J i"\ *.'Vj. i -1 ' .1* " ^ • ;>v,» ' '31? *^?f 11 'SIgSP-1! j*; '-'g* "W? •CT^i.-: * " . i«S** hnrMt TBI MoHKNBT FLAXKSKALKK -V-iii -Mr N ' Thursday, December 27, THE M'HENRY PLAINDEALER Published every Thursday at McHenry, 111., by Charles P. Renich. -CEntered as second-class matter at the poetofflce at McHenry, DL, unw tor the act of May 8, 187«. r 5^"' One Year ... Six Months ..*2.06 41.00 A. H. MOSHER, Editor and Manager 3*$ \* 'V ENJOYS THE PLAINDEALER Dec. .18, 1934 Dear Plaindealer: Although I have lived in the souths tern point of Texas for twenty-eipht years, I still enjpy receiving the Plaindealer so am as usual renewing subscription. - ; ,v • ( Not very long agor l noticed an arahout a narrow escape or the ^ killing of a spider near McHenry, > " /aid to have been a "fela?k Widow" v^V£.';ppider. and if I recollect was a large .•^•-"fjC'ipider.. 1 do not think there are arty, r""'.V * those so far north, as they only 1 '"; """',%xist in tropical latitude. Also, a 'Slack- Widow spider tan stand on a *nd- hav6 plenty of room "?'• i. 4=pare. Their poison sacks are much " . "larger than other things of small and the poison is much stronger V' 5' ihan that of a rattlesnake. i t I ' w a s o n c e b i t t e n b y o n e d o w n h e r e , r ' -^reated by a doctor, went to bed, and two hours sent for the doctor again he said, "Well you think you arc going to die right off, but I won't let • * 'you do it and will put you to sleep Tor a couple of hours so you will for- N?et it for awhile." I was OK in - *|wenty-four hours, but felt the effects .'for a few days. The paili M4i featful *' ;'fensation were terrible. V ' " Yours, etc., * W; H. MEAD. nifbdealer Want Ads bring results AGED RESIDENT DIED LAST NIGHT Pfeter J. Schoewer, aged 78 years, passed away Wednedsay evening, Dec. 26, at 7 o'clock, at the home of his son, Fred, in West McHenry, .. Mr. Schoewer had been ^ith pneumonia for about a week.- • Funeral services will be held at St. Patrick's church Saturday, at 10:30 o'clock, with burial in St, Mary's cemetery. . ' - Obituary will appear in next week's issue :6f*,the Plaindealer. <-•' ... .'••• ' • " -..,**•** - ' Stan* D«| Tliat Hewl»<f ' ' -• The Dog river Is a short distance from Beirut, Syria. T!»e name Is derived from the (treat stone dog, or pernaps Assyrian bull, that once stood on ;he height overlooking the mouth W :ht river and the sea. The dog # head was hollow and when the wind blew from a certain direction the dog used to emit howls, to the terror of the surrounding population. The most valiant »f these at length summoned up enough courage to push the gigantic dog over the edge of the cliff Into the sea, where it is visible at low tide. SLOCUMPS LAKE Mr. and Mrs. John Blomgren were business callers 6t Grayslake last Thursday afternoon. Mr: and Mrs. Earl Converse and daughter, Frances, and Mra. Leslie Davis and daughter, Bertha, of the Flats were business callers at Elgin last Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews anu son, Lyle, were business callers at Grayslake last Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Foss and son, Billie, were business callers _ rit Crystal Lake Saturday afternoon. BACON'S* STRIP 7 By t "ZEKJET BACON A HAPPY NEW YEAR, patient readers, and may it be as prosperous as the Democrats would have it be. More than that no man can wish. - How Zero WM Fonnil Snow and salt were mixed by Gabriel Fahrenheit ro get sero for bis thermometer. y-MH it Viro-; Our New Year's Resolution-- - -Highest Quality at Lowest Possible Prices!" SPECIAL PRICES FOR SATURDAY AND MONDAY Pot Roast of Beef ' VEAL STEW . Fancy Baby Large, Milk Fed Beef lb 12 J <? Veal lb. 10c SAUSAGE MEAT--Home Made, Like Mother 2 lbs. 25tf - -ibs. i9c Used to Make pig liver ; BACON--Sliced, Nice and Lean HAMBURGER ^ -.-. lb. 25o 2 lbs. 19 ROUND STEAE and SIRLOIN STEAK ROLLED ROAST BEEF--Baby Beef, very tender JL7^ PICNIC HAMS--Small and Lean, Fresh smoked .jib. 13^ .^ESH FISH AND OYSTERS EVERY FAST DAY t SQental Cash Market t Green St. WM. PRIES, Prop, . TeL 80-M We Deliver AT THE PIT Quarter Mile East of McHenry on Route 20 BIG NEW TEAR'S EVE PARTY Free Dancing, Favors and Entertainment -- No Cover or Minimum Charge TURKEY DINNER -- There Will Be a Big Tin*! New Year's Eve Saturday Night-- Free Dancing and Chicken Dinner, 25c SEASON'S GREETINGS -- DON'T FORGET OUR NEW TEAR'S EVE PARTT PINK HARRISON'S it P1STAKEE BAY Famous For a Wonderful Time --Vz Fried Chicken 25c Music By Barbara Horlck's Orchestra Say Goodby to '34 and Welcome *35' Brewery Corner McHenry New Years Eve Dine and Dance Noisemakers, Favofs, Souvenirs LYNN FOREMAN'S ORCHESTRA Turkey Dinner, 40c Go to the Place Where There'll Be Plenty Doing Miarengo ' High took some of the wind o'ut of the rapidly filling1 sails of the MCHS group whejn they trimmed the locals at Marengo last Thursday night in the last game prior Harry Matthews and son, Lyle, wer® j to the holidays. The score ? YoU business callers at Lake Zurich last wouldn't guess in a century. It was .Wednesday morning. 13-7. Marengo played a stalling game Miss Frances Converse spent tha throughout, after getting at 3-U ieaa, weekend at the home of her grapd- and held the ball midcourt for the last parents, Mr. and Mrs. Win. Davis. half of the first quarter and the en- Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Lundgren, Miss (tijre second period. A handful of fans Nelson of Wauconda and John Nelson of Chicago spent Christmas Eve at the home of Mr. .and Mrs. John Blomgren. • Mrs, Lulu. Quartell of Plymouth, Hich., who had been visiting her sister in Chicago, called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. 1^. Brooks Sunday -and was accompanied back to Chicago by her mother, Mrs. Brooks, who will spend Christmas there. • Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Foss and daughter, Viviian, of Libertyville, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Berg and little daughter, Louise, of Griswold Lake and Leslie Foss spent Christmas at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Foss. Mrs. Celia Dowell and daughters were business callers at Elgin Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. John Blomgren and Mr. and Mrs. Baymond Lusk and daughter, Lou, of Maple Park spent Christmas at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Lundgren at Wauconda. Misses Jennie and Ethel Dowell and Mrs. Jane Eatinger and daughter, Ethel, of Wauconda, called on Miss Roberta Eatinger at the Shriners hospital at Oak Park, Sunday. Mrs. LaDoyt Matthews of, Forest Park, Mr. and Mrs. Willard Darrell and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Esping enjoyed Christmas at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mlatthews. Mr. and Mrs. John Blomgren motored to Maple Park last Friday and were accompanied home by Mrs. Raymond Lusk and daughter, Betty Lou," who spent Christmas here. Arthur Wackerow spent a few daya at Christmas time. with his brothers and sister in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Matthews ana daughter, Susan Ann, and son, l«rl ot Wauconda spent Christmas Eve at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Matthews. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews and sons, Robert* and Lyle and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Esping were business callers at McHenry,yWednesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Cook spent Christmas at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ira Cook at Wauconda. H. L. Brooks sp^nt Christmas at the home of his son, Wp- and Mrs. W. O. Brooks at Waukegan. At the annual installation of- officers of the 0. E. S. held at the Masonic hall at Wauconda Thursday evening, Harry Matthews was installed as Worthy Patron, Mrs. Harry Matthews as secretary and Mrs. Elmer Esping as.Electa. Mr. and Mrs, Fred Nordmeyer and daughter, Beatrice, and son, Russei, spent Christmas at the hom* of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Nordmeyer. Poet in Congress \ m witnessed the ^peculiar' operation with McHenry refusing to corne out and Marengo undoing all the good of the ten-second rule, but stubbornly holding the ball just over the ten-second restraining line. The -score at the half was^ still^fe some -game, - ^ \ FQR RENT FOR RENT -- Six-room cottage on Waukegan St., nortn of McHenry school. Inquire Walter J. Freund. 24tf WANTED WANTED--Old cars, scrap iron, brass, copper, radiators> batteries, rags and paper. Call M. Taxman, McHenry 173. 38-if LOST LOST--Brown purse containing pair of glasses. Finder please return to Plaindealer office and receive reward. 31 MISCELLANEOUS The McHenry High Lights '-kep$ their victory string intact with a nose victory over the Kiddies of the Bunncamp. The score was tide most of the way throughout, but they m>sed out in front in the closing minutes to remain at the top of the Little Confer ence Light division. •About the only other activity dttrifijj* 1 the pre-Chrfstmas week was the basketball games at the High School gym last Sunday afternoon with McHenry and Algonquin battling it out in the Independent class. McHenry lost their first game of the season after taking,two practice games with a Chicago team arid Richmond. But Algonquin was different and refused to submit to defeat, after trailing- most of the way. Then they stepped out with a little rally in the last four minutes that comffrted them with « 37-33 victory. < ----- Manager Bill Green! reports that the Crystal Lake team, which has caused so much publicity to their cause by their splendid record of the past few years, will be on hand next Sunday. Games are being played every week at the gym and provide a splendid ' Sunday afternoon entertainment. The regular program features a curtain raiser by the- McHenry girls' team, undefeated so far this season, then a pair of games by the lights and the heaves. The admission is very moderate. WHEN YOU NEED A VETERINARIAN-- Call Richmond 16. Graduate veterinarian, prompt service. General practice. Both large and small ani- i mals. Dr. John Ducey, Richmond. Ill, 12-26 Miss Adeline Perkins and Edward Matson of Waukegan spent Sunday with her parents here. Be sure to see the new 1936 Ford at Buss-Page Motor Saks, 8«torday.,.., vvf* f • - * . * '-Hp Wishing You a Happy aria Prosperous New Year SMITH'S GARAGE Phone 320 McHenry Elm St. and Riverside 'Drive % 49-tf WE PAY FOR DEAD ANIMALS MIDWEST REMOVAL CO. PHONE DUNDEE 10 Reverae Charges ^-; FOR QUICK REMOVAL OF DEAD AND CRIPPLED COWS OR HORSES call Axel Bolvig, Woodstock 1645-W-2 and reverse charges. *18-26 BOWLING LEAGUE STANDINGS Old timers League Bicklers .....,..,...,...,,....7844 . Freunds >,..,.«„4..7674 * Grangers 7575 Smiths ;;v.v..V;...;..i„...i..7487 Forester League ' Tfiam No. Two 7920 Team No. One 7712 - ' Team No, Four .....7.V.'..7546 ° , " Team No. Three .~...,..v....7458 J Oldtimers League « freunds-- .. .V:: L. Bacon .^9 199 171--549 Adams 155 160 169--484 Pterkins •....^.^.......143 v 172 187--452 Goodell 135 155 198--488 Freund ...»..^.......151 193 189--533 763 S79 864 2500 BICKLERS-- Work, commenced; last Friday on the skating pond to be located where the play ground for baseball is situated in summertime. <-"The CWA has approved the project and will finish the joB as early as possible, but this trfmendously cold weather is somewhat of a handicap. Too bad it wasn't complete before this cold snap as the skating would have been fine. v Leo Winkel's outfit continues td set a hot pace in the Forester Leagui with a neat total qf '2724 for- last week's total. The team is now enjoying a lead of a little more than twp hundred pins with but three series under their belts. Last week Loo slipped a little on his personal score, but Clarence Stilling showed his ability after an enforced layoff, due to An injured foot, by rolling 617, the first real hot score he has had this year. Better cut that other foot off «ind turn him loose. In the Old Timers league Billie Bickler, "Judge" to you, has his team right up on top, due to some splendid work by Robert L. Weber and Charles Ray Page. Those two averaged almost two hundred-.last session though they couldn't boo&t their team up to the high spot for the night due to Granger's outfit going to town in a handsome manner. Mike Schaefer was the reason for that with a 590 total, but he had plenty of able as9ts*4nce. Ginnie Wattles had 550 and Beavis 546. Anu to think that a week ago Dar wanted to sell, barter or junk his entire outfit, but he couldn't get an offer for them nohow.,y Now Ed Smith feel-i the same way about it. I'oiiuro^s jiiiw hits a real potM. who also Conducts a newspaper column. He is John Stevens McGroart.v of Los An geles, a Democrat who replaces \V. E. Kvans, Republican, as representative from the Eleventh district of Call fornia. Still Mayor \ . Hick NT. Freund won the prise for the single high score for last week with a 256 count. I$tk was certainly hitting theni for a thne, but cooled off a little in the last week's scores, temffbrarily, we hope. « Basketball enthusiasts about the county had high hopes of organizing another county basketball league this year similar to the one in existence last season, but apparently the last hopes of getting the gang together have faded. It's too bad that something can't be done because the league was handled very efficiently last y««*- McHenry is willing to pledge their undivided support to the cause with fine team to enter. Barbian .178 167 148--493 Karls .142 138 188--468 Page ................... .182 213 187--582 Weber .*> -- ...... .193 182 214-*-58D Bickler ..... .19t 192 161--544 886 892 898 2676 GRANGERS-- Wattles .200 165 195--550 Beavis .197 179 170--546 Hughes .161 184 160--50;' M. Schaefer ........ ..193 203 194--590 Graaflr«r ............. .180 180 180--540 r 'V/. '.••• .. 931 901 899 2731 SMITHS-^ Sayler .. .140 156 144--440 Johnson .118 149 124--391 Govalt .121 161 197--47SJ J. Schaefer ........ .168 163 -152--483 Smith, .190 190 190--570 | - ' >-'• . 737 819 807 2363 Forester League TEAM NO. ONE-- Wm. Heimer ...... .154 154 164--462 E. Sutton i...,,.#-.. .171 171 171--513 L. Heimer .191 214 192--597 A. Justen ...... .178 183 143--504 Hup Smith .......... .191 191 191--573 TEAM NO. FOUR-- A. E. Nye ... .162 162 137--461 Geo. P. Freund .. .181 144 182--507 H. Schaefer .164 233 147--544 H. Steffes .157 180 124--461 H. Simon ..... .160 223 180--563 TEAM NO. TWO-- C. Stilling .184 207 226--611 Pfannenstil .135 171 173--479 Vie Freund .-u... ..174 199 17&--551 Geo. Justert ..175' 175 175--525 L. Winkel ..175 163 214--552 843 915 966 2724 TEAM NO. THREEe-- F. Unti ..213 125 135--473 A. Tonfan .u....... ..147 135 209--491 A. Weingart ..146 160 191--497. L. Thennes .......... ..178 178 178--5311 Ed Sniith-.......:... ..186-157 208--• 552 870 755 922 2547 Both grammar and high schools at Barrington closed Tuesday ot las., week because of an epidemip of intestinal influenza. According to reports 20 per cent of the 700 school pupils are ill with the disease. Some case^have also been reported in Other towns, as well as in Chicago. McHenry sends a bowlini maybe two of them, to Fox Kiver Grove" Friday night tor take on ten men from that city in a friendly match. Plans have been made to make it a home and home affair. If your average is over 175 or 175 see Earl Monear. There may be a Vacancy on the team* 4 ».|.» » »i|. .|i».j. <t"» » » »<V •» *• 'I1» • Among the Sick David Walkington is on the gair. after a serious illness. Maxine Bacon has been confined to her home with torn ligiments in I1 her knee received\while playing basl" ur fully une-ihird of a century Charles j3.„ Ashley, seventy-six years old, has Seen mayor of New Bedford, Mass., setting what is believed to be a record. He has been elected for his twenty-seventh term, winning In a close three-cornered race. „ T^jSay jwia fad it,.i&l;T2iS Potomac Appalac rait Club The Potomac Appalachian Trail club was organized in Washington, D. C.,'10 November, J927, by a group of eight people for the dual purpose of constructing the Appalachian trail alons the crest-line of the Blue ridge in Virginia and fostering appreciation of the recreational and scenic attractions of Shensndonh national park. Mrs. Henry Vogel broke a bone in her wrist when she slipped and fell in a game at the Eastern Star party Friday evening,,.^ Mr. and Mrs. John King have both been ill with the flu. Fred Kamholz has been absent from -his barber shop in West McHenry because of illness. Squirrel* Cafrj Plague 'Because ground squirrels of California can carry bubonic plague, squirrelfree aones are maintained around ports there to prevent the squirrels from infecting city rats and starting a serious dtitbreak. -- Wishing You a Uery 1W Green Street Place Tavern McHenry, 01. 'v\ New Year's Eve Party t NELL'S WHITE HOUSS 1 Mile East of McHenry cm Eonte 20 ^ -- TURKEY SUPPER, 35c Souvenirs--Noisemakers--No Cover Charge of . i^dviooe : .<• • on Drinks • ^ SMITTY'S 3 PIECE ORCHESTRA Call 164 if you wish party reservations GREEN STREET TAVERN Just North of Empire Theatre ' MEXICAN CHILI SERVED AT ALL TIMES, 10c PER BOWL : ] . HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL _ Fine Assortment of Holiday Wines and Liquors GEO. L. JONES, Prop. SCHAEFER'S TAVERN East of the Old River Bridge Saturday. Night--Special Dutch Lunch, 10c Mixed Drinks -. ^ jr^ •' v ^ an; d 10c Beer NEW YEAR'S EVE -- TURKEY DINNER • ORCHESTRA ' SAY HELLO TO 1935! 4 J / Reservations Taken Now New Year's Eve Party BETTY'S at Lily Lake $1.00 Each Covers a Dinner and Beer--Favors- Dance and Be Merry--Thonneson's Orchestra FISH FRY FRIDAY NIGHT Johnsburg Tavern SPECIAL SATURDAY NITE Chicken Dinner and Trimmings, 25c ^ New Year's Eve--Turkey Dinner, 25c, FRIDAY NIGHT--FREE TURTLE SOUP^ Music by Ben Thonnison Chili Served af All Times J. B. HETTERMAN, Manager 'FROM GILBERT HOWAR& Mrs. C. S. Howard has received a letter from her son, Gilbert, who is now with Company 2759-V at a CC camp at Sturgis, S. D. He sends best wishes for a happy New Yettr to all of "his friends here and would be glad to hear from them. Letters will reach him by sending them to the ubove address. He enjoys the Flaindea«er which brings him ths news of'"his old home town. No doubt, friends here will be glad to read the above news. SuWri* for Ptateacsl#. 's Eve CELEBRATION BRIDGE BALL ROOM East of the New State Bridge on Highway 2CI $1.00 P©r Person, Which Includes a Turkey Dinner, Free Dancing. Confetti, Hats, Noise Makers, and ft , Good Floor Show, Consisting of , KNUTH & COWtlN, Dance Team, Woodstock EMIGEN NIHAN, Tap Dancing, Harvard JEAN HUCK, Songs and Tap Dancing, McHenry ARLAND RANDALL, Piano Accordian, Elgin And the Heavyweight Champian Hamburger Eater of the State of Illinois, the Singing Bartender, None Other Than "BONES" • 7~,Ti|oag and Dance.\ _ FRANKIE GANS AND HIS 5 PIECE ORCHESTRA •M: