.--Tic-' -- £ " \ - MiH^^ctoBCT 2C*B0i rqr t 'l* 3* WfaWT" UJl" f H'- "V - .*,- -A W :: -' "£_^-' .1i 4,••^'•!4---\ t'~3 .~:v-»-v- , *• -^ •• "-VifT v:;' r-:^.y\„ •• -y-. fl. TBS StoHERSY SLOCUM'S LAKE "•<<& Vi^'; Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Brooks were business callers %t Waukegan Monday forenoon. _ * Mr. and Mrs. John Blomgren were business callers at Grayslake last Friday afternoon. Chesney Brooks attended a* Century of Progress in Chicago Monday. Harry Mjatthews was a business caller at Lake Zurich Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Converse spent Friday evening at the home of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Davis. Mrs. Celia Dowell and daughters were business callers at Woodstock Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. F. Mulholland and children of Chicago were Sunday afternoon visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Foss. Miss Lillian Tidmarsh of Wauconda was a caller last Friday afternoon at the home of Mir. and Mrs. H. L. Erooks. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Lundgren, Mrs. Axf-I Lundgren of Wauconda and Mrs. Liberg of Chicago spent Sunday afternoon at the hoirie of Mr. and Mrs. John Blomgren. ' Mr. and Mrs. Harry "Matthews and sons spejit the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. LaDoyt Matthews at Forest Park. In company with Mir. and Mrs. Matthews, they were Sunday afternoon and supper guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W, L. Spafford at Jefferson Park. Miss Fr&nces Converse returned home Tuesday evening after spending the past week at the home of her grandparents, M)r- and Mrs. William Davjs. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Williams and son, James Howard, of Crystal Lake and Mrs. Clara Smith were Sunday dinner and afternoon guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fisher at Yolo. Mr. arid Mrs. Harry Matthews were callers at McHenry Tuesday forenoon. Mrs. Earl Prouty and Mrs. Lfc- Verce Mjolidor and daughter of Brookfield called on their aunt, Mrs. Willard Darrell, -Monday afternoon- Mr. and Mrs. Claire Smith and son spent Saturday afternoon at the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Page Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Berg and little daughter and Mrs. Wm. Foss and son, Billie, spent Saturday in Chicago. Willard Darrell, in company with eleven Lake Coupty Farm Supply members, attended the annual meeting of the Illinois Farm Supply Co. at Decatur last Thursday- Mr. and Mrs- Willard Darrell spent last Friday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. LaDoyt Matthews at Fprest Park. Mr. Darrell and Mr. Matthews attended A Century of Progress. ^ Mr. and Mrs. F . Swanson and daughter Alice of Highland Park were Sunday dinner and supper guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Blomgren. Mir. and Mrs. Ray Cook of Zion were Saturday dinner and afternoon guests at the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Cook. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dowell and daughter, Dolores, were business callare at Grayslake last Friday. Miss Neva Toynton, Kenneth Granger and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Harris and children of Wauconda, . and Ralph Franz of Battle Creek, Mick, were Sunday dinner and afternoon guests at the horije of Mr. and Mrs^; W. E. Brooks. yyy Willard Darrell was a business caller at Rockford, Wednesday morning, Mrs. Ray Dowell and daughter, Dolores, spent last Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. jffarris at McHenry. ' Mr.' and Mrs. Ray Dowell and daughter, Dolores, spent the weekend with relatives at Geneva. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Brooks were business callers at McHenry Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. J£. L. Brooks attended the funeral of Mrs. Andrew Hunter of Bridgeman, Mieh,, at Cary Tuesday afternoon. They also called on Mrs. Ella Baldwin. PageThm *(V; VIT/ MIN D IN EGG , VARIES WITH DIET Cod-Liver Oil Found to Give Good Results. Say you read it in THE PLAINDEALER.. C. Keller OPTOMETRIST Sundays and Mondays at my Summer HomtfTttiverside Drive, McHefltt, m. All Kinds of Repairs,*T»el. 211-R CENTRAL GARAGE FRED J. SMITH, Prop. JOHNSBURG, ILL. Best Equipped Garage in Northern Illinois TOWtNG AND REPAIRING ' Agency For Johnson Sea Horses Full Line of Parts for Johnson Motors Phones--200-«P - - - > Night--640-J-2 Save [20 per cent on TIRES We Are Now Offering the Famous 6-3 ALL WEATHER at special prices. Pick out your size and see by the fol >^ lowing how much you can save by buying now. 29x4.40--21 29x4.50--20 ... 30x4.50--21. 28x4.75--ia.„ 29x4.75--20... 29x5.00--10_ 30x5.Q0--20... 28x5.25--18 ... 29x5.25--1^: 27x5.50--17 28x5.50--18 ... . 29x5.50--19 30x5.50--2Q_ 30x6.00--181.; 31x6.00--19.... 32x6.00--20 33x6.00--21 Regular Price .. $ 7.40 . 7.85 . 8.15 8.65 . 8.90 . 9.25 . 9.60 |0.30 =10.65 11.30 11.65 11.85 J5.25 .. Sale Price % 5-92 628 652 7.12 7 40 768 824 - g.52 9-04 9 32 9« =--9-80 1048 10 76 1112 114d You Save $1.48 1.57 1.63 1.73 1.78 1.85 1.92 2.06 2,13 2.26 2.33 2.37 2.45 2.62 2.69 2.78 2.85 30x5--8-ply Truck 18.70 14-96 3.74 32x6--10-ply Truck ... 31.90 25-52 6.38 Prices subject to change without notice. Other sizes ' in proportion Battery Charging, RepairingTire and Tube Vulcanizing PRESTO LITE BATTERIES * SINCLAIR GASOLINE and OILS -Phone 294, West McHenry, Illinois Prepared by the United States Deoartmeat of Agriculture.--WNU Service. There are relatlvelyfew potent natural sources of vitamin D known. Egg yolk la one of the most valuable of these, but all egg yolks are not equally rtrti. The diet of the hen and the amount of .sunlight she has received daring the egg-laying period make considerable difference In the vitamin D content of the egg yolk. Vitamin D, often referred to as the antirachitic vitamin, promotes the assimilation of calcium and phosphorus, end thus aids the development of bones and teeth. Practical poultrymen and nutrition ists have been interested ta attempts to enrich the egg yolk Ih vitamin I> either by feeding the b,eu substances rich in this vitamin or by increasing the amount of ultraviolet light sfie re celves. In a aeries of experiments covering nine months the bureau of home economics and ,the bureau oi animal industry studied the relative efficiency In vitamin L> storage of dlf ferent quantities of cod-liver' oil and vlosterol In the diet of the hen. These studies indicate that In the amounts usually fed, the vitamin D of cod-liver oil Is more efficiently stored in the egg yolk than is the vitamin D of an equivalent amount of viosterol When 2 per cent of cod-liver oil was included in the diet the vitamin D con tent of the yolk was significantly greater than when 1 per cent was fed. Fifteen minutes' Irradiation of the ..lien with a carbon pre lamp apparent ly had the same effect on vitamin I> storage as 1 per cent pf coilJiver oil in the diet. . HINGWOOD S. W Smith was pleasantly surprised at his" home Thursday evenihg, it being his 74th birthday anniversary. Those to enjoy the happy evening with him were: Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Smith and son, Arnold, of Harvard, Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Hopper ahd daughter, Dorothy Ann, of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. C. Anderson and daughter, Joyce, of Antioch, Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Smith and family, Catherine Freund, Mr. aqd Mrs. Floyd Freund, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Howe, Mr. and Mrs. B. T- Butler and family, A. W. Smith and family. On Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Smith were married forty»fiye years. -Mr. Smith has resided on the farm where he now lives practical^ all his life with the exception of six years spent in the west. The Ladies' Aid society will hold their annual bazaar and dinner at the M. W- A. hall Wednesday, ,**oy. 21. There will be plenty of fancy work on' sale.,; ~ ? - The Ladies' Aid society will serve a dinner at the M .W. A. hall Wednesday, Get. 31. ' The Ladies' Aid society held &n all day meeting at the home of Mrs. Eagle Lake, Wis-, spent from Wednesday until Saturday afternoon in the J. V. Buckland home. 1 Mr. and Mrs. James Ramey visited A "Century of Prdgress Friday. Joseph Brefeld attended A Century of Progress Friday. Mr. arid Mrs. Ralph Clay of Rockford spent the week-fend in thfe Ed Peet home. Lonnie Smith and children and Catherine Freund' "visite^ A Century of Progress Wednesday. Mrs-; Viola Low and children spent Saturday afternoon at Woodstock. Mrs. Green of Woodstock spent Saturday with Mrs. Howard Buckland Mrs. Libbie Ladd, Miss Flora Taylor, Mrs. Green and J. V. Buckland were dinner guests in the Howard Buckland home Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Will Hiene and son, Eugene,'of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Claxton and son Will of McHienry and T. A. Abbott were Sunday dinner guests in the George Shepard home- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Jr., and Mrs. and Mrs. Roy Sutton visited A Century of Progress, Wednesday. Irvinsr Horn of Crystal Lake spent Sunday evening with Wayne Foss. Miss Bertha Tonyan spent Thursday and Friday with Eva. Williams. Miss Dorothy Carr and Dewev Claus Larson, Friday, A pot luck» Be. ctk of Chicago spent the week-end dinner was se^vpd to twenty-eight j _/ori^rJ P*rent». Mr. and members. This was the last meeting Latfk of JVater and Grit ; Causes Turkey Trouble • 'Tttrkey growers may encountef Be rlmis trouble In their flocks, unless an adequate supply of water and grits is provided, warns O. C. Ufford, Colorado Agricultural -College extension poultryman. Mr. Ufford found several such cases while on a recent visit to conduct turkey caponizing demctastrati; s. . roop^pess In turkey flocks may be caused by mechanical trouble, says Mr. Ufford. One eastern Colorado turkey grower has been losln'g a number of poults. The birds woifld be droopy for a few days and then die. Invest 1, gation showed that the turkeys had been eating considerable coarse feeds, such as dry alt'alfa stems. The birds were not getting enough^ ' water to moisten the dry stems, and they were not getting enough grits t<r grind the feed. The result was that the muscles of the gizzard, In trying to grind the dry stems,«contracted, violently and the walls of the gizzard: were punctured by the sharp stems. Death followed. "Plenty of water and grit available to the turkeys at all times should overcome any danger of this kind," he said. "The water will moisten the stems and the grit will aid In grind' ing them and eliminating the trouble." to be held before the bazaar. The Epworth League members were entertained by the Solon Epworth League Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Ford Jackson of Johnsburg spent Saturday evening in the George Young home. Mrs. Henry Williams spent the week-end in the home of her son* Martin, at' Hinsdale. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Hopper * artd daughter, of Chicago, spent Thursday and Friday here. Sunday supper guests of Mrs. Jen nie Bacon were: Mr. and Mrs. William Beatty of Roswell, New Mexico, Mr. and. Mrs. Wm. Hendrickson and Mrs. Leo Karls and children of Richmond, Mr. and Mrs. George Bacon of Antioch, Mrs. Malissa Gould and daughter, Jane, Melvin Wagner and Louis Abendroth of Elgin. Mrs. L. E. Hawley, Mrs. Louis Sehroeder and Mrs. Roy Neal visited A Century of Progress Wednesday1. Mr. and Mrs. Clay Rager and family of Chicago spent Wednesday af' ternoon and Thursday here with relatives and friends. Mrs. William Hepburn spent a few days the past week with her daughter and husband at Monroe, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hendrickson of Richmond were callers in the S. H. Beatty home Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. George Dixoif ^pf Mrs. Charles Carr. Mr. and Mrs. Fuller; Bontelle and family of Lak^ Geneva spent Strtiday ifi the George Young home. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Carr and family and Mrs. Frankie Stephenson were visitors at Woodstock Saturday. Mr.'and Mrs. StejJhen Schmidt of McHenry spent Sunday evening in. the George Young home. J Roy and Mae Wiedrich were "visitors at McHfenry Saturday evening/ Mrs. Isabelle Boyde of Chicago spent the past week with Mrs. iepnie Bacon. v Leonard Brown of DeKalb spent from Thursday iyght until Sunday at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Butler and family spent the week-end in the R. Elsworth home at Gary, Ind. Frances Halisey of Hartland spent Sunday with Wayne Foss. Mr. and Mrs. S. W .Brown spent Tuesday at Dixon and called on William Giddings- Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Pearson visited A Century of Progress Sunday. Leonard Brown spent Saturday afternoon with his aunt, Mrs. C. v W. Cropley at Solon Mills. Mr. and Mrs. F. A- Hitchens visited A Century of Progress Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Block and family of Xenosha spent Sunday with Dr. and Mrs. HSepburn. * . ' Vernon and Robert Peters of Belvidere and Mr. and Mrs. Rjiy Peters visited A Century of Progress Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Lee ITuson of Mundeiien were Sunday dinner guests of Mr and Mrs. C. J. Jepson. Miss Olive Jepson of Elgin spent the wieek-eftd at" her home het-e. - : ' ) Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Peck' and family and Mr. and Mrs. Clark Huaon of Elgin spent Sunday iri\ the Rolaikl McCannon home^ V Mrs. Woodford and daughter, of Park Ridj^re spent the Week-end in the Wm JVfCcannori home. On Satur-" day afternoon, they with Mrs. Mctannon, and^Mrs. Merritt Cruikshank were callers at. Delavan. On Sunday afternbon, they with Mr. and- Mrs. MO' Canon and Mrs. Cruikshank called "*!• the Longmore home at Delavan. , ' ' Mrs. Mildred Munshan entertainii eleven ladies at her home in Elgin on Thursday in htinor df Mrs. William McCannon, it being her birthday Mrs Nick Adams of McHenry and Edward Thompson also attended. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Doherty awt son, John, were callers at Spriajf Grove Sunday afternoon. Sunday dinner guests in the S. Bt. Beatty home were:»Mr. and Mrs. Will Beatty of Roswell, New Mexico, Harry HUmar and Mrs. M. Foxwell of Chicago, Mrs. Boyd of Oak Park, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hendricksofi, Richmond, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Frey wad family of Deerfield. Afternoon callers were Mrs. Charles Gates and son, Walter, and Miss Evelyn Simmons/ Woodstock, Mr. and Mi's: Wm. Hendrickson, Mrs? Leo Karls and two' =ons of Richmond, Mrs. S-adie Hendrickson of Lake Geneva, Mr. an^l Mrs Gleun Jackson and /fimily . of jJSolon Mills,-; Mrs. Elmer Olsen and two sons aftd Mrs. Jennie Bacon, Mr. and- Mrs. C. Schneider of Woodstock cafted in 't3» evening. ,!:• *>r ; *'i v '.' S ., I - -i "iV'v \ " , ' < 1 'y ' \ r * ! ^ \V; "40r, , #'V W'S. ] : i \ , r: $' y : C- V-- •U'- INSTALL THAT HEATING P Don't wait! Conoidcr yowr sjrdem now and today's low prices and free money saving estimate without delay. You'll be surprised at the low cost for a new heating aystesi and be delighted with our expert service, guarant--d materials and e«e*ent installation work. . sail " T' ». « Fr-- Si>rmc«? ; Bhene Palisade 1436 for free estimate and valuaMe information, which is cheerfully supplied by our expert engineers. - E. Boiler#;, Round water and (team heating boiler*. Hot water trp« *• low rr---mgm aikt Rtuliatton Get today's low price on radiators in all styles Mid heights. ~ •ftNT WOW, A5£ COOPERATING WITH THE FEDER.VL HOUSING I05FTLN'TSFRALTIQN Under the Ftdeul Houtiv i»tr*tion Plin you cln Rcure up to $1,000 00 to piy for all improvttiMStc. *t the lowest interest r»te d. and with • liberal, lonf- pM- ai? rsd.^P*- itjfti no techmcalil'es -- YEARS TGf PfiYt n a atngle visit to ywar home by appointment, one o< our practical heating men will furniah complete, accurate estimate, arrange loan and complete every detail covering the cost, installation and financing. Square Sectional Boiler ••PERFECTION" *qu»r« (actional hot water and iteaa heating boiiera. %0t water type. W*« toatiag jaaket, aa low aa .10 FREE DELIVERY PLUMBING SUPPLY C0RP0RATI0I PLUMBING AND HEATING SUPPUU 4846 MILWAUKEE AVE., Corner Higgint PALiaade 1496 '! Mixing Retards Laying Mixing old hens^in the same section of a laying house with pullets seem* lo retard egg production by the pullets. The hens are apt to be more pugnacious and keep the pulleta front the feed hoppers and the water foun tains. Not all of the pullets are so easily influenced but if 10 or 20 per cent of the pullets are backward, it cuts down the proflts^to a large extent.. Poultry Matters Capons are also, most profitable where they have the run of a grain fleid. Limberneck la caused hjr; (he eating decomposing' flesh oth« teln substance. :f '.yyy The raising.of poultry ranks fourth' financially among the agricultural Industries of Florida^ ^ - '• • •• *•' Common rats kill six times poultry and game than ail the sri' owls, weasels and hawks combim • • » A fresii laid egg is in best condition and it should be kept as near that con dltion as possible. Eggs should not he kept long In a temperature' above OB degree*. » ' - - „ The practical purpose of alfalfit meal In a poultry mash Is to furnish vitamin A. The meal is not, essential when tender, mccuient greeo feed available. • • • During outbreaks of coccidlosis the poultry house should be cleaned once a day and clean dry litter used. AeVEHTlSEMKNT masb hoppers and drinkinp vessels In the shade, where conditions are most attractive, so there will be a greater mash and water consump tlon. - • • • Sanitation from .the point of poultry house management, ventilation, over crowding, are all Important In keepinp off the fall and winter colds, chicken poxandrouo. ~ This new and unusual value in an ideal family car brings 4-door Sedan ownership within reach of new thousands Chevrolet--buitlter of the world's lowest-priced line of Sixes--now adds to. that line the world's lowest-priced six-cylinder 4-door Sedan. The rich finish and trimly tailored lines of the Standard 4-door Sedan suggest a ligher pric«. Roomy and convenient* it is a quality car throughout, with Body by Fisher, Fisher No Draft ventilation, the celebrated Chevrolet valve-in-head y engine, weather-ptoof cable-cohtrolled brakes, and a host of other fine features: 4"^ P rhcvrnlct, reninrkahW List price of Standard Sedan at Flimi, Mick., $540. With bum pert, *parw tin and tir* lock, the lit* pricm U 118.00 additional. Price* tub/act t* - ' change tritkout notice* little to operate and maintain. We invite you to see this latest evidence of Chevrolet's ability to supply America with "Economical Transportation,today. CHEVROLET MOTOR CO.. DETROIT, MICH. Ctmpmr* Chmtnin's ImAc Gd^wni^itrmm lt dS priicmi m' mmldm --u ty O. M*A. C. MraM RIDE WORTH THOUSAND WORDS •vr HARRY TOWNSEND CHEVROLET SALES lew Locatwo--0b U. S. 12--Rear Istersectioi with UL K«. 20 Phooe 271 ' >"*<w :v 4 -• V:1.