•V2 *' v,rs X•---.r : rft;-»<*.\V£ *•?.« «"" " * jv •*, ^ £f ' ' ' ', - ~"*~\ " 1 *' *- * * Fife Mght w*rj?S THX Mc^ENRY PLAHTDBALSR Thursday, April 25,19&5 EASTER PARTY A SUCCESS !jiti estimated 400 persons enjoyed til© Easter party and dance given by the Altar and Rosary sodality at the Bridge Sunday night. About forty tables of card? frere in play with a prize for each table and dancing was enjoyed to the music of a five-piece orchestra, i , ' GIRL SCOUTS SPONSOR DANCE The Girl Scouts of McHenry will sponsor a public dance at the High school gym this Friday evening, Apr. 26, to which they invite all who are looking for a good time. Admission 25 cents. The dance is being given under the auspices of the ladies of the troop committee* PLAN CARD PARTY AND DANCE Fox River Valley Camp, R. N. A., is planning a card party and daace to be held at the Bridge, May 22. PHILATHEA CLUB The last meeting m April for the Philatheas was held at the home, o 1 Mrs. Leonard. McCracken. Mrs. Kohl and Mrs. Nickels were guests for the afternoon. Devotions wtere led by Mrs. Velma Douglas, after which practical plans were made for the Federated Clubs meeting conducted Tuesday April, 23, at the M. E. Church. The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Clarence Douglas; BUICK 40 W ORDS on paper can never tell yon the glory of Baick "40" performance. You must try it. For this is performance not only in smooth, safe speed and marvelous pick-up. It is performance at its best in braking--in safety--in riding--in roomy luxury-- in trustworthy roadability. One thing more well say. Try Buick formance, and you will wonder why you ever even thought of any other car. Here's what you get in a Buick "40"--*795 Badck Valve-In-Head Straight Eight for Eftdency and Performance... Btxiek Sealed Chassis for Dependability and Long Life, Buick Torque- Tabc Drive for Finer Roadability . . . Finest ' Brake* Available on Any Car, for Safety Buick's Built-in Knee-Action for the True Gliding Ride... Automatic Starting, Spark and Heat Control . . . Roomy Fisher Bodies, with Fisher No Draft Ventilation . .. Choice of Ten Colors. Fenders Match Body Color--No Extra Cost . . . 117-inch Wheelbase -- Longer than 80 per cent, eg AM Cars Sold Today... 93 h.p^-15 Miles per 10 to 60 MOm an Four in 21 Second*. Ask any. other car below $1000 to equal the Buick "W in Features and Performance West McHenry . Illinois I. I. OVERTON MOTOR SALES WHSX BETTEB AUTOMOBILES JIBE BUILT, BUICB Crystal Lake Illinois OKAUCft AOVKKTWCMKNT WILL BUILD THEM Bolger's Weekly Drug Sale FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, APRIL 26 and 27 10c Woodbury Soap acial SOA 3 bars for 25 4 50c St. Regis PLAYING CARDS Sale 29d 25c Palmolive SHAMPOO Special . 19d $1.25 K0W KARE - S9 <t 1 lb. LIME SULPHUR ... 29 £ 3 lbs. FORMALDEHYDE . . $1.00 LARGE SIZE OVALTDTfe ....... 58# Johnston' s Instant Fudge Powder Special ...29# $1.50 B. K. POWDER $1.10 60c CONDENSED JAD SALTS 42# 30c PEROXIDE 21# 45c PEPSODENT ANTISEPTIC 31# PINT RUBBING ALCOHOL 28# 25c SHU MILK ; „16# 50c HESS HAND LOTION £4# 65c Dr. Lyons' TOOTH POWDER 41c 25c MENNEIN BABY POWDER 17# 50c FORHANS' TOOTH PASTE 34£ 60c MUM _..... 41# $1.00 ST. REGIS' WATCHES 69# $1.00 NUJOL _ „68# 60c JAR MENTHOLATUM ,43# 75c DEXTRI MALTOSE 58# 1 lb. Prince Albert TOBACCO 89 C 75c CENOL MOTH PROOF „53# 60c BROMO SELTZER 43# Ponds' Cleansing Tissue 2 f°r 25(^ $1.00 Adla Stomach Tablets ; 73^ $1.50 ALPEN KREUTER _ $1.10 Colgate Dental Powder ...2 for 35(j LIQUOR SPECIALS Santa Alicia Wine, Port or Sherry . .. iifth 59c Cosmos Whiskey pt. 79c All 55c Jars PONDS' CREAMS fcQNJKSi pqn»:S Salt Wee 39^ 50c Ex-Lax *•« wouMm mm CMittatw *A*« --•l--O--Kt--T--Vl -••MTU **••«» Mil (HOCOUTI Sale 34* Jar or Tijbe I# -THOMAS- P. BOLGER PHONE 40 "The McHenry Druggist" McHENRY, ILL. ATTENTION, C. O. F. The Catholic Order of Foresters will meet Tuesday, April 30. Refreshments will be served. : * v j R. N. A. CARD PART? " Fox River Valley Camp, R .N. A. has planned a card party and dance to be held at the Bridge, May 22. ANNUAL MAY PARTY - The McHenry County Council df the American Legion and its Auxiliary will hold the annual May party at Woodstock, May 9. - r COUNTY MEETIN#i f The County meeting of the American Legion Auxiliary will be held at Harvard, May 3. ,, ' HOME BUREAU ? . The McHenry? unit of this Home Bureau will meet at the high school at 2 o'clock Friday afternoon. „ PUBLIC CARD PARTY ;^:lPhe Altar and Rosary sodality of St. Patrick's church will sponsor a card party at the home of Mrs. Albert Purvey on Thursday afternoon. May 2, *4 2 o'clock; Cwrd*^ ^ ^ and l u n c h ; : r . V ' / ' WEEKLY EXCHANGE ITEMS OF INTEREST TAKEN FROM COLUMNS OF OUR EXCHANGES « Tl» community high school bands of Harvard and Woodstock won honors in a district contest Saturday at Aurora. These bands will compete for further honors May 3 in the state contest at Urbana. Although Herman Kusnde's (dairy farm near Marengo has been under quarantine until just recently, and he haa been unable to ship his milk to market, he received a check for $76.53 from the Pure Milk Association to cover part of his loss during that time. Thieves stole about $260 worth of seeds Tuesday night of last week at (the Farmers Coop. Assn , in Crystal Lake it was discovered the following morning. Entrance was gained by jimmying the rear door. The highest priced alfalfa and clover seed was stolen, the bags being marked with the local mill's label. A reward of $25 is offered, for the arrest and conviction of the thieves. "The person or persons who stole the seed knew their business. M!rs. j. L. Wicks^ Grayslake, received quite severe and very painful tt/wTAT vntm iyv MPFT injuries when^he slipped on the step JSOCIAL WHEEL IvJ MEEL and fell as she was leaving her home The Social Wheel will meet next :laSt%week Sunday forenoon. Her Thursday afternoon, May 2, at the were broken, heT face quite GIRL SCOUT DANCE Girl Scouts invite you to attend their public dance at the high school gym this Friday evening, April 26. Admission 25 cents. Music will be furbished by a three-piece orchestra. hofrie of Mrs. F. A. Hitchens at Riiigwood. Those Who wish a ride to the meeting are asked to notify the president, Mrs. Minnie Miller, who will arrange' transportation." badly bruised, a rib broken, and one wrist was sprained. Fifty-five years of wedded happiness was Celebrated by Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Schumacher, -Sr.* of Round , SHOWER FOR MISS PERKINS k»k® °" Tlmrsday, April 18. The The shower for Miss Adeline Per- celebrants, Mrs. Frances Shouba Schu kins given last week was held at macher, age 71, and Joseph Frederich Waukegan in the home of Mrs. Frank ! Schumacher, age 77 have .seven liv- Nernick with Mrs. Nernick and Miss ingchiWren Iila Scott as hostesses. The only br«te' along with 24 grandchildren ones /rom McHenry who attended and two great-grandchildren. were Ttfrs. Jamies Perkins, Darlene Lockwood, and Mrs. Henry Vogel. Three Libertyville grade schools were closed last Wednesday afternoon and there was a possibility that the E£AMS AND PROGRAM " tXibertyville township high school _..e rural grade school examina- jwould be closed to prevent the spread tions will be giyen at the high school . of scarlet /ever. Village health offi- Friday afternoon, by Miss Kinney , cials ordered at the close of school and M. L. Schoenholtz. Just pre- hours Wednesday that two public ceding the exams, at .one o'clock, a grade schools and one parochial short program will be givert by the school be . closed after it was learned High School band for the grade and ' tJjatl several |pupils had contracted rural school pupils to stimulate inter- j scarlet fever. I est in music.,and band and orchestra I Ray Pregenzer, Jr., Grass Lake man vrfixIL an^ wel1 known throughout Lake | county, died last Thursday in St. OT. CLARA'S COURT TO iNSTALL Therese hospital, Waukegan, follow- Installation pf officers of St. ' ing injuries sustained Monday in Jin Clara's Court will be held Wednes-[auto accident on Route 73 west of Anday evening, May 1, in St. Mary's tioch. Rushed to the hospital followchurch hall. ing the accident it was revealed that Preceding the meeting,. a chicken (he had suffered a fractured spine, plate dinner will be served at Schae- broken right arm, lacerated scalp and fer's Tavern at 6 o'clock, at 50 cents ' intjeraal injuries. Pregenzer was per plate. Those who wish to attend driving west on route 173 during the the dinner are asked to notify Mrs. blinding snow blizzard shortly before Will Heimer, phone 114-M, or Mrs. George Weber, phone 89-R, and make reservations not later than Monday*. PRE-NUPTIAL SHOWER Miss Hannah Gloeson, who was a bride of this week, was guest of noon on Monday when he swung into a ditch when a car driven by Roy Pierce of the Antioch nursery appeared in front of him. His car crashed into a tree. White playing by himself in the yard of the rectory of the Rev. honor at a miscellaneous shower George Stier of Fremont Center, Algiven by Mrs. Edgar Thomas Thurs- j lan Rosby, four-year-old son of Mrs. day aftferifcon. Twenty-one guests : Eleanor Rosby, housekeeper for were present to enjoy the afternoon j Father Sltier, fell into the pool strikat cards and bunco, with prizes 1 ing his head on the bottom. The awarded to Mrs. Arthur Whiting, ' body of the child was found by Fath- Mrs. Ray Merchant, Mrs. A. Wilde- | er Stier Monday afternoon after a brandt and Mrs. George Rauen. Re- search was started by his mother freshments were , served after which and the priest when the boy did not M$ss Glosson was presented with respond to a. call to £orrie in for lunch, beautiful gifts. Mrs. George Rauen The boy had been in the yard which of Kenosha, sister of the guest of is in the rear of the rectory, amusing honor, was an out-of-town guest. himself, while his mother was prepar- • " ; ing lunch. He had evidently leaned FAREWELL FOR POSTMASTER at the edge of the pool, which was Albert Krause, who checked out as two feet deep^apd contained very litpostmaster of the McHenry post- tie water, and toppled m head first, oice Thursday night, after serving a His hepd struck the hard bottom of term of four years, was guest of the pool. honor at a farewell party given at | George M. Tract, 6Ke of the oldest the Clarence Martin home Tuesday residents of Fremont township, is in night by postoffice employes. Among St Therese hospital in Waukegan in those present were the clerks, rural' a serious condition as the result of carriers and their substitutes and tin ' a stroke of paralysis suffered last new postmaster, Ray McGee. (week Friday. He was found uncon- M. Krause was presented with a scious Friday evening'by hi& son John leather golf jacket as a grift from his ] on his return from work and was takassociates. Cards furnished entertainment for the guests and ft delicious lunch was served. PAST ORACLES CLUB Twenty past oracles from McHenry, West McHenry, Woodstock, and _ Algonquin attended the meeting of the ; advanced age. McHenry County Past Oracles club at the home of Mrs. James Perkins Tuesday afternoon. Following the business meeting, ' en to the hospital for treatment. Mr. Traut is well known throughout the western part of the county where he has lived for over a half century. He served many years as assessor of the town of Fremont, retiring from that position three years ago because of A former Diamond Lake, 111., resident died at her horrie in Wilmette last Saturday. She was Mrs. Laurient E. Blunt, 80 years old. Mrs. 50c Ingram* SHAVING CREAM cards furnished diversion for the af- Blunt was born on Dec. 18, 1854, at ternoon with prizes awarded to Mrs. ' Diamond Lake, the daughter of Rufus F. O. Gans and Mrs. Behrens of Al- ' and Saarh Pelton. She taught school gonquin in five hundred and to Mrs.' there before her marriage in 1878. Cleo Schaller and Mrs. Hkzel Abel in She was active in the W. C. T. U. and bridge. Iwas the second oldest parishioner of The n^t fleeting will be at Crys- the First Methodist Episcopal church, tal - ^ I Wilmette. • '< j Information was received by .Sher- ALTAR AND ROSARY MEETING |iff Henry Nulle last Thursday night The regular business meeting of that the Harvard high school was enthe Altar and Rosary sodality of St. Itered sometime Wednesday night and Patrick's church was held Monday ' about $3 was missing from the vault evening at Legion hall with the pres- , in the school office. The lock to the ident, Mrs. Fred Schoewer, presiding. . vault had been broken. Plans were made for a card party to I • " be held Thursday afternoon, May, 2,1 Don't forget Mrs. Pich's big sale at the home of Mrs. Albert Purvey. Friday and Saturday of .Fiak mil- Following the meeting cards were i linery. Hats, 98 cents. Green St. enjoyed with high honors in bridge 48 going to Mrs. Ted Schiessle and iti five hundred to Mrs. E. R. Sutton. A treat of hot chocolate and wafi ers was enjoyed later at Bolger' Drug Store. A pot-luck lunch will be served a the next meeting on May 20. ixr w j-- comfortable cooking can I electric way . . . Prices tight. Come in today. Ntw Frjgjtjatr** with Ann Hendrickson. Letters federations in other counties were read. Bob Peterson sang k group of piano B. & P. CLUB MEETS HERB The regular meeting of the McHenry County Business and Professional ' songs and Warren Jones gave Women's club was held at the home J solo and vocal solo. of the president, Mrs. C. W. Goodell, Monday evening. Twenty-four members were present at the seven o'clock dinner and the O. E. & MET MONDAY MeHerrry chapter, O. E. S., met in program 1 regular session Monday evening with which followed. Table decorations the worthy matron, Mrs. C. W. were in yellow and pink with pink street peas centering the table. After dinner the business sessionwas held and the program was in charge of the International Relations committee, Miss Klontz, conducting the meeting. Plans were made for future social activities and the officers were divided into three groups of five officers each as committees to plan Jones and Miss | something for certain months. "PAPA AND THE GIRLS" . Senior Class Play McHENRY HIGH SCHOOL AUDITORIUM ; -j' Friday, May 3 -- 8:15 p. m. (Daylight Time) All tickets 25c j Tickets may be reserved at drug storey Thursday, ifey 2 ROY AL BLUE STORE Riverside Drive Phone 49 > FRIDAY and SATURDAY . Pot Roaat ^ Jb. 214 , Big Value Coffee % H)c White Potatoes pk. X 8^ Salad Dressing, qt. 29<^ -- -r- ' -- -- I«et's Get Acquainted -- -- -- -- -- Weekend Ice Cream Special -- LUICKS' " - Butter Pecan Ice Cream Give the Family a Treat -- i*ake Home a Brick NUT SHOP SPECIAL THIS WEEK ONLY Unusual Value in Peanuts GIANT RED SKIN MOGULS Butter Toasted and Salted for Taste and Freshness Far- superior ,to ordinary Spanish Peanuts soid in goany places. Vi lb.--15^ 1 lb.--29# mm 50 and 60 cents a pound. We were surprised and you will be, too--we did not think it possible to make a candy of this quality at any such price. Mother's Day ~ Sunday, May 12th IF Every housewife knew or realised! how much a little LINOLEUM VARNISH would improve the looks of her kitchen linoleum, we could probably sell every other house in town. SHED WATER LINOLEUM VARNISH not only preserves the linoleum, but it is ako far easier to keep clean than an unvarnished floor. YOU HAVE PROBABLY HEARD OF Just add water --• Made by Johnston We have it 29^ P®* pound You'll have that much fun making It. I •' "" • fit V?.: itfv •V RELIGIOUS ARTICLES Crystal Beads Black Coco Beads Silver Beads Crucifixes Candle Holderg Sick Call CancQes Holy Water Fonts Holy Water Bottles White First Communion Prayer Book Bride's Rosaries Vest Pocket Prayer Book with or without gospel Plaques and Statues See the Dtsplay in Our Window - ^REE|% FREE!--- FREE! Finally! For Men Only ASH TEATS -- Antimony Silver Finish. Travel and Transport Bldg. in center -- one cigar rest--5x5 inches. -- Please do not send the children for the present. -- Present this coupon to get one of these fine Ash Trays. EVERYBODY WATCH THIS SPACE NEXT W$EK •>' •'rr