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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 1 Nov 1934, p. 8

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Thursc&y, 9|! ^ivtoiifefaNjfe' *?' "ri»;* ^- "wmt McHENRY PLAJNDE^LER •>***-^lMSkji.^gei„ <-*"<* ?>»«*?•** SOPHOMORES ENTERTAIN Attics and storerooms were nutpacked last week, not because of |p rummage sale, but as everyone know$, the spirit of Hallowe'en was in the cir. "Spooky" costumes and other, hiasquerade paraphernalia, stowed «way from previous years, were a pa in" ... •< FLKRRATES BIRTHDAY ! EMERALD BRIDGE CLUB-: Mi--.* Doris Witt entertained twenty j, ; Mrs. N. J. Nye waslhostess" to the friend, at her hOm& Sunday evening j members of the Emerald Bridge club iven Saturday evening, in celebration of her birthday ?anm- [Tuesday afternoon. Prizes in bridge! -- -- B|rs. A- E. Nye and daughter, I^uth, spent Friday in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kinsala wwt j Chicago passengers Friday. j Aniong1 those fror/T McHenry who * * I attended the ,supped served at Solon ._,v Among those who attended the Mills Thursday^.afternoon were Dr. to see the light, for the annual Hal- / rally at St. Thomas High 'and Mrs. R. G. Chamberlin, Mrs. jowe'en party given, for the Fresh- 1 ?c^°°^ Rockford 'Sunday were E. R. j George Lindsay, Earl Monear and men by the Sophomores at the high ^utton, Martin, C. W . Gibbs, Mrs. James Jackson. Donald Givens, S. H. Freund, Math f Mr. and Mrs Harold Evans it -- ; \ . . -j, • t . j The affair this year was a costume ar!^ ^er"ian> Charles Woodstock visited relatives SninHny vepary. Dancing was enjoyed and a vrere won by Mrs. Albert Purvey, Mrs. iparty and masquerade and many at- Plch' Charles Stilling, John A. Miller, ...... «nway delicious luncn served. • ' p --~J D-- rk--*- • ** *- *• J **•' " "* • » \ Albeit' Krause and Mrs. Ben Dietz. j; tractive costumed added color to the ' Freund, Fred Smith and Joe firsv pvpnt* i Michols! t. OOl'XTV Al XILIVR^ MEETING FAMILY REl MON The gymnasium was beautifully I Mr. and Mrs. Peter Hoffman cf The meeting of the McHenry Vpun- ^ family reunion-took pla^e at JJjej decorated in Hallowe'en effect, with , Wilmette spent Friday here. 'I 5y.^nlfl??an ^£io**. Auxiliary* *m home of Mrs. Henry Block; Sunday, orange and black crepe paper stream- j S. H. Freund, Mrs. N. J. Justen and v ^ held Friday evening at Richmo • i when members of the family and ers. balloons, pumpkins and corn-; Peter Williams arrived home last Mrs. Fred C. S<±oewer. newly«electeJ j friends gathered for the day and also stalks, while autumn leaves covered j week from attending the funeral of a •resident, will preside. ENTERTAIN FRIENDS attended the mission serv ices at Zion j the floor, giving the effect of an out- relative at Johnsburg, Minn. [Evangelical Lutheran church. 'door scene. u, vr« R r pnt(,r ! Among those present were Mf. and t Games were playedand prizes were 'daughter, Joan, of Waukegan, spent Mr. and Mrs. H. ug . j Mrs. Henry Block and daughter. Mil- awarded for the best costumes tamed a. party of friends Tuesday ev?- 1 - Ohic^ttgro-;' Mr. and Mrs. William Cocoa, cup cakes and ice ring. Four tables of ftve hundred , ^ ,nd ^ Pwst P,rk; Mr! ana Iwere-Served Sunday in the M. J. Walsh home. cream ; Clarence Ahglese spent the we«kwere in pi a v and prizes were won bv *"u 11"*°" j* .7™ ; ""iri « ®nd at his home at Morrison. . ** n ^ Til \ »ix j t> v j" Mrs. Frank Block and family, Ma- The party concluded £he Fresh- j u ... i?iru ^ A U ^ 5S rengo;^ Mr and Mrs. Fred W Voeltz ; -nan initiation which took place , on 1 _ *r and *rs Fry* tflter- ^IVmHemeand Mrs Mrand Mrs. Fred Feltz.'Friday when the Freshman boys were ; £eld %**• wsf™ ***** ot **d r « I Mr. and- Mrs. Emil Patzke, Mr. and told to wear earrings for the day and! . rf,e r^e* , _ ... . . OB^EItVE '81-ST .K'amM*. and son. Louis the girls were to braid their hair ' : M»ss«8 Frances and. Ruth Michels evening. Mr. and Mrs. John Bolger wefe .weekend guesta of Misa Janet Fo* at Chilton, Wis. - ' T; Mrs, C. Bremer of Hollywo<jd, CaL, is visiting relatives'in this vicinity, Mrs. H. J. Schaffej^, Mrs. Jack Zimmer, and Mrs. Jack Geary and chilxf , .. T . v .... . ,dren visited in the Harry Geary horn* Mr.and^Mrs. Louis Young _and !ct Gray slake, Friday. * f . Will Scheid and sort of Chicago Were here one day last w'eek. Miss Marie Ropp entertained a friend from Bloom^neton: ov<er thie weekend. , MT. and Mrs. Will Wicke of Des- Plaines spent the weekend at their cottage at Pair Oaks.« Mr. and Mrs. Fred Adam? of Des Wahies visited his mother, Monday. | Mr. and Mrs/ Albert osha spent Sunday .with relatives- Will Sutton attended the fair Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Schmitt and family have moved to the Schaefer broth ers h6Use on Waukegrafn street. Mr. and Mrs. Dillman are spending a short time here. Mr. Diilman is with the telephone company. Mr- and Mrs. Gerald Newman and Mrs. L. F. Newman were Woodstock visitors "Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Glen Peterson and Mrs. L. F. Newman visited Mrs. George Eddy at Elgin Thursday. Mr. and Mxs. Louis McDonald spent the weekend in the M. J. Lonelrgan home, Chicago, and attended the fair Saturday. George Vales and Chester Howard attended the fair Monday. Mrs. Anna Bugner of Johnsburg is visiting her sister, Mrs. John King. Fred Schoewer, Phil Guinto and Mr. and Mrs. Lester Bacon were at Hines hospital^Monday, where Mr. Bacon . went for an examination. While there j FURNISHINGS OF SAYER HOME &»LD (Continued from Frdnt Page) of "Sayer" has been a familiar one in this locality, always respected and looked up to jm an asset to the com-' munity. - - George J. Sayer was a member of the firm, Wolf, Sayer & Heller, of Chicago,- dealers in butcher supplies and it was in the height of l.'s success that he bought his first farm here in 1902 from John Freund. He increased his holdings until he bectflne the owner of 700 acres of land which was divided into five farms. The year after the death of Mr. Sayer, which occurred in -1927, farm No. 3, consisting of 280 acres was sold to the Pistalcee Heights Country clqb and later went to Mr Brandenburg. In the summer 0f 1928 Adam Koch bought farms No. 2 and No. -1, cach composed of 40 acres, wlkieh Say<er purchased from fichaetfer ft Justen. .Dr/wtawi ».«*«*«* Mr. and Mrs. J. J;, Sutton of River W "I aRd Mr!^^ *^d-!H»tt «rm»nn'!»iKi i rc^"e<l lan of fioni spem lasf wmk -mt their Art Of.fnrafc y their trip Aroiigh-the Msl. . ^ ^ |t.»e at EmfraW Park. ' •" - the ^ Hollenbach also bought g#v» they saw Howard Culver, who is much jente€n acres of No. 2 farm, improved and now able to walk some! remaining farms, No. 1 and with a canci He has not regained the ^ were bought a short time ago use of his right hand, although his, **y W. E. Skidmore and are now di-- speech is clearer and he is inaproviftg ^ vWed into three farms. ... . Vales and j generally. - ' ; ; . V | At the time of the death of George daughters. Maris and Dolores;'.attend* j Mr. and Mrs. Ffed C. Schoewer,v«T. Sayer it was rumored that ,his ed th© fair Saturday. (Mrs. Lester Bacon, Inez Bacon andi Palatial summer home, "Rose Villa," fM; • to remember, her -birthday were' Mr.>Y«k^hd party at, their cottape at H^ol^i Mr. and Mrs.-^iarence Freund indi Eleanor Sutton >nd Mrs. James Barter arid *on attf-Jfofr • 0»ks..-Ouests werejtfawt^™ rLJTh^ thl tT Mrs- p* W. Freund spent ^Monday eye-T^s this week in Chicago. • r, Mrs. Kathrihe Cossey, daughter, Poiieck.Emma • Keinmick, Mike ^il- 1had^the be.t smile , g Mr wa Mb; Nick Kenne-I Mr. and Mrs. Willis Corney spent - M --J • -- .r\-- -x . lins Rill_Jnw.ll* *nrf Mr. an,\ Mr®. Gladj s Justen won the musical chair . f - *v_ .. ;Fred Faimer- MOTOR TO KENTUCKY Mr. a'nd Mrs. Leo Conwav and Mrsr : : R.N.A. Gl'EST NIGHT Laura Kent enjoyed a trip through. Miss Clara Stoffel acted as Chan- Indiana and visited Indianapolis and JceHor and Miss Marion Wegener other- important fities-. crossed the ; served - as Courage at the meeting of beck. • jth£ last of the week with relatives Jane and Marietta Nicholls and' j 8' Erie and.Brimfield. Earl Freund spent Sunday afternoon : Miss Irene Walsh spent Sunday at , with Elmer Kennebeck. -- . i^er home at Fox Lake. p d v 4.n n I'R MFPTT"NM2 John Schaffer and friend attended -- • and Mrs. George Zorn of Wau- The mee'n" OTJL F!^^Jthe Sunday. . . ? i^sha: Wis- Sunday with relaand the Sophomores won the hoop race. Miss Mary Durland led the games. Miss Florence Zimmer attended the j was to go, upon the death of Mrs Harvard program at the Elgin State j Sayer, to the Sisters of Charity for hospital. Friday night. They, assisted their use . This rumor has. never beeh in .distributing the treat c. of candy bars and cigarettes. Mrsf Ray Thomas and -y daughter, Jaanita. of Morton Grove spent Friday and Saturday here. confirmed, however, and evidently not authentic a^-1t is said that plans are being made to sell the villa in order to settle up the estate. The furnishings of the house belonged to OT Mr. and Mrs. Carl Weber, Mrs. P. Mrs. Sayer and she will receive the H. Weber, and Mrs. Earl Conway and proceeds from the sale. Mr. Sayer daughter, with Mrs. Will Mead, were has several nieces and nephews who Tuesday visitors in the Ray Thomas home at Morton Grove. Mrs. Will Mead of Raythondville, Tex., arrived last week for a month's •. N- .V1VS9CU. >«.s ... v..v _t *1^, unrr._ nf "Rpttv r„« Mfgrit. Waterstraat^was^ called tO ; here. , Ohio river on a ferry in the moon-1 the Royal Neighbor lodge at Wood- - - th„ Chicago last week by the illness of -Mr. and. Mrs. 1^-ConWay-«ffia M^r light and enjoyed the trip through ; stock, Thursday evening- The event oillow«^ were bein^ conm'etMl *ti1 ^eI* brothier. , -i Laura Kent returned the last of the >«•, anncu nt^s. wetrn ior monjn s ; Kentucky to- L®uis*ifle, They then, was a-guest night when each office^ a m. J. - lTj t Miss Lois Bacon waited at fcaper- f">ra -a trip through the south. ! visit with relatives here and in other turned homeward, going to Cairo^ irivited a friend to fill their office for.r. u* V g , ville last week. • j. Mr.- and Mrs, Guy Harrison- of Fern-.: places' in this vicinity. On Tuesday 111.. «nd then north through Illinois, -the evening. -------g o. . e pia s or tne aiio»« en Mf and Kainholz and"*?1- wash.. and Mrs. fed Martin oj-, she went to Morton Grove for a. visit They visited friends aT- Alton. Ill•'» j %venty-five members assembled in family and Mrs. Carl Schmitt of Chi- Woodstock visited Mr. and Mrs. Fredjin the home of her daughter, Mrs. cago visited in the Fred Kamholz Eppel, Tuesday. jRay Thomas, Mrs. Meade, who was home Wednesday. I Peterson had an audition atj formerly Lida Schiessle, has not"been Adeline Perkins of Waukegan spent Stevens hotel in Chicago Monday, j back since the death of her- mother, the weekend at her home here.- ' .^r* and Mrs. John Sullivan of Chi- about seven years ago and-will enjoy ?nd reached McHenry. after covering the hall which was decorated in a about 1,000 miles of a most delight- spirit of Hallowe'en and harvest tim*. ful trip. Following the meeting a program was given and lunch served. ' ENTERTAIN FOR RELATIVE Mr. and .Mrs. Carl^Weber- entertain-- v ed a party of relatives Monday eve- , in honor -of thejr aunt, Mrs. Will Mead of Ra\*mondsville. Tex., whg..:? visiting relatives in this vicin- ; .ity• Bridge was played with prizes. awarded to P. H. Weber and Mrs. " Ear! Conway and music and dancing were enjoyed. A chop.- suey supper A JfeLLY PARTY - ing of the plans of the Hallowe'en party which is going to be held at the home of Alta Mae Denman, Nov. 1. after which refreshments were served- First there wiH be a meeting starting at 7 o'clock and then the ! evening will close with a spooky Hallowe'en party. The girls are going are interested iiv the estate. ; At th# close of the next mating ^ ,c#f« ^re5?ed 'P^ and each of the McHenry unit.of the American me™^r- 15 Legion Auxiliary to be held Thursdaj evening, Nov. 15, there will be a puhlie card party to which admission wfil; MARIE VALES, Reporter•,neJ^t SOCIETY PLANS BAZAAR Miss Rena Schaid, Harmah Glosson ca*° spent "Tuesday night, in lieand Mrs. Will . Glosson spent Thursday afternoon with Mre. J*ick Ken- _^^18f Elizabeth Miller is visiting in Kenosha, Wis., this week. and Mrs. Nick B. Freund and . and ^rs- Charles Christensen [ children of Ringwood and Mrs..Nick ; ieagO spent the weekend here. meeting her old friends here'. Mrs. Alma Thomas returned home Tuesday night from a few days' visit in the home of her son, Ray Thomais, at Morton Grove. -: Mis^ Genevieve "Knox spent the nc wnich WEI, „ _ . _ * * * -j ' . . Kennebeck were Elgin shoppers Fri- j be a. .g. lass of jelly. The ladie? of the n^t b* pr now, v ' »G rangern,f fpi-reerscid ent, and ua> aafiiteerrnn0ooonn . | Auxiliary are tr>ing to complete th«ir Tt^LiTf^t^r^tm^of6^Miss Ellen Walsh of South Bend, WIDOW IN FirUT quota of 100 glasses of jelly, which' ^ .;d societv held *t th* Ind- 'P*"1 ^e weekend at her home FIGHT was served. Those present were: Mrs. | they are to raise for charity work. J • i , Aid society held at the Will Mead. Clara Schiessle, Mr. and; Cards and --I unco will be played an> d. . a r?r.n nS f'e« a 0a n* rs> Duker, Thursday Mr. and Mrs. John Kueny of Ken- weekend in Chicago ' "- --•---- j Mr. and Mrs. Carl Weber were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Mc- Mrs. P. H. Weber. Katie Weber. Ger-' prizes awarded and lunch senedl tie Weber. Mr. and Mrs Earl Con- Everyone is welcome. Remember the ommittees were appointed and way and daughter. Carol May, Mr J date. Get tour glass of jelly ready plans dlscu??€d ^ >'ear with ar• aCnodr nMeyr.s . Robert Weber, and .M. A.-1 efnudr.. ,be on hard for -an evening H7- ~ CPOTATOES^ Wisconsin and home grown^potatoes, fine quality, per pecfc^.^^ .- Per 100-lb. sack i ^ CABBAGE. Fine solid heads, per lb. GEAPE FRUIT. Taacy Texas Grape Friiit, per dozen " TOMATOES--Last chance for fall canning, per bushel „ . SWEET POTATOES - 29 c lbs. for 14^ ERICKSON'S Department Store PHONE 154 W. McHENRY, ILL. range men t.« made, also, for the annua] bazaar and chicken dinner to be given December 6. Articles are being completed for the bazaar and '."•fations of material for aprons or :: finished articles will be greatly ap- '.'rciated Each member and friend r>: the society is asked to donate - nething to be sold at the bazaar. here. Mrs. Agnes Shea and sons, Vincent and Robert, and Miss Ethel W"Hi^ of Chicago visited relatives over the weekend in this vicnitv. Mrs. D- I. Granger, daughter, Ethel, and sons. Orval and Donald* with Mr. and Mrs. Peter Justen of Woodstock; attended the fair Saturday. FOR PORTION OF MATE'S MILLIONS Earthy in Chicago: SKIDMORE IMPROVING FARMS W. E. Skidmore has about sixty local men employed in repairs and improvements on his recently purchased farms. Extensive improvements are under way on the Stock farm, where a barn and chicken house are being built, painting, roofing and other repairs also being accomplished".' The entire farm has been fenced and thi Woodland is being cleaned and brush cleared. 4 The golf course, now the property of Mr. Skidmore, is again in shape, with the greens all made over by an expert from the south. It is said that Mr. Skidmore plans to start work on a $20,000 club house this winter. lindealers for sale at Bolger's. "Little Irujt Qneen," Now Pen- •iieas, Seelca Lumbar ' , King'a Wealth. New York.--Penniless now, Betty Miss Kathriire Walsh the Murray, "the" Little Irish Que^" of a * ^end m Chicago. _ _ j decade ago is fightingrr-as a daughter !_ Mrs. Will Mead of Brownsville, of flld Erin knows w wel, how f do ! Te"s' 18 ^tives here , _for her ghaiie Jh the Mtate Qf hpr REV. WILLIAM VOELTZ 1 MJ"' , Mrs" ^^k Kennebeck, dead husband. Leigh Hackley Smith. PREACHES AT MISSION T1P „ ' ^lmer Stelnho\f' | grandson and heir of Charles H. Hack- • ; *^a Bremer of Hollywood, Cal.. were ; ley, Michigan lumber king and multi- Pvev. William Voeltz of Sterliag, fU ay. V~lt0,rs in, Nester ; millionaire founder of Muskegon, Mich, i ; . preached the evening sermon at ?2e VT ^°£st?c 1 . , , Smith died, recently 4a Juneau, Alas •r.t mission held at Zion Evangelical ^n. j P. Justen returned home ka. In a losing battle with the drag hurch, Sunday. ^ ' Thursday evening after spending P*v. Voeltz, .who i, tk. M.W M S" IT WW Iwr »lg«. Mr. V -ltz of this city, n, born ud B'" Chicseo a. habit from which all the wealth at his and command could not save him. His i wife, Betty Murray, a startling success '.venty years ago. sed in McHenry, leaving here about Among those who attended the fun- ; years ago as one of the Belasco girls. -- f1"*! services for Father Dommermuth ; who tried so hard to save him from ; in Chicago were Mr. and Mrs. Joseph the evil influence of narcotics, lives jN. Miller, John SchreineT and Carl here in a cheap hotel, earning the bare Bickler. • necessities of life as a performer In a RN-A HARD TIMES PARTY Fox River Valley Camp will meet xt Tuesday night. After the meet- *r o a,nd v MrS T ^k* .Iiistenand son,. CWA show. z there will be a Hard Times party „ , and Mrs* ? and daughter 4 Seven years ago they were married. ! BmUeHmnbheorrst only. .. ' .Helen, Mr. and Mrs. M. Patsky and Between lies a story--ecstatic, tragic. lion, Mr. and Mrs. William Right and |fon attended the big Hallowe'en party Papers Tell Tale. Betty's. paper*4--on file la Juneau, where Hack, as she called him, drug- Mrs. A. H. Watson was a visitor j v!°lent' 8tarted 8uit < ' : At my new location on Riverside next door to the Postoffice Special Fnces on ci 11 -Merchandise .Ji -.:m- Nobby Style Shop MARGARET FREUND, PropT MID-WEEK CLUB . , J , The Sid-Week club 'met with tin.ltndJ*n£* !ast ^ Riv J. E. Wheeler Wednesday afternoon. CrSI ° *'vern. Four tables of bridge were in play at'Y.""wt i two years ago for divorce--tell the ;-.- l Prizes were won by Mrs. E Ce"tU7 Kor^**- 1 tale, part of, it. Ba^sett. Mrs. Thomas Kane and Mrs. r , 1 er was * Chicago j The rest was disclosed by Attorney 1 R- Smith. passenger Friday. j Jfmeph A O Brl<»n, Betty's lawyer, be- ^ and J?rs F G* Schremer spent #ore be ,eft for Muskegon to look into LADIES' AID SOCIETY * FriJay '"Chicago. The Ladies' Aid society will meet Mrs. Merwm Kent and sons, Tom or. Wednesday afternoon of next <?nd Jo l hn o£ Chicago spent several • tek, Nov. 7, at the home of Mrs „ys thf Past feek with her parents, F. G. Peterson. Members and friends i a ' W" Fxeunda r e i n v i t e d a n d a r e a s k e d t o n o t e ' , I f - a w * r n € r * nd d a u g h t e r s r e change in the day. 1of E1Kln spent the weekend with • ; relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Frank OTlaherty of Elgin were guests of Miss Nancy Frisby Friday and Saturday. --- I Miss Kathleen Givens was in Chl- • I H H I I I! < > » # • » cag0 Friday and Saturday. Births the provisions of the Hackley will, which left one-quarter ot his fortune to each of the Smith children. Hack and his two sisters. Betty and the man who was to be her husband met on a spring evening In California, where she was playing on the stage with Ina Claire. A few days later they were married and went to live with Mrs. Smith, Hack's mother. After a tim£ they moved to Seattle, frhere Mrs. Smith had: another home. SPEflAlS'fRIDAY dfld SATURDAY PORK LOIN ROAST PORK SHOULDER ROAST t ROLLED RIB ROAST _ „ BEEF POT ROAST BOILING BEEP V- / VP OX TANS ^^^^^^ HAMBURGER, ail MEAT* ROUND STEAK SHORT STEAK LARD SUGAR, Pure Cane POTATOES, No. 1 CHEESE, Best American lb. 18<* lb. 15^ Jb* 18* • lb. 13d 2 lbs 25* lb. 20c Jb. 18* 2 «». 25* -10 lbs. 53* pk. 19* jb. 17* Try Our Merchandise and Satisfy Yourself ROYAL BLUE STORE Elsie Ann, a 7% -pound daughter. ! Miss Florence Conway was in Chi-1 One night Hack came in--drunk, Rett.i was bom to Mr. and Mrs. Henry M. jca^° Priday. ^ thought, but later she found he was Smith on Sept. 14. - Mr. Smit^ Is) Clyde Mart^k.j>f Hobson,* Mont , U drag addict. manager of the Pine Tree Dairy farm (Visited in the homes, of his brother*, Then followed months of outdoor acfor W. E. Skidmore. j Vincent and Clarence Martin, and ttvity. Hack was kept busy cfiSpping Mr.' and Mrs. Charles Suter of tother relatives last week. ' wood, hiking and shooting game on an Genoa, 111., are the parents of a son I ®€n Freund spent Sunday ia Clllborn last week. Mrs. Suter was for- ,ca&o. merly Miss Helen Young. . I Granger returned home Moni day night from a fishing trip in Nor- • » » » » » + + t h e m W i s c o n s i n , w h e r e h e w e n t w i t h Among the Sick • »4.»<v,s'tor Sunday. x, tt . 1 Mr. and Mrs. William Ben of Chi- Mrs. Henael, who was badly burned . cago were local callers Sunday. seven weeks ago while canning fruit, Dr. and Mrs. C. W. Klontz and chllremains m a serious condition and.aren were Chicago visitors Sunday, is unable to stand on her feet, being f Miss Clara Stoffel spent the weekconfined to her bed most of the time. | end in the home of her sister, Mrs. Ben Stilling has been quite ill at .Curtis Westfall, in Chicago h,s home- Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Lanne of Chi- RESIDENCE CHANGE The Phil Meyers family have moved iago were Sunday visitors Henry. ht Ifc- William J. Benz of Chicago was a from the George Meyers home on Tuesday visitor here Washington street to the~Math Steffes place in the north end of town. J. J, Doherty and daughters, Lillian and Nellie attended the Fair in Chicago, Sunday. The MrH BUREAU MEETS : Mrs. Mary Grames and daughter, e McHenry unit of the Htfme • Mrs. Margaret Traynor of Owatonna, Ufieav 8t r m* °f Mr8' Bien" i Minn - sP«nt Monday and Tuesday in apfl Friday afternoon. Mrs. Clara j the home of the former's nephew, Cbweeney, Home Advisor, was present 1 J. Reihansperger and family and gave the lesson on "Guest Meals" | Mrs. Ada Smith, Mrs. Day and Mrs and "When the Family Entertains. Handicraft work was started. The next meeting will be with Mrs. C. W. Klontz and will be an all-day session, commencing at 1,0:30, when handicraft will be taken up. Plans were made for the dough demonstration which will be held at the high school next Thursday, Norton of Elgin called on Mrs. Robert Thompson, Friday. ' Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thompson and Miss Maude Granger visitad at Brookfield and LaGrange, Sutkda^t** Miss Ethel Jones, Elsie apd Frances Vycital, Mr. and Mrs. Prank trt»d Mrs: J. E. Wheeler attended the fortieth anniversary celebration of Rich- Nov. 8. This will be a public erait .moad chapter, Q. E. 2L. Timdil* «d everyone U invttod to atUad. j night ^ ^ Island in Puget Sound. He gaine<l In weight v^d appeared to be a new man. They went on a cruise on a ya^ht with Mrs. Smith. Then she returned to Los Angeles and Hack disappeared His brother-in-law found him--and found, toe, that the drug habit had been too strong for htm to resist. Rack went back to his wife and together they rejolnei) Mrs. 8mlth In Itfw Angeles. Takes Drug Cure. - $oon after, Hack went to a sanitarium for a narcotic cure. Betty stayed up nights nursing him, but the strain was too much. She had to have an operation. .Then they went to Seattle--1 with Mater, Hack's brother-in-law. When Hack, according to the affidavit,. flew into a rage and--a second tlme^-struck her. Betty decided to come to New York, to visit her uncle, R£v. Charles MacMUlan. But she had no money and Hack demanded she sign a paper, saying she did not marry him for his money. There was^ another fight?and then she signed the paper. She didn't read It The next day she got a. check for $4,000 signed by Mater and railroad and Pullman tickets to New York. Hack pronilaefl to follow in three months. That was In May, 1928, little more Jthin a year after their marriage. She nevafe saw him again. Betty, "the Little Iriah Queen" of decade ago, learned the paper she •o Innocently signed In Seattle was a property settUtment, rsooundog all •WMFttlir <* BktVm tmAt' Note's the Time To Put On New TIRES Might just as well buy a goocl tire for the s^une price as a cheap one. The following prices will show that Goodyears cost no more aod they are much better. 4.50 x 20 4.50 x 21 4.75 x 19 5.00 x 19 5.00 x 20 ~S4.94-~ 5.13 5.43 5.75 5.95 iSlliet' Sizes in Proportion BE SURE TO READ Alcohol, per gallon 59c 2 gals. Dewaxed Winter Oil - 98* Batteries for Fords and Chevrolets, jfuaranteed one y»r Glycerine and Preitont. $3.75 B*tt«ry Charging, RepairingTire and Tube Vulcanizing PRESfO LITE BATTERIES 8IN0LAIR GASOLINE and OILS FboM 294, West McHenry, Illinois -V

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