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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 10 May 1934, p. 4

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THE MUENRY PLAINDEALER! rriilNiwd mrj Thur»day at McHenry, HL, by Charl«s F, RwiieK btered u »econd~claas matter at th* postoffice at McHuty, QL, • Ik the act of May 8, 1879. Om Year fix Montha .42.06 ^1.00 A. H. MOSHER, Editor and Maaafir i *V* ; Marion's Beauty Shoppe TeL 117-J, McHenry, IlL Qraduation Special $1.50 " Croquipnole or Spiral Waves or Combination Complete with Shampoo ' ; Fingerwave and Haircut For All School Students on MON. - TUBS. - WED. - THURs' Special Gabrieleen Wave (Short Time Only) $5 Permanent For Only $4 MON. - TUES. - WED. - THURS. Complete with Shampoo, J • Fingenrave and Haircut, J Spiral or Croquijfitole V Ctaabtnatioa Marvalur Reconditioning Oil Permanent $3 Complete with Shampoo* Fingerw-ave. Haircut AIm Combination Ware or Spiral «r Croquignole Wave My Own Permanent $2 Combination - Extra Curly Ends! Complete with Shampoo, Fingenrave and Haircut ALL OTHER BEAUTY AIDS DROUGHT INJURES CROPS Hundreds of alarming: drought reports are being heard daily from the corn and hog belt and from the western sheep arfd lamb country" and Mother Nature is making the AAA production curtailment program appear rather amateurish. Virtually the whole country is thirsting for water and wells are being driven in some places and water is hauled to other sections not so fortunate. t In sdme places farmers are'asking the question, "Whoowns the crop when the wind blows the seed front" one farm to another?" One farmer tells of having rented a field to the government and seeding it to rye later to be plowed under. Now it is growing a mixed crop of oats and rye, the oats coming on the wind from the farm across the road- Births ^ Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Williams of ; Jackson, Miss., are parents of a son, I Jack Dwight, born Saturday, May 5. ; The little fellow is very welcome as ; the first boy in the family, having j two sisters. Mrs- Williams was form- I erly Miss Opal Cooley of this city. Say you read it in THI2 PLAINDEALER, • . -9 TOR SALE: FOR SALE--Nash 1-ton truck, good condition; priced to sell quickly. Chas. C. Owen. Inquire of John F. Brda, McHenry. 48tf FOR SALE-- Seed Potatoes, Early Ohios, Red Rivers and Irish Cobblers. These potatoes were kept in my basement' all winter. Price reasonable. Dave Segel, Phone 92-J. 46tf FOR SALE -- Quantity Yellow Dent seed corn. John Blake. Tel. 636-J-2. 49-2 VEGETABLE & FLOWER PLANTS FOR SALE -- Cabbage, cauliflower, pepper, tomatoes. All stock is extra fancy quality. No better obtainable- Prices lowest. Before you buy, inspect our stock first! Absolutely no obligation. Buehler*s Estates on Plstakee Bay. 49-2 2000 PANSY PLANTS FOR SALE-- The World Famous Super Swiss and German strains, entirely different from others, blooms all summer. Buehler's Estates on Pistakee Bay. --l ; 49-2,< FOR SALE--Seed corn, Whitecap ana Yellow Dent. Geo. Scarbrough, R. 1, McHenry. Phone 662-W-l. 50 FOR SALE--At a bargain, 7-room house and large lot, in McHenry. All conveniences, bath , gas, electricity, furnace- Write "B," care Plaindealer. 50-3 FOR Sj4LE -- 3-piece mohair living room suite, dinette set, dresser and bed complete, rugs, etc. All in good condition. Reasonable. Call Saturday afternoon or Sunday at Mrs. Jas. Powers, Waukegan St. .. 60 FOR RENT m Flowers can say "I ft A gift of flowers is always a thoughtful remembrance, but oii Mother's Day .it is even more, Flowers express 'your! lov$. : jj;, v . , FOR RENT--Six-room flat in W. McHenry. Completely modern and in excellent condition. Rent very reasonable. G^ll McHenry 95-M. *50tf FOR RENT OR SALE--The former Perry house on Richmond Road, near St. Mary's church. Modern, 8 rooms, steam heat, newly decorated inside and out Ideal home. Double garage- Call Mirs. John R. Knox, Phone 17. 46tf WANTED WANTED--Man to taxe charge of" Johnson Outboard Motor Service Station in McHenry for established corporation. Must be able to furnish cash bond. Will handle own money. Free schooling at factory. Give all details in own handwriting in first letter. Lew Hewes, Fox Lake, HI- 47-3 • "SAY IT WITH FLOWERS" McHenry Floral Shop McHENEY GBEE|(HOUSB. K#(ME HUi ON U. S. 12 West McHenry . s -- W.,293 r WANTED--Old cars, Bcrap iron, brass, < copper, radiators, batteries, rags and paper. Call M. Taxman, McHenry 173. 38-tf WANTED--WILL REMOVE DEAD AND CRIPPLED HORSES OR COWS Call Crystal Lake 8017-Y-2, and reverse phone charges. ' 45fp COUPLE WANTED--Wife cook and houswork; man for general outside work; live on premises. Address Box "W" % Plaindealer *50 RELIABLE DEALER wanted to handle Heberling t*roducts in north half of McHenry County. Excellent opportunity for the right man, selling direct to farmers. Earnings $40 weekly not unusual. Write for free catalogue. Gf C. Heberling Co-, ttept. 409, Bloomington, IU. 50-2 MISCELLANEOUS WHEN YOU NEED A VEtt&INAR. IAN--Call Richmond 16. Graduate veterinarian, prompt service. General practice. Both large and small animals. Dr. John Ducey, Richmond, liL 12-26 • Sunday, May 13 . : • v . * • • Mother'8 Day brings her memories of when you were a little tot. Now that you are grown, don't forget to remember her who never forgets to remember you. The sweetest of remembrances are candies that taste so delicious and come in 'such lovely boxes especially for mother's pleasure .3, SPECIAL MOTHER'S DAT BOXES 84b box . ; ___85^ f JOHN KARLS Riverside Drive, MeHenry UPHOLSTERING--Furniture upholstered, recovered and repaired. Chas- J. Rasmussen, West McHenry, Tel. 107-M. 46tf DEAD ANIMALS REMOVED ; FREE OF CHARGE lIpWEST REMOVAL CO. ' PHONE DUNDEE 10 - Reverse Charged ' 49-tf SHEETS METAL WORK --When in need of anything in the sheet metal work line, call on John F. Brda, Green Street. Satisfaction guaranteed. 50-4 OOJOdSStOR LOWiRS P. s. KLBOTRIO RATES In connection with the recent announcement by the Illinois Commerce Commission of a reduction in electric rates amounting to $1,065,000 for residential customers of the Public Service Company of Northern Illinois, James Simpeon and George A. Ranney, chairman and vice-chairman, respectively, of the company have issued the following: statement in behalf of the company: "We consider the terms of the temporary order issued by the Illinois Commerce Commission in its electric rate case against this Company moat severe and not justified by the facts presented to the CMnmission by the Company and embodied in the record that covers some, fifty-eight hundred pages of testimony and hundreds of pages of exhibits. "The Commission's ideas ef property value from which the rate base is determined are, in our opinion, too low and do not give sufficient weight to all the relevant factors bearing on present fair value. "In arrivinflLjLfc the estimated earnings of the CflBpfcny the Conimission, for rate-making purposes, has excluded some operating expense items claimed by the Company as proper and has included rentals derived from property leased to and used by another utility, which the Company believes should be omitted from operating income. The Company believes that these adjustments of earnings, made by the Commission, are unwarranted, their effect being to give apparent ground for a rate cut greater than existing business conditions justify. "Under the Illinois Utility Law a temporary order is only a brief stopping place on a long, tedious and expensive road of hearings, injunctions and litigation. More than five months have already been consumed in the taking of testimony, at gTeat expense of time and money to the Company, which, under the law is required to bear not only its own entire expense, but also a great part of the expenses incurred by the Commission in the course of rate hearings. \If this case were taken to the Federah^Courts by inj mction proceedings It woffld meitn interminable delay, disturbed public relations, and further heavy expenses, all to be borne by the owners of the business. "'Notwithstanding the inequities of the Commission's findings, the Company, deeming it wise to avoid further lengthy and expensive hearings and court proceedings, has decided to adopt the rate reductions imposed by the Commission, believing that, in view, of its public statement, the Commission will see fit to make the temporary order a final order. In doing thi3, however, the Company by express reservation does not accept the principles upon which the order is baaed. ^ "The Company's staff will thus be relieved from devoting their time and energy to defending our rate structure before the Commission and the Federal Court, and will be enabled to address themselves not only to a continuation of the high degree of service rendered to its customers and commented on favorably in the Commission's order, but to the development end expansion of the consumption of electrical energy and gas in the growing territory served by the Company. "Most of the recent improvement in the Company's gvoss revenues has not been translated into net income, due to corresponding increases in taxes and uncontrollable operating expense*, although *11 prudent operating economies havo been and will continue to be exercised. "The Company management, given a respite from rate hearings before ' the Commission, will continue to wage its vigorous compaign for new business, and hopes that Increased earnings from thisvsource will justify the directors giVmg favorable consideration in the not too distant future to the resumption of dividends on common stock "New business in a rapidly growing territory, however, requires large amounts of new capital. A study of the Company's present capital structure indicates that this n&w capital, when required, must be raised by the sale of stock rather than bonds. This will not be possible unless the Company is permitted to earn sufficient amounts to provide not only for divi dends but for a reasonable surplus after their payment T ! ITDOG LOST--Great Dane, male, gray color, collar on. Answers to name of "Duke." Reward for return. Chas. Iiollenbach, Pistakee Bay, SIcHenry. 60 TQ OPEN TAVERN Mr. and Mrs. George L. Jones are now living with Mr. and Mrs. Albeit Purvey and will open a tavern in the Hunter building on Green street. Among the Sick ••••••• Miss Charlotte SchubertK is recov ering from an illness of scarlet fever. The Joe Williams children are quarantined with scarlet fever and whooping cough. Billy GufJey, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Guffey, is very ill with scarlet fever. COIV-HOa COVT&ACT STATEMENTS QT XEMBEK8 or THE COBH-KOO COVTSOL ASSOCIATION OT HcHXHIT OOUNTT, STATS OT X&UVOXS. The following Is a statement <>t the baaic information on corn acreage and hog production submitted by Individual producers of McHenry township, or county who have signed contracts i nder the 1934 Corn-Hog' Production Adjustment Program of the Agricultural Adjustment Administration. Any person may make a confidential report, oral or written, to the county allotment committee or to the community committee if he flnfls any statement here which he believes to be ->i nto KoHEHXT TOWiraXXP Commualtj Committee: Bea Jmjitn, 01ialrmaa; E. A._Belireate, ami M. gw»a»«y Name ©f JProducet ---- Acree In insr TJlllt Adams, Math ..-- Bauer, Bernard Blggers, George P. Blake. Jos. -- Freund, Ben Freund, John K. ---- Glosson, Math. Oritsuk, John -- Hamil, William Hoppe, Vale ska Hopper, Milton, E. Howe, F. E. ..... Jecks, Chas. B. Justen, Ben ..t Kaiser, Frank G. -- May, Geo. A. Miller Peter -- Pave, Ray Peet, .Chas. _.-- Pitsen, Michael ---- Rossman. Albert C. Smith, 8. W. .......... gtllilfi*. Henry J. ~ 176 170 Ml 10S 110 163 141 •>0 S26 192 164 206 221 187 612 120 96 no 129 $19(02 ConHog's ProFeeder . and Stocker* Hogrs Acres Corn tracted Acres Litters Farro wed duced for Market Feeder 19SSJ 1983 1934 |1933 1932 1933 [1982 11933 1 1933 88 48 | 10 17 19 83 0 0 45 87 8.8 6 6 81 34 0 0 S3 66 16 16 9 ts 94 0 • w 30 80 6 6 6 48 18 0 0 69 67 13% 14 14 ;; 85 1 • 44 49 93 6 13 98 0 0 40 40 8 0 0 8 It 8ft 75 16.1 T f it 46 0 0 : 125 125 37.5 0 tf 0 °0 0 0 58 63 13 18 10 86 69 0 0 88 88 8 10 8 79 66 0 0 55 62 12 10 11 19 60 8 1 63 65 13 10 6 66 47 0 0 60 50 10 13 19 14 101 0 0 168 S46 61 0 1 0 , 0 0 0 47 68 10 13 19 § 98 0 0 * 47 40 9 10 11 63 0 27 to 7.7 « 6 89 lk 0 80 86 to 44 • * 4 1 4 If !! 84 66 0 0 s 80 30 6 11 ltf S3 0 t. S3 1 10 1 51 » 44 0 10 14 1« S» • !M 0 - K.*' St Mary's Sdmol Report GRADE I-- _ - Honor Roll -* < ~ 'V Esther Freund, 93 6-7. Mary Ann Noonan, 93 &-T, Dorothy Freund, 98 4-7, Carl Adams, 93 4-7. Elaine Schaefer, 92 6-7. • ! Gladys Stilling, 92 5-7. l . - , Roman Bauer, 916-7. t Richard Schmitt, 90 6-7. 1 ... Joseph MXinson, 90 3-7. . « Perfect Attanrtanaa Roman Bauer. ' » John Meyerr. * \ 1 f Richard Schmitt. Dorothy Freund. i j# * Esther Freund. "'•'••Xv j';. Jewel Grose. " i ^ Mary Ann Noonaa. Elaine Schaefer. Gladys Stilling. , - GRADE II-- • Honor RWl Betty Lou Weber, 97 3-8» Marilyn Schaefer, 96 ($-8. " t~ James Freund, 95 7-8. Harold Michels, 95. 'r; Robert Smith, 94 && > " . / Robert Justen, 94-. . „ w Ray Smith, 937-8. Eugene Romano, 9114. Richard Hayes, 90 4-8. Perfect AttendaniC Edward Adams. , Robert Blake. Harold Freund. James Freund. Norman Freund. Harold Michels. Norman Neiss. James Regner. . Robert Smith. Henry Townsend. Stephen Huska. Eugene Romano. ' , Betty Kilday- Marilyn Schaefer. Bettv Lou Weber. GRADE Ill- Honor Roll Madeline Ffreund, 97.7. Bertha Freund, 95.5. Thomas Sutton, 93.8. Clare Freund, 93.2. Mary Lou Stoffel, 92.7. , Eleanor Young, 92.7. Virginia Williams, 92. Clarence Freund, 90. Perfect Attendance Clarence Freund. Richard Rosing. Norman Schaid. Gordon Schmitt. V [ Robert Smith. Thomas Sutton. Bertha Freund. , Clare Freund. V Madeline Freund. . 1 Frances Glosson. Rose Marie Kunz. Nadine Schaefer. Lorrr.ine Schmitt. , i Mary Simon. Mary Lou Stoffel. Elizabeth Weitl. ; ! Bettv Wirtz. ' ;- GRADE IV-- ' . Beatrice Williams, 96A Betty Regner, 95. Elaine Heimer, 92.6 • George Freund, 92. Rollin Justen, 91.5t Marguerite Freund, 90.5. Betty Blake, 90.4. 'j Donald Schaefer, 90.8, Perfect Ai Albert Adama. Charles Blake. George Freund. Ralph Freund. | Rollin Justen. Philip Meyers. > Donald Scha«fer. Esther AlthofX. Betty Blake. Virginia Mao GroM. Grace Kunz. v Betty Regner; Beatrice WilHaiiKS. GRADE VI-^ Honor Rail Anita Althoff, 95. . Ethel Althoff, 94 9^ Beatrice Buss, 94.8. Lorraine Schaefer, 94,7. -. ^acille Weingart, 94.6. , Prelen Buch, 93.9. Earl Smith, 93.7. Doris Kennebeck, 92^2. Perfect Attf dsncs Edward Carp. Richard Freund- Joseph Gausden. Donald Tonyon. Geno Unti. Charles Weingart. Richard Williams. . Anita Althoff. Ethel Althoff* i Helen Buch. ' Jane McAndrewfc. Phyllis Meyers. ). Doris Kennebeck. Lorraine Schaefer, Lucille Weingart. GRADE V-- Honor Roll Elizabeth Althoff, 92.9. Dolores Rosing, 92.7. Margaret Schaefer, 92.6. Donald Weingart, 91.8, Eleanor Rankin, 91.3. Edward Blake, 90.9. Lucille Weber, 90.8. Shirley Schmitt, 90.6. George Spoo, 90. / ' Perfect Attendance Edward Blake. Robert Kung. George Spoo. " . Lawrence Stilling. Harry Unti. . j Donald Weingart. Richard Weber. Elizabeth Althoff. Dolores Rosing. ' ; ' _ Margaret Schaefer Shirley Schmitt. GRADE VII-- Honor RoD Marie Charlotte Nix, 93 8~12. Richard Justen, 91 6-12. ; Geraldine Kennebeck, 916-12. ' Lois Meyers, 911-12. Perfect Atteafruw* _ Clarence Adams. Leonard Blake. : v Jerome Buch. Richard Justen. Gerald Miller. Harold Stilling. Harold Weitl. j Angela Freund. Gefaldine Kennebeck. , _. i. K«rie Chariotte Nix. \ &>, Rita Weingart. : ], GRADE VIII-- k.U ^ Honor Me|| . ;' Theodora Kaelin, 94. Anthony Noonan, 92 MM. Ralph Smith, 911-12. LeRpy Smith, 911-12. Eleanore Althoff, 90 11-12. Paul Justen, 908-12. Audrey Rothermel, 905-12. Ariene Hay, 90. Perfect Attendance Louis Diedrich. Irvin Freund. .; . Orville Freund/ • Donald Justen. # a.w " Plaul Justen. Richard Meyers? Anthony Noonatt. All ie Wirtz. Eleanore AlthodS, . Ariene Hay. Pauline Herdridk' - ' Theodore Kaelin. Audrey Rothermd. Catherine Simon. " Marie Valee. •V:, i-:V ;\- NAMED ELK RULER Harry Eugene Eckland, city superintendent of" wards 35 and 36 for the department of public works in Chicago, last week was elected exalted ruler of the Chicago lodge of Elks. He has been secretary for three years and was unopposed. John R. Mc- Caber past exalted ruler of the lodge, supervised the election. Mr- Eckland is also the recipient of further honors in that he was commissioned a colonel of infantry on the staff of Governor Ruby Laffoon of Kentucky. Say you read it <m THE PLAINDEALER.. NAMED CODE OFFICER L. A. Eriekaon, McHenry merchant, was named to represent tbe hide* pendent merchants at a meeting of eighty-three merchant food distributors of McHenry county held at Woodstock last week, where code authorities were elected. The code authorities of district 2 0# the state were present and discussed the code as it pertains to certain types of merchants. Walter J. Nichols, manager of the Illinois Food Distributors Association explained the code and gave county merchants valuable information concerning the code. • "DRY GOODS --Specials-- PANEL CURTAINS; pair 4...6Sc COTTAGE CURTAINS, pair Hmc PRINTED PIQUE, yd. „ apc PRINTED DIMITTE, yd. .^JOc GOLDEN STAR PERCALES, yd. ..Me PLAIN COLOR VOILES, 39 inch, yd. PLAIN COLOR ORGANDIES, Per yd, m...m..m..,.£0c . PURE LINEN TABLE ' , CLOTHS, S4x5flafl| PEPPERELL SENDS 81x90 ......98c ' PEPPERELL CAjsfllf 42x36 27c , PART LINEN TOWELING^ v. 10 yds ^..^^$1.00 COAT LINING, yd * w.^....85c KOTEX, per pkg. ........^....18c BLEACHED MUSUN, yd..... .....10c BABY BLANKETS ~.....45c JOHN STOFFEL :,S;. c^Dr. Paul A Schwabe Eye" A. E. NYE BUILDING West McHenry OPTOMETRIST . Thursday Afternoon--Honrs 1:30-3:00 Phone 123-J May Days Will Be Driving Days-- and you will get a lot more enjoyment out of your car if it is in perfect mechanical condition. After-the long winter your auto needs a spring tonic. Let us inspect it and advse what to^do. We guarantee our work. SMITH'S GARAGE Phone 829 McHenry Elm St. and Riverside Drive UNEEDA BAKERS SALE1 EXCEL SODA aoMcm AteoNTft}. VARicriis CNOORK SPAOHCTTIO* . Maoaroni.. , Sc MiAH VANILUtf' btoad . . 9frfKx2Sc RAJAH SALAO „ __ DtMring • v &23e Koil . WZ 2Sa DCS81RT BRAND StlDLES# Radsins . . 4^ 29c Kory&xip. 6ca»cw25o AJAX LAUNDRY Soap . • CRACKERS 2^43c V«29o IfEEraSS^'^aigo 9o fflSW. , -19o UNEEDA BAKERS 19c HoUomd Rusk . . "«*• ISc •sGhredded WlMat 2 Picas. 23c Sugar 10 cissM 48c Campbell's ^ Brick Cheese . 2 4iok»-oz. CANS M ANN PAG* UMCAniOC 8TRAWBERRY Oil I Iv Swl w r a s p b e r r y Smoked Liver Sausage, lb. Veal Loaf, lb. 4-LB. JAR Frankfurts, 2 lbs. Shankless Picnic Hams, lb. Sparkle Gelatin, 3<pkgs. E. & 0. Lard, Print or tub, 3 lbs. Crisco, 1 lb. can 1. .1 Never Stick Pie Pan Free with 2 1 lb. cans, 3Bo) 15c 15c 55c 12c 13c 22c 19c Not Bleached Flour CERESOTA 49 lb. sack Rich Full-Bodied Coffee RED CIRCLE Hills Bros. Coffee ... Toilet Tissue NORTHERN -^24^-lb. bi45 914 --11.82 3 lbs. 654 lb. 32c Batn^M'^saper --1 ~.'.. •/--: -- . PRODUCE SPECIALS Bananas, 4 lbs. ^ Tomatoes, lb. Cucumbers, each Carrots, 2 bunches 3 rolls 17* Z rolls 13c " v Radishes, 2 bundles Green Onions, 2 bunches ih Pineapple, 30 sise, each iubarb, 3 lbs. \.V|> I OOI) STOKI S 1

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