. * . . * - V,^.Ifr" jS$j,; •$'.«»' "•' '•*£•#••.(£*>!t. «tiicK-,"; ' : m.A J1 ' m-f^ SS$& y?>¥ V $ '.vto; : " 1 .** >, "•• -'• •S< -- •. "V•;.'v.> . -•s'-'M* THE McHEHKT PUUHDEALM i'jS*« '-ifv.-.'r' • , Vr* « v?>*»r.'~T>F 1 * ;. *V * ; • ^rm r - : • " J V April 11,1MB INSURANCE \FARM EARL R. WALSI | Presenting - ; Reliable Gompanies f * Winn yoli need insurance of any kfad Phone 43 or 61-M ; Pries Bldg. - - McHenry iy^c«asrc7//^jLVLL w i v o . r . t B A X T E R • L O Y WALTER CONNOLLY HfcLtN VINSON >erial>i«tion bv° jrr»nj?emerit wich COLUMBIA PICTURBS » « Phowe 48 - r-- VERNON J. KNOX . • I attorney at law! Pries Bldg. •J„ OFFICE HOURS j and Fridays • ." • .Other Days by Appoint,m«*t • P \ f V: v,;^«flen.,r. y. ,' '_.V . .ntihois r,, *' / ; : • WIE7S BROS. MSPAIR Y.V.L; SHOP McHenry, 111. y/, : 'r* phone 68-J * ' Anto.azid Ea4io Rt^iring *. "(Jive Us a Chance to ProVe It •V "-i *'?• ' , " * V" x * • "V': on U. S. 12 S. H. Freund & Son CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS Phone ltf-R McHenry Our experience U at Your Service in building -- Your Wants A. P. Freund Excavating Contractor trucking; Hydraulic and Crane Service Road Buil r«L 204-M McHenry, I1L Downs Motor Express The Pioneer Line iterates daily between McHenry and Chicago Phones: Wabash McHenry 7518 256 - • ' UCtorlie's Repair Shop X^Jost East of Old Bridge Over Fox River (Rear Schaefer's Tavern) Radiators Repaired, Bodies and Fencers " Straightened Sign Painting Truck Lettering Acetylene Welding CHARLES RIETESEL •lephone No. 300 Stoffel & Reihansperger •arance agents for all classes -of property in tile be^t companies. EST McHfiliJltir ILLINOIS KENT & COMPANY All Kinds of I N S U R A N C E Placed , with the most reliable Companies Come in and talk it over -- "hone McHenry 8 RADIO and WAS&ER ~~ REPAIRS We are now prepared to '• andle all repair work oil i idio and washing machines, carrying complete stock of repairs for all makes of ma- • c h i n e t ^ -- • -- ~ : CAREY ELECTRIC SHOP Phone 251 McHenry CHAPTER III itA$ HAPPENED BEFORB Hers?-loving Dan firookx pirr.« up Iii» position as heart of the Higgins Paper Box Cowpmiy, then lent'C* his wife to follow 'he tracks He \s a momtud at heart and his wife is, the IVpe anxious to succced socially He takes his horse. "Broadway Bill." to the Imperial Track, ivhere he is obliged to house the animal in n ramshackle tarn. Lacking the $500 eitftrannr fee for the horse, he 'prevail* oh his friend*, Colonel Pettigreu• and Happy ficOuire, but finds they, too, are broke. •The Colonel and Happy cgree to help is* muc/i ,as possible, the Colonel stating he icill go to Edna, owner of the ?>oarding house where the Colonel i* iving The only, hitch is that Edna w o u l d l i k e t o m a r r y t h e C o l o n e l ' . tfOW OO OW WITH THE STORY I * "So she expects you to marry her, Dan' kept on laughing--only louder "That." said the Colonel, 'will give you an Idea what T've b^en drtven to." "Driven to. my eye1' snapped Happy 'He'd rather make false Jove to that Vinegar Puss landlady than work Trouble is he's sot a Vinegar Puss like Edna in every racing town in the country We've f;ot a racket that's worth a fortune, f t can get the lead out of his----" \'A cheap tout gag," said the Colonel, "far beneath my dignity '" r "Wait a minute1' Dan had ap adea "Do you think this--Vinegar 3Pus»--would fall, for a Ford truck* She cw» have It for thirty-five dollars."' i "You couldn't' said Happy dourjly. "pry thirty-five bucks out of timalkp u»los ivyeoluy ab*ovuotu tdhoisn" t IW kinlnodw Uy ou• d--onp'rte sluikmei nmg--e--foarn md e itt'os gkiivned i/odfu-- audhvice-- but ion't do it, Margaret ' 'Do what" Margaret was" iutte Icy - "Give him up" . >. 'T haven't given him up 4tet " *1 know--but you're afready think ing about^lt Don't make a mistake you'll be sorry for later Why don't you go down there and stay with him' Dan is worthwhile hanging on to--you'll go s long way before you'll And anyone as real' as--" What are vou getting excited about*' "He toves you, Margaret Doesn t that mean anything to vou" 'If Dan loves me, he'U come back It s the only way I'd be interested " Alice stared 4 long moment, then spoke quietly 'You. dederye to iose him" vrr';C;'!^"i':' •"AHce1*" .y-•" •{."•;• • "You're hard and cold and practica'--like the rest of the.Hig-j; gins tribe" Alice's vpice was even*! steady "I hope you lose him ' j Well. "Broadway Bill" had to have;, Skeeter. so there was only one recourse Alice packed the bird under/ her arm and hop-skipped it in her; fast roadster to the imperial Racetrack To say that Dan was sur-f prised wouldn't tell the half of it.! To say that Dan tried to send Alice; back to Higginsville and old J. L. would be correct To say that Alice: wouldn't go. but wanted to stay around and watch Dan and "Broadway Bill' would be an excellent! guess To say all these things i VMifntneAgaltr' Puss at the ooint of * j pe. rfect. ly all r>i•g ht--because that's cannon! "What good Is thirty-five when we need five hundred*' asked the IColonel -Here's the idea There s a flock jof small raees tomorrow with live Ihundred dollat stakes. If we win one we're home 'Broadway Bill' what happened' It was a mighty, mighty lucky thing for "Broadway Bill." Dan and Wbitey that Alice came when she. did Eating prospects around the little barn were bad--in fact, there were no prospects. It was indeed "Tell him." Happy growled "to run a pole through him and tell him to merry-go-round" . y" (Posed ky Lwi* Overman Raymond Walbnrn, Mymp Ley and Warner Baxter ) eould breeze In All we need is thirty-five dollars for expenses Ten for a Jockey and twenty-five for entry fee * So Vinegar Puss bought a Ford truck The Colonel was tenderly persuasive and she parted with, the money without a murmer "Broadway Bill" was duly entered in the race Onlv "Bill" didn't run with the other horses Rearing nervously In his first start he threw the jockey and ran around the track alone--before the other horses, had even started' That as they M,y. settled that' "Poor Dan,' said the Colonel sympathetically, "I wonder what he's going to do with 'Broadway Bill' now?" "Tell hiro,* Happy growled, "to .run a pole through him and sell him itb a merry-go-round" There was a party taking place in the Higgin« mansion back in Higginsville Quite a nice party. Plenty to $at plenty to drink evening clothes and much catering to Old J L> Margaret was busily using • powder-puff in her dressing room When Alice entered 5 "Nice party Margaret* I "Thank you" , , . "What do you hear from Dan? Anything*" / "Oh, yes Got a letter from him Jfe8terday " V;~ "Wfiat'e he say'* "Oh--lot's of things All about be tag sorry--and he hopes I under •tand--and he still loves me and 'Wishes I'd Join him' Margaret banded Alice the lettet. "That's 4*bout all The rest of It ts about a |fooster or something " Alice looked up "Skeeter*" "Yes that's it 'Broadway Bill' Won't run without him--or some •uch ridiculous thing Three pages devoted to a rooster and one t;o me * perfect division" '• • "Did you send It to him** "What7 Oh--of course nttt* "Aren't you going to*' "Don't be absurd1* "But Margaret he says *Broadway will' needs him " „ ! "Silly' He'll be back very soon 'jMaybe this crazy trip is good for ifilm He had to get it off his chest" "1 don't think he's coming back" 'Is that so'" She took the letter (from Alice "Well listen to this, If I can't win with 'Broadway Bill' --well. I don't -know a thing about Worses Probably come right back to Higginsville Might as well make paper boxes He knows which side his bread Is buttered on" "What--what if he wins?*' "He doesn't say--but 1 suppose he thinks I'll come running after him " "Won't you** M-rgA/et's brief glance was conlemptuous Her answer was obvious. "Listen. Margaret" Alice spoke TT-n.y uenaman, Jr., of Chicago visited relatives here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Purvey and daughter of Chicago spent the weekend here. Miss Ethel Jones of Elgin spent Sunday here. RINGWOOD welcome sight to Dan's eyes to see the shelf piled with groceries. Alice, opener in hand, was already cutting a can. She did it happily-- for she was serving Dan. She caught her breath--her Dan! "What's tonight?" called Dan "The split pea soup and the succotash " Dan grinned and started to sing. "Oh the split pea soup and the succotash Had a fight once upon time-a Said the split pea soup, to the succotash, 'Without £orn you'd Just be lime-a' " Alice made a wry face • Dan laughed "Never took a lesson in my life.** "What makes you so happy tonight'" "Happy? Well, I'll tell you. dear teacher I'm happy because the old man with the whiskers has his arm around my shoulder I'm happy be: cause 1 Just entered 'Broadway BUI' in a five hundred dollar race tomorrow--with the money you. forced on me. I'm happy because we're going to win it--and thai means we can enter the Handicap And that means our troubles are' over " Alice looked into Dan's eyes "You do want to win that race. donU you*' She smiled "You will I'm sure of it Got my fingers crossed* Dan sighed ! "Got to Got to get the money to do things Buy mors horses--train them right--may even go tr» for breeding' "Sounds wonderful' "Take my word for It Princess Fm going to have the finest col* lection of thoroughbreds in the country " A lump rose In Alice's throat She wished--prayed--Dan would stop talking "It's--it's starting to rain " But Dari couldn't stop Of such dreams are men made "Margaret']) have to be proud of me' Alice turned quickly from the window and resumed hei cooking IJnnoticing Dan kept "on "Sh« doesn't think much of.me riglit now does she*" "D-don't be silly* "She will though I'll show her." Alice put a plate on the table "Dinner's ready" "That's why," Dan went on, "I've goi to win that big race Princess." "Soup's getting cold" Dan sat down "I've got to get her out ot Higginsville if it's ths last thing 1 do Think I ever will?" "Of courst you will Come on, Whltey Dinner s ready " Whitey turned a sad palt of eyettowards the table "Say. Boss-- xain's comin' In Roof's leakin.' " Dan's face clouded He jumped to his feet "Better get up and stuff It. Rain's hitting "Billp' TO BE CONTINUED " i' Mrs. B. T. Butler entertained the Scotch Bridge Club at her home Wednesday afternoon. Priiee were awarded to: Mj-». C. J. Jepson and Mrs. Viola Low. Weekend guests in the Leonard Fran^en home were: Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Bishop and son Marvin, Mr. I£mil Schmaltz, all of Carpenftersvilk,® Walter Shotliff, Spring Grove, and Mr. and Mrs.- Victor "Isackson, Chica go. * - ' Mrs. Frankie Stephenson and Mrs. Viola Low were visitors at Woodstock Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Minnie Coates spent a few days in the home of her son Fred at McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Carlson and Mr. and Mrs. Felvey Davis of Woodstock spent Wednesday evening in the Alec Anderson home. 1 present. The lesson discussed was "Foundation Garment". The various chairmen gave their reports, Mr. and M>s. Charles Dowe and daughter of McHenry spent Thursday evening in the George Young home. • Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard. and family spent Sunday afternoon with the latter's parents at McHenry. , Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Smith and daughter, Berniece, spent Thursday evening in the Ralph Smith home at Harvard. Mrs. Lonnie Smith and children and Catherine Freund were visitors at Woodstock, Saturday. Mr. and MrC Anderson and daughter of Antioch spent Sunday in the S. W. Smith home. Mr. and Mrs. George Young spent Sunday evening in the Peter Wiengart home near McHenry. M!r. and Mrs. Arthur Peet and family spent Sunday in the Ed Peet home. Mtrs. Ed Peet and daughter, Edna, were visitors at Woodstock Wednes- Mrst Harold Whiting of Chicago day. spent a few days the past week in the Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Hitchens Were Louis Schroeder home. visitors at Elgin, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Thompson of M. Negri returned to his home in Kenosha spent Friday afternoon in Chicago Saturday From a weeks'visit the J. V. Buckland home. with his daughter, Mrs. Boy Neal Mrs. Howard Buckland, Mrs. Lib- and family. bite L&dd and Mts. Cora Flanders Mrs. Ed Thompson, son# Charles, were visitors at Woodstock Friday and (daughters, Betty and Grace Mary afternoon. and Mrs. George Worts and mb, Geo. Mr. end Mrs. G. E. Snepard and Jr., of McHenry spent Sunday afterfamily were visitors in Chicago Fri- noon in the Wm. McCannon home, day afternoon. Charles Coates of Genoa City spent Mrs. Edward Smith of Crystal Lake Sunday in the Fred Wiedrich home. *nd Mrs. J. R. Smith of McHenry Roy and Mae Wiedrich spent Satspent Wednesday in the George Young urday evening at Woodstock. home. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Carr and fam- Olive Jepson of Elgin spent the ily spent Saturday evening at Mcweekend with her parents, Mr. and Henry. Mrs. C. J. Jepson. Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Bcek of Chica- Mrs. Joseph McCannon spent Sa$- go spent the weekend in the Charles urday in Chicago. Carr home. Mrs. Woiodford and daughter. Iva, Mrs. Harold Wiedrich , and children And Barbara Thompson of Park Kidge were visitors in the Fred Wiedrich spent the weekend in the Wm. McCan- home Saturday. non home. Mrs. J. F. McLaughlin and daugnt- MV and Mrs. Joe McCannon and er, Julia, and Dorothy Fisher were son Loren were Sunday dinner guests Chicago shoppers Saturday. ___ in the Lester Edinger home at Wood- Mrs. |. W. Brown was a yisitor at stock. Woodstock Friday. Mrs. Jennie Bacon returned horns Mr. and Mrs. Frank Block and child- Saturday evening from a visit in the ren of Kenosha spent Sunday with home of her son, George* at Antioch. Dr. and Mrs. Hepburn. Miss Marion Peet of Crystal Lake M|rs. S. W. Brown spent Wednesday spent the weekend with her parents, with Mrs. Blanch Hunt at Hebron. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Peet. John Bokemeier spent several days Mrs. Henry Hinze of Crystal Lake here the past week. He was on a spent Wednesday with her parents, weeks vacation from Beloit college. Mr. and Mrs. George Harrison. Mrs. S. W. Brown spent Thursday Miss Lora Harrison of Evanston in Chicago. was a visitor at the home of her par- There Vill be school election Saturents, Mr. and Mrs. George Harrison, day evening. , Mrs. William McCannon,. Mrs. There will be a bake sale at Boke- Woodford and daughter, Iva, and meier's store Saturday April 13th Barbara Thompson spent Saturday given by the women of tile M. E. at Delavan, Wis. » ° church. The Home Bureau held a card and Mr. and Mrs. D. Mahaffey of Gray3- bunco party at the M. W. A. Hall lake spent Tuesday with Mrs. Cora Saturday evening. Prizes in bridge Flanders. were awarded to Arthur Davenport Mr. and Mrs. Victor Isackson of and Mrs. E. C. Hawley; in 600, to: Chicago spent the weekend in the Antone Freund and Andrew Jepson; in bunco, to: Edna Peet and Robert Anderson. Leonard Franzen home. !Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gilbert cf Mooreland were guests of Mrs. Cora Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Stephenson Flanders Saturday, were visitors at Dele^an, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Sasman of Chi- The Home Bureau met with Mrs. cago and Mrs. Ethel Coe, county supt. Roland McCannon Tuesday afternoon of schools were visitors in the Ring- April 2nd. There were 14 members wood school Thursday, April'4. Mr. Sasman is ; the supervisor of the Francis Parker school in Chicago and is.-chairman of the Progressive Education committee of the territory of Illinois, Michigan and Wisconsin. Mr. McCannon, upper room teacher in the Ringwood 'school was appointed a member of the Progressive Education cOrrvmittee by Mr. Sasman.. Mrs. Ralph Simpson was a McHenry caller Monday. " Mrs. Nick Young spent Monday with her daughter at McHenry. Harold Bruce and O. Shook of Be!-- videre spent the weekend in the C.Bruce home. f Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Shook and "S family and Ralph Shook of Beivideve were visitors in the Clayton home Sunday. •y:,.;l.f Mrs. Baccus and Maud Donovan - of Woodstock spent Mlonday evening in McHenry. Open! Open! Open! McHenry Bakery Will Open April 13 With a Assortment Of All Kinds Of Delicious I v&'-Bakery Goods 1 /V'isl *> ' Try Some-OC Our Many Special* Ftuit Filled COFFEE CAKE '11 Like For Opening Day Only 23^ Pure Bntter, Pecan or Almond Filled - r COFFEE OAKS psry Delicious Only 26^ - A Variety of A^l Kinds of co6eie$ You Must Try Our HOME MADE BREAD > Pineapple FOUND CAKE Will Keep Freeh (or * :%hole Week Only 21<£ each > Strnsel or Orea& Filled COFFEE OAKEf - .tour Choice Special at 14j^ All Kinds of PIES for SATURDAY Large and Juicy 25^ Strawberry whipped (mm CAKES AGmmrmI Motor* fmlum Because Pontiac knows that stopping is just as important as 8 tar ting, the new Pontiacs have a special kind of brakes--big 12-inch hydraulics, smooth and evenpowerful enough to bring any sized car to a quick stop. And Pontiac safeguards SILVER STREAK George Kinsala of Chicago visited home folks Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Damm and sons of Kenosha visited in the William Bacon home Sunday. Harry Morris of Chicago spent Sunday at the Country Club. Fred Justen left last week for Flor- Mrs. H. E, Durland spent Monday Ida* ' 4 'hi Chicago. Ill SB AC SEAL. SEAL this fine action by triplesealing the ^ear brakes, and double-scaling those in front, to bar out every grain of dust and every drop of water. You can trust Pontiac brakes in any weather. They are the finest that money can buy. JIXES AND EIGHTS Hist pricrs at Pontiac, Michigan, begin at $615 for the Six anH $730 for the Ei/lht {subject to change without noticr). Standard group of accessories Mini. .4- nil- •61® on euy G.Af.^.C. lime Payments* 615 R. I. Overton Motor Sales FRONT STREET WEST McHENRY, POTPOURRI Largesjt Bird The largest known creature of the air Is the condor. „ It is extremely graceful In flight but awkward on oot. Its native home is in the Andes of South America, although ; ome have been seen along the Pa oiflc coast mountains lo the United States. Their wing span is up to 10 feet and body length <uT much as *•0 Inches. a Weetera Nawap&pcr Unloa. . • \ - - LFW AnVCWTt«rMtNT so vou AT SOVJDt-* AMO WAT MY uirtie son LEA.RWV SUCH -WAT I AM tMe euiM> Of SATAKJ IS LIFE : -"?Z . ,