, .7C? ^^T* •>> - • • k* 'r'«f" - **«• Eight t . V • . t, ~~ 7:*f *r ,";^ f§ »**".f$*&^rf,ViK^' >•; xf if' . v...*%- *« ***.J » .• h^s -.* jftei&w'V" •,<esi*r *»*/•> fv ^••,fc*> \ • • 1 • ' •H' ' -t-.~ THX McHENBY PUUNDSALER ^-V-:' SUST f;t - ' ,_ " .... - r' « ' • •"^.r~+.fi ;«f? *-•:.' M ^.r •• / ^ **' \/j*';r. iJ.>•••"• F\-'*?•.-.**v- * * '•'Tr '/ ^ f - * - - *. ;• T- - " -•' • * *' >41. .... * T f*. iprSMMBu* «.. !?.*«.>, . *WfcrtK'«".i A .. «'.r «•, « y . ,, '„ \A c ,1 • ~r-. • -*"«• .'fc Thursday, October 18, 1934 •1 MR ' POSTPONE MEETING ....' The Lady Foresters have postponed '•'..their meeting frqm Oct. 17 to Oct. 24, Wednesday evening. A pot-luck lunch i^Will be served and each one is to bring a small covered dish and their o\yn sandwiches.' „,.,. MISSION CLOSES _..e mission at St. Patrick's church drew to a close Sunday afternoon after a week of well-attended services. Rev. F. L. VanderHeyden, O. P., a l)omirican Father, preached a sermon eech night and he was heard by thousands of worshippers. Fr. VanderHeyden is holding a mission at St. Mary'*, church, Woodstock, this we$k. > \ f C A R p C L U B M E E T S : f ' "Mrs. Julius Keg entertained' 'fho vj^dies of her card club Wednesday aftirnoon with a pleasant afternoon Spent at five hundred; Three tables "ytere-in. play and prizes were awarded :.:-4o .Mrs.' 'Hy' • L, Ritter, Mrs. F. Schneider, and Mrs. Ben Hitler. The .'next meeting will bje with Mis- Peter. sltv/Neiss .in-two; W^eks. '• . \ EMERALD BRIDGE CLUB * Mrs. Albert Purvey was hostess to the members of the Emerald Bridge Club Tuesday afternoon. Two tables were in play and prizes were merited by Mrs. Thomas Wilson, Mrs. N. J. Nye and Mrs. Albert Purvey. AUXILIARY MEETS TONIGHT" The first meeting of McHenry unit of the American Legion Auxiliary, at which the newly elected officers will presijig, will be held this* Thursday evening at Legion hall. Members are urged to attend as plans will bo.w^de for some public affair. v' . ... NINE YEARS OLD Jean Conway of Elgin, who, with Mr. and Mrs. John Aylward, spent the weekend at their cottage here, observed her ninth birthday anniversary Friday afternoon. Games were played and refreshments were served, including a cake dfecorated with nine candles. .The guests were Jean's brother, Dick Conw&y, and.- Walter, Bobby and Mary Elizabeth Miller. ENTERTAIN FOR BIRTHDAY j this event larger than ever with sev- -Miss Marie Vales entertained-a few <?ral novel and attractive features. of her friends Monday evefiing in [Work'is already under way for the honor of her birthday. Games ana the usual good times were enjoyed* F. R. V. 4-H CLUB MEETING The meeting of the, F. R. V. 4-H bazaar and many articles are being completed. The Philathea club is assisting in the sewing and making of fancy articles and thfeir ability along this line is well known. $ club was held at the home of Rosa The next meeting will be at the Popp Oct. 6. 1 Sewing was continued home of Mrs. C. H. Buker and a^oton the samples and a business meet'- - luck lunch will be served. This will itfg was held, after which refresh- be a booster party and a jubilee for ments were enjoyed. The next meet- [ the successes of the past year and ing will be at the home of Betty Buss for the well filled coal bags which at 2:30 on Oct. 20. >re being returned. ! f3hch one is asked to invite a friend to the next meeting and a good time and a big meeting are being planned. Girls! You'll be sorry that you have not joined and especially now that Hallowe'en is in store. ilARIE "VALES, Reporter. MOTHERS CLUB SPONSORS PLAY (Continued from front page) v i SIX YEARS OLD Master Walter Miller entertained his classmates of the first' grade at a birthday party at the grade school Everybody is welc.ome and invited to attend. • PRE-NUPTIAL SHOWER Mrs. Roy Kent entertained a party of friends at her home on Riverside Tuesday afternoon - in celebration of Drive Thursday evening in honor of his si x t h birthday anniversary. ! Misa Ruth Kent, a bride of _this week. Games were played and songs were | The party was a pre-nuptial shower sung, after which the, seventeen little uf miscellaneous articles for the folks were tretated to ice cream and bride-to-be and many pleasing gifts cake served by Walter's mother, Mrs. were received by her. George Miller. A birthday cake, | Bridge, five hundred - afid bunco decorated .With ,six candles, pleased were played, with higV honors4 in the chi'Kfiteii;:•Other guests were ' bunco going to MifS. Lauifa Kent; in It i^ra gestiire of tliaughtfulness for the friend; of Interest in a neigliljorv of respect for tlto^e who are old^r or for vour^ superiors,; of love for those who are dear to you. It is kept for months; sofnetimes for yq&rs, and ireas-, iired. It is slTOwn with pride and folded away "among* the souvenirs'* with joy -ai^JoVe. For anniversaries;'for holidajv&--at CUristnsias^ New j Years, Easter, and on-anniversaries of birth and wed-'..' dings, there is a convenience and a-handiness and ail eoonomy abo«t the greeting card that no gift Sehd greeting eards; send them to neighbors, to loved ones, to friends, teaeliers and all those vou %kh,VtOj: hold in your circle of friends. Send them often. At Bolger's von find, them in every size, with every senliinent, at alniost any prince. The engraver, the prinft er, the artist, have exhausted their skill and their genius in preparing, and producing these beautiful souvenirs. v At Bolger's the stock is complete and the selection wide. You will be sure to find exactly the greeting you require. . . Get in the habit of coming to Bolger's- for greeting -cards; get in the habit of "trying Bolger's first" foF^oy and everything a good drug store should have. ^ ; Bolger's has been here a time. Bolger's--^many well informed people tell us--4s the " f i n e s t D r u g B t o r e ^ ^ i n I f e r i A i e n i ^ l l l i a p i i B ; ' -- : . Right prices; right merchandise, and a smile. t V. m Sale Ends Saturday Made Possible Through, Co-operation'of 5 Manufacturers Pay As Little M $1.00 Per Week H ||J||iL||k . HERE'S WHAT YOU GET FOR $49.50 1934 Model Speed Queen Electric Washer, fully guaranteed. Metal Twin Tubs--equipped with-casters Ironing Board--large typfe folding board * Electric Iron--complete with cord Year's supply of Rinso--a full carton of 40 packages Phone 251 ric Shop McHanry, 111. Marion, Grace Conway .MiUiB*-.,--J -" and BdW>y five hundred to Mrs; M. M. Niesen for them. the election the People's Party is expected vto win. i After Mr. Steffes is discovered he maizes a radio announcement to the public asking them to go to the polls ond vote for him since the original Mrs. VanDyne has been married and will not return to the United States. The election returns come in thick and fast, tind in the third act the surprise climax is given to . the entire show. v The outstandings iscene of the entire production is) the Syncopated Rally, which i9 something entirely different in amateur productions. It is the high spot of the show and comes between Acts I and II. This number is introduced by two girls who impersonate Women Walter Win chells; they are Miss Karls and Miss Engeln. There is a group of singingpoliticians who Impersonate members of the Woman's Club, Mothers Club and Sewihg Club, who have come to pledge their votes to the lady mayor. The women in this group sing clever songs and ditties written especially 4nd in bridge to Genevieve Knox. The * \ ^--* ^;'V.; (guests were: Genevieve Knox, Lillian / VALENTINE ZILIEN; / j-Freund, Helen Schneider, Ruth Kent, . Valentine Zilien died Monday morn- Mrs/ George Adams, Mrs. P. M. Jusing at the home of his daughter in ten, Mrs. William Tonyan, Mrs, J. S. Chicago, after a short illness of^'jFreund, Mrs. Leo Winkel, Mrs. M. M. pneumonia. He is survived by his 1 Niesen, Mrs. J. R. Knox^ a,nd Mrs., children, Raymond, John, Mrs. Irma Laura Kent. Miles, and Rudolph. Funeral services Were held Wednesday morning, Oct. 17, at 9:30 a. Ijn., As this scc-ne unfolds O'Donnell, masquerading as • Mrs. VanDyne, is introduced and tells what she will do when she is elected, mayor. The""whole sdene is set to music and it is very cleverly syncopated. In songs and dances she unfold^gj a plan which is very startling and ffmusing. The political caucus consists of C. J. Reihansperger, G. Johnson, Morris Crouch, P. J. Schaefer, Art Smith, MOTHERS CtUB MEETING The Mothers Club met Friday af at St. Ejdward's church, Chicago,,With : ternoon at the home of Mrs. C. W. jC. W. Goodell, Bill Althoff, R. Flemburial in St- John's cemetery, Cary. I Goodell, witn Mrs. George Johnson jing, J. Perkins, J. A. Miller, Joe J. Mr. and Mrs; Lewis ^McDonald at- assistant hostess. Mrs. L. A. | Preund, P. J. Doherty, J. Regtiier, Ben tended the funeral, where Mr. Mc- Donald served aS pallbearer; ; R.N.A. CARD PARTY Nine tables of cards and bunco were in play at the card party gi^en by Fox River Valley Camp, R. N. A^ at Woodman hall, Tuesday evening. Prizes in^rid.are were won by Mrs. E. E. Bassett, Mrs. Mabel Hawley and -Erickson was in charge of the musi- [Justen and Henry Miller. cal program which consisted of piano I In this Syncopated Rally scene wo solos by Shirley Colby and Warren'also find the chorus girls imperson- Jones and a vocal solo by Arlette a^ing the Gifl Dog Catchers, .. th.j Newman. Supt. .C, H. Duker was the : Women White Wings, the Lady Cops, guest speaker and gave an interest-| and the Female Firemen of a town iqg talk on "Youth of High School which is run by women. Those girls Age:" Games, in charge of Mrs, G. ^all wear costumes that depict the va- W: Hess, concluded the afternoon's 1 rious characters represented, and they entertainment. ! sing songs and do clever dance rou- Plans were made Tor the home tines. The entire rally reaches a whirl- OUR WEEKEND SPECIAL BRICK -w- This is new -- strawberry ijee5 ^ cream such as vou have never . > - tasted before there is a layeit ^v -. i • • • ' .t' ""'.V '* '• • ' • . " . • • • ; • -J*#- of lnsciou^ stjecially prepared • , ^ • - _ . strawberries between two lay* • ers of rich, smooth Luick ic0"; •• - ' cream, ft's made like the woo> ' • > ^ ^ derful Peaches and Cream you-"'. ,had lftst week. It^s the ulti* , v 'fr< • ^ mate ijripe oreiiiA,; ^ B0LGER Phone 40 McHenry Mrs. H. M. Stephenson pin five hun- , , , , <<r, „ .... „ ... dred by Mrs. Will Smith, MVs. P. M. If n, CraZy Fol,tJ!.cs; ™ j Justen, and Mrs. Wm. H. Althoff club will sponsor on Oct. 25 and wind climax when the Sophisticatad and .in bunco .b y Mrs; Frank Thurl-' 26. • ^ ^ . L • wfll and Miss Marguerite Johnson. The next meeting of the club will The members of the camp will en- '1**6 .place at f, the hom A e .?rs" R" ijnovy aa hhnarrHd times party after the f_lemin^ on the second Friday meeting on Nov. 6. "November. In MISCELLANEOUS SHOWER Mrs. George Adams' entertained POST-NUPTIAL SHdWER Mrs. Leo Conway was guest . , .„ . honor at a post-nuptial shower I Kiddies, three little boys wearing high hatsTand three little girls wearing big picture hats and flowing dresses are introduced as the future generation. This scene alone is worth th^ price of admission and one of the most entertainig features of - the of show. of 1 A grWt- deal of spice, pep and Zip wppk Fivo . Oi sixteen gins irom tne mgn scnooi. prizes were won by Mrs. Robert Con- ^U„ 'w Teturoed1'! ""V gi'IS do .cfever,chor°%"u"!^r' way .„d Mr, L« Conway. Tho.e %,et™\L It™- Wear'50<*"11 C08t,,mes present were: Mrs. Will Tonyan, tively decorated in Ha!low( merstrtTm^f Genoa Citv Mrs^Robert e?re"inK was spent in ^anies | There is.not a dull moment in the Knox Mrs Rov Kent ' Mr« Rrthort W>^ ia ^ lunch served at 11 (show; in fact, it is the biggest event Knox, Mrs. Koy Kent, Mrs. Robert 0 clock, including an att-- Conway and daughter, Rita, and Mrs. made by Miss Schneider, wm iby the company. The lead singer of J . . . ' tlvely decorated m Hallowe'en effect this girls' chorus is Miss Durland. There I? ,, „ .. - wim a uuuei luncn servea at il .show: in Conwav^and d^Lhter Rit^ °'clock' includin£ an attractive cake .that has ever been sponsored locally Joh^ Conw^^ ^f ^opUffirf?' »«H madG by MiS9 |and something entirely different, Leo Conwav guests were Mjc. Leo since it is a master stage show made * . Conway, Mrs. L^ura Kent ,Mrs. Roy up of all of the types of entertainrit «5IVp4s wrtMirv m 1?itt . ; ?en^' ^ss Jennie Hammerstrom of - ment that lend themselves so well to ** n j 11 • j 4. * xv ^enoa City, Mrs. Ambrose Schaefer,! community entertainment. The best Mrs. C. W. Goodell, president of the Mrs. Jacob Schaefer, Mrs. Celia Knox, talent in town for the groups . and McHenry County Business and Pro- Mrs. Ed Kelter, Mrs. Ray Conway, chorus numbers makes this show an ressional Women s club, presided at Genevieve Knox, Mrs. Carl Weber, ! entertainment you cannot afford to the membership meeting of the club Mrs. Walter Brooks, Mrs. Albert n'lss. held at the Buckley Tea room Monday Barbian, Mrs. John Wirtz and daughevening. Mfrs. Goodell was accom- ter, Kathrine, Miss Lillian Freund, Mrs. Ray McGee, and Mrs. Catherine Schneider. panied by her sister, Miss Ethel Jones and Mrs. Anna Howard of this city. The meeting was called for 6:30 p. m., with Miss Mabel Hobbs and Miss Maud Donovan, membership committee, in charge of the program. Mrs. Greta Marsh, field director-of the I. E. R., was the guest speaker- Many guests we're present, who no doubt, will later become members. BROOKS PLEASES LARGE AUDIENCE You will vote the Lautfh Ticket when you see "Crazy Politics." Tickets for the performances are to be reserved. Reservations «ta>'t Oct. 24 at Bolger's Drug Store. (Continued from Front • Fage) jlmd thus the two Republican candidates for congi-essman-g^-large cam- •- i paign the state together. He and ' Jones have already travelled' over ™"s thirty thousand miles in Illinois in th|e canfjtaign jwhich begfan a few SHOWER FOR BRIDE Miss Ruth Kent, a bride of week, was guest of honor at a miscellaneous shower given by Mrs. Carl weeks~ago Weber, Friday evening. Two tables , The meeting was called to order by of five hundred were in play and Frank Daly( chairman of the Mcpnzes were merited by Helen_Schnei- Henry county Republican committee, der and Mrs. Ed N. Young. Refresh- w^iie a committee from the Young ments were served at a table decorat- ; Republican clubs served as ushers. Miss Mae Harnett kicked a Chicago policeman's hat off in court and was fined for. being drunk. ed in yellow and white and centered with a miniature bride and groom. The invited guests were: Florence Conway, Helen Schneider, Mrs. Geo. Adams, Mary Celine Adams, Mildred Carroll Presided Representative William M. Carroll presided at the meeting and introduced in turn all of the speakers, which included those mentioned, together Kinsala, Ruth Kent, Genevieve Knox, with CWcey M. Reed, candidate «?Un/lM,rS- Rfy,Ke"t'5dna for congress from this district, and Guth of Woodstock and Jennie Ham me'rstram, Genoa City, the several Republican county candidates. The county candidates have MOTOR THROUGHW^CONSIN speakers^'Mrs.' Coe^ always! Mr and s- John A. Jung and gee^s ^ ease before an .on, Eugfene, and daughter, Margaret Rudie but "Brick" Woods, "Doc" Dolores, and Mrs Nick Jung returned Edi and «Hkk» Nulle have never Sunday evening from a four-day in- been trainJn bef but each hag terestmg and enjoyable trip through ; dua„ improved his plarform prethe state of Wisconsin. They visited . fentation y of P his qViSiU[i6&tions Pfor relatives at Oneida and Bakerville and bn offj until now they present many points of interest through the J interesting and convincing s»tate. They drove across the Claude . • ® v - Alnl o„n ez .b ridjg e at. DerP>e re, txhue li argesxt 1 argument in i.tih. eir own bie hajl f. t- 4-v.A \e «r- • ,, 1 Of course these remarks do not ap« m the state of Wisconsin on the site , t such old veteran sneakers a* where the first missionary read holv t ah a ut t> ^ # mass among the Indians. On their re- itdl!e Allen a°d "r Reed. both oj turn home Sunday, they attended ^ c0"',nc,w ^ mass at the beautiful shrine of Our , Af ' .u ± v„ ,. .... Mother of Perpetuel Help at Holy ' *, ! "5 SPeakmg th< TT'ii mv • jit xv fleor was cleared and dancinir wai er and^AX' '<>' «,e ne.t "ew hourT % "< ] It was a wonderful meeting, attend- SOCIAL PLANS BAZAAR, DEC. 6 from twelve to fifteen hundred The Ladies' Aid society met aFW^^^^P16 from a11 Partt home of Mr* Louisl Nickels Thurs- M JfeHenry C0Unty- - day afternoon with a good attendance of members ahd frjends present. Two Because he refused to give her money, Mrs. Clarence Bussey jpf „ St. Charles, 111., severely burned her husband .by throwing acid in his face. and Saturday Potatoes Fine Quality Russet RuraTPotatoes, for v ^ winter keeping pk. 17^ i $1.00 Coffee Chase and Sanborn's Seal Brand' ° ' Dated Coffee per lb. 32^ Royal Gelatine Dessert .^3 pkgs. for 19^ y j i l | | | . - ; - • • • ' Pillsbury's Beat ............ ...... Helpmate Flour Helpmate Flour Pillsbury's Best Tennis Shoes Youths' Sizes, 11 to 2 •'•"v Boys' Sizes, 2Vz to 6 Men's Sizes, 6 to 10 ^ to lb. b&g $1.09 24 lb. bag 93«k 48 lb. bag $1.95 «lb. bag $2.17 pair 90 4 per pair 95^ Per pair $1.00 Fine Cabbage for Krai# per lb. 1^- ERICKSON'S Department Store PHONE 154 W. McHENRY, IIT AMAZING GIFT OFFER new members were welcomed and enthusiastic plans were made for the new conference year. Election of officers was the main business of the day and Mrs. D. I. Granger was elected president; Mrs. William Bacon, first vice-president; Mrs. Charles Ensign, second vicepresident; Mrs. E. E. Bassett, secretary and Mrs. John Fay, treasurer. These officers will hold office until June when it is planned to start the year, hereafter, - in "accordance with the plans of the Women's federation of the county. Mrs. Lillian Cox, the retiring president, was presented with a gift in appreciation of her work during the years in which she was president. . Because his teacher kept him- In The date for the annual bazaar and after the regular session for whisperchicken dinner was set for December t)ng> nine-year-old Raymond Goodman 6 and plans are being made to makeo* Billings, Mont., hanged himself. TW Spanish Main Cartagena (correctly pronounced Kar-ta-hay-na, accent on the third syllable), the South American city, was at one time the most Important city on the Spanish Main, writes G. R» Turner in the Kansas City Times. •In this connection it should be remembered_ that "Main" Is merely a contrac* tion of "mainland" and is Improperly^ applied to the Caribbean sea in such expressions as "sailing the Spanish Main." The original use of the term was to distinguish the Spanish possessions on the northern coast of the South American mainland from the In* sular possessions of Spain in the Caribbean sea. ROASTER TEA KETTLE CONVEX KETTLE CEREAL COOKER COFFEE POT DIVER FREE WITH UMISIAL STOVE VALUE Imagine tuch • gift* -- five pieces of the hi&hest clan enamehmre in favorite modern kitchen match this range, given fr--! ' y>f- ' . We're doing it simply to introduce this new range. '* We wotii't need to give away anything to «ttract • ' t attention to this range, once people see it in a kitchen It's the greatest range value we've ever seen, with smart modern design -- generous b»g lS-inch °v*n- j ample for all roasting and baking for a good-siasd family, and a fire-bo* that burns anything -- wood, eofct. cobs or hard or soft coal : AMAZING AT THIS PWCt* show you this range! You'll decide as soon aa .you've seen it that you 11 get that smart $10.' enamel-ware set free! But come in now -- heteV an offer few people will overlook! -- the enamel ware free. *nH the range only 576>5- Only... ask about ouk convikmimt Wm. H. fhoM 984 Oor. U. S. 12 and Main St, McH«urjr