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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 23 May 1935, p. 8

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-Si 8^1 s / "•*». '1* ^ . fyzsi r^vzrp w**"* >-•* --** ^ *f'S THE MoHENRY PLAINDEALEB '^*->: :V--5fe Thursday, May 23,1935 f| D. OF A 's MEET TONIGHT *.&« Catholic Daughters of America will hold a social meeting in JL C. hall Thursday* evening. There will b» carde, prizes and lunch. • ,,•.: '&U' . ..SUPPER GUESTS. ; Mrs. Maurine Hunter entertained guests at supper and for the evening Sunday in honor of the birthday of John Goelzer of Walworth, Wis. The evening was spent at bridge. Guests were John Goelzer and Mr. and Mrs* Alby Krug. * * ENTERTAIN MOTHERS v The Merry Maids of the M. EL Sunday* school entertained their moth-, ers at a tea Wednesday afternoon at the hotne. of "their "teacher, Mrs. C. H. Duker. This was a very pleasant event with the gi rls entertaining with A.sK^.lwrogramv,'1' McCracken, secretary; Ifrs. Maorine Hunter, treasurer. Mrs. Schaefer, whose term of office will commence in June, will preside at the next meeting in place of the president, Mrs. Clarence Douglas, who resigned. The next meeting will be May the home of Mrs. Lester Bacon. - - ENTERTAINS CLUB Mrs. J. W. Freund was hostess to the members of her card club Thursday aftrenoon. Prizes in cards were won by Mrs. John Stilling, Mrs. Albert Barbiah, Mrs. John Kilday and Mrs. J. J. Miller.' * PKILATHEAS ELECT OFFICERS JJembers of the Philathea club met at the home of Mrs. L. H. Brattain Monday afternoon at a called meeting, at which the• business Of-the day kas the election of officcre for the coftiinr months. Officers elected were: - Mrs.; Gertrude Schaefer, president; Mrs. Mildred Krug, vice-president; Mrs. Cledi -"-.ALTAIC".AND The regular meeting of the Altar and Rosary sodality of St. Patrick's church was held in K. C. Hall Monday, evening. ,A pot-luck supper was held, after which bridge served a* the evening's entertainment with prizes awarded to Mrs. R. Fleming And Mildred Kinsala. Plans were made for a card party to be held June 20 in St. Patrick's hall. ' •Because of illnes^ of the president, Mrs. J*/ di^hoew^^w^ be present.;•. V:"'*-- HONORED AT SHOWER Miss Adeline Perkins, who will be .& June bride, was guest of honor at « red and white kitchen shower at rlthe Alby Krug home on Thursday Evening of last week. Hosteses wert, Mrs. Alby Krug, Mrs. Fred FerVerda iMrs. William Green, .Mrs. Huemann, land Mrs. A. Landwer of Woodstock. About twenty-fiVe guests were present and the evening was spent at cards, with prizes in bridge going to Hazei Kramer and Mrs. Martha Page, in five hundred to Marion Krause and in bunco to Mrs. Fred Fenxrerda. Following the cards „a two-course luncheon was served at tables arranged in banquet style, "the guest of honjor being seated at the head table in' the T-shape arrangement. Decorations were in green and white the colors being carried out in favors, candles and other appointments. When the plates were removed after the last course, Miss Perkins was presented with her gifts which were beautiful as well as Useful. • Miss Perkins, who has been employed with the telephone company at Waukegan for several years, will become the bride of Mr. Edward Matson of Waukegan, in June. Josephine Heimer, and in bunco prises went to Misa Lillian Miller and Miss Helen Schneider. ..... ,d$h: ST. MARY'S CARD PARTY Eightrfen tables of cards wWe ih play at the card pprty sponsored by the Christian Mothers of Si. Mary's church, at the church >all» Sunday evening. - • . ' . Winners in bridge were Mr6. Magdalena Bor, Mrs. B.'n Stilling, Mrs. H. Li Ritter and, Miss Gertrude P. Weber. In five hundred, prizes were won by Mrs. Kate Barbian, Mies Katie Weber, Mrs. Tillie Nix and Mrs. Bolger's W eekly Drug Sale FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, MAY 24 and 25 25c Ex-Lax C H o C O L ^A X ATi TAST8* UKI . CHOCOIAT.I Sale ,, 19o 60c Syrup of Figs n 1!;.# H "0' LARGE SIZE OVALTINE 85c JUNIS CREAM ......... Special 43<* 60c Zonite Antiseptic Sale price 42^ 1 lb. HOSPITAL COTTON . . .... $1.50 B. K. POWDER ...^ Colgate Dental Powder 2 for Pond's Cleansing Tissue .....2 for 75c*^LISTERINE .1 1 lb. MOTH BALLS _..i 35c ODO ROJNO, inst. or teg. ..... l/2 lb. Nestles' Chocolate Bars, Almond and semi-sweet 2 f°r 35c VICKS' ANTISEPTIC .. .. 40c BOST TOOTH PASTE . $1.00 Max Factor Face Powder 75c COTY FACE POWDER MOTH PROOF BAGS ' 25c PEBECO TOOTH PASTE 1 lb. Prince Albert Tobacco MILK OF MAGNESIA, pint Spray TOILET TISSUE 6 for 4Cc Black Flag ANT POWDER 60c JAR MENTHOLATUM 15c KEN L RATION 2 for 25c MENNEN BABY POWDER 60c NEET 57c 69<* 29e $1.10 35& 25c 59d 12& 23^ 25c 24^ 29<^ 59 15^ 19^ 29& 29c^ 29^ 43^ 19^ 17«fr 41^ WHISKEY SPECIAL M3LLSIDE INN, pint . SANTA ALICIA WINE, Port, . Sherry, Claret, fifth 59^ All 55c Jars 'PONDS' CREAMS PO N D $ kt£ "V kV'N" Pqs.0 Sale Price 39c 10c Woodbury's Soap Racial soap ELECT OFFICERS Officers elected by the Hdty Name society of St. Patrick's church foi» the coming -year are Harold Phalin, president; Donald Givens, vice-president; and Leroy Conway, treasurer. The Holy Name society of St. Patrick's church will meet next Thursday evening at the church hall. ALTAR arid ROSARY/PARTY The Altar and Rosary^ sodality of St. Patrick's church sponsored a card party and dance at Schaefer's tavern Sunday evening. A congenial gath^ ering enjoyed cards and bunco with a prize awafcded for each table, after which dancing was enjoyed. . S O C I A L W H E E L Members of the social wheel met at the home of Mrs. J. J. Rothurmel Thursday afternoon, Bridge was played and prizes were won by Mrs. J. Daley, Mrs. Louis,Hawley and Mrs. H. A. Asmalsky. Out-of-town guests Were Mr. and Mrs. George Kuhn and. her brother and wife of Chicago. •• V The next meeting will be with, Mrtir Louis Hawley at Ringwood. \ ; Schaefer was the guest of honor at a surprise shower given at the home .of Mrs. Charles Stilling by Miss Josephine Freund and Mrs. C. Stilling. The evening was spent by playing bunco. Favors in bunco were awarded to Miss Anita Schaefer, first; Mrs. Henry Schultzj second; Miss Viola Thennes receiving the guest of honor favor. A shower lunch was served at a later hour. The guests present were: Misses Esther Tonyan, Lat*ra Schaefer, Viola and Bemice Thennes, Florence and Mae Schmitt, Marie' Miller, Frances and Rosa Jung, Rosa and Margaret Stilling and Miss Anita Schaefer, Josephine Freund and Mrs. C. Stilling. Messrs. George Schmitt, Clifford N. Jacobson, E. Diedrich, Leo Freund, Frank Nell, Henry Schultz, John P. Schaefer, John J. Freund, Alfred Freund, Chaa. Stilling, Bernard A. Freund. - • , , The bride to-be was presented with a congoleum rug. With the parting of her friends they wished her good luck and lotB of ; happiness in . her future life. - :*.' , . " ' •" r i ' - , PRE-NIJPTIAL SHOWKft Miss Adeline Perkins was honored at a miscellaneous shower given by Mi^s Betty Eileen Judd oi Waukegan Tuesday evonng. Six tables 6i oridge were in play with the first prize being won by - Miss . Perkins. Other prizes were won by Waukegan ladies. Those from McHenry who attended the party were Mrs. James Perkins, Darlene Lockwood, Miss May Juste'n SHOWER FOR BRIDB TO BB Mjss Anita . Schaefer, who will be the bride of Mr. Bernard Freund on June 5, was guest of honor at a shower given at St. Jonh's hall, Johnsburg, Tuesday night. Hostesses were Florence Smith, Mrs. Leo Hiller, Mrs: Mike Schaefer and Regina Klein. The evening was a merry one, witb a mock wedding being a .feature of the entertainment, as the groom, was resplendent in white trousers, blue coat, gray hat, and white shoes, while Miss Alma Schuutt, as the bride, wore white satin trimmed in lace with cheesecloth veil and carried lilacs. The bridesmaid, Florence Smith, wore a gown of the gay nineties with a ,pink feather in her hat and the march was played by Margaret Stilling. Twelve tables of cards and bunc« were mfcplay, with prizes in five hundred groing to Mrs. Susie Hiller, Rosina Smith, Mrs. Alfred Oeffling, Mrs. Joe Schmitt and Mrs. Frank Pitzen and ih bunco to Rose Stilling, Margaret Stilling, and Pearl Freund. Lunch was served and the bride was showered with rice. fiUBnOE GLASS or 46 TO GRADUATE MAY 3JL (Continued from Fiont gagf| Coffee"--Evelyn Karls Mil Fred Meyer. fi- Statistics--Margaret Hobbies--Arlette Newman* Poem--Ernest Bohr. . f J , > Class Will--Jane Heimer. \ Motto--Leonard Gibbs. , \1 • 'j Dictionary--Emily Sittion." -. Can You Imagine--Ellen Smith. History--Etecda Freund. ' Prophecy--Betty Conway. I Gifts--Dorothy Althoff, assisted b? Marion Kaelin. Charge To Juniors--Robert Martin. Swing Out of Seniors--Juniors and Seniors. Reaponse--Melvin Petersoa. " / - kp*: , "i ' • ' ; y College Rural Life Group The first college rural life group 1b America was organized at the University of Illinois in 1913. Several clubs • were soon formed in other colleges and I t|»e organizatiop wasL designated the : CbUegiate Otmntry Ufe Cfart»of itttsr- • Subscribe for The Plaindealer. 'tea. John D. Mtirray Johti .D. M!urray di^ Thursday at his home at 20 N. Latrobe Ave., Austin. " ' Funeral services were held at St. Thomas Aquinas church, Chicago, Tr . .. . t.., Monday morning at 10 o'clock with Stenger and Mrs. Louis SYoiu.n?g 1o*f tarWil.W~c.Sh. Waukegan were also guests. He was born near Wauconda about fl6 years ago and his early life was RRIDP»Tfi rf HOisinRim spent on the ,pld Frisby place, south Miss Kosina ^K arl, s, w?hNo °wRi,llf Pbe come *of M1 cHenry.j *S erv>eur-a l yeartsi ag•„o the a bride on June 5, waS honored brfam'!y™red f V? A^r^" her co-workers at the local telephone Iv,ved by tw0 s"tC™' M-' Ag"e" ^ exchange with a dinner fet Bickler'; hotel Tuesday evening gin and Mrs. Cecyle Reynolds, and seven brothers, Nicholas E., Patrick SthVrSrat *7hoter after their, -work at the office was finished they enjoyed a delicious chicken dinner with the tables attractively arranged and centered with bouquets of lilac and spring flowers. ' Miss Karls was presented with % gift from , the guest of the (evening which was accompanied by their good wishes, Special 3 for 25it 25c Gillette Blue Blades NE.W G£IL.LE TT%E BL<At,D EJ S 2 packs for 34^ PHONE 40 THOMAS P. BOLGER . The McHenry ]toy|gist" C - McHENEY, ILL. Henry V., Sylvester A., and Albert L. 1 World's Heaviest Rain »/" j On the island of Kauai, of thQ Hawaiian ^roup, a mighty cliff faces the incoming trade winds, forces them upward ami causes them to precipitate their moisture. Here the rainfall is 40 feet-a year, the heaviest In the world. Coasting down the slope on the other Side of the mountain five miles away the winds are dry and the country is desert. PERSONALS, EASTERN STAR NOTES Mrs. Clinton Martin served as treasurer and Henry Howe as marshal at advanced Officers night at Mayflowr er chapter, Wauconda, Tuesday night. They were accompanied by Frances and Elsie-Vycital, Mrs. Ony Wheelsr Weekend visitors in te home of and Mrs. E. E. Bassett. Mrs. Fred Karls were Mr: and Mrs. This Thursday night Henry Howe, 'Jerome Moeller, Mrs. Roy Johnson associate patron of McHenry chapter,! and children and A1 Preusker, all ol will act as warder at Waukegan at Chicago. Waukegan chapter. I Attorney C. M. McDermott and lit- Next Monday night, Friends'Night4, | tie son, Tommy, were local calleTs will be observed at Richmond chapter. , Tuesday. Mrs. John R. Smith has been invited to fill the office of Esther, Mrs. Henry Vogel of Electa, Mrs. J. E. Wheeler of Chaplain and Mrs. Arline Pearson will be a conductress. Mrs. Henry Vogel nas been invited to ae'rve as conductress at iiibertyville on June 18. Mr. ^ind Mrs; J. P. Flynn, Jr., and Herman DeVry of Chicago were Sunday guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. H- E. Durland. . The Misses Dorothy Wdrmley and Rosina Karls spent Monday in Chicago. Mrs. H. Durland, daughters, Mary and Jane, and Miriam Sayler and Mar- B. AND P. CLUB MEifri^S guerito Johnson were among those About fifty members and guests of who attended the Court of Honor at the McHenry County eBusiness and j Crystal Lake Monday night. Professional Women's club were pre- Dr. and Mrs. F. J* Aicher spent sent at the Woodstock Country Club : Wednesday night and Thursday in to enjoy the banquet and program ar- Chicago. ranged by Miss Dawn DeWolf and Mrs. Dorothy Hollister. At 6:30 o'clock a lovely dinner was prepared and served by Mrs. Ralph Walkup and her mother, Mrs. Anna Moilohan, was enjoyed. Miss Gladys Gancar, young piano artist, delighted her audience with three selections. Visiting delegations from the Belvidere, Rockford and Elgin clubs were recognized during the meeting. Miss Celia Howard of Elgin, former state president, was the main speaker of the evening. Miss Howard, an Elgin attorney, gave a brief history of the Federated club. President Mrs. C. W. Goodell of McHenry presided at the meeting. . Mrs. C. H. Downs and sons, James and Jack, were at Marshfield, Wis., the first of the week. Misses Elsie and Carolyn Regner are spending a few weeks in Hot Springs, Arkansas. Mrs. Thomas Kane has returned from a few days' visit in Chicago. Miss Lorraine Whiting of Lake Geneva spent the weekend with relatives here. Sunday guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Simon Stoffel were Mrs. Elizabeth Moran, daughters, Agnes and Helen, and Mrs. May Dodd and daughter of Waukegan. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Walsh, Mrs. H .J. Schaffer and Mrs. Celia Knox were among those who attended the SHOWER FOR JUNE BRIDE funeral of John Murray at Wauconda, Monday Anita Monday. You get ecaaJe more out V///' ' yC 4 V'M?, •• , ^ ^ rjL , , / mwTHAT YOU get put of a car dqMndi entinljr <m what tbe mannfT facturer puts fn it. Pontlac, for example, has pat into the Silver Streak Pontiac the very finest Jeaturca that money can buy. You are aupersafm in a Pontiac, thank* to solid steel "Turret-Top" Bodies bf Fisher and triple-sealed hydraulic brakes. You are completely relaxed,' thanks to the steadiness of a full-weight ear with scientific springing. And your enjoyment of Pontiac's sparkling performance is increased by the fact that Pontiac covers the miles with amairing economy. Yet the Ppntiac is one of the lowest-priced cars you can bmy. A look, a ride, and .you'll decide you aixnply can't do bettor. t. fM1 PONTIAC ^ »1S ,or th* tfc. Bight - cW*. without 8KX1S AND EIGHTS ; gmmtf «/ fill --*»•. Hm 615 Street Front. ?. I. OVERTON HOTOK SALES McHeary Automobile Clem Up Week Buy t^iese three necessities for the car at big saving now! One 4-oz. can Johnson's Automobile Wax - « 1 Pint Johnson's Automobile Cleaner l'Can Johnson's Touchy Enamel .50 value for only 98c Nut Shop Special This week our Nut Shop is featuring fresh butter toasted Redskins. The nuts are selected Virgina Grants of un usual quality. Try a trial bag of these peanuts at our Nut Shop today. The best Nut Shop Value to date. - " * . 12* 1B>. 24? NATIONAL PEN . REPAIR WEEK Announcement was made that this week, May 20 to 25, is National Pen Repair Week. During this week all pens no matter where purchased, will be given free inspection, cleaned and filled with Skrip ink--all without charge. At all times we carry a complete Jine of Sheafer Pens and Pencils, which you can inspect at your convenience. NATIONAL PEN REPAIR WEEK ^- May 20 to 26 -- at BOLGER'S 50c For Your Old Billfold The Amity Leather Co., is conducting a research on leather goods and will; give you a credit of 50c on your old billfold when a new Ajnity billfold is purchased at this store. Bring in your old poeketbeok and receive a new $1.50.billfold for $1.00 / : Johnson's Wax FOR FLOORS* FURNITURE AND WOODWORK Special Sale--A pound can of paste wax and a pint of liquid wax with long handle applier, regular value $1.50 • • ' V " . • - - .-"j* Now both for 98c Graduation ONLY ONE WEEK LEFT TO DECIDE ON GIFTS Don't Forget Bat& Sets ;Scrap Books • • ( r-7 I Autograph Albiufii * fountain Pens Cameras Watches Desk Sets Compacts Stationery Photo Album# Graduation Cards SEE OtJR WINDOWS FREE! FREE! FREE! FOR THE MEN ONLY Key Container. A compact case for your pocket and auto. Present Coupon for this handy Key Case : \ :

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