r-,t ; Thursday, Novembers, 1931 Home Bureau News ^ w* t Hp, -* f^Tjv #*> *?» ** • f\ - L'^^1 •<Cr ^yr H < • V^ v*. kW>£ ;.-< h% -i , . * :.: MUSIC ENTRIES CLOSE NOV. 1 jGroups desiring to enter the 1934-35 Rural Music Festival sponsored by the University of Illinois and the County Horn© Bureau, are asked to notify the County Chairman, Miss Melba ChernyZ on or before Dec. 1. The features of this festival are, male quartets, women's quartets, mixed quartets and orchestras. The required numbers are as follows: Men's quartet: "The White. "Road Westward," by Mitchell. Mixed quartet, "A Hope Carol," by David Stanley Smith., Women's quartets, "In May," by Horatio W. Parker. Orchestras having not less than 4 nor more than 16 pieces having both staring and wind instruments and playing a short warm-up, on© required aiid one elective number; required number; Overture; "Princes of The Sun" by Bennett. Each quartet is to sing one elective number in addition required number. -- > VARIATIONS OF YEAST BREAD DOUGH Variations in yeait bread inay .be n i i e % : ' " " ' • O V . " . ' Using'different mean;s of fermentation, changing proportions of cer- #wn ingredients, using different kinds of flour, adding extra things, using {Junior Fair last year. shine Girl's 4-H Club of Ringwood, was selected as state champion in special projects and i9 eligible to attend the National Club Congress held in-Chicago the first week in December.- • Helen is the first state champion in 4-H work that McHenry County has had for many /years and the entire county congratulates Helen in this honor. JShe has carried a special project in Table Covers this year. Her luncheon set placed first at the county achievement program and also at the State Fair. She was selected County Champion over all this year and won the same honor last year. Helen completed her seventh year m club work this year and has been an assistant club leader two years. She has played in the All Star 4-H Orchestra two years; one year she played the cornet, another year the»xylophone. She attended County 4-H Camp, Camp Wetomacheck five different years and was a member of the Glee Club that won the county contest two years iii succession. She was on a demonstration team that placed first m the county two different years, and helped " train demonstration teams that placed first in the county. Two years in succession she placed first in the county style show at an achievement program and . represented the county at the Northern Illinois Page Thret •fstiify shapes for moulding according to Miss Grace Armstrong, Nutrition of the University of Illinois* Specialist from the Extension Service - MJSS Armstrong will demonstrate and discuss these points at meetings open to all interested at the McHenry High School, Thursday afternoon 1:30 o'clock and at the Harvard Community High School, Friday afternoon, 1:30 o'clock. Miss Armstrong has been in McHenry County many times and is not a stranger to Home Makers. She always gives a good and authentic demonstration. This demonstration promises to be one of untold value to the women or men interested in the subject, "Variations of Yeast Bread Dough." Remember the date and place and attend the demonstration most convenient.' f City Council ^Proceedings Council-Room, Nov. 5, 1934 The (Sty Council met in regular monthly meeting, with Mayor Doherty presiding. Aldermen present: Barbjan, Justen, Kreutzer, Overton, Schaefer," Wattles. Absent, none. Motion by Kreutfcer, seconded by Barbian, that the minutes-of the previous meeting be approved as read- Motion carried. Motion by Overton, seconded by Wattles, that the Treasurer's report be approved a? read, showing a balance of |3,457.00. Motion carried Motion by Justen, seconded by Overton, that the Collector's report be accepted as read. Motion carried. Motion by Schaefer, seconded by Barbian, that the clerk's report be accepted as read. Motion carried. Motion by Kreutzer, seconded by Wattles, that the following bills be paid as read and approve^ by the finance committee. Motion carried. 111. Bell Tel. Co., service $ 2.25 Director of Finance, water sales tax ;J39 Mayme Bu^s, 6ommissions an<$ clerical service , Alexander Lumber "Co., coal and tile ......... McHenry Plaindealer, publishing notice and ordinance Freund Oil Ce«., gasoline Noonan Garage, waste 15.39 18^79 CELEBRATE SILVER JW&ILEk OF DIOCESE iBeginning Thursday evening, November 1, in all of the Churches of the Rockford -diocese, religious seryices were held to conimemorate the Silver Jubilee of the diocese of Rockford. The celebration of this Jubilee was purely religious. On Thursday evening the services consisted of a Holy Hour of reparation and thanksgiving. On Friday and Saturday evenings, the devotions consisted of rosary, sermon and benediction of the most blessed sacfament- In every church of the diocese of Rockford, mass was offered On Saturday morning for the repose of the souls of the late Bishop Peter J. Muldoon, first bishop of the diocese of Rockford, and all the deceased priests and sisters who have labored in the parishes and for all the deceased members of the different parishes. On Sunday morning, Nov. 4, these religious services were concluded with the celebration of a high mass of thanksgiving in every church of the diocese. - . On Tuesday, Nov. 6, a pontifical high mass took place at St. Jamg£ Pro-Cathedral at 11 o'clock. His Exjcellency, Most Reverend Bishop Edward F SPRING GROVE & About thirty menibers of the Young Ladies Sodality surprised Pauline Adams with a miscellaneous shower at her home Sunday afternoon. She waso the happy recipient of many beautiful gifts. Bunco furnished the entertainment for the guests. Those receiving prizes were LueHa Adams, first;" Florence Huff, second; Catherine Huff, consolation. On Monday afternoon she was again surprised when friends and relatives gathered for an afternoon of entertainment. Buncp was played with Mrs. John King receiving first prize. Mrs. George Messenger, second, and Mrs. George Pester winning consolation prize. Mr. and Mrs. Van Every, Wm. Oliver and .daughter, Blanche, of Waukegan, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Hunter of Richmond were Sunday callers at the home of Mrs. R. A. Oxtoby, Eleanor and Lucille Freund of Chicago spent the weekend at the home of Nicholas Freund. Mr. and Mrs. Ed • Freund and fam- ;Ujss Helen Harrison of the Sun- Dr. C. Keller OPTOMETRIST Sundays and Mondays ait My Summer Home, Riverside Drive, McHenry, III. All Kinds of Repairs, T*l. 211-R Helenis perhaps one of the best j Henry L. Gowlin, tel. call known 4-H: Club meriibers.' Henry County and h^s made inany friends throughout the state. .60 .*2°, ily visited the home of Pe^er Wein- Hoban, bishop of Rockford, j McHenry, 111., Sunday, aftern o o n . •' ' . • • , • • • Alyce Nodland of Chicago visited '8-90 | Celebrated this mass. The other officers of the mass were the Rt. Rev. Four one-act plays will be presented at -the Harvard Community High School Friday night, November 9, as a part of their annual Harvard Community Fair, also as the first of the County District elimination tryout9 in the county, which is a part of the county and st^te rural music and drama festival, sponsored by* the University of Illinois and the County Farm and Home Bureaus. The four one-act plays to be presented are as follows: Stone School, "Elmer" by Beatrice H. McNeil; Chemung School, "The Lie That Jack Built" by t Georgia Earle; Chemung Home Bureau Unit, "The Kettle Singing" by Mary Paxton; and Harvard Community Young People, "Pa's New House Keeper" by Bird. John B. Wirtz,/ marshal ^a.rTs vice .v..1,,.llfi.00 aSaistant P"«st; W.: C. Felts,, caretaker service.. fOO.OO -- " 95.00 50.00 IVlsgr. "A. J. Burns, vicar general and ! Sunday. CENTRAL GARAGE FRED J. SMITH, Prop. JOHNSBURG, ILL. Best Equipped Garage in Northern Illinois TOWING AND REPAIRING Prepare For Winter--We Carry Alcohol, Prestone, Winter " Oils and Greases - • Full Line of Parts for Johnson Motors Phones-r-200-J Night--640-J-2 Edw. Mischke, police service M. M. Niesen, supt. service M. Engeln & Son, supplies anid • labor 8,60 Otto. E. Mueller, repairing " „ . v... . - 0 o wrench -ReV' R A" Kilderry, pastor of S. S church, Ster Rev. A. A. Heinzler, chaplain of S^:.Francis.'hospital, Freeport, and/Rtv. W. G. McMillan, pastor of St. Peter's church, Rockford, deacons of honor; Rev. F. J. Brummel, pastor of St. Joseph's church, Elgin, deacon of the thass; Robert Patzke, labor on water* • works 11.20 Ed Meyers, Jabor on water- : works .J. : 2.00 Geo. Meyers, graveling streets 53;75 Peter Wirfs, special police service ^ .5.50 Jack McCarroll, special police servtce ....: i'. J&.50 J. F. Vasey, labor on streets COO Carey Electric Shop, installing lamps . 2JOO Overton Motor Sales, use of . ; torch 2.50 John J. Vycital, supplies .^. - .67 Tonyan Construction Co.,- use; v ^ of water puriip .8,00 Buss-Page Motor Sales; re-' pairs on fire truck ^28 Mort Ritt, tsepairing strec^ ; „ light clocks 64OO P. A. Neiss, commissions, stamps, tel. calls and ex- * pense ; 1MB Peter J. Doherty, mayor ser- , vtice .....A.... - 32.00 Albert "Barbian, alderman ser-- vice ....................... i ........; 2|XOO Nick P. Justen, alderman service ' 16.00 Hentaan Kreutzer, alderman ' service 20.00 R. I. Overton, alderman ser- • vice 20.00 Jacob Schaefer,-alderman ser- : vice 20.00 F. H. Wattles, alderman service 20.00 P. A. Neiss, clerk service ........ 75.00 J. Stilling Tire Sho]f, battery service, etc $ 4.98 Public Service Co., street lights 147.41 Public Service Co-, street lights ioeco8 Public Service Co.? power at 14.02 l*eter & Paul's churcl\. Cary, sub deacon of the mass; and very Rev. Msgr. Francis J. Conron, master of ceremonies. The Rev. C. J.' Kirfleet, pastor of St. John the Baptist church, Somonauk, preached the jubilee sermon. Eather Kirkfleet compiled the "Hist&* y of the Diocese of Rockford" some years ago. A special choir had charge of the music of the pontificial mass. The two. Catholic - parishes in McHenry observed the event with appropriate services. Thursday, which was * All Saints' Day. was observed with services at St. Patrick's church with morning masses at 6 and 8 o'clock and evening services at 7:30 and on Friday, All Soul's Day, morning masses were at 6, 7 and 8 o'clock and "evening services at 7:30 p. m. At St. Mary's church, father Cunningham, S. J., conducted a mission during the week which drew to a close on Sunday. Mas$gs were held at 7 and 8 a. m., and services every evening at 7:30 p. m. At St. John's church, also, appro priate services were held and All Saint's Day was observed as was, also, All S6ul's Day with three high masses and a procession by irfembers of the parish to the cemetery. 1.12 .50 BEEf id PORK m FRIDAY AND SATURDAY NOV. 9 - 10 sewer lift Public Service Co., city haU lights ...:» Public Service Co., parking lights Public Service Co., . power" pumping water .....ii.....i...;..... 40;97 Roy A. Kent, truck insurance.. 14.40 Arrow Petroleum Co., road oil 92.00 Motion by Kreutzer, seconded^by Justen, to adjourn to the calhtw the Mayor. Motion carried. PETER J. DOHERTY, Mayor PETER A. NEISS, City Clerk Rolled Rib Roast m18( BONED AND ROLLED, NO WASTE MALL-- LEAN SMALL aad LEAN Chuck Pot Roast LEGION AUXILIARY MEETS AT RINGWOOB Mrs. Fred C. Schoewer presided at the McHenry county meeting of the American Legion Auxiliary Jield at Richmond Friday evening. This was the first meeting of the new officers and was attended by more than eighty women from all the units in the county. The meeting was held ia. the eozy new headquarters of the I<egion and Auxiliary of'Richmond. A splendid report of the national STUDENTS ARE TAKING 1ST QUARTER EXAMS. If students of the high school have a worried appearance this week it {Will be recalled that . first quarter exams are in progress this Thursday and Friday and to them may be I attributed the reason for burning of •the midnight oil'ltnd for the serious faces of the high scfiWl students as they prepare for their filial tests. The hours are not all filled with work, however, and many pleasant and interesaing episodes brighten the school- days. Among these pleasant events is included the musical program given at the high school Friday afternoon by five winners of fiational music contests who "put on a most interesting program for an hour. Various musical instruments were played and a varied and pleasing program was given. This was a treat provided by Supt. C. H. Duker and the high school board, not only for high school students, but for all local residents who cared to attend. Organizations Formed The various classes and other groups of the high school have elected officers and are organized for the year. The Seniors have elected Robert Miartin for their president; Betty Conway, vice-president, and Wilford Blake,*secretary and treasurer. Melvin Peterson heads the Juniors as their class president for the year, Mr. and Mrs. Ted .Oxtofay ad[ children of .Woodstock spent Thursday evening. ;^t, the liome of; $frs^ R. AC Oxtoby^ ; \V"" ;* :'V "" *•*>•* v. Monday evening thirty friends gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Huffine at Genoa City, Wis., in hdnot^-of* Pauline Adams and - Nick Huff. A mock wedding was one of the entertainment acts of theVvening. All those participating were attired in gowns of the "gay 90*s." Those winning prizes in bunco were Mrs. Joseph P. Miller, first; Miss Lucille Adams, second, and Miss Pauline Adams,~consolation. The winners of men's prizes were Irvin Schniitt, first and Floyd Perkins, consolation. At the close of the evening Mrs. Earl- Huffine and Mrs. Irvin Schmitt served a delicious luncheon to the guests. Victor Blink is spending the week in Chicago with friends. Clarence Karls motored from Chicago Sunday to spend the day with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Karls. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Freund drov« to McHenry Thursday afternoon to «ttend confirmation service. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Dennispn of Peoria, 111., were visitors in town Saturday and Sunday. -- „ Leo Lay motored-to Chicago Monday on business. Father Daleiden spent Tuesday of this week in Rockford, 111. The Jub'ilee service of St. Peter'schurch held on Thursday, Friday and Saturday was very well attended. Officers of the Spring Grove Community Club are preparing for a feather party to be held in "St. Peter's Hail, November 19th. Charles Freund entertained the ushers of St. Peter's parish 1.members were present. 5 RING WOOD Mr. and Mrs. Guy Harrison of Ferndell, Wash., spent Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. Cora Flanders". Mr. and Mrs. Nick Young spept Wednesday at Piano. Mr. .and Mjrs. Wiil Hiene and son, Eugene, of Chicago, spent Tuesday night in the George Shepard ,home. They, with Mr. and Mrs. Shepard, attended a party in the H. C. Hughes home at McHenry. Mrs. Roy Neal and daughter, Shirley, Mrs. Lewis Hawley and daughters, Shirley and Marion, Mrs. Ben Walkington and Mrs. Libbie Ladd v*ere Woodstock vitfitoiSs Friday morning. Mrs. Cora Flanders was a dinner guest in the H. C. Hughes home at MjcHenry, Tuesday. Howard Shepard spent the weekend with Billy Dodge at Woodstock. Mrs. Jennie Bacon is visiting in the hotne of her son, George, at. Antioch. ; ' Mr. arid Mrs." George Shepard' and family were Sunday dinner guests of relatives at Crystal Lake.. Mr. «md MJfs. Nick Young were, visitors.at Spring Grove Saturday^ Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McCannon were visitors at Woodstock Saturday afternoon. Olive * jepson Of Elgin "epeijit . the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. J, Jepson. 1 ' , Mrs. Viola Low and children spent Sunday afternoon in the Leslie Allen home near Hebron. Mr. and Mrs,. Thurlow York and baby of Big Foot were guests in the Elmer Olsen home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hawley of Chicago spent t he-weekend in the E. C. Hawley home. Mrs. E. L. Peck and sons of Elgin spent Friday in the C. • J. Jepson home. Mr. and Mrs. B.o T. Butler and family spent the weekend with relatives -in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Alec Anderson and family and Mr. and M^s. Filvey Davis spent -Sunday with relatives in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. J*oe Schaefer and daughter. Shirley, spent Sunday in the Stephen Huff home at Spring Grove. . Glenn Trion of Chicago 'wife a guest in the" George Harrison home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lew Lusk of Round Lake spent Sunday aftjjrhoon in the C? J. Jepson home. 5 Mrs. Clay Rager of Chicago spent the f»st week here with Relatives and friends. Mrsi George Young and son, Alfred, spent Thursday with her parents at McHenry. ^ Mrs. E. E. Carr and daughters spent-Friday, at Richmond. "Mr. and Mrs. George Young and ished the entertainment for the guests. Refreshments and lunch was leven served. The host was presented with Cards fu'f%Mseveral gifts. family were visitors at McHepry Suaday evening. Mrs. Rose Antcliff of Richmond, Mfls. CJlay Rager of Chicago, and Mrs, Schurch of Redfield, S. D., spent Thursday with Mrs. E.. E. Carr. Mr. and Mrs:. E. JUL Murphy it Jacksonville, 111., are visiting In the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Hitchens. Mr. and Mrs. J. F: KlcLaughlin,entertained relatives fr6m Marengo, Hebron, Solon and Waukegan. Sunday. Mrs. Martha Hall and daughter, were visitors at Woodstock Saturday evenirtg. ^ Roy and Frarik Wiedrieh wefl visitors in Chicago Monday7. Amy Harrison entertained "the pupils of her room at a Hallowe'en party at her home last Tuesday night. The Home Circle will" meet-at die home of Mrs! RillS Foss, Wednesday, November 14th. Mi». ' Frank ie S4ep^!enfeon waa * Woodstock visitor Saturday. The Ladies Aid will hold their annual Bazaar and chicken supper ?fat the M.W.A. Hall Wednesday, Nov.' 21. Supper will be served. Aprons- and candy will be sold starting at t o'clock. There will also be a fish pond open in the afternoon; Anything anyone wishes to donate will be gladly accepted- Articles for the Fish Pond will be sold for 10c and 5c- A large quilt and k crib^ auilt will be given away in the evening, Anyone having unfinished work of the Ladles*' Aid, please bring ijt; to the ,}fiome Circle. •; Miss Dorothy Carr and Dewey Beck of Chicago spent the weekend in the Charles Carr home. , Mrs. S. W. Smith .visited friends at Antioch Wednesday and Thursday.. Mae Wiedrich was a visitor at McHenry Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle , Hopper« and daughter of Chicago spent Thursday in'the S. W. Smith home. . Mrs. Lu Francisco of Woodstock spent Sunday .afternoon with Mrs. Nellie Dodge. • Mrs. Earl Whiston and daugl^er, of Barreville spent Sunday afternoon with, Mrs. Cora Flanders. _~~ Mr. and Mi*s. "F.'..A.4 Hitchens and Mr. and Mrs. E, M. Murphy spent Sunday in the Fred Neill home at Downers Grove. ' .-l LUTHERANS HOLD SERVICES Iti Oommemoratipn of the 400th anniversary of. Martip Luther's Bible translation the Lutherans of the Northwest suburbs, comprising of twenty-one congregations with amembership of 5,000, assembled Sunday for religious exercises at three localities. The parishes of Cary, BarringtOh, Crystal Lake. McHenry and Huntley met at Immanuel church at Crystal Lake, of which the Rev. G. A. Gehrs is pastor. The German rally service was at 2 o'clock with an anniversary address by Rev. E. H. Gade of Dundee. The English service was at 7:30 p. m. at which the Rev. W. Martin Ruppercht preached. ; V There were also services at Arlington Heights and DesPlaines. DODGE TRUCKS WIN ^1N ASH0WD0WN"0F MONEY-SAVING FEATURES uet sell with the lowest cohven*ti• on lh'euld recently a^t .M..i ami., 1 H. ar*r y S.c hrn>a.ui tm1 an is tjh e• vce-prse si- J dent and Ethel Freund is secretary and • treasurer. In the Sophomore ALL CENTER GUTS YOUNG TENDER BEEF. Lean aod Tender CUT FROM GROUND WBEN 25c YOU ORDER BONE AND ROLLED Nice fftr Pot Roasting Steaks 20( Fla., was given by Mjiss Julia Feffer, past district director. Tho niembers of the council wer.e happy in hearing that the Downers Grove Trio won first honors in the. National music contest held at Miami. Plan9 for the Christmas party to be held for the veterans at the Elgin State hospital were made and all units in the county will contribute one number on the program in the eveni>ig. The date will be announced later. Mrs- Carol Anderson, past district director, of St. Charles, was appointed hospital chairman of the Elgin State hospital, replacing Mrs. Edith Skinner of Elgin so has served efficiently for the last ten years; The Hebron unit will be hostesses to a party at Elgin Friday, Nov. 23. McHenry is one of two units in the county to reach one hundred per cent in membership. The other is Fox River Grove. The next meeting wriJJ hi held at Woodstock on Dec. 7. Following the business meeting, rejfreshments and a few hands of bridge were enjoyed. ^ Those from McHenry who attended the meeting were, Mrs. Anna How< ard, Mrs. Peter Neiss, Mrs. M, Tax- • man, Mrs. Theo. Schiessle, Mrs. Les ter Bacon, Mrs. Fred Schoewer. W*t NcHmrjr, Mrs. Everett O'Connell and Mrs. Minna Dunne of Evan at on were Tuesday guests of Mrs. William Bonslett- Miss Ethel Jones was in- Chicago Wednesday. Ttie Juniors and Seniors of the high school have formed a dancing class and take lessons every Wednesday evening fwm JBat Iftrd. class the boys seem to have acquired all of the offices, with George Frisby as president; Dan Justen, vice president, and Cletus Althgff. as secretary and treasurer. ? ' In the Athletic Association, George Vales has been elected president, Shirley CoValt, vice-president, and Delphi ne Freund, secretary and treasurer. , The Pep club, too, has organized, with Laverne Engeln as president, Florence Miller as vice-president and Marian Kaelin as secretary and treasurer. - In the girls' glee club, Marian Kae* lin is president and" Ruth Reihans* perger is secretary, and in the boys' glee club, George Vales is president and Vale Adams is secretary. The last football game of the sea-, son will be played here this Friday when the Elgin "B" teani nraeets the boys on home ground. • The first basketball game ia scjreduled for Nov. 23, when Grant high school team plays here. LOCAL* GIRL BRIDE IN CALIFORNIA THAT FULL-FLOATING REAR. AXLE WILL GIVE MORE SERVICE/ THOSE ROLLER BEARING UNIVERSALS WILL TRANSMIT MORE POWER/ THAT OIL FILTER WILL SAVE OIL/ THOSE VALVE. SEAT INSERTS WILL SAVE GAS' THOSE HYDRAULIC BRAKES WILL SAVE TIRES/ i^Ton, 6-vyL--136' w b. chassis $545* ARB YOU tired of fancy claims and empty promises? l Do you want facts instead of merfe talk about truck economy and long life? Here's an opportunity for you to learn the truth about trucks in the low-price fiejd and to find out once and for all which truck gives you tbe most for your money! Just come in today and get one of the new Dodge "Show-Down" score cards everyone's talking about. Then compare the 18 great money-saving features Dodge gives you with the other thiee lowest-priced trucks. That's all! You'll be surprised how much more Dodge offers you for your truck dollar. And you'll know why Dodge positively cuts oil, gas and upkeep costs and lengthens truck life -- thanks to valve seat inserts, oil filter, hydraulic brakes, fullfloating rear axle and many other great features foundonly in the higher-priced units. Whether you are ready to buy ornot--get these amazing Dodge "Show-Down" facts at once! DODGE COMMERCIAL PANEL--6-CYLINDERS -- America's most beautihil commercial car. Patented Floating Powerengine mountings, hydraulic brake*, full preaaure lubrication and other frcat feature* that aave oil. cat, tirea. upkeep. ILIRD IRS *630 'List price* at factory, Detroit, subject to chmngs without notice. Special equipment, including dual wheeH. on . models extra. Time payments to fit your budget. Ask for the official Chrysler Motors Commercial Credit Flan. Miss Flora Freund, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. W. Freund, and Mr. Homer Fitzgerald* son of Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Fitzgerald of Crystal Lake, were married Wednesday morning, Oct. 31, at the Holy Trinity* church in Los Angeles, -Cal. Mr. Fitzgerald, formerly from Crystal Lake, has been employed in Los Angeles for the last several , . o. v DODGE -- PLYMOUTH Phooe 15.6