Jfcgt Four mjL "ME M'HENRY PLAINDEALER--SIXTIETH ANNIVERSARY THE M'HENRY PLAINDEALER TEux^i3!ay7 June 6, 192 Published every Thursday at McHenry, 111., by, Charles F. Reoich. CARD PARTY, JUNE ?© The Altar and Rosary sodality of St. Patrick's church will hold a card party, June 20, in the afternoon. ^Entered as second-class matter -at the postofflce at McHenry, DL, on*, <ft«r the act of May 8, 1879. . One Year „ 4tz Months AttXILLARY MEETING The American Legion Auxiliary ' will n^eet Thursday night, June 13, in 1 Legion hall This is an important ..$2.00 j meeting as election Of pfficerar will be ...$1.00 hejjd- A. H. MOSHER, Editor and Manager "finish Editor -- -- • -- -- Telephone 197 USE THE CLASSIFIED COLUJVINS FOR QUICK RESULTS Sponsored by McJIenry Brewers AT VOLO RECREATION HALlfg; :feuRSD4Y, Admission 25c MONEY to LOAN I am prepared to make loans on Farm lands or City property. Prompt Service. Good Unsecured Rotes Purchased . L. Y. SIKES Grayslake, Illinois. 7- . ; Telephone Grayslake 32 ' - Residence Telephone, (Jrayslake 236* When you shop on 'Friday and Saturday, June 7 and 8 compare our prices and save by shopping here - BUTTER--the best 92 score creamery butter, ,1b. 26c SUGAR--Pure cane granulated sugar *5 27C CHEESE--Colby longhom cheese ...lb. 19c Wisconsin brick '.1. lb. 19c Jewel SHORTENING--& vegetable Oil product, lb 17c COFFEE--Star Santos coffee, lb. 17c^ 3 ^s. 50 C Why not g-et one of those lovely electrie table lamps with your coffee purchases for only 59c,--stop in and see them CORN FLAKES--Kellogg's, large packages, each 10c WHEATIES--all American breakfast food, pkg. He PUFFED WHEAT--per package ^ 9^ Puffed Rice^per package &lOc^ BEANS--Fancy hand picked navy beans, .5 lbs. 23^ BANANAS--Fancy plump fruit 3 lbs. NEW POTATOES---Fancy U. S. No. 1 Mississippi New Potatoes per 15-lb. peck 29^ SEED POTATOES--E'ly Ohio Seed Potatoes, bu. 60 C BROOMS--5 sewed parlor brooms each .... 49<^ PAPER NAPKINS--80 in package ......2" pkgs. X 7o Wax Paper--Fort Howard, handy rolls of luncheon Wax paper, 40-foot rolls ... 2 for 17c Baking Cups--110 paper baking cups in package 0c Dixie CUPS--15 waxed paper picnic cups .G ..9c FRESH EGGS--We pay the producers the highest mark et prices and retail them at a very small margin of profit. See us for eggs. O Per 100 lbs. $1.90 •--""2.15 v"'l 9 9A PARTY AT RINGWOOD Ringwood Home Bureau and 4-H boys and girl^ held a party at the Ringwood hall Friday evening, May 24. Games w^re played land pins awarded to the Girls' club 4-H leaders, after which lunch was served. ' Miss Evelyn Tobey, New York stylist, at a meeting of Lake and McHenry County Home Bureau members at the Community High school, Saturday. The meeting was an all-day affair and was attended by a large crowd of women. Mrs. Tobey conducts her own style stervice in New York and is a nationally known figure. y v l MOTHERS CLUE The Mothers club will meet Friday, June 14, at the home of Mrs. P. M. Justen, with Mrs. L. A. Erickson and Mrs. E. E. Basset|, as assistant hostesses; Miss Mabel Hobbs, county nurse, will be the guest speaker PUBLIC CARD PARtY Members of the Legion Auxiliary will sponsor a public card party in Legion hall, Wednesday, June 12. There will be prizes and lunch! Proceeds will go for rehabilitation work, „ Refreshment© "J.\ : ENTERTAIN. FRIENDS 5- - A'1 party of eighteen friends gathered at the home of Atford H. PouSe Sunday evening. Cards were played with honors being awarded to Mrs. Robert Thbmpson, Mr. Bruce Nickels/ Mirs; Jd.hn- JDtymilleV'.arid Robert Thompson. ' FIRST COMMUNIQN Firslt communion services Were held at St. Patrick's church Sunday morning at the 8 o'clock mass. There were four communicants, Grace IJolger, Vivian Peterson, Gregory Cairns, and Junior Bonslett. Pull 0 Pep Scratch Feed ........ Gold Seal Egg Mash Gold Seal Growing Mash Gold Seal AH Mash Chick Starter 2 „lf| Fine Chick Feed ' Oyster Shells :' i l ! Dairy Salt Doughboy Dairy FeedT^^ t Ail Block Salt (45 lbs.) ... ""•"""*"7;: QC "'V ' V..." ._ . A • • . «00 (Limit 3 sacks to eachCttirtdiiiei*) • Our Mashes are the best because they are mixed fresh daily-- McHenry County.Farmers Co-operative Association JOHN BOLGER, Mgr. Phone 29 , McHenry . COUNTY AUXILIARY ".=• > Friday fcvferiihg the McHehi^ County Legion Auxiliary will Yneet 'at Hebron. 'The district director, Mrs. ^pthel Oetter, her secretary, Mrs. Alta 1 Schmeiding, the assistant director, i Mrs. Merle Nance, and Mrs. Gertrude ; Nash of Geneva will be guests. Election of officers will be held. .; ENTERTAIN FRIENDS Jrfr.: and Mrs. Hugh Morris entertained a* group of friends Saturday night at their summer home at Fair Oaks subdivision. Finochle was played And prizes awarded to Mrs. Wjn. Wipke,, Albert Vales, Jacob Schaefer, Helen Schfleiderj Mrs, Thomassoii; Mrs. Jacob Schaefer j»hd MrsyE.- J£. Sutton.' ROYAL NEIGH1*>RS MEET i' FoX River Valley Camp, R. N. A., | met in regular session Tuesday night jat Woodman hall. Mrs. Harvey Bar- : ron of Fremont, O., was a visitor. Fol- I lowing the meeting cards were enjoyed by the members with the prize in bridge going to Mrs. Simon Stoffel, in'bunco to Mrs. Mary Freund, and the guest prize |o Mrs. Barron. HOLY NAME SOCIETY Members of the Holy Name Society are requested to attend communion at 8:30 o'clock, Sunday, June 9, at St. Mary's church. The regular monthly meeting will be *h~eld Tuesday, June 11. All'members are requested to be present at this meeting as 'will arrangements for the coming festival will be discussed.. Refreshments will be served. HOME BUREAU CARD PARTY Ringwood Home Bureau unit sponsored a card party at the Woodman hall, Ringwood, Wednesday afternoon, May 15. Bridge, five hundred and bunco were played. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. Krause and Mrs. Neal in bridge; Mrs. Ed Whiting and Mrs..Milton Hopper in fiye hundred •and Mrs. Ray Men?hant^ and Mrs. Chas. Peet in bunco. Proceeds of the afternoon are to be used t« help pay expenses of the McHenry County delegate of" 4-H girls, Miss Helen Harrison, to Washington, D. C.7 in June. i HOME BUREAU MEETING , Clothe^ are a woman's big- personal worry--how she looks, what she must continue to wear, what she can buy that's new, what they're wearing, what the new hats are like, the new coats, dresses, the new colors, necklines, new skirt lengths, all these details, and more, jvere discussed by THIS WEKK'S Silm-PlafaJ SPOONS service. BEAUTIFUL KENMORE PATTERN Pure Silver Plated on an 1 &% Nickel Silver base. Will give years oLfeafd' Limit: 12 spoghf to a customed. While they last Wm. H. ALTHOFF HDWE. Cor. Main St. & U. S. 12 .r;;,h:McHenry, 111. ..'.V', -iJ^EVEN YEARS OLD Mrs. 3. M. Phalin entertained In honor of her little -grandson, , Larry Phalin, who was - seyen years old, Tuesday. Games: were played and lunch served, with, a birthday cake as the center of attraction. Guests were Bobby -end Howard Knox, Bil« ly, Jack and Larry Phalin. PHILATHEA SOCIETY The Philathea Society of the M. E. church, met Wednesday, May 29, at the home of Mrs. Eva Bacon with the new president, Mrs. Gertrud§ Schaeffer in charge, she having been elected to fill out the unexpired term of, Mrs. Velma Douglas. The devotional part of the meeting was lead by Mrs. Dorothy Nickels. Plans are no"w under way for conducting classes in parliamentary law" instruction. Following the business meeting; an article entitled "The Child and His Church" was .given by Mrs. Mauriene Hunter. The next meeting will be held .St, the home of Mrs. JBelle Miller and" all members and frieAds are urged to attend. . C'"; • HONOR BRIDE-TO-BE ' M iss Mar ie Mertes, who' will become the bride of Arthur Wagner on June 11, has been honored at several showers, during the last week which were given by her friends and relatives',' both in Johnsburg and Chicago. On Tuesday evening of last week the first of the parties took place it the home of Miss Mertes' sister, Mrs. Walter Grube, in Chicago. Forty ladies were present and enjoyed the evening at bunco, with prizes awarded to the winners. Miss Mertes was presented with a gift. On Sunday afternoon, thirty girl friends of Miss Mertes gathered at the home of her niece, Miss Laura Schaefer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Schaefer, and presented her with a pleasing gift. Bunco was played and prizes awarded. Refreshments were served and included a birthday cake which was served in honor of the hostess' birthday which occurred Wednesday. : -Miss Mertes was guest of honor Tuesday night at a shower given by Mrs. Joe Adams at Johnsburg. Twenty- five ladies , were present and gav<? ate giftT™" Among: the Sick Miss Ruth Phalin, daughter of Mr. and'Mrs." J. M. Phalin, underwent an operation for appendicitis at St. Anthony's hospital, Chicago, last week Wednesday. ^ Mrs. May Powers is inconvenienccd with a broken arm, the injury received when she slipped and fell in her home on Waukegan street. Mrs. Wm. Hoeft of Chicago, a sum& mer resident; is recovering from an operation at St. Ann's hospital, Chicago. . _• Mrs. G. Sattem is recovering from an attack of heart trouble. ^ Friends pf States Attorney V. S. Lurqley will be glad t<J know that he is improving after being critically ill with a heart ailment. Mre. F. A. Hitchens of Ringwood [spent several days 'last,,week St Anthony's hospital, Chicago, 1*/? treatment. •. v • , VV Mrs. J. F. Claxton, who has been quite ill at her home east of this city, is improving, ( Her daughter, Mrs, Henry Foss .of New York City, who was called here by her Illness, has returned home. • Mrs. Ella Wheeler, who has been quite ill With High blood pressure and heart trouble, is recuperating slowly and is now able to sit up a few hours daily. i'-X-:.. 1 N, J. Justen is Comfortable at his home on Waukegan street, where hs is recovering from his illness of diabetes and high blood pressure. Because of an infected foot he does not inoVe about much. Mrs. Simon Michels is assisting in his care. Ray Conway, who was at St. Anthemy's hospital, Chicago, receiving treatment for heart trouble^returned home the last of the week, wher« he is under the care of a trained nurse Miss Mary Ernst, of Chicago. Friends of Mr. and Mrs. J. Brandt of Chicago will be glad to know that their son, Robert, is again at home after many W^eeks at Billings hospital, Chicago, where he underwent an operation on his leg. CLOSING EXERCISES , ST. MARY'S SFCHOOL At the 8:15 Mass on June 9, the graduates of St. Mary's wjjl receive Holy Communion in a body After Mass the seventh grade will serve breakfast for them in the school. The ,class colors, blue and white, will be used in the decorations. In the evening at 8:15, DST, graduation exercises will be held at the High School auditorium. The following will receive diplomas: JClarence Adams, Leonard Blake, Jerome Buch, Fred fterdrich, Gene Justen, Richard Justen, James Larkinj Gerald- Miller, Emil Simon, Harold Stilling, Harold Weitl, Richard Williams, Jane Durland, Angela freund, Marie Charlotte *Nix, Geraldine Kennebeck, Lois Meyers, Catherine Rothermel, Lorraine Smith, Emily Steffes, Isabelle Stoffel, and Rita Weingart. r * • Program .Piano Duet .......... Marie Charlotte Nix and Jane Durland. ' * Graduation Exercises r Distribution of Diplomas Rev. . Msgr. C. S. Nix. .-.-V.: Song and the Bree2e^.^^^U6-^7-8th |. • G r a d e G i r l s . - * . ; • ; ' • ; 1 Rheumatiz and'- 2nd Grade Pupils. ^ Harmdnica Selections .,..;LV,Our Boys Japanese Fan Drill >si,tf ;$th Grade Girls. * • Guitar Selection^ Elizabeth ~ Althoff. -s y Minstrel' .;.,C,^^;Sr(£;;and 4ih-- :<5Ktde Pupils.' 'v'1" '* • Beautiful Blue Danube ........ Lorraine Schaefer. Dance Militaire 6-6-7th-Grade Girls. • Ben Hur 5-6-7-8th Grade Boys. ' Guitar Selections ................ Elizabeth Althoff. • • * ^ . Irish Lilt Anita Althoff, Lorraine Schaefer, Ethel Althoff, Lucille Weingart, Esther Althoff. Harmonica Selections Our Boys. On St. Mary's Grand Finale. Class Motto: Build for Eternity. <31ass Flower: White Carnation. Class Patron: St. Joseph. MEMORIAL SERVICES HELD IN HIGH SCHOOL • V, ' . V , . . . .;"v I SELL FARMS--DAN QUINLAN Cloud darkened skies and rain on Memorial Day put an end to plans for an out-door program, and consequently the line pf march was directed to the high school rqther than to\ the city park. ^ _ There was a good attendance local people a^t the program at 10 a. m., which was carried out according to the schedule published lasti week, with the Girl and Boy Scouts and school children taking part. The band furnished some stirring music which was much enjoyed. rl > World wqr veterans, school children, Daughters of .the G. A. R„ and citizens joined in the line of march to the cemeteries, where the soldiera graves were decorated with'flowers and short services held, also. The Daughters of the G. A. R., placed a wreath on the soldiers monument in the park and another wreath for the monument was donated by tha. McHenry florist, M. Crouch. This token of. remembrance by Mr. Crouch was much appreciated by tha! women of the G. A. R., as well as thevs.:' Legionnaires and citizens in gener-f|^ al. . - Ray MeGee. chairman of the Decor atiohd day prograrti-, expressed hi^ satisfaction in the success of the an J dertaking and' the interest shown by! local people and hope3 that for another year a nwre elaWrtfte progtwn^ outi be arranged. " Thousands of pleasure seekers, released from routine duties for the day, were disappointed in the unfavorable weather, which, however, failed to halt the flow of tributes to the veterans of American conflicts dating back to the Civil War. There are no Civil War veterans left to march in Memorial day parades inMcffenr£_and only twenty-five members of the old Grand Army joined in the parade in Chicago. However, the World war veterans are carrying on in memory of the dead heroes and will continue to march, even under gray skies, as they did this year in the sixty-seventh Memorial Day observance. List your farms with DAN QUINLAN. . I George Kinsala of Chie&go' I Sunday at his home here. spent FOR SALE FOR SALE OR RENT--Perry house on Richmond road, near St.- Mary's church. Modern, newly decorated inside and out. Steam heat, » double garage. Call Mrs. John R. Knox, Phone 17. -rr----- 43tf FOR SALE--150 White Rock Baby Chicks, two weeks old, and 200 White Leghorn chicks, two~weeks old. McHenry Co. Farmers Co-op. Assn. Phone 29. 2 FOR ,SALE--18 Head, serviceably sound work horses. Prices to suit. Located„on" Route 20, south of Ostend school house. Call Ed. Martin, Phone 285-W, Woodstock. *2-2 FOR SALE--Wicker furniture, including three rockers, couch, and fernery. Inquire at Plaindealer office or phone 170. 2tf FOR SALE--Beagle hound pups. Lester Bacon, Grand Ave., McHenry. Tel. 222-R. 2-4 Wm. M. Carroll, Attorney ^ EXECUTORS NOTICE • Estate of John H. Freund, Deceased. The undersigned, Executor of the last Will and Testament of John H. Freund, deceased, hereby gives notice that he will appear before the County Court of McHenry County, at the Court House in Woodstock, on the 5th day of August, A. D. .1935, at which time all persons having claim;; against said Estate are notified and requested to attend for the purpose; of having same adjusted. All persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment to . the undersigned. 'Dated this; 27th day of May, A. D. 1935. • . * . . FRED P. FREUND, Exeevitor J. VAN SLYKE Not o.ily as editor and founder ol The ^Plaindealer was J. VanSlyke an asset to the cityoof McHenry but he also served as its mayor in 1889 and a g a i n i n 1 8 9 1 . -- - of the tltY LAKE RESTAURANT AND CAFE Saturday, June 8, 1935 Por The Second Season By Bog&ns FREE BEER ~ FREE SANDWICHES DANCING a, l SPECIAL SALE SATURDAX JUNE 8 SUDAN GRASS SEED, per 100 lbs.; $12.50. ..Soy Beans, 95 germination, per bu., $1.65. McHENRY CO. FARMERS CO-OP. ASSN. PHONE 29 ~ Jj[ WANTED: HELP WANTED Wanted, girl or single woman for general housework. Colemar Golf Course, Spring Grove, 111. *2 WANTED--Girl for general housework. Must be good cook* Tel. 295, McHenry. M. L. Salopion. - 2 ELECTRICAL FLOOR SANDING will make all floors like new. Prompt and satisfactory service guaranteed. Estimates cheerfulVy given. NEWMAN Bros., 434. Seminary Ave., Woodstock. . ' . 2-tf FREE DANCING LILY LAKE CASINO Strictly Home Cooking .'.CKicken or Steak Lunch T BQc Chicken or Steak Sandwich '.„,.......35c Delicious Home-baked Pies Tavern Pale Beer On Draught Music by TVtcCOY'S RYTHM BOYS of Chicago SCHAEFER'S TAVERN East of the Old River Bridge. ^ SATURDAY NIGHT ' ' Chicken Dinner 35c Orchestra and Dancing FISH FRY FRIDAY NIGHT EI 10c per plate New Antique Oak Bar and Enlarged Space Johnsburg Tavern Joe Hettennann, Prop. : Saturday Night, Special Chicken Plate Dimier, 35o " with all the trimmings ' y"""' * • ^ Pork Roast with Sauerkraut .36c ^MUSIC BY NIGHT OWLr Follow the crowd to the Johnsburg Tavern for your home-cooked meals ------ LOST LOST-^Checked greenish-gray top coat, from car, probacy' on U; S. 12 on Sunday evening, June 2. Finder return to Plaindealer office. Reward. '2-2 MISCELLANEOUS SAM'S PLACE * BURTON'S BRIDGE Dancing every Saturday night. Music by Bott's Moonlight Serenaders. No cover or minimum charge. *2 LONE MAPLE TAVERN River Road, south of McHenry A. H. Watson, Prop. SATURDAY NIGHT--Fried Chicken Dinner Music by Ben Thonnesen Orchestra Mrs. Aiina,Miller will, have cliarge of the kitchen Fish Fry Every Day after 12 o'clock __WE PAY FOR DEAD_, ANIMALS i--ili|DWEST REMOVAL COr : f PHONE DUNDEE 10 Reverse Charges ARE YOU HAVING TROUBLE \^ith your sewing machine ? If so, call McHenry 165. We repair all makes. Popp, West McHenry. * 37-tf FARMERS ATTENTION-- Bring your machinery to me for repairing. I have a special grinding machine for sharpening and can mend broken parts. Also lawn mower sharpening. Otto Mueller, Blacksmith* across from City Hall, McHenry. 1 43-t,f. _EAMOtIS FOE ^TONDERFUL ^ME Every Saturday Night PINK HARRISON'S at PISTAKEE BAY Dine and Dance Vi Fried Chicken Plate Lunch ..; ...35c Ml'STC bv BARBARA IIORICK'S ORCHESTRA I PAY CASH AND QUICK REMOVAL OF DEAD AND CRIPPLED COWS AND HORSES. Call Axel Bolvig, Woodstock 1645-W-2 and reverse charges. *46-26 I WILL PAY $4.00 to $14.00 for old and disabled horses. They must be able to walk. Call or write FRANK M. JAYNE. Phone Woodstock 209. *47-13 • • - ARE YOU HAVING TROUBLE with your sewing machine? If so, call McHenry 162. We repair them, no matter, what the trouble may be. Popp, West McHenry, _ • • '* . 37-tf JBest Place in Town For a Good Time at BETTY'S at Lily Lake v ' SATURDAY NIGHT Miller's Orchestra^--We have rythm, modern and -7 old fashioned dancing. Mike Conway, Caller Famous Duck Dinner with trimmings, 35c FISH FRY FRIDAY, 10c