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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 13 Jun 1935, p. 4

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_1*3aft_X .r^T r * -i <i wTli'^ 1 . , . >:, <-:*_ 'i3 15; I?i ^% - * ft:' ,J .* ' *«• <••>. ' y •' - * M •, A . •V^ F«c»Fottr K-':-'~ THE JVTHENRY PLAINDEALER Pohlished mry Thursday at McHenry, IIL, by Charhi F. Ranich. btered as second-class matter at .ttt 4ar the act of May 8, 187#. at McHnry. OU One T ear ~ Six Months. 42.00 .41.00 A. H. Lillian Sayler, Local Editor Editor aM Maaager Telephone 19? USE THE CLASSIFIED COLUMNS FOB QUICK RESULTS rrr-'^v'fv Many Accidents Are caused by faulty brakes on cars which have been mn too far without having them looked over. Your car n ight be the next one to crash if your brakes are net working properly. The cost of an adjustment Or a little repair ifrould be slight compared to a wreck. Drive in to- %MITH'S <SAftAGE PhoM m McHenry Bn St. and RireraMa Diin BENEFIT DANCE Fpr Mrs. George Lay ' Bridge Ball Room McHenry, III ^ WEDNESDAY NIGHT, JUNE 10 Dancing Every Wednesday Night at the Bridge MONEY to LOAN 1 am prepared to make loans on Farm lands or City property.. Prompt Service. «. Good Unsecured Notes Purchased _ L. Y. SIKES Grayslake, Illinois. ^ Telephone Grayslake 32 Residue Telephone, Grayslake 236 DO YOU KNOW? THAT YOU CAN BUY A $6n#f£Ai£ Madejfire (Guaranteed For Life) less money than you pay for an unknown brand. Read these prices: $422 $4,78 30x3 >/t 29x4.40-21 29x4.50-20 30x4.50-21 ^tf#8x4.75-19 29x5.00-19 " 10x0.00-20 88x5,25-18 30x5 Truck--8-ply HD 32x6 Truck--10-ply HD v $493 :: *5-83 ... S6-0B $642 $15M $26-95 YES! WE TRADE IN TIRES OT ANY SIZE J Battery Charging, Fan Belts, Radiator Hose anfl Spark Plugs, Etc., to Fit Every Car or Truck JIRE REPAIRING AND VULCANIZING " Phone 294, West McHenry, Illinois WWj. Society KT otes MOTHERS CLUB POSTPONED The meeting of th<? Mothers club has been postponed until Friday, June 21, when it will be held at the home of Mrs. P. M. Justen. 3-2 ENTERTAIN AT BRIDGE Mrs. William Rides entertained friends at bridge at her pleasant summer home Saturday afternoon. Prises were awarded to Mrs. F. O.Gani and Mrs. J. J. Rothermel. v ENTERTAINS CARD CLUB Mrs. Elmer Freund Was hostess to her bridge club on Tuesday of last week. Members from Woodstock were present and awards were won by Margaret Jar^ Leonard and Rosaliegchin- PRE-NUPTIAL SHOWErf Following the Federated church choir practice at Wauconda. Thursday evening Miss Henrietta Dahms •was honored at a pre-nuptial shower at the church. She is to be the bride of Mr. Harold Vycital this month. The members of the choir presented Mi$$, Dahms with an occasional, tai^ie. AUXILIARY PARTY V •' Tnft local American Legion Auxiliary held a party Wednesday evening in their hall. Cards were enjoyed with Mrs. George Stilling ahd Mrs. Ben Stilling winning prizes in brid^o and Mrs. Vincent Martin a«nd Mrs. Agnes Schaefer in five hundretf. LADIEST AID SOCIETY The Ladies' Aid society met at the home of Mr*. D. I. Granger last Thursday afternoon when considerable work was accomplished. The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. A. G. Matthews at Lake Defiance. It is planned to go about 10:30 o'clock. A pot luck dinner will be served. _ FESTIVAL TONIG^Ir? ; The Ladies' Aid society will sponsor a strawberry festival at the M. E. church this Thursday evening at 8 o'clock. There will be an interesting program and strawberry shortcake and coffee will be served, Adults, 20 cents, and children 15 cents. EASTERN STAR NOTES McHehry. Chrtter, O. E. S., met in regular sesion Monday evening, when planf were made for a program followed by cards dm June 27. Plans were also made for Friends night on July B, when each officer will invite ft frfend to fill their station for the evening. ' ^ ^ v ' PRE-NUPTIAL SHOWER (|;:: Mrs. John Bolder of McHenry arid Miss iTieresa Howden of Richmond entertained a party of friends Thursday evening: at the former"* home, at. a miscellaneous fchower in honor of Miss Lillliah Doherty, who will he a June bride. Twenty guests enjoyed the evening at cards, with prizes in bridge merited by Mrs. Robert Weber and Miss Genevieve Knox and in five hundred by Eleanor Bolger. Decorations in the home were in pink. Out-of-town guests \fere Helen and Lucy Howden, Richmondand Gertrude Kelly, Crystal Lake. MID-WEEK CLUB The Mid-Week club met with Mja. Thomas Kaneon Wednesday after- 'noon of last week. Prizes in bridge were won by Mrs. C. W. Klohtz, Mrs. ; C. H. Duker and Mrs. J. M. Fhalin. j The next meeting will be with Mrs. C. W. Goodell on Wednesday afternoon 'of next week. SOCIAL WHEEL Mrs. Mabel Hawley was hostess to members of the Social Wheel at her home at Rinprwood last Thursday afternoon. Four tables of bridge were in play and prizes were won by Mrs. F. O. Gans, Mrs. Thomas Kane and Mrs. Arline Pearson. The next meeting will be with Mrs. Louis Schroeder at Ringwqod next Thursday afternoon. HONOR GROOM-TO-BE Stanley Schaffer entertained friends at" a party in honor of Harold Vycital soon to become a benedict, Tuesday night. Cards and music were enjoyed and Harold was presented with a gift Those present were Walter Brefeld, Robert Martin, Chester Howard, Maurice and Willys Schreiner, William Bacon, Harold, Charles, Stanley and Richard Vycital. OBSERVES BIRTHDAY * Mrs Margaret McCarthy observed her .seventy-eighth birthday on Sunday and was surprised by a party of relatives who came to spend the day {with her, bringing generous supplies for dinner and supper. Guests were: Mr. and Mrs. Ed Ay!ward of Hebron, Mr. and Mrs. Will Alyward of Spring Grove, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Aylward and Celia Aylward, Chicago, Mrs. Maisie Aylward and daughter, Evelyn of Round Lake and P. J. Cleary, McHenry. Erickson Prices " Special Prices for Friday and Saturday* June 14 and 15 BUTTER--92 score sweet cream butter 25Vie LARD--Kerber's Lard ..... % lbs for 31c CHEESE--Colby Longhorn Cheese ... lb. SALAD DRESSING---Pearsall's Salad Dressing full quart jars L_ "each 25«£ CORN-FLAKES--Kellogg's, large size, pkgv BAKING POWDER--K. C. B&k. Powder 25 oz. can%19c K. C. Baking Powder 10-oz. can 8c MATCHES--Palmer's Strikalite Matches. fl 5c packages for .... _ Palmer's Matches, 20 cu\>ic^ih!Sl^¥lfc boxes for 2i9c LAUNDRY SOAP DEAL--5 hars of American Family Laundry Soap and 1 bar Hard Water T. Toilet Soap..all for -;,"•••• 29^ OK LAUNDRY SOAP--10 Bars for EGG CASES--Humpty Dumpty Egg Cases, 6 dozen size . .......... ......i ^ . each 35^ HARVEST HATS--See our complete line of sun hats and harvest hats for ladies, men and children, 25c up SURPRISE PARTY 1 Mrs. Jacob H. Adams was pleasantly Surprised Tuesday evening in honor of her sixty second birthday anniversary. Those present were Mr. and , Mrs. Jacob Adams, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Adams and children, Mr. and Mrs. . Math Adams and cl.ildren, Mr. and Mrs. Nick Adams, Alex, Alfons, Clemens, and Vincent Adams, Michael Bauer and daughters, Helen and Frances, Mr. and Mrs. John Jackson and John Adams. The daughters-in law served a lunch, and Mrs. Adams was presented with a gift. Mrs. Adams was born and raised in the same farm home she is still occupying. ed transportation chairman and Mrs E. C. Coe was named program chairman to take the place of Miss Ethel Jones. Meetings will be discontinued duri& ff the summer months. * i * . BRIDE-TO-BE HONORED Miss Lillian Doherty was guest of honor at a bedroom and canned fruit shower given by Miss Kate McLaughlin and Mrs. Will Doherty at the former's home, Tnesday afternoon. Decorations were in spring flowers with luncheon served at a table with hut cups and place cards carrying out the color motif. The afternoon vjns spent-in Visiting and a canned fruit contest. Guests were: MA. Ellis and daughter, Zenith, Chicago; Mrs. Otis Murray and daughter, Marjory, Geneva; Mrs. J. Doherty and daughters, Lillian and Nellie, Mrs. Mike Knox, Mrs,. David Powers, Mrs. Jack McLaughlin and daughter, Julia, Jtfrs. Thomas A. Bolger, Mrs. Staifcia Malone, Mrs. Celia Knox, Mary and'B. Doherty, Mrs. Peter Doherty, Mrs. Paul Doherty and Mrs. Thomas Doherty. HOME BUREAU ELECTS Eleven members and two guests Were present at the meeting of the Ringwood unit of the Home Bureau held at the home of Mrs. C. E. Martin Tuesday afternoon, June 4. Mrs. Fred Eppel act£d as chairman in the absence of Mrs. F. A. Hitchens. Roll call was responded to by household hints. Mhrs. R. R. Harrison is a new member. Mrs. Clara Sweeney, Home Adviser, gave the lesson on, "Foot Trouble ",Mrs. Jepson on "Health", Mrs. C. L. Harrison on "Fdods" and Mrs. Martin on "Clothing". New officera elected for the coming year are: Mrs. W. B. Harrison, chairman; Mrs. £. I» Thomas, vicechairman; Mrs. C. L. Harrison, secretary and treasurer. Project chairmen are: Health, Mrs. R, R. Harrison; Food, Mrs, Fred Eppel; Community Project, Mrs. F. A. Hitchens; Publicity, Mrs. C. J. Jepson; Minor project, Mrs. Ed Peet. The meeting adjourned at 4 o'clock. Chicago visited with Mrs. Mary Simon Monday. Mr. and^frs. Fred Heufer of Chicago were Sunday gnats of Mrs. Mary Simon. Leo .Smith of Chicago Heights spent the last of the week at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Newman spent Sunday in the home of their son, Charles, in Chicago Mrs. Joe Smith and children are visiting relatives at Waupaca, Wis., this week. Mrs. Fred Justen and Dela Beckwith were Aurora visitors Tuesday. Mrs. H. E. Durland, daughter, Mary and Mrs. John Schuenamann and Mrs. Josephine Heimer were North Chicago visitors Tuesday. Miss May Justen returned home Tuesday from a visit at Notre Dame. WiUiam Bonslett spent a few days this week in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Geary of Wauconda visited relatives here Monday. Mrs. C. W. Goodell, Vaughn Jones and son, Warren, are spending the week in the home of their cousin, Mrs. Ernest Huntington, at Plattville, Wis. FOR SALE FOR SALE OR RENT--Perry house on Richmond road, near St. Mary's church. Modem, newly decorated inside and out. Steam heat, double garage. Call Mrs. John R. Knox, Phone 17. 43tf FOR SALE--Wicker furniture, including three rockers, couch, and fernery. Inquire at Plaindealer office or phone 170. 2tt FOR SALE--Beagle hound pups. Lester Bacon, Grand Ave., McHenry. Tel. 222-R. 2-4 FOR SALE--Will sell 33 acres alfalfa hay on the John Pitsen farm, 1% mi. north of Volo, on Sat. June lj5, at .1:30 p. m , (DST). *3 FOR SALE--Apollo Player Piano, like new, cost $850.00. $75.00 takes it. Phone McHenry 652-R-l. 3 FOR SALE---Alfalfa hay, cut and raked; will load it on your truck from the field, just east of Volo. , Frank Ehredt, Crystal Lake. Call Crystal Lake 269-R. *3 COWSI FOR SALE--Holsteins and Guernseys. Located on Center St. W. McHenry. Wnt. Nieman. *8 WANTED ELECTRICAL FLOOR SANDING will make all floors like new. Prompt and satisfactory service guaranteed. Estimates cheerfully given. NEWMAN Bros., 434 Seminary Ave., Woodstock. 2-tf WILL PAY CASH FOR FARM IF PRICED RIGHT. THEODORE F. FREEMAN, 2503 Prairie Ave. Evanston, Illinois. *3-3 LOST PERSONALS LOST--Checked greenish-gray top coat, from car, probably on U. S. 12 on Sunday evening, June 2. Finder return to Plaindealer office. Reward. 2-2 LOST--Dark Blue Zipper Jacket in or near the Empire Theatre, Saturday night. Finder return to Bruce Klontz. Reward. J»hone McHenry 18J. 3 MISCELLANEOUS WE PAY FOR DEAD ANIMALS M0DWE8T REMOVAL Cft PHQNE DUNDEE li * Reverse Charges FRED HEIDERS ENTERTAIN Mr. and Mrs. Fred Heider of Woodstock entertained ' almost two hundred friends fcnd neighbors at a delightful dancing party on Tuesday of last week in the barn at the Ed Schroeder farm, east of Woodstock. Mrs. Heider was formerly Helen Miller of Johnsburg and the couple was married May 18. The young bride and groom pfoved themselves charming host and hostess. Many old time favorites were played by Botts' orchestra including "I Love You Truly," complimentary to the bride and groom. Crepe paper streamers of green and white and red and frosted light bulbs of red, white and blue transformed t*he barh into a COzy dancing hall. Lunch was served by the groom's mother, Mrs. Minnie Heider, and daughters, and Mrs. Elmer Doolittle and Mrs. Carl Hallstrom. Wishes for years of happiness were extended Mr. and Mrs. Heider by the guests as they left at a late hour. B. and P. CLUB ELECTS Mrs. C. W. Goodell was re-elected president of the Mcftenry County and Professional Women's club at the meeting of th-j club held in the office of Mrs. E. C, Coe at the court- house, Woodstock on Monday evening of last week. r* Other officers, who were also re elected, were Dawn DeWolf, first vicepresident; Mrs. Mary Yates, second vice-president; Daisy Moore, recording secretary; Marguerite Desmond, I corresponding secretary ; Zelma Hut son, treasurer. j Mrs. Dorothy Hollister was re-naa» Mr. and Mrs. Norbert Kuchenmeister ahd two children of Almena, Wis, are visiting in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe W. Miller. Miss. Maud Granger of Chicago gp«nt the weekend here. Mr. and Mrs, Karvey Damm and sons of Kenosha, Wis , spent the wee\ end in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Bacon. Mr. and Mrs. F. M, Ensign of Elgin were local callers Sunday. " Weekend visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrfc. Ray 9°Jby were Mrs. Geo. Scrioner and daughter of Rogers Park, Miss Lillian Hall and Tommy Downs of Chicago, Grant Sattem of St. Paul, Minn., Mr. and Mrs. Will Colby and son, Frank, and Mr. and i^trs. Zell Colby, Waukegan. William Hoferle and Frank Kiefer of Chicago spent the weekend here. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Hopper and little son of Crystal Lake visited friends hei§ Sunday. > Mrs. John Walsh and daughter, Bernadine, of Fox Lake visited relatives Sunday evening. s Mr. and Mrs. William Ricks, Mr. and Mrs. Emil Boiler and John Rick of Chicago spent the weekend at their cottage on Fox river. Dr. and Mrs. Wieneke and son, Carter, of Chicago spent the weekend at their cottage near here. Mrs. Sayler Smith of Portland, Ore., is visiting relatives in this vicinity. Dick Warner of Elgin is spending t*he summer with his aunt, Mrs. Nellie Bacon, and assisting in the res- -taurant. Mr. and Mrs. George Kauss and son, Jack, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Dietsch and Mr. and Mrs. Ed McArdle and daughter, Gertrude, of Chicago were Sunday guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Durland. Miss Mary_ Kinnejr, eighth grade teacher, and her sister, Kathrine, left this week on a trip in which they will visit New Mexico enroute to their home at Mankato, Minn. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Mataon of Waukegan spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and M^s., James T. Perkins. Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Newman visited in the Louis McDonald home at Woodstock Friday. , Mrs. L. F. Newman spent Wednes day afternoon wjth Mrs. Augusta Keese at Woodstock. M>j frbylfi of FARMERS ATTENTION-- B fir; ~ your machinery to me for repairing. I have a special grinding machine for sharpening and can mend broken parts. Also lawn mower sharpening Otto Mueller* Blacksmith, across from City Hall, McHenry. 43-tf I PAY CA&H AND QUICK REMOVAL OF DEAD AND CRIPPLED COWS AND HORSES. Call Axel BolVig, Woodstock 1645-W-2 and reverse charges. *46-20 I WILL PAY $4.00 to $14.00 for old and disabled horses. They must be able to walk. Call or write FRANK M. JAYNE. Phone Woodstock 209. *47-13 AN EXPLANATION Jacob Schaefer asks that an explanation of his bid for a roof on 'the city hall as read at the city council meeting last week be given. It seems that the committee did not set forth any special specifications on which bids were to be made, hence the bids varied in amounts according to quality of material used and amount of work to be done in the estimates., Mr. Schaefer states that his bid was on asbestos shingles while the other bids were on asphalt shingles. This item alone would make considerable difference in price of materials. He also figured in all extra repair work around the roof such as mouldings and boards that need to be replaced-- It is usually taken into considera- ARE YOU HAVING TROUBLE with your sewing machine? If so, call Mc-j Henry 162. We repair them, no matter, what the trouble ~,roay be. Popp, West McHenry. 87-tf Wm. M. Carroll, Attorney EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Estate of John H. Freund. Deceased. 1(3 The undersigned, Executbr of the last Will and Testament of John H. Freund, deceased, hereby gives notice that he will appear before the County Court of McHenry County, at the Court House in Woodstock, on the 5th day of August, A. D. 1935, at which time all persons having claim* against said Estate are notified and requested to attend for the purpose of having same adjusted. All persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned. Dated this 27th day of,May, A. D. 1935. FRED P. FREUND, Executor . ' 1-8 Burglaries at two Long ^ Grove homes over the weekend netted the prowlers about $600 worth of loot, according to a report made , by Constable Walter Gosswillw to Sheriff Lf A- Doolittle'a oii\0. At the Albert Stahl farm a piano accordian valued at $300 was stolen. The instrumnent had the name of Irving Stahl engraved on it. Household good-i books and a guitar were stolen from the L. W, King home. ' VhAftP'- • - , 'Vfe tion that a difference in prioe means a difference in quality and aimottnt of materials used and - we hope our readers realized this fact in reading the bids. • ' -V . j - I In the 109 rural school districts of McHenry county there are only eight men teachers, the other 101 being women, according to statistics in the office of Mrs. Ethel C. Coe, county superintendent of schools. Rural schools which employ men are at Harmony, one district near McHenry, one near Crystal Lake, {Ringwood, one wear Richmond, the Deep Cut district in Hartland and the Island district in Dunham. Ralph Mullen is teacher at the latter place and Francia Haliisey in the Deep Cut district. v-M. TRACTOR OILS, Motor Oils SPECIAL--2 gal- can -- 13-plate Ford and Chevrolet Batterj? ' f HvlS ,r"*anteed 9 months , tg.JS Ford and Chevrolet BaU iyf guaranteed 1 year $4.55 GOOD USED TRUCK AND PASSENGER CAR TIRES AllSlses tSre andTube Repairing, Battery Charging, efe. Car Washing, Simonixixig, Greasing, Crank Case Draining ^Walter J. Freund 294 Road Service West McHenry 11 GREEN STREET TAVERN JOS. JJOLL2B, Prop. We have not been in business 60 years as has the Plaindealer and was not included in the anniversary edition, but we hope to please yon, our patrons, for mafty years of the future. We invite everyone to call at the tavern any hour of the day or evening. DRINKS OF ALL KINDS 171^ ^ EAT, DRINK AND BE MERRY Around the Marine Bar ~ AT THE PIT Quarter Mile East of McHenry on Route 20 SATURDAY NIGHT, JUNE 15 Special Dinner will be served. The place where merriment is the first consideration of the management--t^ome on over. , - HAROLD (Schmaltz) MILLERi, ProgT AUTO INN Brewery CorMr, McOmtfri W : SATUEDAT MI9HT ' SQOAB SUfFEK Joe E. Mellinst "Three Pals" Orchestra FISH FRY ALL DAY FRIDAY Johnalrarg Tavern Joe Hettermann, Prop. Veal Roast with Dressing, also Chicken MUSIC BY NIGHT OWLS Follow the crowd to the Johnsburg Tavern for your home-cooked meals LONE MAPLE TAVERN River Road, south of McHenry A. H. Watson, Prop. SATURDAY NIGHT--Fried Chicken Dinner Music by Ben Thonnesen Orchestra v/.vfiriii:.Anna Miller will have charge of the kitchen Fish Fry Every Day after 12 o'elodc FAMOUS FOR A WONDERFUL TIME Every Saturday Night PINK HARRISON'S at FISTAKEE BAY Dine and Dance V Vi Fried Chicken Plate Lunch . ^ Mo MUSIC by BARBARA HORI&K'S ORCHESTRA EAT' WITH DS FOR A CHARGE We are not only conducting a tavern but a first class restaurant as well and we invite you to come in for dinner, lunch or a sandwich. You will be pleased and so will w*. Fish Dinners All Day Friday. My Place Tavern Green Street ° McHenry, HI J*. }•

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