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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 6 Jun 1935, p. 3

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, .V Thursday, June 6,1935 THE M'HENEY PLAINDEALER--SIXTIETH ANNIVERSARY 'OLD TIME MEN IN BUSINESS ARE STILL WITH US OLD NAMES THAT HEAD ROLL OF HONOR . Among- McHenry's oldest business men are Simon Stoffel, N. J. Justen - mud Jacob Justen. who were all in business in this city more thati fifty years ago. v Jacob Justert, now 74 years old, and .J. Justen, now 79 -years old, entered' the furniture and undertaking business in the [Lip Srpith building,, '-West' .McHenry, on Jan. 1, 1883, under the name of Justen Brothers. After 3/ ...•'few years'thcy^ Ijovifrht- the Ivieaii .prop-' ' erty, nbw knq,wn as the John Stoffel 't7j^ui-ldin.j?, ,witH both families- .living ih 'flats..'abov^- the1 s't'of-e:. .They . 'later took over .thy 'John. 'I$lake vb$si; '^fiess invMcItenfy, which Jacob' i^uitsted- for, afe\y after which 'the two brothers dissolved partners- Ship ^fter twelve years'toge.ther, wjtn puichasing the BlakV':pr6peti;.it > ; • ' ' JXOfm JUSTEN ' • rK ; As Viis business .increased, Jacob ££0usten.later bought • the - drug sto<*e_ building from Mrs "CoTi'doil and about seven years ag.o' rebuilt and remodeled the buildings. . ' / Mr.| and Mrs. Justen lived in _tln flat over the store, until, about nineteen years ago, when in 19.15, they built their home on Route 2Q. In 1925 the son, George, entered the business with his father and a few .: |years later the other son, Albert, was taken into the business^jth the name of the firm becoming Jacob Justen and Sons. Mr, Justen and his sons are all licensed embalmers and run a/modern fifrniture store. N. J. JUSTEN Nick;"J.'Justen remained in tho Mead building for abou,t twenty years j and about thirty years ago purchased the Ostrander property, which he re- j modeled into a two story and flat building, including the postoffice This structure was destroyed by -fire April 11, 1926; but in Page Thrw MRS, THOMAS WALSft --X J. WALSH LETTERS FROM OLD TIMERS FAR AWAY AND NEAR '.From A. P. ' . To The McHenry Plaindealer--Conj gratulations and good wishes! For sixty years members of the Perry family have been interested I readers of The Plaindealer. For, sixty years it has served to smile upon j theif joys. and to sympathize with tl^eir sorrows. I In 1864, soon after his Civil war j service with a New Hampshire1 regi- ; ment ended, James Bigelow .Perry I came to McHenry, Here he remained sixty-one years. "He was a teachrer, . a. merchant, a banker, 'possessfve | ! in an unusual degree sterling qualities! Nye.' Robert I/.;• Weber is assistant j that made him a leader. In the Univ- [cashier.- . y •> - r; • / < jersalist chuj-eh ip 1867 .he niarried | The bank «i^nlze<d'^h;.a.«^p- ] i Arie.t^e '«Tu.ttle-,;:'b^n':«^r-pio^e§*1. par-.jital stPfck' of' $125,000,;-which was^irti • ents bri -a ,nearby farm, Tog'ethef they cr,eased toi$50((>00 through a stoi'k i built .-a-hSi^'e. on W> 1916. ' ; •> ' j ; they;r*areda happy family, hfrre the>;; The first home oftho bank was in ! ~ liviJd, widely and wen, • .. , , , j th'e BrefeJd building, just acrdss -'the , r, ^ • „A.»P. G.?* 7" i"ttret't from its pnsent location* A« 1 ' WatciloAi ,JtHe business of the bank mci eased a / • . * $ • . ' ' * ' • " , 1 , n e w b a n k f c i u i l d i r i p . w a s ' b u i l t ' a n d . - T r i ; r |rom JOKAV FREU.ND July 1915. the bank moved into it? "j- I came to McHenry. July 7, 1890, I|#w location where it remains today • _i artd 'entered ttu\ merchandise busihes^ • t- ' ".i:\ =*• Oct. 23, 1S9<>, an-employe of John Jjj-' THE'FFRST SETTLERS " i Miller, in the same store ;Fe<K»-4 nowlI Among those who cafne nekt after ; occupy, being my 45th year in ; the"'Dr. Christy G. Wheeler, the first per- . same place. f;1"1,'. I."^--pon -to. settle in this township, were ! | Purchased the stock <>f ^ ft<jo^s* S#pt. 1^Henr>' and John McLean, Louis and ' >1, 1903, and convertedbusiness 'John Boone,jJohn, William and David i into th^e first exclusive retail clothing, jMcfollum, . Wesley Ladd. Samuel j men's wear store in the city of Mc- Walker. , • • ; H^nry, and have been well patroniz- i Then came Allen and< FreemAn !ed by the people of McHenry and vi- . cinity. I here express to -them my sincere WEST M'HENRY STATE BANK Wie West McHenry State Bank, which is one of the prominent business institutions of McHenry was organized more than twenty-five years ago, on Sept. 10, 1906. »The original charter was £tyen on Sept. 7, 1906 and signed by J. S. Mc- Cullough, auditor of public accounts at that time. The original directors of-the bank wfere: "George H. Hanly, F. H. Wattles, Simon Stoffel, E. L. Wagner,, and P. ST Webster, of this number only two are now serving as directors of the institution, being Simon Stoffel, now president of the bank, and F. H. Wnttles. Two others, Georgo -H. Hanly and P. S. Webster, are. dead. The present staff of directors now numbers §even and is composed of Simon Stoffel, president; F. H. Wattles, chairman of the board of directors; William Carroll, vice-president; Gerald Carey, cashier; J. W. Freund, Cf J. Reihansperger and Dr. N. J. Harvey, B. B, Brown, Jonathan and Mike Sutton and Rev. Joel Wheeler. The McLeans came from Vermbnt, the Bones came from Ohio, the Mc- Collums came from Ohio, Wesley Ladd came from Maine, the Harveys came from Vermont. REMEMBER WAY BACK WtfEN-- In 1885 L. E. Be°nnett was the photographer here. Henry Madden, harness maker, Win. M. Yager rsi the hotel, Mat Engeln was the hardware de&^r, {I. E. Wightman wux liveryman, Mrs. E, W. Howe, milliner-, John Karges, shoemaker. Buster "^winners nt'-. v.' I ' t'ER-.'WKiW CtNTERi •'•(W WHtie RIGHT-OWiiU c*li . BOWMAN BROS. SHOE STORE •THE HOME OF GOOD SHOES" 101 Van Buren St Woodstock, PL, ; T.,J. Walsh was born in McHenry'thr.nks, and will try in the future, as [where he has always lived. At one in the past, to merit their patronage, time he served as postmaster at Mc- by courteous treatment and selling re- I Henry. jcognized standard goods,, at reasor.- ! When a boy hfe worked ift Bishop's ! able prices," which has been my motto flour mill. \ ' Mrs. T.f J. Walsh, ^'as before her marriage to T. J. Walsh, on Sept lU, 1877, Lola Bishop. She had one three* ninths (brother, Ormus, who died in 1879v |for thirty-two vears. ' i JOSEPH W. FREUND time it was rebuilt and replaced with a modern brick building. ^ About the same time that he took over the Osti-ander property, Mr. Justen moved his family into their new home on Waukegan street. In 1912, his son, Peter M, Justen, entered the business and they have since conducted their business under " the name, N. J. Justen and Son. SIMON STOFFEL _ Simon Stofftel, president of^the West McHenry State Bank and for jjnore ths^i fifty y§ars a business man in West McHenry; is still active in his insurance, business. J. WALSH Another McHenty business who has been active in half man merchandise work for a century is M. j Walsh, who started work for C. V. Stevens in his store situated in the [building now occupied by J; W. Freund and the Floral shop. In this store, which later was run by Stevens j& Millar, Mr. Walsh clerked four years, in .1890 going to work for Simon Stoffel, where he remained for seven years, until 1898, when, he went into business for himself. He - built a modern, . brick store He was born building on Main street and for near Volo and was one of a family of nine* children." Fifty-two years ago, in 1883, Simon Stoffel started work in the general store with Mrs. Stoffel's father, T,eon- From MR. AND MRS. A; Editor, McHenry .Maindea^Sf^™ Dear Sir-'-- Congratulattions, on the sixtieth anniversary of the Plaindealer! For about twenty-five ye«r-> we have been subscribers and we have ! | always welcomed the arrival of this ; weekly as that of a good friend. I ! Newspapers create impression^ af towns or cities they represent and citizens can assist by making them favorable by contributing timely news items, interesting acounts of worthwhile events and attractive advertise-: ments, ^ ' | Readers should consider themselves ipart of the staff and by assisting Ithis good McHenry paper they be- I c%me boosters for the "Home Town." Wishing you continued success, j MR. and MRS. A. E. NYE :West McHenry, Illinois thirty-one years was one of the prominent business men irt West McHenry. , ' When he sold his"store, Mr. Walsh did not retire- from business, but, is ' Frftm WILLI A M BONSLETT yet active as a representative for" the j jjcHenry piajndealer: " International Tailoring company. - i Congratulations on your sixtieth. JOHN BUCH (anniversary. Sixty years ago (1875) John Buch, 76 years old, has been my parents lived at Johnsburg and a rssident of McHenry for seVdnty- j before moving' to McHeni^ on March one years, coming here with his paf-j 17, 1877, I used to walk to McHenry cnts in 1864.- . seve> al times a week to get our mail. . He was born -at North Attleboro, j I well remember on one of these oc- ; Mass., on Feb. 18,1859. j cations, with our mail we had a copy ! He conducted ft saloon and hotel : of the. first issue of The McHenry for many years which .was started > Plaindealer. j his father; Joseph Buch. On Jan. 1* \ Mv brother, Leonard Bonslett. was i 19,13' he rented his place to Fred a subscriber" to said paper until his Justen and on March' 3 of the same death, and since that time we have year his'wife died. ; paper i*e^^ | H E. Buch, a /on, is in the plumb- J have belonged to the "Plaindealer (fcmily for 60, years, and hope to be ildng many'more years^ •• Peter Schaefer, of - Johnsl.^g,^..^^f^oW^im^rsary issue wHi be-p will be 84 years old in August, was- preciated .by me as I will remember born and raised, in Johnsburg. Fpr mr^t of the "Old Timers a time he worked for the Omaha , ^"tribute to this issue, Chicago but re- >i -Wishing you success and ing business on Riverside Drive. ^ PETER SCHAEI KR ' •who will mafij SIMON STOFFEL ard Bonslett The store was operated under the name of Bonslett and Stoflel in the building now owned by Wiilam IL Althdff. About forty years ago. - Leonard Bonslett died and soort afteriiis death Mr. and Mrs. Stoffel built a new store building which is now occupied by L. A. Erickson. . For many years Mr. Stoffel was active in the management of the'storc, until it wa* rented to F A. Bohlander, who ,wa« succeeded by Mr. Peck ot Barrington and then L. A. Erickson, who has been here about 17 -years. Mr Stoffel worked for Henry Rogers in a store at Volo before coming .here. Packing cornpany in - - -• tired about 'thirty vears ago, malnng imore anniversaries, I am his honip in Johtisburp. , V«V Mrs. Schaefer, who died about tvio WM. KO.NbLhI I. years ago, was formerly • Kathrine j , . vw. A Vn , ,77IP mun Frett, dau^htfr of William Frett.'| From \ IC ANIi U/^iL C William Frett and his brother, John,' Wauconda, 111., May 27, 1935. 'were among the first settlers 4 at i McHenry Plaindealei Staff. ® Johnsburg. ^ * 1 .'^t is a pleasure to join in eelebrat- I ..FJltJFT1" '- /ling the sixtieth anniversary of your ' J. ,L Frett. son of William Frett, J valuable paper. Some of the oldone of the first settler* in Johnsburg,, timers will remember my father, the is comfortablv • situated in his home' l®te Frank L. Carr, who was a cor- Riverside Drive, where: he is re- ; respondent to your paper in the; years tred after many years in the packing j 18*0 to 1895, and signing his iconbusiness" in Chicago. /< . - !•' His grandfather, Nicholas , Frett, came here from Germany and took ! up land at Johnsburg from the government." WILLIAM ALTHOFF . William Althoff .came to Johnsburg in 1878 and started a boot and Mr. Stoffel is now in the insurance j shoe repair shop. In 1879 he started dealer McHenry business in. McHenry and is associat- ;taking the Plaindealer and has been .weekly. ed with hiS son-iri-law under the firm ~ -- - -- i : i -- i a » « tributions "F. L. C." At the present time my' mother, Mrs. Lizzie N. Carr, despite her 76 years, still contributes from time to time a Wauconda column. Type of a size easy to read, good covering newS"'events of McHenry and adjoining counties stamps The Plaincounty's leading 8™ ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL SALE-PRICE FORMERLY PRICED $180 G-E MONITOR TOP MODEL X-M Sealed-in-steel mechanism with 5 Years Performance Protection for only *1 (included in price). Ail-Steel Cabinet • Temperature Control • Foot Pedal Door Opener • Stainless Steel Super-Freezer • Sliding Shelves • Automatic Interior Light • Defrosting Switch yplp* - SsH. > . name of Stoffel Reihansperger. a continuous subscriber sincta that; A very noticeable feature is the time. He now conducts • a general fact that many of your advertisers store at Johnsburg have an ad every week in the year, He was born in Kenosha county, | which shows that advertising in The Wis., about eighty-one years ago and , Plaindealer really pays big dividends, came to Johnsburg when he was j Good luck and best wishes , to The twenty-four. For over half a cen- Plaindealer staff. . VTC" CARR andr=======3fc= MRS. LIZZIE N. CARR. tury he has been located in the sam" building. - Oldest Tailor Shop John Lodtz came here in 1894 From GILBERT HOWAR^ l where he„„apejied a tailor shop in the Through his mother, Mrs. C. S Barbian ' building, the exact. place j Howard, Gilbert Howard, who is with" where he" is now located. He has been ! Company 2759 V C C C at Sturgfeon, hero for about forty years .with the J S.' D., sends his best wishes to the exception of twelve years at Crystal Plaindealer on t^heir sixtieth anni- • Lake; ; versary and expresses his enjoyment JOSEPH MERTES . Fftrty-Si* years a^, J o s e p h itfertes established the pa^ Parjt hotel at Pistakee Bay, JOS. \v I HEL'ND 'of the weekly visits of The Plaindealer. ' > . . :. . . He looks fprward to the day when it will arrive and wishes for his old home town paper "long life and prosperity.". . Kenntfch Howe, grahdson 'of Mrs. Howard, who is at Ft. Sheridan, also enjoys getting the McHcury news through The Plaindealer and wishes for it all the good things of life. j THE FIRST MARRIAGE i The first marriaee in the county ! was -performed by Rev. Wheeler and j the first birth was a daughter of i Christy Wheeler. ' \ t The first death occurred when Wil- Jos. W. Freund is one. of t_he old Ham H«rrick accidentally shot him- ; Kenneth says that The Plaindealer timers of West McHenry having been ?£>if while crossing the ice on Fox has really put McHenry oji the map a clothier on" Main street for many ;.river; his horse broke through the :at Et. Sheridan as many of^the offiyCars. 1 He has been a member of ice which caused the discharge of; cers pic^ it up, and reading it, comthe community High , school board his rifle and killed him instantlyd _ jpliment a small town for having such since its. organization and has been ! The first religious services were a fine'paper. active in .work of interest to Mc- held by Rev.,Wheeler in a log house The Plaindealer.. appreciates, these Henry. built by H. W. McLean. - v • This is the 8th Anniversary of the famous General Electric Refrigerator -- the electric refrigerator that has an unparalleled record for dependable, attention-free service at lowest cost. Here is your opportunity to own a G-E Refrigerator, at the lowest price we have ever been able to offer. This anniversary sale is the means of saving you money. Gome in at once and select the size you need. Small amount^ as initial,payment. Balance monthly payment • All-Steel Cabinet • Stainless Steel Super-Freezer • Temperature Control • Only limited number of General Electric models available at these Automatic Intert or Light Foot Pedal Door Opener ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL Si FORMERLY PRICED $169 fine expressiorre~of Royaltyr * - ' > . • • .» .. • Carey Electric McHenry _25l •Green V i

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