rwwT^w^w^Wmww, rap f . •" McHENRY PLAINDEALEB Thursday/December 27, \ >•&' ife •MID-WEEK CUte Mlra. Martha Page was hostess to '•file n>etnhers of the Mid-Week club "attKe home of Mrs. Minnie Miller1 on Wednesday afternoon of last week. The next meeting will be hold next Wednesday afternoon, Jan. 2, at the itome of Mrs. Minnie Millet. ; ' • , -t » '.-* C. D. OF A. ANNUAL PARTY The Catholic Daughters of America enjoyed their annual Christmas party K. C. hall Thursday evening. There wias a prettily decorated Christmas "•Hee and the usual exchange of gifts. The card tournament was alsocom- , Mfcpnce<J at this meeting with h gh dlSores in bridge won by Mrs. Ambrose Schaefer and Mrs. Clarence Martin and in five hundred by Mrs. l|g>uis Stoffel and Mrs. Leo Winkel. 1 ; SjTh« next business meeting will be Nftifl or the first Thursday in January. • * ' RECEIVES APPOINTMENT Father Cla^d Freund, son pf ftfra, Frank Freund vf This city, lias beeitt appointed pastor of a church at Han-: owr and commenced his new Of'Jtioi last week. He has been chaplain a¥ the St. Charles hospital, Atorc^for several years. ! , ' r® CHILDREN'S PARTY " Many children were made happy af A annual Christmas party given foi tile children by the Catholic Daugnters of America. Each membet brought a gift for every child she brought to the party and boxes of candy were also given out by Santa Clans. A nrog ;h i, including the following numbers, wj£s_ given by, the children:: V-.-,, Welcome^--Alvin Schaefer. • i&jjfriitet Soio-- Adele Froehlich.- vjWbcal Solo--Mary Lou Stoffel; ;• iJS^itation---©eanor * '*». ^Tfcio- - Mary Lou Stoffel," Marilyit-jfcifl^, ' .'SiRRie Schaefer. '• / jtation--Rosalie Williams. >. Dance--Joan Reihansperger. Rp-it SUNDAY SCHOOL PARTY ... The children of the Methodist Sunday School enjoyed a Christmas party at the grade school gym Saturday afternoon. Games were played and each one ^received a treat of. candy and nuts. The children, also, put on a very fine program of songs and recitations at the church Sunday evening, displaying "considerable talent in the musical part of the program. Several very good little singers entertained with solos and duets, as well as group songs and jecitations were also well given. • • ^ ' / CHRISTMAS PARTY . Mn. Leo Conway entertained nieccs and nephews at a Christmas party/at her home on Riverside Drive Wednesday afternoon from 2 to 5 o'clock. Santa Claus stopped in on his way back north and left a gift and a box of candy, for each little guest. Games were played and John Ktnt entertained with his little •,movie camera which he received, for Christtnas. After re-1 freshments w^re served the guests 'were taken 'home,- •, Tbss'/th;? 'en-; joyed the afternoon were Mary and jane. Kent, J*>bn and Tom Kent, Mary Celine and Kathrine Adams, Robert and William Adams, Dick Conway, Rita Ann Conwayr .% r' Last Time Tonight-- THURSDAY. DEC. 27 "BARRETTS OF ' WIMP OLE STREET" "iL~- 1-- FRIDAY. DEC. 28 Only Ann Harding - Paul Lukas ' "THE FOUNTAIN" : : - Added Short? . SUN. -MON., DEC. 30 - 31 . Ca$|#e Lombard - May Robson Walter Connolly FF^ADY BY CHOICE" Gt*r Gang Comedy - Betty n, Boop Cartoon .'•-ui-lL- ; ; " ,,:NEW YEAR'S DAY-- Special JAN. 1 ONLY .. W. C. Fields - Baby LeRoy ' "IT'S A GIFT" Itiisieal Comedy - Cartoon in Color Continuous After 2:30 , FORESTERS HAVE PARTLY About eighty-five members and children enjoyed the Christmas party given by the Lady Foresters at their hall on Wednesday evening of last week. ' There were Christmas decorations and a brightly-lighted tree from which Santa Clau§ distributed gifts for everyone. There \yere gifts for the Juveniles from the court, each :child, received a gift and members exchanged gifts. Father Nix received a .gift from the court and the Chief Haiigeiv Mrs. Kate Worts, who had receTvjxl a gift from her officers, presented each officer with a gift. . -- A short meeting of the court was held early in the evening, after Which Santa arrived and the festivities df the evening began. A program of songs and recitations was given by the children. . y ; Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Sutton, Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. William Marum of Edison Park and Verena* J us ten of Pittsburg spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Justen. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Young and chit dren of Waukegan spent Christmas/ here. Guests of Mrs. Celia Knox Christ mas day were Henry, Geary, Mr. antf Mrs. Jack Geary and children, Emmett Geary and Mr. and Mrs. John Zimmer of Wauconda, and Miss Helen Bernier of Chicago. v w Mary, Theresa and Olga Brefeld of Chicago and Mr. and Mrs. John Brefeld of Waukegan spent Christmas here. Miss Lanette Whiting of Elgin and Mra. Ed Dunn and son of Lake Geneva,. spent Christmas with their mother, Mrs. D. A. Whiting. Mrs. Anna .Howard, president of the local unit of the Auxiliary, and son, Donald, attended the veteran®' INTERESTING LOCAL PICKINGS DURING 1934 <Continued from Front Page) were confirmed at St. John s church and 133 at St. Mary's church. - The schools had a busy year with 54 graduates leaving the high school in June. This broke, all records for graduates from the high school. A class of 47 pupils graduated in this district and 200 were enrolled at the local high school. ^ The high school band entered the North Central Illinois district contest at Joliet in April antf rated excellent. Children were vaccinated for smallpox. v Many, students attended college this year with one young .man, Jack Purvey, going to Medical school in Chicago. ' The people of the city of MicHenry wertf cast intof sorrow at the death of Father William Dommermuth, who ! passed 't way on October 25. Father Dommermuth was assistant pastor of St. Mary's church of this city and died in St. Theresa'fc hospital, Waukegan, where he had been for treatment for several weeks. McHenry's tWoi oldest residents died Christmas party at Elgin State ho*-\durinf, the year with Mt^ Samantha R1fcal Tuesday evening of last^eek. ,Buttor, years 0,d>. vasBim away .Christmas day guests in nome ; Tnlrt OO ftw/i MM. tiaiaU of Mr. and Mrs. Ted Skhtessie were Mr. and Mrs. John Sullivan, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. George .Sullivan and Mat Butler, Woodstock; Mlrs. Caroline Schiessle and daughter. Bertha. - Master Richard Sullivan of Woodstock spent the weekend with his aunt, Mrs. Ted Schiessle. Agnes McCabe of Elgin and Margaret McCabe of Libertyville spent ; on July 22 and Mrs. Sarah Sherbume, 1102. years old, passing away on Dec. 13. Frank Smith, another aged resident, died on April 19, at the age of 189 years. Two local business; men> [Ben Stilling, 72 years old, pioneer j resident at Pistakea Bay and local .real estate man, and Lee Kercher, j Green street barber, died during the year. William Lorimer, ex-senator and one time resident at Pistakee Bay, The Beautiful CRYSTAL LAKE, ILL. Daily at 6:45 and 9 p. m. Extending to You Our Sincere Best Wishes for a Happy New Year. •yx Sidney Sankstone, Mgr. EASTERN STAR PARTY A jolly growd of Eastern Star mem-, bers, their families and Masons and their families, attended the Christmas party given by McHenry Chapter, O. E. S., Friday evening. The hall was attractively decorated for the occasion in Christmas colors and a brightly lighted Christmas tree. After games and dancing were enjoyed Santa Claus arrived to assist in the distribution -of gifts and lunch was served. During the evening the bride and groom, Mr. and Mrs. Lisle Bassett, marched to the front of the hall to the strains of the- wedding march and were presented with a beautiful table lamp from the officers of the chapter. Mr. Bassett has been elected worthy patron of the chapter fm™^jiother year. The presentation of the gift was made by the worthy matron, Miss Frances YycitaL Mrs. Bassett, who has come from Houston, Tex., to make her home here, met many new and old friends during the evening.'* Christmas here. *r;»,00l« died during the year and many homes Mr. and Mrs. Ehner Kinsala and in ^ ^ saddened by the httle son, Elmer Walter,, of Chicago, death of loved ones. . spent the weekend an^ Christmas in , ^ p four death9 the Henry Kinsala home Little W- inff in Pistakee B one in Pt)X ^ mer^remained to spend the week with pnein McCo])um,s lake and a bab his grandparents. Other members of drowned in Fox rjver_ the family home for Christmas were | Pata, acciden^ h k d ^ Eleanor of Fox Lake and George of • 1 Chicago. The'Utter will remain home "l™1;Jr..d"'"""j.1^,r 'm»«fr them for We week. Mr. and Mrs. .Bernard °' J°5 Ba ( rb'" «? Kinsala and baby of Chicago »pent ^"/Vhile ' " " " Christmas eve here. Mr. and Mrs. George Johnsdn and family spent Christmas in the Ed Peterson home at Crystal Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thompson and Miss Maud Granger spent Christmas at Hebron; Mrs. Nellie Bacon and family, spent diving in Griswold Lake. Charles Heimer, who. had been a railway mail clerk for 30 years, was fatally wounded when his gun exploded while he was resting after completion of his work enroute to Chicago. Mrs. Charles P. Waite was killed Christmas with her daughter and hus- ^t.omob!!e dent-at Beverly band at St. Charles. * . "ding w,th her-brother Miss Anna Frisby spent Christmas ^ay Owen Two hunters were killed iinn >thhpe hVomrne ooff hhperr sziUstte-rr oaft. Elgin. at Grass Lake and James Hirommus, Misses France.* and Ruth Michels 2 % year old son of- Mr. and Mrs. of Waukesha, Wis., are spending the i^au.s' from burns holidays with relatives here. from bo,hngS.ate^ A catastrophe^which injure^ several .was the breaking of the barn floor Loretta Diedrich of Evanston spent the weekend and CHristmas at her homa here. at the John Schir.itt farm during a Misses Augusta and Bertha Buchert ^/ance. Although no one was 1n- Elsrin and Mr. and Mrs. Carl An- Jured- considerable property damage was done when the Oake Park hotel was bombed in March. . Dr. John C. Furlong, 71, of Sprmg Grove, died from injuries received in an automobile accident and Elizabeth of Elgin Mr. and An derson of Chicago were Christmas guests of Mr. and Mrs. Will Buchert. Jean Warner of Elgin is spending* a few days this week with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Laurence of Chicago and Mrs. Emma MeGinnis of •'.J?-years Sd' w®s wounf«l w^n Elgin spent the weekend and Christ- L, rough the abdomen by a .22 mas in the home of Mrs. Mollie Giv- ., e' , U. re?°7v re^'. Schaffer, ens: Michael Weston of Woodstock ®.ttendant at the Sinclair filling staalso spent Christmas there. ' • [narrowly pscapted death When Mr. and- Mrs. C. J. Reihansperger and family spent Sunday at West Chicago. ^lerrfwl preaidkn* *th£ Sfa&enry county and also of the eleventh district Business and Professional Women's club; Mrs. Fred C. Schoewer was elected president of the McHenry county American Legion Auxiliary, and Arnold Rauen was made county director of Subststence"Gardens. Ray McGee was awarded a silver "Star medal for gallantry in action in the World war, and Bob Peterson is becoming popular as a radio singer. John Claxton, 77 years old and maker of four violins, completed a telescope which required %earl^ a year of carefulworkmanship and assured him a place in the community as a remarkable genius. Dar Granger, rural mail carrier, was pensioned by the government after thirty years of service. The Solon Mills cemetery is noted as the burial place of Dr. S. Fillmore Bennett, writer, and composer of the sorfg, "The Sweet By and By." This region was swept by the most dangerous drouth in history, causing a failure of crops, low water levels and unprecedented dust storms. Heat waves swept the country eausfng suffering and loss of life with all records broken in July when the mercury registered 109 degrees. Crop.* were ruined by the heat and drouth as well as the chinch bugs and many farmers had no grain to be thrashed and were compelled to buy hay for feed. Over 00 farmers in the ctfjirity registered for drouth relief arid C, W. Gibbs attended to the ^y'disttibntibn this district. . • ' The year opened with a. big milk strike and was dne long twelve months of trouble and hard luck for the farmers with crop failures, milk price cuts, hail and wind storms, chinch bugs, drouth and nearly every imaginable calamity befalling them. During the year miscellaneous events have occurred. The lotus beds were larger and better than ever. The furnishings of Rose Villa, the beautiful home of Mrs. George Sayer at Pistakee Bay, were sold at public auction. Varied and interesting have been the passing events of the year 1934 and it is with expectation that we await, the new year to unfold and bring to us its allotment of success and prosperity, good and bad luck, sun and shadows. Wt-11, happy new year, folks, and judging from public, opinion we could juse heaps more of the things that go to make up happiness. . Another- event which perhaps has cheered local residents as much or more than anything else was the news that beginning Dec 21 the West McHenry State bank would release 10 per cent of the deferred deposits held by the bank since the moratorium of March 1933. This means that nearly $11,000 was to be freed at once. The federal tax of two cents for each check written wilj- not be charged after the first of the year. This will amount to a saving of about $1,- 350 yearly to the depositors in the local bank, this amount having been remitted to the government during the past year. SATURDAY ONLY Matinee Every Saturday at 2:30 "MARIE GALANTE" with Spencer Tracy aad Ketti Gallian A Star You Will Never Forget! SUNDAY and MONDAY A Mad Merry Cruise "TRANSATLANTIC MERRY GO-ROUND" with JACK BENNY - NANCY CARROLL - GENE RAYMOND Sub. I JMIcr 6 aad WNEW YEAR'S EVE SHOW No Advance in Pricee Starting at 11:30 "IN THE MONEY" with Skeets Gallagher Celebrate New Year's Eve with us!! TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY Matinee New Year's Day Sunday Schedule and Priced 'THE WHITE PARADE' with John Boles and Loretta Young The hettrt of every movie-goer will thrill to this truly great picture. Bordeaux War Shaft a •km*** In honor of American soldiers who landed near Bordeaux, France, during the World war this peculiar looking monument was erected In Bordeaux and has joft been dedicated. HOLIDAY SPECIALS and Service Station WiHard Storage Batteries, up from . $5.00 Quaker Storage Batteries, up from 3.95 188 Proof Alcohol, guaranteed, per gal. v.j / * §5^ SPECIAL HOLIDAY PRICES Quaker State Oil - Shell Perm Oil - Shell Mid COIL Oil Tirea v Tubes and Accessoriet ': v- •• : .. ... ; A Guarantee. With Every ProdttOt Buy Your Winter Supplies Now and Save Money | A. 0. PETERSON, Prop. shot by bandit Five PWA workers were injured in an automobile accident at Spring Grove. Mr. Orr is spending the holidays at ' pwf'Y °0Uf" * receive his home at Cedar Falls, la. L 1<>an f°F a ?2^000 j°b of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fenske and imProYement- Daylight sav- Mr. and Mrs, Herbert Fenske of Chi- '"5 „ ln effe^ dunnS the summer cago spent Christmas with their par- ,• uinerous taverns were granted ents, Mr. and Mrs. CKarles Rietesel. I hcenses- The city started the fiscal THSLB TFIL! CLASSIFIED COLUMNS FOR QUICK RESU* DOMESTIC at the POPULAR PLACE Corner Greed & Elm, McHenry - leL 104-R 1" QJJ& UNTI, Prop. Compare Our Prices -- Why Pay More ^Isewheref - -- : -- -- -- i -- -- Grab Orchard \ * ' ' ' -n f. KENTUCKY, V WHISKEY, SEAGRAM'S FIVE GKOWlfyp^ ; VIRGINIA DARE rv'i • ?>• WINE, flffti Be sure to see the new 1935 Ford at Buss-Plage Motor Sales, Saturday. . 31 Say you read DEALER.. it in THE FLAINGREEN STREET First Show _7 o'clock THC BtIEJSB McHENRY ILLINOIS Adm. 10-25c Thursday and Friday, December 27*28 "HAVE A HEART" Comedies - Shorts Saturday, One Day Only, December 2f "CHARLIE CHAN IN LONDON"^ Added Units - Rural Romioes - Hot Sands V; Sunday and Monday, December £0*31 IRENE DUNNE and JOHN BOLES in "THE AGE OF INNOCENCE" • Added Units - Wrong Direction (Edgar Kennedy) A Royal Good Time - World News * Tuesday and Wednesday, January l-a DICK POWELL and JOSEPHINE HUTCHINSON ia "HAPPINESS AHEAD" "With John Halliday - Frank McHugh - Allen Jenkins Added Units - Musical Queens "Phil Spitalny" ~ All Sealed Up "Ben Blue" V • - - • i - • Thursday and Friday, January 1-4 .V..-' . . . . ANN HARDING in %<THE FOUNTAIN" with Brian Aherne - Paul Lukas - Jean Hersholt Added Units - Odor in the Court - "Clark - McCullougii" Pathe Topics Mrs. Lee Woodward of Kansas City is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mr« J. J. Vycital. M. A. Conway, son, Leroy, and daughter. Florence, spent Christmas at Elgin. Will Martin of Chicago spent Christmas at h?s home here. Mr. and Mrs. John Kueny and sons of Kenosha attended a family party at the home of her mother, Mrs. ,H. Degen, Christmas. year on May 1 with a balance of $1949.37 on hand and an appropriation of $29,800 made for the year. The valuation of assessed property in the township was $35,105.70. The amount of general taxes was $ The city, which was incorporated 62 years ago did some house cleaning during the year with the city hall redecorated, the wells cleaned and the standpipe cleaned and painted. Politics claimed the interest of vot- Miss Stevens spent'the holidays at -fr® during the year with the primaries jet. » '* I ^ 'n \an^ election taking Shelton of |P^ace ori Nov. 3. Although McHenry f^;the home I townshiP was loyal to the Democratic ind Mrs. Peter Party> the county maintained its al- , at fMy Lake. jlegiance to the Republican ticket. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Steinsdoerfer I ^oca' candidates, both of whom were arg spending a week at the'home of their son in Chicago. Clinton Martin and two sons left Friday morning for Belleview, Fla., to spend Christmas with his parents defeated, were attorney C. M. McDermott, a candidate for representative, and Hbward Cairns, candidate for county clerk. The cost in the county for each vote cast at the November and his wife, who was calle<T tnera ' e'ecti°n was 30 cents. A township tax by the death of her father. Mrs. Mar- *eyy $7500 was made. William tin and little daughter will retnrn ®ic^ler was elected police magistrate at the city election. Robberies took place at the home of Emma Ibsch where $1700 in cash was taken, the Sinclair oil station was robbed of $570 on Labor Day and cottages at Wonder Lake and the Lester St. Louis home at the Bay were broken into. Several golden weddings were observed during the year including those of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Justen, Feb. 5, Mr. and Mrs. James Ladd and Mr. and Mrs. P. S. Lynch of Fair Oaks sobhome with him. Mrs. F. E. Cobb of Chicago spent the weekend in the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Schaefer. Walter Carey returned home Sunday from a trip to Miami, Fla. , Mrs. John Miller spent Christmas in the home of her daughter, Mrs. George Stoffel, at Woodstock. Miss Nugnonette Walmsley, who spent the past week in the home of her uncle, Clarence Martin, returned to Cary, Sunday night. Mrs. Will Smith and two little division.- daughters have returned to Chicago I Fire did some damage during theto live, after spending the summer year with barns on the Ben Justen here/ farm, John Gracy farm and John Mr. and„Mrs. George Welti and fam-! Sehmitt farm destroyed by fire, ily visited in the home of their daugh- ! Births and marriages have gladdenter at St. Charles, Sunday. '!fd the community with something new „ ,Me. and Mrs. J. F. Claxton and'^n the history of our city when the family were Christmas day guests in 8on Mr. and Mrs. Henry Weber the George Shepard home at Ring-,was born with two teeth. wood. Some of our residents have moved M. J. Kent and family of Chicago to new homes including Mr. and Mrs. ?pent the first of thfe week and Christ-L Fred Beller and daughter; Monica, mas with relatives here. [who went to California to make their Joseph Weitl of Chicago and Mr. (home. Mrs. Theresa Culver wenC to, and Mrs. Max Striedel of St. Charles make her hpme with her nephew at were Christmas day visitors in the Des Moines, la., and Mr. and Mrs. George Weitl home. (Peter W. Frett and son moved to Sauk Mr. and Mrs. Henry Vogel were City, Wis. C. J. Bender enjoyed a dinner guests of his parental' "it Rich- itrip to the gold country. mond, Christmas day./~~" --j" Several local people have been -- • i . [honored by election or appointment to NOTICE! .responsible positions during the year, All graduate.-* of the McHenry Com- among them being Thomas P. Bolger, munity High School who are interest-! who was made administrator of the ed in holding a general Alumnae ban- CWA work in the county; William quet next year in order to establisa Althoff was elected a member of the an Alumnae organization of the nigh board of directors of the Illinois Reschool are requested to get in touch tail Hardware association; Richard with any of the following: Dorothy .Stenger, a former McHenry boy. was Fisher, Walter Brefeld, Alma Justan,, mad& assistaai naaa«ar.of tfc»H0LC< Alvara Aathol* or Kenneth N. Bdffey. I at Waukegan; Mrs. C. W. Goodell was An Invitation to Sec New Ford V-8 for 1935 on display at our showroom| ~ Saturday, December 29, 1934 BUSS-PAGE MOTOR SALES Phone 1 West McHenry ILonger, Wider, Roomier, With Distinctive Body Lines and a New Idea In Motor Car Comfort «$» <$> »$» '•* *t* ••• *•* ••• *t* ••• ••• •t* ••• O Motor Sales PEARL STREET DODGE--PLYMOUTH PHONE 191 i--