L f-u^ PtgeFour McHEintY PLAINDEALER mm* THE M'HENRY PLAIN DEALER Pabliabed erary Thursday at McHenry, 111., by Charles P, Ranich. •ntered as second-class matter at the postoffice at McHenry, BL, unnr the act of May 8, 1879. One Year .. Six Months A. H. MOSHER, Editor and Manager FINDS MUSHROOM WEIGHING 45 POUNDS! The gathering of mushrooms is .a novel occupation which develops in this vicinity about this time of year and in which local residents are becoming interested. ( Mushrooms spring1 up over night after one of the fall r,ains such as we have been having and are plentiful in the woods near here,, with a fme.crpp developing in \\\e wbods^at :the ; course.';; " yv.„.V-- Local people evidently know how to .'distihgaisft the* edible mushroom from the poison variety as no illpes? "from this cause has been reported. In otfrej; localities^ however, every, one-is not so fortunate, and :at Elgin, C: .|5.; jSeis: died ' Mop^ay ;frftm heart ^rouble resuiting from mushroom poisoning. His wife .also was ill but recovered. • " - .It is said that poisoning from the mushroom brings;013 a heart.,condi-' tfon which is hard to combat. Mushroom hunters who. like them big: were given a mark to aim at Sunday when Michael' Bucko of Chicago exhibited a *'grand father" among the edible fungi which weighed forty-five founds. CHANGE SCHEDULE ON NORTHWESTERN R. R. { '! Mrs. Earle E. Monear -Mrs. Earle Monear, 4$ years old, died 'at Dr. Brand's hospital at Woodstock at 1:10 o'clock Wednesday afternoon, September 26, 1934, after an illness of nearly a year and a half. As a full blown rose withers and dies, so, in the years considered to be the prime of life, she passed away, Vbotiif FOR SALE People , of McHenrv with those of % the end remaining patient and Chicago and other cities iff this re. ^eerful with the hope of recovery giori gained an extra hour of sTeep Saturday night when daylight saving time was officially abandoned for the year and clocks were turned back an hour.. ' . It was estimated by' the Merchants association of New York that when America retired Saturday night if 26,280.000 ' of them sleep the hour they turn back the clock to end daylight saving time that thirty centuries would be slept away before breakfast. , •" ; / One hour apiece is 26,280,000 hours; equivalent of $,0§5,0()0 ;days' or 3,Q00 year's. The total time recovered by Xh^; 30,000,000 is 3,425 years." Other cities in the county that ohiserved daylight time this year were W'oodstsck, Crystal Lake, Huntley, artji . Fox River. Grove. -v ' With the dose of the summer and k thoughtful solicitude for those about her. - " Adah Mae Jackson was born in Alden township on Dec. 31, 1884, and was 'the only child of Mr. and Mrs; James Jackson. Her childhood was spent in the coftrmunities of Spring prove and Richmond and in 1899 she attended high school at Hebron. " At the age of 19 she moved with her parents to Solon Mills, "wlfiere she was united in" marriage to Earle Monear on October 22, 1908, Mr. and Mrs. Monear continued to live at Solon Mills until 1922 'when they came to McHenry, where they have since made their home. Here Mrs. Monear made many friends and became a member of McHenry. chapter, Ordfer of the Eastern Star. She was happy in her home life and always enjoyed her work and home interests; She is survived by her parents, Mr. FOR SALE--The Henry Bj^feld building in West McHenry. Store, garage and living rooms. Will sacrifice. Inquire of, Mrs. Christine Brefelcl, 190G N. Lowell Ave-, Chicago. 17-3 FOR RENT--Farm near McCollums Late. Inquire of Mrs. Magdalena Bohr, McHenry. 18-3 FOR SALE--English refractory dining table and chairs, extension kitcHen table and chairs, Hertz day bed. Cheap. E. W. Johnson, Elm St. 19 FOR SALE--:Air compressor, mounted on welded, riveted tank,,. KM) lbs. pressure, uses % H, P. motor, suitable for spraying <6r inflating tires. Address, "K. B.,"% Flaindealer. 19-2 FOR RENT schedule in time there comes the an- and Mrs. James Jackson ^ of Solon nual change in train schedule, with. Mills and her husband, Earle Monear. two trains leaving for Chicago and Funeral services were h«ld at the two arriving from Chicago daily. Th* home at 21 o clock Friday afternoon „ morning train leaves the McHenry de- with the Rev. Philip Bohi of es- Mr. Bucko found the mushroom on pot for Chicago at 7:52 a. m., and the Plaines, former pastor ^ Rica stump about four miles from Wau-jitfterhoon train At 3j08 p. m. Trains ^ond and Solon Mills churches*' of conda, where for the last four years he has never failed to find one of >4 great size each fall. Previously they have averaged about twelve pounds. Bucko and his son gathered two hundred pounds of mushrooms on their hunt- Another claimant for honors in the arrive here from Chicago at 10:07 ficiating. a. mw and 5:25 p. m. On Sunday the The officers of McHenry Chapter, Chicagp train arrives here at 9:45 O. E- S., conducted their services at a. mm..,, and "IrJ the afternoon a train the home; also. Burial was at Solon leaves at 5:01 for Chicago. SCOUTS SEE BALL GAME About thirty local Boy Scouts 'at- - size hunt' Sunday was Mrs. Clara tended the Northwestern-Marquette Romps of Chicago, who found a 25- pounder in a woods near Woodstock. Both say they are experts in telling- iwi^hrooms from the deadly toadstools. ' * Maxine Bacon was an Elgin visitor Friday and Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Schmitt will move into Schaefer Brothers house Recently vacated bv Frances Michels. Or. C. Keller OPTOMETRIST Sundays and Mondays at my Summer Home, Riverside Drive, McHenry, 111. All Work Guaranteed Tel. 211-R football game at Evanston, Saturday. Those who drove cars were, Dr. G. W. Hess, C. H. Duker, Joe Sthmitt, Harry Townsend, Ray Hughes apd CJ Reihansperger.'- Mrs. Frank Geis, daughter, June, and Joseph Johnstone of Chicago llills cemetery. The many beautiful floral pieces Were a tribute of the love arid esteem of her many friends. Among those from oUJt of town who attended the funeral were Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Schroeder, Miss Evelyn Schroeder, Frank McCarthy, Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Aylward,t Viola Aylward, Florence Aylward, Edward Aylward, Jr., J. M. Imerson, Hebron; Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Monear, Elgin; Mrs. W. ^Sayles, Miss Mabel Sayles, were Friday guest? of Mrs. George I One Sayles, Mrs. Nellie Philips, Rich- Johnson. Warren Geis returned' with jmond;-Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Ward, them after a week's visit here. ! Mrs. Charles Fish, Miss Norma Fish, Woodstock: Mrs. Glen Mornson, Miss Violet Gratton, Greenwood; Mr. and Mrs. George Yanke, William Bay; M. 4-Jackson and family, Zr6n; Henry Jackson, Mr. and Mrs. E. Jackson, Mr. and Mrs. William Jackson. J. Jackson, Grass Lake; A. & Jackson, Lyle Jackson, Solon Mills; „ Card of Thanks We wish to express grateful appreciation to friends and neighbors for kindness shown during the illess and following the death of our wife and daughter. We especially thank those who sent flowers and furnished cars and the Eastern Star for their assistance. Earle E. Monear *10 Mr. and Mrs. James Jackson FOR RENT--A pleasant room, centrally located. Inquire at, this office. 62-tf Sagar Vy Nicotine Because sugar Is produced by nicotine, scientists assert they have fobnd •the reason why smoking seems to appease the appetite of a hungry man. "Hunger appears from our observations and those of other investigators to arise within a definite time after tha blood sugar falls to the fasting level. Tobacco smoking, by Inducing hyperglycemia (production of excess sugar in the blood) temporarily relieves these conditiopC Smokers prefer tobacco to any wher leaf because of the nicotine. Man's fondness for sweets betrays itself again--this" time through the blood. Fifljr-Three Sundays in Yea* According to the Gregorian eaMtadar, every year has 53 days of the olie on which It begins. Generally, the year contains 53 Sundays every five or sir years. This will occur again in 1939, 1944, 1950, 1901 and 1967. According to the United States Naval observatory, In any continuous series of 28 years, five have 53 Sundays, unless the series includes a year ending in two ciphers without its being a leap year, as 1700, 1800, 1900- When leap year begins on Saturday, two of, the six-year periods fall consecutively. FOR RENT--Sept. 15, the Burke bungalow, Washington St., near Richmond Road. Relit reasonable. Phone 93-M. I4tf FOR RENT--Furnished or unfurnished 5 rooms, all modern. Inquire of H. A. Asmalaky, Rt. 20. Phone 220-R. 16tf FOR RENT--The J. J. Vasey house on Gr?en street. All modern. Inquire of Mrs.vQeo. F. Lindsay, phone 51-R. 19-3 FOR RENT--Modern h6use. of Dr. N. J. Nye, McHlefary. Inquire 17t,f FOR RENT -- Six-room cottage on Waukegan St,, north of McHenrv school. Inquire at Plaindealer office. 19tf WANTED WANTED--Old cars, scrap iron, brass, copper, radiators, batteries, rags and paper. Call M. Taxman, McHenry 173. . 38-tf MISCELLANEOUS WHEN YOU NEED A VETERINARIAN-- Call Richmond 16. Graduate veterinarian, prompt service. General practice. Both large fend small animals. Dr. John Ducey, Richmond, IlL 12-26 DEAD ANIMALS REMOVED FREE OF CHARGE MIDWEST REMOVAL CO. PHONE DUNDEE 10 •Reverse Charges 49-tf PALACE RECREATION tThe bowling alleys will be ready for play Saturday night, Oct. 6. Also billiards, regular and pocket. Leagues will be nip^i t&is season and all bowlers who desire ^giste^at the e Serve Green Bay and McHenry Beers .. I tUif j ^ . .. The ' NEW WALNUT ROOM Justen's Hotel, McHenry v Saturday Ni^ht CHICKEN DINNER, 25c ORCHESTRA - FREE DANCING FRED JUSTEN, Prop. >- Stanley Zebrosky "fa Burial services for Stanley Zebrosky, 51 years old, were held Friday afternoon in Woodland Cemetery with Father William OHourke, offjeiat- He was born in Poland and came to America when about fifteen years old. His sister was located in Canada and came to McHenry for the funeral. Mr. Zebrosky. died in the Woodstock hospital on Tuesday of last week from injuries received in a fall while washing windows at the Karls Cafe on Riverside Drive where he. Jmms been employed since spring. HOW IS YOUR ROOF?--You can get your roof reeoated and repaired very reasonable. Inspection and estimates free. Super-Asphalt Roofing Co., Phil M'eyers, Prop.- Phone McHenry 82-R. *16-4 , The Spruce Grouta The spruce grouse is smaller than the ruffed grouse and dark#. The male Is barred and spotted with black, white and gray. He .has a black throat and a spot of bright red bare skin above the eye, found In no other grouse. The female is smaller than the male • nd quite different In appearance. She Is more rusty, closely barred around the body an4, lacks the red over the eye. • ! .- WATERWAYS ASSN. ; MEETS AT FOX T-Airi! Members of the newly-formed Waterways Improvement association met at Fox Lake Sunday and organized group 5 which takes in the Fox river south of the McHenry dam. They also installed Al Bruneman, recently elected vice-president, named "three directors "for the group and drafted a resolution having to do with the utilization of labor, paid for with government or state welfare funds. L. K. Schmidt of Elgin, Richard Barney of Geneva and Leonard Fowler of Carpente^sville were nominated to complete the directorate by Mr Bruneman and were accepted by tho session. A ^ resolution addressed to Robert I. Kingery, director of waterways at Sprifigfield, asked that all work on the river be consolidated and planned through the full directorate of the association and that all projects brought to the attention of the department be referred back to the association for approval before beinjf given consideration by Director King ery and his associates. Were on Wrong TWtllt' * 1 Between Ptolemy, last of the, great Greek astronomers, and Copernicus, 14 centuries elapsed, and In this long Interval the greatest minds struggled to understand , th,e motions of the heavenly bodies, struggled In vain, for they all based their premise on Ptolemy's wrong theory, that the stars and the sun revolved around the earth. Organs on Wrong Side Medical history records more than 200 cases of reversed body construction in which from one to nearly all of the vital organs--such as the heart, liver, and stomach--were on the wrong slde» The condition did not Interfere with the health of the individual. BAY RESIDENT DIESu/ Y * SATURDAY NOON * Mrs Arthur A.> Friestedt, 46 years old, died at her home at Pistakee Bay Saturday noon. She had been troubled with astlfma for many years and it. is thought that death was caused by complications arising from this ailment. ' ; The body was taken to the home of Mr. Friestedt'& brother at 6141 Sheridan Road, Chicago, Where services were held Tuesday at 10 a. m., at Graceland Cemetery chapel. Mrs. Friestedt was the daughter of Dr. Elery Hetherington, who survives her, as do her husband and daughter, Dorothy Ann. Mr. arid Mrs. Friestedt have been residents at the Bay for many years, where the former's father was one ©f the pioneer settlers" and their beautiful home there has been a source of great enjoyment to them. 1 "• •••>' Just Common Fleas Ctenotephalus canls, known as_the flea, Is a small, wingless, jumping and sucking insect that makes life miserable for every dog of its acquaintance, and the abandoned alley dog as well as the finest groomed pet seldom escape Its attacks. . FOR QUICK REMOVAL OF DEAD AND CRIPPLED COWS OR HORSES call Axel Bolvig, Woodstock 1645-W-2 and reverse charges. *18-26 CITIES SERVICE STOCKHOLDERS may learn something of interest, by writing Investment Counselors ERWIN O. ULLRICH AND ASSOCIATES l7| W. Adams Street - *19 CHICAGO I! Flour Dust Combustible Flo'jr dust will burn, and because each particle of dust is surrounded by air It will burn very rapidly when ignited. Thus a wave of flame runs with great speed through a cloud of flour dust, causing an explosion. Sea-Level Sea-level is the level of the surface of the sea, taken at its mean position, midway between mean high and low water, adopted as a standard fer the measurement of heights and so on, and called also mean sea-level. NOTICE,TO THE PUBLIC Monday, Oct. 8, the standpipe will be drained for cleaning and painting the -inside of same. There will be water pumped direct through the mains, sufficient for all users.' But, in case the fire alarm sounds, STOP USING WATER. By Order of the !9 CITY COUNCIL Among the Sick New Johnsburg Tavern Fish Fry Every Friday Nite 10c per plate SPECIAL SATURDAY NITE Duck Dinner with All Trimmings, 25c Music by Gpld Coast Orchestra, Ben Tonnison and ' M. A. Conway J. B. HETTERMAN, Manager - ^ BUYS O'BRIEN PHARMACY | W. H. Toppen of Richmond has purj chafed the O'Brien pharmacy in that city. The deal was made with the | W. H. O'Brien estate. Mr. Toppen, who has been connected with the drug , store for eleven years, is a brother Htiny VogeT'oFlEhis city. GREEN STREET TAVERN Just North of Empire Theatre MEXICAN CHILI SERVED AT ALL TIMES, j M. E. CHURCH There will be no church service at I the M. E„ church next Sunday because I of the Rock'River Conference that is 1 being held at Sycamore this week. Sunday school will convene at the usual hour, 10 a. m., on Sunday. SEARCH FOR "PEEPING TOM" ^ A "peeping Tom" has been reported m this locality and police are hot on the trail of this trespasser. •»•<»•••• »!•» » »•>•» »t •>• • 1 » » » » John B. Kelter is ill at his home <ra Main street. . • N. J. Justen, who "was taken ill last week, is improving and is able to sit up again. Simon Stoffel returned home Saturday from the Presybterian hospital, Chicago, and is recuperating at his home here. Shirley Covalt wafe taken to; St. Theresa's hospital, Waukegan, Sunday, where she underwent an operation for appendicitis. She is reepveiing nicely. Her mother, Mrs. F. E. Covalt, is staying in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dick Steng^r at Waukegan to be near her daughter. Earl Wfclsh is at Mayo Brothers hospital, Rochester, Minn,, for examination this week. Father Dommermuth is reported as improving at St. Theresa's hospital in Waukegan. • ' 10c PER BOWL Mixed Drinks, Wines and Liquors, Meister Brau Beer, 5c GEO. L. JONES, Prop; SCHAEFER'S TAVERN . East of the Old River Bridge Mixed Drinks - Sandwiches - 5 and 10c Beer FISH FRY FRIDAY NITE--lOc per plate CHICKEN DINNER--Saturday Nite 25c " ORCHESTRA SATURDAY NIGHT Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bishop, son, Marvin, and Emil Schmalz of.Carpentersville were guests of Mr. and Mrs Leonard Franzen, Sunday evening. Mrs. George H. Johnson, daughter, Marguerite, and Miss Anna Frisby were EJgin visitors Monday. Mrs. Nellie Bacon anjj daughter, Anita, were Elgin visitors Tuesday. Nick P. Justen," James E. Doherty and Albert Justen with "Dutch" Vogel of Solon Mills, are attending the races at Lexington, Ky. They left Monday of last week and are expected home some time this week Weekend visitors in the home of Mrs. Fred Karls were, Mr. and Mrs Mat Karls and son, Bobby, Mrs. Laurence Senten and son, Mr. and Mrs Jerome Moeller, Mr. and Mrs. Wil Ham Karls and Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Colman, of Chicago. - - Marycelene Adams was an iElgln visitor Saturday. * Albert Purvey, George Johnson, A E. Nye, James Sayler, D. I. Granger and Albert Krause played golf at Mill Road farm, three mflgs from Lake Michigan, Tuesday. Workers in RaJium Workers In radium mines it Jacynov, Bohemia, have an average life of only 37 yeaf*. ;' Death is due to the powerful radium emanations which, despite all precautions, end in cancer. Colors of the Sky The sky does not retain its bine look at all altitudes. Tests show that at a height of 13 miles it has a dark violetgray appearance, turning a black-gray a little higher. A Broad Humanity _ A broad humanity is founded' on the belief that man is more-important than his works and that his value is Independent of the trappings of <Iiv cumstance. •• •* RESIDENCE CHANGES Mrs. John Oeffling , and children have moved from east of the river to the two-flat building on Main street. ST.'MART'S COURT INSTALLS 0mCEB8 A meeting of St. Mary's Court, Catholic Order of Foresters, was held' at Forester Ball Tuesday 'evening, with a large attendance of members. Installation of officers was made, the > installing officer being Adolph Fisher ' of Elgin, assisted by Conductors A': Charles Wiederman of Elgin and G. E. Boley of McHenry. Other guests of tfye evening?" were George Pass, a Chicago State Court speaker; A. Gould, Chicago State ' Court Trustee, and Father Nix, all of -~~ whom made short tajks. The visiting, officers had to leave iv before the meeting was over; as they V had another installation to attend at Buffalo Grove. The following officers^Vefe installed: Spiritual - Director JPwHor Cha«. ^ Nixl' . •' V J •, Chief Ranger--Jacob Freund. Vice-Chief Ranger--George Weber. . Recording-Secretary -- Elmer Mey- •'V"'. Financial Secretary--Geo. Freund. " Treasurer--Herman Steffes. Trustee, 3 Years--Math Niesen. .. ^Speaker--Clarence Stilling. " , .'4 ^ .^(Conductors r-- Louis Nimsgem and' >*>'>? Leo Blake. " •1 Sentinels -- Leo - Mieyers • and N. *' Smith. _ * „ Refreshments were served afteif th« installation. ATTEND FUNERAL OF NlfiCE Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kamholz, withtheir son and wife," Mr. and Mrs. George Kamholz of Chicago, attended the funeral of a niece at Crystal Lake Sunday. Mrs. Frieda Gumprecht died in Sherman hospital at Elgin, on Sept. 26, after nine weeks of illness following an operation. She was born in Crystal Lake July 18, 1896, and eighteen years ago was married to .Charles Gumprecht, who, with four children, survive. Her mother and two sisters also survive. McHENRY POSTOFFICE SCHEDULE < s Mail arrives at 7 a. m., 10:25 and 5:40 p. m. Mails leave at 7:35 a. m., 9:50 a. m. and 2:50 p. m. Mail is picked up at the box on corner, of Elm and Green streets at -7:lft and 2:20 p. m. . OPENING OF THE FALL SEASON SATURDAY, OCT. 6 NELL'S WHITE HOUSE Open Face Chicken Sandwich.....^ 15^ ; i Free Dancing Every Saturday Night - 3-Piece Orchestra FISH FRY EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT AT THE PIT Quarter Mile East of McHenry . on Route 20 . SATURDAY NIGHT ^ Chicken.Dinner 25c ntEE DANCING SATURDAY NIGHT . Music by Frankie Gans' Orchestra . ' HAROLD MILLER, Proprietor Midget Dinosaur The fossil bones, of a full-grown carnivorous dinosaur 30 inches longno bigger than a dog--and representing a new species have been found in Montana. FAREWELL PARTY Mrs. Carl Weber and her sister, Miss Genevieve Knox, entertained a party of frierrds Thursday evening at a farewell party in honor of Miss Frances Michels, their neighbor, who left this week for Chicago, where she is employed- The affair was a surprise for the guest of honor. Games, music and dancing made up the evening's entertainment and Miss Michels was presented with a purse Jrom her friends present.--Sher, ajso, won the prize in the games. Those present were: Mrs. A. I. Froehlich and daughter, Adele, Mrs. Georgie A. Meine, Elola Boyle, Kathrine McCabe, Anna F^risby, Ruth and Frances Michels. i- Cumberland State Park The name of Cumberland State park in Kentucky was changed to Pine Mountain park to avoid confusing It With Cumberland Falls State park.' . Pennant-Shaped State Flag Ohio has the only pennant-shaped flag among alt the states. The law making it the official ensign of the "Buckeye State" was adopted in 1902. 'Greenland and Australia The estimated area of Greenland Is 827,27a'square miles; the area of Australia Is almost 3,000,000 square miles. LUCKY BALLOON NIGHT, OCT. 6 BETTY'S at Lily Lake A Treat on the House with All Dinners Roast Young Duck and Our Famous Fried Chicken, 35c Fish Fry Friday Nite--All You Can Eat, 10c Fish Dinners ALL DAY Friday No need to buy fish for that Friday dinner, for you can take the family to My Place for: boneless perch, cheaper than you can eat at home. f, . SANDWICHES - PLATE LUNCHES - OR DINNERS Green Street My Place McHenry Antarctic Ice Sheet .* The Antarctic ice sheet, spread over about 5,000,000 square miles, is a remnant of the most recent Ice Afce. Frank Daly and Charles Kennedy of Woodstock were local callers Tuesday. 1 *.. Weekend guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thompson were Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Owen, Cushing, Okla.j Mr. and Mrs- Charles Owen and son, Niles Center; Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Owen, Chicago; Mjr. and Mrs. Harry Alexander, Hebron, and Miss Maud Granger, Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Hughes spent last week at Pelican Lake;, Wis., where they enjoyed the fishing. Mr. and-Mrs. Jack Behlke of Chicago spent Tuesday with relatives. Miss Maine Freund viaiting in Chicago this week, Mr. and Mrs. Payl Gerascir and son, Jack, were Chicago visitors Wednesday. Mrs. Agnes Young and son, Richard, have closed their summer home and gone to Chicago for the winter. Jack Purvey went to Chicago Tuesday where he was admitted to the University of Illinois Medical school for the year. Mr. and Mrs. Purvey will live in Chicago as soon as .they can find a flat. Mr. and Mrs. George P. Freund were in Chicago Wednesday. Sk H. Freund attended the fair Tuesday. '** Mrs. Harvey Damm of Kenosha spent Tuesday and Wednesday with hfer parentfrj'-jISrlr. and Mrs. Wm. Bacon. • - • Gaby Hartnett, catcher for the Cubs, played golf at the McHenry Country club Tuesday, turning in a score of 78. He was one of a party [ of six who came out from Chicago to f enjoy the local coarse. AUTO INN TAVERN On the Brewery Corner, McHenry, 111. - FRIDAY NIGHT, Fish Fry, 10c SATURDAY NIGHT, Chicken Dinner, > /Free Dancing and Orchestra Latest and Newest Mixed Drinks, 5c and 10c Beer THE BRIDGE Just East of State Bridge, McHenry FREE DANCING - ORCHESTRA Usual Chicken Dinner Every Saturday Night--25c BOXING MATCHES EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT Meet Your Friends at Joe Friend's 1