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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 1 Nov 1934, p. 3

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a- f; ?•; ,*f ~ ^ ^ y,-t ^ ' ? ^WVoVe^l,^'- '"•-' "'" " •' ' "- " *.V A*, • • < , 7 v.- -a .. • -vw .. • • •: * * ~ l ~ " » " THE MeHSNET PLAINDEALER 1935 LICENSE BLANKS plates for newly acquired 'fears must DISTRIBUTION STARTED furnish evidence of ownership in the " %form of a properly endorsed certifi- Springfield,, Oct. 29--Secretary °f titlev State Edward J; Hughes today start-- Motorists whose cars are now reared distribution of registration forms for 1935 automobile licences in Illinois. istered in Illinois «re not required to make application for a new certificate of title unless ownership of the car ir^ii-at ck;nm„nt. t. »« ,» has been transferred and not record- ^:r„eX ed do** the year. Incidentally since the title law went into effect the first of this yea^,. Secretary Hughes declared that car thefts had been reblanks were made. to' the city and county clerks, police, sheriffs, newspapers and various motor clubs clared car tneIts ^ tThvrro.;„u*gr hout ,„t*hne u sta•t • e , from' wwhniicchn dAu cedA more th*a n 5en0 per cen•t points they will be distributed to car owners. By special arrangement Registration fees for pleasure ears with oil companies, the license forms * Ak' ^V^ing ypon will also be distributed, from thou- th* horsepower of the car. Track fees sands of filling stations/and garages *re, ba9ef on th«.&ro^ weight of vein cities and along the various state h,cle and Tange irom $1° to 1250 for highways. iTbe law requires car owners to dis the full year. 'Car owners can help speed up deplay the 1935 license plates on Jan. livery °.f auto P,ates by eompll- 1, Secretary Hughes stated. will be released through the and plaeed on sale "over the counter" on or about Dec. 6 here in the Capitol building. Heretofore • license Plates ance w'^h all the provisions on the application form," said Secretary Hughes- "They can greatly expedite the work of. this office by enclosing last year's registration card. These plates have not beenissued until after cayds furnish ample proof of owner- Christmas. -ship. In order to expedite early delivery "Ow automobile department has no of license plates, Mr. Hughes urged alternative, where application forms motorists to fill out application forms are incorrectly filled out, but to rejbrnmediately upon receipt, sending*urn them ^or proper execution." them to his office properly notarized, , Machinery for turning out the new dnd accompanied by correct fees «cen?-c Plates, registration cards, and either in the forrn of certified check, certificates of title is ready to do the draft or money order. at *9fc' speed, According to Mr: Posters especially designed by -He pointed out that there the £tat£ automobile departtaent for w®r? many operations involved in re- : the purpose t>f assisting car owners - *aftd checking applications, in correctly filling but application photostats of the registration forms will be' placed on display today °,ard*' and pic,kin? out and addressing throughout the state for public In- !Je licens® Plates. The numerals of spection ' new Plate are navy blue on a bat- Car owners desiring reassignment tleahij> Rrey background. ; • of their 1934 numbers must make re? quest and file their application thirtydays prior to Jan. 1, Secretary Hughes pointed out. Owners re-registerifig the same car must send in their 1934 card along with the application for 1935 plates. Those registering new cars will be. required to furnish the secretary of state's office with a bill of sale for the automobile department's official records. They must also apply for a certificate of title. Hard to Find "A man who speaks only the truth," Bald HI Ho, the sage of Chinatown, "must often be content to remain, silent for a long time until he searches It out." Striking back after Miss Babette Rydin slapped him on an 4'L" platform in New York City cost Fred Khoury, 24, a fine of $25 in magis- Applicants fol trate's court. , Dr. C. Keller OPTOMETRIST Sundays and Mondays at my Summer Home, Riverside' Drive, McHenry, 111. "All Kinds of Repairs, T«l. 211-R CENTRAL FRED J. SMITH, Prop. | ' JOHNSBURG, ILL. Best Equipped Garage in Northern Illinois . • TOWING AND BEPAIKING ' Prepare For Winter--We Carry Alcohol, Prestone, Wiater Oils and Greases Full Line of Parts for Johnson Motors Phones--200-J Night--640-J-2 Intruder Knocked Out for 10 Hours Rochester, Minn. -- When an armed prowler entered her bedroom, Anna Reich, twenty-two-yearold farm girl, swung on him wit!j the butt end of a rifle and knocked unconscious for ten hours. But before she disposed of the intruder she accidentally knocked out her brother, James, sixteen, who was Struggling with the gunman for the latter's revolver. . ACTRESS IN PLANE , FLIGHT FROM LOVER Ingeborg Gr&hn Turns Down Persistent Archduke. Lobdoti.--A slim, golden-haired girl stepped hurrledlyaboard an air' liner at Croydon.- • r •" • A few moments later she was being whirled away for Paris. This lovely passenger, Wbd .had onlj- booked her passage, .at; th« lasi minute, was Ingeborg <irHhn. orie of Europe"# most fani^ns and AdoMwwl comedy stars. -. "- ' - • ; "• And in London a young archduko jiaced Impatient)}" at the ^Midt'zy.>iri! ^h'e liai) pronds»'d to keep vvith liitn Hi is • was the last act -Of a di;am!i which began almost a year ago! 'fhen at the theater, the youiig archduke caught his flrst glimpse of the slim beauty. He arranged a meeting, ami implored the, actress to marry him. Act 2. Is a sadder vein. The*'lovely uctress had, iier career to think of. She tried with all her might .to per suade the young man to give her up. to forget all about her. He only protested his affection the more earnestly. » • Act 3. At last the grand duchess seeing hmv madly in love her son was. decided upon desperate measures tc end his romance.* She approached Traulein Grahn and asked her if she U'oithf- be willing to throw up her work and go abroad. Act 4 opens in Londoft. Fraulein Grahn is staying quietly in the Tuscan hotel. Word Is brought to her which makes her pack hurriedly and - leave for another hotel. Then one night, while she is at dfn ner with friends at a famous restaurant. in walks the archduke. He goes straight up to her table and pleads i'wlth her. Eventually, the Fraulein prAmises t^ meet the young archduke the following morning. Next day he waited in-vain at the rendezvous.--lugehorg-Grahn was on her way to Paris. Her promise to the ypung man's mother remained unhro ken. AN QPJSN LETTER TO | William m. carroll, Attorney PEOPLE OF ILLINOIS i St®te of Illin°is. In the primary election of 1932, the nomination - of Henry Horner was forced upon the Democratic party in_ Illinois^by the Cermak-Kelly-NashN Democratic machine of Chicago. The following November he waS elected governor of Illinois. Immediately following his inauguration Governor Horner, under the direction of the Cermak-Kelly-Nash group, began exercising the appointive right of his executive office for the purpose of setting up a .powerful K 1 ^ T. I Page Thriy WNGWOOD | In • the Circuit Court of McHenry County. * . . Spring Grove State Bank, a wiring corporation, Complainant, " * • • vs. * " John Beierlotzer, et al., Defendants. In Chancery--Gen. No. 24167. Public Notice la hereby given that in pursuance of a decree made and entered in the above entitled cause, by the Circuit Court of McHenry County, Illinois, on. the 9th day of October, A. D. 1934, I, Fred B. Bennett, Mrs. Lester Car'r and Mae Wiedrich entertained the Bunco club and a few friends "at the home of Mrs. Lester Carr, Thursday afternoon. Prizes were awarded to Miss Ethel Wiedrich, Mrs. George Young and Mrs. Nick Freund. CKarles Carr and Nick Young were visitors at Batavia Thursday morning. - Democratic machine in Chicago for court wiU on Saturd the 10th da the domination and control of the po- of November, A. D. 1934, at the hour litical affairs in state government. ;of eleven 0-cl0ck in the forenoon of He appointed, from Chicago, the ^id day> at the East {ront door of the courthouse in the city of Woodstock, McHenry County, Illinois, offer for sale and sell at public vendue RETURNING WITH Pork Loin Roast ;; 17c Pork Butt Roast -tei5( Chuck Pot Roast •» 12( ALL CENTER CIITS. CUT FROM YOUNG TENDER BEEF. | Sirloin Steaks Best Tip»y Juror's Leniency Cost* 10 Days in Jail Chicago.--Twelve good men and true, including John A. Morrison, retired fron^ Criminal court to deliberate on the evidence against James H. McMasters, charged with a $3,000 swindle. The foreman called for a vote. There were nine responses of "guilty" and two for acquittal. "And you, Mr. Morrison?" Inquired the foreman. "Guilty as the devil, but give Mm a break," Morrison answered with a resounding hiccough. For four hours after the others had agreed on a guilty verdict the tipsy Morrison held thi' jury in a deadlock. Cold towels and harsh words were of little avail. The other jurors, weary and desper ate, finally reported to .fudge Cornelius J. Harrington their inability to agiw on a verdict. Morrison leaned heavily on two. of his mates and blinked at the bench. "Give the guy a break," Jie muttered Then lie hiccoughed. ; Under questioning, eleven jurors told 'the court'why they hadn't been able to reach a verdict. "That's- contempt of court," said Judge Harrington sternly. "Guilty as the devil," responded Morrison. * "Ten days in jail," -directed the judge, "and thank yon", gentlemen." Wandering Boy Is Home to Stay After 27 Years Sojabury, pa--Mrs. Mary Carter'.** wandering boy has come home. Hack in 1007, Earl Dell Carter ,left the family hearth in Ha'rrishurg and shipped as a cabin bov to seek, his for tune. Voyages oil the high seas car rled him to all parts of the clvillwd world. * Recently, Carter and his mother were reunited for the first time ln;27 years when" be came home to stay "for gOOd." LEAN and TENDER Lean tod ; Bkrler Thwru Actin j^aaltowoc, Wis.--Barley thieve* gfe. now the dream of farmers. The hitrh r>rice of the grain, Its demand at th< nanv Wisoo'nsln breweries and/the la« k of adequate pnfcection In most farm barns, are contributing factors In many robberies. lice for Baking lb. ROUND WHEN1 :25( YOU ORDER Whole or Half Slab lb. W*t MtHenrjr, UL Drills Hoi* HvBUfb Pin Toronto.--After two years of patient effort, Henry Huss, Meafdrd (Ont.) Watchmaker, lias succeeded In drilling a hole through A common pin from end > end without damaging it. The hole is just large enough for a hair" from a mail's head to pass through. Gal* Undresses H*as Sylvan Lake. A!t».--A "twister" cyclone turned a chicken yard here into a "nudist colony." The "twister" plucked the feathers off 45 chickens, leaving them totally bare. six directors of the state administrative code departments of finance, of public works and buildings, of insurance, of conservation, of public health and of labor. To other Chicagoans he gave the chairmanship of the state commerce commission, regulating the public utility rates in Illinois; the superintendencies of state printing, of the state budjget, of fOods and dairies, of state highways and chief high-' way engineer, the offices of state architect, of administrative auditor, of secretary to the governor, two of the three menibers of the state tax commission, two of the three members of the state industrial commission-, and: the controlling memberships of the Illinois emergency relief commission, of . the liquor control commission, of the state athletic commission, of the state housing commission, of the uniform laws commission, of the legislative reference bureau, and various and sundry other ?tate boards and commissions, which direct the administration of the public affairs in 1111- •nos. Following the tragic death of Mayor Cermak. Edward Ke-Uy, chief engineer of the Chicago Sanitary District, was selected mayor by a majority of the fifty aldermen of Chicago. Kelly has never been elected ptr%ny public office by the people--either in Chicago or in Illinois. The third member of this now Ak 'moUs political trio is Patrick Nash, selected National Committeeman froni Illinois by a majority of the state delegates to the Democratic national convention. " . , For the past twenty-two months, this Kelly-Nash-Horner triumvirate of the city of Chicago, has continued to exercise the powerful and concerted influence of their public offices *for the control of the Democratic majorities in both houses of the Illinots General Assembly. As a result of its ruthless and shameful political domination, the entire people 6f this state have been subjected to a vicious program of legislation--depriving our citizens of certain of their individual j rights--denjfing them a fair representation in the administration of ptlb> lie affairs--and subjecting them to the so-called Occupational Sales Tax, the diversion of taxes, and to the State NRA Act. It is an administration of Chicagominded Democrats--controlled by this Kelly-Nash-Horner Tammany trio, who are now again demanding that the voters of Illinois return another Democratic' legislature to carry on their combined program for future legislation. They are also demanding the election of Mi'chael L. Igoe--another organization Democrat „from Chicago, who, together with Martin j Brennan, were the 1934 primary choice of this Tammany trio for Congressmen- at-l&rge---and for both of whom their united support was, and is now being given. Only through the- election of- six additional Republican members in the lower house of the General Assembly this yeai;-^assuring a Republican majority-- can this political control over legislation be wrested from this Kelly- Nash-Horner regime before 1936. All fair-minded citizens of Illinois should have these facts before them on election day and--regardless of their political party affiliation--vote for all Republican candidates fpr the General-Assembly, both senators and representatives, and for such candidates for congress and for state oflftes as will refuse to do the bidding of this Democratic Tammany group of Chicago. A Republican majority in the lower house of the General Assembly--with its" resultant election of the speaker --will stop the extravagant expenditures of Illinois taxpayers' money ariJ the waste of state funds by these Democratic bosses in Chicago. These facts are set forth in the Interest of good government, and in behalf of th^. public welfare of the people of Hlinois. • * ^Illinois Republican State Central Committee. By Justus L- Johnson, Chairman. M . . -1 Mc..and Mrs. Joseph Schaefer and Special Master in Chancery of said daughter, Shirlev, spent Thursday Pnnrr uri11 An QolnwHn«r 1 fUL i , , r and Friday in Chicago and'visited A Century of Progress. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Young were to the highest and best bidder the following described real estate, or so much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy said decree in full, to-wit; k Part of the south half (^) of fractional Section Three (8) in Township Forty-six (46) North, of " Range Eight (8), East of the Third I 3 Sunday in the Fred Wiedrich home* Mrs. Lester Carr and Mae Wied-' rich were visitors at Richmond Thursday morning. Mr. and Mrs..Joe Coated of Greenwood spent Sunday in the Joe McCannori home. MfK Frankie Stephenson, Ml*. Rilla Foss and Mrs. Viola Low speifit Friday with friends at Elgin. Zred Wiedrich and son, Roy, and* ghter, MaeT^ipent Saturday evening at McHenry. « Eva and Antone Williams attended; the play at McHenry Thursday even--- ing. Mr. and Mrs. Joe McCannoii and Mr. and M!rs. Charles Peet attended party in the Joe Coates home it M callers in the Walter Huff home near Richmond Wednesday afternoon- Greenwood Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Delmar Shook Mrs. Louis Hall and daughter have »f Woodstock spent Saturday moved into the Mrs. Flanders rooms.'"'"' Su*d,S' ln th« Clayton Bruce Rosemary and Shirley Butler of El gm spent the weekend here with relatives. * ' Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Shepard and family spent* the weekend with relatives in Chicago. • / u- Miss Alice Peet" of 'Crystal Lake homer Mr. and Mx9- J. C. Pearson enter- v tained the ,Fi^e Hundred club at their .--I:' home Saturdbiy evening. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. F. A. Kitchens and George Young and Mrs. George Young and F. A. Kitchens. v ; V Mr. arid Mrs. Clayton Bruce ^3 V daughter, Phyllis, spent Sunday eve»-r ing, at. Woodstock..; t •\iifcs. 'Agnes . Jehcks:.,and -Mis."' r.-Bra-gg 'of Chicago-and.:2VfrJaiid""Mi*^ j T a y l o r o f E l g i n s p e n t t ^ 4 W e e k e r i d , . the, Stevens home/ " • ; Principal Meridian, bounded and sP«nt Sunday with her . parents, Mr. - described as follows, to-wit: Rt. j ®"d Mrs- Charles Peet. ginning at a point Five and Fifteen j I1-Ving: Smith, Nick Hundredths (5 15) chains North of j and son, Ed^'in, weie vis^ the South Quarter corner of the i ^ors at» Hampshire Tliur^ay ^tertfforesaid fractional section; thence|noon- ; v , \ r. ; North Fourteen anidt Eighty-five j Mrs. Charles Peet and^^daughter, | Mildred Jepsoti of> Evanston sp^, ::I hundredths (14.85) chains to the | Marion, spent 9ati»rday aMrnoon at Wednesday with' 'Iier, pa'i-eritf;'"Mr": • 4 . ™ - * a . 1 . - v ' W o o d s t o c k . . " ; M r s ; C . J . J e p s o n - , , ; ? Mr. and Mrs. Roland MjcCatmdn- -. Mrs. S. W. Smith spent Fridayand family were visitors at Wood- with Mrs, Nellie Dodge. stock Saturday afternoon. The pupils* in the primary room that have been neither absent nor tardy for two Aionths are: Barbara Laurence, Inez Carlson, Howard B Harrison, Robert Anderson, Grace center of the South Half (H) of Section Three (3); thence North ' Eighty-nine (89) degrees East along the Quarter Quarter line Nineteen and Ninety Hundredths (19.90) chains to the Quarter Quarter corner; thence North along the" Quarter Quarter line Nine and Twenty Hundredths (9.20) chains; thence South Eighty-nine (89) degrees thirty-two (32) minutes West,. Nineteen and Ninety Hundredths (19.9Q) chains to a point, nine and thirty-seven hundredths ! (9(37) chains North of the center , line of the South half'(%) of said Section Three (3); thence South Eighty-nine (89) degrees and thir-; two (32) minutes West nineteen ; and ninety hundredths (19.90) chains to the Quarter Quarter line; ' thence South nine and Five Huri Reuben Powers of Ofcen, Wis., was a dinner guest in the' C/ J. JepsQft' home Friday. . * 1 .The Cemetery Aid society met at , the home of Mr. and Mrs; H; M. Ste*- - phenson Tuesday evening. The ?ame Mary Thompson, Doris Laurence, Mil- 1 officers were elected and Mrs. Ladd [ ton Laurence, Betty Thompson, Ar- ! thur Carlson, Audrey Merchant, Victor Hunt and Helen Ruth Butler. Mr. and Mrs. William McCannon and Mrs. Merritt Cruickshank. were visitors at Woodstock Saturday afternoon. .. Mrs. Joseph McCannon and son, Loren, were Woodstock visitors Monday. „ Frank Wiedrich and? daughters, Ethel and Marior^ .were visitors at dred and fifty-five thousandths McHenry Monday morning. *. (9.555) chains on the Quarter j. Miss Eva William's spent Friday Quarter line to the Quarter Quar • j in the Ben Tonyan home, ter corner; thence South Fourteen' The Honie Bureau held a card and Ninety-two Hundredths (14.92) »nd bunco party at the M. ,tV. A. chains on the Quarter Quarter line , ball Friday evening. > , ; to a point Five and Eight tenths Mr. and Mrs. George Intme and (5.8) chains North of the South line Mr. and Mrs. William Boyd and of said Section Three (3); thence daughter, Alice Luella, bf Chicago North Eighty-nine (89) degrees and spent Sunday in the S. H. Beatty T e n ( 1 0 ) m i n u t e s E a s t N i n e t e e n h o m e , - : . . v . / - l and Ninety-foUT hundredths (19.94) chains to the place of beginning, . containing Sixty-seven and Fourteen hundredths (67.14) acres, more or lesfc, situated in the Township of i Richmond, in McHenry County, II-1 linois. TERMS OF SALE Cash in hand on day of sale, at' which time a Master's certificate of sale will be issued to the purchaser in accordance with said decree, and the Statute. C Dated this 18th day of October, A. D. 1934. FRED B. BENNETT, | Special Master in Chancery of the Circuit Court of McHenry County, Illinois. 21-3 j Charles Coates of Genoa City spent was put in for trustee in Mr. Ladcfti. place.' - Mrs*. Charles Anderson of Anfioch ?pent Friday in the S; We Sfnitt ^ i home.' •' '• - - •••' ' " Mrs. Nellie Dodge spent the week-v end with her daughter at Antiocn. Mrs. S.-'W. .Smith * spent Tuesdi^f :> ' with Miss Flora Tavlor. „ Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Stephenson it? tended a rural letter carriers' banquet V " at DeKalb Saturday evening." Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Riggins of Havana. 111., Elmer Butler of Bath. Mtj and Mrs. J. N. Butler and daugMerJ' Rosemary, and Shirley and Kathleen Butler of Elgin arid Mr. and Mrs, ft. T. Butler and family were Sunday dinner guests in the F. A. Hitcheiis home. Mrs. Harry Anderson and baby Richmond and John Wolfe and dangliter, Jean, t.of Woodstock, spent Sunday with Mrs. Jennie Bacon. Intoxicated by moonshine Whisky, Herman^plopon of Mattoon, 111., called on a girl and butted his head through j a door panel when she refused to let; him enter the house. ' AMBITIOUS MAN now empoyed, to start immediate training to service, repair and install all makes of electric refrigerators and air conditioning units. No experience necessary but chosen applicant must be mechanically inclined .arid willing to devote some spare time in training- Write, giving age, present employment and phone number. REFRIGERATION INST. Warner Theatre Bldg., • Youngstown. Ohio Red, White and Blue CARNIVAL! DANCE SponsdrM by MtHenry Pi)st - No.'491 of American Legion BRIDGE BALL • McHenry, Illinois Everybody Invited T m IXK>AL TEAHCERS ATTEND Teachers of the McHenry grade and high school, with Supt. C. H. Duker. attended a meeting of the Illinois State Teachers Association held at the Evanston Township high school, Monday. About 3500 teachers were present, including m'any from Cook and Lake counties. An interesting program included talks on "Fundamentals of Education" and "Education Looking East" by Guy Fowlks, professor of *he education department of the University of Wisconsin and William M. Lewis, president of Lafayette college in Pennsylvania. Stephen Peacock, a writer of short stories and essays and professor of English at McGill University, Toronto, Can., spoke on "Education and Democracy." While the teachers attended the meeting the students enjoyed a day fif vacation. Find Lims Older Thais Cant* Lima Is older than Curzo, according to recent discoveries. Ruins undoubtedly pre-Ino. , tell of a civilization 300 years older, equal to that whtdl"tfee Spaniards found In 1534. ; , Joseph McDonough confessed robbing * store in Boston when police found1 him wearing 31 pairs of women's stockings after lie was arrested for vagrancy. McHENRY

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