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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 2 Aug 1934, p. 8

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VVS&ZZ-. y-t \ . H.' ^17^, •"yg^ K' \.:• l ' * \ j'«-»-- , ";•• <* • '•»£*: , '* , f*'*- %:<*n ,-v. «• •. Sfc'4---' $•:: M*r. £ H, i! x •;,*! P ^ i' -*1 FVaqk A. Ramsey, Atty, EXECUTRIX'S NOTICE j^pjfcst^te of Alois Kopacek also known •S Louis Kopacek, Deceased. , The undersigned, Executrix of the -> l*st Will and Testament of Alois Kopacek alsb known as Louis. Kopacek, deceased, hereby gives notice that & he will appear before the County Court of McHenry County, at the Court House in Wbodstock." oh the 27$,h eday of September, A. D. 1934, at which time all persns having claims against said Estate are^otified and requested to attend for the purpose of having the same adjusted. All persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned. ' Dated this 1st day of August, A..D. •>;> *CA.MILtF GERMAN, •' Tixe^utfix CARD OF THANKS : We \vi§ this way to express -our preyratitutli' ti> those who so kindly assiste^.ils iri^ur recent bereave-. cfc© ' t h o s e ; : • . f u r n i s h e d ' l^.V--r - .'•"v.' ' He-firy f.^Schaefer. '* i f?-\' v Mrs. Pete Adams ' . m\* t \ Mrs. John Adams.. %«'!v4'^Mrs..;Hehry 'Adams-: - > Mrs. Pete M.ey«fs.y;, SURPRISED ON BIRTHDAY On Tuesday evening- of l»st week Jiiaa Anita Schaefer came home from a visit to find twenty-six of her girl friends gathered to surprise her in honor of her tweQty-first birthday. Games, music and dancing furnished entertainment fdr the evening and prizes were -won t>y Alvina Millar, Tippy Klein, Clara Adam's, Margaret Stilling and Viola Stilling. Luncfi was served, including two-, beautiful birthday cakes. Miss . Schaefer received. many useful gifts, together vri$h the good of her frietrds for many more happ^ birthdays. 4 •' V •'"Miss Marv ftoodf^llpvr; of Cisicajro was a weekend guest in- the Clarence Martin "home. EM ERS 0| IJMflXi E -CLUB----< Mrs;? A theft Vales was hostess 4p the members of the Emerald Bridge club Tuesday afternoon- Prizes in bridge were won by Mrs. Albert Krause, ,Mrs. E. R. Sutton and Mrs-. N. J. Nye. Delicious refreshments were served at the close of the games RESIDENCE TlLVNtFESLetter Hepner has moved from k farm near Crystal Lake to the Fred Feltz' house' oi} John street, He has &fnHen o v e i * t h e M c H e n r ^ . . ' w h i c h he nbw/;operates.vl- ' Mrs^ Maurine Hunter into the 'P.; Jv; Cl^ary hottse on, Wa(j«kegan s t r e e t , ' . ' • ' S-.,..lLr,'Ritter, i? spen^&g several days visiting in DesPlaines and C^iicarc*. ; GRKKN-KTED MONSTER 6M after another the n«!ghborti*$§ft come In to admire the new baby th*t had arrived at the Jones' household. Little Mary was rather fed up with all the attention that was lavished on 'the newcomer--attention which bad, up ' till then, been hers, * . , "Does the baby talk yet, Mary?" asked one of the friends of the family-. " > V "No," replied the baby's disgusted sister, "the baby doesn't need to talk." "Doestff't need to talk," ' exclaimed the friend, astonished. ; r "No,", said- the littlefgirl bitterly. "All the baby has to do is to yell, and it gets everything worth having in the hous^" Helen and Verona Freund ,of Winnetka spent their vacation la& week at their home here. . • * ' Thursday, Anfut 2,1934 SCHEMER • •* MID-SUMMER •/ All Summer Merchandise Will Be For Quick Disposal STARTING SATURDAY Aiigust"!, 8:30 O'clock, and Continuing Througiiefct ' The Following Week ':" • ^ ' MEN'S UNDERWEAR SPECIALS Mansfield Men's Athletic Union Suits, button Shoulder, good garment, sizes 38, 40, 42, 44, 46. Mansfield Men's Knitted Union Suits, Athletic Knee style, sizes 38, 46 and 48 ! Mansfield Men's Shorts., sizes 30, 32 and 36 35C - Shorts, sizes 34, 36 and 38, each . 23<n Munsing Men's Shorts, elastic back, saddle ^ S|at, size 30.., .« Shirts, size 36 No-Rip Shorts, siie 34 and N)0-Rip Shirty ' size 36, close out price „ 39c No-Rip, Blue Stitch Men's Athletic Union Sttits, size 48, regular and stout 69t- Men's Wash Ties .. ... ... Men's Straw Dress Hats naeMen's Straw Work Hats Men's Suspenders, extra length Men's Suspenders, regular 15^ 69c ,15^ 25c 49c „,,.^25c LADIES'WASH DRESSES 69c , _$1.39 = .$1.39 - 59^ wd 69<£ White Pique, lists 14 to 20 ...... White Pique, sizes 38 to 44 „.. T«ilts, siaes 38 to MP J;" -:V' Print®, sisee 14 to 80 Ladies' Silk Dresses, in prints and dots, sizes 14 to 46, priced at...... ^2.00, $2.50, $3.00, $3.50 Ladies' Pique Skirts, colors blue, maise, rosr < ajid white, each -S1..50 <b Children's Dresses in batiste, organdies and dotted Swiss, 1, 2 and 3 year sizes ...„._:r^;.25^ and 39c^ 3, 4, 5 and 6 year size range 69C 7, 8,10,12 and 14 year size range 69^ and 79^ • 'Ladies' and Children's White Slippers and Oxfords, close out prices: Children's, pair 69^, 79c, 89^ ! Ladies', per pair SWIM suiw • " * . ' •. - - Childrens, 19-20 -SJ. - 79<* Ladies' and Men's Bathing Suits $1.00 to $2.50 U. S. Bathing Shoes, per pair 25^ and 35^ Ladies' Mesh Gloves in white, regular 75c seller 59^ White Purses, regular $1.00 69c Ladies' - Children's Anklets 7^, 10^, 15^. 19<^ Men's Anklets ............. 10<^ and 15<£ Mrs. Margaret Freund, at The Adams Store JOHNSBURG, ILL. "Jack and I have parted forever." "Good gracious L What does that ®M»nT,«' ' ],r, "A Ove-pound box of candy in about ' - t f ' ' : " . * " lapMiibl* Rtqairimtnt Two old setriers, confirmed bachelers, sat In the backwoods. The conversation drifted from politics to cooking. ' *1 got one^o' them there cookery beoks once, bat I never could do i|pthlotg with it," said one "t "Too much-fancy work in It ?** asked the other., . . . . . . "You're hit it. Everyone of them recipes began in. the same way: Take«|n diab--' and that settledJnt," . . Coughed -J'-?Ji*'" . The tenderfoot thought he could ride, and in front of a lot of cowboys mounted .& pony. The ^any soon threw him. A cowboy^ helping him up, said: ."Hfello! "What threw you?" "What threw me? Why, she bucked something fearful I Dida't you see her buck?" caed .the tenderfoot. "Bock?" ?aid the cowboy. "Bats! -Sha'-on^-: ^oug.hedi"' ' •• • 'As*' ^ A very kind old lady was calling on a pfison convict In order,to cheer him pp prior to his belni; set free. "Have you anj~ plana for. the |atlife when you are releasedY* she Inquired, Sympathetically. ^Tes," said the culprit,- "rye got the plans df three banks, two post offices and a gas station."--Pathfinder Magazine. . i - HER GREAT EFFORT Mr. and Mrs. Koly Stefaaoff and Mr.'and Mrs. Fred Stephen^ of I>a- Grangre were visitors in the &>me oi Robert Thompson Friday. Mr: and Mrs. John AyhVurd and Miss Mayme Aylward of Elgin spent several days last week at their cottage here. " * Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lango and little daughter, Nancy, of Conjnorsville, Ind., spent the weekend in the home of Her parents, Mr. %nd Mrs. William B a c o n . - ' J - Fretl Moore of .Chicago is spending his vacation here. ° Miss Inez BacOn of Elgin- spent the ; ^ { last of the week at* her home herfr. -- - William Martin of Chichgo visited" his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Martin, over the weekend, ! . Miss Lily Bryer of'^ilwafkettiWis-, {•pent the weekend with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Nelson of Chicago visited' in the Robert Thompgon home F r i d a y e v e n i n g - . ' . "/ . . . . ; " ' ; ; ' • • . Mr. and Mrs. Richard St«hge>r and s<jH' of Waukegan stient the; Weekend in the home of her pai*ents, Mr. and Mrs. William SperiCfe' "Miss Rita Martin returned home Saturday a'fter' a visit in the home of Miss Mar^ Goodfellow," of Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Mitchell of Waukegan spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Bacon. Mr. and Mrs. George Gutzwiler and son, Harold, of. WeisWrg, Ind., with their friends, Mr. and Mrs. Sitt and son, Robert, of College Corpers, Ind., and Miss Virgilene Minton of Indianapolis, Ind ", spent a .part of last week as guests in the home of the former's sister, Mrs. A\ K. Nye and family. While here they also visited the Century of Progress in Chicago. Miss Lois Bacon ^s a Chicago visitor Sunday. • Mr. and Mrs. Hmmerson BeVerly of Elgin yisjt^ relatives; here Sunday. Mr./ and Mrs. kuss? of Chi* cago spejit Sunday with relative^ Here. Mr$L Eclward PH>rtman and daughter, Mary Jttne, of Chiijago visited relatfVes hjere'la^ w'eek./j. Mr J,; and Mrs^,: Thompson were Waukegan vij^M's Thursday Miss Kathryn of Chicago visited in the Willip^" ^pherty home last week. Sister Mlary St. George and Sister Mary Henry, formerly Miss Anna Bolger, of Cedar Rapids, la., .visited the letter's relatives here last week. Sister Mary Frances Paula of Clinton, la., Mrs. May Lester and Miss Mary Lou Spitzer of Elgin called on relatives and friends here Wednesday. Miss Mary Kennealy of Elgin visited her cousin, Miss Nancy Frisby, last week during her vacation from her work at the Elgin State hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Carson Cross and children of Ashton were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Alby Krug. Mrs. H. L. Ritter spent Sunday In Kenosha. •; D. E. Payne of Chicago visited old friends here Tuesday and spent an enjoyable day renewing old association^. Mr. Payne is employed with the Schultz Baking Co., of Chicago, where he has been for the past eighteen years and members of his family, now grown, are nicely situated in Chicago and vicinity. Before going to the city Mr. and Mrs. Payne and family v"And you have had the same ser*> ant two years?' •* ; she says she doesn't bsllere In ci sngiag after she has gone to the trouble of teaching the family her ways." RiiIubi It Tkr«ugk Hicks--I'd like raudevllle if I dldn^ have to endure a blackface comedian, a ventriloquist and a roller skater on every bill. " Wicks--You'll like this program. It's headed by a blackface ventriloquist who does hip act on roller skate*, thus getting it over with quicker. H were residents of McHenry and they do not forget their old friends here and never fail, to avail themselves of an opportunity to return for a visit. Mrs. Wifliam Marum and children of Edison Park spent a few days last wsek with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. N, J. Justen. • ^ - Mr. and Mrs. Leo Rohles of Elgin visited relatives here Sunday. Miss Verena Justen ' returned to Pittsburg Sunday after spending her vacation with her. parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Justen, .. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ernst, daughter, Mary, and son, George, and Tom Turek» of Chicago were Saturday guests of Dr. and Mrs. A. I. Frbehlich. . * Mr- and Mrs. Mat Karls and son Bobby, Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Moeller and1 Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Senten of Chicago spent the weekend in the home of Mrs. Fred Karls. Mrs. A. J. Wirtz is visiting her parents in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. .. Koerner and children of Naperville visited friends here Sunday. • Mr. aftd Mrs. Thonias Frisby of Chicago visited relatives Sunday. -v Mr. and Mrs- Haris Jensen of Woodstock Were local visitors Sunday. , Mrs. J. M. Phalin returned home Saturday night from Chicago. Mr. and Mrs- Robert Frisby were Jfeukegan visitors Sunday. Eleanor Foley, who hac been with her mother, Mrs. J. M. Phalitr^n Chicago, was called , to her home at Cleveland, O., by an accident in which her little son /dqAved a broken leg- Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sullivan tutd Frank Sullivan an^/ children of Forest visited friends here Sunday. Mr: and Mrs. Carl J, Freund and .family spent Sunday at ftoly Hill. Mrs. Charles Rietesel returned home the last of the week after a feW days spent in Chicago. Leander Hughes of Chicago is vi^rtir. g his father, James Hughes. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Farmer and family of Moscow, Idaho, spent Monday night here enroute to Massachuj • setts. , Misses G€hevieve and Rosina GIojson and Harold Rolfs and A1 Amo, with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rolfs and Mrs. Bernice Wisemen of Kenosh«, Wis., spent Sunday in the Math Glosson htfme. Miss Genevieve Glosson re-, mained for the Weefek ' Mr. and Mrs. Will ulosson ahd^ Miss Hannah Glosson spent Thursday at Kenosha, Wis. Mrs. Louis McDonald and Miss May Ames were Elgin visitors Friday. ' Mrs> Will Glosson has returned -to her work at Janesville, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. L. F-. Newman spent the weekend in the honie of theiir son, r h a r l e s , in C h i c a g o . ; * • ; {i Mr. Mrs. John Bbnhen of Wilmettie spent Thursday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John King>: Mr. and Mrs. Charles Frye of Dieerfield were Sunday guests of Mr. and i'.frs George Frye, B. J. Frisby of Chicago spent ths ffrst of the Week; here. Dr. D. G. Wells left today for a few weeks' visit with his son in Angeles, Cal. Miss. Bernice Unti has returns from a three weeks' vacation wii friends at Saginaw, Mich. Miss Arleen Warner returned ta her home in Elgin Tuesday after #' two weeks' visit hera, Clarence Anglese of Morrison, 111 spent the weekend with friends here- Mr. and Mrs. Frank O'Flaherty o^j' Elgin visited Miss Nancy Frisby Tu^i» day. Mrs. George Kunstman, son^ Tern, and Peggy and Nadine Schaefer^ returned with th^kn for a Visit. v; Miss Ruth Reihansperger is visiting^ Miss K-athripe Donavin at WoodstociS^ this ' week. ^ Mr. and Mrs. r James Stack of Chif-f cago are spending1 their vacation with her mother, Mrs. Kathrine McCabe^f With Margaret McCabe of Libertyvill^4 and Mrs. Poe Bennett of Chicdgo, they' • spent Sunday at Starved Rock. •Sister Mary Henry and Sister St|l George of Cedar Rapids, spent t weekend here» • - Miss Dorothy Knox,Was a Chicago^, visitor Tuesday. • ^ Mr. and Mrs, John: Blake Wera|; W^odstocJc visitors Tufesday. . George Blake visited lh- the rJohi^.' Reinert home at Elgin Sunday1 eve^'t ning. _ ; "• -"Miss '"Clara. Stof^'v'iifjiS;.^ Visitor' Wednesday. Velvet Tams at $1.50 to $2-50, all; sises. Nobby Style . Shop, Margaret M. Freund, at the Adams store, Johnsburg. Id CLUB si D.iA4 C * E ,:h \ at at mmtr^ FOXPAVILION West McHenry, Illinois WED., AUG. 8 $ Say you DEALER.. read it tn THE PLAINThe Brain Trust on Tour One flew East and one flew West And they all flew out $£ jbh# cttcoo's . nest. .. Whenever Words comfort seen! to'fall short of the situation we are reminded of the cemetery salesman who was trying to sell a lot to a little old lady- He wound up by saying, "Just think, wouldn't it be a great comfort to know that after you die you would be buried beside this beautiful lake?" "Whatd" exclaimed his prospect, Iwith my rheumatism?" Mr- and Mrs. George Justen and little son returned home Tuesday night from a few weeks' vacation spent at a lake near Walkerton, IncL_. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Meade of Elgin were Sunday callers in the W. A. Sayler home. r , ^. - - "wilt ho more, my kid 4 'A ifcss* ivwlee ie Fete pssewe. lh* Hi ii.ii »• __ kWoatmcnfAotttftoiaicffciiirAtfeldijfM^ tag (be dty. la f looMr.Midfckc frew aad fftdiftoc Then cany (he i •ise jewel flacoa of Psria Pctfeae to i dxnB <fariag«Wd easy coatcasyoarlipsitkk. M« Thomas P. Bojger "The McHenry Druggist" Phone 40 Green St. i VJ SPIRIT-- Should Insure Tour Pretence THE McHENRY COUNTRY CLUB HAS PKOVED ITSEU TO BE ONE OF THE MOST VALUABLE ASSETS OF OUR COMMUNITY AND THE FRATERNAL SPIRIT, AND EXCELLENT MANAGEMENT OF THE CLUB HAS MADE IT THE FAVOBITE GOLF COURSE NORTHWEST OF CHICAGO. NEEDLESS TO SAY, THIS HAS RESULTED IN BRINGING A GREAT DEAL OF BUSINESS TO MciHENRY THAT WOULD HAVE OTHERWISE GONE ELSEWHERE. *r-» YOU'LL CERTAINLY ADMIT THAT THIS CLUB )«RITS YOUR SUPPORT AND NC$W,WE WANT YOU TO PROVE IT BY ATTENDING THIS DANCE AND BY BRINGING ALL YOUR FRIENDS WITH YOU. "THE ROAD TO THE BAD PLACE IS PAVED WITH GOOD INTENTIONS' '--DON'T JUST INTEND TO COME--BE THERE! , ' t T X T T T T T T T T T T T T i l fverytiody Welcome - Adm. $liH) per couple X LUICK'S 'm Week-end Because of insistent popular demand, wo offer the famous Luick fresh red raspberry special brick few a second time this season. It is just the last word in ice cream deliciousness -- fresh raspberry ice orefltn aiioh you. never have had before, J at' - .r'-. - - 1

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