rr'T v - fe&Bckt ;,'- • * .*>' $«PP'- w.tv - '~ * ***,* "I * " ' 't ^ . . r O » ' J_j • * \~ " THE MoHENRY PLAINDEALER «£. y '* V "\" ~v:*& 'irS'Vf^ei i;s.< ; ' V£~*-:&'V '..3 * OKSEM STREET First Show 7:15 (D. S. T.) 7* th£ ^ mpi g Fo McHENBY ILLINOIS Adm. 10-25c Friday and Saturday, Sept. ii and 23 : SPENCER TRACY in "NOW I'LL TELL Added--Selected Short Subjects ttfid News Sunday and Monday, Sept. Z3 and 24 X 5J<e e the Season's Smartest Comecly EDNA MAY OLIVER in r / "WE'RE RICH AGAIN" 1 • with MARIAN NIXON and BILLIE BURKE Extra Added Attraction--THE DIONE QUINTUPLETS ' • * • • • • • . Tuesday and Wednesday Sept. 25 and 26 H. B. WARNER in "SORRELL AND SON" > '?/-;.*£'• It speaks the language of the heart. . ^ *•: T ' Also-Added Short . "* Thursday and Friday, Sept. 27 Md 28 ^ WARNER OLANB in ' "CHARLIE CHAN'S COURAGE" :r^; The most exciting Chan &ory of them all '^J 'id: Added--Comedy and News i: Jm- --1 Society Motes EM ERA LD BRIDGE CLUB Mrs. V. Martin was hostess to the Emerald Bridge club at the home of her sister, Mrs. N. J. Nye," Tuesday afernoon. Prizes in bridge were merit ed by cMrs. John Sltttfng, Mrs Thomas Wilson and Mrs. Ben Dietz Refreshments were served. FORMER RESIDENT MARRIED* John Rakow, a former resident of McHenry,' when he was employed at Overton's garage, was married at Dun^je^"Friday evening to Miss Alice Mitchell of Dundee.. After a honeymoon trip to the Dells of Wisconsin they will live in Dundee. , mm 1 i >1 FRIDAY ONLY - Robt. Young and Madge Evans in ' PARIS INTERLUDE" No Price Advances SATURDAY Matinee and Night ' Ralph Williams Presents VISIONS OF 19 3 5 25 PEOPLE Direct From Club Roy%l in Chicago WBBM and CBS RADIO STARS - v' On The Stage DAVE LEE - DIXIE LEE SISTERS - SIMMONS SISTERS - JANE BECKER - ADAIR BROS. FRITZ MILLER'S ORCHESTRA 15 - ADORABLE GIRLS -15 r Night Club Revue - . f on the screen v J--^ : TIM McCOY in "BEYOND THE LAW" Mat., Adults 25c; Night, Adults 30c; Children 10c SUNDAY AND MONDAY -- SHIRLEY TEMPLE Carol Lombard "NOW AND FOREVER" Gary Cooper 10<* Bargain Nights Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday Saturday Next Week A Complete New Show Each Night 15tf LADIES' AID SOCIETY MEETS The Ladies' Aid society met at the church Thursday afternoon with work and plans for the year, under way. A nominating committee was appointed by the president, Mrs, Lillian Cox- The next rnfeetin^ will be at , the f hurch next Thursday afternoori. with Mrs. R. Waterstraat as hostess. SURPRISED ON BIRTHDAY »A. party of fourteen friends surprised Mi's. William Marshall Saturday evening in honor of her birthday anniversary. She ' was presented with a gift from those present. Bunco was played and prizes were awarded7" to Mrs. Lena Dowe, Mrs. F. 0. Gans and Mrs. George Kramer. The prize for throwing the most buncos went to Mrs- John Fay. <> Best of Entertainment Daily at 7 and 9:15 (DST) FRIDAY and SATURDAY Jack Holt in ."The Defense Rests" with Jean Arthur He Double-Crossed Justice! SUNDAY and MONDAY 8 Shirley Temple Gary Cooper - Carole Lombard 'NOW AND FOREVER' "Come on Daddy--Let's Have Fun!" Sunday, Mat. 2:45 to 6--10c-25c After 6 and Weekdays--lj0c-3Uc TUESDAY lOc SPECIAL 15c 'KISS AND MAKE UP' . with Cary Grant and Genevieve Tobin He lifted faces and hearts! WEDNESDAY - THURSDAY 'Whom the Gods Destroy' with Robert Young and Doris Kenyon A Hero to the World--A Coward in His Heart! GIRLS HAVE WEENIE ROAST The girls of the Triple-F class enjoyed a weenie roast Wednesday evening of last week at the home of Ethel Granger. Weenies and marshmallows were roasted over a glowing fire and games were played. GOOD CROWDS SEE JOE BROWN AT THE EMPIRE IfPilPI f Ft i" •*. MOTHERS CLUB The first meeting of the Mothers club, after a summer vacation, took plape at the home of Mrs. George Kramer *Way afternoon with Mrs. O. H. Duker as assistant hostess. Miss Mabel Hobbs, county nurse, was the guest speaker, giving an interesting account of her duties and work. Betty Kramer played a piano solo and games completed the afternoon entertainment. The October meeting will be with Mrs. 0. W. Goodeli, with Mrs. George Johnson assisting. ' Everybody loves a circus and m&ny M the older folks, as well as the children, sigh with regret as they remark that McHenry hasn't had a cir •fiuij this season. However, those who saw Joe E. Brown in "Circus Clown" at the Empire theater this week' (and it seems there are very few who did not see this picture)-now have their circus desires satisfied. There was the entire circus from the thrilling parade to the flying trapeze act with the romance bf the life behind the scenes as well. The picture was shown three nights at the Empire artb. on Sunda# night the house was packed with movie fans. A waiting line is now quite a common occurrence at the local, popular theater where the best and latest pictures please its patrons. . C. D. OF A. TKfe, Catholic Daughters Joyce Kilmer held their regular business meeting on Sept. 10. There was a good attendance and arrangements were made for,.-, the resuming of social activities after the summer vacation. The first social meeting of the season will' take place on ttie fourth Monday of this month, which is Sept. 24. Mrs. N. J. Nye is chairman of the committee for this pjirty. As usual there will be bridge, fiv<> hundjed and bunco, with prizes, refreshments and pleasant evening for all. CELEBRATES 4TH BIRTHDAY Little Miss Dolores Ann Vales celebrated her fourth birthday Saturday, Sept. 15'. Four guests, one for each year, were present and spent a happy afternoon playing together. Refreshments were served by the little girl's mother, Mrs. Albert Vales, with a birthday cake decorated with four candles as the center of attraction. M. E. CHURCH You are invited to attend services at the M. E. Church every Sunday. , I; Sunday school, 10 a. m„ Morning worship, 11-a. m. Sermon subject, ^The Lfeht World," by pastor, Rev. L. H. Brattain. ...... •* ' . Sept. 30 is the last Sunday in the conference year and it is hoped that all church pledges will be paid by that time. ^ The church choir is recdving' iiew members and planning their work for the winter months. Choir practice is held every Tuesday evening. The work of this musical organization fs much appreciated and does much to add to the impressiveness of the morning service. Thursday, September 20,1934 SOY BEAN HAY HARD TO €URE Storing soy bean hay in barns will increase fire outbreaks on farms, firg insurance companies say iij a warning, issued to farmers against the storage of the product in barns. The soy bean harvest has been under way for some time and the crop, a ifew one on many farms, is large, and farmers are not aware qf the erious fire hazard the soy bean hay entails. r It is almost impossoible vto cure the beans so they will not heat when piled up in the barn, it is explained. Farm experts say the soy bean plantings will produce a bumper crop and that many farmers in this state will be using soy bean hay as their major feed supply during the winter. Say you read DEALER.. it in THE PLAIN-- •s. Births The guests were: Thomas Josephine Quercio, Bobby Miller and Joyce Weber. Guests of Mrs. Vales wereMrs. E. R. Sutton, Mrs. George Miller, Charles Sutton and Charlene Quercio. CARD PARTY A SUCCESS A. most successful card party, sponsored by the Christian Mothers, for the benefit of St. Mary's church, was held Tuesday afternoon at Schaefer's tavern. Fifteen tables of cards and bunco were in play and prizes were awarded as follows: Five hundred, Mrs. Joe Smith, Mrs. Nick Weingart and Mrs. Nick Justen; bridge, Mrs. Peter Freund and Mrs. Albert Justen; bunco, Mrs. Mat Glosson. A beautiful lamp went to Mrs. Peter Freund and another prize went to Mrs. Htlen Klennebeck. Dlellcious refreshments were served by the committee. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Dowe art? paints of a boy, born Wednesday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Harold fStebar of Milwaukee are parents of a boy, born Sept. 13. He has been named William Harold. Mrs. Steber ^as for- Sutton, I merly Miss Mary Stoffel of this city. ENTERTAIN FACULTY Miss Marie Ropp and Miss Margaret O'Gara entertained the" lady members of the grade and high school faculty Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. Celia Knox. Twelve guests were present to enjoy the evening at bridge in y^hich prizes were awarded tc Miss Nel'ie Doherty and Miss Mary Booth. Refreshments wer? served in the evening.1, „ IERC CANNING ';;"y V;:... , Arnpld Rauen "of McHenry is director of the canning project of the IERC at the .Woodstock Armory. The county board allowed $20 to purchase equipment necessary to carry on the Work. Mpre than 1,200 cans of fruit and vegetables have been put up the last two weeks. • v - Every Day Super Specials Wind Blown Bob The Summer "Fashion Queen" .Guaranteed Ringlet Ends, Permanent Wave, $3.00 value for , , $1.5© Ringlet End Curl Permanent Wave, All Styles, $3.00 value for $L50 Croquignole or Spiral Waves L'Armour French Oil, $3.00 value. 2 persons for $3.00 Singly for «... ..............$2.00 "Prom Queen" Vita-Tonic $5.00 value, 2 persons for 44.00 Singly for $2.50 All above Permanents complete with Shampoo and Finger Wave Note--Combination $1.00 extra, Haircut extra. Every Day School Girter* Specials Croqalgnole or Spiral Ware® From Kindergarten through Junior High ....„...:...$1.50 For High School .$2.00 Complete with Haircut,' Shampoo and Finger Wave. STOMPAN ATO'S " Ultra-Modern Exclusive il? Barber and Beauty Salon Twri Entrances - 10 Private Booths 226 Main St. 229 Benton St. Telephone 641 . Woodstock, 111. Beauty Salon Open Evenings Until 9 p. m. Daylight Saving Time POST-NUPTIAL SHOWER Mrs. Laurence T. McChesney was guest of honor at a post-nuptial shower given by her cousin, Mrs. Wilbur McKneW, Tuesday evening. Mrc. McChesney, who was formerly Miss Jaunita Keg, received many beautiful gifts of a miscellaneous nature. Two tables of five hundred were in play and prizes were won by Louise Kilday and Mrs. L. T. McChesney. Dellicioua refreshments were served on the attractively appointed dining table at the close of the evening. Guests were: Misses Julia McLaughlin, EIvera Antholz, Louise Kilday, Virginia Engeln, Agnes Steffes, Mildred Gans, Mrs. L. T. McChesney and Mrs. Earl Conway. you read about a car is important-- but one ride .is worth a thousand words. Test Chevrolet's Knee-Action on a bumpy road, where you can Bee for yourself what a big difference Knee-Aetion makes in riding comfort. This test will also acquaint you with the smooth, economical, valve-in-head engine, the positive, cablecontrolled brakes, the bodies by Fisher, and the comfort of Fisher Ventilation. Go to your nearest Chevrolet dealer and make the Ownership Test. ChevrcJet is satisfied to let you. and the ride decide which car is the best for CHEVROLET MOTOR CO.. DETROIT, MICH. CtiBtpare Oievrvict's loto detitiered rosy G.M.A.C. terms. A< Motors Value WOMEN'S CLUB HOLD MEETING The first meeting of the McHenry County Business and Professionel Women's club was held Monday evening, following a Vacation during the summer months. A 6:30 o'clock dinner at the Buckley Tea roont at" Woodstock preceded the business session, which was conducted by the president of the club Mrs. C. W. Goodeli, of McHenry, Mis.; Minnie Bohn and. Mrs. Thelma Burden, research committee, were in chargfe of the evening's program. R. B. Olson, Woodstock manager of the National Re-employment office, was the speaker of the evening. Mrs. Goodeli was accompanied by her sister, Miss Ethel Jones. Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Freund of Ringwood are parents of ' a son, born SepJt. 13. , FAIR CUTS PRICES ' Adnfission to the World's fair, effective Tuesday, was cut to 10 cents for all visitors under 18 years of age. The admission for adults remains at 50 cents. Another cut price feature for children became effective Monday morning. That is a student tour admission feature. Between the hours of 8 a. m- and 4 p. m., students arriving in groups of ten with a teacher will be admitted for five cents each. The teacher, on the presentation of her credentials, will be admitted free of charge. For Sale MILK FED FRIERS 3 to 4 lbs. v JULIUS KEQ Phone 285 M'HENRY TO HAVE NEW CLEANING ESTABLISHMENT John D. and Percy F. Lodtz of Crystal t»ake announce that they will open a new cleaning establishment in the Hunter building on Green street, under the name of. the "McHenry Cleaners." They will be ready for business qn Monday, Sept. 29, with a high grade cleaning and dyeing service. These gentlemen are already well known to the people of McHenry and vicinity, having conducted their business in Crystal Lake for a number of years. Their announcement ad appears in the display columns of this issue. DEPOSITS INSURED ^ BY ^ WASHINGTON, D.C. }cJcUnUnUn MFOARX IEMAUCMH iOnEsPuOrSaInTOcRe c#3RUnUnUn West McHenry, Illinois 4L la £&u>-&ut Ita ccJuboJL $1000 REWARD should be given to anyone who can sell a better tire for less money than the Goodyears quoted JAY-THOMPSON Friends and relatives here of At- j torney and Mrs. L. W. Thompson of Chicago will be interested to hear of the marriage of their son, Paul, to Miss^Dorothy Jay of Chicago on Saturday, Sept. 8. The ceremony took place at the home of the bride's sifter at Princeton, N. J., following Mr. Thompson's return from ojerseias, where he had spent the summer, at Trinity college, Dublin, and in London, working toward is Ph.D. degree. Witnesses at_the wedding ceremony included the groom's parents and his sister, Isabel.. Mrf and Mrs. Paul Thompson will live at Boulder, Colo., where he will be instructor in the English department at the University of Colorado. <r^Ay tA& ozirneA/Jiip teAt HARRY TOWNSEND CHEVROLET SALES Hew UtatiM-On 0. S. 12-Hleir Utersectioa with 111 H«. 20 rfcwe 277 FAMILY REUNION ' The woods on the Sutton homestead were an appropriate location for a reunion of the Sutton family, Sunday, when relatives gathered spend the day together. A picnic dinner was served and the afternoon was spent in games, including cards for the ladies and baseball, horseshoes and other amusements for the men. Singing was also enjoyed to the accompaniment on the banjo by Mrs. Carl W«:ber. Guests of the day were: Mr. and Mrs. George Hoelscher and son, Robert, of Wlieaton; Mr. and Mrs. Edward Larkin, daughters, Eleanor, Marion, Lucille and son, Robert, Bob Frisch and John Sutton, Elgin;, Mr anpl Mrs. Jos. Sutton, Elmhurst; Mr. and Mlrs. Ed. Sutton and family, Will Sutton and the M. A. Sutton family. Afternoon guests were Mr3. EL Knox and daughter, Genevieve, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Web«r and Miss, Elola Boyle. sT "We Goodyear Dealers, you know, sell more tires than any other dealers. That's wty Goodyear can give us the J>igge8t value to sell at every price. You can bank on this Speedway for a lot of •afe troublefree mileage--plenty for the price--and it has a Center Traction -tread for quick stops. It's a real Goodyear and a real buy--blowout protected in EVERY ply--lifetime guaranteed for perfection of materials and workmanship-- backed by our full service." ROAD SERVICE If you have trouble on the road, call us up and a man jwill respond imwpiediately. .Phone See the Marvel Tire of the Year G*3 GOODYEAR ALL*-WEATHER 30x3 Vt $4.40 4.50-21 GOODYEAR S P E E D WAY"" Built with Svpeftwiit Cord 4.40-21 4.50-20 $4.95 $5.20 ; 4.75-19 ; " 5.00-19 $5.40 $5.70 $6.05 Prices subject to change without notice." ' Walter J. FREUND Battery Charging, Repairing Tire and Tube Vulcanizing PRESTO-UTE BATTERIES SINCLAIR GASOLINE and OILS Phone 294, West McHenry, IUiaoia 'V* -v'1 • <*• (?