THE McHENRY PLAINDKALER Thursday, December 13,1934 - SUNSHlNfi CLUB Tlie Sunshine club met at the home of Mrs. Robert Knox on Wednesday j;fternoon of last week. The prize in' cards was won by Mrs. Gerhardt,! who will also entertain the club next time. NEIGHBORHOOD CLUB Mrs. C. J. Reihansperger entertained the Neighborhood club Friday eve-, ning. prizes were won by Mrs. Simon Stoffel, Mrs. William Spencer and Mrs. Robert Thompson. AUXILIARY MEETS TONIGHT The American Legion Auxiliary will meet this" Thursday evening. All members should be present as delegates to the semi-annual 11th district convention to be held at. Joliet, Saturday, will 'be chosen. |s|«- K1'! H , ^ , "".i. ""A Erickson Prices FRIDAY and SATURDAY. DEC. 14 and 15 CHRISTMAS TREES 3ny a choice balsam tree this year--they do not shed their needles as soon as other varieties. A nice selection, at each-- ' $1.25 $1.00 90<^ 75i|;|;.i50cfeli Smaller and less shapely trees TREE LIGHTS--Setof difcht electric lights, "• complete , - - ; " Extra Light Bulbs for this size, Set of -5 for.., l±0£ ANNOUNCE MARRIAGE Sydney Wanzer announces the marriage of his sister, Phylis Kathryn, to Richard Hamilton Carr, in Chicago, on Tuesday, Nov. 20. Mr. Wanzer ,and his sister have been summer residents at ChApel Hill for several years. BINGO PARTY A SUCCESS The supper and bingo party sponsored by the Christian Mothers of 13t. Mary's church, which took place Sunday evening, was a suSessful event. Many attractive prizes were awarded during the evening. EMERALD BRIDGE CLUB Mrs. Ben Dietz was hostess to' members of the Emerald Bridge club Tuesday afternoon. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. Albert Krause, Mrs. George Bohr and Mrs1. John Stilling. CHRISTMAS PARTY Pox River Valley Carhp, R. N. A., Will hold its Christmas party Tuesday evening after the regular meeting. This is for members only. Each member is to bring a small gift to exchange. •/' " FOR SALE Fancy work, aprons and other articles left from the bazaar given by the Ladies' Aid society are . at the home of Mrs. C. W. Klontz, where they are on sale. Galoshes Ladies' and girls' fleece lined black or brown 3 snap fancy rubber galoshes, special for Friday ; and Saturday; per pair 98 c CIGARS--"Tiona" cigars,.box of 100 cigar? $2.11 " Harvester and Henry George." box of 25 $\, \ 5 Arctics One lot of infant and children's one buckle " black cloth artics. per pair .1;.:.. .... 29f Four buckle arctics, per pair. 69<^ NOODLES - MACARONI - Spaghetti--Egg noodles m 1 lb. packages, fine medium or broad, pkg. 15 c :;, 2 packages for 29 O Macaroni and Spaghetti, 1 lb. pkg,"... 9 c Sugar" _ . . . . . - ^ Best cane granulated sugar, 10 lbs. for. 49^ OVALTINE--6 oz. package 29o Butter t • : Fine quality sweet cream butter, lb. 32c COFFEEr- Chase & Sanborn's Seal brand, lb. 32c tins fully thf velous WUlard Tre; which has brougiit amazing relief to thousands. Wiilard's is designed for relief of Stomach or... Duodenal Ulcer*, Gassiness, Poor Digestion, Sour or Upset Stomach, Acid Dyspepsia, Bloating, Heartburn, Constipation, Bad Breath, Sleeplessness, Poor Appetite, Headaches, due to Excess Add. Ask about Willard's 15-Day Trial Offer and Money-Back Agreement. WATTLES DRUG STO&E Main St. McFfeHrv SPECIAL - WHILE THEY " LAST f/ SALE OF FRAMES Frames - themselves fine received a fine selee fioii ryf rnoderniRtic frajn os. mnk< very Xim Christmas, fires ents. Almost all people, siHetufes around the house - which ought to bo framed .but ^ they never i?et around to having this done. Such a present would be welcome, and would in addition tie quite unusual. Prices range from $1.50 to $•>.00 each. All frames are easel style. IK . A. Worwtck Photographer West MoHenrv \ Bolg er's Pre-Christmas|Drug Sale Friday and Saturday Only, December 14 and 15 18c KLEENEX Sale Price 14* $1.00 REM Special 69* 50c Hess Witch Hazel Hand Lotion _ _ 34* 50c Jergen's Lotion 34* 25c Mennen Baby Powder 18* 40c Squibb Tooth Paste ..'......31* 60c Corega .... 1: ~.:.41* 35c Mum 25c Palmolive Shampoo 17*' 100 McKESSON ASPIRIN . 39c 65c Pond's Cold Cream 49* $1.10 Coty's Powder 82* $1.00 Lysol 77^ $1.25 Petrolagar, allkinds-^^ 98* $1.00 Nujol ... 50c Lavoris 50c Mistol Rub 65c Mistol Drops . 60c Mentholatum 75c CASTORIA Special 52# BARGAINS for Farmers 50c Lee's Louse powder .. : 34c 60c Bag Balm 42c 5 lbs. Epsom Salts 29c 1 gal. Cooper's Cresol Co., (the best) ,$1.25 1 gal. Cod Liver Oil 69c 1 lb. Carbolated Vasoline .. .39c $1.25 Kow Kare ; 98c 67* 34* 34* 41c4 42* SI. 15 PRINCE ALBERT, l ib. 88c 65c Pinex 44* $1.25 Absorbine Jr. 96* 1 pt. Witch Hazel .,29* 50c Phillips Milk of Magnesia 33* 75c Listerine 51* 8 oz. Upjohn Super D Cod Liver Oil 89c4 35c Vicks Vapor Rub 23* 30c Hyrdogen Perofflr!StS....21 lib. Sterile Cotton :" 34* 85c Jad Salts 56* $1.25 Abbot's Haliver Oil, plain 96* 75c Dextri Maltose No. 1 58* 49c Psyllium Seed .1......34<? 60c Syrup of Figs '41* 25c SPECIAL ! FOR COW UDDERS 1 lb. Zinc Ointment and Carbolic Acid 60c rrtcTivc - IKI C HO CO LAT ft Special Sale 16* Wines (or Christmas 49c Santa Alicia 49c 5th .Port or Sherry Sth Hard Candies All Kinds 19c . • • v .. * , C pound BOLGER'S DRUG STORE PHONE 40 "The Christmas Store" «#BEN gfc; / SERVES LUNCHEON ^ . A one o'clock luncheon was Served at the home of Mrs. Charles Peet Flriday, Dec. 7. Five hundred and bunco was played and prizes were awarded in five.hundred to Mr?. E. E. Whiting and Mrs. ,H. . M. Stephenson and in bunco to Mrs. William McCantson and Mrs. E, E. Carr. The proceeds will be used to send delegates to .Urbana in January. U-v Deaths Mrs. Calinta Sandberg Mrs. Calinta Sandberg, 86 years old, die'd at the home of her son, Bert Stebbing* Wednesday (evening at 7 o'clock at Rockford. Funeral services will be held at Rockford Saturday With, burial in Woodland cemetery, McHenry, about noon, where she will be rburied beside her mother, Mrs. Mary Whiteman. Mrs. Sandberg was born and raised in McHenry, and wiU be remembered here by ..her fnany friends as Mrs. Stebbins. ]£iss Elizabeth Costello Miss Elizabeth Costello, of died Thursday- noon at St. Joseph's hospital, Elgin, following an illness of a week. ' •' " She w«s boyn in Elgin, April 25; 1JK31, and resided in that city all her life.- Surviving" her are her mother, Mrs. Bridget Costello; two sisters, Mrs. Mnry Beverly and Mrs. Margaret WeBterman; two brothers, James and John Costello, all of Elgin, as well as reilaf ives in this Vicinity, lief father and a brother, Robert, fcrteceeded her in death. Funeral services were held Saturday morning at 10:15 o'clock from St. Mary's Catholic church, Elgin, with Fred Breyer ANNUAL CHRISTMAS PARTY The Lady Foresters will hoild their annual Christmas party on Wednesday evening, Dec, 19f ; Thia -will fol low the regular fneeting which will commence a little early. Members are invited to be present and bring their burial in Mt. Hope cemetery. children. Members are to have a gift Those from McHenry who attendior each child they bring and also a ed the funeral were Mr. and Mrs. C. ten cent gift to exchange. |W. Gibbs, Mrs. Jack Walsh and fam- -- " J lily and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Walsh. MOTHERS CLUB TO MEET . The Mothers Club will hold its art rual Christmas party Fridty after noon at the home of Mrs. George Fred Breyer was born in Chicago, Johnson. Mrs. James Perkins is chair- 111., June 17, 1870, and lived in Mcman of the program and Mrs. Glen Henry during his -boyhood. He de- Pecerson is in charge of tlie games, parted this life Sunday, Dec. 2, 1934, There will be a rhusieal program apr at 7:30 a. m.| at the age of 64 years, propriate to the Christmas season He was married to Lydia Klett in and the high school glee clubs will 1895. sing. d - . . j ue was. in'poor health fdr ovei* a This year, gtfts will not be ex- year and died suddenly of pneumonia changed, but each member is asked to after being back in Chicago just two bring a gift and a donation of food weeks from his summer home at Mcfor Christmas baskets. Collum's Lake. ^ -- • j With his high, ideals and concern PAST ORACLES XMAS PA»1^ ' for the welfare of others many fi iend- Perhaps the first Christmas party ships Were made at.d he will be greajfof the season took place in McHenry V missed by his wife, daughter, MaliTyesday^ fjternoon when past oracles vina, son, Theodore,; Bister,- Lillie, andof McHenry county gathered at the brother, relatives and hosts1 of Jiome of MrsT Peter M. Justen, in their friends. I regular monthly meeting , and to on- r After a brief service in Chicago I joy the exchange of gifts." There was with beautiful flowers and a host of a Christmas tree and other appro- friends, the body was brought to Mcpriate decorations. Fifteen ladies Henry for services at the Methodist .were present, to enjoy the afternoon church Wednesday afternoon, at 2 which drew to a close with the serv- I o'clock, with Rev. L. H. Brattain of- I ing of a pot-luck lunch. jficiating. Burial! was in Woodland The next meeting will fee held at cemetery: . VI Algonquin in January. | The family take's this opportunity j Out-of-towh guests were Mrs. Elsie to thank all who brought cheer and • Smith, Mrs. Laura Engeln, Mrs. Cleo visited him during his illness, for he I Schaller, Mrs. Mabel Hesselgraxe, and enjoyed company and the many ex i Mrs. White of Woodstock; Mrs. Etta pressions of sympathy extended the , Greschel, Mrs. Ollie Geer and Mrs, family in their bereavement and the Connie Ebel of Crystal Lake/ j co-operation of Rev. and Mrs. L. H ---- ---- I Brattain, Methodist church, Bob O.E.S. ELECTS OFFICERS j Peterson, and McHenry Lodge No. Mrs. C. W. Klontz was elected 158, A. F., and A. M., in conducting worthy matrons of McHenry chapter, th$ McHenry services. God's gain is G. E. S., at the annual election of the' .i our loss and he is at home with th* chapter held Monday evening'/ ; Lord, awaiting our coming. L » ^ Other officers elected were: j Associate . Matron --Mrs. Minnie . All the youngsters are invited to Martin. , meet Santa Claus Saturday, Dec. 15, Associate Patron---Henry Howe. - jat Althoff's Hdwe. 29bp Secretary--Mrs. Emma Fay. m " RINGWOOD UNIT MEETS V The Ringwood Home Bureau unit met at the home of Mrs. Charles Peet Tuesday, Dec. 4, for an all-day meet- Installation of officers will be held The forenoon was devoted PAto some time after the first of the year. I handicraft work such as card-cases, Members and their families and j handkerchiefs, collars, etc., all suit- Masons and their families are invited able for Christmas gifts. ,to a Christmas party in Masonic hall, -A- pot-luck dinner was served at iDec. 21. Each one. is to bring" a gift noon. There were fourteen members to exchange and something to serve present. Mfs. Smith of Algonquin with coffee. ' [gave a talk on music appreciation and --------'--- Troll call was responded to by gift sug- JP* PLAN SOCIAL EVENTS j gestions. After the reports of the The next meeting of the Catholic chairmen it- was voted to join the He- Daughters of America will be held ' bron, Richmond and Solon Mills units Thursday evening, Dec. 20, and will 'n the home-talent barn dance to be be a social event in <cne nature of the annual Christmas party for members Each member is to Dring a ten-cent gift to exchange. On Sunday afternoon, Dec. 23, aj 2:30 o clock the Christmas party for the children will be held and at this affair the members and their small guests are invited. A card tournament has been planned for the members of the Daughters of America and will extend through the next three social meetings in the months of December, January and February. Those who enter the tour. nament must attend every meeting and keep their scores to be totalled at the end of the tournament. There will be a grand prize of $1.50 to be allowed on dues, and a second prize of 75 cents. Bridge and five hundred will be played. A public card party is being planned for January 29, of which there be more particulars later. ! .• Treasurer--Mrs. Alice Lindsay. ^ Conductress--Mrs. Floribel Vogel. Associate- Conductress--Miss Anna Anderson. * held at Memorial hall, Richmond, on Dec. 13, 14, 15. Mrs. Gardner of Solon Mills was a visitor in the afternoon, The meeting adjourned at, 4 o'clock. The finest Christmas preseist 1ft the world is a pair of glasses made by Dr. C. Keller. Sundays and Mondays at «his home on Riverside Drive, McHenry. Phone 211-R. 20bp RIVER VIEW CAMP ELECTS Miss Dorothy Nickels was oracle of Riverview Camp, R. N„ 4C, at the regular meeting and annual election of the camp held Tuesday evening. Other officers elected were; Vice-Oracle--Mrs. May DieU. , Chancellor -- Mrs. Margaret Bienapfl. •• , Recorder--Mrs. Maud Rothermel. ' Receiver--Miss Frances Vycital.' Marshal--Mrs. Kathrine Worts. Inner Sentinel -- Mrs. Margaret Simon. . Outer Sentinel--Miss Laura Weber. Manager--Mrs. Magdalena Bohr. Physicians--Dr. D. G. Wells and Dr. Win. Nye. Musician--Mrs. Gertrude Schaefer. Mrs. Calla Perkins will be past oracle. ' There will be only one meeting^ of Rivervi?w Camp in December. The next meeting Will take place on Jan. 8, 1935. A Christina's party for members their families and Juveniles, will be held Monday evening, Dec. 17, at 7 o'clock. Each mother ts to bring a gift for each child that she takes to the piirty and also a ten-cent to lexchang* with a M. E. CHURCH You are invited to attend service at the M. E. church every Sunday. Sunday school, 10 a. m. *• Morning worship, n u. m. Sermon by the pastor, Rev. L. H. Brattain. Plans are being made for the Sunday school Christmas program which will be given Sunday evening, Dec. 23. There will be ho exchange of gifts at this program. , Members of the Sunday school will enjoy a Christmas party at the grade school gym on Saturday afternoon, Dec. 22, and at this tim« there will be a treat given each child. Children who desire to get in on the Christmas fun should be at' Sunday school next Sunday.' Boys and Girls--Don't fail to be at the Althoff Hdwe. on Saturday, Pec.. 15. Santa will be there and he wants to meet you all. 29bp GIRL SCOUT EDITION Say, girls, wasn't that an important meeting Monday? All our new Scouts are working hard on their tests with the help of the Patrol leaders. We are furnishing baskets for the needy for Christmas, and at Monday's meeting old toys were repaired and painted. Mrs. Durland, our former deader, gave games, books, and toys to help our work along. The High School troop and our troop, will give a Christmas program and a tea for the mothers. Miss Booth assisted us in learning Christmas carols. The program will be given next week. -- BEATRICE WILLIAMS, Scout Scribe. for Tfc« PWtadeakr. ; w r; * * i Christmas and New Year'* ' Greeting Cards 12 for f. Candy jor Christmas ./WeTliave the largest and best Assortment of» Candy this year we have' ever had. / *1'^ ;w' WHITMAN'S^ , • A liigh class candy. . We have all the berf of tlieir liiie. : . ' ' ' : ^ ^ ° ANDERSON' S-m Those that know about Anderson's rave • -'^••^bout 'it. ^ home made candy--that lias become our best seller^ . ^ ^ JULIA KING'S-- " . You all know Julia King's candy, \tfe have spld it a good many year| an<l it aiwayagives satisfaction. j ! This Candy All Comes in All Prices From ' 49c boxes up to $5.00--a price for ~--~ " everyone and anyone. g-IiS; liijCIAL XTHAS CANDY 1 LB. CHOCOLATE COVERED CHERRIES, Julia King's When It Comes To Candy, We Lead , Liquor jor the Holidays In view of the fact that there is still plenty of bootleg liquors on the market it is important that you have confidence in the dealer who supplies yoru. We are sure of our source of supply--We buy all oui^iiquor from McKesson's-Fuller Morrison the largest wholesale drug house in the world* ' Bottled in Bond Whiskies - Brandies - Rums ?nffi|tVines of All Kinds - Vermuth - Cocktails - Gins FOR FRIDAY AfrN D SATURDAY ONLYt • 1 pt. Pocono Bourbon, a straight whiskey 69# Wines, Sherry, and Port, fifths 49* Ol^R COCKTAIL SETS ONDISPLAY" Fountain Pens and Pencils Always a Splendid Gift - Always Acceptable We have sold the Sheaffer pen for many years and consider their merchandise the best for. writing instruments on the market. When we think other brands are better, we wiH get them. -A Few Qift Suggestions~ Cigars Cigarettes Xighters ^ Flashlights Jack Knives Watches " Boys' and GirlsF Wrist Wafcchii Evening in Paris Gift Sets Tbermometm Writing Paper Perfume Atomizers Electric Heating Pads Tobacco Pouches Pocketbooks Razors Shaving Sets Ivory Sets For Boys and Girls EVERYTHING FOR CHRISTMAS AT THE " i CHRISTMAS STORE er's