasurer to the Claimants for ,wie several amounts allowed,. as follows, to-wit: . ' J •Nunda-r- • ^ Ottawa Sanatorium, care Elmer Nelson (T. B. and Paup.)' ...$76.00 Riley--: • Ottawa Sanatorium, care Frfcd ' Ward (T. B. and Paup.) .76.70 Hartland-- Th"6'Zace Tuberculosis,"care Hattie C- Butts, CT. B. and Paup.) 198.08 Mcilcnry-- : '^v.- Regina Klein, care Peter R. freund J ..: :...w 18.50 Ottawa Sanatorium, care of Mri(»; Jatnes Clifford 75.00 Richmond-- " .. Ottawa >'l-;anatorlum, Henrjf . Schultz ... 38.77 Ottawa Sanatorium, Albert Janko 22.50 Algonquin-- Ottawa Sanatorium, II. Hanson .... 20.35 AH of which is respectfully submitted. 'D. M. WRIGHT s. H. i'i;T:i'N d ' ' r '-•'/'A. H. HALE A Resolution on Day Labor Construction designated as -Section 8 M. F. T. presented at the ' morning session of this meeting was again presented an* read to the Board. It was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. May and duly seconded by Supr. Ackman that the Resolution be adopted. And the roll being called said motion was declared NOT carried. It was" thereupon regularly moved by SUpr. Hale and duly seconded by Supr. Palmer that the Resolution be referred to the Road and Bridge Committee for report. Motion declared carried. The following Resolution was presented and read to the Board to-wit; Resolution of County Board of Supervisors of McHenry County requesting approval of the use of. money allotted to the county under the provisions of the Motor Fuel Tax Law. RESOLVED,, by the Board of Supervisors of McHenry County, that the public interest demands the maintenance of sections of the public highway all located on State. aid roads and originally" constructed under the provision of the "Motor Fuel Tax Law," approved March 25, 1929, designated as ows: 1 State Aid Route 13 and 13A, Motor/ Fuel Tax Sec. 4 M. F. T. ....$1,000.00 State Aid Route 20, Motor Fuel Tax Sec, 5, M. F. T. ........ 500.00 and be it further RESOLVED, (1) That the above designated sections be maintained under the provisions of said Motor Fuel Tax Law during the year ending December 31, 1934. (2) That there is hereby appropriated the sum of One Thousand Five Hundred" Dollars ($1,500.00) from the county's allotment of Motor Fuel Tax Funds for the maintenance of the above designated sections; and be it farther RESOLVED, that the County Clerk is hereby directed to transmit two certified copies of this resolution to the Department of Public Works and Wildings, Division of Highways, Springfield, Illinois. It was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Brown and duly seconded by Supr. Freund that the Resolution be adopted by this Board. And the roll being called said motion was declared unanimously carried. The following Resolutions on the extension of State Aid Roads within the Corporate Limits of Municipalities were presented and read to the Board and upon motion of Supr. Ackman and duly seconded by Supr. Hemmer and the roll being called the Resolutions were unanimously adopted, to-wit: Public Works and Buildings, Division notify each Town Clem to be present of Highways, through its District En- at the Court House in the City of Woodgineer. stock on said date. Motion declared carried. Thereupon the Board adjourn- Stata Aid axtensloB B*solutlOB ed to Thursday, March 22, at ten c'clook State of Illinois, McHenry County, iss. A. M. ^ 1. BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board JOHN4*. HARRISON, Chairman extensions to State Aid Routes within AttMt--R. D. WOODS. Clerk. of Supervisors of McHenry County that : the corporate limits of the municipality i l* .a na. of Richmond, be designated as follows: AQJOUTit6U .MUFCit JWCCtlfl^j 1. S. A. Route 5, beginning at the 1QO/I west corporate limits, thence easterly 1904 along Broadway Street to Main Street - , (S. B. I. Route 61) The Honorable Board of Supervisors 2. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, met in Adjourned Session pursuant to 'that the County Clerk is hereby direct- adjournment at the Court House in tha ed to forward two certified copies of this city of Woodstock on March 22nd. 1934 resolution to the Department of Public at ten o'clock A. M. ~ Works apd Buildings, Division of High- 1 The meeting was called to order by ways, Iffirough its District Engineer. the Chairman, J. E. Harrison and the j ro]j being called the following members •tat# Aid Extension Resolution responded to their names, to-wit: L. A. State of Illinois, McHenry, County, ss. Stockwell, D. M. Wright, C. M. Palmers 1. BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board j. T. O'Brierj, N\ B. Clawson, B. C. of Supervisors of McHenry County that Hughes, E. F. Kueeker, Chas. Ackman, extensions to State Aid RToutes within Joseph Hemmer, V. E. Brown, J. E. Harthe corporate limits of the municipality rison, H. M. Turner, Frank May. S. H. of Woodstock, be designated as follows: Freund, A. H. Hale and G. A. Dodd and 1. S. A. Route 15, beginning at the Asst. Suprs. J. D. Donovan and Paul west corporate limits, thence' north- Rosenthal constituting a quorum, easterly along Franklinville Road to i The Chairman, J. E. Harrison," ad- South Street, thence easterly along dressed the Board and stated that the South Street to Throop Street meeting was called with the Township 2. S. A. Route 80, beginning at officers so that a uniform plan could Throop Street, thence westerly along be arranged for the support of Paupers Jackson Street to the west corporate in McHenry County. limits, thence northerly along the east An open letter from the Illinois Emerone- half of the road coinciding with the gency Relief Commission was then prewest corporate limits to a point in the sented and read by the Clerk. The letwest limits at the center of the south ter outlined in ^detail a plan that the one-half of Ssotion.6, T. 44 N., R. 7 E. Commission would like County Boards of the 3rd P. M. I and Township Boards to follow In Rf- 2. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, The Clerk then presented and r«aA that the County Clerk is hereby direct- Hef programs. ed to forward two certified copies of this the various letters made by the Townresolution to the Department of Public Works and Buildings, Division of Highways, through its Distript Engineer. •tat* Aid Extension Resolution State of Illinois, McHenry County, ss, 1. BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board 'gram in McHenry County. It was thereship Boards for Poor Relief for the year 1933. ' * John T. 0*Brien, Chairman of the McHenry County Committee, Illinois Relief Commission, addressed the Board and outlined in detail the Relief Proof Supervisors of McHenry County that extensions to State Aid Routes within the corporate limits of the municipality of Lakewood, be designated as follows: 1. S. A. Route 10, beginning at the west corporate limits, thence easterly along the section line road to Huntley Road, thence southeasterly along an existing road to Lake Avenue, thence easterly along Lake Avenue to the east corporate limits. 2. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the County Clerk is hereby directed to forward two certified copies of this resolution to the Department of Public Works and Buildings, Division of Highways, through Ms District Engineer. •tate Aid Extension Resolution State of Illinois, McHenry County, ss. 1. BE. IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Supervisors of McHenry County that extensions to State Aid Routes within the corporate limits of the municipality of Crystal Lake, be designated as follows: -v* ' 1. S. A. Route 6, beginning at the north corporate limits, thence souther^ ly along Walkup Avenue to Terra Cotta Avenue, thence easterly along Terra Cotta Avenue to the westerly end of the concrete pavement of S. B. ,1. Route 61- Extenslon at the C. & N. W. Railroad. 2. S. A. Route 8-A, Beginning at the south corporate limits at Crystal Lake Avenue, thence northerly along Main Street to Terra Cotta Avenue. 3. S. A. Route 10, beginning at the west corporate limits, thence northeasterly along Lake and Dole avenues to Virginia Street (S. B. I, Route 19). 2. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the County Clerk is hereby directed to forward two certified copies of this resolution to the Department of Public Works and Buildings, Division of Highways, through its District Engineer. •tate Aid Extension Resolution State of Illinois, McHenry County, ss. WHEREAS, the public welfare demands that the State Aid Road System of McHenry County be modified to meet present conditions. THEREFORE, be it resolved, by the Board of Supervisors of McHenry County that the following changes in. the State Aid System be made: 1. The removal and abandoning of that part of S. A. Route 81B beginning at a point on S. B. I. Route 51 near the center of Section 34, T. 44 N., R. 8 E. of the 3rd P. M., and extending westerly for approximately 1 mile to a point in the east limits of Crystal Lake near the center of Section 33, T. 44 N., R.' t E. of the 3rd P. M. upon regularly moved by Supr. Ackman and duly seconded by Supr. Kueeker that the Chairman appoint a committee of five to work out a plan on relief in McHenry County. Motion declared carried. The Chairman then appointed to act as such Committee Suprs. O'Brien, Freund, Hale, Ackman and Brown. It was thereupon regularly moved and unanimously carried that^the Board adjourn to 1:30 P. M. 1:30 O'CLOCK V. X. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Present same members. Supr. O'Brien, Chairman of the Special Committee on Relief addressed the Board and stated that the Committee did not wish to make any recommendations at this time. A general discussion was then had by the members of the Board and the various Township Officers in regard to the Relief problem in McHenry County. Official Bulletin No. 157 of the Illinois Emergency Relief Commission on appointment of Garden committees was presented and read to the Board. After a general discission on said matter it was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Kueeker and duly seconded by Supr. Ackman that the Official Bulletin No. 157 be tabled. Motion declared carried. There being no further business to come before the meeting it was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Brown and duly seconded by Supr. Dodd to adjourn. Motion carried. Thereupon the Board adjourned. J. E. HARRISON, Chairman Attest: R. I'. WOODS, Clerk. "Buffalo Nickel" Indian Several Indians have laid claim to being the original of the likeness appearing on the "buffalo nickel" wblcb made its appearance in 1913. James Earle Frazer, the American sculptor who designed the coin, blasts their claims by declaring that "the head Is an idealised portrait and represents no particular Indian.:: State Aid Extension Resolution State of Illinois, McHenry County, ss. 1. BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Supervisors of McHenry County that extensions to State Aid Routes within the corporate limits of the municipality of Algonquin, be designated as follows: 1. S. A. Route 8, beginning at the west corporate limits, thence easterly and southeasterly along Chicago Street to its junction with S. B. I. Routes 22 and 62. 2. S. A. Route 9, beginning at the north corporate limits, thence southwesterly to S. B. I. Route 22. 2. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVKD, that the County Clerk is hereby directed to forward two certified copies of this resolution to the Department of Tublic Works and Buildings, Division of Highways, through its District Engineer. State of, Illinois, McHenry County, ss. WHEREAS', the public welfare demands that the State Aid Road 8ystem of McHenry County be modified to meet present conditions. THEREFORE, be it resolved, by the Board of Supervisors of McHenry County that the. following changes in the State Aid System be made: 1. The designa^tjon as a part of the State Aid Svstem.rtf a road beginning near the east quarter corner of Section 25, T. 4 6 N., R. 8 E. of the, 3rd P. M.. a point in the south corporate line of Spring Grove, and running thence southerly twenty-five (25) feet, more or-less, to S. B. I. Route 60, to be known as S- A. Route 5-B. State Aid Extension Resolution State of Illinois, McHenry County, ss. 1. BE IT REKOI.VHD, by the Board of Supervisors of Mcllenrv County that extensions to State Aid Routes within the corporate limits of the municipality of Huntley, be designated as follows: 1, s. A. Route 11, beginning, at the east corporate limits, thence westerly along Main Street to its intersection tvlth S. B. I. Route 47. . S. a. Route 12. beginning at the west* corporate limits, thence ©sisterly along Main Street to Its- Intersection with S. B. I. Route 47. 2. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the County Clerk is herebv directed to forward two certified copies of this resolution to the Department of Public Works and Buildings. Division f Highways, through its District Engineer. , State Aid Extension Resolution State of Illinois, McHenry County, ss. 1. BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Supervisors of McHenry County that extensions to State Aid Routes within the corporate limits of the municipality of Harvard, be designated as follows: 1. S. A. Route 17, beginning at the junction of S. B. I. Routes 173 and 23, thence westerly along West Diggins Street to the center line of Eighth Street extended, thence along the south one-half of West Diggins Street to the most westerly corporate limits. 2. BE- IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the County Clerk is hereby directed to forward two certified copies of this resolution to the Department of Public Works and Buildings, Division of Highways, throngh its District Engineer. •tat* Aid Extension Resolution State of Illinois, McHenry County, "ss. 1. BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Supervisors of McHenry County that extensions to State Aid Routes within the corporate limits of the municipality (ir Spring Grove, be designated as follows: 1. S. A. Route 5-B, Beginning at the north corporate limits, thence southwesterly along the existing road to the south corporate limits. 2. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the County Clefk. is hereby directed to forward two certified copies of this resolution to the Department of Public Works and Buildings, Division of Highways, through its District Engineer. •tate Aid Extension Resolution State of Illinois, McHenry County, ss WHEREAS, the public welfare demands that the State Aid Road System of McHenry County be modified to meet present, conditions. ' • THEREFORE, be it resolved, by tho Board of 'Supervisors of McHenry County that the following changes in the State Aid System be made: 1. The designation as a part of the State Aid System of the West one-half of a road beginning at the center of the south one-half of Section 6, T. 44 N. R. 7 E. of the 3rd P. M., and running southerly for 650 feet, more or less, to the south line of Jackson Street of Woodstock. fallowed to operate on said License on the. first day of the week commonly called Siundav." And the roll being called said motion was', declared Not carried. It was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Kueeker and duly seconded by S-uyr. Wi ight that the following Resolution be adopted bv this Board "BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That all Licensees shall not be" allowed to sell Alcoholic Liquors between the ;hours of twelve o'clock Saturday night and twelve o'clock noon of the day commonly called Sunday The following mendment to tbe. motion was made by. Supr. Rosenthal "Two o'clock , i : r T " . o ' c l o c k 113.75 R. O. Andrew Co, Ct. H. jail 'coal 211.12 Hans Hansen, Ct. H. Jail coal (hauling) .a;-.;.-.;-L. 18.83 City of Woodstock, C. H. light " and water ..... 76.51 G. Ii Tryon, Co. Htfy. Math. ' S.'A; Rt 13-13A Sec. 4 ' ,........'...U43.r,0 G. L. Tryon, Co. Hwy. Main. S. A. Rt 2 Sec. 4 .....:..i53.0O G. L. Trvon, Co. Hwv. Main. S. A. Rt 8A Sec. 6 49.50 Old Peo. Rest Home, care Etta Hibbard (T. B. and 1'au,). J0 00 Chi. Tnd. Home for Children, '• , dependt.- children .......-..J...34®.00 L. A. Stockwell, spl com wk ........ 12.25 C. M. Palmer, spl com wk 5.5o ijoton T. O Jtricn, r=pl com wk State Aid Extension Resolution. ~ -State of Illinois, County of McHenry, ss 1. BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Supervisors of McHenry County that extensions to State Aid Routes within the corporate limits of the municipality of Union, be designated as follows: 1. S. A. Route 21, beginning at the west corporate limits, thence northeasterly to Jefferson Street. 2. S. A. Route 21-A, beginning at the weet corporate limits, thence easterly along Jefferson Street to Main Street. 3. S. A. Route 1'4-A, beginning at the north corporate limits, thence southwesterly and southerly along the existing road to JefTerson Street. 2. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED •tate Aid Extension Resolution State of Illinois, McHenry County, ss. 1. BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Supervisors of McHenry County that extensions to State Aid Routes within the corporate limits of the municipality of McHenry, be designated as follows: 1. S. A. Route 6, beginning at the west corporate limits, thence northeasterly along Crystal Lake Road to Waukegan Street <S. Bl I. Route 20). 2. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the County .Clerk is hereby direct ed to forward two certified copies of this resolution to the .Department of I'ublic Works and Buildings, Division of High ways, through District Engineer. Supr. Harrison, Chairman of the Board stated that he thought that It would be a good plan for this Board to hold a Joint meolingj/'with the Township Board of the vaVious Townships within the very near future to try to work out some resolution in regard to Pauper RelittT; thatMVn April 3rd each Township is going to make a Levy for the support of Paupers and that he felt that the meeting should be held before that time. It was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. O'Brien and duly seconded by Supr. Ackman that this Board adjourn to Thursday. March 22nd, for • uo* ,v,„ , - , --: .- ,,le Purpose of meeting with the several that the Count j ( lerk is hereby direct- (Township Boards to work out some unicopies of form plan of pauper Relief In the Counthls reaolution to the Department of ty and that the Clerk be directed to FIIJTY FAMOUS FRONTIERSMEN By EL MO SCOTT WATSON Mad Anthony's Spies \1THEN Gen. Anthony Wayne start- *' ed his campaign against the hostile tribes of the Old Northwest in 1793, he resolved not to be taken by surprise by the enemy as his predecessor, Gen. Arthur $t. Clair, had been two years before. Therefore, he "employed a number of the best woodsmen the frontier afforded1, to act as rangers." He gave command of this force of some 40 men to Capt. Ephraim Kibby, a native of New Jersey who had been one of the first settlers near Cincinnati after the Revolution, a hunter for the garrison at Fort Washington and a scout for St. Clair. Skilled as were Kibby and his rangers in woodcraft and valuable as they were to Wayne as scouts, the elite of the company was a "division of spies" composed of less than a dozen men. Capt. William Wells, a Kentucklan, commanded them, and the others were Robert McLelland, Henry Miller, and four others identified only by their last names--May, Hickman, Mahaffy and Thorp. "Captain Wells and his companions were confidential and privileged gentlemen in camp, who were only called upon to do duty upon very particular and interesting occasions," says one of the historians of that period. "They were permitted a carte blanche anions the horses of the dragoons, and when upon duty, went well mounted; whilst the rangers commanded by . Captain Kibby went on foot." One reason for this favoritism was that three of them, Wells, Miller and May, had been "white Indians"--returned captives who" could assume the dress and speak the tongue of the red men so well as to deceive any Indian they met, thus increasing their value as spies. Miller had a younger brother, Christopher, who was still held by the Indians and by a remarkable coincidence, one of his first spying expeditions, when he, Wells and McLelland. were sent out by Wayne to bring in a prisoner for questioning, resulted in the capture of an Indian who turned out to be his brother! Christopher later became one of Wells' spies. "After thar, "the ""Millers, Hickman, MahafF.v and Thorp drop out of history, but two of the others were marked for future fame--McLelland as a fur trader on the Missouri and an employee of the American Fur company whose deeds are immortalized in Washington Irving's "Astoria"; and Wells as Indian agent at Fort Wayne and hero of the Fort Dearborn massacre in 1812 when his devotion to his niece, Ilebekah lleald, led him to the dehth which he knew awaited him on the shores of Lake Michigan.,; V ^"Mtern N*w«fia[>*rUat«a. DISAPPOINT. p. 86 By R. H. WILKINSON tk Bell ayndlcaU.--WNU service. LYSE knew she shouldn't have come. She was at once glad arid afraid. It.seemed somehow like a dream; incredible. v Something she had longed for all her life, yet never believed would hippen. Ross Carthage sat at her elbow. His arm touched hers. Yet it was the proximity of him, the power of his personality, rather than the physical contact that electrified her. . He was a glamorous figure, glamor* ous and romantic, f-;' In this she had not beta disap-' pointed. Long, long ago--it semed like ages, though was in reality a mere ten months--she had sat In an audience in a great auditorium and heard hi a pitw. .\- j--- And today mofe tEiei'n Hon, .- He was young and handsome and tall and slim. / , ' ; ' ( ' He had" poistf and* personality and charming manners. In fact the man possessed everything that you would expect to find In a brilliant young artist--everything that t girl like Alyse, who was younger still and dedTurely beautiful, longed to And. , • • * . ..' ' : Their .meeting had been quite by lliauce. Alyse, herself a student of piano, had been Invited to attend an informal gathering at the apartment of Monty Blair. Monty knew everyone, and he ver threw a party without lnvitln, .introducing some great celebrity, which feature of his affairs was always a delight to the regular guests. And on this night the guest of honor had been Ross Carthage. Alyse had danced with the great artist, and later she had spent an hour In a secluded corner talking with lilro, or rather she had sat there witjj an enraptured look on her face while Carthage talked. And now, only a week later, she was going with him to his apartment. There would be no one else there. They would be alone; Ross had promised to play for her . . , • e • It wa# an old trick. Alyse knew it was an old trick. The famous artist inveigling the de- Mtt and pretty young girl to his apartment on the pretext of displaying his talents for her special benefit. Alyse - shuddered slightly at tbe thought. She was afraid, yet she .was glad she had agreed to come. It was a brand new experience, the sort of experience that every girl ought to have In order to get along in the world. She wasn't fool enough to let herself believe that Ross Carthage was Interested in her alone, that there hadfc't been other girls. She knew his game, understood his purpose. Whatever happened was ^he result of her own doing. 5 v ' • e •. The limousine drew to a stop before an apartment house. A footman opened the door. Ross Carthage, smiling that whimsical smile of his that had been the means of bringing hundreds of women to his .feet, helped her to the street They entered the elevator and were whisked to an upper floor. Ross led the way to a door In the main corridor, unlocked it, stepped aside and allowed her to enter. Alyse's little gasp of delight was genuine. She hadn't believed that apartments like this existed outside of books. If, in a moment of day dreaming, she had ever allowed her Imagination tft conjure up a picture of an idealisfic abode, the result would not hayeequaled this reality. Nothing was overdone; nowhere was there an addition of gaudiness or incongruity. The appointments and arrangements of rooms were, in the finest sense of the word, the work of an artist. • e • Alyse turned at last and saw Ross standing there at her elbow, looking down at her, smiling. She remembered then where she was and what was before her. For one fleeting Instant she fought a desire to turn and leave the placed ashamed of her own audacity. Itut the impulse.passed. She surrendered her wrap and, striving mightily to present a casual attitude, made herself comfortable on the long divan before the open grate. Carthage went to a cabinet and produced bottles and glasses. • ' He mixed drinks and talked to her of commonplace things. • ~ And then at last they had drunk their toast and looked Into each other's eyes, and the evening had begun. . • "Shall 1 play row V Alyse nodded, feeling the warm glow of the liquor in her veins. He strode over to the piano, ran his fingers over the keys, swung Into a dreamy lullaby. Alyse closed her eyes, lay back her bead. The music poured into her souL soothing, comforting, delightful. • She floated away; her Imaglnatloil iro longer checked, no longer Kan* pered by consciousness of the reality of the world lo» whiefc •*« lived-att* breathed. ^ The man played on.,imid the girl r*> cliued In luxuriant ecstacy 00 tb* divan, listening and dreaming. , The fire in the grate died to gtouinS embers. - , . .. * Tilings that were material bo longeff existed. ^ This was a land of dreams and roi> mance*. of peace and deep content* ment. . Alyse lay with her eyes closed fof minutes utter he had stopped playing^. And when at last she opened theiH he was sitting on the divan close bo» side her, looking into her face. Involuntarily she started. It wag over. The dream had ended. - This was reality. She steeled herself for what was'tft come, regretftil now that the beauty of„the moment had passed that sh% like dozens of others, had succumbed, to this man's charms. Looking at him it was not difficult to understand the reason. He was truly a romantic figuref handsome, glamorous, possessed of tti«ap.; artistic qtutiujtaji. *g. seek in their men. It was a pity, ttiought Alyse, that h# lacked in those fundamentals which are, after all, the requisites of thingji thftt arp worth striving for--love art* happiness and a home. He lived only for the hour, only "fot the thrili and sweet bliss of tlie mg» mentary worship *nd Surrender beautiful women. • * • "Did you enjoy my playing!* "Yes, it was gorgeous." "I'm glad. You have a real elation of beauty." Preliminaries! Flattery 1 Trickery;! Alyse's heart began to poling. She was afraid and regretful: ; She prayed for the strength to resist him. "It is a pity," Carthage was say(n§7 his deep rich voice, "that the houi- Is late. That I can't play for yot| longer. I'd like nothing better. "It is a long time since 1 have foun4[ a person with so deep a sense of , u# derstanding." He stood up, glancing tit bis wfctct|j "Come. Shall we go?" ' - Alyse stared. She wondered if it were not still ft dfeam, if the thing could possibly bft true. Yes, there he was, standing at the foot of the divan, her wrap draped over his arm. She stood up, allowed him to placft the wrap about her shoulders, daze<V incredulous, conscious of a Strang# new emotion. An emotion that defied explanation^ • * * He led her to the door.- They descended to tbe Street and stepped into the car ttuit waited there. They drove back through the city tft Alyse's home. Sitting there, Alysft was still unbelieving. -- Beside her Ross Carthage chattel amiably and wondered at her muta» ness. Presently he suspected she had beeftr disappointed in his playing, sensep that he had not pleased her. ^ The thought sobered him and hi too fell silent. " - There was a brief moment beforf Alyse's door.' ' She tried to tbank him, struggled for words to express her gratitude knowing only that she was making ft mess of the thing, realising that hftdidn't understand. And when at last he had gone, shft turned away, entered the dim hallway of her own apartment and sat dowft on a settee there for a moment or tyft to think. She was striving to analyze tbft strange emotion that had gripped her the moment Ross Carthage had led heg from his apartment. And at length the answer came. The emotion was that of disappoints ment. Disappointment not In his play* lng, but because the thing She had feared and dreaded, the thing fofr which shq had scored and condemned )thls men, yet which she had expected and prepared for, had not happsMd. Predicts Human Beings Will Stop Family Lifdi I |ee, says a writer in the Araerlcajj| Magazine, that the head of the psj» etiological laboratory of a famoug ' eastern university has Issued a stati* ment In which he predicts that In ft reasonable length of time the human being will be all through with family life. He won't need It any more, bft> cause he will not be an emotional creft*' ture. His Intellectual processes will be all that is left of him and, being d creature purely intellectual, he wonf love and marry and establish homeft nor be dependent on the comforts and kindnesses of home life. He will matt scientifically and the state will raU|| his children. . t tr • A lot of work will hare to be don|t on old Adam, and his girl friend. Ev% before mankind will ever reach such ft state. In fact, he won't be Adam anfi ftiere, and it won't be tbe . > *- Portugal in tk* War *•- Germany declared war on Portugal March 9, 191G. following the selxurft of German and Austrian ships lit Portuguese ports,. and other nctfe which Germany considered hostile' The Portuguese contribution to the war was chiefly in the assistance It gave.in the conquest of German Eas| Africa, adjacent to the Portuguesft colony of Mozambique. Some 00,00® Portuguese troops, however, served 1]| ifwusce. - 1