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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 10 May 1934, p. 8

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: i•' •'• •••• •• ••• " ' -• '**\ *"-•=»• -C•3A •>i'f ; .. „ -*>>*•.* *k, t® • *„"4 ' *„ £_ i ^ Vftgs Eifht THE MeHXKBT W&;-% $#w« r „ wm *> : ?•** *?/f .:;">v-,rv y** ip* W\ * ~ -T.--.t.. ••' • «"*• Thsnday, May 10,1*3* •;>>." LINGER LONGER MS*. Ray Howard entertained the Linger Longer club at' her home Friday evening. Bunco, was played and prizes were awarded to Mrs- Lewis McDonald, Mrs. Fred C. Schoewer and Mrs. Frank Meyer. Refreshments were served. Tire next meeting will be with Mrs. Howard Culver. DIMINISHING TEA " Tl» first of a series of diminishing teas was held at the home of Mrs. C. W. Gibbs on Wednesday afternoon of last week, which are being given for the benefit of St. Patrick's church. Tea was served and a social afternoon was enjoyed. Those present were Mrs. Richard Fleming, Mrs. Earl Mc- Andrews, Mrs- Paul Doherty, Mrt. Clarence Martin, Mrs. Albert Purvey, Mrs. E. R. Sutton, Mrs. Walter Walsh, Mrs. Jack Walsh, Mrs. Ray Conway and Mrs. Robert Webetf. .? At each party the number wilt ba diminished by one. MOTHER'S CLUB The Mothers Club will meet at the home of Mrs. G. W. Hess on May 18 MID-WEEK CLUB * fThe Mid-Week club will meet next Wednesday afternoon with Mrs. J. J. Marshall. MOTHER'S DAY TfiA • ' Mothers of the girls of the FFF class of the M. E. Sunday school have received invitations to attend a tea in their honor Sunday afternoon at the home of Mrs. L. H. Brattain. There will be a program and. a pleasant time is being planned- - C D. OF A. PARTY' The Catholic Daughters of America Will hold their mother and daughter party "this Thursday evening with a pot-luck supper served Sbt 6:30 p. in., in K. C. hall. The evening will bfe spent at cards. The next business meeting will be held May 28 at the usual time. MILK DEPOT Pasteurised or Raw Milk, per gal One Block East of New Bridge On Route 20 ; . . Also The Following Items: CREAM, BUTTER, OLD STYLE CHURNED BUTTER * MILK, CHOCOLATE MILK, EGGS AND V COTTACE CHEESE All the Buttermilk You Can Drink for 5<^ QUILTING PARTY Tfca Catholic Daughters of America are making a quilt, but they believe in combining work with pleasure and :on Monday evening they enjoyed a party in K. C. hall with the sewing of quilt blocks being the first feature on lh*e program. Luter cards were enjoyed with eight tables in play and a prize awarded at each table. PHILATHEA CLUB Philathea Club met this Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Berglund and Mrs. Carlson. Two weeks ago the club met with Mi's. Arthur Kennebeck. The members are busy making articles for the sumirier bazaar, plans for which wjll be an> pounced at a later date. !f > BIRTHDAY SU RPRISB Mrs. Mary Dowe was pleasantly surprised at her home on Richmorid road Thursday evening I > a party of friends who came to honor her birthday. Sixteen ladies were present and presented her with a gift. Bunco was played during the evening and lunch waaherved. 1 __ :;-?>AST ORACLES MEET^i: H The members or the Past Oracles club of McHenry courfty were guests of Fox River Valley camp at the home cf Mrs. George H. Johnson Tuesday afternoon. Sixteen members were present from McHenry, West McHenry, Woodstock, Crystal Lake and Harvard and the business meeting was conducted by the president, Mrs. Cleo Schaller. Games furnished entertain* rnent and a pot-luck supper was served. The next meeting will be at Harvard on June 12. Answers to roll call will be favorite recipes. Out-of-town guests were Mrs. Minrie White, Mrs. Cleo Schaller, Mrs. Ella Jacobs, Mrs. Mabel Hesselgrave, Mrs. Elsie Smith, Mrs. Becking, Mrs. Mary Wentworth, Mrs. Laura Engeln, Woodstock; Mrs. Ollie Geer, Crystal Lake, Mrs. Etta Greshel, Harvard. Six Ford V-8's Lead In Big Western Oakland, Calif., May • --Battling for a caJS prise of fl,500, Lou Meyer, a leading contender for the 600-mile sweepstakes at Indianapolis- Decoration Day, took first place in a Ford. V-8 in the 250:mile stock car ra<5e at the Oakland Speedway this afternoon from a field of 20 entries. Meyer's time. for the race, which was supervised by the Contest Board of the American Automobile Association, was 3 hours, 13 minutes, 4.6 seconds, and his average speed for the course 77.68 miles per hour' .. Sam Palmer, also driving a Ford V-8, took the second prize of $750, and also hung up the fastest time for a single mile lap of 81 miles per hour. Denny De Paolo, Ten Horn, Mel Kenealy and A1 Gordon all in Ford V-8's» took the next four places in the event. Four other drivers finished in the money. Eight of the 20 entries were Fords, the other twelve of four were other makes. Throughout the rsfce the leaders thrilled the crowds with the way in which they guided their cars through the traffic of slower cars on the track, the quick acceleration of the Ford V-8 giving them several precious seconds each time it was necessary for them to slow down. Kenealy, fifth-place winner, set a refueling record, when he appeared at the pits for his first refueling after 161 miles." Pmtfyl vv" fc. • •:r ,• '• Baby'Chicks For Sale We have about 400 Baby Chicks, one week old, including White Rocks, Buff Orpingtons and White Leghorns. Will SPECIAL Grandview Super Baby Chicks Commencing May 22nd afr" $8.50 per 100 These Chicks ^Originally Sold at $14.00 per 100 - Phone Your Order At Once ^McHenry Comity Farmers Co-operatfveAssociation EASTERN, STAR TO MEET McHenry chapter, O. E. S., will meet Monday evening in Masonic hall- This will be a social meeting when the mothers of Eastern Star members will be honored. A pot-luck lunch will be served, each one bringing something to serve. On Friday/ night Miss Frances Vycital ahd Mrs. J. E. Wheeler went with Mrs. Emma Buell and Mr- and Mrs. Laurie of Woodstock to Grayslake, where they attended grand BUSINESS IS IMPROVING That business has moved far out of the depths of the depression is revealed by a compilation of March quarter earnings statements by Eastman, Dillon & Co., of Chicago. Net earnings of the 166 concerns included in the survey aggregated $153,814,934, compared with only $16, 180,815 for the same three months last year. Automobile companies recorded the greatest improvement among industrial classifications, net income of the group soaring .from $220,000 last year to $24,222,000 in the first quarter of 1934. Automobile accessory companies show a similar though less spectacular growth, having converted a loss of one and a half billion in 1933 to a profit of more than four million this year. ST. MARY'S SCHOOL IS CLOSED FOR ONE WEEK St. Mary's school is closed this week because of several cases of scarchapter appointment night at Sorosis ! fever which originated there, but chapter. the building is being cleaned and fumi- This Thursday night Miss Frances gated and school will reopen next Vycital will act as chaplain at Day | week Monday. Star chapter, Dundee; on Miay 17 she will b® Adah at Wheaton; May 28 honor guest at St. Charles aiyl May 31, Esther at Waukegan. The chapter is invited to attend official visit at Bethel chapter, Elgin, May 25. Phone 29 McHenry, 111. DIPHTHERIA IMMUNIZATIONS . Toxoid immunizations against diphtheria will be offered about May 15 or 16. Any parents desiring to have their children protected against diphtheria are asked to get in touch with school nurse. > , V wm VY 13 isrMother's Day, and* of course, you'll want to remember your First of all Sweet hearts in the sweetest way! So you had better stop in at Bolger's and make your selection from a large and attractive as sortment. Include your personal greeting card. % t " 1 According to the report from the local board of health, no new cases of scarlet fever have developed for several days and it is expected that the epidemic has been checked. In the eighth grade there is one case of scarlet fever and one suspected case, in the fifth, sixth and seventh grades there are no cases,, in the fourth grade one case, third grade two cases, second grade none and first grade one case and one auspuected case. * ' ' f. DEADLINE ON TAX PENALTIES EXTENDED A paying County Treasurer Harry F. Peteit has announced that the deadline for first installment taxes has been advanced to June 1. Gov. Horner signed the bill Wednesday of last week. There will be no penalty charged until after June J. NEW STORE AT LILY LAKE A new building is being erected i t Lily Lake where G. Weisbaum will open a grocery, market and general merchandise store on or about May 30. Andersons Johnston's Whitman's WEEKLY EXCHANGE Mrs. C. Stouch and C. Stouch of | Forest Park are in the Woodstock | hospital as the result of an accident Sunday of last week which took place | on Route 19 near the subway under ! the Northwestern railroad southeast of Crystal Lake. It i^feported that | Mr. Stouch has a frp*f£ure of the skull i while Mrs.*"i9fe<»ttPn is badly bruised. I They are about 60 years old. I Oscar Friedcnberg of Grayslake is "V" at the Lake County hospital, suffering ^ | from a broken leg and minor injuries & received in a motorcycle accident, ^ which occurred Sunday near Grays- ^ lake. The young man with some ^ friends, was a guest of the Post fav.i- » ily, who reside in Harvey's subdivi- ^ 1 sion. Sunday afternoon two of the £ boys were on the motorcycle, and were ^ 1 coming from the north, toward Grayslake. Just beyond the Soo tracks th^y •V passed a car, and as they were going i 1 at a high rate of speed, ran off ,tho T j road and both were throwr^ off the ^ machine, but the passenger escaped & any serious injuries. ^ ! Carelessness in the use of fire-arms ^ 1 on the part of an unknown person in- V iured Jerry Kohout, Hillside subdivipion, Barrington, and endangered his ^ life Tuesday morning of last week. ^ i Mr. JCohout was working near his woodshed at about 10:30 o'clock when <8* i he felt a sharp pain in his cheek and heard something snap against the X. ! woodshed wall. Blood spurted from a ^ i flesh-wound in his cheek. Imbedded i !n the wall was a 22 rifle bullet which | had caused the wound. The bullet had ^ I traveled less thah 100 yards, it was $ I estimated from the depth of the hole i it dug in the soft wood. Mr. Kohout | was not able to find anyone in Jthe A. t neighborhood carrying a gun. X j Mrs. Carl Baylor of Grayslake is Jit • 'the St. Therese hospital, Waukegan, A 1 T T Y "TiiE CANDY ^ ^STORE" Phone '40 Green Street McHenry ?i: because of injuries received Monday of last week when the car she was driving in Waukegan, was struck and demolished by a machine driven by Mrs. C. Davis of North County streec. During the noon hour Mr. and Mrs. I Baylor were making a hurried trip to | Waukegan, and had reached the Fulj ton avenue intersection on Bel vide re I street when Mrs. Davis, who passed the stop sign, crashed into them. Mrs. Baylor, who was driving, suffered a badly wrenched shoulder, and was con- 'bruised. •* } - Mrs. Agnes Jencks and daughter, Mary, of Chicago called on friends here Saturday evening. Mrs. Raymond Arvedson, son and daughter of, Milwaukee, Wis., motored through McHenry Sunday evening enroute from! Carpentersville to their home and called on friends .here- They are moving this week to St. Lrftuis, where Mr. Arvedson has been transferred. Miss Helen Baur spent the week-end with collejge friends at D*Kalb. Frank E. Cobb of Chicago was a local caller Sunday. Mrs. J. C. Holly spent the first cf the week in Chicago. Miss Mildred Thompson, whp is attending state Normal school at De- Kalb, attended a physical education conference at Lawrence college, Appleton, Wis., Friday and Saturday. Miss Thompson was accompanied by student, Miss Dorothy Moon, and Miss Eva McKee, instructor in the women's physical education department at the college. Mrs. Jack Walsh ahd daughter, Catherine, visited Saturday with Mrs Walsh's sister, Mrs^ B. Cpstello, 322 Ann street, Elgin. Mr. and Mrs. George Weeterman and -children^ Mary Margaret, and Gene, of Elgin spent Sunday with reltives here. Miss Florence Conway returned last week from a visit with her-gister at DesMioines, Iowa. Mrs. C. W. Goodell attended ths meeting of the Business and Professional Women's club at Cairo, Friday. Mrs. Young of Woodstock came with Mrs. E. M. Phillips to attend the meeting of the Study club last Wednesday evening. M!r. and Mrs. Curtis Westfall and daughter, Doris, of Chicago spent a few days last week with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Simon Stoffel. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Wyikelman and son, James, of Melrose Park visited her mother, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Aylward, Misses Margaret Aylward, Minnie and Jean Conway, Mrs. Stacia Malone and Edward Knox of Elgin spent Sunday in the Aylward cottage, east -of Fox river. Miss Lucy McCabe visited in Wao* kegan last week. * Mrs. John McHugh and her father, John McEvoy, of Chicago visited old friends here Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Callahan of Chicago visited here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank OTlaherty and Miss Mary Powers of Elgin spent th» week-end with Miss Nancy Frisby. Miss Margaret McCabe, Libertyville, Miss Agnes McCabe, Elgin, and Miss Margaret Russell of Waukegan spent Sunday in the home of Mrs. P. McCabe. ) Attorney C. ML MjcDermott and son. Tommy, who spent the week-end in Chicago, were in McHenry Tuesday p.nd Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Peter King and Mr. and Mi*s. Joe Schoewer of Chicago visited in the John King homfe Sunday. Miss Florence Conway spent \Monday in Chicago* \ Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Newman visited in the home of their son, Chas.. in Chicago, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Aebischer of Chicago visited her mother, Mm Kate Stoffel, over the week-end. Ray Conway was a Chicago visitor Monday. Mr. and Mies. L. F. Newman visited at Woodstock Thursday. Mrs. James Rainey of Ringwood called on Mrs. W. A. Sayler Monday. M. A. Conway and his son, Father Walter Conway, of New Orleans, visited Father Hackett at Oregon, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. J. Bonhen of Wilmette spent Sunday and> Monday here. Miss Irene -Conway of Elgin spent Sunday here. Mrs. Louis Yoting and little daughter of Waukegan spent the last of the week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Walsh. Mr. Young joined them Sunday and-they returned home with him. Mr. and Mrs "^illiam G Ricks of Chicago spent the week-end at their, summer home here. Mr. and Mm Alby Krug and daughter, Elaine, spent a day last week at Ashton. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Conway, with Mr, and Mrs. Frank Daly of Woodstock* motored to Champaign Sunday. Master Warren Jones went to Chicago Friday where he spent the week-end and attended the Boy Scout circus at the Stadium. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Douglas and children visited his mother at Janesville, Wis., one day last week. M}rs. C. W. Goodell and Miss Ethel Jones attended the meeting of the Business Women's club at Woodstock Monday evening. Mrs. Ray McGee spent Monday in the Walter Conway home at Woodstock. Mrs. Helen Oder of Chicago visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Fay, Tuesday. ^ Thomas P. Bolger attended the meeting of the McHlenry County Retail Druggists'* Association at Hebron Tuesday evening where he made an informal talk on the Illinois Emergency Relief. Mrs. M$yme Harrison was an Elgin visitor Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. George Kamholz and children of Chicago visited in the Fred Kamholz home Wtx&esday evening. Among .those from McHenry who attended the Legion-Auxiliary party Friday night were Messrs. and Mesdames Ted Schiessle, Howard Culver, Jame^Marshall, Charles J. Reihandperger, Ray McGee, Fred Schoewer, and Mrs. Anna Howard, Mrs. Emilv Lawson, Tom Bolger, James Doherty. Mrs. Ruby Drury, commander-inchief of the Daughters of the G. A. R. and members of the Waukegan Fortress called on friends here one <day last week. Miss Margaret Kinsala spent Tuesday at Fox Lake. M!rs. William Bacon and Mra. J. E. Wheeler were Wauk*f*n visitors Friday. Miss Adeline Perkins of Waukegan spent the weekend at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. John Bolger visited at Pecatonica, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Kinsala and daughter, Norma Jane, of Chicago, spent the weekend in the Henry Kinpala home. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Unti attended a funeral in Chicago Tuesday. Mir. and Mlrs. F. W. Sayler and daughters of Woodstock called in the W. A. Sayler home Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Meads and baby of Rockford visited in the home of Mrs. May Powers, Sunday. Miss Marie Powers returned home JJfith them, after spending a week in Jebckford. . ^ ' Mr. and Mlrs. Wm. B. Tonyon and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kinsala visited in the Vandenboom home at Round Lake Sunday evening. ' Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Newman were Chicago visitors Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Purvey visited at Champaign,* Sunday. Mr. and >®rs. Charles Dowe and Mr^ and Mrs. Henry Dowe visited at Rojpnd Lake Sunday afternoon. Mrs. James Rainey of Ringwood, with her mother, Mrs. Alma Thomas, and Mrs. W. A* Sayler visited at Woodstock Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. George F. Garrity and Mr. and Mrs, Fred C. Schoewer went to Kenosha Sunday afternoon. , COURT OF HONOR, MAT 25 McHenry will be the scene of a Court of Honor for McHenry County Boy Scouts to be held at the high school, May 25. Five scouts of the county will receive the rank of Eagle Scout and many other awards will be made at this meeting. Details , of the active summer program for Scouts of the county were given by G. C. Driesbach, Scout executive of Black Hawk area council, al a meeting at Woodstock, Friday night. About 500 Scouts, workers and parents met at Woodstock Friday night. V M. E. CHURCH You are invited, to attend services at the M. E. Church every Sunday. Sunday school, 10 a. m. Morning worship, 11 a. m. Sunday, May 13, is Mother's Day and will be observed with special services. Your mother would want you to attend church next Sunday. MB& E. M. PHILLIPS AT OTUPY CLUB Mrs. E. M. Phillips of Woodstock presented an interesting book review of the book "Brazilian Adventure," by Peter Fleming, at the meeting of the Study .Club on Wednesday evening of last week. Mrs. Phillips has appe&red before the club at previous meetings and her reviews have all been much enjoyed by members of the club. Meetings of the Study Club are held every two weeks and are sponsored by the Mother's Club although anyone interested may attend, At the next meeting of the Mothers Club it will be decided whether or not to hold another meeting of the Study Club during the summer. COURT ADJOURNED TO MAY 21 Circuit court at Woodstock has been adjourned to May 21, Among the cases listed to be heard at the resumption of the seesion is the separate maintenance suit of Mrs. Catherine Boger of McHenry versus Fred Boger, Chicago. A NEW METHOD OP PRESERVING YOUR LINOLEUM See the interesting New Chart at our store. It tells you what to use to preserve and beautify . every type of Linoleum. It prevents mistakes. BE SAFE, USE ONLY SHED WATER SPECIALIZED FINISHES FOR FLOOR "COVERINGS . Thomas P. Bolger The McHenry Druggist GREEN STREET Shows--7 and ft THC g Fo McHENRY ILLINOIS Ada. 10-SSc MATINEE SUNDAYS 2:30 P. M. Admission, 10c and 20c Friday and Saturday, May St and H See Why Two Little Words Mad* : , PAUL MUNI '.•/..V tk® Town In Two, "HI NELLIE" , A Story As Dynamic As the Star) Sun.-Mon., May 13 [Mothar't Day] and S4 ANN HARDING, CLIVE BROOK, OTTO KRUGER in "GALLANT LADY" :n Ann Harding In a Role As Fitting As tn# .----v.- •-Clothes She Wears Tuesday and Wednesday, May IS and 16 SYLVIA SIDNEY, KING VIDOR, ESTELUE TAYLOR "STREET SCENE" From the Pulitzer Prize Drama by Elmer Rioe Thursday and Fliday, May 17 and 18 EDMUND LOWE, MIRIAN JORDON, ANN SOTHKRN "LET'S FALL IN LOVE" ^ The Year's Greatest Musical Romance lc« Around Antarctica There are at least 6,000,000 square miles of Ice packed around Antarctica. If all the Ice In the north and south polar regions were to melt at the same time. It would result in raising the oceans at least 150. feet. ITU* * A FRIDAY (Uftcle O'Bie's Joy Night) Kay Francis in "MAN DA LAY" SATURDAY, MAY U Richard Barthelmess |i "MASSACRE" Matinee at 2:30 SUN. - MON., MAY liUl James Cagney ta "JIMMY THE GENT" Cont. after 2:30 : TUESDAY - BARGAIN NIGHT 4 - Acts of Vaudeville - 4 "ALL OF ME" Adults 15c - Children 10c _ WED. - THURS., MAY 16 Kathryn Hepburn tft "SPITFIRE'* 17 MEMBER OF THE N. R. A CRYSTAL LAKE, ILL. SATURDAY Shows Daily at 7 and 9, D. S.T. Jean Parkier - Robert Young in "LAZY RIVER" All the charm of the old South in this fine drama! SUNDAY ONLY , Lew Ayres and June Knight in "CROSS COUNTRY # CRUISE" Men aild womien in all walks of life . • . riding to adventure! Sun. Mat. 2:45 to 6--10c-26c After 6 and week days--10c-30c MONDAY and TUESDAY ANNA STEN in "NANA" A flaming triumphant picture with the new Russian Start ~~ WEDNESDAY 10® SPECIAL 15c EXTRA! EXTRA! The White Prophet la Person Presenting / "SPOOKS" ^ . . ' ON STAGE * In connection with our Regular Picture Program: Richard Arkn - Sally Eilera in 'SHE MADE HER BED' Bipgest Show Value in U. S. COMING THIIRS^ FBI., SAT. Katherine Hepburn in "SPITFIRE"

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