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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 7 Nov 1935, p. 4

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One Year ••••. * .,^...-.^..$2.06 Oopyrltht by Public Ltdftr, Ino. W-NU Service. Lillian . Paylcr,' Local Editor A. H. MOSHKR, Editor and Maaafar . Telephoae 197 COUSIN OF LOCAL PEOPLE KILLED AT MINNEAPOLIS. MINN. R. L. WARREN NEW 1 SCOUT EXECUTIVE Mfir -; "^* '• r'» ' * ^ " f.'v, • -*' :5 • R. L. Warren has been appointed Mr. and lrfr§. Charles Herdrich, with! field executive of the Boy Scouts in Mrs. Jo2 Harrer, Fjrfink Kaiger and 'this area, which includes McHenry and idauprhter, Clara, left Thursday morn- \ ' : iiip for Minneapolis, Minn., where they -, ; .. ' were called by th^. death of a cousin,; "" • Mike Wali>% who-.was killed- wtien hit • •% an automobile while riding to work oti hi? bicycle. Mr Wally, who was 53 :/. ' years old, had worked twenty-eight ' . years and had ridden his "bicycle to] ; a" . r iSfork fo Hsigrht years, lacking only a, J ,s short -tiitte until l>e would i*eteive a j ""/"•""-pension, ^ | • *\> M'lle had purchased an automobile last - ^ Veek. intending to drive it to his wfirk •;: ; . this 'winter, byt,jifivtit hid a chance ik operate it„- ' '. - ' \ , - " The victimJf of ti»e Accident 'left • V 'j hip me early in the moiuing, about 5 O'clock to go to his work and just how the accident happened is not known as his body was found two hours later. He is survived by his widow and eight children. Funeral services were held at 10 a. m. Saturday at St. Joseph's church at Minneapolis. JJoone coujaties, and is taking the place L. WARREN of Bob Ellis, who has become known throughout this district. Mr. Warren has been field execu- Mr. and Mrs. Herdrich and others of their party arrived home Tuesday night, making the trip from Minneapolis in a day. The driving was hazard- -- ous as they encountered snow and-^ve at th« U. S. Grant cooncil at FreesliDDerv navements mnpii nf port with headquarters at Belvidere. There ^iil be a meeting of all Scouters ,at Woodstock on Tuesday, LAWSON ROBERTSON Olympic Coach LAWSON ilOKKltTSON remembers a weird and ghostly happening at a motor cycle race in 1U12. "The night before the race," hejiar^ rated, "the racers met at Brighton Beach, N. Y. They had come from all parts of the country. There was a circuit of motor cycle racetracks--one In Buffalo, one in Brooklyn, St Louis and Newark. The men met at Brighton Beach for a jolly get-together dinner before their race In Newark. "Before the dinner Arthur Chappell Hi a niatch, gave It to John Albright to light his cigarette, then to Eddie Hasha to light his and then raised the same match to his own cigarette. "He jumped from his chair so abrflptly that he startled every one around him. v "1 lit three cigarettes on one match,' he exclaimed. 'I'd give auytJMng hot to hav« done that' . - Diiring the race something went Wl-ong with Albright's motor cycle arid Albright,- Hasha and six spectators .weie-kiiled. v. . . - Menu» A#"« Endle«iVr:". The menus in French are endless; the variety is overwhelming. The basic foodstuffs are abundant In this land. ft Is simply a- matter of knowing how. And savoir faire applies to your French chef. He takes such a lowly worm as a snail, or such a croaking amphibian as a frog, or such a slimy stiake as as -eel, and delivers a plat de .resistance that makes your mouth water. FOR SALE FOR SALE--Gasoline Stove, Hard coal heater, two small dressers, two men's overcoats like new. Mrs. Hav- ^rin, R-2, at Lily Lake. *23-3 FOR SALE--Used Electric Washers. Carey Electric Shop. Mchenry. Phone 261. 24-tf FOR SALE--Sweet Cider and Cider apples; also good eating apples, at the C. Baird Farm. *24 FOR SALE--Fifty White Leghorn laying hens. Priced reasonable. Edmund Keefe, Ringwood. *24 FOR SALE--Used < $137 Kitchen Range for $30 GO. Call 607-J-l, ; *24 FOR SALE or RENT--My farm consisting of 182 acres on River Road, 2 miles south of McHenry. John R. Smith, Court, :St., McHehry. *24 Some meii look i>aA * kna find thaf life has been made up mostly of the things they've missed. Talking over the heads of the people Is excusable If one doesn't care whether the people are -listening or not. . - • v BITS OF PHILOSOPHY slippery pavements much of the way. ALBERT KRAUSE ERECTS ... NEW BUSINESS BUILDING Nov. 12, at the Court House to meet the new executive and to' go oyer A new building is fast going up next to the Albert Krause home on Elm street and when completed will 4c*be used as a, newsstand and beauty parlor. Marion's Beauty' shop will occopy a part of the building while a . part of the store will be given qver to the sale of newspapers and magazines. Mr. Krause is agent for all of the Chicago daily papers. The building is 16 feet by 50 feet . ' Wd being constructed of cement "and pressed brick. The work ; j# being done by Stephen H. Freund • • and the Artificial Storie company. It Jsi expected that the building will be finished by the first of December and *• Mr. Krause hopes to be nicely es- ' tAblished'by the new year. plw» "for.winter activities. Chicago, New York Water Sapply Chicago is only about half as large as New York city, but it uses about tke same amount of water. Chicago draws its supply front Lake .Michigan. 'Most other cities which border, the Great Lakes also make use of lake water. The intakes usually t are placed from one to six miles out from the which means that the water is ajiore nearly pure than If taken from a point dose to the shore. Aunt Sue Flies _ Plan Carefully When having electricity pot Into the home, have fixtures placed with a view to a eomhlnation of service and attractive arrangement So oftes the general effect of a room is tovejy, but when one desires to read or sew it is next to impossible to obtain a geed light for these purposes. A group of scientists met recently ta a Jungle near Becife, Brazil, to study weird rites performed 0by natives tn the hopes of finding the effect they have on mental diseases. Gives Gay Touch FOR SALE--Household furniture of Peter. J. Schoewer; cheap. Call between 2 and . 5 next. Monday. • 24 FOR SALE--Four Shares ($400) of Stock. in the McHenry Co. Farmers Co-op. Ass'n. Inquire Farmer's Mill. Phone 29. £4 FOR RENT FOR RENT--Room, centrally locate ed. Inquire at Plaindealer office. 15-tf ^0® RENT^--Ten-Acre Farm , Near McCollum's Lake. Call 607-J-l. *24 FOR RENT--Small Cottage at McCollum's Lake, one mile west of McHenry. Write Box 213, McHenry. *24 When the light of your life goes out you can always strike another match. A confirmed bachelor is,, One who looks before :• he leaps jrog then ttays wliere he Is. They say women haive no sense of humor, yet they take many a loke at the marriage altar. Men are" like little boys-ri-wh^n they ?re tifed of being naughty tb<?y are glad to come )iome. / 1 v . , The latest type of motor i fiorh reproduces the notes of a harp. This Is merely a subtle method of warning pedestrians fo get out of the Way.% Capper's Weekly. MAYBE THEY KNOWFOR RENT--Farm, 137% acres. Inquire of Mrs. Mary Stilling1. McHenry- 24-tf' Mrs. L- • 11 G«chit) spent"Wednesday in Chicagu. > Here - is Mrs. William Rogers of .Muskogee, Okla., the "Aunt Sue" of the late Will Rogers, as she celebrated her ninety-first birthday by taking her first airplane ride. It was Aunt Sue who chose the name William Penn Rogers for the nephew who was to become so famous and beloved. DRINK MILK! ."V2SS.V stronger bones try drinking the "perfect" food. RIVERSIDE DAIRY MILK PRODUCERS Christmas Cards FOR RENT--Modern House. Inquire of Dr. N. J. Nye. 24 MISCELLANEOUS WE PAY FOR DEAD "i'.-y- ANIMALS MIDWEST REMOVAL CO. PHONE DUNDEE 10 Reverse Charges I TAT CASH AND QUICK REMOVAL OF DEAD AND CRIPPLED COWS AND HORSES. Call Axel Bolvig, Woodstock 1646-W-2 and reverse charges. *46-20 I. WILL PAY $4.0t/ to $14.00 for eld, and disabled horses. They must be able to walk. Call or write FRANK M. JAYNE. Phone Woodstock 209. • 19-tf ARE YOU HAVING TROUBLE with your sewing machine ? If so, call McHenry 162 We repair them, no matter, what the trouble may be. Popn, ^ est McHenry. ? 37-tf Do not ioiaglne the hypotheses.-- Newton. --. Every wrong is avenged on Mrth.-- Goethe.' Eloquence !* the child of knowedge. --Disraeli.. Change lays not her band upon truth. --Swinburne. For fools ruajtjiLJjB Where angels fear to tread.--Pope, f , To ^ive without loving lis not really living.--Moliere. A doubtful throne ls lce on summer seas.--Tennyson. Worms wind themsqfven in oar iw'eetest flowers.--Cowper. _,x Were there no women, men might live like gods.--Dekker.. Hw McHenry city council held its regular November meeting at the city hall Monday evening. The first order of business after roll Call was the reading'and approving of minutes of previous meetings^ followed by the reading of the treasurer's report, which showed a balance on hand of $3,467.78 at the beginning of the meeting, the city collector had taken in $76.26, while the clerk had received $23.57. Regular bills amounting to approximately $1,500 were read arid ordered paid. The bonding company of Ballman and- Main has turned over to the city $30,000 on the bonding issue. Tha finance committee of the city board will bp busy making apportionments and paying the debts of the city Itemized account of the expenditures Will be published at a later date. Peter Wirfs, police, officer, was called before the board and notified that every dog in town must carry ft license tag or be disposed of, that every automobile must carry a city license or summons would be issued ijmd fines collected. The meetmg adjourned at 11 p. m. Use* laughter as a table sauce; tt ;«ets the organs to dancing, and- thus stimulates the digestive processes. Laughter is nature's device for ex ercising the Internal organs and giving us pleasure at the same time. Laughter is contagious. Be cheer ful, and you make everybody around you happy, harmonious, and healthful. The habit of frequent and hearty laughter will not Only save you, many a doctor's bill but yet* years of your life; Perfect health, which may be destroyed by a piece of bad news, by grief or anxiety, Is often restored by a good hearty laugh. It sends the blood bounding through the body. Increases respiration, and gives warmth and glow to the whole system.--Speakers' Magazine. , Arleen Bacon of Waukegan spgnt Sunday at her home. Mrs. Belle Fairweather Mrs. Belle Fairweather, 68 yetf#. old, died a.t St. Theresete hospital, Waukegan, Thursday noon, Oct 31, after a lingering illness. She' was taken to the hospital the previous Monday, after being confined to her bed for about two weeks. Belle Bacon, the daUghter~of "the late Mr. and MrS. Timothy Bacon, was born at Grand Rapids, Wis., on Feb. 12, J867. When about a year and a half old she moved with her parents to this vicinity, where they settled on the farm where they resided so many years. For the past twentyfive years she had lived in Chicago. . She is survived by a son and « daughter, both of Chicago, and six brothers arid , sisters. Her mother, Mrs, Elizabeth Bacon, preceded her int death on Sept. 21, at the age of 90. years. Funeral services were "held Saturday afternoop at 2 o'clock from the old home at Volo, with Rev. Gaardsmoe, pastor of the Round Lake Community church, officiating. Burial was in Volo cemetery. >, WISE, PLUS WILL DRESS YOUR CHICKENS, ducks, geese, turkeys, rabbits and pheasants, whether you have one or a hundred. Scald or dry picked. Reasonable. R. Waterstraat, Riverside Drive and Broad street. *24 NEW HOSIERY LINE , We are now carrying a full line of Ladies' Hose, pure silk, full fashioned, chiffon and service weight, at the very low price of 59c a pair. Also Men's Hose, rayon and silk, at 25c or cotton at 15c. When you need hose or shoes, visit -t- ' ' POPPS SHOE STORE Phone 162 West McHenry, III. A Very Fine -i Assortment of 1 " C / k .'-ijtai .vL'» », vs.* V * ' -isfr * ,'V 1 6&v.* '1 " . MdiV 1 In a beautiful box for only ~~ 1^ VOU DESIRE^ YOUR NAME PRINTED . THEREON, WE WILL DO SO AT A COST OF $1.00 EXTRA, MAKING THE TOTAL COST OF 21 CARDS, PRINEI> FOR $2.00. It&t. HAVE YOUR ORDER EARt#Q OTHER SAMPLES CAN BE SEEN UFON REQUEST AT THE OFFICE, The McHenry Plaindealer . A breezy little cape of checked lln ton tweed is a gay and warm addition to the wool dress or suit Here It is in dark blue and white with matching blue velvet collar and Is worn over s navy bltie tweed suit J i Cynthia U«ed at Pet Nam* ~ Cynthia is -a pet name for the goddess Artemis, who once ruled and swayed the hearts of millions of our ancestors. She and her brother Apollo were said to have been born at Mount Cynthus, in Delos, by which she gets the epithet Cynthia, as Apollo is sometimes .called (^ynthius. » ' First . Commercial Coofiw The first commercial courses offered in the United States early In the Nineteenth century were for the purpose of training bookkeepers. Since 1894 commercial courses have included, besides bookkeeping, the subjects of typewriting and shorthand. Retail selling was added about ten years later. of tha Unicorn Today the unicorn Is used only In ooats of arms and other designs. It appears with the lion in the coat of arms of Great Britain. According to a writer of the time of Queen Elizabeth, the horn of a unicorn was seen at the court of the virgin queen. It was said to be worth about a quarter of a million dollari. Big Brother, Sister Organizations There are many Big Brother or Big Sister organizations united in a national federation. They attempt to keep boys and girls who have begun to show behavior problems from becoming delinquent, to improve their environment and to helpWhem with their various personal and family prob- Outfly Sharp-Shinned Hawk A sharp-shinned hawk has little dlffi culty In picking up an English sparrow or a robin in the air, according to Nature Magazine, but a nuthatch of a warbler is quite likely to prove too speedy tor this pedator to overtake in a fair chase. ' "Play is an^^ essential part ^ contentment"-- Ed Wynn. "Government Is not In itself something; It is for something."--Rexford G. Tugwell. •'Social progress follows closely the developmentr transportation.4*--Jesse H. Jones. "I am satisfied it Is a much better Mrs. Edith Gebel of Chicago is the guest of Mrs. Fred C. Schoewer.1 Mrs; Anna Howard and Mrs. Fred Schoewer attended the past presidents of the Auxiliary parley at Crystal Lake Tuesday evening. ADDITIONAL RINGWOOD ; Mrs. Libbie Ladd in company with Mr, and Mrs. Charles Becker of Crystal Lake visited relatives at Broadhead, Wis., Sunday. Mrs. Ladd is spending a few days in the Becker home. Mrs. Eouls Hawley spent Tuesday in Chicago. Mrs. Charles Peet and Lora Harrison were visitors at Woodstock Monday afternoon. The Home Bureau met at the home of Mrs. Raymond Harrison Tuesday afternoon. There were eleven members and two visitors present. Mrs. Eppel and Mrs. Benwell, local leaders, gave the lesson on foods. TTxe various chairmen gave their reports. A donation of vegetables was taken up for the children's home at Woodstock. Scratch feed at the Farmer's Mill, Friday and (Saturday, at |1.75 delivered. • •• 24 How Cowi Got Name Cows got their name of "bossy" froa their generic name "bog!" Vellum From Skin of Calf - Vellum Is a high grade of parchment,, from the skin of a very young calf. ; world than it was 50 years ago."- liam A'len, White. -Wll- j "The man who gets into hosiness on a very big scale becomes a stave."-- Walter P. Chrysler. **A1I the good that there is can be ours right now if we but tune In with God."--Mary Pickford. "Empty pocketbooks on the farm don't turn factory wheal* in tfra " --Franklin D. Roosevelt. ' •1 am not only a pacifist, but a militant pacifist. I am willing to light for peace."--Albert Einstein. "Laughter Induces a mental exhilaration. A jolly physician is often better than all his pills. Laughter keeps the heart'and face young and enhances physical beauty. It expands the chest and forces thn poisoned air from the least ufeed lane cell, , There Is good philosophy as well as good health In the maxim, "Laugh and grow fat" Laughterltti Jiufoe to pain «nd di» ease, and a cure for the "blues," akel nnclioiy, and worry. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Claxton spent Sunday at„ Ringwood. Scenes and Persons in the Current News ' "r i jwwiii ' • II i * ^~~Juan TriPP of the Pan American Airways handing to Postmaster General Farley the only bid received for the protrans- Pacific Air mail service. 2--jJC. Fotlcb, new minister of Jugoslavia to Washington, and his wife arriving in x9rk-. «r~Mew National Archives, building in Washington which Ms Just been formally occupied. Something New and Different For Your Enjoyment > WEDNESDAY, NOV. AT THE P Quarter Mile East of McHenry on Route 20 Ask "Schmaltz" Miller, Prop., for particulars Saturday Night, November 9 -- Duck Dinner Free Dancing - Good Music - ARMISTICE DANCE MONDAY NIGHT--NOV. 11 DANCING EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT Bill Benson and His 7-Piece Orchestra Ho Admission Charge--Good Beer 5c--Mixed Drinks FRANK NELL'S PAVILION Johnsburg Bridge 3 Miles North of McHenry JOHNSBURG TAVERN Joe B. Hetterman, Prop. SATURDAY NIGHT--Music by the Night Owls v ' Chicken or Duck Wlate Dinner -- 35c Follow the crowd to the Johnsburg Tavern for your home-cooked meals Dont' Forget Friday Night ---- Free Turtle Soup The Place to Eat and Drink Special on Saturdays and Sundays Chicken Plate Lunch ... 35c „ Chop Suey Saturday Night ^ ~ V.-.-v. 25c Mexican Chili -- 10c - FISH DINNERS ALL DAY FRIDAY My Place Tavern JUSTEN & FREUND, Proprietors 3reen Street McHenry,IB. WEDDING DANCELay's Tavern, Johnsburg Wednesday, Nov. 13th MUSIC BY BARBARA HORICK'S ORCHESTRA Everybody Invited Adm. 25c penon

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