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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 4 Apr 1935, p. 5

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"»"•.;.^-:.**ik..i^ " 5!«r** #** ijf & - 3* •'•rv «* ' « ?^w»ff- :S?S& - • : , April 4, 1935 fill Fire -r: .v..- John Erickson of Chicago spent a ffetr days this week in the home of his ,'bi-other. | Miss Florence Austin is /now employed in Chicago where she will make her home. |r; THURSDAY aitd FRIDAY . April 4 and 5 "Home On the Range" Abo Betty Boop's Life Pal-- Circus Hoodoo -- Yacht Club Bojrf Garden. - SATURDAY, APRIL « Jean Parker, Charles Bickford "A WICKED WOMAN" Also Charley Chase fat "Chases of Pimple Street"--Hey, Hey, Fetwr. ', 'S> • . SUNDAY and MONDAY April 7 sad 8 "Forsaking All Others" Also Mamma's Little Pirate (Oar |G«njrMs«oty Maries- World Nm, TUESDAY, AFRIL » "PLAY BALL" Abo Roscoe Ates in Ones Over Lightly--Charlie Davis and His Band in Echoes--Showing of the last Eueharistic Congress, Sponsored by the Knights of Columbus, McBenry Council No. 1288. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 10 "MYSTERY WOMAN" 10c BARGAIN NIGHT 15c Also Moon Ove*> Manhattan-- Sooth Pole or Bast. THURSDAY and FRIDAY "The County Chairman" The Beautiful irarn CRYSTAL IAME. ILL. The Entertainment Ont»?r of McHenry County FRIDAY and SATURDAY Matinee Every Saturday at 2:30 Rocky Mountain Mystery with Randolph Scott, "Chic" Sale and Kattateen Burke A Zane Grey Thriller! Our Gang Comedy, News, Color Rhapsody and Tailspin Tommy' SUNDAY and MONDAY Sun., Cont. from 2:45 Claudette Colbert in "THE GILDED LILY" with Fred MacMurray Carrying a Rating Equal to-- "It Happened One Night " TUESDAY, APRIL 9 Big Style Show AT THIS THEATRE M. Cohn & Sons Present a Complete Showing of Styles for the Spiking and Summer of 1935. Sponsored by the CRYSTAL LAKE WOMEN'S CLUB, Music by Mildred Cobb and Orchestra Feature Picture Robert Young, Betty Furoess 1b "BAND PLAYS ON" Last Complete Show Starts at 8:45--All Tickets 30c WEDNESDAY - THURSDAY 1 'The Winning Ticket" with Leo Carrillo, Louise Fazenda and Ted Healy The HowKag Sweepstakes Comedy-- EXTRA SPECIAL-- "Star Night at Cocoanut Grove" Musical Revue Showing all your Favorite Stars in Technicolor. The Showing of This Subject is worth the price of admission alone, but in addition -- Kitchen ware Froe to the Ladies Plus Feature Picture--News and Cartoon. MCHS BOXING SHOW IS BEST EVER PRESENTED A crowd was well pleased last Friday njght with the most thrilling an<l entertaining fights ever presented by the local high school. The boys all went to it with a will to fight tha*.t was surprising, inasmuch as the decisions given are given more for the benefit of the crowd than to determine amongst the boys just who is the best man. They find that out in practice. o * In the windup bout of the evening, Melvin Peterson got the verdict over Ray Hughes in a swell bout. Hughes BACON'S I STRIP \e By "ZEKE" BACON *v- •ft- ;€* CONGRESS STAGING ADMINISTRATION DRAMA Every spring along about this time a new depression sets in,' a depression in local sport news. 1 It's a little early for baseball, the basketball is all wound up, bowling is on its last legs, no one but the genuine bugs are j,?"' •'» playing golf and the result is that!^ree months, are not yet ready one just has to rely on these mighty! f tage complete y the first big act of interesting boxing shows now held at *he admmistration drama. The -first had the°edge in the first round,"but the high school for some real honest; ^ of ^X ev^apthe lighter Peterson came back to goodness enjoyment. I ^ of money ever ap strong in the last two rounds and (By Florence Sloam Hyde) Washington, March 30--Although Congress is composed largely of performers whose presence here is due in considerable measure to the President's superb abilities as a stage manager, members of both Senate and House have failed to play the parts assigned, have insisted on writhing their own lines, and at. the end of to pounded out a decision. They held one last Friday night as Taxman and George Frisby went a pepper-up fo$ the sectional boxto a draw in the semi-windup when ; ing meet to be held here tomorrow the judges failed to agree. It was alight as a preliminary or qualifying jjoiise good bout with Taxman the agressor ' *-- iU- /"n :--' ' and Frisby the more skillful. gan a week from Friday,, It is the first time in history that the Illinois High School Athletic association has held a state tournament in the sport. Other results were George Johnson and Jerome Joisten, draw. William Hauri over Bill Gritzuk. Bernard Baur over Russell Franxen. Francis Cox over Gordon Granger. Buddy Meyers over LeRoy Hetterman. Clarence Anderson over Lewis Brefeld. . v„v • K3*pperich over Dick Justen. E. Darnell over J. Miller. George Brda over Virgil Adams. Donald Meyers over Don Tonyan. Mike Schoenholtz acted as referee,, with Superintendent Duker taking care of the announcer's job. The judges were: C. W. Goodell, G. A.. Stilling and "Zeke" Bacon. Timers: C. J. Reihansperger and Clarence Anglese. The rounds wWe one minuto propriated by Congress in a single bill and places in the hands of the President spending powers that also are unprecedented. In taking two months since the bill passed the Senate, playwrights have round for the State Championship many of the lines and elimfinals that are to be held at Wauke McHenry is indeed lucky to Tiave landed the Stectional in this new sport *nd the event will stamp the local school as one way out In front of a lot in inated cithers, but at this writing the $4,880,000,000 work relief "act" ap* pears to be again deadlocked ii\ conference because of, objections raised by administration playwrights. It probably will be another week or two before the final draft is ready for staging. ' r. . Hopkins May Stage the "Act.** According .to "reports: current on of other schools the sport, sort : Capitol hill, the President, will turn of a pioneer or a Daniel Boone blading a trail for other schools to follow. Louis Otr over at Grant high in Fox Lake is doing a lot of nice work along the same lines and is very active lining up things for the coming cards both here and at Waukegan. Among other activities he has assem- world. over the actual task of staging the work relief part of the show to Harry Hopkins, who to become an "executive secretary" ansrwerable to a work relief board which the President is to name. As Federal Relief Administrator, Mir. Hopkns has spent more money ill the last two years thtui any other man in the history of the BOWLING Bicklers Smiths . Freunds Bacons, . -'liiSAGUE STANDI??© OLDTIMERS 7645 7634 7584 7322 OLDTIMERS LEAGUE Bacons-- J. Schaefer .. Wattles ....... Goodell .....i.. Granger .;k..v. Bacon ...Mr.., Smiths-^- A. Barbiatt R. Page Smith ............. Perkjns ............. Saytar Bickter*** - ; Beavis ...»v^ Johnson ...l;..a», Weber ."...^u M. Schaefer ... FreondiS 149 145 154 146 200 18* 121 154 192 218 ITS---516 ns^-,182 154--4(52 154--492 161--573 Mrs. James Allen and daughter of MSshwuaka, Ind., are visiting in the home of the formeFs mother, Mrs/ 6. W. Hess. Mrs. Harold Whiting of Chicago spent a few days this week with relatives here. The Adams * brothers were the entertainers last Saturday night at the opening of "Pops" Tavern in Woodstock. CARD OF THANKS I take this means of offering Jtrf sincere thanks to the voters of thii township for the support extended m» at the polls Tuesday. It is very gratifying to me to know that my friends rallied to my candidacy an# got out to vote* regardless of any financial help from me. S. H. FREUND , 794 874 763-2431 167 220 £ 164 181 161 171 162 165 244--592 163--544 179--541 142--487 200--519 916 840 928-2683 lS2 149 176 212 155 167 211 192 157 188 170-459 157--517 170--538 169--538 181^-524 824 906 847-2576 each with a minute rest between each, j bled a team from Grant that is likely One exhibition bout, a combination j^ g0 places. He expects to place at wrestling and boxing affair wws shown ; least two men in the championship j to do with the staging, the chief ob- Harold Ickes, Secretary of the Interior, is expected to have something with Bruce Granger taking care of division when it is all over. the wrestling and Tony Wolf defending himjj^lf with his dukes. Tony Although hoping that some of the was still on his feet at the end of the lesser lights might get going ai\d four minutes and was declared the really go pkces, Louis has a pair of winner. The bout was just an exper- iad9 in Lewis, Lake County All-Star inwtet and would have been more sue- fullback of last fall, and Captain cessful had the time been cut in half as Bruce was pretty badly tuckered at the end of the first two minut$p. Next Friday night McHenry will enter a boxing team in the sectional State boxing meet which will be held here at the MCHS gym. Waukegan and Grant Township High are other Seavey, a Senior and one of. the best on the Grant team, who he feel* wHl hold their own in competitio.n jection to him as Public Works Administrator having been that he has not been able to spend money fast enough. Some of the scenes probably will be assigned to Dr. Rexford Guy Tugwell for staging in his capacity as under-secretary of Agriculture. Other Big Acta Yet to Be Written The Administration banking bill, N RA extension, social security and old age pension legislation, holding company control bill, new amendments to the Agricultural Adjustment act, merchant mario^ subsidy, Taitroad, McHenry will have a well-rounded squad entered if the exhibitions the boys put on last week meant anyi ... * . j. thing. Peterson and Frisby, along 1 motor car and water carrier measures known entries with Grant sending a with Taxman, showed up fine. On the jare other big acts of the poposed Ad- Grant s box- pwhole the boys showed much improve- nunistatjon drama still being rehearsment over any of their previous ap- j in committee rooms. pearances. They have been coached and trained more this year than at any other time and that coaching m having its effect. full team to compete, ers and the weight classes are: Captain Ed. Seavey, 145; John Bolton, 135; Bob Gerstein, 125; Simon Davis, 115; MIelvin Meyer, 95; Eric Foote, 85; and Gordon Gadda, Heavyweight The rounds fought in the sectional meet will be of minute and one-half duration with amateur rules being followed throughout. The bouts will start at 8:15 and will run off with dispatch, so that there will be no dull moments. The only recovery measures that actually have become laws since th<; 74th Congress convened three months ago are the RFC Extension act, the Farm Crop Production Loan act, and two or three measures aiding Southern rice and cotton growers. - Departmental Appropriation Bills Lag Of nine bills carrying appropriations for regular departmental «x- Covalt Karls .. Hughee Adams Freui»d 160 149 142 171 166 180 ill 193 169 166 200--480 142---502 160--495 159--489 192--523 .778 868 853-2489 CARD OF APPRECIATION I desire to extend my thanks to the voters of McHenry township who supported my candidacy for supervisor at the jpolia Tuesday, April 2. 46- NICK WEINGART. JARD OF THANKS I desire to ^express my sincere appreciation to tfce voters of McHenry township, who, by their votes, caused my re-election to the office of road commissioner. The result was very gratifying to We and I extend my thanks. 45 JOS. J. (BUTCH) FREUND. Specials for FriUay and Saturday, April 5 and 6 BUTTER--Finest Creamery Butter lb. 36^ COFFEE--Maxwell House, vacuum packed 31C Manor House Coffee, in glass jars lb. 31<* Star Brand Santos Coffee 3 Ihs. 55^ SUGAR--C. & H. Pure Cane'Granulated „ 5 ^s. 26^ C. & H. Pure Cane Granulated Suger, 10 lbs. 51<* ; C. A H. Pure Powdered Sugar lbs- 20^ C. & H. Pure Brown Sugar lbs. 16^ HERRING--Finest Holland Herring, milkers, keg. 98e Finest Holland Herring, mixed, keg 88£ Fine Table Salt, 3-lb. bag 8c 51b. bag 12c 10-lb. bag 22c CLEANSER--"Sunbrite'1 Cleanser 4 cans for 15^ PANCAKE FLOUR--Pillsbury'g Pillsbury's Pancake Flour .4 large pkg. 24 small pkg. COCOA--Hershey's Cocoa 1-lb. can 13c BAKING POWDER--K. C. Baking Powder, 25-oz. 19* K. C. Baking Powder IO-01. 8* ONION SETS-- ,2 lb* for 35* GARDEN SEED -- For complete satisfaction, buy our tested bulk garden seed--you save money and get better seed. * ••mi % Those bouts last week had a lot of pep behind them aAd the boys all seemed to enjoy it, win, lose or draw. Many of the bouts were close but the judges agreed on all but one or two Of the tussles, so they couldn't hav», . , , , been far wrong despite the obvious P^ses L 1930' only the Independent disapproval of the spectators on one offlces blU has receiveii the Residentof the decisions in particular. 0f sl^nature and two others are now course, the spectators see but one ; ready for executive approval. These c. . u „ , . Side of the ring while the judges, who ^atter are the bill carrying appropriu- Sixteen McHenry boxers enter the must ^ve their 0WT1 ^0^] in. jtions for the State, Justice, Commerce district boxing tournament that is to ion8> unswayed by any uItf>rior forces, Iand Apartments and the one t SL J „ at ® are seated on three different sides!carry»n* appropriations for the o clock. The following boys will fight no meens of communication be- Treasury and Postoffice departments.. in these weights; Itween them. Seems if they „H, Both House and Senate have parsed thought the same they must not be 1th* War Department appropriation . but this bill is still in conference to ; (OFFICIAL PUBLICATION) > ^ Report of the Condition of West McIIenrv State Bank DISTRICT BOXING TOURNAMENT FRIDAY Raymond Hughes LeRoy Miller Jerome Justen ....... Melvin Peterson0.... Francis Cox Russell Franzen ..... Hkrold Taxman *..... George Frisby James Wolf ........... Buddy Baur sssi Lewis Brefeld Paul Harvey ........... Clarence Anderson Donald Hunt John Cristy ............. Harry Anderson ..... Heavies ... -.155 ..,.„.^........155' 146 .... 146 135 ... 136 Amhmmn^ 125 126 ..... 125 ...» 115 116 115 -....,....116 ^.... 86 far wrong. . ^ T i' Mr. and Mrs. Hajt)ld Tacki of Kenosha were ^inday guestg of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kane. Mr. and Mrs. William Ricks of Chicago spent the weekend at their summer home on Fox river. Norman Kline of Maryland was a guest in the home of his aunt, Mrs;' Barbara Engeln, Friday and Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Hoffman of Chicago were Friday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Milki^ The Gho*l Fisb The ghost fish belongs to the same family as does the electric eel. It has no dorsal fin at all, out possesses a highly developed anal fin which waves like a long flag and is believed to account foj* its owner's ability to swim backward as well as forward. Bruce Granger and Tony Wolf put on an interesting combination bout that would have been better if the time had been shorter. Bruce was supposed to throw Tony while the | latter attempted to defend himself I with his boxing skill. Everything j went well until Bruce stopped on up- .percut with his nose and the proboscic started to emit some of that life flued they call blood. It wasn't enough to matter, but it prevented Bruce frvm breathing easily and he quickly tired after that. Another interesting bout wme that Brda-Adams fight with Papa John Brda sitting back of Georgia's corner smiling approval of the neat way that little tyke was using that jabbing left much to the dismay of the Adams followers. iron out differences. The Interior, Agriculture and District of Columbia bills passed by the House still await action by the Senate. Navy and Legislative department appropriation bills are still in the hands of the House appropriations committees. HOLC and Farm Credit Bills Pending Important measures passed by the House and waiting action by the Sen -1 ate include the bill extending the { Home Owners Loan corporation and | granting an additional billion and' three-quarters for home mortgage re- j lief and the veteran's bonus bill. The | new Farm Credit act passed by the Senate awaits action in the House. 1 Repeal of the obnoxious "pink slip" publicity clause of the income tax law j was speeded this week when the Sen-j ate passed the bill as the House had ; previously done, but added an amend-1 ment which necessitates conference ] action before the bill can be sent to ^ (P. 0. West McHenry) transmitted in rosjpOfise to call of tlio Auditor of Publio Acq&m48» ., pursuant to law and showing condition at the close of business on the.. ^ 4 th day of March, 1935. . ' RESOURCES 1. Cash and due from banks ^T.l3 3. United States Government Obligations, direct V and/or fully guaranteed -- 119,136.60 4. Other bonds, stocks and securities r --»• 64,103.82 5. Loans and discounts ^202,357.15 6. Overdrafts •: _ 7. Banking house $^700^00; Furniture and ".,4 D{& : > ; fixtures $1,800.00^ j .x-Jl--i 11,500.00 : lll. Other. resources ... 2,940.00 Grand Total Resources LIABELITIES One of the hardest fought bouts on the White House. the card was that Dickie Justen-Klap perich fight that was a renewal rf last years fracas. Klapperich had the better of the late rounds after dropping the first but he took plenty If Congress adjourns by the end of June, when Washington thermometers begin to soar, the next three months will be hectic if the administration drama is to be ready for stag- j • ;«4. 15. 16. 17. 18. Capital stock Surplus Undivided Profits Reserve accounts Demand deposits Time deposits ...... .$525,759.93 $ 50,000.00 : 50,000.00 8,085.76 11,549.47 196,623.55 209,496^3 Total of deposits: - • ,. (1) Secured by. pledge of loans and/or ,. . > investments -.J$ 25,000.00 (2) Not secured by pledge of loans and/or investments - .4. 381,119.78 25. (3) Total deposits „.-$406,119.73 Othef Liabilities . 4.92 in return. Dick got the prize shiner, ing,, in full by that time. There ar of the evening but he took it like the game kid that he is and that famous smile was still there after the bouts some who would title it "Follies of 1935" if it is produced in its entirety, which seems very doubtful. At any rate there is sure to be considerable 26. FRIDAY ONLY. APRIL 6 "WICKED WOMAN" 8ATURDAY ONLY. APRIL 7 Zane Grey's' Famous Rocky Mountain Mystery Chap. 6 "TAILSPIN TOMMY" Added both Friday, Saturday SUNDAY and MONDAY Fun--Spills--Thrills James Cagney, Pat O'Brim Margaret Lindsay in "Devil Dog's Of the Air" Academy Award Comedy--"Men In Black"--Color Cartoon, News Sunday Only--A1 Kk»mme, Organlouge-- Kruger, Guest Artist Biggest Sunday Show in County TUESDAY--Bargain Nit*--15c "ENCHANTED APRIL" WEDNESDAY -. THURSDAY Ibift and Lombard i|| v.. "RUMBA" ; Next Week Sunday and Monday DAVID COPPERFIELD Obie's At It Again Another Big MIDNIGHT SHOW Starts at 11:30 o'clock sharp 7" MONDAY, APRIL 8 Miller Theatre Woodstock, Illinois About a month ago we presented a midnight show that everyone enjoyed and said was the best ever in McHenry county. Now we've got another bit? thne revue for you. Take our word for it, we won't disappoint yO& One Performance Only GERTRUDE AVERY'S Diamond Revue 40 PEOPLE 40 GIRLS! GAGS! MUSIC! Fan For All the Family Adults, 40c. Children, 25c ( The timekeepers should come in for|amoun^ of re-writing and rehearsing A ia little mention even though they didj°f whatever portion of the show ac- I not run things off as snappily as a tually is staged. This will he done ^ year ago. TTiey were C. J. Reihan- • by both Democratic and Republican sperger and Clarence Anglese. Schoen- j performers and playwrights, the latholtz was the third man in the ring i ter having demonstrated considerable j arid acquitted himself in commendable! latent ability looking toward a come- J fashion as did Superintendent. Duker back on the national stage. j a International Issues Loom ; • International issues projected by Germany within the last few days arvi receiving much consideration on Cao- j 2 itol hill and this problem may trans-; j cend in importance all other pendinnr : legislation if developments in Europe j indicate that prompt action is neces- | X sary. Legislation designed to insure j j : r Grand Total Liabilities . Memorandum: Ix>ans and Investments Pledged to Secure Liabilities: r Loans and investments pledged: U. S. Government obligations direct and/or fully guaranteed ^..$525,759.93 Total Pledged (excluding re-discounts) 27.. Pledged: Against funds of State of Illinois oxcept when he got the lads mixed up on one occasion. To leave boxing for .a minute and take a peek at bowling, the only other active sport at this time. The Oldtimers are still going but wind up their season in a week or two They are beginning to lag a little on the job on some of these nice nights, but A1 Barbian pepped them up a little with one of his old time series last week bringing his team to within 11 points of first place. Dutch Bacon tried hard to ,pull his team out of a flump with a 57 count, but they did not respond and were low again for the night. I In an informal doubles match, last ; week Ed Smith and myself took it on the nose from Hartle and Hansen of the Alemite crew. Neither of us could do anything but Hansen cairn* through with a 245 count in the final game. (It wasn't needed.) " That score put him on the board in the running for one of those lamps. . ' . • * CARD OF THANKS , ; I take this means of expressing my appreciation to the McHenry township voters for their support at the election, on Tuesday, April 2. •46 ARNOLD J. RAUEN. if, the neutrality of this country in the j event of another war in Europe is now being drafted by the Senate committee which has been engaged for several. months in investigating the munitions, industry and other problems involved in the preveiftion of PPhsA' J;..J 27,000.0a 27,000.00 ,$ 27,000.00 Total JPledged ~- $ 27,000.00 The bank has outstanding $85-075.04 faco amount of Deferred Certificates, payable solely out of future net profits, if and when such future net profits are earned, (future net profits are operating profits r plus recoveries, less charge-offs and proper provision for reserves) representing contributions to the bank and subordinated to all deposit and creditor liabilities but payable before any distribution to stock- ^--holders as such. -- = • --; -- Population of Now.States Congress, in 1872, adopted a measure which declared a new state must have sufficient population to entitle it to at least one representative. At that time 121,425 persons was a sufficient number. However, later congresses admitted Nevada, Wyoming and other states, although their populatiooa were less than this figure. I, Gerald J. Carey, Cashier of the West McHenry State Bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and Relief, and that the items and amounts shown above •agree with the items and amounts shown in the report made to the. Auditor of Public Accounts, State of Illinois, pursuant to law. .. GERALD J. CAREY, Cashier. Correct, Attest: JOS. W. FREUND C.J. STATE OF ILLINOIS, Jaunty of McHenry. M. ' Subscribed and sworn to before me this 30th day of Mareh, 1935. (SEAL) ROBERT L. WEBER^Notary Puhlio. Tho Beat Edicatiba TO best education is that whtch enlarges understanding and sympathy and promotes a freer, more candid and more continuous commerce between the Individual and his world. J

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