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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 7 Feb 1935, p. 8

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VWtncMi Si! V"r V n •i " • - " " ' .'• *' -' * '" " *J " ""i**" ™ ., - -t .. -. r,.fc •>* •. ,. - 1 - - • '. 1 •*•- *a'- - '•'.,-M' ;; THE HcHKHRT PLAXNDKALU #- „• - r;'..; 0, V ' \ v LEGION MEETS MONDAY tlifeHcnry Post, ^Amcricdn Legion, will meet next Monday eVening ih .Legion hall. SflTDY CLUB - Stady club will meet next Wednesday nighty at 7:45 , at the high school. Mrs. E. M. Phillips will review the book, "Lust For Life,' by \lrwiitog Stone. Everyone is inVi^d. _ SUNSHINE CLUB ' The Sunshine club met with Mrs. John Mulder Tuesday afternoon. Prizes were awarded Mrs. Vincent Martin and Mrs. Herbert Frietag. .The next meeting will be with Mrs. Friet*|T;; ;V;;/-V •• - ' STUDY CLUB MEETS : C" ' g o o d c r o w d was i n a t t e n d a n c e a t $&u<ty cluib Wednesday.-night. /1'he' ft! meetinp was held in the high scbopj . • *, and Mrs. E. M. Phillips reviewed the f;V'V ; books, "FuH Flavor,n by Doris; Leslie, •; and "Heaven Is My Destinations by "x v Thornton Wilder. ; . . - - , . J -- . " V v i i - ' • MID-WEEK CLUB JKie MSd-Week/card club met Wed- ?3?%: nesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Lillian Cox. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. Minnie Miller, Mrs. Martha Page And Mrs. E. E. Bassett. The next meeting will be with Mrs. E. L. Bassett * pu6lk>card party; . The Altar and Rosary sodality of St. Patrick's church will sponsor a public card party at the Bridge Ballroom, Thursday aftorhoon, Feb. 14. This will be a valontine p^rty^ with prizes and lunch. The public, is invited. •>' PLANM PATRICiCS PARTY The Altar ivpd Rosary sodality of St.-Patrick's church is planning a St. Patrick's party, at the Bridge on March 17. Watch , for further announcements. BUSINESS MEETING The Catholic Daughters of America will hold their regular business meet- Ing this Thursday evenirjg; AT 0. L S. DANCE ANNUAL MASQUERADE IS .. GIVEN SATURDAY COUNTY PLANS FOR BOY SCOUT WORK (Continued from front page) Miss Kathleen Givens went to Chicago Friday morning for a few days' visit with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Brefeld and children, Herbert Hageniann, Theresa,, Qlga and Mary Brefeld of Chicago, spent Sunday in the B. J. Brefeld home. Mrs. M. A. Sutton returxusd home Friday, afteiv a fe-^ days spent in Elgin' with > her daughter, Mary, who un<|er^ni.;:i^^peratioa on Thur s,k .day. ;•>/ Mrs. Clowns, cowboys, Indians, fair ladies and brave chieftains' costumes as varied as the seasons, both beautiful and grotesque, all these altd more were seen at the secunc* annual mask : with ninety-four Scouts in attendance, ball sponsored by McHenry chapter, j Among the activities prorfioted for Order of the Eastern Star, at Stof- j McHenry county Scouts was a first" ing, and a cub training course in Belvidere with eight men of the counts attending. There were two camping projects for the Scouts. 1.* The four-night Camip-O-Ree at Camp Pinehurst with 138 McHenry county Scouts participating the Blackhawk Area Council camp at Camp Rotary near Rockford SPRING GROYE fel's hall, Saturday evening. The affair was & financial as well as a social success, with a large crowd of dancers and spectators present to enjoy the evening. aid contest at Harvard; a merit badge exposition at Marengo, and a rally in Crystal Lake. Troop Service Troops are human mechanism that Mrs. C. W. IClontz, worthy matron require servicing'just as an automobile does. Day after day the field Scout executive has traveled in the County, giving attention to strengthening weak, situations and rendering every type of service necessary for the welfare and development of the trotips. Servicing means regular con- j Mr, and Mrs. Hughie Kirk of 'Chlcago spent the weekend' at their home at Emerald Park. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sutton of Chicago spent Saturday here. Mrs. Mike Lavelle of Streator visited her mother, Mrs. E, Buss," lasr week Wednesday. of McHenry chapter, her committees in charge of the dan^e and the members in general, appreciate the generous response of the business men in donating "prizes, as well as the co-op. e rati on of the public in their large and splendid attendance , There was never » ;-dull foment ^few blaokets »„d th, during the evening with v everyone lb. . Programs and operation gala mood as old and young en- an<* provision of incentives for ac- It means sustaining Music for the dancing was furnish-- President Talks to Scouts t, Laiira Kent, who is spending »a TTv,yT g • ' cbmpHshmehts so mm±w the home of, hdson rti ^ the, ; of !the <fsSardr^ F t Ghicagoj spent the weekend" at her " x _ J u home oil Riverside Drive. . : " _ ._ Charles Vycital . and Bob Peterson, the latter also pleasing with his vocal numbers. Beautiful and valuable prizes, donated by local business mm, were awarded by a committee of capable judges for the best costumes as, well as a group of special prizes. February 8, at 7:45 p. m. President Rooseyelt will broadcast over both the National and Columbia Broadcasting systems to the 1,000,000 Boy Scouts in the nation/ opening the celebration of the 25th anniversary of the Boy Scouts of America. Every troop ^Vlr. and Mrs. Walter Fay of Elgin .a hand-made bag donated by Mrs. visited his parents Saturday. ^Richard Frank to the Good Will club". i The bag went to Anna Anderson. I Many Win Prii The sum of $5.30 was realized upon , ?ho"ld gat?^r a* designated spot Mr. and Mrs. Fred Feltz and Mrs. Fred Voelt,z attended the funeral' of a cousin at Dundee Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ensign" and son attended the-funeral of Mrs; Ento hear this talk and renew their Scout oath and law. The friends of Scouting in the county are urged to listen to this talk sign's^cousin, .Walter Thomas, at West and Shampoo". Following are th£ nam£s of the which undoul^edly will assist in a prize winners: j bettor appreciation of Boy Scout Carrie Miller, Woodstock--Marcel : work. NEW OFFICERS PRESIDE _ The recently installed officers 1 of Fox River Valley Camp, R. N. A,» Chicago, Saturday.: Mr. and Mr?. George Hoelscher and son, Robert, of WheatO?i, and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Larkin ol ;Elgin were j Sunday guests in t'he M. A. "Suft.on Home. * . --:-v.' Mr. and Mrs. John Bolger visited relatives at Pecatonica Sunday. ' Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Burn's and fioi> and Richard Heine of ©ak Park were filled their offices at their first meetitig, Tuesday ev^eriing. Mrs. Mary R. Freund, newly-elected oracle^ presided.... - ;; EMERALD BRIDGE CLUB Mrs. Thomas Wilspn was hostess to the members of the Emerald Bridge club at her home Tuesday afternoon. Prizes were won- by Mrs. E. R. Sutton, Mrs. Harvey Nye and Mrs. Albert Vales. WARNING T6 MOTORf&TS A warning has be'en issued by the, state of Illinois to all motorists to be sure and order their license plates immediately. The state police havw George Johnson--Carton cigarettes, received an order to contact each Mrs. Henry Vogel --Fruit~5owli:motorist who is not displaying the Mrs. George Lindsay -^ Assorted 1935 plates and unless same are procanned goo'ds. - ' cured within a short time they are to Billy Kinsala--Basket (fairy prod- be. arrested. Time, trouble and money v • ' itri 1T Vv n ^ 1^ >.1 ----1 u .*1.1. J 1 Ray Hughes--Carton cigarettes. Rollo Chamberlin--Car wash. Mrs. Wm. Pries--Boudoir lamp. Mrs. Ray Howard--$2.50 laiindry coupon will be saved by complying with the Adams--24%4b. sacjs immediately. ^ MOTHERS CLUB Thf Mothers Club will meet Friday afternoon, Feb. 15, at the home of Mrs. -C. J. Reihansperger, with Mrs. Thomas Phalin as assistant hostess. The guest speaker will be Dr. Charles ~,F. Deatherage, superintendent of mouth hygiene of the Illinois State Department of Health, who will speak on "Mouth Hygiene." Sunday visitors in the George John- ucts son home. , Mrs. Lester andMrgiJ£L_3S^ 'Goodell, Mrs., of flour,-: George Johnson atid Warren Jones i Mrs. Lester Bacbp-r-1 gallon (ice > CARD OF THANK S ~ spent Monday evening in Woodstock, 1 cream. J* I deisre in this mianner to ,where Mrs. Goodell and Mrs. John- j Miss Rosa Popp--Permanent waves.1 my sineere thanks to the McHenry son attended the meeting of the] Stanley Schaffer--3-lb. can^^ coffee. ( Fii,e Department and. to all others Business &•; Professional Women's ! Miss Marion Wagner--Basket gro- w^ho assisted in extinguishing the club. • ~ R. & P. CLUB MEETS Mirs-. C. W. Goodell presided at' a short business session of the Business & Profesional Women's club at the home of Mrs. E. C. Coe at Woodstock Monday evening. Mrs. E. M. Phillips conducted a book review and discussed Irving Stone's "Lust For Life," Thornton " Wllder's "Heaven Is My Destination," and "Full Flavor," by Doris Leslie. ENTERTAIN CARD CLUB Mr. and Mrs. Nick Freun^. entertained the members of their card club at their home Sunday evening. . Three tables of bridge were in play and prizes were won by Mrs. Albert Krause, Vivian. Austin, Mrs. Frank Marzahl and Mrs. E. R. Sutton, Score cards and refreshments were appropriate to St. Valentine's season. The next meeting will be at the E. R. Sutton home in two weeks. - . . GIRL SCjOUT EDITION The first meeting in February can boast of a perfect attendance. We went to the gym arfd played Rachel and Jacob, and ran relay races. The "Beaver Patrol" is giving a Valentine Party for the other patrols. Later on songs were sung, including "Mjy Goose," which was a real strain to our "vocal chords." In closing "Taps" were sung, and Court of Honor was held. Don't forget the next meeting will be at 7 o'clock on Mlonday on account of the Valentine Party to be held. Cancel every other date. Mrs. Joanne Kulien attended tht Eastern Star card party at Woodstock Saturday night. - i Mrs. John Schuenamann and Mrs. Josephine Heimer visited their brother, Charles Kuhnert, in a Chicago hospital, Wednesday. Relatives here receive letters from Mrs. Simon Michels, telling of the warm? weather and happy days she is* enjoying at Pensacola, Fla. Mrs. Michels is keeping house , for a rela tive, Msgr. Schmitt, and they are neighbors to Father Nix. • Among those who attended th: masquerade Saturday night were: Mr. and Mrs. Ben Clinge and daughter, Evelyn, Mr. and Mrs. Will Clinge and daughter, Pearl, Mr. and Mrs.' O. Erickson, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Horn, Dawn Landware, Mr. and Mrs. Brandt, Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Clinge, Mr. and Mrs. Kelsey, Mr. and Mrs. Algriim of Barrington, Mr. and Mrs. Gusher, Mundelein, and Blaun Erickson, Cary. Mrs. Edna Heimer and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Craig of Chicago Visited Mrs. Josephine Heimer Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ewert of Des- Plaines attended the masquerade Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Vogel, Mrs. Henry Vogel and Mr. and Mrs. Wilhelm Toppen of Richmond attended the Eastern Star masquerade Saturday night. & Robert Ulrich of St. Charles spent the i weekend in the home of Mrs. Nellie Bacon. His wife and little son returned home with him after a fewdays' v^it here. Mrs. Jacobi and daughters, Ethel and Gertrude, son,' William, and Ray Silk of Chicago attended the masquerade Saturday night. Among others present were Henrietta Dahms, Wauconda; Mr. and--Mrs. Granger, Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Alexander, Hebron. Mrs. John Bolger and daughters, Men's shoes, double tanned uppers, all oak leather soles, genuine Goodyear welt, at our February clearance sale for $2.98. Popp's, West McHenry. 37 series. • blaze at my garage Saturday even- Louis Nimsgern--Cudahy Puritan ALLAN NOONAN. ham. ":-v,^ Miss Miriam Sayler--Permanent wave. '-"- •,v> Howard Ensign--Coupon in trade, j Lyle Franzen--1 year's subscription to Plaindealer. /•--:;V; -7^ Robert Thompson--1 scription to Plaindealer. ! : ' | Mrs. R. G. Chamberlin-r-Electric [flat iron. ^ Mrs. Lisle Bassett--Console set, Richard Vycital--$3.00 value hair tonic.' _ ' Jenny Ferwerda--Hat brush. Mrs. Anna Gier--Basket groceries Karl Concord--Bag Gold Seal mash Mrs. Fanny Thompson --• Potted plant. ; Bunny Stoffel--Layer cake. j Virgil Adams--Pocket knife. Wm. ,Landring, Barringtow--Coupon, Weir Keck. *' Mrs, Amanda . Brown--Pair siHs hose. • '• Mrs. Peter Schaeffer --<• Tie tod handkerchief set. Mrs. Joe Nimsgern -- Electric toaster. 's,; Wm. Jacoby--$1.00 trade coupon. Ethel Jacoby--$1.00 trade coupon^* Charles Miartin--Trade coupon. Miss Marion Anderson--6 gallons gas. Miss Ethel Granger--Silk scarf. Vaughn Jones--Angel food cake. Violet Woodard-^Box candy., Evelyn Clinge, Barrington--"Box writing paper. Mrs. O. Erickson, Barrington--r2 pairs baby shoes. Hazel Howard and Agnes Mishke--- Box candy0 Norbert Klause, Spring Groves- Card dealer. .. .'V Norma Oeffling--Trouble light. " Buddy Baur--Silver tray. Marjorie Johnson--$1.00 coupon io trade. Mrs; Glenn Peterson--Bake dishi. ;; Harold Vycital and Miss Henrietta Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. May are the proud parents of an eight pound baby boy, born January 30. Mrs. May is at St. Theresa's Hospital, Waukegan. Both she and the baby are doing nicely. The Five Hundred Club was entertained at the home of Mrs. Charles Freund on Thursday afternoon. Five hundred was played and prizes were won by Mrs, A1 Schmeltzer, first; Mrs. Charles Freund, second; Mr3. Thomas McCafferty, consolation. Mrs. Freund received a hostess prize. A very/nice luncheon was served. . THe Ushers were enitJertained bj^ Rev. J. L. Daleiden on Tuesday evening. Cards furnished the entertainment, At the close,of a pleasant evening, a delicious lunch was served. The firemen were called out at midnight to George Buchert's summer home in Keefe's subdivision. The fire had done too much daAiage "before the alarm was given and there was no chartce to. Save anything bi$t 4 9 car which wif parked near the house. Evelyn Sanders, Arlefte Nett and Lucille" Eah motored to Woodstock /Tuesday night to take pstrt as the ,fThree Little Maids," in the . WLS Barn Dance Show." George Esh: of Bartlett spent Thursday with his aunt, Mrs. Bertha Esh. Donald McCafferty and Robert Foulke motored from Champaign to spend the past week with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Berthing returned home on Friday night from a trip to Wisconsin. The Christian Mothers of St. Peter's Church are giving a card party Sunday night, Feb. 10, at St. Peter's Hall Jfive hundred, euchre and bunco will be played. Some very useful and pretty prizes will be given. Flaying will start' promiptly at 8:00 o'clock. Admission 25c. Eleanor Freund of Chicago spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. ahd Mrs. Nichols Freund. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sanders and Mrs. Alice Wagner motored to Rockford Sunday to spend the day with friends. Dorothy Klein came home from Chicago to spend the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nick Klein. -- Mrs; Al Schmeltzer, Mrs. Arthui Kattner and Mrs. Charles Freund drove to Waukegan Friday afternoon to visit Mrs. George May at St. Theresa's Hospital. Mrs. Webster and friend, Mrs. Wilcox of Madison, Wis., stopped for a short visit with the former's daughter, Mrs. Thomas McCafferty on Monday while on their way to a six week's vacation in Florida. Many of this community attended the funeral of Hubert Weber at St. Mary's church, McHenry on Tuesday. COUNTY CORN-HOG SIGNERS HAVE KElCEIVED $99,939.03 The purchasing power of some 320 McHenry county farmers will be increased by $31,449.83 as a result of the receipt of over half of the second corn and hog payments. Irving Eppel, treasurer of the McHenry County Corn-Hog Control association, states that to date the 498 signers in McHenry county have received $99,- 939.03. With few exceptions the remaining part of the second payment is expected at any time. The checks just received by Mr. Eppel will be distributed to the owners Wednesday, Feb. 6, and Thursday, Feb. i/; FORTY-THREE IMMUNIZED < Forty-three children received toxoid immunization against diphtheria Tuesday morning. The toxoid was given to the pupils at the nurse's office at the high school. The second and last of the series will be given on Feb., 26. »»•»»«»•»•»+»•»»»•«M>•»»» Among the Sick Miss Mary Sutton underwent an operation for appendicitis at Sherman hospital, Elgin, Thursday. She is th« daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Sutton. Mrs. Mary A. Schmitt has been ill at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Nick Freund, for the past few weeks, but is improving slowly. Charies Kuhnert, who underwent an operation in a Chicago hospital for the removal of a cataract on his eye lest week, had an operation on his other eye Wednesday. t* v.: - W '- ' WILL ENTERTAIN VETERANS McHenry Unit of the Legion Auxiliary will entertain the veterans at Elgin State hospital on Feb. 22. Anyone having magazines, burlap bags or cross word puzzles to send the boys please call Mrs. Anna Howard before this date. Mens dress oxfords, $3.50 value, The local unit will put on. a pco. February clearance price, $2,98. Val- gram and will take donations at this SfStr Pofip'a :,West time. Legionnaires and everyone iacHenry. 37.; terested is invited to attend: -' V; -' * v .A ' Av •H"4 s . ' \ " Special Prices for Friday and Saturday, Feb. 8 and 9 YOU SAVE WHEN YOU TRADE AT ERICKSON'S SU0A&---0, & H. Pure Cane Granulated Sugair 10 lbs. for 48^ . Beet Sugar 10 lbs. for 47<? # Powdered Sugar 3 lbs. for 20c BUTTER--Finest Creamery Butter per lb. SOAP--10 bars of American Family Laundry Soap for 5(W and 2 bars of Kirk's Castile Soap FREE COFFEE--Star Santos Coffee ... ...3 lbs. for £>9^> CORN FLAKES--Kelloggs, large pkgs. „2 for 23^ SHREDDED WHEAT-- _2 large pkgs. for 23^ PANCAKE FLOUR--McHenry Self Rising Buckwheat Flour 5 lb. bag 26^ 10-lb. bag 51c WINTER CAPS--Boys' Wool Caps with visor and ear flaps, sizes up to 6 7-8 each 10c* ZIPPER COATS--for boys, all wool, ...^±. - each $2-29 ZIPPER COATS--for men, all wool ^ each $2-69 LEATHER COATS--Men's horse hide leather coats with fur collar ... , ..each $5.95 LEATHER COATS--Boys' horse hide leather coats with fur collar '•••• • each $3.95 Men's sheep lined coats each $1.98 HOSIERY--Ladies' black cotton stocking, per pr. 15c CLOTHES PINS--Fine hard wood clothes pins dozen for 23^ STANDARD SIX INDIES' AID SOCIETY About twelve members aad friends •f the Ladies' Aid society met at the v fceme of Mrs. E. E. Bassett Thursday afternoon. Some sewing was accomplished and plans were completed for the Jubilee party to be held this Jgiursday evening in Woodman, hall. Plans were also made for future work of the society. The next meeting will be with Mrs. C. W. Klontz next Thursday afternoon. The serving of Refreshments Concluded a pleasant afternoon. Helen and Mercedes, of -Woodstock Dahmis, Wauconda--Individual photo. Lester Adams and Blaun Erickson^ Cary--5 quarts oil. X/ . Mrs. Norman Brandt, Barrington^ */& ton soft coal. Clarence Pearson,. Ringwood--600 lbs. Pocahontas coal. ' " Billy Kinsala--Grease job. • Virgil Adams--24% lbs. floor. Miss Clara Stoffel--^Percolator set Mrs. J. P. Miller--End table. Miss Ethel Jones--Basket groceries. George Lindsay--Lamp. CSay Hughes---Lamp. g ; i INSTALLATION OF OFFICERS P!^ . ;The Holy Name Society of Hst. Mary's Church installed officers for the coming year at a meeting held in St. Mafcyfe hall, Monday evening^ ; Jfipllowing are the officers , ,/ ,/President--Phil Guinto. / , Vice-president--Jacob Freund. r- Secretary--Hterman Steffes. : ' .Treasurer--Math Freund. c1* "' Refreshments were served by George Barbian and Carl Bickler. A committee from the Christian Mothers was present to discuss a dance pb be given at the Bridge Ballroom, Wednesday, Feb. 27, for the beneflt of St. Mary's church, sponsored by Christian Mothers and the Holy Name society. visited relatives here Sunday, Miss Delia Beck with was a Crystal Lake visitor Friday night. Mr. and Mrp. James Kainey of Ringwood were local visitors Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. John Aylward of Elgin Visited here Friday nights M. A. Conway attended a party Friday evening at Woodstock in honoi of the seventy-fifth birthday anniversary of William J. Welch. • Robert Knox spent a few days this week at Springfield. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Young and children of Waukegan visited her parents, Mr, and Mrs. M. J. Walsh, Sunday. Little Joan Young remained for a visit. * ~ Mr. and Mrs. Peter Gies visited in Chicago over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Martin visited at Grayslake Sunday. Scout Executive Ellis was * . lie- Henry caller Tuesday. - GIVES RADIO TALK President %Karl Adams of the Northern Illinois State Teachers College at DeKalb gave an address on a radio program sponsored by the Illinois Congress of Parents and Teachers over WGN Tuesday from 3 to 3:30 p. m. The subject of his talk was "The Need of Adequate Preparation for the Elementary School Teachers." . v From papers from both students and training teachers, President Adams has had published in the'collejge print shop a bulletin entitled, "The Training of High School Teachers." PETITION FOR ADOPTION George A. Gaw and his wife, Arli Johnstone Gaw, of Pistakee Bay filed a petition in county court Monday to adopt Beverly Arline Johnstone, 17 years old. Miss Johnstone is a daughter of Mrs. Gaw by a former marriage. Her father is dead. " George A. (Jaw is better known as Greeter" Gaw, official greeter for the late Mayor Cermak of Chicago. He has a home at Pistakee Bay. DIES AT AGE OF 101- Mrs. Fanny Thompson of Woodstock died, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Frank Pugh, Tuesday.ev.e& ing, aged 101 years: -- Men's best chambray shirts, value $1.00. February clearance price, 69c. Popp's, West McHenry. 87 Charging that her husband deserted her to become the sheik of a tribe in Arabia, Mrs. Lyda Martha Rawgan of Los Angeles, is seeking a divorce. line of cars whose and pmufa make the price phenomenal present* in addition to the Pontiac family--the Standard Six : line--even lower in price and offering many of the features that the 19(35 De Luxe Six and Improved Eight introduced with such sensational success. All models have the same speedlined jBtyling that gained Pontiac the name of the most beautiful thing on wheels. The bodies are the same eolid "steel "Turret-Top*V Bodies Fisher. The brakes are the same--big, positive hydraulics, triple-sealed against dirt and moisture. The new ride, tlfc happy result of stabilised, synchronized springing, is every bit as gentle and comfortable as you could ask for. Hie engine, with its silver-alloy bearings, pro- ' vides dependable performance so smooth and lively that you will doubt it is a six. And, best of all, It operates with an economy of gasoline and oil that will literally amare anyone who- has had experience with other low-priced cars! A look, a ride amd yxfU^Udecide you simply can't do better. JPONTIAC MOTOR COMPANY, PONTIAC, MICHIGAN. Divuum M<fn HIGHLIGHTS OF-PONTIAC QUALITY FOR 1935 L SoUSMtatNt.Top*BwBMbTFkhH %• TrtpU S«aUd Hydraulic i J. SpMdliMd Stylta} 4. Completely S*a}«<l i 5. Silver-Alloy Boarinv Chqluc W Second Sfeuilin^ at Zero 7. Even Greater Econaaty ' •. No Draft Ventilation S. Full Pressure Metered Lubrication Ml. Luggage and Spare The CompaitiMal • And up. List price »f Stmdurd ,u«ylu4tr Cmtp* af/o r/m o nefixatcr.a . AAlicvAaitlMuUn*. Stmndard group «i mc«•»- Paymmtt. an muy G.M.A.C. Tim* V •i] R. I. OVERTON MOTOR SALES Front Stret* Wmt MaHenrr I1L Mtf,

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