RESIDENCES CHANGES . and Mrs. Thomas Wilnon and family are moving this week from the F. E. Cobb house, recently purchased by Supt. and Mrs. C. H. Duker. to the MTB. John R. Knox house near the Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Tonyair and family are moving from the Knox housje to the John Pint estate house. Su#. and Mrs. Duker expect to :'tt*we into their home next week. ' ^ • f . -- " H : -- ' " INFANT SON DIES A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Cmtl Weber at St. Joseph's hospital, Elgin, Thursday night, but did not live. The infant was named Robert Stephen! Burial wag in St. Patrick's cemetery, Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Weber is doing nicely and expectsjlo return home in a few days. BACON'S ^ STRIP. Bt **ZEKE" BApON McHenry Softballerq did win another game, they trimmed Johnsburg in k pickup contest that replaced the absent Marengoites, who have seceded from the National Softball league, under whose, auspices all the local sioftball games are played. BARNEY ROSS IS t INTERVIEWED BY A - LOCAL REPORTER MeltENpT WINS OVElt POPLAR GROVE IN NIGHT GAME A left handed 17-'year youngster named Scotch appeared on the hilj for the localsi in las* Friday night's soft ball game and gave a very good account of himself. Poplar Grove furnished the opposi- This National Softball league got together all the wildcat games under the names of indoor ^aseball, kittertball, diamond ball and similar cognomens- and endeavored to straighten them out with a uniform set of rules. Which wasn't a bad idea at all. But then George Sisler found that a lo: Rita Kelly "I have been spending weekends at niy brother's home in McHenry, and I think it is a wonderful place for ajtion and for a short time it looked real vacation.** | like the visitors would cause our lads This wa4 the statement made by ' plenty of trouble. However, once the Barney Ross, Chicago's wonder boy home bats s^forted clicking, there was fighter, in an irftervisw with a Plain- j little doiibt as to the final outcome dealer reporter. His brother, Ben j of the game. It ended with a score Rosaf, became int#ested in a home of 10 to 6, in favor of-the home club, here through Barney's business part- j Bennett, playing at ^econd for Mc • ner and rented in Shalimar subdivi- Henry, copped the batting honors sion, north of McHenry. I with a home run and two doubles in At present Barney is on a vacation, [four trips to the plate. but he will leave Thursday, August 15, | The score: , \ - '"••'•v.rC MAN SHOOTS SELF AND LIES ALONE IN TORTURE FIVE DAYS po fill a iSmest of boxing engagements in San Francisco, Portland, Seattle, and Vancouver. The twenty-six year oW retired light-weight, and present weTter- POPLAR GROVE ' • ! . • • . . . r . ' | Larson, ^ Hawk, 3b 0 Bueklin, "s¥ .a; a o McHenry, Illinois 7 ilS and. 9:15 p. m. DST Sundav Matinee 3:40 continuous Admission 10-25c. THURSDAY, AUGUST 15 "LES MISERABLES" FRIDAY, AUGUST 16 ; (One Diay Only) May Robson -- Madge Evane "Age of Indiscretion" Also--Film Follies SATURDAY, AUGUST 17 Victor McLaglen - Margot ^ Grahame in "fHE INFORMER" Also--Unusuality SUNDAY AND MONDAY AUGUST 18-19 Jackie Sewrl - Jane Withers "GINGER" --SPECIAL ATTRACTION-- Louis vs. Levinsky Fight Pictures. Fastest Muring Pictures Ever Ttaken At th^ Ringside, by Blow in Slow Motion. World News Events TUESDAY, AUGUST 20 Guy Kfbbee -- Zasu Pitts in "GOING HIGHBROW" Also--Cure it With Music Buddy in Africa WED>--THU RS.--FRI. "BECKY SHARP" sa Ballard, lb 0; ; ifed upon by sporting fans as one. of D. Diamond, p 3 X the greatest and eleariesit, boxers of Maitlanii, sf !..l ' * 1 all time. •••,'•' ' * DeBywtr, c . -2 Speaking iii his \iaiural, ttnaffect- J'.: Diamond, rt 2 ed manner, Barney Ross unfolded the Knox, If story of his hardest battle, the strug- Willie, c£ .'...,,..4....0" ' ft gle for succe^v Bora on the eiist sidftj 'v .dl New; York, he began to fight be--, cause, as he said, he had to do so to. get along. ^ - His family mo^ed? to 'Chicago where' V. Fjnettnd,.-®b Barney attended the Foster Grammar H. Freund, Ss a- .3ft McHENRY of turns didn't approve of all the weight champion of the world, is look | rales that were set down by the Naitkmal association rp' he formed the j American loop and set up another [set of rules. These two leagues are eventually striving for the establishment of two major softball leagues tc play games in al! the leading mid- : western cities under lights. George Sised isi the same old star first basemar. who still has some batting rec- !ords tucked away in his shirt. Tbe | idea about the leagues sjeems a little {far' fetched but it may not be SOschool. Hiq father was killed in an S. S'mithr.'lb"4/.^^«r^^2^-: ! in the offing as. it first app^in^ ! accident when Barney was fourteen Bennett. 2b ; . r * jyears old, and he was forced to leave • H., Smith, c ...rt>, ! J Golf may be an old mans game . . . j school. It was necessary for him to Hughes, cf land then again it may not. Last week |begin work to help support the fam- Schreiner, If in the caddy tournament Vale Adams ily. The difficulties of the business J. Smith, land Clarence Anderspn hooked up in world compelled him to put his two Hayes, sf ..........................1 |an ordinary contest that would please , younger brothers and sister in an or- (Scotch, p many of the older players more than phanage. ---- a little. It was in the finals and it' About this time people began to 10 Jwas scheduled to go thirty-six holes, j urge ^Barney to begin amateur boxing. Score fey Innings jWell, it did, and then spme. The Under an assumed name he joined the Poplar Grove 031 001 | boys were all' tied up at the end of 'Kid' Howard gymnasium. He had to McHenry 015 000 i the 36th Snd had to play extra holes, j wait six weekg for his first bout. For PO . -5". fl 3 2 " 2 J a i •.•o. 10 24 P<? , 3 12 27 001-- 6 22x--10 Rescued by Two Fishermen, He Tells of Horror of ; "Living Death." ^ Springfield. Mo.--Despondent over his failure to obtain o. work, William Slack, twenty-nine, a transient painter of Fort Frie, OnU shot himself beside a creek near Galloway, Mo., then lay paralyzed for live days and nights .vithout food until discovered by two fi.shermen.\ ; He had tyo bullet wounds In his tieck and he was in an emaciated condition. His throat and legs were par filysed. His chest and sides, were sunburned. He could not talk labove a whisper. At a hospital here he told his story. ' v "It was h--I," he said. "The first bullet didn't seero to affect me, so i re-loaded and shot again. This time the bullet, seemed to paralyze jne. 1 fell down af^d rolled to the foot of the bill, which was near the bank of the creek. ' ;v . ^ Urtdescribable^ "For a while l seemed dazed ; then i mrtst huTe . lost consclotssn^ss. T j gu^ss it was hours later that I «wak- I ened, because it was dark. That was I >*her«'h'^-1; started In. I wept through-j jftgoriy That* caqnot be described. ' | "I was thirsty but couldn't crawl to | the stream. I was hungry, but there j was no hope of getting food. At times, 1 could bear voices Of people passing : and fcutosi But I couldn't call for i help. My voice had faded to a whisper. 1 "Sometimes I would go Into craxy sleep and dream that I was being given a drink, f'hen I'd wake up, my | mouth dry as a desert, and see the j stream, but couldn't get to It . i Crawls to 8tr«am. j .wouldn't be here today If a little j strength hadn't come to me the morn ! before the fishermen found me. A large badger was caught on the iJohn Nish farm near Burton's Bridge jone day last week by Walter Burg, a farm hand. Bug corailed- the animal in the barn and then made the* capture by driving it into the silo. Malcolm Farrar. of Foresfc Park suffered a painful accident while fishing on Bartgs Lake Tuesday of laM: week. A friend who was using * casting rod, inadvertently whipped his| line s0 that two hooks caught in Farrar'9 lower lip. A local physician removed the hooks and dressed the wounds. Joe Pulski of Chicago, fishing at Burton'st Bridge on the Fox River the same day, drew in hia line by running it through his hand and caught a fish Hook in the flesh. ^ Left on basest--Poplar Grove, 7; Thejr both parred the first or 37th. j a long period he was very successful, McHenry* 7. Double plays---Knox to Both were on the 38th in two but Vale Ibut a "shiner" gave his secret away, Larson. Bases on balls--Off Diamond, j ran down his 15 foot putt while Clar- iand his mothter prevailed upon him to 7; off Scotch, 6. Struck out by Diaence narrowly missed his try for a j give up boxing for s»x months. riiond, 5; by Scotch, 2. Two basej ing birdie and the match went to Vale j He entered the Amateur* Golden hits--V. FVeund, Bennett (2), Scotch,'.That morning I found I could use my Adams who will be a sophmore mem-! Glove Tournament in 1929 and was Bueklin, D. Diamond. Three base | arms a little. Slowly and painfully I ber of the high sphool golf team next victorious. In the International Gold- hits--H. Smith, Schreiner. Home raised in a sitting position, then crept ' year. Clarence will also be ai mem- en Glove contest in New York he con- run?)--H< Preund. Bennett. ber of the team. Scores, oh, Vale quered all his opponents. j -- traipsed around in 76 while the best! After these combats Barney bethat Clarence could do with his amb- came professional. Hiq first managlinjr gait was a 77 _ : don't really get earnest about it. Too bad theyjer was Gig Rooney who was managf- ' ing the then welter-weight champion, j Jackie Fields. In less than a year he j • "II Perfection In Air Conditioning No Better Cooling -- Anuwhere! Try It and Be Convinced. FRIDAY ONLY Edmund Lowe -- Jean Dixon "MR. DYNAMITE" Sportlite -- Comddv -- News SATURDAY-ONE DAY ONLY Action Drama of WorkeC^ fifht e*B, loverfe. George O'&ien * '*HardRock Harridan0 Betty Boop -- Newg -- Cartoon SUNDAY -- MONDAY Tkfcy'rfe Sweethearts A<min. iSongs and Laughs Galore! Dick Powell -- Joan Blondell. a Ted Fio Rito and Band "Broadway Gondolier" Added Short Hits SUNDAY ONLY -- Al Klemme -- Organist Elmer Eckert -- Guest Artist TUESDAY, ADULTS 15c Edmund Lowe -- Louise Rainer A Great Star and a New Star --Together-- v : ;l' "ESCAPADE" Short Subject AttradtftM COMING SATURDAY AUGUST 24 Special Midnight Show Sparkling "BIG TIME" Revue Featuring Sensational Girl Dancer More youth is« represented in the | went under the management of Sam All-McHenry finals of the Stenger, Pian and Ar£ Winch with whom he Cup matches at the Country Cl,ub jhas been ever since. with Don Oranger, /'winner of the last cup, again in the limelight. This j said that although he enjoyed the time he is battling Jack Mc.Carroll, j company of a number of women acwho defeated Dons opponent in the j quaintances, he is perfectly content j last finals. Gene Sayler, by a narrow j ag he is. His sole interest is seeing fran„pr ob margin last Sunday. Don will have j h^s mother and family happy* and he „ J to give away two strokes) and the : has no intention for quite some, time c ' way Jack is going of late iffay mean ; "Everyone seems to thinly I am RIVERSIDE DAIRY WINS CLOSE ONE FROM WINKEL'S In what proved one of the best played games of the season, the Riverside Daw-y team last Thursday nigTit defeated Winkel's aggregation by the close count of 5 to 4. Both along, snake the stream . , j , . . pitchers worked well and. with very few exceptions, were given good support, The score: . . RIVERSIDE DAIRY R H PO .1 E. Freund, Kent, lb .... beside the Presidents Cup. ijoying myself doing the work I like. * TMa good Lord has had his arms There is some talk amongst the, around our family and ha$ made caddies* that Vale Adams will go to , everything just wonderful for us," Jackson Park to represent the cad- he sfeid. dies of the McHenry Country Club in 1 {McHENRY BREWERS BEAT BUSHES' TEAM the state caddy tournament to be held there this month. It isn't a bad idea j at all, one good enough so that the I director's of the club should make it ] : their business to see that he gets | You should have seen the hair-raisi there. It wouldn't cost the club 'ing game (bald men not included) at imuch »nd it may be a darned good ixi-: Volo last Sunday, The score was 21- ; vestment in. later years. j 20 but it doea not mean a thing, be- . " cause the Brewers beat Guy Buses' Guess the Boy Scouts had a reallteam. Both teams had their eye on time of it last Thursday at the Cub 1 the ball, and aideded to some extent Parte. Thirty-eight /of them made by the wind piled up a total of 88 the trip not counting Grandpa Hugh- his. Every pitcher looked alike in es, Picky Bolger and Doc Hesp who effectiveness except Bill Kreutzer, acted as the boy's escorts. Picky ' who shut out the Brewers in the last J. Weber,; If McCra<5ken, 3b G. Justen, rf WINKEL'S ...1 0 4 .. 0 0 *7 ...1, i . 7 ...0 0 0 .,.1 2 1 ....0 2 ' 0 5 i 24 R H PO Hughes, cf 1 2 0 McCarroll,. lb .....0 IV 9 C. Freund, 2b-ss . ..M ; ±Sl .2 Conway, p ..... 0* (I 3 Gerasch, c 1 • 6 Winkel, 3b ....1 i ""isi"', Thompson, If ....0 • 0 Williams, rf .......... ....1 •v.*-. 0 J. Miller, sq ...0 0 1 drove the Farmer's mill tmck with Doc Hess as relief driver agd Clay j Hughesi helped out by bringing the rest of them in his car. The treatment the group received after they reached the park was of the most courteous type and certainly made an "impression on everyone, especially the two innings. THe lad who held the old McHenry "Bums'* for six innings in '32 was blasted from the hill in *23 I * Two oat when winning ntp was scored. ° I Score by Innings Winkel's 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 2--4 i R'v'rs'de D'ry •.... 0 0 0 1 1 2 0 8--6 four innings. A grand total of six 1 w Li^,on 0 ba lTs-Rive u rs t ife • 7; home runs featured the game, and i ^ B®ses 0n balls--Off Conof thin total the Brewers garneied 5. 6" Struck out by Conway, o; Another free hitting contest is 'n prospect for Volo when the Doc King in by Green, 5. Two Cracken, McCarroll. base hits--Mc- Three base hits boys among the spouts who had never i aggregation of North Chicago in ""Conway. Home run--^Villiams. seen a big game. Just a few more vades the Brewer diamond. The R0*? Gerasch to McCarroll; pluggers foif the -Cubs and future i feature of this renowned team is | McCracken t0 Green. business for them when those lad®! their colored undier-hand pitcher, Cunget big enough to pay their own way. |ningham. He puts on a whole show by hi.mself. The manager, Doc King Looking for something to do these evenings to get your mind off the heat? Well, those Married Men are still playing sicrftball at the city park every Tuesday and Thursday evening with plenty of excitement. Sometimes the games get 'so hot they'll make you think the weather is cool. Frank Schrviner and Earl, Walsh are the scorekeepers* . .You may hear more of Earl in a Irttle while. . . It's a secret now but it's just about teady for publication. who doesn't use a chest protector does the catching. The game, Sunday JOHNSBURG DROPS ONE TO McHENRY SOFT BALLERS The . McHenry Soft Bailers took on the Johnsburg team under the lights I was expecting to drink the creek dry, but two little sips were all 1 could take --1 couldn't swallow. The only other water I tasted was rain that fell into my mouth on two nights. "1 had given up all hope of belnc rescued aud was wauling to die when I saw the fishermen. I hadn't been alfle to make a vocal sound, but 1. knew that was my only chance, slim as" It was. The men were not walking in my direction. " "I put all the strength I had In my throat an«l tried to yllU 1 did make 'some kind of a noise. It attructed the fishermen and they came to me." Asked If he wants to recover, Slack said: "It doesn't make muck .difference to me." ' Hot Sausage* and Beer - Revive Air Raid Victim Vienna.--A stein of beer and a pair of "hot dofrs" resurrected s man "killed" In a sham air attack. While the whole population of this town, upon orders of the authorities was locked up In houses and cellar* the air raid took place. A large gas bomb fell on the mar .bet. A fire brigade man. according to Instructions, cautiously approached the Instrument and dropped "dead" when he touched It This was too much for the "golden heart" of Alois Huber. a barkeeper who, peering through his closely drawn curtains, was watching the events. Forgetting orders, he rushed out straight Into the danger zone where the victim was lying. He carried a large mug of foamlrifc beer and a couple of sausages. The effect upon the dead man was astonishing; the corpse rose, hastily swallowed beer and sausages, and fell back again, a«d the air raid con* tinned. August 18, at 2:30 (DST) with a 'on Monday everting and came out on small charge to defray expenses. /the long end of ai 12 to 7 score. ' •( Forgetting the first inning in which STt ANNE*S CHURCH ~ 1 the locals scored seven runs, the game The Beautiful CRYSTAL LAME. ILL FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Edmund Lowe m "BLACK SHEEP" with Claire Trevor, Tom Brown A Mystery Trip You Won't Forget • SPECIAL EVENT \ FRIDAY at 9 p. m. SUNDAY AND MONDAY WILLIAM POWELL in "ESCAPADE" with Louise Rainer. A Great Star and a New Star--Together Sun. Mat. 2:45 to 6, 10c - 25c After 6 and Weekdays, 16c - 30c TUESDAY • - l«c SPECIAL 15c TIMES SQUARE LADY * with Robt. Taylor -- Virginia "Bruce. "Yokel" Girl Makefi Good WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY FREE KITCHENWAHE Miriam Hopkins in "BECKY SHARP" ' A Miracle of Beauty! The First Full-Length 1'kiUn* in the new--TEC HM--COLOR SIX YEARS AGO IN SPORTS--Johnsburg whipped Hebron •again, 11^5 with Bohr getting five out of five including a homer and a doable | Ed Tonyan struck out twelve. . . . ; Woodstock took it out on Harvard and dropped them in the league standing. . . . The Bums los£ to Johnsburg's kids 11-5. . . . E. E. Bassetti made an eagle on the 345 yard par four eleventh- hole with a 200 yard drive and a 145 yard spoon shoot. . .. . ipearsi ahead of Charlie Lasth). . ,R. PRESENTS BOXING CARD <JuiUi &n interesting one to One of the g.Wst athletic and watc,h* *jnf?les' a home ,R social events held outside Chicago c?uPfe of L d°"blf» L anl tw? passed «! this spammer!--that's what the out- the home half of the first mnmg gaVe door boxing and ^wrestling show toti^en'T5' ^ve,n,ru 1 ns', , '... be presented under the auspices of St. ' 'Scotty» a left-handed 1< -year-old Anne's church at the North Park ad- kid' did the Pitchin& {or McHenry Joining the municipal swimming-pool, • ^hi,e •Lockwood (,ccuPied tl?e hill for LOCAL Friday night, promises to be. the visitors- Scott-v he,d JoHn&burg Flocking to this first event of its t0 ^ hits and 'contributed two kind to be held in Barrington, will , and a double. be a host of fight fans: from many , inningrsj: surrounding towns, and Chicago as JOHNSBURG well aa from this village itself and the nearby estate colony. C.Y.O. All-Stars Heading the evening's card which starts at 8 p. nl., will be 30 rounds of boxing by a picked group of Chicago C.YJO. boys--probably the greatest aggregation of' amateuj- fightem in C. Klehm and A. J. Mayer won in the world, several of whom are merathe semi-finala of the Stenger Cupids of the Chicago Golden Glove8 matches. ... Hie Remke brothers team. They will be led by Tom Kenihe losers. . . . Jim Sayler hud low j nea]jy and Ray Wozniak, C.Y.O. nCt 'ow. heavyweight and light-heavyweight iound of the Ciug Championship. , - - j champs respectively. - 201 011 101--7 j .McHENRY 701 200 2foc^i2 I Left pn bases--Johnsburg, 12; Mc- • Henry, 9. Two base hits--Walter, Hiller, V. Freund, Krause, Scotch. Three base hits--Huemann, Bennett. Home run--H. Smith. Double plays |--Welt to H. Freund to. Bennett; C. Smith to F. Freund. Killing and Suicide a Sequel to Lost of Job Jollet, 111.--Frank Cabetto, forty six, held his aching bead and moaned. His wife bad disappeared. His Son Barney, had been fli <?( from his Job. Cabetto stuffed an old .38 calibre revolver Into the pocket of his baggy coat and went to the home of Pasqual Daschanro, factory foreman who discharged Barney. "You put my boy back to work," demanded Cabetto. The Daschanros, their two children and .a guest were setted at dinner. <"abetto fired twice. The first shot killed Mrs. Ida Daschrnro. forty-five. The second missed her husband. Taken to jail'Cabetto learned „that the body of his wife, who vanished April ft, bad been found it a drainage canal at Morris, III., an apparent suicide. ADDITIONAL R1NGWOOD Mr. and Mrs. Lou Johonnett pt Wheatob , were Ringwood callers Suadaf*. , Mr. and '&r$. Hal Plumb, of Chicago were callerq in the S. W. Brown home Sundayr"*"*"* Mr. aiM^ Mrs. F. A. Walters werfe Tuesday mining callers in Ringwood. Mrs. Albert Purvey, and Mrs. Jack Purvey and daughter, Patty, were Ringwood callers Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Wodbum of Woodstock Were Ringwood callers Sunday. \ t Mrs. Carlyle Wolff and~s<iJi^Cari^Te Jr., are visiting thjk week with friends .and ^relatives at Ringw-pod. NEW WEIGHT MACHINE f The story of how a boy saved his pennies and invested them hi business was revived this week when Billy Pries set up a new .weighing machine in his father's market On Grepn street. The penny machine replaces one that Billy bought many years ago with pennies that he had saved aa a boy, the machine costing him $127 "at that time. The new machine is of low design 'Green, 4. of the most modern type sand is» in green and ivory to match the decoraof the market. ' LONG DISTANCE HITTING WINS FOR PARK SIDES Three home runs paved the way to * 11 to 6 victory toe th? Park Sides on Tuesday evening^ the Dairy boys being the victims. Green, for the losiers, _was tpuched Up for sixteen hits while" Tonyan and FVett for the winner? allowed but nine safeties between them. The score: SCORE BY INNINGS Riy'RST>E D'RY 010 004 001--S PARK SIDES 000 033 14x--11 Left on bases--Dairy, 5; Park Sides, 7. Bases on balls--Off Tonyan, 1; off Frett, 0; off Green, 1. Struck out by Tonyan, 3; by Frett, 3; by Two base hits--Bacon, Green, Wfthor^/ Home runs--Tonyan, j Frett, J/ Schmitt. " Umpires--Smith and Miller. He Painted Wrong House So Can't Collect for Job Bunbury, Pa. --Jhe absent-minded -jjiouse painter has come to the front in Danville. Several weeks ago be closed a deal with a landlord to paint a house. He performed what he thought were bis duties, then went.lo..collect The own er wanted to see the job and then the complications developed. It developed that be painted the wrong house. So he went to the property where he bad worked and tried to -collect He was threatened with arrest for trespassing. The name of the painter bat feeen kept a guarded secret. .rA.siij,., STANDING OF TEAMS McHenry Laundry Riverside Dairy .... Winkel's Park Sides W 7 8 « L 5 « 11 Pet .636 .615 ^14 i -v- 20% Off On All Good 5*ear G-3 _Kelly and Mohawk Tires (Limited Time Only) t - 2 gal. can Sinclair Oil 97c Ford and Chevrolet Batteries $3-95 and up All Grades of Tractor and Motor Oils at the Lowest Price --Compare them anywhere. Good Used Passenger Car and Track Tires. All Sizes. ;• Walter J. Freund^v:vV{" Phone 294 Road Service . . • West JficHenry LARGEST EXCURSION AND SPEED BOATS ON THE RIVER AND LAKES The ONLY Boat Line Taking You on the 35-Mile Trip of Beautiful Scenery Up the Fox River and Lakes to the LOTUS BEDS (three beds in the world) CONE TO MUENRY - •. v HUNTER BOAT LDIE tve daily 10 a. m. and 2 p. m. (DST) I SPEED BOATS EVERY HOUR V.:;-'" ADULTS. $1.00 CHILDREN, 50c Free P'arking -- Phone 7 for rates on picnic partie&l NUTLEY OLEO 2l**-25<s "Money buys a lot at A&P's 25 CENT ' SALE!":^ rOMATO SAU t Del Monte Sardinas • Kosto Dessert . . V;;.:y . 6PKGS 25c Kremel Dessert . * 4 « 6*K68 25< Hellmann's Mayonnais* . 25c Yukon Club Beverages25C FANCY SOLID LIGHT MIAT Abbey Brand Tuna FUs 2 CAN£ 25C *LL KINDS EXC EPT CHICKEN MET, CARNATION. •ORDEN'S OR WHITE HOUM 4cANa25^ CUT WAX 3 CANS 25c SEMINOLE TISSUE 4;Si25e 3 C*HI*5« <VLL KINDS EXC EPT Compbell'i Soups New 1935 Pock Pi Mits Wisconsin Peas eaIITIune 2 CANS 25c New 1935 Podc Spinach "nct 3 g&,i25c Raiob Ground Spices . . 3 "<**• 85c Sultana Macaroni SPAOSSTTI S A&*. 85c Encore Shifted Olivsi • • ' i^^i5c lona Salad Dressing • • . Krt 25c Camay Soap . . 4 5°*Kl$25« Sonbrite Cleaeeer » * ^ «5« Crystal White Soap • '• 6lHiS»15c Other Value* Sunnyfie^ Sliced Bacon l/t lb. l9c Salt pork. Ib. 23c Excel Thuringer, piece Shredded Wheat Biscuits, » 2 pkgs. 7?^ Satina Tablets, 2 pk^s. 23c lie Kew Pack Peas, 3 No. 2 cans 2&e Hew Pack Corn, 3 No. 2 cans 25c Tomatoes, ^ 3 No. 2 canr25c Paper Napkins, 2 boxes u. 15c Lemons 3 for Head Lettuce, 2 for PeSs, 2 lbs. for : Bananas, 2 lbs. for - GRANDMOTHER'S Swedish STYLE-SLICE^ 1S-OZ. ^JLOAF 10c • 9c i3c 9c Grapes, 3 lbs. for 20c Peaches, 3 lbs. for 17c Potatoes, peck 23c JElDrn, Yellow Bantam > ~ - each Subscribe for %The Pleindeeler. Lucille Steffes and Billy Kinsala are spending a few days this week with Marie a\i George Kinsala in the Elmer Kinsala home in Chicago. Louise Kilday, Elvera Antholz, Julia McLaughlin, Kirk Schroeder, Dipk SAith and Bob Peterson spent nday at the Dells. Mrs. Earl Conway and Miss Clare Schiessle with Carl Weber visited Mrs. Carl Weber at St. Joseph's hospital, Elgin, Monday evening. "Mr, iand Mrs. P. IL Weber sprat Tuesday in Chicago. POST TOASTIES 2 Z&2U POST .^FLAKES . . 2S& 19c Moxwefl How*#00^!! 32c lo Prance . . . . 9c Grape-Nut* 2 pmul 23c Minute Tapioca.. fcgi; 13e \ & V l » o ( l S l o r i ' s S-;-