J. > V -r- w kr {7a& * ^ tfs t Pag* Eight >•-. J;.JKV K f* *' TOE McHENRY ,. 3srr' SSf^S M(>fHERS' CLUB " r "The Mothers Club will meet Friday, afternoon lit the home of, Mrs. R. M. Clemming, Riverside Drive; Mrs. Thomas Phalin will be assistant hosf^ sp and Mrs. Agnejv. Schae^ef will be in charge of the program. r- • ••"•; . . <8>--. C. D. OF A. TO MEET h "liie'Catholic Daughters of America will hold their regular business meeting on Monday evening. Nov. 12. At thifc meeting the newly elected office for'the year will assume office fot the first tiipe, It is hoped there will be a good attendance of members to,start the year off right and to welcome the new officers, '>s ; FOR MRS. POWERS Mii?. ' G^oi ge Schreim r, etftertaliiM : a -party of fWerfd?: "Thursday^evening; •hfln&ring Mrsf Mary . 'P'ftwc^yf :'w%q; \vith Tier teiv- Je&ri,::left, Friday : tfo mate her- home - with her mother, •"Mrs.." ;Neflie':;.Stantoh-; i,«t Long Lake. *'^ftrds ^ furmsWed erifevfiunment; with; prizes merited by -Mi's. May Powers'. ' Mr?. ^Scjiiviner*' ,Mfs.'. Robert Frisby and Miss "Anna Frisbjf.' Lunch was served al the close of the Evening and ?the honored guest was presented with . RIYERVIEW CAMP TO MEET The .next meeting of Riverview Camp R. N. A., will he held Tuesday evening, Nov. 13. A pqt-luck lunch will be served- and each member is to bring their own sandwiches and •' dish to pa&s. CHICKEN DINNER. DEC. 6 HALLOWE'EN PARTY "A. vacant house is an ideal setting for a Hallowe'en party and it was Id just such a place that Ahgelo Unti entertained a group of boys and girls on Hallowe'en night. The vacant house across from the Rainbow Sweet shop furnished plenty of l'oom for the party and numerbus thrills as dark corners provided Ihiding places for "spooky" noisest The house was decorated for the occasion in Hallowe'en colors, pump- 133 CONFIRMED BY BISHOP HOBAN IMPRESSIVE CEREMONIES HELD THURSDAY St. Mary's church, McHenry, and St. John's church at Johnsburg were VII VVIvlO) ' l/Ullt<W I , I « i . kins and" cornstalks, while the weird !fh« s""e\° imP**Mve ceremon.es light of jack-o-lanterns furnished the jlast Thursday when large crowds of only illumination for the place. Miss I^.shoners gathered to welcome the Booth, a grade school teacher, acted Reverend Edward F. Hoban ' bishop of the Rockford diocese, and to be present at the confirmation of , as chaperon for the party and also The members and friends of the told fortunes during the evening. 1 Ladies' Aid society met Wednesday afternoon ait, the home of Mrs. E. G. Peterson. Those present were busy on aprons and other work for .the annual .. bazaar, aud chicken- dinner to be held Dec. 6. Donations for ,tjhe bazaar are being received.- Games weite plnyfed, including a peanut carrying contest, "On the Way to Jerusalem," and "I Pack My Trunk to Go to Pennsylvania." Plenty of Hallowe'en thrills Were provided in the trip to the house of horrors, which was made amid excited screams as two large classe^of children and a few adults; The ceremonies commenced at 10:30 Thursday morning When a s61emn high mass took place at St. John's church, Johnsburg, with Bishop Ho- Miss Anna Frfeby Williams Bay visitor Wednesday. -- Misses Leone and Evelyn Freund of St. Theresa's hospital, Wnukegan, visited in the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Anton P. Freund, recently. • William.J. Welch 'of Woodstock visited his daughters here Monday. Supt. C. H. Duker attended the teachers' meeting at Joliet, Friday. Mrs. C, W. Goodell was a Chicago visitor Wednesday. Miss Arleen Warner of Elgin spent the weekend with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Winkellnan of Melrose Park spent Sunday here. ban present. Father Vollnian, pas Mr. and Mrs. Edward O'Callahan the guests were led up slippery 'stairs ^ 'John\ church, was - cele- j of Chitago wer? weekend guests of .ENTERTAIN. FRIEtfDST i brant of the mass, Rev. John Daleiden ' M,iss Etta Powers. •Mrs. Leo Conway entertained ««:. _ . .... , , _. , ^ , .. • and,-through;.darkened rooms, freshments were servr ed at the dose]"f;SP^-Grri.^s dffon': Re^ were: 'Marv Jane Laures,. Norma ,, , O„ effliflg. - AAdja Se'o mme.rs,i -A* lwta« • . ,•M**.a»y«, -Sonron was- master of ceremdnies. m^vieve Kno^,-; Mrs- Denman - Verlaing Oeffliiiigv lielen.Kil-;The • deacons ,of honor to the • bishop - home Monday nigVrt-from a few days ide*'ihd$frs. -wnfouto.-B*u^:kfonC£ ymt at Wft.Hkeganf/ - . ' • - - ' - ; .setfed. |f Axmin,. Reihan^ei^r ar?d alSh 'WW ^ Elgin ^ler " Urti ana M,5S B0,h- • 1 Sne" pre,c„t "the M„c',Mry ! Mr^'nd Mr, Win,, r„r„ey ,e« [^her E. Mc^orrtiick of Crystal Lake- Burlington^ Wis:.,, callers ISundaV, AHT. Mj. Laur,. K^»d. »£., ^y»T ' .1 1 . 1 .. . 1 1. 1. ^ MAVMkl M A ^ A 1 M 4 rt lfV\^ A fl ^ #1^ A 9 Ladies' Plain Coats and Dresses CI'^fED . . . PRESSED • Cash and Carry Suits and Top Coats. day afternodni Two tables of five hundred wejee in play ahd prizes were awarded,., *ti>; Catherine Schneider Tonyan. ^^Refreshrrsents were at the end pf the ganites.. Those P^s.-.f.-Angielo etit • were:• ,(?atherinie Schneidei ' • and daWhf^r; Helen. MiV'Roy.. Kent ;,TjR|PLiE-F CLASS .ENTfiftTAi^S;. i w-,v \ n'x> • i ^ Mr*. <V'a Knox, /tenevieve :.Kwx, ,i,P Tr:p!p-F elf MrS. William Tonvan, Mrs. G,^ Sunday with . . .1 , ... „.i'ich Bishop Hoban assisted, he gave tained the girls of-the intermediate ^ jong ancj instructive address to class and their teacher, Mrs. C. H. tbose ab6ut t*o be confiymed. .After Duker, at a Hallowe en party .the confirmation was aclminihome of Miriam Savler, Friday^^ eve- j^erecj ninety-seven children and ining. The girls came masked and in ;tj,refe adults-, the'girJs aH m White and I cost ume and were greeted at the door ;Wparinp: wreaths' and-1 veils and the by a|.ghost in true Hallowe'en ^tyle. J boVs attired' iri T>laCk coats and white , HalloweVn decorations anH jack-o- troQserSi • . „ :lanterns were in evidence.., | Confirmation was closed w i t h ! played and Prizes were Soiemn Benediction by tfie Bishop and awarded to winners in the varIOUS singing of the Te l)eum by the parish, i J contests. Popcorn balls and apples £^er wbich a prod^ssion of the cpn- ' J were served after a,few hours of fun.: ; firnied escorted by the bishopi "anH "^ .--i.-. members of the clergy to the rectory "« CELEBRATE GOLDEN WEDDING ia (|inner was served to the ^1 Mr. and Mrs. CharK s Buerger of ..bishop and clergy. ' ' " ' " • : \ Fox Lake celebrated their golden j - The music for the occasion, includ- j wedding anniversary Sunda^at • th6 ing the singing"by the choir and the j home of their son, William Buerger, pipe oi-gan accompaniment by 'the IV 3242 Montrose Avenue, Chicago, church organist, Was most beatattfu! \ J . Mrs. May Powers, son James and daughter, Marie, visited at Sycamore Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. ML J. Walsh returned V «o..,. ,V€»J.V10 UUMUHJ, Mr, and Mr?. Cftrl Webei*,' Genevieve Knox arid John Sutton were Libertyville visitors Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Willis Corney moved Tuesday from the Asmalsky house to Lake Geneva where he has been transferred. Mr. and Mhrs. Walter Walsh, Mr. and Mrs. C- W. Gibbs, Genevieve Knox and Miss Mary Booth, attended the church dinner at. Huntley Sunday. Mr. and M)fs. Carl WeS«|f w,S*rere Woodstock visitors Monday; John Sutton of Elgin was a lbcal visitor Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Kirk lifcye closed, Jheir cottage at Emerald Park and gone to Chicago for the winter. Irene Conway of Elgin spent Sunday at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Phalin, Marjory Phalin, Ruth Phalin and James Mahoney of Chicago and Howard Phalin of Evanston were' weekend visitors in the John M. Phalin home. Mrs. Al Jurgens of Sioux City, la., is visiting in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Stilling, where she was called by the illness of her father. Mrs. Mary Stangarone and family of Chicago spent the weekend at her cottage at Emerald Park. v Miss- Lucy Mk:Cabe has gone fco Chicago vvhere she is employed.' • : Mr. and Mrs. James Stack pf Chi-- cakgo spent Sunday in the home of Mr mother. Mrs. -McCabe. Their little son, James, returned with thfem after spending the summer here- ; Mir. and Mrs. Charles Foster iand soft, Edward, of Chicago, were call- ^ ers in the M. A. Sutton horae Satur^-, ; day evening. Mjss Mary Sutton ref?%. turned home With them a f t e r a weeil; in Chicago.- Mrs. Joe BrefeM i*! ttBtployed the A. & P. store..;' •• Mrs. Mary PoWet-s and daughter|f Jean, have gone to Long Lake to as*.* %" sist in the care of the former's mothisV ' Mis fierxrge Johnson , and son wer«;> '-, Elgin visitors Saturday. , ' : J. B. Kelter was a Chicago visitor Tuesday." •v' ' Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ulrich of St, Charles visited her mdther, Mrs.-#' Nfellie Bacon, Monday. ?A. E. Nye and daughter, Ruth, witij "" Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hitzeman of Chi^"., cago, saw the Illinois-Aiany football).,. game at Champaign Saturday. Mr. end Mrs. Robert Wener also visite^ \ friends at Champaign and saw th#?-,'. football game Saturday. p'i;; Mrs. P. M. Justen was in ChieagOh Tuesday. Miss Bertilla Freund is spending " few'weeks,'in Chicagp. " Miss MildreJ'O * Weber of Johnsburg is taking he#/ place in the Herbert Freund home. t . Pearl Newman andt Ray Kenney Chicago visited Mr. 6nd Mire. Li ;Newman Sunday./} 'f • Mrs. C[. Sandberg and . son. Bert'-..;'. > Stebbins, of Rockford called oii • friehds. - here Tuesday. Mrs. Sandfv ;i berg, who is 85 years old, is in per*- 11 >;u' .V -.y^A You will be pleasingly surprised how fine that old suit or dress will appear when cleaned and pressed by our modem and sanitary process; Hugs,-Hats and Drapes Cleaned at Moderate Prices. " Suits Tailored to Order. McHENRY CLEANERS Lodtz & Lodtz feet health. CM WilMour Child Grow FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, NOV. 9-10 SODA CRACKERS-- . 2 lb. pkg, \ Jc Choice Loose Wiles or Nattonal Biseuit Co. brands SHREDDED WHEAT BISCUITS^., .per pkg. \\C CORN FLAKES--Kellogg's ..large pkg. BRAN--Pillsbury's Wheat Bhai ^ ,large pkg. 15 J GRAPE NUTS-- pkg. \QC SALMON--8 oz. cans Raceland SaMon 9^ SPAGHETTI and MACARONI--1 lb. pkgs. 3 25c SOAP FLAKES--"Fancy Dress" Soap Flakes pk«- 110 ,,y1tfeii'^Tieayy winter socks and cotton gloves--a'complete assortment for every requirements ERICKSON'S Department Store PHONE 154 W. McHENRY, ILL. Theirtjvo other sons, Charles of Fox fln<f inspiring. Lake, and Henry of 5349 Nor.th Len- ( At 3 o'clock Thursday afternoon. der avenue, Chicago, With their re- St. Mary's church became the scene 14^ spective families, a^so assisted in ob- |of the impressive confirmation cere- I X. serving the-, anniversary. I monies when Bishop Hoban and mem- . j Mr. and Mrs. Buerger came to this bers of the clergy gathered to confirm country from Germany. 70 years ago. a class of 133 children. Mr. Buerger, who is 76 years old, re-| All of the confirmants -met the ^ tired from" business several years Most Rev. E. F. Hoban, bishop of the | £ ago- Mrs. Buerger is 77 years old. Rockford diocese, at the parish rec- j They make their home at Fox Lake tory and proceeded to the church. Bisin the^summer, but spend the winters hop Hoban gave, a very fitting serin Chicago. | tnon, explaining the great graces j 1 -- j which the children were about to re-1 j F'HILATHEAS MEET N ceive in the sacrament of Confirma- j The Philathea Club met" Thursday tion. Then His Excellency confirmed afternoon with Mrs. Mauririe Hunter, the class. j Several articles were finished in pre- 1 The following priests were present paration for the coming bazaar j£iven for the ceremony: Rt. Rev. Msgr. by the Ladies' Aid society on Dec. 6, Conron, Rt. Rev. Msgr. Schmitt, Rev. Plans were discussed for the month C- S. Nix, Rev. Cunningham, Rev. of November. jCRourke, Rev. Vollman, Rev. Dalie- Following the business meeting a den, Rev. Neidert, Rgv. Henkel, Rev. humorous reading was given by Mr». Weidner, Rev. McCormick, Rev. JBlake and Rev. Schark. Large Class The following children were con- A. W. Swift. The next meeting will be" held at the home of Mrs. Clarence Douglas. A bakery sale will be held in connection finned: with the regular meeting and every I Albert AdamSj Charles Adams, member is urged to attend and bring Clarence Adams, Edward Adams. Ana friend if possible. . I ita Althoff, Elizabeth Althoff, Esther j Althoff, Ethel Althoff, Bernice Blake, ROSES THAT BLOOM i Charles Blake, Edward Blake, Eliza- •IN THE "FALL" ">et^ Blake, Harold Blake, Leonard ______ ; Blake, Robert Blake, Helen Buch, A beautiful spray of Los Angeles Jergnje^Buch, Beatrice Buss, Edward roses is being enjoyed at the Plain- Carp, Winifred Carp, Mary Ann Dieddealer office, brought in by John rich, Mary Durland, Jane Durland, Phalin, and picked from a bush in his Bertha Freund, Angela Freund, Haryard. The deep pink roses are as old Freund, Clare Freund, Clarence b e a u t i f u l a n d d e l i c a t e a s a , h o t h o u s e F r e u n d , G e o r g e F r e u n d , J a m e s flower and have done well to survive Freund, Lawrence Freund, Madeline the heavy frosts of the past week. Freund, Mlarguerite Freund, Norman I The bush is now filled with the lovely Freund, Ralph Freund, Richard I blossoms which were delayed because Freynd, Sylvia Freund, Joseph Gausj of the drouth and started to bloom d®n- EJmer Glosson, Frances Glosson, I after the fall rains came. It must, Virginia May Grose, Doris Hamil, (indeed, bt a pleasure to cultivate and William Hamil, Elaine Heimer, Hilda i raise such beautiful blossoms even Herd rich, Stephen Huska, Bernice as it is a great pleasure to enjoy ^usten> Eugene Justen, Gerald Jusnowledge of these welfare of the child Why is it that winter is a time of special danger for little children? Why do colds and other ailmeiits multiply?1 Whj;- do gro^mg bones' become weakened and malformed--develop rickets! . , _ - EVERY MOTHER SHOULD KNOW THE ANSWER TO THESE QUESTIONS IF SHI IS TO PROTECT HER LITTLE ONES. ^ at Nobby Style Shop them as a gift. ten, Richard Justen, Robert Justen, Rollin Justen, Doris Kennebeck, Geraldine Kennebeck, Vernon Kennebeck, Ann M&rie Klapperick Alexander Kloeckner, Ardella Kloeckner, Ernest ; - 4-H CLUB PARTY More than twenty members of the 4-H club and their guests enjoyed a v, , „ . . Hallowe'en party at the E. E. Denman kloeckner, Marione Kloeckner, Grace home Thursday evening. Each girl ^unz' Sol!ei1 Kunz' £°te Kunz, came masked and in costume in true ®ne. ,5^n u.ew^ Meyers, Hallowe'en style and appropriate Michds, ^Gerald Miller, Violet Barnes were played. The home was ^ller- a."e ^.haTlo"e Nlx> R«bert decorated in Hallowg'en effect with Elizabeth Regner, James pumpkins" and corn stalks. Refresh- 1 «e&ne£ Dolores R^smg, Rlchard Rosments were served at small tables at ing, Catherine Rothermel, Robert the close of the evening's fun. ; Sales, Donald Schaefer, Eleanors j Schaefer, James Schaefer, Lorraine I Schaefer, Marilyn Schaefer, Wilbert Schaefer, Loren Schaid, Norman Gordon Schmitt, , Lorraine Riverside Drive Mrs, Margaret M. Freund LADIES' FOOTBALL SETS .25" Ladies' Metallic Hats in plain and velvet dbmbinations* the newest shades--sizes 22 to 23--Moderately priced $1.26 Children's PLAID HAT and SCARF SETS and BERET and SCARF SETS at per set _ . _ Saturday Special Ladies' Full Fashioned Service and Chiffon Hose All sizes, SVi to lO Vi--Regular 69 and 79c values 59^ Iimrt two to a Customer ^ " HARD TIMES PARTY Bfembers of Fox River Valley-g^^ Camp R N. A., enjoyed a hard times Schmitt, ShTrley ScrmittEmirsYmon, party following the meeting Tuesday ) Isahelle Simon^ Lucille Sim0Tlf M night. Cards were played and dough- ] Simon Ear, £mith Elmej. gmith E * nuts and coffee served. Plans were ther gmith ^ter Smith, Luella JTm® r?V ^uP II CarU. Party S? ^ , Smith, Rirfph Smith, Ray Smith, Roheld after the nextmeetm* onTiies- j Smith> ^ s HaroW day night, Nov 20. There will be StillinKi LaWrence stilling, Isabelle pnzes and lunch- Stoffel, Mary Lou Stoffel, Robert HHOONNAORRTEnD OniNM AANMNMIVVPEBRdSAABRVY |Lyo°Kt' Roslyn Ruth V°gt, Betty U Weber, Lucille Weber, Richard Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Walsh ,Mr. and ( Weber, Charles Weingart, Donald Mrs. Louis Young and daughter, | Weingart, Lucille Weingart, Rita Joan, Miss . Ellen Doherty, Dorothy, , Weingart, Elizabeth Weitl, Harold James and Quentin Walsh and Mr. Weitl, Beatrice Williams, Richard and Mrs. W. F. Burke werl Sunday , Williams, Virginia Williams, Edmund guests at a turkey dinner given by iWirfs, Eleanor Young, Donald Ton- Mr. arid Mrs. Jay Burke of Chicago yan, Donald Steindoerfer, Elmer in honor of their ninth wedding anni- Steindoerfer, Estella Miller, Frances Hughes, Mrs. Lillian Brefeld, Mrs. Virginia Blake, Mjrs. Sybl freund, Mrs. Alida Wirtz. i> v - T w o m i n e r a l e l e m e n t s a r e r e q u i r e d f o r t h e f o r m a t i o n o f g o o d bones and sound, well-placed teeth. They are calcium and phosphorus. Bdth are present in the milk and other foods that form the child's diet. But in order that these elements may be. absorbed by the b$dy and built info a strong, shapely bone-structure, there must also be present aQjibundance of vitamin D. The commonest source of vitamin B is sunshine. In summer most ' "children enjoy enough sun, in direct contact wth the skin, to keep thetti growing sturdily. But in winter, children--and grownups too-- get less sunghine than'they need. Living indoors, or going^out bundled up against the cold, the body has no cliance to absorb the healih-giving1 p^:s of the sun. ^ That is why the danger of rickets and soft bonesis so much greater in the months from October to April. And that is why physicians al- ; most without exception recommend the use of an added source of vita-' ^ m i n D f o r y o u n g c h i l d r e n d u r i n g t h e w i n t e r s e a s o n . f - -- -- - NATURE'S OWN SUBSTITUTE FOR SUMHlkiE' ,v/4 "F\)tt unatel y. Nature has j)rovided a second great reservoir-of/the; "sunshine vitamin" D. It is the pure oil extracted from the livers of codfish, swimming the cold northern seas. • And McKESSON'S COD LIVEIR OIL, with its ample supply of vitamins, is n#w ftvi^l|ible to every mother who wants her children to/ be healthy. ' Cod Liver Oil contains a double safeguard, for in addition .to the sunshine vitamin X>, it supplies larger quantities of vitamin A--the vitamin which builds resistance to colds and infections -- increases vitality, prevents loss of weight and promotes growth. That is why --GOD LIVER OIL is so often recommended for adults who ai*© underweight, run down, or lacking in resistance. McKESSON'S COD LIVER OIL PRODUCTS are all tested biologically in the McKesson Laboratories for their vitamin A and D content. In addition, all products are checked chemically!/ and physically according to the U.S.P, tests and no product is released to the customer unless it meets the standards set forth on the McKessoi^abel. versa ry. FAMILY GATHERING Mr. and Mrs. J.' F. Claxton, son,- SPECIAL-- pt. 59C Will, Mr. and Mrs. John Dreymiller, B. & P^,WOMEN'S CLUB MEETING Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard and | Mrs. C. W. Goodell will preside at children pf Ringwood and Mr. and (the afternoon session of a meeting of Mrs. Will Hierte and son of Chicago, club districts 1, 10 and 11 at Hotel j were guests of Mrs. Claxton's niece, Nelson, Rockford, Sunday. Mrs. E. 'Mrs. Earl Colby, at Crystal Lake, C. Coe will represent the McHenry | Sunday. The occasion was the birth- County Business and Professional jday anniversary of Mrs. Colby. Women's club. Mrs. Goodell also conducted the CARD OF THANKS meeting of the county club at Wood- I desire to express my thankjr and stock Monday evening. appreciation to the voters who ex tended me their loyal support at the election held on Tuesday, Nov. 6, resulting in my re-election aa your county judge. CHABI4&S T. ALLBN. • - • /: • "... v The next meeting will be Nov. 19 with the educatioh department in charge. Say you read it in MIALJOL TBCPbUN- ! THOMAS P. BOLGER Phone 40 "The McHenry Druggist" Green St. f t f t T T T T T f T: T t